This is more a question of terminology than how to do something.
I found a sort of 3rd state a property can be in. The first is a valid property. For example, bool is true or false. The second is null. The third I do not know what to call it. It is a property of an object that has been instantiated. This property kind of looks like it has not been instantiated. Not sure is that is the proper way to state it.
Example: Working with System.Diagnostics.Process to open a virtual keyboard, OSK. I need a routine to toggle the keyboard on and off. This works great.
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Bsc
public static class OnScreenKeyboard
private static Process virtualKeyboard = new Process();
public static void ToggleHideShow()
if (virtualKeyboard.HasExited)
virtualKeyboard = Process.Start("osk.exe");
virtualKeyboard = Process.Start("osk.exe");
Looking at the object virtualKeyboard in a watch window I can see how virtualKeyboard has been instantiated, but not completely. On the first pass virtualKeyboard.HasExited throws an exception. Watching the watch window, it also looks like it is not there. The line has a nice bright red dot in front of it with an X in it.
'virtualKeyboard.HasExited' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'
bool {System.InvalidOperationException}
Still on first pass the try/catch jumps to the Process.Start. After this executes the line looks like you would expect for an instantiated property.
All calls after the first one HasExited works like you would expect and the method toggles the keyboard on and off.
I have not run into an object before that seemingly was only partially instantiated. What are the proper technical terms for this scenario? I have used the term ‘instantiated’, is that correct?
As per the documentation, the HasExited property throws an InvalidOperationException when there is no OS process associated with the Process instance.
Your property is initialized to a new instance of the Process class, which has not been started. Therefore, there is no OS process associated with that instance, and the HasExited property will throw an exception.
Remove the field initializer, and test for null in your method.
public static class OnScreenKeyboard
private static Process virtualKeyboard;
public static void ToggleHideShow()
if (virtualKeyboard == null || virtualKeyboard.HasExited)
virtualKeyboard = Process.Start("osk.exe");
virtualKeyboard = Process.Start("osk.exe");
It is not possible for an object to be half-initialised based on the working of the language. If an object is not in a correct state, this is due to the working of the class/properties etc, and how the code has been written to initialise the object or not throw an exception when accessing the properties.
If the object does not always do what you expect then you have to check for the exception, do some defensive coding and handle the various scenarios in your own code.
Quite new to C#, from a long time ago C++ background and so I seem to be having my trouble transitioning away from pointers to ref in C#.
I have a class (EColour) which I create using the constructor shown.
I assign (or at least try to) a reference to cellTemplate to the variable m_template.
Looking in debug, at the time of construction, m_template is most definitely NOT null.
However, by the time I come to handle OnMouseClick event, I get a null exception error because m_template has magically turned to null.
Could anyone please shed light on what I have done wrong and how to fix it?
public EColour(ref ICellTemplate cellTemplate)
m_template = (ColourTemplate)cellTemplate;
protected override void OnMouseClick(DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
ColorDialog dlg = new ColorDialog();
dlg.AnyColor = m_template.AnyColour; // This throws an exception because m_template is null
ColourTemplate m_template;
In C# we have two main kinds of types:
value type - its all digit types (int, float, double, long ...)
reference type -its types that inherited from object
ICellTemplate is a reference class. So what you need - just send it in argument as a regular variable.
public class EColour
private ColourTemplate m_tamplate;
public EColour(ICellTemplate cellTemplate)
m_template = (ColourTemplate)cellTemplate;
I'm suddenly getting a strange error while debugging. Up to now the variable in the watch windows has been showing correctly. Now I am always getting this error message in the watch windows:
The function evaluation requires all threads to run
I am not able to check any variable anymore. I am not explicitly working with threads. What can I do to get it working again?
I already disabled, as mentioned in some forums, the function: "Enable property Evaluation and other implicit function Calls" in the option window of the debugger. But without success, and it gives me this error:
Error Implicit Function evaluation disabled by the user
From the msdn forum:
This isn't an error in and of itself, but more of a feature of your debugger.
Some properties require code to be executed in order for the property to be read, but if this requires cross-thread interaction, then other threads may have to run as well. The debugger doesn't do this automatically, but certainly can, with your permission.
Just click the little evaluate icon and it will run your code and evaluate the property.
