I'm trying to copy inkstrokes between different inkcanvas.
So far that's what I tried.
///Getting strokes from the first inkcanvas
public StrokeCollection MyStrokes;
MyStrokes = BigInkCanvas.Strokes;
///Trying to restore the strokes on the other inkcanvas
SmallerInkCanvas.Strokes = MyStrokes
And that's what I get
Is there a way to "resize" the ink strokes so it can fit on the smaller inkcanvas
You could apply a transform matrix to it to scale to the new canvas' bounding rectangle.
Consider you have a 500x250 px canvas. And you wish to scale to a 400x150 matrix.
That transform is 100px across the x axis and 100px across the y axis.
If we consider this a scale it would be instead 20% and 60% smaller.
If we turn that into a matrix we should then be able to apply that matrix to the strokes to scale them using their PointTransform property.(UWP) or it's .Transform() method (WPF)
(float x, float y) originalCanvas = (500f, 250f);
(float x, float y) desiredCanvas = (400f, 150f);
(float xScale, float yScale) GetScale((float x, float y) originalSize, (float x, float y) desiredSize)
float xScale = (originalSize.x - desiredSize.x) / originalSize.x;
float yScale = (originalSize.y - desiredSize.y) / originalSize.y;
return (1f - xScale, 1f - yScale);
var scale = GetScale(originalCanvas, desiredCanvas);
// Should return (0.8, 0.6)
// uwp
var matrix = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale.xScale, scale.yScale, new Vector2(0, 0));
// Wpf
var matrix = Matrix.Identity.Scale(scale.xScale, scale.yScale);
// Transform the strokes
foreach(var stroke in MyStrokes)
// Uwp
stroke.PointTransform = matrix;
// Wpf
stroke.Transform(matrix, false);
SmallerInkCanvas.Strokes = MyStrokes
Disclaimer: Not tested, written on mobile
I'm attempting to write a matrix transform to convert chart points to device pixels in SkiaSharp. I have it functional as long as I use 0,0 as my minimum chart coordinates but if I need to to step up from a negative number, it causes the drawing to shift left and down. That is to say that the X Axis is shifted to the left off the window and the Y Axis is shift down off the window.
This is intended to be a typical line chart (minimum chart point at the lower left while minimum device point at the upper left). I have accounted for that already in the transform.
While stepping through code I can see that the coordinates returned from the Matrix are not what I expect them to be, so I believe the issue to be with my transform but I haven't been able to pinpoint it.
UPDATE: After further examination, I believe I was mistaken, it is not shifted, it's just not scaling properly to the max end of the screen. There is a bigger margin at the top and right side of the chart than there should be, but the bottom and left side are fine. I've been undable to determine why the scaling doesn't fill the canvas.
Below are my matrix methods:
private SKMatrix ChartToDeviceMatrix, DeviceToChartMatrix;
private void ConfigureTransforms(SKPoint ChartMin,
SKPoint ChartMax, SKPoint DeviceMin, SKPoint DeviceMax)
this.ChartToDeviceMatrix = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
float xScale = (DeviceMax.X - DeviceMin.X) / (ChartMax.X - ChartMin.X);
float yScale = (DeviceMin.Y - DeviceMax.Y) / (ChartMax.Y - ChartMin.Y);
this.ChartToDeviceMatrix.SetScaleTranslate(xScale, yScale, DeviceMin.X, DeviceMax.Y);
this.ChartToDeviceMatrix.TryInvert(out this.DeviceToChartMatrix);
// Transform a point from chart to device coordinates.
private SKPoint ChartToDevice(SKPoint point)
return this.ChartToDeviceMatrix.MapPoint(point);
The code invoking this is:
void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
SKImageInfo info = args.Info;
SKSurface surface = args.Surface;
SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;
float strokeWidth = 1;
float margin = 10;
// SKPaint definitions omitted for brevity.
var ChartMin = new SKPoint(-10, -1); // Works fine if I change this to 0,0
var ChartMax = new SKPoint(110, 11);
var DeviceMin = new SKPoint(margin, margin);
var DeviceMax = new SKPoint(info.Width - margin, info.Height - margin);
const float stepX = 10;
const float stepY = 1;
const float tickX = 0.5;
const float tickY = 0.075F;
// Prepare the transformation matrices.
