I have a Blazor server-side application that uses Quartz.NET to run a scheduled job. The job merely calls an injected helper class...
public class DownloadEmailsJob : IJob {
private readonly EmailDownloadHelper _edh;
public DownloadEmailsJob(EmailDownloadHelper edh) =>
_edh = edh;
public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) =>
await _edh.DownloadEmails();
EmailDownloadHelper uses injection to get various services, such as the DbContext, etc. That part is all working fine.
I now have a need to call a SignalR hub method from inside the helper class. Following the code in Microsoft's documentation, in order to create the hub connection, I need to do something like this...
_hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
...where EmailNotifierHub contains the following line...
public const string Endpoint = "/EmailHub";
This means that I need an instance of NavigationManager in my job. I tried injecting it in the constructor (as I do with the other dependencies in this class), but when it tries to create the hub connection, I get an exception...
System.InvalidOperationException' in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.dll
'RemoteNavigationManager' has not been initialized
The instance of NavigationManager is injected fine, meaning it's not null, and the exception only comes when it tries to call ToAbsoluteUri
I've done this sort of thing before in injected classes, but not in a Quartz.NET job, which is where I suspect the problem lies.
Anyone able to explain what's going wrong, and how I fix it? Thanks
Your main issue is that NavigationManager does not work properly outside a Circuit, and Quartz is (presumably) set up once for the application. The DI, therefore, does not have a scope in which it can provide a NavigationManager.
In similar situations, I usually resign to setting the base url of the site in appsettings.json, and use that to construct the absolute urls I need.
New to ASP. Created an application and everything(including db interactions) works fine, but my application should contain background services which are run on startup(and then work until manually stopped). It should have access to dbcontext and ideally load data before any user input.
Seems like it should be created somewhere in ConfigureServices and run in Configure?
Don't really understand how to implement it cause dependency injections. The main problem - I don't understand where and how I can get access to dbcontext. The only way I know is controllers, but it's obviously not the solution.
I know that 100% there is simple solution, but can't find it cause don't know what to search. Some kind of link on reference/Microsoft docs should be enough.
You should register your DbContext in ConfigureServices like so:
ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
// Example to add SqlServer DB Context
string connectionString = //for example load connection string from config
services.AddDbContext<MyDbContext>(o => o.UseSqlServer(connectionString));
After registering your context like this, you are able to inject it into your other services via constructor injection.
public class MyBackgroundService
private readonly IServiceScopeFactory _scopeFactory;
public MyBackgroundServcice(IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory)
_scopeFactory= serviceScopeFactory;
public MyData GetData()
using IServiceScope scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope();
MyDbContext context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<MyDbContext>();
// Do something with context ...
Architecture wise I would also suggest implementing a service for your database layer that you can inject in your background services since managing DbContext scopes would be a lot cleaner like this.
Perhaps I'm just using the wrong terms while searching, but I haven't found any solid guidance around how to do what I'm seeking to do.
All the guidance around DI registration follows something like the following:
builder.Services.AddSingleton<MyService>(() => new MyService("connectionString"));
But this seems too simple for me to use over here in the real world. I don't store my various credentials in my applications, but rather put them somewhere else like Azure Key Vault or authenticate using a managed identity that itself retrieves connection strings and keys.
This introduces the need then to access the credentials/connection string first, which increasingly is exposed only as an asynchronous operation and introduces the problem I regularly face: namely, asynchronous registration isn't a thing.
I could register a service that itself retrieves and exposes the credential in an async method, but now every downstream service is going to need to know about that method in order to utilize it - I can't simply abstract it away in a DI registration.
I could just use .Result or Wait(), but there's plenty of solid guidance that suggests this shouldn't be done for deadlocking reasons. Because this code may be intended for a library that's consumed by an app with a UI, that's a no-go.
So the question is: When I'm unable to synchronously provide my credentials, how do I register my services?
Real-world example
For example, let's say I've got a web app that needs to access Cosmos DB, but via a managed identity, following the instructions here. I need to store some information about the Cosmos DB instance which means a dependency on IConfiguration and I'd like to use a singleton HttpClient to retrieve the necessary keys.
I want to put this into a separate service responsible for setting up the Cosmos DB client so that downstream usages can just inject the CosmosClient, so my class looks like:
public class CosmosKeyService
private readonly MyCosmosOptions _cosmosOptions;
private readonly HttpClient _http;
public CosmosKeyService(IOptions<MyCosmosOptions> options, HttpClient http)
_cosmosOptions = options.Value;
_http = http;
private async Task<string> GetCosmosKey()
//Follow instructions at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/managed-identity-based-authentication#programmatically-access-the-azure-cosmos-db-keys
var keys = await result.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<CosmosKeys>();
return keys.PrimaryMasterKey;
public async Task<CosmosClient> GetCosmosClient()
var key = await GetCosmosKey();
return new CosmosClient(_cosmosOptions.CosmosDbEndpoint, key);
To support the DI used in this class, my registration then looks like:
And of course I'm going to need to register this service:
But now I'd also like to register the CosmosClient as created by the method in that service and this is where I start getting confused about the best way forward.
I can't retrieve an instance of the CosmosKeyService from the builder because I haven't yet built it, and after I do, I can't then register new services.
I can't use async methods in the registration itself or I could easily do something like:
builder.Services.AddSingleton<CosmosClient>(async services => {
var keyService = services.GetService<CosmosKeyService>();
return await keyService.GetCosmosClient();
...and downstream services could simply inject CosmosClient in their various constructors.
Again, any downstream consumer can just inject a CosmosKeyService, but now they're all going to have to "remember" to call the initialization method first so they can retrieve the CosmosClient and utilize it. I'd rather that be handled in registration so that 1) this initialization is hidden and centrally located and 2) the CosmosClient is truly a singleton and not just an artifact of every utilization.
I could create another intermediate service that injects this Key resolver service and retrieve the keys, but it too will need to have this async method that retrieves the keys since I can't just hide that initialization in a registration somewhere (for lack of async support).
For example, I could make another service:
public class CosmosBuilder
private readonly CosmosKeyService _keySvc;
public CosmosBuilder(CosmosKeyService keySvc)
_keySvc = keySvc;
public async Task<CosmosClient> GetCosmosClient()
return async _keySvc.GetCosmosClient();
But this ultimately still requires a downstream service to inject this service and call that initialization method and if that's necessary, I might as well just stick with injecting the CosmosKeyService and call the method there.
What I'd ideally like to see is some way to hide any async initialization in the registration so that downstream consumers can simply inject CosmosClient and it works, but it's beyond me how that's intended to happen. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Edit to address comment:
I don't want to comment on a 4-year old answer, but the issue I assert with the accepted answer boils down to this part:
Move [initialization] into the Composition Root. At that point, you can create an initialize those classes before registering them in the container and feed those initialized classes into the container as part of registrations.
That's all well and good except:
I only get to "build" my container a single time. I can't build it, then utilize the registrations to accomplish the initialization, then append still more registrations to it for later use.
In my example above, I explicitly utilize elements registered in DI by ASP.NET Core itself (namely IConfiguration), so there's simply no way to even access these except via DI (which, per #1, precludes me from being able to initialize and later supplement my registrations with more implementations).
I am (as something of a novice) implementing my own custom logger for use in ASP.NET Core MVC apps. I have this logger working functionally in every regard. But I cheated a little so far, namely I implemented the ILogger.IsEnabled method as follows:
public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel)
return true;
Functionally, this works fine, since the framework ensures that the Log() method is only invoked if the log level is at or higher than the one specified. So the correct "things" are being logged and the lower-level "things" are not being logged as expected.
However, I also want to support the following kind of situation in my code, where _logger is typed as ILogger and is properly injected in my controller:
if (_logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
_logger.LogDebug("This is an expensive message to generate: " +
To make this effective, my IsEnabled() method should be able to know what the log level IS for the instance of the logger that was created with my LoggerProvider, but I don't know how to get that information directly, or how to pass it properly to the injected instance of the the logger I am working with.
Complex examples and tutorials I have been able to find seem to be constructed in every case for console app types, not network app types, and so far I have been unsuccessful at figuring out how to do this through the templated Startup class in ASP.NET MVC.
What is the simplest and most effective way to stop cheating at my custom IsEnabled() method in order to avoid the unnecessary serialization (in my example) if none of the registered loggers in the injected instance are handling the Debug log level? Or do you have a favorite example or tutorial in the ASP.NET core setting you can point me to?
You can take a look at built-in loggers source code and see how they implement it.
In short, they only check that logLevel != LogLevel.None, but depending on the logger logic, you might also want to check some other configuration. For example, DebugLogger logger also checks the Debugger.IsAttached property and EventLogLogger checks the EventLogSettings.Filter (supplied via constructor).
