convert integer to hex as unit with prefix [duplicate] - c#

How can I convert the following?
2934 (integer) to B76 (hex)
Let me explain what I am trying to do. I have User IDs in my database that are stored as integers. Rather than having users reference their IDs I want to let them use the hex value. The main reason is because it's shorter.
So not only do I need to go from integer to hex but I also need to go from hex to integer.
Is there an easy way to do this in C#?

// Store integer 182
int intValue = 182;
// Convert integer 182 as a hex in a string variable
string hexValue = intValue.ToString("X");
// Convert the hex string back to the number
int intAgain = int.Parse(hexValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
HINT (from the comments):
Use .ToString("X4") to get exactly 4 digits with leading 0, or .ToString("x4") for lowercase hex numbers (likewise for more digits).

int myInt = 2934;
string myHex = myInt.ToString("X"); // Gives you hexadecimal
int myNewInt = Convert.ToInt32(myHex, 16); // Back to int again.
See How to: Convert Between Hexadecimal Strings and Numeric Types (C# Programming Guide) for more information and examples.

Try the following to convert it to hex
public static string ToHex(this int value) {
return String.Format("0x{0:X}", value);
And back again
public static int FromHex(string value) {
// strip the leading 0x
if ( value.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
value = value.Substring(2);
return Int32.Parse(value, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

int valInt = 12;
Console.WriteLine(valInt.ToString("X")); // C ~ possibly single-digit output
Console.WriteLine(valInt.ToString("X2")); // 0C ~ always double-digit output

string HexFromID(int ID)
return ID.ToString("X");
int IDFromHex(string HexID)
return int.Parse(HexID, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
I really question the value of this, though. You're stated goal is to make the value shorter, which it will, but that isn't a goal in itself. You really mean either make it easier to remember or easier to type.
If you mean easier to remember, then you're taking a step backwards. We know it's still the same size, just encoded differently. But your users won't know that the letters are restricted to 'A-F', and so the ID will occupy the same conceptual space for them as if the letter 'A-Z' were allowed. So instead of being like memorizing a telephone number, it's more like memorizing a GUID (of equivalent length).
If you mean typing, instead of being able to use the keypad the user now must use the main part of the keyboard. It's likely to be more difficult to type, because it won't be a word their fingers recognize.
A much better option is to actually let them pick a real username.

To Hex:
string hex = intValue.ToString("X");
To int:
int intValue = int.Parse(hex, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)

I created my own solution for converting int to Hex string and back before I found this answer. Not surprisingly, it's considerably faster than the .net solution since there's less code overhead.
/// <summary>
/// Convert an integer to a string of hexidecimal numbers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">The int to convert to Hex representation</param>
/// <param name="len">number of digits in the hex string. Pads with leading zeros.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static String IntToHexString(int n, int len)
char[] ch = new char[len--];
for (int i = len; i >= 0; i--)
ch[len - i] = ByteToHexChar((byte)((uint)(n >> 4 * i) & 15));
return new String(ch);
/// <summary>
/// Convert a byte to a hexidecimal char
/// </summary>
/// <param name="b"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static char ByteToHexChar(byte b)
if (b < 0 || b > 15)
throw new Exception("IntToHexChar: input out of range for Hex value");
return b < 10 ? (char)(b + 48) : (char)(b + 55);
/// <summary>
/// Convert a hexidecimal string to an base 10 integer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static int HexStringToInt(String str)
int value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
value += HexCharToInt(str[i]) << ((str.Length - 1 - i) * 4);
return value;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a hex char to it an integer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ch"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static int HexCharToInt(char ch)
if (ch < 48 || (ch > 57 && ch < 65) || ch > 70)
throw new Exception("HexCharToInt: input out of range for Hex value");
return (ch < 58) ? ch - 48 : ch - 55;
Timing code:
static void Main(string[] args)
int num = 3500;
long start = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
for (int i = 0; i < 2000000; i++)
if (num != HexStringToInt(IntToHexString(num, 3)))
Console.WriteLine(num + " = " + HexStringToInt(IntToHexString(num, 3)));
long end = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
Console.WriteLine(((double)end - (double)start)/(double)System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency);
for (int i = 0; i < 2000000; i++)
if (num != Convert.ToInt32(num.ToString("X3"), 16))
end = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
Console.WriteLine(((double)end - (double)start)/(double)System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency);
Digits : MyCode : .Net
1 : 0.21 : 0.45
2 : 0.31 : 0.56
4 : 0.51 : 0.78
6 : 0.70 : 1.02
8 : 0.90 : 1.25

Very well explained and few programming lines
// Store integer 182
int intValue = 182;
// Convert integer 182 as a hex in a string variable
string hexValue = intValue.ToString("X");
// Convert the hex string back to the number
int intAgain = int.Parse(hexValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
Something from the old school very old procedure of pascal converted to C #
/// <summary>
/// Conver number from Decadic to Hexadecimal
/// </summary>
/// <param name="w"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string MakeHex(int w)
char[] b = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
char[] S = new char[7];
S[0] = b[(w >> 24) & 15];
S[1] = b[(w >> 20) & 15];
S[2] = b[(w >> 16) & 15];
S[3] = b[(w >> 12) & 15];
S[4] = b[(w >> 8) & 15];
S[5] = b[(w >> 4) & 15];
S[6] = b[w & 15];
string _MakeHex = new string(S, 0, S.Count());
return _MakeHex;
catch (Exception ex)

Print integer in hex-value with zero-padding (if needed) :
int intValue = 1234;
Console.WriteLine("{0,0:D4} {0,0:X3}", intValue);

Like #Joel C, I think this is an AB problem.
There’s an existing algorithm that I think suits the need as described better which is uuencode, which I’m sure has many public domain implementations, perhaps tweaked to eliminate characters that looks very similar like 0/O. Likely to produce significantly shorter strings. I think this is what URL shorteners use.

int to hex:
int a = 72;
Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", a);
hex to int:
int b = 0xB76;


How to remove a char from a string, based on its codepage index?