this.ConfigureTransforms(ChartMin, ChartMax, DeviceMin, DeviceMax);
// Draw the X axis.
var lineStart = new SKPoint(ChartMin.X, 0);
var lineEnd = new SKPoint(ChartMax.X, 0);
canvas.DrawLine(this.ChartToDevice(lineStart), this.ChartToDevice(lineEnd), axisPaint);
// X Axis Tick Marks
for (float x = stepX; x <= ChartMax.X - stepX; x += stepX)
var tickMin = new SKPoint(x, -tickY);
var tickMax = new SKPoint(x, tickY);
canvas.DrawLine(this.ChartToDevice(tickMin), this.ChartToDevice(tickMax), axisPaint);
// Draw the Y axis.
// The inversion of above, basically the same.
I was able to discover my own problem with enough time. I wasn't calculating the offset correct.
this.ChartToDeviceMatrix.SetScaleTranslate(xScale, yScale, DeviceMin.X, DeviceMax.X);
Should have been:
this.ChartToDeviceMatrix.SetScaleTranslate(xScale, yScale, -ChartMin.X * xScale + DeviceMin.Y, -ChartMin.Y * yScale + DeviceMax.Y);
Final Matrix method was:
private SKMatrix ChartToDeviceMatrix, DeviceToChartMatrix;
private void ConfigureTransforms(SKPoint ChartMin, SKPoint ChartMax, SKPoint DeviceMin, SKPoint DeviceMax)
this.ChartToDeviceMatrix = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
float xScale = (DeviceMax.X - DeviceMin.X) / (ChartMax.X - ChartMin.X);
float yScale = (DeviceMin.Y - DeviceMax.Y) / (ChartMax.Y - ChartMin.Y);
float xOffset = -ChartMin.X * xScale + DeviceMin.X;
float yOffset = -ChartMin.Y * yScale + DeviceMax.Y;
this.ChartToDeviceMatrix.SetScaleTranslate(xScale, yScale, xOffset, yOffset);
this.ChartToDeviceMatrix.TryInvert(out this.DeviceToChartMatrix);
I'm setting up an automatic system to be able to attach a sprite and it will gather all its colours and the world position of each sprite. A list/class of all the colours used has been set up but how would get the position of all these sprites?
I have already tried doing this mathematically like getting the complete size of the sprite and then working out the size of each pixel and then working out the position from that. But this seems flawed due to the position of the sprite possibly changing.
Sprite ColouredSpriteTexture = ColoredSprite.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite;
Texture2D ColouredTexture = ColouredSpriteTexture.texture;
float XsizeF = ColoredSprite.transform.localScale.x;
int Xsize = (int)XsizeF;
float YsizeF = ColoredSprite.transform.localScale.y;
int Ysize = (int)YsizeF;
List<Color> TempList = new List<Color>();
//Could spawn pixels by getting x and y size and dividing them by 100 50/100 = 0.50f
//if the tile has a color then spawn pixel if not 0.50 += 0.50
//TODO test if this logic will work
float PixelSize = XsizeF / 100;
float currentPos = PixelSize;
for (int x = 0; x < Xsize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Ysize; y++)
int listAmount = TempList.Count;
Color ColoredTex = ColouredTexture.GetPixel(x, y);
float TextureAlpha = ColoredTex.a;
if (!TempList.Contains(ColoredTex) && TextureAlpha != 0)
ColorByNumber tempColor = new ColorByNumber();
tempColor.Color = ColoredTex;
tempColor.ColorNumber = listAmount;
if(TextureAlpha == 1)
GameObject ColorPixel = Instantiate(PixelPrefab);
ColorPixel.transform.localScale = new Vector3(XsizeF, YsizeF, 0);
ColorPixel.name = "Pixel (" + x.ToString() + "," + y.ToString() + ")";
All I would need is somehow each pixel returning its position so I can store this data and be able to spawn anything on top of this pixel.
