AsyncTCP C# - arduino/unity communication - c#

I've been working the last weeks with a tcp protocol to send packet from arduino to unity using this code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
public class TCPConnection : MonoBehaviour
public string IP_Seat = "";
public int port = 34197;
#region private members
private TcpClient socketConnection;
private Thread clientReceiveThread;
public float a, b, c, vel;
public float test = 0.0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
/// <summary>
/// Setup socket connection.
/// </summary>
private void ConnectToTcpServer()
clientReceiveThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenForData));
clientReceiveThread.IsBackground = true;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log("On client connect exception " + e);
/// <summary>
/// Runs in background clientReceiveThread; Listens for incoming data.
/// </summary>
private void ListenForData()
var aold = 0.0f;
var bold = 0.0f;
var cold = 0.0f;
var velold = 0.0f;
socketConnection = new TcpClient(IP_Seat, port);
//cketConnection.ConnectAsync(IP_Seat, port); // non si connette
//socketConnection.Client.Blocking = false;
Byte[] bytes = new Byte[16];
while (socketConnection.Connected)
// Get a stream object for reading
using (NetworkStream stream = socketConnection.GetStream())
int length;
// Read incoming stream into byte arrary.
while ((length = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0)
//Debug.Log("I'm receiving Data");
if (length == 16)
//Debug.Log("I'm receiving len 16 and I like it");
var incomingData = new byte[length];
var A = new Byte[4];
var B = new Byte[4];
var C = new Byte[4];
var VEL = new Byte[4];
Array.Copy(bytes, 0, incomingData, 0, length);
// Convert byte array to string message.
string serverMessage = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(incomingData);
Array.Copy(bytes, 0, A, 0, 4);
Array.Copy(bytes, 4, B, 0, 4);
Array.Copy(bytes, 8, C, 0, 4);
Array.Copy(bytes, 12, VEL, 0, 4);
a = BitConverter.ToSingle(A, 0) < 0 ? BitConverter.ToSingle(A, 0) : aold;
b = BitConverter.ToSingle(B, 0) < 0 ? BitConverter.ToSingle(B, 0) : bold;
c = BitConverter.ToSingle(C, 0) < 0 ? BitConverter.ToSingle(C, 0) : cold;
vel = BitConverter.ToSingle(VEL, 0); //< 0 ? BitConverter.ToSingle(C, 0) : 0;
//Debug.Log("server message received as: " + serverMessage +a +" "+b + " " + c + " " + vel);
aold = a;
bold = b;
cold = c;
velold = vel;
else {
//evitare che bilancia aspetti ack di tcp
catch (SocketException socketException)
Debug.Log("Socket exception: " + socketException);
and right now i'm having blocking issues: i'd like to use the async method for the TCP but the tcpClient.ConnectAsync but it returns a SocketEXception and I can't figure out why.
The arduino sends 4 float in 16 bytes packet and 98-99% of them arrive correctly, but the missing 1-2% causes the system to block and an undesirable behaviour ( since i'm programming a device I need no delay waiting for an ack or a packet)
How can I make this sokcet async?
Using NET 4.X: how can I use the connectASync(ip,port) method in this script?

As already said TCP is just an undefined stream of data you need to implement an according protocol for knowing when a message ends (is fully received) and when a new one starts.
Now in your case you seem to already know that you have exactly 16 bytes.
NetworkStream.Read however, does not necessarily wait until actually 16 bytes where received. If for some reason (delay in the network) at the moment it is called there are less bytes in the stream then it will receive only the amount that is available.
Now let's say your sender sends 3 packages รก 16 bytes (so 48 bytes).
It might happen that the first time you read only 8 bytes. From now on every following read call receives 16 bytes.
=> Result: You get two complete buffers, but with invalid data since you always started reading at the middle of a message.
Note the second parameter of Read
int offset -> The location in buffer to begin storing the data to.
what you want to do is wait until the buffer is actually full like
var receivedBytes = 0;
while (receivedBytes < bytes.Length)
receivedBytes += stream.Read(bytes, receivedBytes, bytes.Length - receivedBytes);
// Use bytes
Now this will fill exactly one buffer of 16 bytes before continuing since at the same time we increase the offset we also decrease the maximum amount of bytes to read.
And another note: you have a huge amount of redundant array creations, copies and BitConverter going on!
I would rather use
var bytes = new byte[16];
var floats = new float[4];
And then later on after receiving the bytes do
Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, floats, 0, 16);
This copies the bytes over into floats directly in the underlaying byte layer.
And then you can simply do
a = floats[0] < 0 ? floats[0] : aold;
b = floats[1] < 0 ? floats[1] : bold;
c = floats[2] < 0 ? floats[2] : cold;
v = floats[3];
Note: Typed on the phone but I hope the idea gets clear