I am writing a .NET-software in C# that should transfer data from one database to another.
Every character with an index greater than 127 of codepage 1252 causes trouble in the target database, so I want to remove those characters from the values (strings), before I write them into the target database.
I have been searching and trying a lot, but until now I have only found solutions for doing that for ASCII or UTF indexes. I need a solution for indexes of codepage 1252.
Edit: here is my closest approach so far:
protected string GetSqlValue(string input, bool isStringValue = true)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) return "''";
//TODO: remove all characters with an index greater than 127 in codepage 1252.
Encoding targetEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
byte[] tmp = targetEncoding.GetBytes(input);
for (int i=0;i<tmp.Length;i++)
if (tmp[i] > 127) tmp = tmp.Where((source, index) => index != i).ToArray();
input = targetEncoding.GetString(tmp);
if (isStringValue) return "'" + input + "'";
else return input;
Before I show you a solution to your question, I'd suggest, that you have a look at your encodings (in DB and Code) and solve those problems instead of removing chars.
Your solution ignores that a single char can be represented by multiple bytes. Here a unicode example:
Console.WriteLine("a: " + string.Join("-", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("a").Select(s => s.ToString("X2"))));
Console.WriteLine("€: " + string.Join("-", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("€").Select(s => s.ToString("X2"))));
You have to check every char in your string and choose only those which match your requirement.
static void Main(string[] args)
string str = "abc€def!\"§$%&/()=?`";
var enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
Console.WriteLine("All: " + str);
// Select all chars which have a total value below 128
IEnumerable<char> chars = str.Where(s => ConvertLittleEndian(enc.GetBytes(s + "")) < 128);
// reassamble string
Console.WriteLine("Reduced: " + String.Concat(chars));
static ulong ConvertLittleEndian(byte[] array)
int pos = 0;
ulong result = 0;
foreach (byte by in array)
result |= ((ulong)by) << pos;
pos += 8;
return result;
The static method ConvertLittleEndian() is a copy of the first answer from this question:
Convert byte array to int
I have to admit that I have been mistaken about the origin of my problem.
It turned out that some data also contained several aposthophes. Those destroyed the DDL and DML statements for the target database.
I also had to prevent German umlauts from been deleted too.
so the final version of my methods now looks like this:
/// <summary>
/// Gets the SQL value as German characters of codepage 1252.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The string to convert for the target database.</param>
/// <param name="isStringValue">if set to <c>true</c> return encapsulated in single quotation marks.</param>
/// <returns>"''", or the value itself.</returns>
protected string GetSqlValue(string input, bool isStringValue = true)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) return "''";
Encoding targetEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
// Remove all characters that are not part of codepage 1252.
input = targetEncoding.GetString(targetEncoding.GetBytes(input));
// Remove unsupported special characters.
byte[] tmp = targetEncoding.GetBytes(input);
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)
// Don't delete German umlauts.
if (tmp[i] == 0xc4 /* Ä */ || tmp[i] == 0xe4 /* ä */ || tmp[i] == 0xd6 /* Ö */ || tmp[i] == 0xf6 /* ö */ || tmp[i] == 0xdc /* Ü */ || tmp[i] == 0xfc /* ü */) continue;
// Delete non German characters and all kind of apostrophes.
if (tmp[i] >= 0x80 || tmp[i] < 0x20 || tmp[i] == 0x27 || tmp[i] == 0x60) tmp = tmp.Where((source, index) => index != i).ToArray();
input = targetEncoding.GetString(tmp);
if (isStringValue) return "'" + input + "'";
else return input;
Thank you very much for your help.
P.S.: I know this question was not as it should have been. I will do better once I get more into how things should be done here.

Changing integer bits

Ok, I have N = integer, P = position,V = 0 or 1
I have to change the bit at position P of integer N with the value V
I'm trying with
N = 5 (101)
P = 2 (takes the 1)
V = 0 (has to make it a zero)
and the result is 97 (1100 0001) (should be 0000 0001)
I think the problem is from the mask because when I write it in the console its -5 (as it should be) but if I parse it, to see its bits I get an error (overflow)
the program is in the making so I'm currently working on V = 0 so don't try with 1
Yesterday I posted a question and a lot of people posted sh*t like "this is not a question - you want us to solve u your problem" - No, I don't want you to solve me the problem I want to know why after int result = mask & integerBinary; I get 97 and not 1
using System;
class ChangeBit
static void Main()
Console.Write("(n) Type an integer: ");
string integerLine = Console.ReadLine(); // Read string from console
Console.Write("(p) Type position: ");
string positionLine = Console.ReadLine(); // Read string from console
Console.Write("(v) Type 0 or 1: ");
string valueLine = Console.ReadLine(); // Read string from console
int value;
int integer;
int position;
if (int.TryParse(integerLine, out integer) && int.TryParse(positionLine, out position) && int.TryParse(valueLine, out value)) // Try to parse the strings as integers
int integerBinary = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(integer, 2));
int bitValue = ((1 << position) & integerBinary) >> position;
int mask = ~(1 << position);
if (value==0)
int result = mask & integerBinary;
Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", result);
else Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", integer);
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input.");
Much easier:
if (int.TryParse(integerLine, out integer) && int.TryParse(positionLine, out position) && int.TryParse(valueLine, out value)) // Try to parse the strings as integers
BitArray a = new BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(integer));
a.Set(position, value == 1);
Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", a.GetInt32());
With GetInt32 declared :
internal static class BitArrayEx
internal static int GetInt32(this BitArray bitArray)
int[] array = new int[1];
bitArray.CopyTo(array, 0);
return array[0];
integer ^ ((-value ^ integer) & (1 << position))
This will check if the bit is set and, if so, will change its value using the bitwise operator ^.
You are mixing binary string representation with binary integers:
int integerBinary = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(integer, 2));
after this line integerBinary is 101 because you have converted it from binary string representation "101" of 5. After that all integers operation are invalid as such 101 makes no sense.
this code has two problems
int integerBinary = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(integer, 2));
does not need, cause the input integer is can be directly used to do logic operation,
and this line does not mean convert integer to its binary format, after this line integer has become a different number
else Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", integer);
if value is 1 you still need to do some thing( if the original position is 0)
so the right code maybe
if (int.TryParse(integerLine, out integer) && int.TryParse(positionLine, out position) && int.TryParse(valueLine, out value)) // Try to parse the strings as integers
int mask= (1<< position);
int temp = mask | integer;
int mask2 = ~((1-value)<<position);
int result = mask2 & temp;
result = mask & result;
Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", result);

How do sites like or jsfiddle generate their URL codes?