To make this effective, my IsEnabled() method should be able to know what the log level IS for the instance of the logger that was created with my LoggerProvider, but I don't know how to get that information directly, or how to pass it properly to the injected instance of the the logger I am working with.
You can create an implementation of ILoggerProvider which in turn can make use of dependency injection to get the configuration you want. If you want to use the options pattern to configure it, you must do something along the lines of:
public class MyLoggerProvider : ILoggerProvider
private readonly IOptions<MyLoggerOptions> _options;
public MyLoggerProvider(IOptions<MyLoggerOptions> options)
_options = options;
public ILogger CreateLogger(string name)
return new MyLogger(name, _options.Value);
And optionally add an extension method to make registration easier:
public static class MyLoggerExtensions
public static ILoggingBuilder AddMyLogger(this ILoggingBuilder builder, Action<MyLoggerOptions> configure)
builder.Services.TryAddEnumerable(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<ILoggerProvider, MyLoggerProvider>());
LoggerProviderOptions.RegisterProviderOptions<MyLoggerOptions, MyLoggerProvider>(builder.Services);
I have an ASP.NET Core web app, with WebAPI controllers. All I am trying to do is, in some of the controllers, be able to kick off a process that would run in the background, but the controller should go ahead and return before that process is done. I don't want the consumers of the service to have to wait for this job to finish.
I have seen all of the posts about IHostedService and BackgroundService, but none of them seem to be what I want. Also, all these examples show you how to set things up, but not how to actually call it, or I am not understanding some of it.
I tried these, but when you register an IHostedService in Startup, it runs immediately at that point in time. This is not what I want. I don't want to run the task at startup, I want to be able to call it from a controller when it needs to. Also, I may have several different ones, so just registering services.AddHostedService() won't work because I might have a MyServiceB and MyServiceC, so how do I get the right one from the controller (I can't just inject IHostedService)?
Ultimately, everything I have seen has been a huge, convoluted mess of code for something that seems like it should be such a simple thing to do. What am I missing?
You have the following options:
IHostedService classes can be long running methods that run in the background for the lifetime of your app. In order to make them to handle some sort of background task, you need to implement some sort of "global" queue system in your app for the controllers to store the data/events. This queue system can be as simple as a Singleton class with a ConcurrentQueue that you pass in to your controller, or something like an IDistributedCache or more complex external pub/sub systems. Then you can just poll the queue in your IHostedService and run certain operations based on it. Here is a microsoft example of IHostedService implementation for handling queues https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/host/hosted-services?view=aspnetcore-3.1&tabs=visual-studio#queued-background-tasks
Note that the Singleton class approach can cause issues in multi-server environments.
Example implementation of the Singleton approach can be like:
// Needs to be registered as a Singleton in your Startup.cs
public class BackgroundJobs {
public ConcurrentQueue<string> BackgroundTasks {get; set;} = new ConcurrentQueue<string>();
public class MyController : ControllerBase{
private readonly BackgroundJobs _backgroundJobs;
public MyController(BackgroundJobs backgroundJobs) {
_backgroundJobs = backgroundJobs;
public async Task<ActionResult> FireAndForgetEndPoint(){
public class MyBackgroundService : IHostedService {
private readonly BackgroundJobs _backgroundJobs;
public MyBackgroundService(BackgroundJobs backgroundJobs)
_backgroundJobs = backgroundJobs;
public void StartAsync(CancellationToken ct)
if(_backgroundJobs.BackgroundTasks.TryDequeue(out var jobId))
// Code to do long running operation
Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); // You really don't want an infinite loop here without having any sort of delays.
Create a method that returns a Task, pass in a IServiceProvider to that method and create a new Scope in there to make sure ASP.NET would not kill the task when the controller Action completes. Something like
IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public async Task<ActionResult> FireAndForgetEndPoint()
// Do stuff
_ = FireAndForgetOperation(_serviceProvider);
Return Ok();
public async Task FireAndForgetOperation(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
using (var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope()){
await Task.Delay(1000);
//... Long running tasks
Update: Here is the Microsoft example of doing something similar: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/performance/performance-best-practices?view=aspnetcore-3.1#do-not-capture-services-injected-into-the-controllers-on-background-threads
As I understand from your question you want to create a fire and forget task like logging to database. In this scenario you don't have to wait for log to be inserted database. It also took much of my time to discover an easily implementable solution. Here is what I have found:
In your controller parameters, add IServiceScopeFactory. This will not effect the request body or header. After that create a scope and call your service over it.
public IActionResult MoveRecordingToStorage([FromBody] StreamingRequestModel req, [FromServices] IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory)
// Move record to Azure storage in the background
Task.Run(async () =>
using var scope = serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope();
var repository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICloudStorage>();
await repository.UploadFileToAzure(req.RecordedPath, key, req.Id, req.RecordCode);
catch(Exception e)
return Ok("In progress..");
After posting your request, you will immediately receive In Progress.. text but your task will run in the background.
