Moq - Function setup to throw async doesnt count as function call - c#

I'm writing an unhappy flow unit test.
In my code I setup a function to throw async and later I validate that the function was called once.
This scenario fails and succeeds irregularly, as sometimes it shows no calls were made and sometimes the function is called once (as planned).
Do you know why?
Let me know if any more code is needed.
The test:
public async Task ContainerScan_ControllerTest_ErrorFlow()
TestsRegistrar.ContainerClient.Setup(x => x.MyAsyncFunc(It.IsAny<Guid>(), It.IsAny<List<ContainerScanRecord>>())).ThrowsAsync(new Exception("bad stuff happened"));
var controller = new ContainersRiskGeneratorController(TestsRegistrar.ContainersGenerator, new Mock<IExtendedLogger>().Object, new Mock<IExtendedLoggerEnricher>().Object);
var scanId = Guid.NewGuid();
var result = await controller.SomeUpperFuncthatCallsMyAsyncFunc(scanId, new RiskGenerator.Dto.V3.ContainersScanRequest
ContainerRecords = new List<RiskGenerator.Dto.V3.SomeDto>
new RiskGenerator.Dto.V3.SomeDto{
params here
TestsRegistrar.ContainerClient.Verify(x => x.MyAsyncFunc(It.IsAny<Guid>(), It.IsAny<List<ContainerScanRecord>>()), Times.Once, "Container Engine should be called once");
UDPATE #1: added the calling funcs
The code for SomeUpperFuncthatCallsMyAsyncFunc:
public async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<SomeDto>> SomeUpperFuncthatCallsMyAsyncFunc(Guid? _, [FromBody] ContainersScanRequest request)
Ensure.NotNull(nameof(request), request);
_extendedLoggerEnricher.Enrich(new { request.ScanId });
_logger.Info("GenerateContainerRiskAsync called", new { request.ScanId });
var response =
await _riskGenerator.TheCallingFuncToMyAsyncFunc(
.Where(x=> !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.DockerFilePath))
return response.Select(VulnerableContainerScanRecordDto.ToContainerScanVulnerablerRecord).ToArray();
catch (Exception exception)
_logger.Error("Exception thrown during generate GenerateContainerRiskAsync", exception, new { request.ScanId });
return new List<SomeDto>();
And the func that calls directly to MyAsyncFunc:
public async Task<List<(ContainerScanRecord record, ImageVulnerabilitiesDto vulnerabilities)>> TheCallingFuncToMyAsyncFunc(Guid id, IReadOnlyCollection<ContainerScanRecord> containerRecords)
return await
_containerEngineClient.MyAsyncFunc(id, containerRecords).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception exception)
_logger.Error($"[{id}] Could not generate GenerateContainerRiskDataAsync: {exception.Message}", exception);
UDPATE #2: figured it out!
Well... it turned out to be a nasty race condition with some other class that initialized the data.
That's why it happened randomly.
Sorry for the hustle and thank you all for your time.

As I found out recently, when function throws, its invocation can not be counted. So this is why you may experience such problems.
What you could do is to verify that logger logs an error (the same way you assert that your method was called).


Mock function not throwing exception in c# unit test

Here is my unit test method
public void DealerSmsStatusTestTest_MustReturnInternalServerErrorIfMockMethodFails()
Mock<DBClass.IDealer> mock = new Mock<DBClass.IDealer>();
var exception = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(typeof(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException));
mock.Setup(x => x.GetDealerStatus(new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage()))
DealerSettingController controller = new DealerSettingController(mock.Object);
var result = controller.DealerSmsStatus();
/*I will do assertion here*/
And here is my controller method
public IHttpActionResult DealerSmsStatus()
var result = _dealer.GetDealerStatus(Request);
return Json(new Models.Response(
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException)
return InternalServerError();
catch (System.Exception ex)
Logger.Error(ex, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
return InternalServerError();
When i debug the test, GetDealerStatus() method should return SqlException instead it returns null. In controller method var result always getting null. Any suggestions appreciated why it is not working.I want to throw SqlException through GetDealerStatus().
Here is debug mode result value image
You should use It.IsAny<System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage>() instead of new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage() at Setup. Because you configured your method for concrete instance of System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage, at test it's not the same.
It's probably the matcher x.GetDealerStatus(new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage())
new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage() creates a new instance of a HttpRequestMessage which will not be equal to the Request you're passing into GetDealerStatus in your SUT.
Normally you'd use something like:
It.Is<System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage>(x => whatever specific equality conditions you want to match on)
if you want to narrow the match condition from just 'any'