I would like to generate a code like and jsfiddle websites (
I tried different things that give me too large of a guid, a repeating alphanumeric code, etc.
I'm thinking I should be able to generate an alphanumeric code based on the Primary Key in my database table. This way it will be non-repeating? The PK is an auto-incremented integer by 1. But not sure that's how it should be done.
I want the code to look random, but it does NOT have to be.
For example, I do NOT want item 1234 in my database to be BCDE and the 1235 item to be BCDF.
Notice how the url has a unique 5 character code XzKvP associated to the page. I want to be able to generate the same type of code. does it too: has UEhtg
How is this done?
The solutions based on a random substring are no good because the outputs will collide. It may happen prematurely (with bad luck), and it will eventually happen when the list of generated values grows large. It doesn't even have to be that large for the probability of collisions to become high (see birthday attack).
What's good for this problem is a pseudo random permutation between the incrementing ID and its counterpart that will be shown in the URL. This technique guarantees that a collision is impossible, while still generating into an output space that is as small as the input space.
I suggest this C# version of a Feistel cipher with 32 bits blocks, 3 rounds and a round function that is inspired by pseudo-random generators.
private static double RoundFunction(uint input)
// Must be a function in the mathematical sense (x=y implies f(x)=f(y))
// but it doesn't have to be reversible.
// Must return a value between 0 and 1
return ((1369 * input + 150889) % 714025) / 714025.0;
private static uint PermuteId(uint id)
uint l1=(id>>16)&65535;
uint r1=id&65535;
uint l2, r2;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l2 = r1;
r2 = l1 ^ (uint)(RoundFunction(r1) * 65535);
l1 = l2;
r1 = r2;
return ((r1 << 16) + l1);
To express the permuted ID in a base62 string:
private static string GenerateCode(uint id)
return ToBase62(PermuteId(id));
The Base62 function is the same as the previous answer except that is takes uint instead of int (otherwise these functions would have to be rewritten to deal with negative values).
Customizing the algorithm
RoundFunction is the secret sauce of the algorithm. You may change it to a non-public version, possibly including a secret key. The Feistel network has two very nice properties:
even if the supplied RoundFunction is not reversible, the algorithm guarantees that PermuteId() will be a permutation in the mathematical sense (wich implies zero collision).
changing the expression inside the round function even lightly will change drastically the list of final output values.
Beware that putting something too trivial in the round expression would ruin the pseudo-random effect, although it would still work in terms of uniqueness of each PermuteId output. Also, an expression that wouldn't be a function in the mathematical sense would be incompatible with the algorithm, so for instance anything involving random() is not allowed.
In its current form, the PermuteId function is its own inverse, which means that:
So given a short string produced by the program, if you convert it back to uint with a FromBase62 function, and give that as input to PermuteId(), that will return the corresponding initial ID. That's pretty cool if you don't have a database to store the [internal-ID / shortstring] relationships: they don't actually need to be stored!
Producing even shorter strings
The range of the above function is 32 bits, that is about 4 billion values from 0 to 2^32-1. To express that range in base62, 6 characters are needed.
With only 5 characters, we could hope to represent at most 62^5 values, which is a bit under 1 billion. Should the output string be limited to 5 characters, the code should be tweaked as follows:
find N such that N is even and 2^N is as high as possible but lower than 62^5. That's 28, so our real output range that fits in 62^5 is going to be 2^28 or about 268 million values.
in PermuteId, use 28/2=14 bits values for l1 and r1 instead of 16 bits, while being careful to not ignore a single bit of the input (which must be less than 2^28).
multiply the result of RoundFunction by 16383 instead of 65535, to stay within the 14 bits range.
at the end of PermuteId, recombine r1 and l1 to form a 14+14=28 bits value instead of 32.
The same method could be applied for 4 characters, with an output range of 2^22, or about 4 million values.
What does it look like
In the version above, the first 10 produced strings starting with id=1 are:
If I make a trivial change in the round function, that becomes:
You can think of the five-letter code as a number in base-62 notation: your "digits" are 26 lowercase and 26 uppercase letters, and digits from 0 to 9. (26+26+10) digits in total. Given a number from 0 to 62^5 (which equals 916132832) (say, your primary key) you can do the conversion to a five-digit base-62 as follows:
private static char Base62Digit(int d) {
if (d < 26) {
return (char)('a'+d);
} else if (d < 52) {
return (char)('A'+d-26);
} else if (d < 62) {
return (char)('0'+d-52);
} else {
throw new ArgumentException("d");
static string ToBase62(int n) {
var res = "";
while (n != 0) {
res = Base62Digit(n%62) + res;
n /= 62;
return res;
private static int Base62Decode(char c) {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
return 52 + c - '0';
} else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
return 26 + c - 'A';
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
return c - 'a';
} else {
throw new ArgumentException("c");
static int FromBase62(string s) {
return s.Aggregate(0, (current, c) => current*62 + Base62Decode(c));
Here is how to generate cryptographically strong random numbers (you need to add a reference to System.Security):
private static readonly RNGCryptoServiceProvider crypto =
new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
private static int NextRandom() {
var buf = new byte[4];
return buf.Aggregate(0, (p, v) => (p << 8) + v) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
This is what I ended up doing
(Updated since Daniel Vérité's answer):
class Program
private static double RoundFunction(uint input)
// Must be a function in the mathematical sense (x=y implies f(x)=f(y))
// but it doesn't have to be reversible.
// Must return a value between 0 and 1
return ((1369 * input + 150889) % 714025) / 714025.0;
private static char Base62Digit(uint d)
if (d < 26)
return (char)('a' + d);
else if (d < 52)
return (char)('A' + d - 26);
else if (d < 62)
return (char)('0' + d - 52);
throw new ArgumentException("d");
private static string ToBase62(uint n)
var res = "";
while (n != 0)
res = Base62Digit(n % 62) + res;
n /= 62;
return res;
private static uint PermuteId(uint id)
uint l1 = (id >> 16) & 65535;
uint r1 = id & 65535;
uint l2, r2;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l2 = r1;
r2 = l1 ^ (uint)(RoundFunction(r1) * 65535);
l1 = l2;
r1 = r2;
return ((r1 << 16) + l1);
private static string GenerateCode(uint id)
return ToBase62(PermuteId(id));
static void Main(string[] args)
for (uint x = 1; x < 1000000; x += 1)
Console.Write(GenerateCode(x) + ",");
catch (Exception err)
Console.WriteLine("error: " + err.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Press 'Enter' to continue...");

