Combine the outputs from SubOrchestrator Function - c#

I have a Durable Function which reads a list of AzureAD groups and gets users from each group. Here is the code:
public async Task RunOrchestrator([OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
var groups = await context.CallActivityAsync<List<AzureADGroup>>("GroupsReaderFunction"), null);
if (groups != null && groups.Count > 0)
var processingTasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var group in groups)
var processTask = context.CallSubOrchestratorAsync<List<AzureADUser>>("SubOrchestratorFunction", group });
await Task.WhenAll(processingTasks);
public async Task<List<AzureADUser>> RunSubOrchestrator([OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
var request = context.GetInput<AzureADGroup>();
var users = await context.CallActivityAsync<List<AzureADUser>>("UsersReaderFunction", request.objectId);
return users;
I need to put all the users from all the groups to a list + remove duplicate users (if any - because some users may exist in multiple groups) and run some activity functions with all users as input. How would I do that? Please let me know.
Error on trying out the code from Answers:

Your suborchestrator should return List<AzureADUser>
public async Task<List<AzureADUser>> RunSubOrchestrator([OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
var request = context.GetInput<Group>();
var users = await context.CallActivityAsync<List<AzureADUser>>("UsersReaderFunction", request.objectId);
return users;
Then your orchestrator can receive the output and combine the lists with
public async Task RunOrchestrator([OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
var groups = await context.CallActivityAsync<List<AzureADGroup>>("GroupsReaderFunction"), null);
if (groups != null && groups.Count > 0)
var processingTasks = new List<Task<List<AzureADUser>>>();
foreach (var group in groups)
var processTask = context.CallSubOrchestratorAsync<List<AzureADUser>>("SubOrchestratorFunction", group);
await Task.WhenAll(processingTasks);
var users = new List<AzureADUser>();
foreach (var task in processingTasks)
users.AddRange(await task);
Im not familiar with AzureADUser but if you have an id or email you can use that to get distinct users from the list.
var distinctList = users.GroupBy(user => user.Id).Select(userGrp => userGrp.First()).ToList()


I don't understand where I missed async\await

My code returns Task<List<...>>.
There is a type conversion error from Task<List<...>> to List<...>.
Tell me, please, where I did not finish await ?
public async Task<List<DepartamentsResponse>> Handle(GetDepartmentsRequest token, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var departments = await _departmentApiClient.GetReception(token.accessToken, OdpgDepartmentType.Reception);
var result = departments.ConvertAll(async d => new DepartamentsResponse
FederalDistrict = GetFederalDistrictCode(d.FederalRegion.DistrictCode),
SubjectName = d.Name,
Supervisor = GetDirector(d.Users.Where(u => u.InOdpgRole(OdpgUserRole.Director)).FirstOrDefault()),
ContactsSupervisor = GetContacts(d.Users.Where(u => u.InOdpgRole(OdpgUserRole.Director)).FirstOrDefault()),
Schedule = "C 9:00 18:00",
ReceptionContacts = await GetAddressAsync(d.Addresses.FirstOrDefault(d => d.AddressType == DepartmentAddressType.Reception), token)
return result;
private async Task<string> GetAddressAsync(DepartmentAddressDto? address, GetDepartmentsRequest token)
if (address != null)
var fullAddress = await _fiasApiClient.GetFullAddress(token.accessToken,
new ESOG.Fias.Api.Model.GetFullAddressRequest
{ BaseAddressId = address.FiasId, Building = address.Building, Room = address.Room });
//var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DepartmentAddress>(fullAddress);
return fullAddress;
return "";
GetFederalDistrictCode, GetDirector, GetContacts - these methods are not asynchronous
It should just return a List<>, not Task<List<>>
Your call to departments.ConvertAll is returning a List<Task<DepartamentsResponse>>, but you want a Task<List<DepartamentsResponse>>.
Look at the Task.WhenAll method for how you would convert a collection of Tasks to a single Task that returns a collection. Then await that single Task and build your final list.

EF Core async select InvalidOperationException

The following code
var merchant = await _dbContext.Merchants
.Include(m => m.Users)
.SingleAsync(m => m.MerchantId == id);
var userTasks = merchant.Users.Select(async u =>
var roles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(u);
return new MerchantUser
UserName = u.UserName,
Role = string.Join(",", roles)
var users = await Task.WhenAll(userTasks);
return View(new MerchantViewModel
MerchantId = merchant.MerchantId,
MerchantName = merchant.Name,
MerchantUsers = users.ToList()
sometimes returns this error:
System.InvalidOperationException: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed.
However, this code does not. To my understanding, it's doing the same thing so I don't understand why it's failing.
var merchant = await _dbContext.Merchants
.Include(m => m.Users)
.SingleAsync(m => m.MerchantId == id);
var users = new List<MerchantUser>();
foreach (var user in merchant.Users)
var roles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(user);
users.Add(new MerchantUser
UserName = user.UserName,
Role = string.Join(",", roles)
return View(new MerchantViewModel
MerchantId = merchant.MerchantId,
MerchantName = merchant.Name,
MerchantUsers = users
var userTasks = merchant.Users.Select(async u => { … }).ToList();
var users = await Task.WhenAll(userTasks);
This will asynchronously start all those Select tasks at the same time and then wait for them to complete. So this will run multiple things in parallel. Since you are querying the user manager inside, this will not work since the underlying connection does not support parallel queries.
In contrast, your foreach loop will only run one query at a time, awaiting the GetRolesAsync before the next iteration begins. So instead of working in parallel, the roles will be read sequentially for all users.

