Slider user control with float values - c#

The float word I think is inappropriate but...
I try to make a custom slider control and seems to work fine but for some reason for some values the control crashes.
For example if I choose Maximum value = 1.112 the slider show maximum 1.111 and if I increase the value with numeric Up Down I get this error:
System Argument Out Of Range Exception H Result = 0x80131502
Message=Value of '1112' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be
between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace UserSliderControl
//set the default event for this user control
public partial class SliderControl : UserControl
//set the initial values
private int multiplier = 1;
private float minimum = 0f;
private float maximum = 100f;
private int decimalPlaces = 0;
private float _value = 0f;
private float resetvalue = 0f;
private int largeChange = 5;
private Image buttonResetImage = null;
private Color controlNameForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
//set the event handler for this user control = ValueChanged
public event EventHandler ValueChanged;
//set the properties for this user control
#region properties
public string ControlName
get { return labelControlName.Text; }
labelControlName.Text = value;
public Color ControlNameForeColor
get { return controlNameForeColor; }
controlNameForeColor = value;
labelControlName.ForeColor = controlNameForeColor;
public Image ButtonResetImage
get { return buttonResetImage; }
buttonResetImage = value;
btnReset.BackgroundImage = buttonResetImage;
btnReset.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;
public float Value
get { return _value; }
_value = value;
if (_value > maximum) _value = maximum;
if (_value < minimum) _value = minimum;
NumericUpDown.Value = (decimal)_value;
public float ResetValue
get { return resetvalue; }
resetvalue = value;
if (resetvalue > maximum) resetvalue = maximum / 2;
if (resetvalue < minimum) resetvalue = minimum;
public float Maximum
get { return maximum; }
maximum = value;
if (maximum < minimum)
maximum = 2 * minimum;
TrackBar.Maximum = (int)(maximum * multiplier);
NumericUpDown.Maximum = (decimal)maximum;
public float Minimum
get { return minimum; }
minimum = value;
if (minimum > maximum)
minimum = 0;
TrackBar.Minimum = (int)minimum * multiplier;
NumericUpDown.Minimum = (int)minimum;
public int DecimalPlaces
get { return decimalPlaces; }
decimalPlaces = value;
if (decimalPlaces > 3)
decimalPlaces = 3;
multiplier = (int)Math.Pow(10, decimalPlaces);
NumericUpDown.DecimalPlaces = decimalPlaces;
NumericUpDown.Increment = 1m / multiplier;
public int LargeChange
get { return largeChange; }
largeChange = value;
TrackBar.LargeChange = largeChange;
public SliderControl()
private void TrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
NumericUpDown.Value = (decimal)TrackBar.Value / multiplier;
Value = (float)TrackBar.Value / multiplier;
private void NumericUpDown_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
TrackBar.Value = (int)(NumericUpDown.Value * multiplier);
Value = (float)NumericUpDown.Value;
private void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
NumericUpDown.Value = (decimal)ResetValue;
protected virtual void OnValueChanged()
ValueChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);


How can I get and set the Range attribute min and max?

[Range(-3, 3)]
public float range;
I want later in the code to do something like :
range.min = 2
range.max = 20;
Or get
int min = range.min;
int max = range.max;
You can't change an attribute's state at runtime, but you can read it using reflection:
class YourClass
[Range(-3, 3)]
public float range;
var range = typeof(YourClass)
float min = range.min;
float max = range.max;
Based on:
Can you change it to an object like below?
public class range
private float _value;
public range(int min, int max)
Min = min;
Max = max;
public float Value
return _value;
if (value > Max || value < Min) throw new Exception("value out of
_value = value;
public int Min { get; }
public int Max { get; }
use it like;
rangeObj = new range(-3,3);