Modulo from very large int C#

I'm having a problem with modulo from int which has 31 chars. It seems to bug out on
Int64 convertedNumber = Int64.Parse(mergedNumber); with Value was either too large or too small for an Int64. (Overflow Exception). How to fix it so that modulo doesn't bug out ?
class GeneratorRachunkow {
private static string numerRozliczeniowyBanku = "11111155"; // 8 chars
private static string identyfikatorNumeruRachunku = "7244"; // 4 chars
private static string stalaBanku = "562100"; // 6 chars
public static string generator(string pesel, string varKlientID) {
string peselSubstring = pesel.Substring(pesel.Length - 5); // 5 chars (from the end of the string);
string toAttach = varKlientID + peselSubstring;
string indywidualnyNumerRachunku = string.Format("{0}", toAttach.ToString().PadLeft(13, '0')); // merging pesel with klient id and adding 0 to the begining to match 13 chars
string mergedNumber = numerRozliczeniowyBanku + identyfikatorNumeruRachunku + indywidualnyNumerRachunku + stalaBanku; // merging everything -> 31 chars
Int64 convertedNumber = Int64.Parse(mergedNumber);
Int64 modulo = MathMod(convertedNumber, 97);
Int64 wynik = 98 - modulo;
string wynikString = string.Format("{0}", wynik.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')); // must be 2 chars
indywidualnyNumerRachunku = wynikString + numerRozliczeniowyBanku + identyfikatorNumeruRachunku + indywidualnyNumerRachunku;
return indywidualnyNumerRachunku;
private static Int64 MathMod(Int64 a, Int64 b) {
return (Math.Abs(a * b) + a) % b;
The max value for Int64 is 9223372036854775807 (19 characters when printed). You will probably want to use BigInteger instead (which was introduced in .NET 4):
public static string generator(string pesel, string varKlientID) {
// I have cut some code here to keep it short
BigInteger convertedNumber;
if (BigInteger.TryParse(mergedNumber , out convertedNumber))
BigInteger modulo = convertedNumber % 97;
// The rest of the method goes here...
// string could not be parsed to BigInteger; handle gracefully
private static BigInteger MathMod(BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
return (BigInteger.Abs(a * b) + a) % b;
Int64.MaxValue is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 that's 19 characters. So you just can't fit that in. I suggest looking at this question for working with big numbers.
Try this function instead of "MathMod":
static int ModString(string x, int y)
if (x.Length == 0)
return 0;
string x2 = x.Substring(0,x.Length - 1); // first digits
int x3 = int.Parse(x.Substring(x.Length - 1)); // last digit
return (ModString(x2, y) * 10 + x3) % y;
(since all of your numbers are positive, there is no point in using Math.Abs, as in your original MathMod function).
Use it this way:
modulo = ModString(mergedNumber,97);
This should works with all versions of .NET since 1.1, without the need of BigInteger.
The answer you are looking for is demonstrated here. It includes various manners to calculate the modulus for huge numbers. I used similar methods as described here for international bank account numbers.
A direct link to someone who has a copy pastable method is here.

Quickest way to convert a base 10 number to any base in .NET?

