What's going on, I do this on the server:
var msg = Server.Api.CreateMessage();
Server.Api.SendMessage(msg, peer.Connection, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered);
then on the client it succesfuly reads the byte = 2 and the switch then routes to function which reads Int32 (FreshChunks.Count) which was equal 4 but when received it equals 67108864. I've tried with Int16-64 and UInt16-64, none of them work out the correct value.
Given that:
In your usage of msg.Write(2), the compiler reads the 2 as an int (Int32)
You mentioned that you "successfully read the byte = 2".
It seems that one of these options is happening:
msg.Write is writing only bytes that have at least one-bit set (=1) in them. (to save space)
msg.Write is always casting the given argument to a byte.
When asking for 4 bytes (Int32),
You got:
0x04 00 00 00. The first byte is exactly the 4 you passed.
It seems that when asking from msg.Read more bytes than it has (you requested 4bytes and it has only 1 due to msg.Write logic)
It does one of these:
Appends the remaining bytes with zeros
Keeps on reading, and in your case, there were 3 0's bytes in the message's metadata that was returned to you.
For solving your problem, you should read the documentation of the Write and Read methods and understand how they behave.
I've downloaded this library https://github.com/robertvazan/crc32c.net for my project I'm working on. I need to use CRC in a part of my project so I downloaded the library as it is obviously going to be much faster than anything I'm going to write in the near future.
I have some understanding of how crc works, I once made a software implementation of it (as a part of learning) that worked, but I have got to be doing something incredibly stupid while trying to get this library to work and not realize it. No matter what I do, I can't seem to be able to get crc = 0 even though the arrays were not changed.
Basically, my question is, how do I actually use this library to check for integrity of a byte array?
The way I understand it, I should call Crc32CAlgorithm.Compute(array) once to compute the crc the first time and then call it again on an array that has the previously returned value appended (I've tried to append it as well as set last 4 bytes of the array to zeroes before putting the returned value there) and if the second call returns 0 the array was unchanged.
Please help me, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
EDIT: It doesn't work right when I do this: (yes, I realize linq is very slow, this is just an example)
using(var hash = new Crc32CAlgorithm())
var array = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
var crc = hash.ComputeHash(array);
var arrayWithCrc = array.Concat(crc).ToArray();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", hash.ComputeHash(arrayWithCrc)));
Console outputs: 199 75 103 72
You do not need to append a CRC to a message and compute the CRC of that in order to check a CRC. Just compute the CRC on the message on one end, send that CRC along with the message, compute CRC on just the message on the other end (not including the sent CRC), and then compare the CRC you computed to the one that was sent with the message.
They should be equal to each other. That's all there is to it. That works for any hash you might use, not just CRCs.
If you feel deeply compelled to make use of the lovely mathematical property of CRCs where computing the CRC on the message with its CRC appended gives a specific result, you can. You have to append the CRC bits in the correct order, and you need to look for the "residue" of the CRC, which may not be zero.
In your case, you are in fact appending the bits in the correct order (by appending the bytes in little-endian order), and the result you are getting is the correct residue for the CRC-32C. That residue is 0x48674bc7, which separated into bytes, in little-endian order, and then converted into decimal is your 199 75 103 72.
You will find that if you take any sequence of bytes, compute the CRC-32C of that, append that CRC to the sequence in little-endian order, and compute the CRC-32C of the sequence plus CRC, you will always get 0x48674bc7.
However that's smidge slower than just comparing the two CRC's, since now you have to compute a CRC on four more bytes than before. So, really, there's no need to do it this way.
I'm fixing to use sockets to stream a sequence of bytes across a network. I'm using a binaryformatter to serialize the objects I wish to send, then just beam them between machines and deserialize them when the reach their destination. The question has been asked before "how do I detect the end of a bytestream", but my predicament is a little different. I want to be able to send multiple types of objects across this network. I would simply use a marker or agreed upon sequence of bytes to communicate the end of a message, but because I have no idea what the binaryformatter will produce, I don't know what sequence of characters I could use that would be unique. If i decided to use the sequence 255, 128, 0, 255 to denote the end of one object stream, how do I ensure that that sequence doesn't also occur within the binaryformatter output? What else can I do to signify the end of one object and the beginning of another?
Thanks for any help.
Normaly this is done with a lenght indication at the start of the message.
Lets say your compress your data (which can be a image, text etc.) into a byte array. You take the lenght of this byte array, lets say 500, and save this number at the start of your stream. The lenght in bytes of this lenght number must always be the same so lets say 32 bytes in the case of the number 500 it would look something like this)
00000000 00000000 00000001 11110100 and after this the 500 bytes of your actualy message comes
This way you always know how long your message is from reading the first 32 bytes and with that you know when the message ends.
I'm working on a parser to receive UDP information, parse it, and store it. To do so I'm using a BinaryReader since it will mostly be binary information. Some of it will be strings though. MSDN says for the ReadString() function:
Reads a string from the current stream. The string is prefixed with
the length, encoded as an integer seven bits at a time.