How to get the individual API call status success response in C#

How to get the individual API call status success response in C#.
I am creating a mobile application using Xamarin Forms,
In my application, I need to prefetch certain information when app launches to use the mobile application.
Right now, I am calling the details like this,
public async Task<Response> GetAllVasInformationAsync()
var userDetails = GetUserDetailsAsync();
var getWageInfo = GetUserWageInfoAsync();
var getSalaryInfo = GetSalaryInfoAsync();
await Task.WhenAll(userDetails,
var resultToReturn = new Response
IsuserDetailsSucceeded = userDetails.Result,
IsgetWageInfoSucceeded = getWageInfo.Result,
IsgetSalaryInfoSucceeded = getSalaryInfo.Result,
return resultToReturn;
In my app I need to update details based on the success response. Something like this (2/5) completed. And the text should be updated whenever we get a new response.
What is the best way to implement this feature? Is it possible to use along with Task.WhenAll. Because I am trying to wrap everything in one method call.
In my app I need to update details based on the success response.
The proper way to do this is IProgress<string>. The calling code should supply a Progress<string> that updates the UI accordingly.
public async Task<Response> GetAllVasInformationAsync(IProgress<string> progress)
var userDetails = UpdateWhenComplete(GetUserDetailsAsync(), "user details");
var getWageInfo = UpdateWhenComplete(GetUserWageInfoAsync(), "wage information");
var getSalaryInfo = UpdateWhenComplete(GetSalaryInfoAsync(), "salary information");
await Task.WhenAll(userDetails, getWageInfo, getSalaryInfo);
return new Response
IsuserDetailsSucceeded = await userDetails,
IsgetWageInfoSucceeded = await getWageInfo,
IsgetSalaryInfoSucceeded = await getSalaryInfo,
async Task<T> UpdateWhenComplete<T>(Task<T> task, string taskName)
try { return await task; }
finally { progress?.Report($"Completed {taskName}"); }
If you also need a count, you can either use IProgress<(int, string)> or change how the report progress string is built to include the count.
So here's what I would do in C# 8 and .NET Standard 2.1:
First, I create the method which will produce the async enumerable:
static async IAsyncEnumerable<bool> TasksToPerform() {
Task[] tasks = new Task[3] { userDetails, getWageInfo, getSalaryInfo };
for (i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++) {
await tasks[i];
yield return true;
So now you need to await foreach on this task enumerable. Every time you get a return, you know that a task has been finished.
int numberOfFinishedTasks = 0;
await foreach (var b in TasksToPerform()) {
//Update UI here to reflect the finished task number
No need to over-complicate this. This code will show how many of your tasks had exceptions. Your await task.whenall just triggers them and waits for them to finish. So after that you can do whatever you want with the tasks :)
var task = Task.Delay(300);
var tasks = new List<Task> { task };
var faultedTasks = 0;
tasks.ForEach(t =>
t.ContinueWith(t2 =>
//do something with a field / property holding ViewModel state
//that your view is listening to
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
//use this to respond with a finished count
tasks.ForEach(_ => { if (_.IsFaulted) faultedTasks++; });
Console.WriteLine($"{tasks.Count() - faultedTasks} / {tasks.Count()} completed.");
.WhenAll() will allow you to determine if /any/ of the tasks failed, they you just count the tasks that have failed.
public async Task<Response> GetAllVasInformationAsync()
var userDetails = GetUserDetailsAsync();
var getWageInfo = GetUserWageInfoAsync();
var getSalaryInfo = GetSalaryInfoAsync();
await Task.WhenAll(userDetails, getWaitInfo, getSalaryInfo)
.ContinueWith((task) =>
int failedCount = 0;
if(userDetails.IsFaulted) failedCount++;
if(getWaitInfo.IsFaulted) failedCount++;
if(getSalaryInfo.IsFaulted) failedCount++;
return $"{failedCount} tasks failed";
var resultToReturn = new Response
IsuserDetailsSucceeded = userDetails.Result,
IsgetWageInfoSucceeded = getWageInfo.Result,
IsgetSalaryInfoSucceeded = getSalaryInfo.Result,
return resultToReturn;

