Using .NET 6.0.
I called BeginAccept like so:
AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback);
object? state = this.listenSocket;
_ = this.listenSocket.BeginAccept(callback, state);
and my AcceptCallback method gets called as expected. I then have to call EndAccept to obtain the receive socket:
private static void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult result)
Socket? listenSocket = result.AsyncState as Socket;
if (listenSocket == null)
// note: This is impossible but it helps getting the possible
// null reference warnings out of the way.
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(result.AsyncState), "The state object is null.");
Socket receiveSocket = listenSocket.EndAccept(
out byte[] buffer,
out int bytesRead,
result); // and here it blows up
The last call gives me a "System.ArgumentException: 'Value does not fall within the expected range. (Parameter 'asyncResult')'".
Apparently is has a problem with the last argument. It is not something I provide though, it is the result argument I get passed by the system which (according to the debugger) is a proper System.Threading.Tasks.TaskToApm.TaskAsyncResult. I am just following the examples I found.
I started out without the wrapping new AsyncCallback() in the call to BeginAccept because I did not understand what good it does (I would like to know though). I also initially had non-static methods. Because I had this problem I changed it to be more like the original examples but the same exception remains.
What is the problem and what can I do to overcome it?
As pointed out by Hans Passant the result argument should not be a System.Threading.Tasks.TaskToApm.TaskAsyncResult and this causes the error. There is little talk or documentation about TaskAsyncResult on the internet which made me suspicious, thinking it could be a bug in new framework code. So I rebuild with .NET 5.0 but the result was the same.
I am just using System.Net.Sockets.Socket classes, nothing fancy from a custom library or anything like that.
It appears this first bit:
AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback);
object? state = this.listenSocket;
_ = this.listenSocket.BeginAccept(callback, state);
makes it fail. If I change it to:
int maxSize = 0x2000; // 8K
AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback);
object? state = this.listenSocket;
_ = this.listenSocket.BeginAccept(maxSize, callback, state);
it succeeds, no exception anymore on EndAccept and I get the expected data in my ReceiveCallback (the next step in the asynchronous flow).
Because I was new to socket programming I figured it would be wise to start simple so I used the BeginAccept overload with the least parameters. I assumed it would use a default for maximum size. Well, whatever that "simple" overload does, it is not good.
So the type System.Threading.Tasks.TaskToApm.TaskAsyncResult for the result argument of AcceptCallback is perfectly fine, no problem there (I checked, it is still the same).
I can proceed now.
According to this MSDN article, the socket.EndConnect method should be called in the AsyncCallback delegate provided in the original socket.BeginConnect call.
What is not clear (and the MSDN article is silent here) is whether EndConnect should be called after a timeout (and the socket is NOT connected). socket.EndConnect throws an exception in this case.
What is the proper procedure to follow after timeout? What are the consequences if EndConnect is not called (either after a successful connection or timeout without connection)? My code appears to work fine without calling EndConnect.
Here is some example code covering the main ideas in the question:
// Member variables
private static ManualResetEvent m_event;
private static Socket m_socket;
// Constructor of class
public static CMyTestConnection()
// Create an event that can be used to wake this thread when the connection completes
m_event = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private static void TestConnection(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Create connection endpoint
IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(""); // Deliberately incorrect
IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(ip, 12345); // Also deliberately incorrect
EndPoint ep = (EndPoint)ipep;
// Attempt connection
m_socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
m_socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, 1);
m_socket.BeginConnect(ep, ConnectCompletedCallback, m_socket);
private static void ConnectCompletedCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
// The asynchronous connection call has completed. Either we have connected (success) or
// timed out without being able to connect (failure).
Socket s = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
if (s.Connected)
// Success...should EndConnect only be called here?
// Or should EndConnect also be called here (in a try/catch block)?
You invited me to this chat room. I am assuming this is the question to which you're referring, but it's hard for me to know for sure. Your message in the chat room doesn't have a real URL. I looked at your question links in your profile, and the only one I recognize is this one, which isn't closed at the moment. So there's no need to vote to re-open.
That said, the answer is still the same as already provided in the comments: you always call the EndXXX method when you've called BeginXXX (the few known exceptions don't apply here). There's nothing in your question, even after the recent edit, that would indicate what more you need.
You don't show how the timeout is implemented, so there's not even enough information to understand the code you posted. But if you are closing the socket, thus causing your callback to be invoked where EndConnect() will throw an exception, you should be calling EndConnect(). Failing to do so can potentially leave unmanaged resources dangling, which would then eventually be exhausted, or at the very least lead to performance problems.
