How can I save the material of the player with playerprefs? - c#

I have a game wehre you are a cube and you dodge obstacles, I just implemented the ability to change the color of the cube like changing skin. I did that by assigning a different material to the player when he presses "2".
Here is the script:
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown("2"))
Object.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Material1;
When you die the scene resets and when you win a new scene is loaded, I would like the game to remember the material change even after the scene is reset or a new scene is loaded. I have done some research and found something called "PlayerPrefs" and I have been playing around with it but nothing even got close to working and I didn't really understand what i was doing.
I really want to understand how this works becuase I know i will be using it alot when making games. Can someone help me understand?

Create one gameobject and apply this script
public class SavingMaterial : MonoBehaviour
public static SavingMaterial instance;
public Material mat;
void Awake()
if(instance == null)
instance = this;
public void StoreMaterial(MeshRenderer mesh)
mat = mesh.material;
When you want to store material call this function like this
SavingMaterial.instance.StoreMaterial(you meshrenderer component);
and when you need this material just get from this class like this
material = SavingMaterial.instance.mat;
and note that if you quit the game you loose saved material as it is store in variable otherwise scene change and reset won't affect it.

you only save int,string and bool in playerprefs. you have to store values of materials into string and then save this string into playerprefs.
alternatively you can assign this material to local variable and set that script on Dontdestroyonload so it will not reset as scene is destroy or reset.


How to do if something happened make number - 1

I am trying to do when i destroy all boxes something happen.
My code is;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class destroy : MonoBehaviour
private string BALL_TAG = "ball";
public AudioClip coin;
public AudioSource src;
public float numBox = 120f;
public bool isDestroyed;
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag(BALL_TAG))
src.clip = coin;
isDestroyed = true;
private void Update()
public void boxes()
if(isDestroyed == true)
numBox -= 1f;
if(numBox == 119)
private IEnumerator Two()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
But it doesn't work.
It is suppose to do when I broke 1 box it sends me to menu.
I think its problem in "numBox -= 1f;" because I don't know hot to make this.
I don't understand your code completely. So, I need to make some assumptions.
I think the Script is attached to the box and every box has this Script. I also think, that your player Shoots Ball. Those Balls have a collider with an ball tag.
There are multiple problems with your code.
The first one is, that your count variable, numBox, is saved in your destroy Script, which is placed on each box.
this means, that every Box is counting for itself.
You have to centralize this. There are multiple ways for doing this.
One way is to declare this variable as static(
This is not best practice, but works.
A Better way is to have a Script on Your Player, which holds this number and every Box searches for this Script and change this number if it is destroyed.
The second big Problem is, that your are doing some really weird thing in your Update and the collision handling
First of all, you are setting isDestroyed to true. Then in your boxes method, which is called in every Frame, you are decrementing your numBox variable by one, if this is Destroyed is true.
So if your Box gets hit, you are decrementing every frame.
After that you are checking every frame if your numBox is 119
If so, you change the Scene.
This is the reason, why you are getting to your MainMenu after only one boy
This behaviour is very weird, because it is totally unnecessary. You can reduce your variable directly in in your OnCollisionEnter2D Method.
There are some little things, which can be improved.
When you are trying to play a Sound, you don't have to specify the AudioClip in code. You can assign this directly in Unity on the AudioSource Component via drag and drop. This makes your code simpler.
You are not calling the Two Coroutine. You've specified this Coroutine but don't call it.
//Script on Player
public class PlayerBoxDestroyManager:MonoBehaviour
public int StartBoxes = 120;
private int Boxes;
private void Start()
Boxes = StartBoxes;
public void DestroyBox()
//Reduce our Boxes count
//This is equal to Boxes -= 1
// Boxes = Boxes -1
// If we have less or zero Boxes left, we End call our EndGame methode
if(Boxes <= 0)
private void EndGame()
// We change the Scene to the mainMenu
//Script on all Boxes
public class Box : MonoBehaviour
public string Balltag = "ball";
//Audio Source the Audio Clip has to be assigned in the Unity editor
public AudioSource Coin;
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
//Check it colliding Object has the right Tag
if(collision.transform.tag == Balltag)
//Get the reference to the Player Script
PlayerBoxDestroyManager PBDM = FindObjectOfType<PlayerBoxDestroyManager>();
//We can now access the Destroy Box Methode
//Play the sound
//If we destroy our Object now, the Sound would also be deletet.
//We want to hear the sound, so we have to wait, till the sound is finished.
IEnumerator WaitTillAudioIsFinished()
//we wait till the sound is finished
while (Coin.isPlaying)
yield return null;
//if finished, we destroy the Gameobject
I hope I helped you. If you have questions, feel free to ask.
And sorry for my English:)

Couldn't change gameobject position in other scene

I added score property to my game. But I couldn't find how to change its position when game scene has changed. (in this case score property at right the top of game and I tried to change its position middle of the game)
Here are my codes to move "GameHandler" object (contain score property) to other scene :
private void Awake()
gameHandlerCount = FindObjectsOfType<GameHandler>().Length;
if (gameHandlerCount > 1)
(Current position): [1]
(Goal position): [2]
Thanks advance for your interest
The issue might be that Destroy is delayed and not happening immediately.
This means that FindObjectsOfType might still return the destroyed object as well so you might destroy all instances.
Instead you can use an actual Singleton Pattern:
// public read-only property
public static GameHandler Instance => _instance;
private static GameHandler _instance;
private void Awake()
Destroy (gameObject);
_instance = this;
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
I don't see though where you try to change its position but you could now doing
GameHandler.Instance.transform.position = new Vevtor3 (x,y,z);
Ok so after you added your pictures:
Actually all you want to do is not using the absolute positioning but rather center your score text.
You can do this via the RectTransform component by selecting e.g. this option
you can additionally hold CTRL and SHIFT to directly apply the change and pivot settings and set it to the top and center.