MessageBox.Show sporadically don't show on catching exception

I am writing a Visual Studio extension in C# and I get a strange behavior on managing exception and displaying error messages. Basically, I just want to add some details to the exception message to help me investigate in case of a problem.
It all starts from a command on a context menu item and I suspect it may be related to threads management behind the async/await mechanism. But I am not sure I guess correctly and I am not able to find any solution. HELP!
It starts from my menu item callback:
internal sealed class My_RunAnalysis
public static async Task InitializeAsync(AsyncPackage package)
// Switch to the main thread - the call to AddCommand in PS_RunAnalysis's constructor requires
// the UI thread.
await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(package.DisposalToken);
OleMenuCommandService commandService = await package.GetServiceAsync((typeof(IMenuCommandService))) as OleMenuCommandService;
Instance = new My_RunAnalysis(package, commandService);
private async void ExecuteAsync(object sender, EventArgs e)
await My_ViewModel.RunAnalysisAsync();
catch (Exception exc)
await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(package.DisposalToken);
MessageBox.Show(exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
class My_ViewModel
async public static Task RunAnalysisAsync()
await My_Model.GetResultsListAsync();
class My_Model
async public static Task GetResultsListAsync()
ResultsList = new My_ResultsList();
var rawResultsList = await QueryServerAsync<RawResultsListResponse>("GET", My_Request.GetResults());
async public static Task<JsonResponse> QueryServerAsync<JsonResponse>(string method,
string request)
HttpResponseMessage response;
switch (method)
case "GET":
response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(request);
case "POST":
StringContent httpContent = new StringContent("", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(request, httpContent);
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) //<<<<<<CASE #1
throw new My_Exception(
"Exception while querying server for " + request);
string serializedJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// CASE #2>>>>>
var jsonResponse = serializer.Deserialize<JsonResponse>(serializedJson);
return jsonResponse;
catch (Exception e)
throw new My_Exception(
"Exception while querying server for " + request);
The strange thing is that:
When an error occurs in case #1 and I create a custom exception (my server responded but there was an internal error and I have a clean error code), the MessageBox in the catch of My_ViewModel::RunAnalysisAsync() will show correctly and immediately.
When a native exception occurs in case #2 (my server responded with malformed json and I get an exception from serializer.Deserialize), the MessageBox in the catch of My_ViewModel::RunAnalysisAsync() will not show, the IDE will hang for around 15s before restarting (and still not show the MessageBox).
Any idea what's wrong?
Seeing that the template for my custom command initializes also with SwitchToMainThreadAsync, I have tried to do the same with the Execute method. I updated the code above but it still does not work: an exception thrown by serializer.Deserialize will still freeze the UI for 10 to 15s and the MessageBox will not show!
Also note that the debugger can step immediately on "await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(package.DisposalToken);" and go on next step to MessageBox. I would tend to suppose it means that the switch to the main thread is immediate but there is still something wrong...
Any idea what's wrong? I really need to capture exceptions a reliable way...
I could not find any explanation to the MessageBox working on a case and not on the other one. I ended up going to some log solution using FileStream.WriteAsync. Hence everything keeps async and I don't have to use MessageBox anymore.
use await JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(); to switch to the main thread JoinableTaskFactory is a member of AsyncPackage.
If it still doesn't work try
public static void ShowMessageBox(string title, string text)
IVsUIShell uiShell = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;
Guid clsid = Guid.Empty;
int result;
ref clsid,
0, // false
out result));

