Value from DropDownList will not save into SQL Server table - c#

I have a DropDownList that gets populated by a SQL Server table called tblVisa. My issue is that the values that are being populated from the SQL Server table are not being saved. Everything else gets saved except for my DropDownLists. I've tried using .SelectedValue and .Text, but it still does not work.
Here is my code
protected void PopulateVisaType()
List<ListItem> result = new List<ListItem> { new ListItem("", "") };
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand() { Connection = sqlConn, CommandText = "SELECT VisaType FROM tblVisa ORDER BY VisaType ASC" };
if (sqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
SqlDataReader read = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (read.Read())
result.Add(new ListItem(read["VisaType"].ToString(), read["VisaType"].ToString()));
DDLVisa.DataSource = result;
DDLVisa.DataValueField = "value";
DDLVisa.DataTextField = "text";
Here's my code for saving the information into the database:
protected void LbSaveProfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand() { Connection = sqlConn, CommandText = "spSaveNewProviderInformation", CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure };
if (sqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#EmployeeNumber", TbEmployeeNumber.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#SSN", TbSSN.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ContractType", DDLContractType.SelectedItem.Value);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Firstname", TbFirstname.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Lastname", TbLastname.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MiddleInitial", TbMiddleInitial.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ContractRenewalDate", TbContractRenewalDate.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Position", DDLPosition.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Specialty", DDLSpecialty.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#PrimaryDepartment", DDLPrimaryDepartment.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#SecondaryDepartment", DDLSecondaryDepartment.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Gender", DDLGender.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Birthdate", TbBirthdate.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#EmailAddress", TbEmailAddress.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#PhoneNumber", TbPhoneNumber.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Address", TbAddress.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#PassportNumber", TbPassportNumber.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Citizenship", DDLCitizenship.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Visa", DDLVisa.Text.Trim());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Status", 1);
Alert("Provider Information saved!");

You much better to provide the drop down list with column names.
So, say this:
protected void PopulateVisaType()
SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("");
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT VisaType FROM tblVisa ORDER BY VisaType ASC", sqlConn))
if (sqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
DDLVisa.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader();
DDLVisa.DataValueField = "VisaType";
DDLVisa.DataTextField = "VisaType";
//DDLVisa.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("")); // optional blank row choice
So the TextField, and the DataText field need to be a named column from the data source.
I also included an optional first blank option if you need/want/expect to have no choice.
However, keep in mind that this empty string should be translated into a null in your database if you don't allow (or want) empty strings, and want a null for that value. This applies to all of your values. (perhaps the stored procedure does this?).


Refresh DataGridView after inserting values

I have established connection and inserted values into the table.
However, I am not sure the best method to refresh the DataGridview as the values have been inserted after click button.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string theText = makeTextBox.Text;
string theText2 = modelTextBox.Text;
var value = Convert.ToInt32(yearTextBox.Text);
int i = 6;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = cnn;
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO cars(Make,Model,Year) VALUES(#Make,#Model,#Year)";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Make", theText);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Model", theText2);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Year", value);
dataGridView1.DataSource = carsBindingSource;
enter image description here
here is the code with the working solution of rebinding the datasource and then it will update:
string theText = textBox1.Text;
string theText2 = textBox2.Text;
var value = Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text);
int i = 6;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = cnn;
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO cars(Make,Model,Year) VALUES(#Make,#Model,#Year)";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Make", theText);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Model", theText2);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Year", value);
carsBindingSource = new BindingSource();
carsBindingSource.DataSource = carsTableAdapter.GetData();
dataGridView2.DataSource = carsBindingSource;
Your code is missing the part where the carsBindingSource variable is initialized with data. From your limited code, it should be noted that… if you add/insert a new row into the table in the data base, then this is NOT going to automatically update the carsBindingSource.
It is unknown “what” is used as a DataSource to the carsBindingSource. OR, how this data source is populated. I will assume the DataSource to the BindingSource is a DataTable and that somewhere in the code it is getting this DataTable from a query to the data base. If this process is not already in a single method that returns a DataTable, then, I recommend you create one, and it may look something like…
private DataTable GetCarsDT() {
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
string connString = "Server = localhost; Database = CarsDB; Trusted_Connection = True;";
try {
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString)) {
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand()) {
command.Connection = conn;
command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Cars";
using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) {
da.Fill(ds, "Cars");
return ds.Tables[0];
catch (Exception ex) {
MessageBox.Show("DBError:" + ex.Message);
return null;
Above will return a DataTable with three (3) columns, Make, Model and Year. This DataTable is used as a DataSource to the BindingSource… carsBindingBource.
Now in the button1_Click event, the code inserts the new values into the data base. However, the carsBindingSource will still contain the data “before” the new items were added to the DB. Therefore, we can simply use the method above to “update” the carsBindingSource after the new items are added to the DB.
Note: you can go two routs here, 1) as described above, simply update “all” the data in the binding source… OR … 2) after updating the new items into the data base, you can also add the new items to the binding source’s data source… i.e. its DataTable. Either way will work and unless there is a large amount of data, I do not think one way would be preferred over the other.
Below shows what is described above. Note, the commented code adds the new items directly to the DataTable. You can use either one but obviously not both.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string connString = "Server = localhost; Database = CarsDB; Trusted_Connection = True;";
try {
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString)) {
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand()) {
command.Connection = conn;
command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO cars(Make,Model,Year) VALUES(#Make,#Model,#Year)";
command.Parameters.Add("#Make", SqlDbType.NChar, 50).Value = makeTextBox.Text.Trim();
command.Parameters.Add("#Model", SqlDbType.NChar, 50).Value = modelTextBox.Text.Trim();
int.TryParse(yearTextBox.Text.Trim(), out int year);
command.Parameters.Add("#Year", SqlDbType.Int).Value = year;
carsBindingSource.DataSource = GetCarsDT();
//DataTable dt = (DataTable)carsBindingSource.DataSource;
//dt.Rows.Add(makeTextBox.Text.Trim(), modelTextBox.Text.Trim(), year);
catch (Exception ex) {
MessageBox.Show("DBError:" + ex.Message);
Putting all this together…
BindingSource carsBindingSource;
public Form1() {
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
carsBindingSource = new BindingSource();
carsBindingSource.DataSource = GetCarsDT();
dataGridView1.DataSource = carsBindingSource;
Hope this makes sense.
I dont think its possible. You may need to create a separate button to submit and then refresh the data