Unity set PlayerPrefs data regularly

I am using PlayerPerfabs to store player data like which level the player has unlocked and the point has got during the game, and I want the PlayerPerfabs data updated regularly(like per 5 seconds) during playing, so I made a class called ApplicationModel to hold the global data like points player get the level info etc..
public ApplicationModel: MonoBehaviour{
public static int point {get;set;}
//try to load the PlayerPerfabs when start game.
static ApplicationModel(){
point = PlayerPerfabs.GetInt("point");
point = 0;
//coroutine to set the data to PlayerPerfabs
IEnumerator Save()
while (true)
Debug.Log("setting playerperfab ....");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5f);
public static void RestorePerfab(){
PlayerPerfabs.SetInt("point", point);
private void Start(){
But the coroutine was never executed according to the console log (cause the log was never printed).
Maybe because I didn't attach this script to a gameobject but once I attach this to a game object, then when the scene changed or that gameobject is destroyed, the regularly saving will ended, right? So how to do this?
You need to create a GameObject and then attach this script to it if you want it to work. If you're changing scenes and want it to continue working you could call DontDestroyOnLoad on that GameObject and it won't get destroyed when you switch scenes.

Changing text programmatically to show score on game over screen in unity

I've been working on a simple 2D game in unity and it just has three scenes, the start scene, the game scene, and the game over scene. I want to display the score from the game in the game over screen. I created a score manager game object in the game scene that uses the DontDestroyOnLoad() function to carry it over into the game over screen and I gave it access to the score which is managed by the game manager. I've been debugging my code and the score is translated over into the score manager and is maintained when the game over screen loads, but for some reason it won't let me update the score text object. Here is my code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ScoreManager : MonoBehaviour {
public static ScoreManager Instance;
private GameController gameController;
private int scoreInstance;
private Text scoreText;
// When scene is first loaded
void Awake() {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
GameObject gameControllerObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController");
if (gameControllerObject != null)
gameController = gameControllerObject.GetComponent<GameController>();
GameObject scoreTextObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("ScoreText");
if (scoreTextObject != null)
scoreText = scoreTextObject.GetComponent<Text>();
scoreInstance = 0;
scoreText.text = "";
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
scoreInstance = gameController.score;
Debug.Log("Score: " + scoreInstance.ToString());
scoreText.text = scoreInstance.ToString();
private void InstantiateController ()
if (Instance == null)
Instance = this;
else if (this != Instance)
So I tried to programmatically gather the "score text" ui component in the start function because I figured I can't just make it public and drag in the text component because the score manager is actually in a different scene than the score text object. I also tried adding this whole bit of code to gather the text component into the update function so that it can do that when the score manager is actually a part of game over screen. Nothing seems to work and I have no idea why. Can anybody please help me with this? Also I keep getting a "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. Thanks in advance for any help.
Unity Start function is only called the first time the script is enabled, i.e. not every time the scene changes for a DontDestroyOnLoad object.
So if you need to wire up some changes after a scene change, you need to either detect the scene change, or have an object that starts in that scene trigger the code you want to run.
Having another object on the new scene trigger things is easy and pretty fool-proof, but there's a builtin function you can add to your other objects:
void OnLevelWasLoaded(int currentLevel)
This will be called on level changes, and give you the level's number (not name sadly). However, the above is deprecated and they want you to use Unity's SceneManager, so the proper way to set this up is now:
Unity 5 OnLevelWasLoaded?
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += this.OnLoadCallback;
void OnLoadCallback(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode sceneMode)
// you can query the name of the loaded scene here

Switch between multiple materials on a button press

I need to have an object in my scene change between two different materials at run time, when ever a button is pressed in my Unity project. However, I have never done this before and I'm having an issue getting my head around how to do this.
In my scene I have one game object I've called my controller. This script holds my material switching class and is looking like this:
public GameObject cupMesh;
bool isOn = true;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
cupMesh = GameObject.Find("CupMesh");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
void OnGUI()
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(10,10, 100, 40), "Show mesh"))
renderer.enabled = false;
I know this doesn't change the material, but the above code does nothing. I've never modified anything on the mesh renderer before but I know there is a list of materials on it.
How can I access that list so I can have my program switch between the two materials found there?
To show or hide a gameObject, rather than using render.enabled property, you should use this:
// Unactivates the game object.
gameObject.SetActive (false);
However it's not clear from the code if you want to adjust the material of the object the script is attached to, or the cupMesh game object.
If you wanted to make the cupMesh disappear, you would use:
cupMesh.SetActive (false);
Or if you wanted to access the material component of the cupMesh, this is