I have and old(ish) C# method I wrote that takes a number and converts it to any base:
string ConvertToBase(int number, char[] baseChars);
It's not all that super speedy and neat. Is there a good, known way of achieving this in .NET?
I'm looking for something that allows me to use any base with an arbitrary string of characters to use.
This only allows bases 16, 10, 8 and 2:
Convert.ToString(1, x);
I want to use this to achieve a massively high base taking advantage of numbers, all lower case and all upper case letters. Like in this thread, but for C# not JavaScript.
Does anyone know of a good and efficient way of doing this in C#?
Convert.ToString can be used to convert a number to its equivalent string representation in a specified base.
string binary = Convert.ToString(5, 2); // convert 5 to its binary representation
Console.WriteLine(binary); // prints 101
However, as pointed out by the comments, Convert.ToString only supports the following limited - but typically sufficient - set of bases: 2, 8, 10, or 16.
Update (to meet the requirement to convert to any base):
I'm not aware of any method in the BCL which is capable to convert numbers to any base so you would have to write your own small utility function. A simple sample would look like that (note that this surely can be made faster by replacing the string concatenation):
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// convert to binary
string binary = IntToString(42, new char[] { '0', '1' });
// convert to hexadecimal
string hex = IntToString(42,
new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'});
// convert to hexavigesimal (base 26, A-Z)
string hexavigesimal = IntToString(42,
Enumerable.Range('A', 26).Select(x => (char)x).ToArray());
// convert to sexagesimal
string xx = IntToString(42,
new char[] { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',
public static string IntToString(int value, char[] baseChars)
string result = string.Empty;
int targetBase = baseChars.Length;
result = baseChars[value % targetBase] + result;
value = value / targetBase;
while (value > 0);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// An optimized method using an array as buffer instead of
/// string concatenation. This is faster for return values having
/// a length > 1.
/// </summary>
public static string IntToStringFast(int value, char[] baseChars)
// 32 is the worst cast buffer size for base 2 and int.MaxValue
int i = 32;
char[] buffer = new char[i];
int targetBase= baseChars.Length;
buffer[--i] = baseChars[value % targetBase];
value = value / targetBase;
while (value > 0);
char[] result = new char[32 - i];
Array.Copy(buffer, i, result, 0, 32 - i);
return new string(result);
Update 2 (Performance Improvement)
Using an array buffer instead of string concatenation to build the result string gives a performance improvement especially on large number (see method IntToStringFast). In the best case (i.e. the longest possible input) this method is roughly three times faster. However, for 1-digit numbers (i.e. 1-digit in the target base), IntToString will be faster.
I recently blogged about this. My implementation does not use any string operations during the calculations, which makes it very fast. Conversion to any numeral system with base from 2 to 36 is supported:
/// <summary>
/// Converts the given decimal number to the numeral system with the
/// specified radix (in the range [2, 36]).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="decimalNumber">The number to convert.</param>
/// <param name="radix">The radix of the destination numeral system (in the range [2, 36]).</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string DecimalToArbitrarySystem(long decimalNumber, int radix)
const int BitsInLong = 64;
const string Digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
if (radix < 2 || radix > Digits.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("The radix must be >= 2 and <= " + Digits.Length.ToString());
if (decimalNumber == 0)
return "0";
int index = BitsInLong - 1;
long currentNumber = Math.Abs(decimalNumber);
char[] charArray = new char[BitsInLong];
while (currentNumber != 0)
int remainder = (int)(currentNumber % radix);
charArray[index--] = Digits[remainder];
currentNumber = currentNumber / radix;
string result = new String(charArray, index + 1, BitsInLong - index - 1);
if (decimalNumber < 0)
result = "-" + result;
return result;
I've also implemented a fast inverse function in case anyone needs it too:
Arbitrary to Decimal Numeral System.
I am late to the party, but I compounded previous answers and improved over them. I think these two methods are faster than any others posted so far. I was able to convert 1,000,000 numbers from and to base 36 in under 400ms in a single core machine.
Example below is for base 62. Change the BaseChars array to convert from and to any other base.
private static readonly char[] BaseChars =
private static readonly Dictionary<char, int> CharValues = BaseChars
.Select((c,i)=>new {Char=c, Index=i})
public static string LongToBase(long value)
long targetBase = BaseChars.Length;
// Determine exact number of characters to use.
char[] buffer = new char[Math.Max(
(int) Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(value + 1, targetBase)), 1)];
var i = buffer.Length;
buffer[--i] = BaseChars[value % targetBase];
value = value / targetBase;
while (value > 0);
return new string(buffer, i, buffer.Length - i);
public static long BaseToLong(string number)
char[] chrs = number.ToCharArray();
int m = chrs.Length - 1;
int n = BaseChars.Length, x;
long result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < chrs.Length; i++)
x = CharValues[ chrs[i] ];
result += x * (long)Math.Pow(n, m--);
return result;
EDIT (2018-07-12)
Fixed to address the corner case found by #AdrianBotor (see comments) converting 46655 to base 36. This is caused by a small floating-point error calculating Math.Log(46656, 36) which is exactly 3, but .NET returns 3 + 4.44e-16, which causes an extra character in the output buffer.
One can also use slightly modified version of the accepted one and adjust base characters string to it's needs:
public static string Int32ToString(int value, int toBase)
string result = string.Empty;
result = "0123456789ABCDEF"[value % toBase] + result;
value /= toBase;
while (value > 0);
return result;
Very late to the party on this one, but I wrote the following helper class recently for a project at work. It was designed to convert short strings into numbers and back again (a simplistic perfect hash function), however it will also perform number conversion between arbitrary bases. The Base10ToString method implementation answers the question that was originally posted.