The source code for .NET is readily available, so you can easily examine the implementation yourself. In the case of Socket.EndConnect(), we can see that for the current implementation, if the socket has already been disposed, all that happens is an exception is thrown. So, in theory, you could ignore sockets that have already been closed. I.e. this is an exception to the general concern about leaving resources dangling, in the specific "socket is already closed" scenario. But only if your timeout is implemented by closing the socket.
There are a couple of problems here though, related to race conditions:
Depending on how the timeout is implemented (you didn't share that part, so the question is still incomplete), you may have code that got as far as starting to call Socket.Close(), but which has not set the disposed flag. You'll be dealing with a connected socket that is about to become disconnected, and you need to have try/catch in place to handle that scenario.
Your callback assumes (it seems…again, there's not enough context in your question) that the Connected property is a reliable way to detect that there's been a timeout, but the Connected property could theoretically be reset to false after being connected, but before your callback gets to execute (e.g. some other type of error on the socket).
As far as the question of calling EndConnect() on a successful connection, that is much more clear: you must do so. If your code appears to work even though you haven't, that's just you getting lucky. We can see in the implementation that the EndConnect() method does useful work to configure the socket state when called after a successful connection, so if you fail to call the method, your socket will be in some indeterminate, incompletely configured state.
Naturally, if your timeout is implemented in some other way, where the socket is not closed before the callback is invoked, then you are in the same situation as if the connection had completed, and you must call EndConnect() to ensure that the appropriate cleanup and socket configuration occurs. I.e. that would be the same as the "successful connection" scenario.
The bottom line is, there is zero benefit to not calling EndConnect() in the event of a close/dispose-based timeout. The only hypothetical benefit might be that you can avoid try/catch, but you can't get away without that, because of the race conditions that exist. And if there's not such a timeout, not only is there not a benefit to not calling the method, there is real harm in failing to call it.
On a related note, there's not enough context in your question to make any real assessments of the rest of your code (since you didn't show how you're implementing the timeout, nor how the rest of your network I/O is handled). But I will say that in most cases, the "reuse address" option is unnecessary and should not be used. Most people wind up using it because they get into a situation where they can't start a new listening socket after they have somehow stopped a previous one, but that problem only comes up with the first listening socket and/or associated connected sockets have not been closed or shutdown correctly. The correct approach in that case is to handle the socket closure/shutdown correctly, not to add to the problem by setting "reuse address".
Need: long-running program with TCP connections
A C# 4.0 (VS1010, XP) program needs to connect to a host using TCP, send and receive bytes, sometimes close the connection properly and reopen it later. Surrounding code is written using Rx.Net Observable style. The volume of data is low but the program should runs continuously (avoid memory leak by taking care of properly disposing resources).
The text below is long because I explain what I searched and found. It now appears to work.
Overall questions are: since Rx is sometime unintuitive, are the solutions good? Will that be reliable (say, may it run for years without trouble)?
Solution so far
The program obtains a NetworkStream like this:
TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient();
LingerOption lingerOption = new LingerOption(false, 0); // Make sure that on call to Close(), connection is closed immediately even if some data is pending.
tcpClient.LingerState = lingerOption;
return tcpClient.GetStream();
Asynchronous sending is easy enough. Rx.Net allows to handle this with much shorter and cleaner code than traditional solutions. I created a dedicated thread with an EventLoopScheduler. The operations needing a send are expressed using IObservable. Using ObserveOn(sendRecvThreadScheduler) guarantee that all send operations are done on that thread.
sendRecvThreadScheduler = new EventLoopScheduler(
ts =>
var thread = new System.Threading.Thread(ts) { Name = "my send+receive thread", IsBackground = true };
return thread;
// Loop code for sending not shown (too long and off-topic).
So far this is excellent and flawless.
It seems that to receive data, Rx.Net should also allow shorter and cleaner code that traditional solutions.
After reading several resources (e.g. ) and stackoverflow, it seems that a very simple solution is to bridge the Asynchronous Programming to Rx.Net like in :
public static class Ext
public static IObservable<byte[]> ReadObservable(this Stream stream, int bufferSize)
// to hold read data
var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// Step 1: async signature => observable factory
var asyncRead = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<byte[], int, int, int>(
return Observable.While(
// while there is data to be read
() => stream.CanRead,
// iteratively invoke the observable factory, which will
// "recreate" it such that it will start from the current
// stream position - hence "0" for offset
Observable.Defer(() => asyncRead(buffer, 0, bufferSize))
.Select(readBytes => buffer.Take(readBytes).ToArray()));
It mostly works. I can send and receive bytes.
Close time
This is when things start to go wrong.
Sometimes I need to close the stream and keep things clean. Basically this means: stop reading, end the byte-receiving observable, open a new connection with a new one.