Query Runs in Ms Access Database But Not When Executed From Application

Query with parameters works perfectly in ms access database. But when I supply the same parameters from C# winforms application it returns no records.
If the parameter is passed to the query then it will use that parameter in where clause, otherwise it will retrieve all records.
bus table sample data:
Ms-Access Query:
PARAMETERS parPlateNo Text ( 255 );
SELECT bus.*
FROM bus
WHERE (((bus.plateNo) Like IIf(IsNull([parPlateNo]), True ,"%" & [parPlateNo] & "%")));
C# Code:
using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(myGlobals.connString))
using (OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter())
using (OleDbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.CommandText = "qryBus";
if(plateNo == "")
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", DBNull.Value);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", plateNo);
adapter.SelectCommand = cmd;
dsDetails = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill(dsDetails, "details");
PlateNo is a text column.
Remarks: If I remove the like statement in ms access query and run the same code in C#, it will run perfectly and retrieve all the records in table.
After that, I display the data in datagridview using bindingsource.
Why this is happening?
You using oleDB. You have to change that query and use % as wild cards. DAO, and native Access you use *, but for ADO, or oleDB, you have to use % as the wild cards.
Here are a couple of examples that should help you get this up and running.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Server=Your_Server_Name;Database=AdventureWorksLT2012;Trusted_Connection=True");
cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into [dbo].[Student] values(#a,#b,#c)", con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#a", int.Parse(textBox1.Text));
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#b", textBox2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#c", textBox3.Text);
a = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (a > 0)
MessageBox.Show("Data Submited");
catch (Exception ex)
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Server=Your_Server_Name;Database=AdventureWorksLT2012;Trusted_Connection=True");
cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from student where sid=#a", con);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
if (dr.Read())
textBox1.Text = dr["sid"].ToString();
textBox2.Text = dr["fname"].ToString();
textBox3.Text = dr["lname"].ToString();
//label1.Text = dr["cdate"].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)

How to insert value from gridview into database

I have two tables in a SQL Server database. I select from table ADMS and I need to insert master table by gridview but I dont know how to insert with gridview. Please help. I've tried for many days and I did not pass yet
protected void Button3_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (RadioButton2.Checked)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(MyConnectionString);
// con.Open(); // don't need the Open, the Fill will open and close the connection automatically
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM ADMS_Machining where datetime='" + TextBox1.Text + "'", con);
mytable = new DataTable();
GridView2.DataSource = mytable;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(MyConnectionString);
// con.Open(); // don't need the Open, the Fill will open and close the connection automatically
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Machining_Master where datetime='" + TextBox1.Text + "'", con);
mytable = new DataTable();
GridView2.DataSource = mytable;
protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
String strConnString, strSQL;
strConnString = "Server=kane-pc;UID=sa;PASSWORD=1234;Database=Machining;Max Pool Size=400;Connect Timeout=600;";
conn.ConnectionString = conn;
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = strSQL;
You can extract values from a grid view depending on what you have placed in the cells...
string value = this.GridView2.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text;
You can also track the selected row event, and get specific controls like the following...
protected void OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string someValueTakenFromLabel = (GridView2.SelectedRow.FindControl("lblAnyLabelHere") as Label).Text;
// .... do something with value here
I suggest you go through some tutorials though to get the hang of how to use GridView.
You have to first read data from cells and then insert them into database using SqlCommand.
Assuming that you have M_ID and M_NAME columns in your Machining_Master table you can insert values to database as below:
//Assuming that your id column is first column and name is second column
//get value of id and name
int mId = Convert.ToInt32(GridView2.SelectedRow.Cells[0].Text);
string mName = GridView2.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text;
string connectionStrng = "your connection string";
string insertSql = "INSERT INTO Machining_Master (M_ID, M_NAME) VALUES (#mId, #mName)";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionStrng))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertSql, conn))
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("mId", mId));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("mName", mName));
//Close connection