Handling domain errors in MassTransit

I'm wondering how I should handle domain exceptions in a proper way?
Does all of my consumer's code should be wrapped into a try, catch block, or I should just thrown an Exception, which will be handled by apropriate FaultConsumer?
Consider this two samples:
Example-1 - whole operation is wrapped into try...catch block.
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<CreateOrder> context)
//Consumer that creates order
var order = new Order();
var product = store.GetProduct(command.ProductId); // check if requested product exists
if (product is null)
throw new DomainException(OperationCodes.ProductNotExist);
context.Publish<OrderCreated>(new OrderCreated
OrderId = order.Id;
catch (Exception exception)
if (exception is DomainException domainException)
context.Publish<CreateOrderRejected>(new CreateOrderRejected
ErrorCode = domainException.Code;
Example-2 - MassTransit handles DomainException, by pushing message into CreateOrder_error queue. Another service subscribes to this event, and after the event is published on this particular queue, it process it;
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<CreateOrder> context)
//Consumer that creates order
var order = new Order();
var product = store.GetProduct(command.ProductId); // check if requested product exists
if (product is null)
throw new DomainException(OperationCodes.ProductNotExist);
context.Publish<OrderCreated>(new OrderCreated
OrderId = order.Id;
Which approach should be better?
I know that I can use Request/Response and gets information about error immediately, but in my case, it must be done via message broker.
In your first example, you are handling a domain condition (in your example, a product not existing in the catalog) by producing an event that the order was rejected for an unknown product. This makes complete sense.
Now, if the database query to check the product couldn't connect to the database, that's a temporary situation that may resolve itself, and thus using a retry or scheduled redelivery makes sense - to try again before giving up entirely. Those are exceptions you would want to throw.
But the business exception you'd want to catch, and handle by publishing an event.
public async Task Consume (ConsumeContext<CreateOrder> context) {
try {
var order = new Order ();
var product = store.GetProduct (command.ProductId); // check if requested product exists
if (product is null) {
throw new DomainException (OperationCodes.ProductNotExist);
order.AddProduct (product);
store.SaveOrder (order);
context.Publish<OrderCreated> (new OrderCreated {
OrderId = order.Id;
} catch (DomainException exception) {
await context.Publish<CreateOrderRejected> (new CreateOrderRejected {
ErrorCode = domainException.Code;
My take on this is that you seem to go to the fire-and-forget commands mess. Of course, it is very context-specific, since there are scenarios, especially integration when you don't have a user on the other side sitting and wondering if their command was eventually executed and what is the outcome.
So, for integration scenarios, I concur with Chris' answer, publishing a domain exception event makes perfect sense.
For the user-interaction scenarios, however, I'd rather suggest using request-response that can return different kinds of response, like a positive and negative response, as described in the documentation. Here is the snippet from the docs:
Service side:
public class CheckOrderStatusConsumer :
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<CheckOrderStatus> context)
var order = await _orderRepository.Get(context.Message.OrderId);
if (order == null)
await context.RespondAsync<OrderNotFound>(context.Message);
await context.RespondAsync<OrderStatusResult>(new
OrderId = order.Id,
Client side:
var (statusResponse,notFoundResponse) = await client.GetResponse<OrderStatusResult, OrderNotFound>(new { OrderId = id});
// both tuple values are Task<Response<T>>, need to find out which one completed
var orderStatus = await statusResponse;
// do something
var notFound = await notFoundResponse;
// do something else

Correct pattern to call a service containing an async call from an MVC controller

