Python to C# Selenium CSS selector not working - c#

I wrote in Python a script which uses Selenium to auto-complete a form. It works with no issues.
I am very new to C# but I thought I would try and port it over so I can build a Windows executable to share it with a couple of non tech-savvy family members.
However, when I try what appears to be the same code, I get a timeout in C#.
As an example, I am trying to click a radio button:
HTML of radio button:
<input data-v-7af3e24c="" type="radio" id="condition-2" name="condition" class="govuk-radios__input" value="false">
Python (this works):
WebDriverWait(driver, max_wait).until(EC.presence_of_element_located(
(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[id$=condition-2]'))).click()
However, when I try what I think is the same request in C#:
int elementLoadTime = 5; // Max 5 seconds for element to load
var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, new TimeSpan(0, 0, elementLoadTime));
This produces:
Exception thrown: 'OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverTimeoutException' in WebDriver.dll
The strange thing is, I am able to select the element in C# using the full XPath, so the element is clearly loading, and it strongly suggests the problem is with my CSS selector query.
// This works
However, obviously that is a very brittle way of writing the code which will break the moment the site changes slightly.
I have also tried "[id$='condition-2']" and "[id$=\"condition-2\"]", to no avail.
Can anyone shed any light on what I am doing wrong?

Instead of using:
Just use:
If you want to use Xpath instead, do two things. First, forget that there's an option in your browser to 'Copy Xpath' - just purge it from your mind. Second, use this Xpath instead:


Selenium C# Webdriver: I am getting error: 'iWebDriver' does not contain definition for 'WaitforElement'

I am new to Selenium and C#... I am in middle of a selenium application development using C#. I have a drop down menu on a webpage. I want selenium to click on the exact name after clicking the drop down menu. So I did something like this:
C#/NUnit code:
but when I build my code I get the following error:
'iWebDriver' does not contain definition for 'WaitforElement'
Okay, I can offer you an example, but I don't know c#, But I can give you the example from Ruby Selenium Binding.
Since I have given the implicit wait 20, whenever it finds the element via find_element function, it waits for 20 minutes, So your external wait statement is not necessary .
The C# code might be(I don't know C#, I took it from the net and placing it here)
It doesn't work the way you shown.
The next code is an example how you should write it:
WebDriverWait watiDriver = new WebDriverWait(Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
IWebElement element = watiDriver.Until(x => Driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("")));
Where Driver is your instance of a webdriver.
If you want to use it as you shown then you need to add an extension method to the webdriver class. To do this, just create a new static class (with any name) and insert the next code into it:
public static IWebElement WaitForElement(this IWebDriver driver, By how)
webDriverWait watiDriver = new WebDriverWait(Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
return watiDriver.Until(x => Driver.FindElement(FindElement(how));

Selenium Webdriver not returning Javascript code

Hi I am new to Selenium Webdriver. I can successfully open a webpage and find elements on it.
In one case I have noted that there is a link on a page that becomes clickable after a while. In Firebug on the Script tab, I can see the code for the javascript that does the timer function.
But using Selenium Webdriver if I issue:
I cannot see the source code for the Javascript. Delaying for 30 seconds before requesting the source makes no difference. I have tried finding it with various By options using:
and so on, but it isnt there.
How does firebug manage to find and show the Javascript source code? Is there a way that I can coerce Selenium Webdriver to return all code referenced by the page?
Or is there a better approach?
Thanks for any advice!
I tried the following in Firefox:
Dim Driver2 As IWebDriver = New Chrome.ChromeDriver
Driver2.Url = "http://mypage"
Dim js As IJavaScriptExecutor = TryCast(Driver2, IJavaScriptExecutor)
Dim title As String = DirectCast(js.ExecuteScript("return JSON.stringify(window)"), String)
and I got
Permission denied to access property 'toJSON'
I read that this wont work in firefox so I tried in Chrome, and got
Blocked a frame with origin "http://mypage" from accessing a
cross-origin frame
and from there no solutions because according to this its a security restriction, apparently you can't access an with Javascript
I'm starting to think Im a bit out of my depth here.
PageSource probably doesn't return an exact snapshot of the DOM & etc.
You can instead inspect javascript using driver.executeScript() but the burden of analyzing the return object may be discouraging.
Regardless - Here's a contrived example:
Object result = driver.executeScript("return JSON.stringify(window)");