The shouldSupportRoundTripping flag passed to the class constructor is needed to prevent the loss of leading digits from the number string during conversion to base-10 and back again (crucial, given my requirements!). Most of the time the loss of leading 0s from the number string probably won't be an issue.
Anyway, here's the code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace StackOverflow
/// <summary>
/// Contains methods used to convert numbers between base-10 and another numbering system.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This conversion class makes use of a set of characters that represent the digits used by the target
/// numbering system. For example, binary would use the digits 0 and 1, whereas hex would use the digits
/// 0 through 9 plus A through F. The digits do not have to be numerals.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The first digit in the sequence has special significance. If the number passed to the
/// <see cref="StringToBase10"/> method has leading digits that match the first digit, then those leading
/// digits will effectively be 'lost' during conversion. Much of the time this won't matter. For example,
/// "0F" hex will be converted to 15 decimal, but when converted back to hex it will become simply "F",
/// losing the leading "0". However, if the set of digits was A through Z, and the number "ABC" was
/// converted to base-10 and back again, then the leading "A" would be lost. The <see cref="System.Boolean"/>
/// flag passed to the constructor allows 'round-tripping' behaviour to be supported, which will prevent
/// leading digits from being lost during conversion.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// Note that numeric overflow is probable when using longer strings and larger digit sets.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public class Base10Converter
const char NullDigit = '\0';
public Base10Converter(string digits, bool shouldSupportRoundTripping = false)
: this(digits.ToCharArray(), shouldSupportRoundTripping)
public Base10Converter(IEnumerable<char> digits, bool shouldSupportRoundTripping = false)
if (digits == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("digits");
if (digits.Count() == 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
message: "The sequence is empty.",
paramName: "digits"
if (!digits.Distinct().SequenceEqual(digits))
throw new ArgumentException(
message: "There are duplicate characters in the sequence.",
paramName: "digits"
if (shouldSupportRoundTripping)
digits = (new[] { NullDigit }).Concat(digits);
_digitToIndexMap =
.Select((digit, index) => new { digit, index })
.ToDictionary(keySelector: x => x.digit, elementSelector: x => x.index);
_radix = _digitToIndexMap.Count;
_indexToDigitMap =
.ToDictionary(keySelector: x => x.Value, elementSelector: x => x.Key);
readonly Dictionary<char, int> _digitToIndexMap;
readonly Dictionary<int, char> _indexToDigitMap;
readonly int _radix;
public long StringToBase10(string number)
Func<char, int, long> selector =
(c, i) =>
int power = number.Length - i - 1;
int digitIndex;
if (!_digitToIndexMap.TryGetValue(c, out digitIndex))
throw new ArgumentException(
message: String.Format("Number contains an invalid digit '{0}' at position {1}.", c, i),
paramName: "number"
return Convert.ToInt64(digitIndex * Math.Pow(_radix, power));
return number.Select(selector).Sum();
public string Base10ToString(long number)
if (number < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
message: "Value cannot be negative.",
paramName: "number"
string text = string.Empty;
long remainder;
number = Math.DivRem(number, _radix, out remainder);
char digit;
if (!_indexToDigitMap.TryGetValue((int) remainder, out digit) || digit == NullDigit)
throw new ArgumentException(
message: "Value cannot be converted given the set of digits used by this converter.",
paramName: "number"
text = digit + text;
while (number > 0);
return text;
This can also be subclassed to derive custom number converters:
namespace StackOverflow
public sealed class BinaryNumberConverter : Base10Converter
public BinaryNumberConverter()
: base(digits: "01", shouldSupportRoundTripping: false)
public sealed class HexNumberConverter : Base10Converter
public HexNumberConverter()
: base(digits: "0123456789ABCDEF", shouldSupportRoundTripping: false)
And the code would be used like this:
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace StackOverflow
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var converter = new Base10Converter(
digits: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
shouldSupportRoundTripping: true
long number = converter.StringToBase10("Atoz");
string text = converter.Base10ToString(number);
Debug.Assert(text == "Atoz");
var converter = new HexNumberConverter();
string text = converter.Base10ToString(255);
long number = converter.StringToBase10(text);
Debug.Assert(number == 255);
Could this class from this forum post help you?
public class BaseConverter {
public static string ToBase(string number, int start_base, int target_base) {
int base10 = this.ToBase10(number, start_base);
string rtn = this.FromBase10(base10, target_base);
return rtn;
public static int ToBase10(string number, int start_base) {
if (start_base < 2 || start_base > 36) return 0;
if (start_base == 10) return Convert.ToInt32(number);
char[] chrs = number.ToCharArray();
int m = chrs.Length - 1;
int n = start_base;
int x;
int rtn = 0;
foreach(char c in chrs) {
if (char.IsNumber(c))
x = int.Parse(c.ToString());
x = Convert.ToInt32(c) - 55;
rtn += x * (Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(n, m)));
return rtn;
public static string FromBase10(int number, int target_base) {
if (target_base < 2 || target_base > 36) return "";
if (target_base == 10) return number.ToString();
int n = target_base;
int q = number;
int r;
string rtn = "";
while (q >= n) {
r = q % n;
q = q / n;
if (r < 10)
rtn = r.ToString() + rtn;
rtn = Convert.ToChar(r + 55).ToString() + rtn;
if (q < 10)
rtn = q.ToString() + rtn;
rtn = Convert.ToChar(q + 55).ToString() + rtn;
return rtn;
Totally untested... let me know if it works! (Copy-pasted it in case the forum post goes away or something...)
I too was looking for a fast way to convert decimal number to another base in the range of [2..36] so I developed the following code. Its simple to follow and uses a Stringbuilder object as a proxy for a character buffer that we can index character by character. The code appears to be very fast compared to alternatives and a lot faster than initialising individual characters in a character array.
For your own use you might prefer to:
1/ Return a blank string rather than throw an exception.
2/ remove the radix check to make the method run even faster
3/ Initialise the Stringbuilder object with 32 '0's and remove the the line result.Remove( 0, i );. This will cause the string to be returned with leading zeros and further increase the speed.