Using a literal to display results from query

I'm trying to display multiple rows from a query into a literal in c#. Here is my code for doing so:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RaiseFantasyLeagueConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("[dbo].[GetUsersLeagues]", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
string userId = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString();
SqlParameter userIDParam = new SqlParameter("#userId", userId);
SqlDataReader dReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
while (dReader.Read())
usersLeagues.Text = (dReader["LeagueName"].ToString());
My issue is that the literal is only displaying one of the rows, i've tried this with a list box and all rows were displayed.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
You are replacing the value of the Text property on each iteration:
while (dReader.Read())
usersLeagues.Text = (dReader["LeagueName"].ToString());
Instead of that, you need to concatenate the values on each iteration:
while (dReader.Read())
usersLeagues.Text += (dReader["LeagueName"].ToString()) + Environment.NewLine;
In the above example, using += causes an append to the current value of usersLeagues.Text, instead of a replacement.

How to retrieve the values in form from SQL Server 2005

I want the user entered values to get displayed in the form again.. my values get entered into the SQL Server database, but I don't know how to retrieve the values again in the form.. my code is:
SqlDataReader rdr = null;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=Si-6\\SQLSERVER2005;Initial Catalog=emp;Integrated Security=SSPI");
SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand ("insert into timeday(project,iteration,activity,description,status,hour)values('"+this .name1 .SelectedValue +"','"+this .iteration .SelectedValue +"','"+this .activity .SelectedValue +"','"+this.name2.Text+"','"+this.status .SelectedValue +"','"+this .Text1 .Text +"')",conn );
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
if (rdr != null)
if (conn != null)
You should:
avoid SQL injection and don't just concatenate together your SQL statements! Use parametrized queries instead!
put your SqlConnection and SqlCommand objects into using blocks
when you want to call an INSERT statement, definitely do not call .ExecuteReader() on your SqlCommand - use .ExecuteNonQuery() instead...
Try something like this:
string connStr = "Data Source=Silverage-6\\SQLSERVER2005;Initial Catalog=emp;Integrated Security=SSPI";
string queryStmt =
"INSERT INTO dbo.timeday(project, iteration, activity, description, status, hour) " +
"VALUES(#Project, #Iteration, #Activity, #Description, #Status, #Hour)";
using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
using(SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(queryStmt, conn))
_cmd.Parameters.Add("#Project", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);
_cmd.Parameters["#Project"].Value = this.name1.SelectedValue.Trim();
// add other parameters the same way....
int result = _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
It would be even better if you:
would retrieve the connection string from a config file once, centrally, and just pass it into this method
would retrieve the values to set from your web UI in your UI code, and then call this business method on a business logic object and pass in the values you've determined
Right now, you're wildly mixing UI code (retrieving the values from the dropdowns and textboxes) with database/business logic code - this is not a very solid design.....
Update: if you want to retrieve values and display them, you can use something like this:
public DataTable GetDataForProject(string projectName)
string connStr = "Data Source=Silverage-6\\SQLSERVER2005;Initial Catalog=emp;Integrated Security=SSPI";
string queryStmt =
"SELECT project, iteration, activity, description, status, hour " +
"FROM dbo.timeday " +
"WHERE project = #project";
DataTable resultTable = new DataTable();
using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
using(SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(queryStmt, conn))
_cmd.Parameters.Add("#Project", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);
_cmd.Parameters["#Project"].Value = projectName;
SqlDataAdapter dap = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd);
return resultTable;
Of course:
you might want to select based on other criteria (that would show up in your WHERE clause)
maybe you want to use a SqlDataReader and read that data into domain objects (instead of a DataTable)
but the basic setup - have a specific method, pass in criteria, read the data with SqlConnection and SqlCommand in using blocks - will remain the same.
Once you have the DataTable, you can bind it to an ASP.NET gridview:
DataTable projectData = GetDataForProject("MyProject");
gridView1.DataSource = projectData;
After inserting you need to write a query to retrieve records.
Write this
SqlDataReader rdr = null;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=Silverage-6\\SQLSERVER2005;Initial Catalog=emp;Integrated Security=SSPI");
SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand ();
cmd.CommandText="insert into timeday(project,iteration,activity,description,status,hour)values('"+this .name1 .SelectedValue +"','"+this .iteration .SelectedValue +"','"+this .activity .SelectedValue +"','"+this.name2.Text+"','"+this.status .SelectedValue +"','"+this .Text1 .Text +"')";
int i=cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
cmd.CommandText="Select * from timeday";
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
if (rdr != null)
if (conn != null)