An error occurred executing the click atom

Using C# and Selenium, I am building an automated script where I, amongst other things, try to select a certain value from a droplist (value being specified in a .csv-file). I get the error;
"An error occurred executing the click atom (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)"
I have no idea what a click atom is, much less how to fix it... Any help is appreciated greatly!
thanks in advance
this is the code for the droplist:
public bool isellHOSelectAdultsDroplist(string adults)
writeToLog(String.Format("Selecting adults from drop list"), this.GetType().Name);
String xpathString = HO_ADULT_SELECTION;
if(GpoExplicitWaitXpathElement(xpathString, 3, 5))
IWebElement dropListObjects = webDriver.FindElement(By.XPath(xpathString));
writeToLog(String.Format("DEBUG: Trying to click on appropriate number of adults..."), this.GetType().Name);
selectValueFromAdultDropList(dropListObjects, adults);
return true;
return false;
//...and this is my select-method
private void selectValueFromAdultDropList(IWebElement dropListObjects, string adults)
SelectElement manipulateDroplistObject = new SelectElement(dropListObjects);
String selection = manipulateDroplistObject.SelectedOption.Text;
int numberOfElements = manipulateDroplistObject.Options.Count;
writeToLog("Number of elements in Adult Droplist: " + numberOfElements, this.GetType().Name);
writeToLog("Selection from adult droplist: " + selection, this.GetType().Name);
I'll answer the specific question you asked, which is, "What is a click atom?" There is quite a bit of functionality in the IE driver, and the implementation of this functionality rests on three pillars.
First is IE's COM interfaces. These are the objects and methods that have been used to automate various parts of IE for more than a decade.
The second technology is so-called "native events." That is, using OS-level mechanisms to perform user interactions, like key presses and mouse clicks. On Windows, that means using the Windows SendMessage API. Almost anytime you're using the keyboard or the mouse with the IE driver, you're using native events by default.
Finally, a good portion of the IE driver functionality is implemented using JavaScript functions, which are shared by all of the browsers. These functions are known as "automation atoms".
One of the very few exceptions to using native events for mouse operations is in selecting an <option> element from a <select> element. Since IE doesn't give discoverable dimensions to <option> elements, the IE driver is forced to simulate the click action via JavaScript. This means using the automation atom for the click action. In your case, something must've gone wrong executing that JavaScript, which was faithfully reported as a "failure to execute the click atom." Without more detail, including sample HTML pages to reproduce the issue, it will be exceedingly difficult to diagnose the root cause of the issue.
It's at this point I will echo the call to update to the latest IE driver. Some of the code in this area has been overhauled, and at the least, it should be possible to extract more precise errors from failure cases with a more recent driver.

watin not working with

I am trying to use watin to mimic login to using c#. code is below.
IE myIE = new IE("");
myIE.Button(Find.ByValue("Sign in")).Click();
However it always failed to find the textfield:
WatiN.Core.Exceptions.ElementNotFoundException: Could not find INPUT (hidden) or INPUT (password) or INPUT (text) or INPUT (textarea) or TEXTAREA element tag matching criteria: Attribute 'name' equals 'login' at
The sample code in home page of works fine for
Did I miss something or is there anything special on that prevents watin to work?
PS: I am running windows 7 64bit. VS 2008 with .net 3.5
You're hitting issues because the email field you're trying to type in is an HTML5 element.
Create the TextFieldExtended class as defined in this SO question: WatiN support for HTML5 tags
Then your code will be like the below:
ie.Button(Find.ByValue("Sign in")).Click();
Tested on Watin2.1, IE9, Win7-64.
You may want to try this: I got it to work on my end:
I recommend using this test Recorder. It will give you the elemnt names to use in your source:
I was also able to get this to work when finding by divID.

Selenium C# RemoteWebDriver not finding XPath Elements

I'm using Selenium 2.25.1 API, and I'm trying to be able to find the elements using RemoteWebDriver(). Except when I try, it just fails to find the element. I've tried several different combinations with no luck and have been looking this up for a few days now.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
IWebElement WaitForPage = wait.Until<IWebElement>((d) =>
return driver.FindElement(By.XPath((String)data));
Is my code where it fails. Basically the data variable is an object grabbed from my database. I converted it, and going though the code it comes out perfectly fine. How the difference is, when I used just the browser (i.e. firefox, IE) it works just fine with no errors. But when I use it with RemoteWebDriver(), it throws InvalidOperationException and throws a popup saying it was unable to find the element. (Server did not provide any stacktrace information).
This is usually what I use
IWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), IEcapa);
When that is used, it just fails everytime.
Any ideas? I am completely puzzled. Anything is welcome and thanks in advance!
I would suggest using an implicit wait instead of an WebDriverWait statement.
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
IWebElement WaitForPage = driver.FindElement(By.XPath((String)data));
And make sure that the xpath you are getting from the data variable is valid. If possible post an some xpath you get from the database.