Casting string to type it resembles

I'm trying to determine the best way to transfer a c# type across the network so when it gets to the other side, I can serialize it.
Right now, I am doing this
public void Send<T>(T packet) {
NetworkStream Stream = Server.GetStream();
byte[] typeName = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(typeof(T).FullName);
byte[] typeLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(typeName.Length);
byte[] packetdata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonSerializer.Serialize<T>(packet));
byte[] length = BitConverter.GetBytes(packetdata.Length);
Stream.Write(typeLength, 0, 4);
Stream.Write(typeName, 0, typeName.Length);
Stream.Write(length, 0, 4);
Stream.Write(packetdata, 0, packetdata.Length);
On the other end I want to do something like this
byte[] BufferedData = new byte[0];
while (Alive) {
byte[] StreamData = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead = Client.tcpClient.GetStream().Read(StreamData, 0, StreamData.Length); // Read data off the network
BufferedData = BufferedData.Join(StreamData.Sub(0, bytesRead)); // Pull the recieved data out and buffer it
// [TypeLength, TypeName, DataLength, Data]
if (BufferedData.Length > 4) { // If the packet length data has been received
int typeLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(BufferedData); // Gets the first 4 bytes off the data and puts it into the data length int
if (BufferedData.Length >= typeLength + 8) { // If the type and the data length of the packet has been received
int dataLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(BufferedData.Sub(typeLength + 4, 4)); // Get the data length off the packet
if (BufferedData.Length >= typeLength + dataLength + 8) { // If the whole packet has been received
string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BufferedData.Sub(typeLength + 8, dataLength)); // Get the data as a string
Type x = Type.GetType(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BufferedData.Sub(4, typeLength))); // Get the type of the data
-> x obj = (x)JsonSerializer.Deserialize<x>(data); // This is what i need to figure out
onReceived.Invoke(JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IMistoxPacket>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BufferedData.Sub(4, dataLength))), new EventArgs()); // Split out packet and send it up
BufferedData = BufferedData.Sub(dataLength, BufferedData.Length - dataLength); // Remove the packet from the Buffered data
How do i get x to be the type of x instead. so the obj can be the type of x. if that makes since
I don't know if this is a viable path or if there is a better way of doing something like this. I want to send multiple packet types across the same code and split them out later. Any help would be awesome.

How do I read x amount from a buffer

For the sake of this question, let's assume nothing is wrong with the server and let's just focus on the client and how it receives the data.
So I have this client / server setup going and this is how it currently flows.
The server sends a packet that's 5000 bytes.
All the packets are structured like this.. The first 4 bytes are reserved for the length of the entire packet, the next byte is reserved for the OpCode.. The remaining bytes represents the actual payload.
Length (4 bytes) | OpCode (1 byte) | Payload (x bytes)
On the client I'm currently doing this
byte[] RawBuffer = new byte[Constants.BufferSize]; //Constants.BufferSize = 1024
int packLen = 0;
int totalReceived = 0;
private byte[] allData;
private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
var stream = (NetworkStream)ar.AsyncState;
var received = stream.EndRead(ar);
Debug.Print($"Data received: {received} bytes");
//If we haven't assigned a length yet
if (packLen <= 0)
//Use "allData" as the final buffer that we use to process later down the line.
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(RawBuffer))
using (var reader = new BinaryReader(ms))
packLen = reader.ReadInt32();
allData = new byte[packLen];
Buffer.BlockCopy(RawBuffer, 0, allData, 0, received);
totalReceived += received;
if (totalReceived == allData.Length)
Debug.Print($"We've successfully appended {allData.Length} bytes out of {packLen}");
stream.BeginRead(RawBuffer, 0, Constants.BufferSize, ReceiveCallback, _stream);
That only works if I send 1 packet from the server to the client, but if I send 5 packets for instance it never actually splits them up.
How do I properly split them up so that once it's received the full packet based on the Length header, it prints out "Received packet successfully"

Why does my TCP application misses some packets when sent rapidly

I'm writing a multiple clients per server application in C# using async sockets. Each client on connection sends 10 items. The problem is, when starting lots of clients quickly, it appears that each client sent less than the 10 items and sometimes it sends nothing, the server just logs them connecting only.
The packet structure is the first 4 bytes are an int with size of data in them. Here's a part of server code. Each connected client has its own receive buffer which BeginReceive should write to.
private void Recieve(IAsyncResult iar) //Called when socket receives something.
Socket server_conn = (Socket)iar.AsyncState;
if (!SocketConnected(server_conn))
logthis("Client Disconnected");
int n = server_conn.EndReceive(iar); //Stop Receiving and parse data, n is number of bytes received
ClientData asdf = null;
foreach (ClientData cls in clientlist)
if (server_conn.RemoteEndPoint == cls.clientsock.RemoteEndPoint) //Who sent this data
asdf = cls; //cls is who sent this data
//Start a new thread and pass received bytes to it in order to be parsed
var t = new Thread(() => parse(cls, n,cls.recvbuffer));
asdf.recvbuffer = new byte[1024]; //Clear buffer of client
server_conn.BeginReceive(asdf.recvbuffer, 0, asdf.recvbuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(Recieve), server_conn); //Start receiving again
private void parse(ClientData theclient, int nobytesreceived, byte[] bytesreceived)
ClientData cls = theclient;
int n = nobytesreceived;
byte[] receivedbytes = bytesreceived;
if (!cls.dataphase) //If there's no fragmented packets still waiting to be read
cls.dataphase = true;
byte[] sizeinbytes = new byte[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
sizeinbytes[i] = receivedbytes[i];
int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(sizeinbytes, 0); //Read first four bytes of packet to get size of data
if ((n - 4) == size) //If received number of bytes - 4 is equals to datasize
byte[] payload = new byte[size];
Array.Copy(receivedbytes, 4, payload, 0, (n - 4)); //Copy data to separately to payload array to be displayed to user
cls.dataphase = false; //packet read successfully
else if ((n - 4) < size) //If received amount of bytes is less than data size (fragmented data)
{ = new byte[size];
for (int i = 4; i <= n - 4; i++)
{[i - 4] += receivedbytes[i];
cls.datasize = size; //And cls.dataphase will remain true so it can be handled correctly the next time we receive something from same client
else if((n-4) > size) //If received amount of bytes is bigger than data (lumped packets)
byte[] payload = new byte[size];
byte[] otherpacket = new byte[(n - 4) - size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
payload[i] += receivedbytes[i + 4];
Array.Copy(receivedbytes, (size + 4), otherpacket, 0, ((n - 4) - size));
receivedbytes = new byte[(n - 4) - size];
receivedbytes = otherpacket;
cls.dataphase = false;
parse(cls, ((n - 4) - size), receivedbytes); //Send rest of packet to read again
//not implemented, supposed to handle fragmented packets
if (n >= cls.datasize)
else if (n < cls.datasize)
Your problem comes from
//not implemented, supposed to handle fragmented packets
I would put money on the fact that you are hitting that else statement and loosing data. As soon as you don't have a complete read of a packet or two packets lumped together returned from your read function (which is a lot more common than you think) your client is now stuck in cls.dataphase = true; and will never get out of it.