I am new to TAP and async/await in practice in C# so I may have some bad code smells here, so be gentle. :-)
I have a service method that looks as follows:
public OzCpAddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListOutput AddOrUpdateEmailAddressToList(
OzCpAddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListInput aParams)
var result = new OzCpAddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListOutput();
var mailChimManager = new MailChimpManager(aParams.MailChimpApiKey);
Task<Member> mailChimpResult =
new Member
EmailAddress = aParams.EmailAddress
//Poll async task until it completes.
//Give it at most 8 seconds to do what it needs to do
var outOfTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(8);
while (!mailChimpResult.IsCompleted)
if (DateTime.Now > outOfTime)
throw new Exception("Timed out waiting for MailChimp API.");
//Should there have been a problem with the call then we raise an exception
if (mailChimpResult.IsFaulted)
throw new Exception(
mailChimpResult.Exception?.Message ??
"Unknown mail chimp library error.",
//Call to api returned without failing but unless we have
//the email address subscribed we have an issue
if (mailChimpResult.Result.Status != Status.Subscribed)
throw new Exception(
$"There was a problem subscribing the email address
{aParams.EmailAddress} to the mailchimp list id
catch (Exception ex)
result.ResultErrors.AddFatalError(PlatformErrors.UNKNOWN, ex.Message);
return result;
But when I call in from MVC Controller action mailChimpResult.IsCompleted always returns false and eventually I hit the timeout.
I realise this is because I am not chaining the async calls as per HttpClient IsComplete always return false and because of different threads this behaviour is "expected".
However I want my service method to hide the complexity of the async nature of what it is doing and merely do what appears to be a synchronous call in my action method namely:
var mailChimpResult =
new OzCpAddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListInput
EmailAddress = aFormCollection["aEmailAddress"],
Listid = ApplicationSettings.Newsletter.MailChimpListId.Value,
MailChimpApiKey = ApplicationSettings.Newsletter.MailChimpApiKey.Value
if (mailChimpResult.Result == true)
//So something
Ideally you should avoid the .Result and .IsFaulted properties of the Task and Task<T> objects, that was code smell number one. When you're using these objects you should use async and await through the entire stack. Consider your service written this way instead:
public async Task<OzCpAddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListOutput>
OzCpAddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListInput aParams)
var result = new OzCpAddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListOutput();
var mailChimManager = new MailChimpManager(aParams.MailChimpApiKey);
Member mailChimpResult =
await mailChimManager.Members.AddOrUpdateAsync(
new Member
EmailAddress = aParams.EmailAddress
catch (Exception ex)
result.ResultErrors.AddFatalError(PlatformErrors.UNKNOWN, ex.Message);
return result;
Notice that I was able to remove all of that unnecessary polling and examining of properties. We mark the method as Task<OzCpAddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListOutput> returning and decorate it with the async keyword. This allows us to use the await keyword in the method body. We await the .AddOrUpdateAsync which yields the Member.
The consuming call into the service looks similar, following the same paradigm of async and await keywords with Task or Task<T> return types:
var mailChimpResult =
await _PlatformMailChimpService.AddOrUpdateEmailAddressToList(
new OzCpAddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListInput
EmailAddress = aFormCollection["aEmailAddress"],
Listid = ApplicationSettings.Newsletter.MailChimpListId.Value,
MailChimpApiKey = ApplicationSettings.Newsletter.MailChimpApiKey.Value
if (mailChimpResult.Result == true)
//So something
It is considered best practice to postfix the "Async" word to the method, to signify that it is asynchronous, i.e.; AddOrUpdateEmailAddressToListAsync.

Catching an exception thrown in an asynchronous callback

I have a method that takes a callback argument to execute asynchronously, but the catch block doesn't seem to be catching any exceptions thrown by the synchronous call (this.Submit refers to a synchronous method).
public void Submit(FileInfo file, AnswerHandler callback)
SubmitFileDelegate submitDelegate = new SubmitFileDelegate(this.Submit);
submitDelegate.BeginInvoke(file, (IAsyncResult ar) =>
string result = submitDelegate.EndInvoke(ar);
}, null);
Is there a way to catch the exception thrown by the new thread and send it to the original thread? Also, is this the "proper" way to handle async exceptions? I wrote my code so it could be called like this (assuming the exception issue is fixed):
target.Submit(file, (response) =>
// do stuff
catch (Exception ex)
// catch stuff
but is there a more proper or elegant way to do this?
If you're targeting .NET 4.0, you can utilize the new Task Parallel Library, and observe the Task object's Exception property.
public Task Submit(FileInfo file)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoSomething(file));
private void DoSomething(FileInfo file)
throw new Exception();
Then use it like this:
Submit(myFileInfo).ContinueWith(task =>
// Check task.Exception for any exceptions.
// Do stuff with task.Result
where DoSomething is the method you'd like call asynchronously, and the delegate you pass to ContinueWith is your callback.
More information about exception handling in TPL can be found here:
This is not a 'best practice' solution, but I think it's a simple one that should work.
Instead of having the delegate defined as
private delegate string SubmitFileDelegate(FileInfo file);
define it as
private delegate SubmitFileResult SubmitFileDelegate(FileInfo file);
and define the SubmitFileResult as follows:
public class SubmitFileResult
public string Result;
public Exception Exception;
Then, the method that actually does the file submission (not shown in the question) should be defined like this:
private static SubmitFileResult Submit(FileInfo file)
var submissionResult = ComplexSubmitFileMethod();
return new SubmitFileResult { Result = submissionResult };
catch (Exception ex)
return new SubmitFileResult {Exception = ex, Result = "ERROR"};
This way, you'll examine the result object, see if it has the Result or the Exception field set, and act accordingly.
In short, no.
When you call submitDelegate.BeginInvoke, it spawns the new thread, returns, and promptly exits your try/catch block (while the new thread runs in the background).
You could, however, catch all unhandled exceptions like this:
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(YourException);
This will catch everything in the application domain, however (not just your async method).