How to Create bigger CheckBox

I want to design above screen in windows forms. When I am tried to use checkbox control the size of the box is not increasing.
I tried below code but checkbox color and bored color is not changing.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class MyCheckBox : CheckBox {
public MyCheckBox() {
this.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
public override bool AutoSize {
get { return base.AutoSize; }
set { base.AutoSize = false; }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
int h = this.ClientSize.Height - 2;
Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 1), new Size(h, h));
ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, rc,
this.Checked ? ButtonState.Checked : ButtonState.Normal);
RadioButton also tried but I don't know how to apply colors and highlight the text.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsForms
public class BiggerCheckBox : CheckBox
#region variables
private int _boxsize = 14;
private int _boxlocatx = 0;
private int _boxlocaty = 0;
private int _textX = 16;
private int _textY = 1;
private Color _boxBackColor = Color.Transparent;
private Color _tickColor = Color.Black;
private float _tickSize = 11f;
private Color _boxColor = Color.Black;
private float _tickLeftPosition = 0f;
private float _tickTopPosition = 0f;
#region Properties
public int TextLocationX
get { return _textX; }
set { _textX = value; Invalidate(); }
public int TextLocationY
get { return _textY; }
set { _textY = value; Invalidate(); }
public int BoxSize
get { return _boxsize; }
set { _boxsize = value; Invalidate(); }
public int BoxLocationX
get { return _boxlocatx; }
set { _boxlocatx = value; Invalidate(); }
public int BoxLocationY
get { return _boxlocaty; }
set { _boxlocaty = value; Invalidate(); }
public Color BoxBackColor
get { return _boxBackColor; }
set { _boxBackColor = value; Invalidate(); }
public Color TickColor
get { return _tickColor; }
set { _tickColor = value; Invalidate(); }
public float TickSize
get { return _tickSize; }
set { _tickSize = value; Invalidate(); }
public Color BoxColor
get { return _boxColor; }
set { _boxColor = value; Invalidate(); }
public float TickLeftPosition
get { return _tickLeftPosition; }
set { _tickLeftPosition = value; Invalidate(); }
public float TickTopPosition
get { return _tickTopPosition; }
set { _tickTopPosition = value; Invalidate(); }
#region Constrctors
public BiggerCheckBox()
Appearance = Appearance.Button;
FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0;
AutoSize = false;
#region Methods
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pevent)
//checkbox text - using draw string method with specified location
using (SolidBrush brushText = new SolidBrush(ForeColor))
pevent.Graphics.DrawString(Text, Font, brushText, _textX, _textY);
//checkbox box - using rectangle for checkbox box
Rectangle _rectangleBox = new Rectangle(_boxlocatx, _boxlocaty, _boxsize, _boxsize);
//checkbox box - checckbox box back color and border color
using (SolidBrush brushBackColor = new SolidBrush(_boxBackColor))
pevent.Graphics.FillRectangle(brushBackColor, _rectangleBox);
using (Pen penBoxColor = new Pen(_boxColor))
pevent.Graphics.DrawRectangle(penBoxColor, _rectangleBox);
//checkbox box - check and uncheck
if (Checked)
using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(_tickColor))
using (Font wing = new Font("Wingdings", _tickSize))
pevent.Graphics.DrawString("ΓΌ", wing, brush, _tickLeftPosition, _tickTopPosition);
catch (Exception ex)

How can I create a method polymorphism?

I learn programming oriented object, and I want to do this code but I got those problems, I think I don't really know the concept of virtual.
View image 1
class Joueur
private string _nom;
private string _prenom;
private DateTime _dateDeNaissance;
private string _position;
private bool _reserve;
public string nom
get { return _nom; }
set { _nom = value; }
public string prenom
get { return _prenom; }
set { _prenom = value; }
public DateTime dateDeNaissance
get { return _dateDeNaissance; }
set { _dateDeNaissance = value; }
public string position
get { return _position; }
set { _position = value; }
public bool reserve
get { return _reserve; }
set { _reserve = value; }
public Joueur()
public Joueur(string nom, string prenom, DateTime dateDeNaissance, string position, bool reserve)
this.nom = nom;
this.prenom = prenom;
this.dateDeNaissance = dateDeNaissance;
this.position = position;
this.reserve = reserve;
public double virtual CalculerPrime(int joues, int gagnes)
double Prime;
if (reserve == false)
Prime = 10000 * (gagnes / joues);
Prime = ((10000 * (gagnes / joues)) / 2);
return Prime;
You need to do like this in your code:
public virtual double CalculerPrime(int joues, int gagnes)
double Prime;
if (reserve == false)
Prime = 10000 * (gagnes / joues);
Prime = ((10000 * (gagnes / joues)) / 2);
return Prime;

DataAnnotations attribute for float.NaN

I am using DataAnnotations for validation of my ViewModel (WPF) so I can control the enable state of some buttons if the user type in a something that is not a float and if the value is outside of a range.
[Range(0, float.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "StepSize must be more than 0")]
public float StepSize
get { return model.StepSize; }
model.StepSize = value;
private void RaisePropertyChangedAndRevalidate(string propertyName)
if (_fieldBindingErrors == 0)
private int _fieldBindingErrors = 0;
public ICommand RegisterFieldBindingErrors
return new RelayCommand<ValidationErrorEventArgs>(e =>
if (e.Action == ValidationErrorEventAction.Added)
public bool IsValid
bool valid = Validator.TryValidateObject(this,
new ValidationContext(this, null, null),
new List<System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationResult>())
&& _fieldBindingErrors == 0;
return valid;
Problem is, when I convert the the textbox.Text string to a float I have to set the value to something not valid (should work for general cases also when the Range attribute is not in use). So I set the value to float.NaN.
The problem is that NaN seems to be a valid float, and it even passes the Range validation above.
Is there an attribute I could use to validate that the value is not NaN?
Found a solution, I created a custom validation rule instead and applied it in the XAML.
class StepSizeValidationRule : ValidationRule
private int _min;
private int _max;
public StepSizeValidationRule()
public int Min
get { return _min; }
set { _min = value; }
public int Max
get { return _max; }
set { _max = value; }
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
float stepSize = 0;
if (!float.TryParse(value.ToString(), out stepSize))
return new ValidationResult(false, "Not a float");
catch (Exception e)
return new ValidationResult(false, "Not a float " + e.Message);
if (float.IsNaN(stepSize))
return new ValidationResult(false, "Not a float ");
if ((stepSize < Min) || (stepSize > Max))
return new ValidationResult(false,
"Please enter a stepSize in the range: " + Min + " - " + Max + ".");
return new ValidationResult(true, null);

How can I check if a class property is set in C#?

I am currently working on a BMI calculator for my C# class. My app asks the user for either their height in feet and inches and their weight in pounds or their height in centimeters and weight in kilograms. Their is a tab control that has buttons for Imperial mode or Metric mode.
If the "calculate" button in the imperial tab is clicked, I need to make sure that the heightFt, heightIn, and weightLbs text boxes have been filled out. Then I convert those to the metric units. If the calculate button in the metric tab is clicked, I need to make sure that the heightCm and weightKg text boxes have been filled out.
Once those are provided, I then convert the height and weight to BMI. If I use if(heightFt == null) I get the following error:
The result of the expression is always 'false' since a value of type 'double' is never equal to 'null' of type 'double?'
How do I fix this?
This is my MainWindow.xaml.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace BMICalculator
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private BMICalc _BMICalc;
public MainWindow()
_BMICalc = new BMICalc();
private void calculateImperial_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_BMICalc.heightFt = Convert.ToDouble(heightFt.Text);
_BMICalc.heightIn = Convert.ToDouble(heightIn.Text);
_BMICalc.weightLbs = Convert.ToDouble(weightLbs.Text);
if (_BMICalc.error == null)
MessageBox.Show("Your BMI is " + _BMICalc.bmi + " and you are " + _BMICalc.category, "Your BMI");
This is BMICalc.cs
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace BMICalculator
class BMICalc :INotifyPropertyChanged
public double _heightFt { get; set; }
public double _heightIn { get; set; }
public double _heightCm { get; set; }
public double _weightLbs { get; set; }
public double _weightKg { get; set; }
public double _bmi { get; set; }
public string _category { get; set; }
public string _error { get; set; }
public double heightFt
get { return heightFt; }
_heightFt = value;
public double heightIn
get { return _heightIn; }
_heightIn = value;
public double heightCm
get { return _heightCm; }
_heightCm = value;
public double weightLbs
get { return _weightLbs; }
_weightLbs = value;
public double weightKg
get { return _weightKg; }
_weightKg = value;
public double bmi
get { return _bmi; }
_bmi = value;
public string error
get { return _error; }
_error = value;
public string category
get { return _category; }
_category = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName){
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void doCalculation(string calculationMode){
if(calculationMode == "Imperial"){
if (heightFt == null)
this.error = "You must provide a value for your height in feet!";
else if (heightIn == null)
this.error = "You must provide a value for your height in inches!";
else if (weightLbs == null)
this.error = "You must provide a value for your weight in pounds!";
heightFt = Convert.ToDouble(heightFt);
heightIn = Convert.ToDouble(heightIn);
weightLbs = Convert.ToDouble(weightLbs);
_weightKg = Convert.ToDouble(_weightLbs * (1 / 2.2));
_heightCm = Convert.ToDouble((_heightFt + (_heightIn / 12) / 0.032808));
} else if(calculationMode == "Metric"){
this.bmi = weightKg / Math.Pow((heightCm / 100), 2);
if (this.bmi < 18.5)
this.category = "underweight";
else if (this.bmi >= 18.5 && this.bmi < 24.9)
this.category = "normalweight";
else if (this.bmi >= 25 && this.bmi <= 29.9)
this.category = "overweight";
else if (this.bmi > 30)
this.category = "obese";
You can make you double properties to be nullable so you can compare to null (the default).
public double? heightIn
get { return _heightIn; }
set {
_heightIn = value;
In this case, make sure you change the type of the corresponding private variables to match.
You never set a default value for your properties. As double cannot be null you'll probably want to check against 0 instead. The properties you begin with underscores should just be private variables with default values. Also consider using metric only internally.
class BMICalc :INotifyPropertyChanged
private double _heightFt = 0;
private double _heightIn = 0;
private double _heightCm = 0;
private double _weightLbs = 0;
private double _weightKg = 0;
private double _bmi = 0;
private string _category = null;
private string _error = null;
public double heightFt
get { return _heightFt; }
_heightFt = value;
public double heightIn
get { return _heightIn; }
_heightIn = value;
public double heightCm
get { return _heightCm; }
_heightCm = value;
public double weightLbs
get { return _weightLbs; }
_weightLbs = value;
public double weightKg
get { return _weightKg; }
_weightKg = value;
public double bmi
get { return _bmi; }
_bmi = value;
public string error
get { return _error; }
_error = value;
public string category
get { return _category; }
_category = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName){
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void doCalculation(string calculationMode){
if(calculationMode == "Imperial"){
if (heightFt == null)
this.error = "You must provide a value for your height in feet!";
else if (heightIn == null)
this.error = "You must provide a value for your height in inches!";
else if (weightLbs == null)
this.error = "You must provide a value for your weight in pounds!";
heightFt = Convert.ToDouble(heightFt);
heightIn = Convert.ToDouble(heightIn);
weightLbs = Convert.ToDouble(weightLbs);
_weightKg = Convert.ToDouble(_weightLbs * (1 / 2.2));
_heightCm = Convert.ToDouble((_heightFt + (_heightIn / 12) / 0.032808));
} else if(calculationMode == "Metric"){
this.bmi = weightKg / Math.Pow((heightCm / 100), 2);
if (this.bmi < 18.5)
this.category = "underweight";
else if (this.bmi >= 18.5 && this.bmi < 24.9)
this.category = "normalweight";
else if (this.bmi >= 25 && this.bmi <= 29.9)
this.category = "overweight";
else if (this.bmi > 30)
this.category = "obese";

