SQLite C# / Insert Command adds no data into the database - c#

I've got a problem resolving my SQLite Database issue.
As the title says, I'm "simply" trying to add some data into a particular table of the database file using SQLite - with the Microsoft.Data.SQLite package.
The code is executed without any errors and even the SQL-Statement execution returns that one row altered. But when I take a look into the db with the db-browser the "inserted" row, simply isn't there at all. This is the code executed:
SqliteConnectionStringBuilder _sqlconsb = new SqliteConnectionStringBuilder();
_sqlconsb.DataSource = _SqliteDatabase;
_sqlconsb.Mode = SqliteOpenMode.ReadWrite;
SqliteConnection _sqlconn = new SqliteConnection(_sqlconsb.ConnectionString);
SqliteCommand _sqlcmd = _sqlconn.CreateCommand();
_sqlcmd.CommandText = #"INSERT INTO Mediatypes (Name, Type) VALUES ('Hurrey-1', 'i')";
int _numInsert = _sqlcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return _numInsert;
I created a complete new WPF-Application with some buttons and executed the same piece of code in that new app. There it also executes without any issues and the data is indeed added to the db file, which I again checked with the db browser.
I've got no idea, with this particular code adds the new row of data in the test app, but does'nt do it's job in my app. I'm also complete lost in further debbuging this issue, because it's executed without any issues.
One more point to consider, I've other methods in my app which are able to add data successfully to the database into other tables. So i think it sholdn't be the database file itself nor the MS.Data.SQLite package in my solution.
I hope there's anyone out there who's able to point me into the right direction to get this debbuged and or solved ...!


.net core api database context foreach

Momentarily i am working on an API. I just deployed my API to an online environment. now my problem i came across is the following:
Locally, my API had no problems whatsoever, the problem started when i deployed it.
I debugged my program and this was the problem:
var setups = _context.Setup;
foreach (var setup in setups) //<-- problem
if (setup.SetupID == setupItems.SetupID)
setup.SetupName = setupItems.SetupName;
counter++; //if it is already in the database
My new MSSQL database gets stuck on this foreach loop, it returns a 404 error the moment it gets in.
For comparison underneath are the developer as well as the deployment connection string:
Data Source=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=***;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False; MultipleActiveResultSets=true
Data Source=***;Initial Catalog=***;User ID=***;Password=***;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=true
How do I solve this issue?
The problem is that my online database items are not recognized.
I tried validating my connection string using this method in console:
$conn.ConnectionString = "myConncetionString" # whatever you are testing
The connection string connected perfectly.
I migrated all the tables in it as well that won't be the problem. for info I am using MSSQL MyLittleAdmin as database. Permissions are not the problem either.
Do you receiving any exception in your code? Please share exact exception you are receiving in your code.
You have two issues here - first: you should materialize the query (_context.Setup.ToList()) otherwise each row is materializing separately what generates a lot of communication between your app and the db. Secund: if your query (collection) will be materialized it is good idea to to stop tracking the changes in the foreach - better is to "search for the changes" just before "Save Changes" to the db
Here is the code, as I would implement it:
var setups = _context.Setup.Where(x => x.SetupID == setupItems.SetupID).ToList();
foreach (var setup in setups)
setup.SetupName = setupItems.SetupName;
I think I don't know exact context of your code - foreach through all records in the table is not very good idea :) even your exact issue is somewhere else..

Ado.net firebird commit insert new lines to table

I'm adding new lines to a database for our company's "order list" for each order created, using the firebird ado.net client. The code i've written works fine for listing items, but inserting new ones doesn't appear elsewhere (e.g. in flamerobin). What I think is happening is that the transaction isn't being committed, seeing as it's recognised within my code (can't add duplicate values).
using (FbConnection fbCon = new FbConnection)
***command w/ parameterised command string***
using (FbTransaction fbTrans = fbCon.BeginTransaction())
using FbCommand orderCommand = new FbCommand(cmdString, fbCon, fbTrans)
***Adding parameters and values***
int recordsAffected = orderCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (FbException E)
throw E
recordsAffected returns 1 but I am not able to see the updated values in flamerobin or the db management program. Am i missing something?
If anyone else runs into this problem, it's in Visual Studio's debugging settings. https://visualstudiomagazine.com/blogs/tool-tracker/2012/05/dealing-with-local-databases-or-why-your-updates-dont-stick.aspx explains pretty clearly, but basically VS makes a copy of your database in bin/Debug of your project (Ostensibly to not mess with your data) but if you actually need to use/view the data externally, either link your external application to the debug database (e.g. flamerobin). You may also need to set your project database settings to Copy if Newer if you want your updates to stay, as the default setting copies the database into the folder each time you run your c# app.