4/ Make the Stringbuilder object a static field within the class so no matter how many times the DecimalToBase method is called the Stringbuilder object is only initialised the once. If you do this change 3 above would no longer work.
I hope someone finds this useful :)
static string DecimalToBase(int number, int radix)
// Check that the radix is between 2 and 36 inclusive
if ( radix < 2 || radix > 36 )
throw new ArgumentException("ConvertToBase(int number, int radix) - Radix must be between 2 and 36.");
// Create a buffer large enough to hold the largest int value represented in binary digits
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(" "); // 32 spaces
// The base conversion calculates the digits in reverse order so use
// an index to point to the last unused space in our buffer
int i = 32;
// Convert the number to the new base
int remainder = number % radix;
number = number / radix;
if(remainder <= 9)
result[--i] = (char)(remainder + '0'); // Converts [0..9] to ASCII ['0'..'9']
result[--i] = (char)(remainder + '7'); // Converts [10..36] to ASCII ['A'..'Z']
} while ( number > 0 );
// Remove the unwanted padding from the front of our buffer and return the result
// Note i points to the last unused character in our buffer
result.Remove( 0, i );
return (result.ToString());
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConvertToAnyBase
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var baseNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
var number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
string conversion = "";
conversion += Convert.ToString(number % baseNumber);
number = number / baseNumber;
var conversion2 = conversion.ToArray().Reverse();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", conversion2));
This is a fairly straightforward way to do this, but it may not be the fastest. It is quite powerful because it is composable.
public static IEnumerable<int> ToBase(this int x, int b)
IEnumerable<int> ToBaseReverse()
if (x == 0)
yield return 0;
yield break;
int z = x;
while (z > 0)
yield return z % b;
z = z / b;
return ToBaseReverse().Reverse();
Combine this with this simple extension method and any getting any base is now possible:
public static string ToBase(this int number, string digits) =>
String.Concat(number.ToBase(digits.Length).Select(x => digits[x]));
It can be used like this:
var result = 23.ToBase("01");
var result2 = 23.ToBase("012X");
The output is:
I was using this to store a Guid as a shorter string (but was limited to use 106 characters).
If anyone is interested here is my code for decoding the string back to numeric value (in this case I used 2 ulongs for the Guid value, rather than coding an Int128 (since I'm in 3.5 not 4.0).
For clarity CODE is a string const with 106 unique chars. ConvertLongsToBytes is pretty unexciting.
private static Guid B106ToGuid(string pStr)
ulong tMutl = 1, tL1 = 0, tL2 = 0, targetBase = (ulong)CODE.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < pStr.Length / 2; i++)
tL1 += (ulong)CODE.IndexOf(pStr[i]) * tMutl;
tL2 += (ulong)CODE.IndexOf(pStr[pStr.Length / 2 + i]) * tMutl;
tMutl *= targetBase;
return new Guid(ConvertLongsToBytes(tL1, tL2));
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("B106ToGuid failed to convert string to Guid", ex);
I had a similar need, except I needed to do math on the "numbers" as well. I took some of the suggestions here and created a class that will do all this fun stuff. It allows for any unicode character to be used to represent a number and it works with decimals too.
This class is pretty easy to use. Just create a number as a type of New BaseNumber, set a few properties, and your off. The routines take care of switching between base 10 and base x automatically and the value you set is preserved in the base you set it in, so no accuracy is lost (until conversion that is, but even then precision loss should be very minimal since this routine uses Double and Long where ever possible).
I can't command on the speed of this routine. It is probably quite slow, so I'm not sure if it will suit the needs of the one who asked the question, but it certain is flexible, so hopefully someone else can use this.
For anyone else that may need this code for calculating the next column in Excel, I will include the looping code I used that leverages this class.
Public Class BaseNumber
Private _CharacterArray As List(Of Char)
Private _BaseXNumber As String
Private _Base10Number As Double?
Private NumberBaseLow As Integer
Private NumberBaseHigh As Integer
Private DecimalSeparator As Char = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator
Private GroupSeparator As Char = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator
Public Sub UseCapsLetters()
TrySetBaseSet(65, 90)
End Sub
Public Function GetCharacterArray() As List(Of Char)
Return _CharacterArray
End Function
Public Sub SetCharacterArray(CharacterArray As String)
_CharacterArray = New List(Of Char)
End Sub
Public Sub SetCharacterArray(CharacterArray As List(Of Char))
_CharacterArray = CharacterArray
End Sub
Public Sub SetNumber(Value As String)
_BaseXNumber = Value
_Base10Number = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub SetNumber(Value As Double)
_Base10Number = Value
_BaseXNumber = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function GetBaseXNumber() As String
If _BaseXNumber IsNot Nothing Then
Return _BaseXNumber
Return ToBaseString()
End If
End Function
Public Function GetBase10Number() As Double
If _Base10Number IsNot Nothing Then
Return _Base10Number
Return ToBase10()
End If
End Function
Private Sub TrySetBaseSet(Values As List(Of Char))
For Each value As Char In _BaseXNumber
If Not Values.Contains(value) Then
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The string has a value, " & value & ", not contained in the selected 'base' set.")
End If
_CharacterArray = Values
End Sub
Private Sub TrySetBaseSet(LowValue As Integer, HighValue As Integer)
Dim HighLow As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Integer) = GetHighLow()
If HighLow.Key < LowValue OrElse HighLow.Value > HighValue Then
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The string has a value not contained in the selected 'base' set.")
End If
NumberBaseLow = LowValue
NumberBaseHigh = HighValue
End Sub
Private Function GetHighLow(Optional Values As List(Of Char) = Nothing) As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Integer)
If Values Is Nothing Then
Values = _BaseXNumber.ToList
End If
Dim lowestValue As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Values(0))
Dim highestValue As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Values(0))
Dim currentValue As Integer
For Each value As Char In Values
If value <> DecimalSeparator AndAlso value <> GroupSeparator Then