For further details on this behaviour check this excelent article
I ran into this issue when just trying to get items from a table called "AGENCY" using Entity Framework:
var agencies = db.AGENCY.OrderBy(e => e.FULLNAME);
Hovering over agencies in debug mode, clicking to expand the options, and clicking Results would give the dreaded "The function evaluation requires all threads to run" with a "Do Not Enter" icon at the end that, on which, clicking did nothing.
2 possible solutions:
Add .ToList() at the end:
var agencies = db.AGENCY_TABLE.OrderBy(e => e.FULLNAME).ToList();
List<AGENCY_TABLE> agencies = db.AGENCY_TABLE.OrderBy(e => e.FULLNAME).ToList();
Credit goes to Hp93 for helping me come to this solution. In the comments on MUG4N's answer where I found this solution, it also mentions trying .Any() instead of .ToList(), but this gives a Boolean instead of a <T>, like <AGENCY> is, so it probably wouldn't help.
Workaround - try a different path in the debug options. I found that I could click on the "Non-Public Members" > "_internalQuery" > ObjectQuery > Results View and get my values that way.
MUG4N has indeed provided a correct answer however if you hover over the line of code in debug, you may be looking at something like the below. If so, click the little re-evaluate icon highlighted in the image below...
NB: I obtained this image by pinning, normally the re-evaluate icone are in the middle of the window and not down the left hand column.
You should make thread safe call because accessing Windows form controls are not Thread safe in multithreading.
This is my simple code which makes Thread safe call and sets Progress bar.
public partial class Form1 : Form
{// This delegate enables asynchronous calls for setting
// the text property on a TextBox control.
delegate void StringArgReturningVoidDelegate(string text);
private Thread demoThread = null;
public int Progresscount = 0;
static EventWaitHandle waithandler = new AutoResetEvent(false);
public Form1()
public static bool CheckForInternetConnection()
using (var client = new WebClient())
using (var stream = client.OpenRead(""))
return true;
return false;
public void Progressincrement()
while (CheckForInternetConnection()==true)
if (Progresscount==100)
Progresscount += 1;
if (Progresscount <100)
public void Startthread ()
this.demoThread= new Thread(new ThreadStart(Progressincrement));
SetLabel("Waiting for connection");
while (CheckForInternetConnection() == false) ;
private void SetLabel(string text)
// InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
// calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
// If these threads are different, it returns true.
if (this.label1.InvokeRequired)
StringArgReturningVoidDelegate d = new StringArgReturningVoidDelegate(SetLabel);
this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text });
this.label1.Text = text;
private void SetProgress(string Value)
// InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
// calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
// If these threads are different, it returns true.
if (this.progressBar1.InvokeRequired)
StringArgReturningVoidDelegate d = new StringArgReturningVoidDelegate(SetProgress);
this.Invoke(d, new object[] {Value});
this.progressBar1.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Value);
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
For more information MSDN
This isn't an error, but more of a feature of your debugger.
The debugger doesn't do this automatically, but certainly can, with users permission. Just click the little space icon and it will run the code and evaluate the property.
I use the next workaround to pass:
var OtherThreadField = "";
Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
OtherThreadField = ExecuteNeededMEthod();
Now i have a value for OtherThreadField.
I faced the same issue and solved .The Issue arise due to username and password ,in SQL connection there is user and password but in code there no user and password. so I enable the user and the password and the issue solved
For me, this happened when trying to break on a line that accesses a complex object instance contained by a Settings Class.
A breakpoint on the following if results in Settings.Default.FindSettings with the value being "The function evaluation requires all threads to run." If I press the force eval button, it is null. Stepping with the force eval button click or not enters the if block and initializes the object. If I remove the breakpoint and add a new breakpoint following the if block, the Settings.Default.FindSettings deserializes properly with the expected values.
if (Settings.Default.FindSettings == null)
Settings.Default.FindSettings = new FindSettings();
After trial and error, I added the following code before the above if block to access the settings prior to breaking. This seems to reliably fix the problem. I do not need it in production so I wrap in conditional compiler directive. I have a comment in the code instead of a non-descript discard:
var _ = Settings.Default.FindSettings;
I am not sure if the above line would be optimized out in production since it has side effects. As I only need it while debugging, I have not checked.
I'm trying to update a datagridview with some data calculated in a different class and thread, using a delegate. Unfortunately I'm having trouble with a variety of different errors, depending on the approach I try.
The code I am trying to execute in the form thread looks like this:
public partial class AcquireForm : Form
// ...
// update the grid with results
public delegate void delUpdateResultsGrid(int Index, Dictionary<string, double> scoreCard);
public void UpdateResultsGrid(int Index, Dictionary<string, double> scoreCard)
if (!this.InvokeRequired)
// Some code to sort the data from scoreCard goes here
DataGridViewRow myRow = dataGridViewResults.Rows[Index];
DataGridViewCell myCell = myRow.Cells[1];
myCell.Value = 1; // placeholder - the updated value goes here
this.BeginInvoke(new delUpdateResultsGrid(UpdateResultsGrid), new object[] { Index, scoreCard});
Now, I need to get this method to run from my other thread and class. I have tried:
public class myOtherClass
// ...
private void myOtherClassMethod(int myIndex)
// ...
AcquireForm.delUpdateResultsGrid updatedelegate = new AcquireForm.delUpdateResultsGrid(AcquireForm.UpdateResultsGrid);
updatedelegate(myIndex, myScoreCard);
Unfortunately this gives an "Object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property AcquireForm.UpdateResultsGrid(int, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary)" error. I seem to be unable to reference the UpdateResultsGrid method at all...
I have noticed that
public class myOtherClass
// ...
private void myOtherClassMethod(int myIndex)
// ...
AcquireForm acquireForm = new AcquireForm();
does not throw any errors when compiling, but it tries to create a new form and that is something I do not want to do. I don't want to create a new instance of AcquireForm, I want to reference the pre-existing one, if that's possible.
I have also tried making the UpdateResultsGrid method static, but this throws up problems with several things incuding the use of "this.(anything)".
I've also tried moving the majority of the UpdateResultsGrid method into myOtherClassMethod, leaving behind in the AcquireForm class just the delegate. Again, this does not work because many of the references to UI objects break (there aren't any dataGridViews in scope).
I'm starting to run out of ideas here. Unfortunately I'm rather new to C# (as you can probably tell), and I'm editing someone else's code rather than writing my own entirely from scratch. If anyone could offer some advice on this problem it'd be most appreciated.
Make sure your objects are communicating with each other: Your myOtherClass is going to have to know about the AcquireForm object - you can't just create a new one (as you've discovered). You'll need to pass the AcquireForm object into the myOtherClass object (myOtherObject.SetForm(myAcquireForm, for example) and reference it when you need to.
In case you're having issues with invoking this might be of help - how I invoke a "next" button click:
BeginInvoke(new Action(()=>button_next_Click(null,null)));
Moreover, it sounds like maybe this should not be separate classes and you should be utilising a BackgroundWorkder instead.
1) I'm working on a project and I saw this piece of code, I don't understand what is the point of the Monitor.Lock statement. Can someone explain what its trying to do?
2) the postscript underscroll in the parameter name is really annoying, anyone else seen this naming convention?
public class FieldsChangeableHelper<T> : IFieldsChangeable<T>
object _lock;
int _lockCount;
FieldChanges<T> _changes;
public FieldsChangeableHelper()
_lock = new object();
_lockCount = 0;
public void AddChange(T field_, object oldValue_)
if (_changes == null)
_changes = new FieldChanges<T>(field_, oldValue_);
_changes.AddChange(field_, oldValue_);
if (RaiseEvent(_changes))
_changes = null;
#region IFieldsChangeable Members
public void BeginUpdate()
if (System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _lockCount) == 1)
public void EndUpdate()
if (System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref _lockCount) == 0)
FieldChanges<T> changes = _changes;
_changes = null;
protected bool RaiseEvent(FieldChanges<T> changes_)
if (_lockCount == 0 && Changed != null && changes_ != null)
Changed(this, changes_);
return true;
return false;
public event FieldsChanged<T> Changed;
Monitor.Lock locks the portion of code when multiple thread tries to execute the same piece in parallel. It is made to ensure that only 1 guy is altering/executing the context. Look at the MSDN.
Although its best practice that the locking object is always static, but in your case it is not. Which might pose some problem if your instantiating multiple objects on an open type.
Note one thing, in generics static on open T is different for different type, i.e static member in an Open Type class in your case is different for T i.e DateTime, string, etc.