Does instantiating a DataSet object automatically create a connection to a SQL service-based database for CRUD operations?

Here is everything that I did:
In a visual studio 2013 C# project, I created a service database (.mdf file). Note: I changed the name from Database1.mdf to fghLocalDB.mdf.
I opened this database in the server explorer.
I created 2 tables called Country and CarbonDioxide using the table designer.
I added an entry to the Country table as shown by the Data Table of the Country table.
I did the following to create a DataSet my application can use. I created a Data Source by clicking on the "Project" option on the top menu bar and clicking on the "Add New Data Source ..." option from the drop down.
This is what my project files looked like at this point.
I wrote the following code in the main method thinking that this would be all I need to write to the database.
// Create a connection to the DataSet and TableAdapters that will communicate with our
// local database to handle CRUD operations.
fghLocalDBDataSet dataSet = new fghLocalDBDataSet();
fghLocalDBDataSetTableAdapters.CountryTableAdapter countryTableAdapter =
new fghLocalDBDataSetTableAdapters.CountryTableAdapter();
// Insert a row into Country table. EDIT 1 Will comment after first program run.
Console.WriteLine(countryTableAdapter.Insert("United States"));
// Actually writeback information to the database?
// dataSet.AcceptChanges(); EDIT 2 commented this as LeY suggested it was not needed.
// EDIT 3 Validation code as suggested by Ley.
var dt = new fghLocalDBDataSet.CountryDataTable();
var adapter = new fghLocalDBDataSetTableAdapters.CountryTableAdapter();
foreach (var row in dt)
// This does not get executed after a second run of the program.
// Nothing is printed to the screen.
Console.WriteLine("Id:" + row.Id + "----Name: " + row.Name);
catch(SqlException exception){
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + exception.ToString());
I ran the program and everything seemed fine.
I opened the tables by right clicking on these tables in the server explorer and pressing "Show Data Table".
The "United States" row was not added as wanted.
I think it has to do with the connectionstring. I right clicked on my project and opened properties.
Here I made sure the connection string matched that of the local database by looking at the string in the properties of the database. They are the same.
I copied and pasted the actual text for each connection string:
Connection string of project:
Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\fghLocalDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True
Connection string of actual database (.mdf file):
Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\gabriel\Source\Workspaces\Capstone\Sandbox\aduclos\QueryDataMarketConsole\QueryDataMarketConsole\fghLocalDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True
I am assuming |DataDirectory| is equal to C:\Users\gabriel\Source\Workspaces\Capstone\Sandbox\aduclos\QueryDataMarketConsole\QueryDataMarketConsole\fghLocalDB.mdf; since in the picture above when I clicked on the button to expand the Value of the connection string the connection properties window opened up and had this path for the database file name.
My question in a nutshell is does instantiating a DataSet object in the code automatically create a connection to a SQL service-based database for CRUD operations?
If not how do I connect my DataSet object to my sql database so that way I can actually write to the database when using the TableAdapters?
I read the following links:
Insert method of TableAdapter not working?
TableAdapter Insert not persisting data
Use connectionstring from web.config in source code file
Do I need an actual SqlConnection object? and how to I connect this to the DataSet & TableAdapters?
I never used tableadpter.insert() method. But I tried it on my local machine, and it works.
I can't figure out your problem based on the information you provided, sorry, but I can point you a direction.
If you created everything from wizard, you don't need to worry about the connection, the table Adapters will handle the connection for you. The connection string (you circled) will be added to your app.config file as well as your setting class automaticly. That is how your application (or you) uses it.
var countryTableAdapter = new CountryTableAdapter();
countryTableAdapter.Insert("United States");
This 2 lines of code are enough to insert the row into database if there is no exception thrown, I don't know why it doesn't work for you. Maybe the way you verify it somehow goes wrong, but you can verify it in another way.
The countryTableAdapter.Insert method will return the number of row get affected, in your case , should be one. So put the following code in , and set a breakpoint after it. if the rowAffected == 1, then the insertion works.
var rowAffected = countryTableAdapter.Insert("Test2")
If you need more confirmation , try this.
var dt = new fghLocalDBDataSet.CountryDataTable();
var adapter = new CountryTableAdapter();
foreach (var row in dt){
Console.WriteLine("Id:" + row.Id + "----Name: " + row.Name);
you will see all the records in your table.
I hope this will help.
By the way, from your code
The line of code above doesn't update the database at all. It only modify your local data storage.
it overwrites your dataRow original version using current version and change the current version row state to unchanged.
Only the tableadapters can talk to database (not true I know, but I just want to make a point that Dataset can not talk to database directly).
And I usually only need tableadapte.Update method and pass the dataSet or dataTable in with correct RowState.
The tableAdapter.update method will call AcceptChanges on each row eventually if it successfully updated the database.
You should never need to call AcceptChanges explicitly unless you only want update your dataset in memory.
I recommend you to read ADO.NET Architecture to get the big picture how DataSet and TableAdapter worked.
It was my connection string after all. In my original post, I said I had two connection strings:
Connection string in project settings:
Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\fghLocalDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True
Actual connection string in fghLocalDB.mdf file:
Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\gabriel\Source\Workspaces\Capstone\Sandbox\aduclos\QueryDataMarketConsole\QueryDataMarketConsole\fghLocalDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True
Something went wrong with
|DataDirectory| = C:\Users\gabriel\Source\Workspaces\Capstone\Sandbox\aduclos\QueryDataMarketConsole\QueryDataMarketConsole\fghLocalDB.mdf;
in my App.config.
My Solution:
What I did was copy the actual connection string of the .mdf file from the .mdf properties panel and paste it into the project properties => Settings => Value field of the connection string set up.
Afterwards I ran my code again and sure enough the data persisted in the tables.
I did not need dataSet.AcceptChanges(); as #LeY pointed out. I also did not need a TableAdapter.Update(dataset) call as posted in other solutions. I just needed the TableAdapter.Insert("...") call.
EDIT: ALSO Most importantly to answer my original question, instantiation a DataSet does not create a connection with the local database. Instead instantiating a TableAdapter does establish a connection with the database!