Error in recieving data from TCP Client

I've written an application which listens to a port and receives some packets,according to my customized protocol, the packets are either 49 byte to 1500 byte, which i can tell from data length in the packet. the way i should interpret and deal with data in 49 byte packets and bigger packets are different.
The problem is that when i receive packets less than 1374 byte everything is ok, but when the packet length gets more, i receive the following exception and i also lose 4 last bytes of my data(i've tested with a 1384byte packet and i lost the last 4 bytes)
Exception which is raised:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: startIndex
each 49 byte packet has 35 byte of data, and the data length of bigger packets are non-deterministic(because of compression).
i found out sometimes the last 4 bytes are in a seperate "bytes" and "result" variables,meaning they are being treated like new packets and are not being attached to the packet they belong to.
here's the code for receiving data:
TcpClient Client = obj as TcpClient;
EndPoint ep = Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint;
List<Byte> result = new List<byte>();
result.Capacity = 2000;
NetworkStream stream = Client.GetStream();
int i = 49;
while ((i = stream.Read(bytes, 0,49)) != 0)
for (int id = 0; id < i; id++)
//reading data length to determine packet length
byte[] tmp = new byte[2];
tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(BitConverter.ToUInt16(result.ToArray(), 9));
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
Int16 l = BitConverter.ToInt16(tmp, 0);
if (l>35)
stream.Read(bytes, result.Count, l - 35);
for (int id = 49; id <((l-35)+49); id++)
if (this.TCPDataReceivedHandler != null)
this.TCPDataReceivedHandler(ep, result.Count, result.ToArray());
Array.Clear(bytes, 0, 2000);
result.Capacity = 2000;
if (this.TCPDataReceivedHandler != null)
this.TCPDataReceivedHandler(ep, result.Count, result.ToArray());
Array.Clear(bytes, 0, 2000);
result.Capacity = 2000;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("client Close");
catch (System.Exception ex)
throw ex;
According to Greg Suggestion and my researches,i also tried using following method:
NetworkStream stream = Client.GetStream();
int bytesread = 0, OffsetTemp = 0;
while (stream.CanRead)
OffsetTemp = 0;
bytesread += stream.Read(bytess, OffsetTemp, 11);
OffsetTemp = OffsetTemp + 11;
byte[] tmp = new byte[2];
tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytess.ToArray(), 9));
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
Int16 l = BitConverter.ToInt16(tmp, 0);
bytesread += stream.Read(bytess, OffsetTemp++, 11 + l + 3);
for (int id = 0; id < l + 14; id++)
if (this.TCPDataReceivedHandler != null)
this.TCPDataReceivedHandler(ep, result.Count, result.ToArray());
Array.Clear(bytess, 0, 2000);
When using TCP, you must keep in mind that the size of the data blocks you put in is not guaranteed to be the same size of data blocks you get out on the receiving side. TCP is a stream protocol, so it guarantees that the same bytes get to the other side in the same order as they were sent (if not, the socket connection will be reset). TCP does not maintain any kind of block boundaries between calls to send(), and blocks may be arbitrarily split or coalesced depending on network conditions.
Your receiver must be prepared to handle receiving any amount of data from the calls to stream.Read(), but your code does not appear to do this. For example, correctly written receiver code should continue to work correctly even if stream.Read() receives only one byte at a time.

How to send and recieve over rs-485 serial port?

I want to communicate between my PC and some controller boards.
The expectation is that the PC will send an identifier of the board on RS-485 and then it should receive the answer from the board.
When I try to receive the response, I receive the wrong data.
Here is my code:
public void set()
SerialPort sp = new SerialPort("COM1");
if (sp.IsOpen)
byte[] id = new byte[]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
byte[] rec = new byte[540];
while (!end)
//do some with rec
//do soem with rec
It works if I am using RS-232, but not when I am using RS-485.
It is RS-485 2 wire.(
I found the problem.
Read is a non-blocking method so it reads the buffer but does not wait for all of the bytes. So you need to use the return value of this function which returns an integer with a number of bytes that it could read.
I am using this:
int read = 0;
int shouldRead = readData1.Length;
int len;
while (read < shouldRead )
len = serialport.Read(buffer, 0, readData1.Length);
if (len == 0)
Array.Copy(buffer, 0, readData1, read, len);
read += len;