I haven't had a chance to test this math yet so there may be some mistakes in it:
Every graphical image in Unity has a PPU, this and the object scale are going to be a huge factor. For argument sake I am going to clearly define these for 1 object.
Image dimensions : 128x128
PPU: 64
Scale: 1,1,1
Object Bounds: would
come from the renderer, which I am unsure if that bounds already
takes in account the scale(Most likely) however in the case you
cannot use that you can calculate the ObjectBoundsWidth or height
just by dividing the width or height of the texture by the PPU.
This should give you bounds of the texture in world space.
We are also going to make an assumption that we are only working on the X and Y axis and ignore the Z axis, if you want to use Z instead of Y then just make the necessary changes to be Z Scale and Z position and Z Bounds.
World position of a pixel located at 2,10. Per the documentation the pixel coordinates start at the lower left this means 0,0 is the bottom left corner, and 2,10 is 2 pixels left and 10 pixels up.
So I plugged all of this into a google sheet and determined the previous algorithm I provided was wrong here is the correct one in a pseudo code format
// This function takes in either the x or y, and the width or height of
// the bounds, then the x or y position of the object attached to.
// It also assumes the pivot is the center of the sprite.
float CalculateWorldPosOfPixelCoordinate(int coord, float boundsSize, float position, float scale)
float PixelInWorldSpace = 1.0f / PPU;
float startPos= position - (boundsSize* 0.5f * scale);
return startPos + (PixelInWorldSpace * coord) * scale;
This is using objectBounds we determined ourselves that is why we are multiply by scale.
this would give use a world position of: -0.97, -0.84
The algorithm i believe is the same for Y, just replace the coord with the Y position, and the bounds with the height instead of the width.
Like I said this could be wrong as I havent had a chance to test it, this also does not account for rotation either.
Yo, Hi everybody
Is there any Way to draw a circle? I don't want to use a Texture/sprite to draw a circle Because the Player is the Circle so the Circle Should move ... and also I'm Trying to make it so the Player/Circle's Size gets bigger and bigger When he eats some food blablabla...
anyways, if anybody knows how to do it please Tell me.
You can use 3D primitives like 'Someone' :> already posted or use the C3.XNA.Primitives2D libary where you can use a extension for SpriteBatch to draw a circle
public static void DrawCircle(this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 center, float radius, int sides, Color color, float thickness);
If you use the same value for radius and thickness the circle appears filled.
I didn't find the offizial download link, but there are also uploads at sourceforge.
Also you can generate a circle dynamically via code like:
public static Texture2D GenerateCircleTexture(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, int radius, Color color, float sharpness)
int diameter = radius * 2;
Texture2D circleTexture = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, diameter, diameter, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
Color[] colorData = new Color[circleTexture.Width * circleTexture.Height];
Vector2 center = new Vector2(radius);
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < circleTexture.Width; colIndex++)
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < circleTexture.Height; rowIndex++)
Vector2 position = new Vector2(colIndex, rowIndex);
float distance = Vector2.Distance(center, position);
// hermite iterpolation
float x = distance / diameter;
float edge0 = (radius * sharpness) / (float)diameter;
float edge1 = radius / (float)diameter;
float temp = MathHelper.Clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0f, 1.0f);
float result = temp * temp * (3.0f - 2.0f * temp);
colorData[rowIndex * circleTexture.Width + colIndex] = color * (1f - result);
return circleTexture;
Sharpness below 1f blurs the circle.
The only way to draw primitives (e.g. circles) is in 3D:
Or you can load a texture that is 1*1, stretch it into a line and then use a bunch of those lines to make a circle.
public void Draw (
Texture2D texture,
Vector2 position,
Nullable<Rectangle> sourceRectangle,
Color color,
float rotation,
Vector2 origin,
Vector2 scale,
SpriteEffects effects,
float layerDepth
to stretch the texture.
Or you can just use a circle texture and stretch it.
If you are making something like agar.io then you might want to use a texture combined with the circle primitive so you can make the circle 'wobbly'.
I am trying to do per pixel collision with scaled texture 2ds.
It currently is not detecting the collision and I am not sure why.