currentValue = Convert.ToInt32(value)
If currentValue > highestValue Then
highestValue = currentValue
End If
If currentValue < lowestValue Then
currentValue = lowestValue
End If
End If
Return New KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Integer)(lowestValue, highestValue)
End Function
Public Sub New(BaseXNumber As String)
_BaseXNumber = BaseXNumber
End Sub
Public Sub New(BaseXNumber As String, NumberBase As Integer)
Me.New(BaseXNumber, Convert.ToInt32("0"c), NumberBase)
End Sub
Public Sub New(BaseXNumber As String, NumberBaseLow As Integer, NumberBaseHigh As Integer)
_BaseXNumber = BaseXNumber
Me.NumberBaseLow = NumberBaseLow
Me.NumberBaseHigh = NumberBaseHigh
End Sub
Public Sub New(Base10Number As Double)
_Base10Number = Base10Number
End Sub
Private Sub DetermineNumberBase()
Dim highestValue As Integer
Dim currentValue As Integer
For Each value As Char In _BaseXNumber
currentValue = Convert.ToInt32(value)
If currentValue > highestValue Then
highestValue = currentValue
End If
NumberBaseHigh = highestValue
NumberBaseLow = Convert.ToInt32("0"c) 'assume 0 is the lowest
End Sub
Private Function ToBaseString() As String
Dim Base10Number As Double = _Base10Number
Dim intPart As Long = Math.Truncate(Base10Number)
Dim fracPart As Long = (Base10Number - intPart).ToString.Replace(DecimalSeparator, "")
Dim intPartString As String = ConvertIntToString(intPart)
Dim fracPartString As String = If(fracPart <> 0, DecimalSeparator & ConvertIntToString(fracPart), "")
Return intPartString & fracPartString
End Function
Private Function ToBase10() As Double
Dim intPartString As String = _BaseXNumber.Split(DecimalSeparator)(0).Replace(GroupSeparator, "")
Dim fracPartString As String = If(_BaseXNumber.Contains(DecimalSeparator), _BaseXNumber.Split(DecimalSeparator)(1), "")
Dim intPart As Long = ConvertStringToInt(intPartString)
Dim fracPartNumerator As Long = ConvertStringToInt(fracPartString)
Dim fracPartDenominator As Long = ConvertStringToInt(GetEncodedChar(1) & String.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat(GetEncodedChar(0), fracPartString.ToString.Length)))
Return Convert.ToDouble(intPart + fracPartNumerator / fracPartDenominator)
End Function
Private Function ConvertIntToString(ValueToConvert As Long) As String
Dim result As String = String.Empty
Dim targetBase As Long = GetEncodingCharsLength()
result = GetEncodedChar(ValueToConvert Mod targetBase) & result
ValueToConvert = ValueToConvert \ targetBase
Loop While ValueToConvert > 0
Return result
End Function
Private Function ConvertStringToInt(ValueToConvert As String) As Long
Dim result As Long
Dim targetBase As Integer = GetEncodingCharsLength()
Dim startBase As Integer = GetEncodingCharsStartBase()
Dim value As Char
For x As Integer = 0 To ValueToConvert.Length - 1
value = ValueToConvert(x)
result += GetDecodedChar(value) * Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(GetEncodingCharsLength, ValueToConvert.Length - (x + 1)))
Return result
End Function
Private Function GetEncodedChar(index As Integer) As Char
If _CharacterArray IsNot Nothing AndAlso _CharacterArray.Count > 0 Then
Return _CharacterArray(index)
Return Convert.ToChar(index + NumberBaseLow)
End If
End Function
Private Function GetDecodedChar(character As Char) As Integer
If _CharacterArray IsNot Nothing AndAlso _CharacterArray.Count > 0 Then
Return _CharacterArray.IndexOf(character)
Return Convert.ToInt32(character) - NumberBaseLow
End If
End Function
Private Function GetEncodingCharsLength() As Integer
If _CharacterArray IsNot Nothing AndAlso _CharacterArray.Count > 0 Then
Return _CharacterArray.Count
Return NumberBaseHigh - NumberBaseLow + 1
End If
End Function
Private Function GetEncodingCharsStartBase() As Integer
If _CharacterArray IsNot Nothing AndAlso _CharacterArray.Count > 0 Then
Return GetHighLow.Key
Return NumberBaseLow
End If
End Function
End Class
And now for the code to loop through Excel columns:
Public Function GetColumnList(DataSheetID As String) As List(Of String)
Dim workingColumn As New BaseNumber("A")
Dim listOfPopulatedColumns As New List(Of String)
Dim countOfEmptyColumns As Integer
Dim colHasData As Boolean
Dim cellHasData As Boolean
colHasData = True
cellHasData = False
For r As Integer = 1 To GetMaxRow(DataSheetID)
cellHasData = cellHasData Or XLGetCellValue(DataSheetID, workingColumn.GetBaseXNumber & r) <> ""
colHasData = colHasData And cellHasData
'keep trying until we get 4 empty columns in a row
If colHasData Then
countOfEmptyColumns = 0
countOfEmptyColumns += 1
End If
'we are already starting with column A, so increment after we check column A
workingColumn.SetNumber(workingColumn.GetBase10Number + 1)
Loop Until Not workingColumn.GetBaseXNumber.Contains("#")
Loop Until countOfEmptyColumns > 3
Return listOfPopulatedColumns
End Function
You'll note the important part of the Excel part is that 0 is identified by a # in the re-based number. So I just filter out all the numbers that have an # in them and I get the proper sequence (A, B, C, ..., Z, AA, AB, AC, ...).
This was based on Pavel's answer, but does away with his unnecessary string concat for negative numbers. Also the radix is defined by the chars passed in, so if you want to convert a number into base 3 using the chars ABC, pass "ABC" - the string length of 3 is the radix:
public static string ToBase(long base10, string baseChars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTSUVWXYZ")
if (baseChars.Length < 2)
throw new ArgumentException("baseChars must be at least 2 chars long");
if (base10 == 0L)
return baseChars[0].ToString();
bool isNegative = base10 < 0L;
int radix = baseChars.Length;
int index = 64; // because it's how long a string will be if the basechars are 2 long (binary)
var chars = new char[index + 1]; // 65 chars, 64 from above plus one for sign if it's negative
base10 = Math.Abs(base10);
while (base10 > 0L)
chars[index] = baseChars[(int)(base10 % radix)];
base10 /= radix;
if (isNegative)
chars[index] = '-';
return new string(chars, index + 1, chars.Length - index - 1);
Public Shared Function ToBase(base10 As Long, Optional baseChars As String = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTSUVWXYZ") As String
If baseChars.Length < 2 Then Throw New ArgumentException("baseChars must be at least 2 chars long")
If base10 = 0 Then Return baseChars(0)
Dim isNegative = base10 < 0
Dim radix = baseChars.Length
Dim index As Integer = 64 'because it's how long a string will be if the basechars are 2 long (binary)
Dim chars(index) As Char '65 chars, 64 from above plus one for sign if it's negative
base10 = Math.Abs(base10)
While base10 > 0
chars(index) = baseChars(base10 Mod radix)
base10 \= radix
index -= 1
End While
If isNegative Then
chars(index) = "-"c
index -= 1
End If
Return New String(chars, index + 1, UBound(chars) - index)
End Function