For one thing, when connection is forcibly closed by remote host, BeginRead()/EndRead() immediately loop consuming all CPU returning zero bytes. I let higher level code notice this (with a Subscribe() to the ReadObservable in a context where high-level elements are available) and cleanup (including closing and disposing of the stream). This works well, too, and I take care of disposing of the object returned by Subscribe().
someobject.readOneStreamObservableSubscription = myobject.readOneStreamObservable.Subscribe(buf =>
if (buf.Length == 0)
MyLoggerLog("Read explicitly returned zero bytes. Closing stream.");
Sometimes, I just need to close the stream. But apparently this must cause exceptions to be thrown in the asynchronous read. c# - Proper way to prematurely abort BeginRead and BeginWrite? - Stack Overflow
I added a CancellationToken that causes Observable.While() to end the sequence. This does not help much to avoid these exceptions since BeginRead() can sleep for a long time.
Unhandled exception in the observable caused the program to exit. Searching provided .net - Continue using subscription after exception - Stack Overflow which suggested to add a Catch that resumes the broken Observable with an empty one, effectively.
Code looks like this:
public static IObservable<byte[]> ReadObservable(this Stream stream, int bufferSize, CancellationToken token)
// to hold read data
var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// Step 1: async signature => observable factory
var asyncRead = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<byte[], int, int, int>(
return Observable.While(
// while there is data to be read
() =>
return (!token.IsCancellationRequested) && stream.CanRead;
// iteratively invoke the observable factory, which will
// "recreate" it such that it will start from the current
// stream position - hence "0" for offset
Observable.Defer(() =>
if ((!token.IsCancellationRequested) && stream.CanRead)
return asyncRead(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
return Observable.Empty<int>();
.Catch(Observable.Empty<int>()) // When BeginRead() or EndRead() causes an exception, don't choke but just end the Observable.
.Select(readBytes => buffer.Take(readBytes).ToArray()));
What now? Question
This appears to work well. Conditions where remote host forcibly closed the connection or is just no longer reachable are detected, causing higher level code to close the connection and retry. So far so good.
I'm unsure if things feel quite right.
For one thing, that line:
.Catch(Observable.Empty<int>()) // When BeginRead() or EndRead() causes an exception, don't choke but just end the Observable.
feels like the bad practice of empty catch block in imperative code. Actual code does log the exception, and higher level code detect the absence of reply and correctly handle, so it should be considered fairly okay (see below)?
.Catch((Func<Exception, IObservable<int>>)(ex =>
MyLoggerLogException("On asynchronous read from network.", ex);
return Observable.Empty<int>();
})) // When BeginRead() or EndRead() causes an exception, don't choke but just end the Observable.
Also, this is indeed shorter than most traditional solutions.
Are the solutions correct or did I miss some simpler/cleaner ways?
Are there some dreadful problems that would look obvious to wizards of Reactive Extensions?
Thank you for your attention.
I have a network equipment to which I connect once using sockets, and the connection is maintained open all the time until application closes.
Now I have a class in C# that encapsulates the communication. There is a method SendMessage to the equipment. I need to use Socket.ReceiveAsync to get the response.
Let's say there are 3 methods: 1. GetEqValA(), GetEqValB(), GetEqValC() that call SendMessage with a specific message for the equipment.
I have created only one instance of socket Event args like that:
_completeArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
_completeArgs.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
_completeArgs.UserToken = _mySocket;
_completeArgs.RemoteEndPoint = _mySocket.RemoteEndPoint;
_completeArgs.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(DataAvailable);
Now, the DataAvailable method has something similar to the code below:
for (int i = 0; i < e.BytesTransferred; i++)
if (_tcpData.Count == _expectedTcpDataCount)
_expectedTcpDataCount = -1;
// I don't want to put here, because it will wait for data until
// someone sends a message and the equipment responds with data
Now, the 3 methods from above can be called by anyone, even different threads. I do have a lock mechanism for that.
My problem is that if I reuse _completeArgs in SendMessage for the next message to send, I get an exception that this eventArgs object is already in use by an asynchronous operation, whereas if I do the same(but not directly, by taking the SocketAsyncEventArgs e parameter from DataAvailable) in DataAvailable, no problem occurs.
The idea is that I don't want to call ReceiveAsync all the time, even if I know that nothing will come in there, but I want to call ReceiveAsync before sending any message to the device, because I know that I will get something.
The exception appears at method GetEqValC(), if I call them one after another in the sequence A,B,C.
What I don't understand, can you help me? Can I don what I want to do?
I use .NET 3.5.
P.S. Summary: I need to keep the connection alive, but read something from it only when I know for sure I must have something in there. Only one call at a time will be. One send, followed by one receive!
I was trying to find any good and clear example of asynchronous NamedPipeServerStream and couldn't find any suitable for me.
I want to have NamedPipe Server which is asynchronously accept messages from clients. The client is simple and it's fine for me. But I can't find examples of server, or can't understand how it works.