In csharp, private members of a type are usually named with prefixed _
The way i read it: BeginUpdate() ensures that the current thread calling has exclusive access to the instance and that change events practically will be batched and raised once EndUpdate is called. The author wanted to deal with recursion by itself (e.g. calling BeginUpdate() on the same thread multiple times) and a mechanism to batch UpdateEvents untill after the lock has been released. Because, there is a potential deadlock when raising Events when you still have a lock on yourself. event subscribers might want to access your members and therefore have to lock the sender instance which is already locked.
The whole conditional locking is not required (if my analyses is correct ofcourse) since locks based on the Monitor class are recursive and counted.
There is another problem with the locking mechanism, that is: currently when one thread holds a lock. The second thread wont even wait for the lock but will simply continue without a lock since the lock is conditional! this seems like a big bug!
Regarding the naming convention. I use it myself for a way of differentiating privates from parameters and locals. Its a preference which many C# coding conventions recommend. This helps in a case like this:
void Method(int number)
// no need to refer to this since:
//this.number = number;
// can be replaced with
_number = number;
I'm using Control.Invoke() to show a dialog. The code is a handler to get credentials from the user and it can be execute in a thread, this is the reason I perform the call into an InvokeRequired/Invoke snippet.
Sometimes, and only in some machines, when I close the dialog, the application becomes unresposive (it does not manage some mouse clicks, but manage others). If I execute some "allowed" actions, the application start to be responsive again. It seems that processing any event, the application fixes itself.
Do you know any known bug in the .NET framework, or something that could cause this issue?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: This is the code I'm using:
public class GuiCredentialsHandler
// control used to invoke if needed
private static Control mInvokeControl;
// control used as parent for showDialog (could be null)
private static Control mParentControl;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize a GetCredentials handler for current process.
/// This method should be always called from the UI thread, for
/// a correctly handling for invokes (when the handler is called
/// from a thread).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentControl">Application top form.
/// Can be null if unknown</param>
public static void Initialize(Control parentControl)
if (parentControl != null)
mInvokeControl = parentControl;
mInvokeControl = new Control();
// force to create window handle
// otherwise, invoke required always
// return false
mParentControl = parentControl;
public static Credentials GetCredentials(
string servername, SEIDWorkingMode serverWorkingMode)
if (mInvokeControl.InvokeRequired)
return mInvokeControl.Invoke(
new GetCredentialsDelegate(DoGetCredentials),
new object[] { servername, serverWorkingMode })
as Credentials;
return DoGetCredentials(servername, serverWorkingMode);
private static Credentials DoGetCredentials(
string servername, SEIDWorkingMode serverWorkingMode)
GetCredentialsDialog dialog = new GetCredentialsDialog();
dialog.Server = servername;
dialog.WorkingMode = serverWorkingMode;
DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(mParentControl);
if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) return null;
UserInfoRetriever retriever = new UserInfoRetriever(
servername, serverWorkingMode,
dialog.UserName, dialog.Password);
SEID seid = retriever.GetCurrentUser();
return new Credentials(seid, serverWorkingMode);
public delegate Credentials GetCredentialsDelegate(
string serverName,
SEIDWorkingMode mode);
Is Control.Invoke actually needed in this case?
I was always under the impression that invoke was used to ensure that UI elements are accessed by the thread that creates the control which is usually the UI thread but does not have to be.
In this case it looks like you are trying to create a dialog from a thread and hence you should be able to update it from the thread. (Obviously you can't access it from outside your thread, which will include the main UI thread).
If I'm wrong no doubt this will get downvoted very quickly.
mParentControl will always be set equal to parentControl even if its NULL which does not seem right.
The reason your program becomes unresposive is because your mParentControl is NULL:
DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(mParentControl);
One solution around this problem is to only show the dialog if the parent is known.
if ( mParentControl != NULL )
DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(mParentControl);
DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(mInvokeControl);
I based my answer on the following code:
if (parentControl != null)
mInvokeControl = parentControl;
I think you mean my answer makes no sense. What makes more sense that Hans Passant comment doesn't hold some truth or your code is actually correct and you discovered a bug. Since you are being rude I will just take my experience and help somebody else. Humor yourself and add code to avoid the mParentControl is Null situation because IT CAN HAPPEN. mParentControl is ALWAYS set to parentcontrol even when its NULL.
Application top form. /// Can be null if