One more thing, If you don't create your task in this way and try to call database operations you will receive an error like this which means your database object is already dead and you are trying to access it;
Cannot access a disposed object. A common cause of this error is disposing a context that was resolved from dependency injection and then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in your application. This may occur if you are calling Dispose() on the context, or wrapping the context in a using statement. If you are using dependency injection, you should let the dependency injection container take care of disposing context instances.\r\nObject name: 'DBContext'.
My code is based on Repository pattern. You should not forget to inject service class in your Startup.cs
services.AddScoped<ICloudStorage, AzureCloudStorage>();
Find the detailed documentation here.
What is the simplest way to run a single background task from a controller in .NET Core?
I don't want the consumers of the service to have to wait for this job to finish.
Ultimately, everything I have seen has been a huge, convoluted mess of code for something that seems like it should be such a simple thing to do. What am I missing?
The problem is that ASP.NET is a framework for writing web services, which are applications that respond to requests. But as soon as your code says "I don't want the consumers of the service to have to wait", then you're talking about running code outside of a request (i.e., request-extrinsic code). This is why all solutions are complex: your code has to bypass/extend the framework itself in an attempt to force it to do something it wasn't designed to do.
The only proper solution for request-extrinsic code is to have a durable queue with a separate background process. Anything in-process (e.g., ConcurrentQueue with an IHostedService) will have reliability problems; in particular, those solutions will occasionally lose work.
I'm not sure what is the best way to achieve what I am trying to accomplish so let me give you an example.
I am using Azure Functions, which are stateless, with the following signature.
public static Task Run(Message message, ILogger logger)
var controller = Main.Container.GetInstance<ConsumerController>();
// How can I attach the passed in logger instance so the rest of
// the services for the current flow re-use this instance?
return controller.Execute(message);
As you can see, the azure function framework passes me an instance of the ILogger already configured and initialized for this function call only.
I read through the documentation and I think I need a new scope here but I'm not sure. I only want this ILogger instance to be used during the async execution of this one method call. Each function call will use their own.
And just to be clear, the controller is only one of possibly many services (services, repositories, request handlers) involved in the execution of the task.
Any help would be great?
You can do the following:
Create a Proxy (e.g. ProxyLogger) implementation that implements ILogger, contains a ILogger Logger property, and forwards any call to that property.
Register that Proxy both as ILogger and ProxyLogger as Lifestyle.Scoped.
Resolve ProxyLogger within your function.
Set ProxyLogger.Logger using the function's supplied ILogger.
Resolve the root object and use it.
Create a Proxy:
public class ProxyLogger : ILogger
public ILogger Logger { get; set; }
public void Log<TState>(LogLevel l, EventId id, TState s, Exception ex,
Func<TState,Exception,String> f) =>
this.Logger.Log<TState>(l, id, s, ex, f);
// Implement other functions
Register that Proxy:
container.Register<ILogger, ProxyLogger>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
Resolve ProxyLogger within your function, set ProxyLogger.Logger using the function's supplied ILogger, and resolve the root object and use it.
public static Task Run(Message message, ILogger logger)
using (AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(Main.Container)
Main.Container.GetInstance<ProxyLogger>().Logger = logger;
var controller = Main.Container.GetInstance<ConsumerController>();
return controller.Execute(message);
I do think, however, that this model leads to a very large amount of infrastructural code. Preferably you wish to keep this infrastructure to the absolute minimum. Instead, you could try keeping your Azure Functions small Humble Objects, as described here. That might not completely solve your initial problem, but you might not need to have a method specific logger anyway. But if, on the other hand, you need that, you might be able to mix that Humble Object approach with the use of C#'s CallerMemberName attribute and the ProxyLogger approach. You don't really need the Azure injected ILogger to do that for you.