Now as I understand I need to create NamedPipeServerStream object. Let's do this:
namedPipeServerStream = new NamedPipeServerStream(PIPENAME, PipeDirection.In, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous, BUFFERSIZE, BUFFERSIZE);
Seems to work. But I don't know, do I have to use PipeSecurity or PipeAccessRule at all? Do I? My server will work as a windows service in a local system.
What next? I'm thinking I need to use BeginWaitForConnection for async connections. Let's see:
namedPipeServerStream.BeginWaitForConnection(WaitForConnectionAsyncCallback, <some strange thing>);
Question 1: What is this "some strange thing"? How to use it?
Question 2: Should I do
namedPipeServerStream.BeginWaitForConnection(WaitForConnectionAsyncCallback, <some strange thing>);
To make my server always wait for connections? Or I need to do it somehow else?
And then... Let's take a look into WaitForConnectionAsyncCallback function:
private void WaitForConnectionAsyncCallback(IAsyncResult result)
Console.WriteLine("Client connected.");
byte[] buff = new byte[BUFFERSIZE];
namedPipeServerStream.Read(buff, 0, namedPipeServerStream.InBufferSize);
string recStr = General.Iso88591Encoding.GetString(buff, 0, namedPipeServerStream.InBufferSize);
Console.WriteLine(" " + recStr);
..This doesn't work of course. Because I don't know how exactly to receive string from stream. How? Now it raises an InvalidOperationException:
Pipe hasn't been connected yet.
So how to organize asynchronous work with NamedPipeServerStream?
You tinker with the PipeSecurity to restrict access to the pipe, allowing only blessed programs to connect to your service. Put that on the back-burner until you've got this working and have performed a security analysis that shows that this kind of restriction is warranted.
The "some strange thing" is simply an arbitrary object that you can pass to the callback method. You don't often need it but it can be helpful if you write your callback so it serves multiple connections. In which case you need to know more about the specific pipe that got connected, the state argument allows you to pass that info. In your callback method, the result.AsyncState property gives you the reference back to that object. Only worry about that later, you'll find a use for it when you need it. Just pass null until then.
That's a bug. You must call EndWaitForConnection() first, before doing anything else with the pipe. Simply move it to the top of the method. You typically want to write it inside a try/catch so you can catch ObjectDisposedException, the exception that will be raised when you close the pipe before exiting your program.
Ok guys there is this sudden problem in my code which didn't appear before..
public void StartUdpListener(Object state)
/* sock1 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
EndPoint ep = (EndPoint)receiveEndPoint;*/
recv = sock1.ReceiveFrom(receivedNotification, ref ep);
notificationReceived = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receivedNotification, 0, recv);
if (listBox1.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { listBox = new StringBuilder(this.listBox1.Text); });
if (listBox1.InvokeRequired)
pos = listBox1.FindString(notificationReceived);
if (pos >= 0)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { this.listBox1.Items.Add(listBox.ToString()); });
I am getting an ObjectDisposedException saying that the line:
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { listBox = new StringBuilder(this.listBox1.Text); });
cannot be executed since listBox1 is disposed.How is that possible and is there anything that needs to be done?
I am making the following assumptions:
This code is a method in a Form (System.Windows.Forms.Form).
The variable 'listBox1' is a ListBox control on the form.
You are receiving the ObjectDisposedException when the form is closed.
You are running this method on a separate thread (not shown in the code, but implied by the question).
I would guess that your code is blocking on the receiveFrom() call on the socket when the form is closed. The next message that arrives from the network causes receiveFrom to return, after which you put the message received into a listbox that no longer exists. The first time you access this listbox is code line "this.listBox1.Text" when creating the StringBuilder, which is the line that raises the ObjectDisposeException. The listBox is the object that is likely disposed, although it could also be the Form at this point, depening on how fast messages are coming in.
There appears to be plenty that needs to be done, but I am not sure what is proper advice. I would first validate my assumptions 1-4 above, then look into refactoring your application such that it does NOT use multiple threads. I make this suggestion because I must assume this is not the only "threading" issue your application may have. I certaintly may be incorrect in that assumption, in which case you can ignore the answer.
If I restrict the "what needs to be done" part of your question to a more limited scope, then I would advise to properly shutdown your UDP receiver before allowing the window to close, again assuming my assumptions are correct.
A comment on this block:
if (listBox1.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { listBox = new
StringBuilder(this.listBox1.Text); });
The StringBuilder (listbox) may be null at the point you do .AppendLine. This is because you are creating the listbox in a different thread to where you using it. Also a new StringBuilder object only gets created if this code is run on a non UI thread (thats what listBox1.InvokeRequired) is checking.