Here is where I create the matrix transformation.
private void BuildMatrix()
// Build the transformation matrix
Matrix TransformMatrix =
// _Rect.center.x and .y get the centers as this object is based off of a single square pixel.
Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-_Rect.Center.X, -_Rect.Center.Y, 0.0f)) *
// _Width is the scale width and height is scale height.
Matrix.CreateScale(_Width, _Height, 0) *
// This one does not have rotation.
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) *
// Rect.X / Y are the top left X / Y coordinates for that rectangle.
Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(_Rect.X, _Rect.Y, 0.0f));
Here is the other build matrix.
private void BuildMatrix()
// Build the transformation matrix
Matrix TransformMatrix =
// The location.center is the center of the texture 2d. Where it is placed on the screen.
Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-Location.Center, 0.0f)) *
// Size width / height are the size of the texture after it is scaled.
Matrix.CreateScale(Size.Width, Size.Height, 0) *
// No rotation.
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) *
// Location.Position is the is the top coordinates for the texture2d before scaling.
Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(Location.Position, 0.0f));
Here is the per pixel method.
public static bool IntersectPixels( Matrix transformA, int widthA, int heightA, Color[] dataA, Matrix transformB, int widthB, int heightB, Color[] dataB)
// Calculate a matrix which transforms from A's local space into
// world space and then into B's local space
Matrix transformAToB = transformA * Matrix.Invert(transformB);
// When a point moves in A's local space, it moves in B's local space with a
// fixed direction and distance proportional to the movement in A.
// This algorithm steps through A one pixel at a time along A's X and Y axes
// Calculate the analogous steps in B:
Vector2 stepX = Vector2.TransformNormal(Vector2.UnitX, transformAToB);
Vector2 stepY = Vector2.TransformNormal(Vector2.UnitY, transformAToB);
// Calculate the top left corner of A in B's local space
// This variable will be reused to keep track of the start of each row
Vector2 yPosInB = Vector2.Transform(Vector2.Zero, transformAToB);
// For each row of pixels in A
for (int yA = 0; yA < heightA; yA++)
// Start at the beginning of the row
Vector2 posInB = yPosInB;
// For each pixel in this row
for (int xA = 0; xA < widthA; xA++)
// Round to the nearest pixel
int xB = (int)Math.Round(posInB.X);
int yB = (int)Math.Round(posInB.Y);
// If the pixel lies within the bounds of B
if (0 <= xB && xB < widthB &&
0 <= yB && yB < heightB)
// Get the colors of the overlapping pixels
Color colorA = dataA[xA + yA * widthA];
Color colorB = dataB[xB + yB * widthB];
// If both pixels are not completely transparent,
if (colorA.A != 0 && colorB.A != 0) { return true; } // then an intersection has been found
// Move to the next pixel in the row
posInB += stepX;
// Move to the next row
yPosInB += stepY;
// No intersection found
return false;
Here is the call to the per pixel collision.
(Statistics.IntersectPixels(Projectile.TransformMatrix, Projectile.Txt2DImage.Width,
Projectile.Txt2DImage.Height, Projectile.TextureColorArr,
TextBoxContainer.Pillar.TransformMatrix, (int)TextBoxContainer.Pillar.Width,
(int)TextBoxContainer.Pillar.Height, TextBoxContainer.Pillar.TextureColorArr)).ToString();
The scale matrix needs to have a Z value of 1.
Matrix.CreateScale(_Width, _Height, 1)
I need to rotate a WriteableBitmap and scale it down or up before it gets cropped.
My current code will rotate but will crop the edges if the height is larger then the width.
I assume I need to scale?
public WriteableBitmap Rotate(WriteableBitmap Source, double Angle)
RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform();
rt.Angle = Angle;
TransformGroup transform = new TransformGroup();
Image tempImage2 = new Image();
WriteableBitmap wb;
rt.CenterX = Source.PixelWidth / 2;
rt.CenterY = Source.PixelHeight / 2;
tempImage2.Width = Source.PixelWidth;
tempImage2.Height = Source.PixelHeight;
wb = new WriteableBitmap((int)(Source.PixelWidth), Source.PixelHeight);
tempImage2.Source = Source;
wb.Render(tempImage2, transform);
return wb;
How do I scale down the image so it will not be cropped? Or is there another way?
You need to calculate the scaling based on the rotation of the corners relative to the centre.
If the image is a square only one corner is needed, but for a rectangle you need to check 2 corners in order to see if a vertical or horizontal edge is overlapped. This check is a linear comparison of how much the rectangle's height and width are exceeded.
Click here for the working testbed app created for this answer (image below): (apologies, all my website content was lost thanks to a non-awesome hosting company)
double CalculateConstraintScale(double rotation, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight)
The pseudo-code is as follows (actual C# code at the end):
Convert rotation angle into Radians
Calculate the "radius" from the rectangle centre to a corner
Convert BR corner position to polar coordinates
Convert BL corner position to polar coordinates
Apply the rotation to both polar coordinates
Convert the new positions back to Cartesian coordinates (ABS value)
Find the largest of the 2 horizontal positions
Find the largest of the 2 vertical positions
Calculate the delta change for horizontal size
Calculate the delta change for vertical size
Return width/2 / x if horizontal change is greater
Return height/2 / y if vertical change is greater
The result is a multiplier that will scale the image down to fit the original rectangle regardless of rotation.
*Note: While it is possible to do much of the maths using matrix operations, there are not enough calculations to warrant that. I also thought it would make a better example from first-principles.
C# Code:
/// <summary>
/// Calculate the scaling required to fit a rectangle into a rotation of that same rectangle
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rotation">Rotation in degrees</param>
/// <param name="pixelWidth">Width in pixels</param>
/// <param name="pixelHeight">Height in pixels</param>
/// <returns>A scaling value between 1 and 0</returns>
/// <remarks>Released to the public domain 2011 - David Johnston (HiTech Magic Ltd)</remarks>
private double CalculateConstraintScale(double rotation, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight)
// Convert angle to radians for the math lib
double rotationRadians = rotation * PiDiv180;
// Centre is half the width and height
double width = pixelWidth / 2.0;
double height = pixelHeight / 2.0;
double radius = Math.Sqrt(width * width + height * height);
// Convert BR corner into polar coordinates
double angle = Math.Atan(height / width);
// Now create the matching BL corner in polar coordinates
double angle2 = Math.Atan(height / -width);
// Apply the rotation to the points
angle += rotationRadians;
angle2 += rotationRadians;
// Convert back to rectangular coordinate
double x = Math.Abs(radius * Math.Cos(angle));
double y = Math.Abs(radius * Math.Sin(angle));
double x2 = Math.Abs(radius * Math.Cos(angle2));
double y2 = Math.Abs(radius * Math.Sin(angle2));
// Find the largest extents in X & Y
x = Math.Max(x, x2);
y = Math.Max(y, y2);
// Find the largest change (pixel, not ratio)
double deltaX = x - width;
double deltaY = y - height;
// Return the ratio that will bring the largest change into the region
return (deltaX > deltaY) ? width / x : height / y;
Example of use:
private WriteableBitmap GenerateConstrainedBitmap(BitmapImage sourceImage, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, double rotation)
double scale = CalculateConstraintScale(rotation, pixelWidth, pixelHeight);
// Create a transform to render the image rotated and scaled
var transform = new TransformGroup();
var rt = new RotateTransform()
Angle = rotation,
CenterX = (pixelWidth / 2.0),
CenterY = (pixelHeight / 2.0)
var st = new ScaleTransform()
ScaleX = scale,
ScaleY = scale,
CenterX = (pixelWidth / 2.0),
CenterY = (pixelHeight / 2.0)
// Resize to specified target size
var tempImage = new Image()
Stretch = Stretch.Fill,
Width = pixelWidth,
Height = pixelHeight,
Source = sourceImage,
// Render to a writeable bitmap
var writeableBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(pixelWidth, pixelHeight);
writeableBitmap.Render(tempImage, transform);
return writeableBitmap;
I released a Test-bed of the code on my website so you can try it for real - click to try it (apologies, all my website content was lost thanks to a non-awesome hosting company)