And I completely understand it up until "seven bits at a time" which I tried to simply ignore until I started testing. I'm creating my own byte array before putting it into a MemoryStream and attempting to read it with a BinaryReader. Here's what I first thought would work:
byte[] data = new byte[] { 3, 0, 0, 0, (byte)'C', (byte)'a', (byte)'t', }
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data));
String str = reader.ReadString();
Knowing an int is 4 bytes (and toying around long enough to find out that BinaryReader is Little Endian) I pass it the length of 3 and the corresponding letters. However str ends up holding \0\0\0. If I remove the 3 zeros and just have
byte[] data = new byte[] { 3, (byte)'C', (byte)'a', (byte)'t', }
Then it reads and stores Cat properly. To me this conflicts with the documentation saying that the length is supposed to be an integer. Now I'm beginning to think they simply mean a number with no decimal place and not the data type int. Does this mean that a BinaryReader can never read a string larger than 127 characters (since that would be 01111111 corresponding to the 7 bits part of the documentation)?
I'm writing up a protocol and need to completely understand what I'm getting into before I pass our documentation along to our clients.
I found the source code for BinaryReader. It uses a function called Read7BitEncodedInt() and after looking up that documentation and the documentation for Write7BitEncodedInt() I found this:
The integer of the value parameter is written out seven bits at a
time, starting with the seven least-significant bits. The high bit of
a byte indicates whether there are more bytes to be written after this
one. If value will fit in seven bits, it takes only one byte of space.
If value will not fit in seven bits, the high bit is set on the first
byte and written out. value is then shifted by seven bits and the next
byte is written. This process is repeated until the entire integer has
been written.
Also, Ralf found this link that better displays what's going on.
Unless they specifically say 'int' or 'Int32', they just mean an integer as in a whole number.
By '7 bits at time', they mean that it implements 7-bit length encoding, which seems a bit confusing at first but is actually rather straightforward. Here are some example values and how they are written out using 7-bit length encoding:
decimal value binary value -> enc byte 1 enc byte 2 enc byte 3
85 00000000 00000000 01010101 -> 01010101 n/a n/a
1,365 00000000 00000101 01010101 -> 11010101 00001010 n/a
349,525 00000101 01010101 01010101 -> 11010101 10101010 00010101
The table above uses big endian for no other reason than I simply had to pick one and it's what I'm most familiar with. The way 7-bit length encoding works, it is little endian by it's very nature.
Note that 85 writes out to 1 byte, 1,365 writes out to 2 bytes, and 349,525 writes out to 3 bytes.
Here's the same table using letters to show how each value's bits were used in the written output (dashes are zero-value bits, and the 0s and 1s are what's added by the encoding mechanism to indicate if a subsequent byte is to be written/read)...
decimal value binary value -> enc byte 1 enc byte 2 enc byte 3
85 -------- -------- -AAAAAAA -> 0AAAAAAA n/a n/a
1,365 -------- -----BBB AAAAAAAA -> 1AAAAAAA 0---BBBA n/a
So values in the range of 0 to 2^7-1 (127) will write out as 1 byte, values of 2^7 (128) to 2^14-1 (16,383) will use 2 bytes, 2^14 (16,384) to 2^21-1 (2,097,151) will take 3 bytes, and so on and so forth.
Just doing this for fun and I was reading the pseudo-code on Wikipedia and it says when pre-processing to append the bit '1' to the message and then append enough '0' bits to the resulting message length modulus 512 is 448. Then append the length of the message in bits as a 64-bit big-endian integer.
Okay. I'm not sure how to append just a '1' bit but I figure it could be possible to just append 128 (1000 0000) but that wouldn't work in the off chance the resulting message length modulus 512 was already 448 without all those extra 0's. In which case I'm not sure how to append just a 1 because I'd need to deal with at least bytes. Is it possible in C#?
Also, is there a built-in way to append a big-endian integer because I believe my system is little-endian by default.
It's defined in such a way that you only need to deal with bytes if the message is an even number of bytes. If the message length (mod 64) is 56, then append one byte of 0b10000000, folowed by 63 0 bytes, followed by the length. Otherwise, append one byte of 0b10000000, followed by 0 to 62 0 bytes, followed by the length.
You might check out the BitArray class in System.Collections. One of the ctor overloads takes an array of bytes, etc.
I am puzzled with a particular BinaryReader operation.
When viewing a binary file with a hex editor (UltraEdit), the first four bytes are: 52 62 38 11.
When iterating over the same file with a BinaryReader, if I call ReadInt32() first, I would expect the int value to be 1,382,168,593.
.ReadInt32(): Reads a 4-byte signed integer from the current stream and advances the current position of the stream by four bytes.
Instead, I get 288,907,858.
Clearly I am missing something obvious... can anyone explain what is going on?
BinaryReader reads bytes in little-endian order.
csharp> 0x52623811; // What you expected it to read.
csharp> 0x11386252; // What it actually read.
If you need to specify the byte ordering of the data you are reading, I would suggest using Mono.DataConvert. I've used it in several projects and it is incredibly useful, as well as MIT-licensed. (It does use unsafe code for performance reasons, so you can't use it in untrusted contexts.)
See the Wikipedia article on endianness for more info on the concept.
See Microsoft's Reference Source for details on the implementation of BinaryReader
Intel architecture is little endian. The last byte in the sequence has the highest value. So 52 62 38 11 is equivalent to 0x11386252.