INSERT INTO command not working

Before I start, I'll let you know that I tried everything that has already been suggested on previous questions and other websites before I considered posting a question myself. As it happens, nothing seems to work and I'm just about fed up with this.
As some background information, this is for my Computing A2 project, so I'm kind of stuck for time now - i.e. I can't be changing loads of my code ideally.
Anyway, onto the issue...
I'm using SQLCe in my code to read from various tables and write to one. So far, the code for reading from the tables works fine, so that's any connection issues out the way first. The piece of code I am struggling with is as follows:
string connectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.BookingSystemDatabaseConnectionString;
using (SqlCeConnection myConnection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
string commandStr = "INSERT INTO bookings(username, room, time) VALUES(#username, #room, #time)";
SqlCeCommand myCommand = new SqlCeCommand(commandStr);
//Passes parameters into SQL command.
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", StaticUser.StudentUser.username);
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("room", roomBox.Text);
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("time", timeBox.Text);
//Executes SQL command. Returns the number of affected rows (unecessary for my purposes; a bi-product if you will).
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Could not write new booking to database. This is likely because the database cannot be reached.", "Error");
Program.AccessError = true;
This is just one of the many ways I have tried to combat the issue I am having. I have also explored:
myCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("username", StaticUser.StudentUser.username));
to pass the parameters...and another method which escapes me now (using ".Value = StaticUser.StudentUser.username" I think). Furthermore, I have tried using a 'using' statement for the command to save me closing the connection myself (I will probably end up using a solution that uses 'using'). Finally (albeit this isn't a chronological recollection), I tried:
SqlCeCommand myCommand = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO bookings(username, room, time) VALUES(#username, #room, #time)", myConnection)
Again, of course, to no avail.
To highlight the actual symptoms of the issue I am having: The code appears to run fine; stepping through the full method I have pasted above shows that no error is being caught (of course, the message box does not appear - I realised afterwards that stepping through was arguably an unnecessary procedure) and in the other methods I have touched on, the same thing happens. The issue, then, is that the table 'bookings' is not actually being updated.
So, my question, why?
I didn't do the obvious and check the Debug folder for an updated database.
Look for a copy of the database file in your bin/debug folder.
Use full path in connection string, and preferably do not include the sdf file in your project (or at least set build action to None)
i think you are not defining a connection for the command
mycommand.connection = connectiostring;

Why can I not see new rows added to the database?

I am trying to run a .NET project someone gave me that contains a database MDF file and uses LINQ queries in the C# code, such as:
db = new DataClasses1DataContext();
using (db)
res01 r = new res01();
r.comb_bars = 1;
r.end_dte = b_list.Last().dteTme.Date;
r.pers = pers;
r.st_dte = b_list.First().dteTme.Date;
r.sym = sym;
I see that this code runs when I debug it, but it doesn't seem like any rows were added to the database. Yet, I didn't get any errors while running the code. I am using Visual C# Express 2010. How can I see what has been added in the database MDF file that is part of the project?
Data is stored in the database file inside bin/Debug folder. Open that and check.
See this for more details on connecting to compact db
try to rebind() the grid. because the data have to be reloaded.