async methods in a foreach and add results in a list

I would like to run several methods asyncron in a foreach. The return value should be written to a list.
The method is executed in a WPF application. The method GetItemPricesFromJsonAsync fetches from the web data.
public async Task LoadBlackMarketListView(List<MarketAnalysisManager.ItemTier> tiers, List<MarketAnalysisManager.ItemLevel> levels,
List<MarketAnalysisManager.ItemQuality> quialityList, string outdatedHours, string profit, Location? location)
await Task.Run(async () =>
var blackMarketSellObjectList = new List<BlackMarketSellObject>();
var items = await MarketAnalysisManager.GetItemListAsync(tiers, levels);
await Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
PbBlackMarketMode.Minimum = 0;
PbBlackMarketMode.Maximum = items.Count;
PbBlackMarketMode.Value = 0;
GridBlackMarketMode.IsEnabled = false;
LvBlackMarket.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
PbBlackMarketMode.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
foreach (var item in items)
var allItemPrices = await MarketAnalysisManager.GetItemPricesFromJsonAsync(item.UniqueName, true);
if (allItemPrices.FindAll(a => a.City == Locations.GetName(Location.BlackMarket)).Count <= 0)
await IncreaseBlackMarketProgressBar();
blackMarketSellObjectList.AddRange(await GetBlackMarketSellObjectList(item, quialityList, allItemPrices, outdatedHours, profit, location));
await IncreaseBlackMarketProgressBar();
await Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
LvBlackMarket.ItemsSource = blackMarketSellObjectList;
PbBlackMarketMode.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
LvBlackMarket.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
GridBlackMarketMode.IsEnabled = true;
Currently it looks like he's only doing one thing at a time.
Run... 0
End... 0
Run... 1
End... 1
Run... 2
End... 2
You will need to store the Tasks, not await them. Then you can wait for all of them.
Try this (replace your foreach with my code).
I would also advise you to use a real method instead of the annonymous one, it's much more readable.
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var item in items)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(async () =>
var allItemPrices = await MarketAnalysisManager.GetItemPricesFromJsonAsync(item.UniqueName, true);
if (allItemPrices.FindAll(a => a.City == Locations.GetName(Location.BlackMarket)).Count <= 0)
await IncreaseBlackMarketProgressBar();
blackMarketSellObjectList.AddRange(await GetBlackMarketSellObjectList(item, quialityList, allItemPrices, outdatedHours, profit, location));
await IncreaseBlackMarketProgressBar();
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Note: There is now a return instead of a continue since this is an annonymous function and you just have to end the function there instead of continuing with the foreach.

How to check if a user that is in Azure Active Directory belongs to a specific group membership?

I was able to query the the active directory on Azure and bring the user information such as name, country, department, ... etc.
However, I would like to know the group that the user who logged in belongs to. The function that I am using to bring a user's info is like the following:
public IUser GetUserData()
string tenantID = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value;
string userObjectID = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value;
Uri servicePointUri = new Uri(graphResourceId);
Uri serviceRoot = new Uri(servicePointUri, tenantID);
ActiveDirectoryClient activeDirectoryClient = new ActiveDirectoryClient(serviceRoot,
async () => await GetTokenForApplication());
// use the token for querying the graph to get the user details
IUser user = activeDirectoryClient.Users
.Where(u => u.ObjectId.Equals(userObjectID))
return user;
I tried to use 'activeDirectoryClient' variable that is inside GetUserData method to check if a user is a member of a group like the following:
bool d = activeDirectoryClient.IsMemberOfAsync("group1", userObjectID).Result.Value;
However, it did not work!!
I also found this solution here, took it, and customized it like the following:
public async Task<IList<String>> GetGroups(IUser user)
IList<String> groupMembership = new List<String>();
var userFetcher = (IUserFetcher)user;
IPagedCollection<IDirectoryObject> pagedCollection = await userFetcher.MemberOf.ExecuteAsync();
List<IDirectoryObject> directoryObjects = pagedCollection.CurrentPage.ToList();
foreach (IDirectoryObject directoryObject in directoryObjects)
if (directoryObject is Group)
var group = directoryObject as Group;
test.Text += group.DisplayName;
pagedCollection = await pagedCollection.GetNextPageAsync();
} while (pagedCollection != null);
return groupMembership;
I am using global variables that are stored in my web.config file
private static string clientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ClientID"];
private static string appKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ClientSecret"];
private static string aadInstance = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:AADInstance"];
private static string graphResourceId = "";
How can I check if 'user' has a group called 'group1'
Try using IUserFetcher.Memberof.
ActiveDirectoryClient activeDirectoryClient = new ActiveDirectoryClient(serviceRoot,
async () => await GetTokenForApplication());
IList<string> groupMembership = new List<string>();
IUser user = activeDirectoryClient.Users.Where(u => u.ObjectId.Equals(userObjectID)).ExecuteAsync().Result.CurrentPage.ToList().First();
var userFetcher = (IUserFetcher)user;
IPagedCollection<IDirectoryObject> pagedCollection = userFetcher.MemberOf.ExecuteAsync().Result;
List<IDirectoryObject> directoryObjects = pagedCollection.CurrentPage.ToList();
foreach (IDirectoryObject directoryObject in directoryObjects)
if (directoryObject is Group)
var group = directoryObject as Group;
pagedCollection = pagedCollection.GetNextPageAsync().Result;
} while (pagedCollection != null);
So the Graph API has isMemberOfwhich you can query to check if a user is a member of a specific group. Reference link:

