How to dynamically create buttons with images in WPF using MVVM pattern - c#

I've been learning about WPF and the MVVM pattern recently. I understand how the MVVM pattern works, but I'm struggling with this particular issue. On runtime, I'm trying to create multiple Buttons with Images as their content (using a Style), and then add these Buttons to a StackPanel which is then added to ContentControl within ItemsControl. All of the data is properly binded and the buttons are created, however, only one of the Buttons has the Image, all the rest are blank.
Here is all the code I used to get this.
public class DynamicButtonsModel
public StackPanel StackPanel { get; set; } = new StackPanel();
public DynamicButtonsModel()
for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
StackPanel.Children.Add(new Button() { Height = 25, Width = 25, Style = Application.Current.FindResource("MenuControlButton") as Style });
public class RegistryViewModel : BaseViewModel
public ObservableCollection<DynamicButtonsModel> mDynamicButtons = new ObservableCollection<DynamicButtonsModel>();
public RegistryViewModel()
DynamicButtons = new ObservableCollection<DynamicButtonsModel>() { new DynamicButtonsModel() };
public ObservableCollection<DynamicButtonsModel> DynamicButtons
get { return mDynamicButtons; }
if (mDynamicButtons == value)
mDynamicButtons = value;
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding DynamicButtons}" Foreground="White"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<ContentControl Content="{Binding StackPanel}"/>
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}" x:Key="MenuControlButton">
<Setter Property="Content">
<Image Source="/Assets/Menu/Expand.png"/>
I'm not sure why it's not displaying all of them, but here is a preview with the background color changed so it's more visible.
Dynamic Buttons issue
Thank you and I hope you can help me with this very interesting problem!


How to change background of listbox items (Textblock) in UWP

When trying to change background of TextBlock that is part of a DataTemplate of a ListBox the background is only around the text and not the entire block
In UWP TextBlock doesn't have background property so I've wrapped it in a border and changed the border's background like this:
<ListBox x:Name="BitsListView" ItemsSource="{x:Bind BitsList, Mode=TwoWay}" Loaded="BitsListView_Loaded"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" IsEnabled="{x:Bind IsWriteAccess,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
SelectionChanged="BitsListView_SelectionChanged " SelectionMode="Single">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock x:Name="BitText" Text="{Binding}" Loaded="BitText_Loaded" />
And the color is changed in an OnLoaded event like this:
private void BitText_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TextBlock bitText = sender as TextBlock;
StackPanel sp = bitText.Parent as StackPanel;
Border border = sp.Parent as Border;
if ((int)bitText.DataContext == 1)
bitText.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.LightGreen);
border.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.DarkGreen);
bitText.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Gray);
border.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.LightGray);
But the result is this:
What i'm trying to achive is something like this:
(Don't mind the bad MSPaint job)
What i've tried to do to solve this is wrapping the stackpanel with border, but that didnt help.
then i've tried to wrap the datatemplate but that is not possible, climbing further up the tree changing the backgrounds is not working properly, and obviously changing the ListBox's background paints the entire list, and I need only the blocks that has 1 to be painted fully and not just a little bit around the text
For your question, you do not need to use border to wrap the StackPanel, it will not work. You just need to define a style for ListBoxItem and apply it to ItemContainerStyle and set HorizontalContentAlignment=Stretch.
Here, I checked your code. I have some suggestions for you. In UWP, you could do most things with binding. That means you do not need to find the specific control and set its property value from DataTemplate in the page's code-behind. It's not best practice. Instead, you could define a custom class which includes three properties(text,background,foreground). Then, you could bind to these properties on your XAML page.
The complete code sample like the following:
<ListView x:Name="BitsListView" ItemsSource="{x:Bind BitsList, Mode=TwoWay}"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" SelectionMode="Single">
<Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
<Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch"></Setter>
<Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Stretch"></Setter>
<Setter Property="Padding" Value="0"></Setter>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" ></StackPanel>
<DataTemplate x:DataType="local:Test">
<StackPanel Background="{x:Bind backGround}">
<TextBlock x:Name="BitText" Text="{x:Bind content}" Foreground="{x:Bind foreGround}" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center"/>
public class Test : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private int _content;
public int content
get { return _content; }
if (_content != value)
_content = value;
if (value == 1)
foreGround = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGreen);
backGround = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkGreen);
foreGround = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
backGround = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("content"));
private SolidColorBrush _backGround;
public SolidColorBrush backGround
get { return _backGround; }
if (_backGround != value)
_backGround = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("backGround"));
private SolidColorBrush _foreGround;
public SolidColorBrush foreGround
get { return _foreGround; }
if (_foreGround != value)
_foreGround = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("foreGround"));
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
private ObservableCollection<Test> BitsList { get; set; }
public MainPage()
BitsList = new ObservableCollection<Test>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Random random = new Random();
BitsList.Add(new Test() { content = random.Next(0, 9) });

WPF Polyline databound to ObservableCollection Custom Control with MVVM

I'm working towards making click and drag-able spline curves while learning WPF. I've been able to successfully work with pure Line segments, but making the jump to a polyline is proving difficult. I have a class for interpolating the spline curves that I used to use in WinForms, so I'm using a few input clicks from the mouse, and those will be the thumbs to click and drag. The interpolated points have a high enough resolution that a WPF Polyline should be fine for display. To clarify, I need the higher resolution output, so using a WPF Beizer is not going to work.
I have the outline pretty well setup- but the particular issue I'm having, is that dragging the thumbs does not either a) the two way binding is not setup correctly, or b) the ObservableCollection is not generating notifications. I realize that the ObservableCollection only notifies when items are added/removed/cleared, etc, and not that the individual indices are able to produce notifications. I have spent the last few hours searching- found some promising ideas, but haven't been able to wire them up correctly. There was some code posted to try inherit from ObservableCollection and override the OnPropertyChanged method in the ObservableCollection, but that's a protected virtual method. While others used a method call into the OC to attach PropertyChanged event handlers to each object, but I'm unsure where to inject that logic. So I am a little stuck.
There is an ItemsControl hosted in a mainCanvas. ItemsControl is bound to a property on the ViewModel
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<MenuItem x:Name="menuAddNewPolyline" Header="Add Polyline" Click="MenuItem_Click" />
<Canvas x:Name="mainCanvas" Grid.Row="1">
<ItemsControl x:Name="polylinesItemsControl"
ItemsSource="{Binding polylines}"
<Canvas />
Pretty simple- initializes a new view model, and it's set as the DataContext. There is a menu with a Add Polyline item, which in turn, initializes a new PolylineControl, and generates three random points (using Thread.Sleep, otherwise they were the same, between the calls) within the ActualHeight and ActualWidth of the window. The new PolylineControl is added to the ViewModel in an ObservableCollection This is a stand in until I get to accepting mouse input.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private ViewModel viewModel;
public MainWindow()
viewModel = new ViewModel();
DataContext = viewModel;
private Point GetRandomPoint()
Random r = new Random();
return new Point(r.Next(0, (int)this.ActualWidth), r.Next(0, (int)this.ActualHeight));
private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var newPolyline = new PolylineControl.Polyline();
Absolutely noting fancy here
public class ViewModel
public ObservableCollection<PolylineControl.Polyline> polylines { get; set; }
public ViewModel()
polylines = new ObservableCollection<PolylineControl.Polyline>();
**The PolylineControl:
Contains DP's for an ObservableCollection of points for the polyline. Eventually this will also contain the interpolated points as well as the input points, but a single collection of points will do for the demo. I did try to use the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to no avail.
public class Polyline : Control
public static readonly DependencyProperty PolylinePointsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("PolylinePoints", typeof(ObservableCollection<Point>), typeof(Polyline),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new ObservableCollection<Point>()));
public ObservableCollection<Point> PolylinePoints
get { return (ObservableCollection<Point>)GetValue(PolylinePointsProperty); }
set { SetValue(PolylinePointsProperty, value); }
static Polyline()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Polyline), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(Polyline)));
Contains a canvas with a databound Polyline, and an ItemsControl with a DataTemplate for the ThumbPoint control.
<local:PointCollectionConverter x:Key="PointsConverter"/>
<Style TargetType="{x:Type local:Polyline}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:Polyline}">
<Canvas Background="Transparent">
<Polyline x:Name="PART_Polyline"
Points="{Binding Path=PolylinePoints,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent},
Converter={StaticResource PointsConverter}}"
<ItemsControl x:Name="thumbPoints"
ItemsSource="{Binding PolylinePoints, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"
<tc:ThumbPoint Point="{Binding Path=., Mode=TwoWay}"/>
Contains a IValueConverter to turn the ObservableCollection into a PointsCollection.
public class PointCollectionConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
if (value.GetType() == typeof(ObservableCollection<Point>) && targetType == typeof(PointCollection))
var pointCollection = new PointCollection();
foreach (var point in value as ObservableCollection<Point>)
return pointCollection;
return null;
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
return null;
And finally, the ThumbPointControl:
Contains a single DP for the center of the point, along with the DragDelta functionality.
public class ThumbPoint : Thumb
public static readonly DependencyProperty PointProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Point", typeof(Point), typeof(ThumbPoint),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new Point()));
public Point Point
get { return (Point)GetValue(PointProperty); }
set { SetValue(PointProperty, value); }
static ThumbPoint()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(ThumbPoint), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(ThumbPoint)));
public ThumbPoint()
this.DragDelta += new DragDeltaEventHandler(this.OnDragDelta);
private void OnDragDelta(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs e)
this.Point = new Point(this.Point.X + e.HorizontalChange, this.Point.Y + e.VerticalChange);
Contains the style, and an Ellipse bound which is databound.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type local:ThumbPoint}">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="8"/>
<Setter Property="Height" Value="8"/>
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="-4"/>
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Gray" />
<Setter Property="Canvas.Left" Value="{Binding Path=Point.X, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
<Setter Property="Canvas.Top" Value="{Binding Path=Point.Y, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:ThumbPoint}">
<Ellipse x:Name="PART_Ellipse"
Fill="{TemplateBinding Background}"
Width="{TemplateBinding Width}"
Height="{TemplateBinding Height}"
Window after the Add Polyline menu item is pressed
The code works to add the polyline with three random points.
Thumbs moved away from poly line
However, once you move the thumbs, the polyline does not update along with it.
I have a working example of just a single line segment (added to the view model as many times as you click the add segment button) so it seems the logic should all be correct, but something broke down with the introduction of the ObservableCollection to host the multiple points required for a polyline.
Any help is appreciated
Following on from Clemens suggestions, I was able to make it work.
I renamed the Polyline.cs control to eliminate confusion with the standard WPF Polyline Shape class to DynamicPolyline. The class now implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and has DP for the PolylinePoints and a seperate ObservableCollection for a NotifyingPoint class which also implements INotifyPropertyChanged. When DynamicPolyline is initialized, it hooks the CollectionChanged event on the ObserableCollection. The event handler method then either adds an event handler to each item in the collection, or removes it based on the action. The event handler for each item simply calls SetPolyline, which in turn cycles through the InputPoints adding them to a new PointCollection, and then sets the Points property on the PART_Polyline (which a reference to is created in the OnApplyTemplate method).
It turns out the Points property on a Polyline does not listen to the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, so data binding in the Xaml was not possible. Probably will end up using a PathGeometery in the future, but for now, this works.
To address Marks non MVVM concerns.. It's a demo app, sorry I had some code to test things in the code behind. The point is to be able to reuse these controls, and group them with others for various use cases, so it makes more sense for them to be on their own vs repeating the code.
public class DynamicPolyline : Control, INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string caller = "")
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(caller));
public static readonly DependencyProperty PolylinePointsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("PoilylinePoints", typeof(PointCollection), typeof(DynamicPolyline),
new PropertyMetadata(new PointCollection()));
public PointCollection PolylinePoints
get { return (PointCollection)GetValue(PolylinePointsProperty); }
set { SetValue(PolylinePointsProperty, value); }
private ObservableCollection<NotifyingPoint> _inputPoints;
public ObservableCollection<NotifyingPoint> InputPoints
get { return _inputPoints; }
_inputPoints = value;
private void SetPolyline()
if (polyLine != null && InputPoints.Count >= 2)
var newCollection = new PointCollection();
foreach (var point in InputPoints)
newCollection.Add(new Point(point.X, point.Y));
polyLine.Points = newCollection;
private void InputPoints_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
foreach (var item in e.NewItems)
var point = item as NotifyingPoint;
point.PropertyChanged += InputPoints_PropertyChange;
else if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove)
foreach (var item in e.OldItems)
var point = item as NotifyingPoint;
point.PropertyChanged -= InputPoints_PropertyChange;
private void InputPoints_PropertyChange(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
public DynamicPolyline()
InputPoints = new ObservableCollection<NotifyingPoint>();
InputPoints.CollectionChanged += InputPoints_CollectionChanged;
static DynamicPolyline()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(DynamicPolyline), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(DynamicPolyline)));
private Polyline polyLine;
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
polyLine = this.Template.FindName("PART_Polyline", this) as Polyline;
Simple class that raises property changed events when X or Y is updated from the databound ThumbPoint.
public class NotifyingPoint : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string caller = "")
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(caller));
public event EventHandler ValueChanged;
private double _x = 0.0;
public double X
get { return _x; }
_x = value;
ValueChanged?.Invoke(this, null);
private double _y = 0.0;
public double Y
get { return _y; }
_y = value;
public NotifyingPoint()
public NotifyingPoint(double x, double y)
X = x;
Y = y;
public Point ToPoint()
return new Point(_x, _y);
And finally, for completeness, here is the Generic.xaml for the control. Only change in here was the bindings for X and Y of the NotifyingPoint.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type local:DynamicPolyline}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:DynamicPolyline}">
<Canvas x:Name="PART_Canvas">
<Polyline x:Name="PART_Polyline"
<ItemsControl x:Name="PART_ThumbPointItemsControl"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=InputPoints, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"
<tc:ThumbPoint X="{Binding Path=X, Mode=TwoWay}" Y="{Binding Path=Y, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
I dropped my Spline class in to the SetPolyline method, and got the result I was after:
Two working click and drag able spline curves

How to Bind ItemsSource of ComboBox in ControlTemplate?

I have to change the content of the Flyout Item in GridView. So I am creating ControlTemplate in Page.Resources and setting it in ContentControl which is inside Flyout.
I have a ComboBox in ControlTemplate. Now I want to set the ItemsSource of ComboBox to List<string> (_easingType) which is declared in MainPage
How to Bind/Set ItemsSource of ComboBox in ControlTemplate?
I have removed the unnecessary parts of the code
<ControlTemplate x:Key="BlurEditFlyout">
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Bind it to the _esaingType}" />
<ControlTemplate x:Key="BlurEditFlyout">
<GridView ItemsSource="{x:Bind _items}">
<DataTemplate x:DataType="local:MethodData">
<Button Visibility="{x:Bind EditButtonVisibility}">
<Style TargetType="FlyoutPresenter">
<Setter Property="ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollMode" Value="Disabled" />
<Setter Property="ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility" Value="Disabled" />
<ContentControl Template="{x:Bind FlyoutTemplate}"/>
<SymbolIcon Symbol="Edit"/>
Code Behind
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
ObservableCollection<MethodData> _items = new ObservableCollection<MethodData>();
List<string> _easingType = new List<string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EasingType)).ToArray());
Dictionary<MethodName, ControlTemplate> _buttonFlyoutDictionary = new Dictionary<MethodName, ControlTemplate>();
public MainPage()
private void LoadFlyoutResources()
_buttonFlyoutDictionary.Add(MethodName.Blur, (ControlTemplate)Resources["BlurEditFlyout"]);
private MethodData GetMethodData(MethodName methodName)
_buttonFlyoutDictionary.TryGetValue(methodName, out ControlTemplate flyoutTemplate);
return new MethodData(methodName, flyoutTemplate);
public class MethodData
public string Name { get; set; }
public ControlTemplate FlyoutTemplate { get; set; }
public Visibility EditButtonVisibility { get; set; }
public MethodData(MethodName name, ControlTemplate flyoutTemplate)
Name = name.ToString();
FlyoutTemplate = flyoutTemplate;
EditButtonVisibility = (name == MethodName.Then) ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;
public enum MethodName
Full Code
Your DataContext in the Flyout control is actually each item in "_items". You'll want to create a DataContext proxy to get to your Page's DataContext. You can follow either of these two links to create the proxy.
The gist of it is you'll want to create a proxy that you can reference as a static resource. Following the first link, you'll do something like this:
public class DataContextProxy : FrameworkElement
public DataContextProxy()
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(DataContextProxy_Loaded);
void DataContextProxy_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Binding binding = new Binding();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(BindingPropertyName))
binding.Path = new PropertyPath(BindingPropertyName);
binding.Source = this.DataContext;
binding.Mode = BindingMode;
this.SetBinding(DataContextProxy.DataSourceProperty, binding);
public Object DataSource
get { return (Object)GetValue(DataSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(DataSourceProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty DataSourceProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("DataSource", typeof(Object), typeof(DataContextProxy), null);
public string BindingPropertyName { get; set; }
public BindingMode BindingMode { get; set; }
You should use public access modifier for _easingType
public List<string> _easingType = new List<string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EasingType)).ToArray());
In MainPage.xaml
<local:DataContextProxy x:Key="DataContextProxy" />
<ControlTemplate x:Key="BlurEditFlyout">
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource DataContextProxy}, Path=DataSource._easingType}" />
<ControlTemplate x:Key="BlurEditFlyout">
How to Bind/Set ItemsSource of ComboBox in ControlTemplate?
I'm not sure if you have deep reasons for asking this question, but directly to reply this question, we could just set the string list _esaingType as the value of DataContext property and binding it. For example:
<ControlTemplate TargetType="FlyoutPresenter" x:Key="BlurEditFlyout" >
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding}" />
<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<Style TargetType="FlyoutPresenter">
<Setter Property="ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollMode" Value="Disabled" />
<Setter Property="ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility" Value="Disabled" />
<Setter Property="Template" Value="{StaticResource BlurEditFlyout}">
<!--<ContentControl Template="{StaticResource BlurEditFlyout}"/>-->
<SymbolIcon Symbol="Edit"/>
Code behind
List<string> _easingType = new List<string>();
public MainPage()
this.DataContext = _easingType;
Any concerns on this way or any issues when using this on your side please kindly tell me I will follow up in time. More details please reference Data binding in depth.

WPF Customcontrol, Templates, Inheritance and Dependencyproperties

I've got some troubles with a custom control I need to create. I try to explain you my needs first
I need to have a combobox that permits to check more than one item at time (with checkbox) but I want it to be smart enought to bind to a specific type.
I've found some MultiSelectionComboBox but none reflects my need.
Btw my main problem is that I wish to have a generic class as
public class BaseClass<T> : BaseClass
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource", typeof(IEnumerable<T>), typeof(BaseClass<T>), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null,
new PropertyChangedCallback(BaseClass<T>.OnItemsSourceChanged)));
private static void OnItemsSourceChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
int i = 0;
//MultiSelectComboBox control = (MultiSelectComboBox)d;
public IEnumerable<T> ItemsSource
get { return (IEnumerable<T>)GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value);
public class BaseClass : Control
and a more context specific item for example
public class MultiCurr : BaseClass<Currency>
static MultiCurr()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(MultiCurr), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(MultiCurr)));
In my App.xaml I've defined a resource as
<Style TargetType="local:MultiCurr">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:MultiCurr">
<ComboBox Width="120" Background="Red" Height="30" ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsSource}" DisplayMemberPath="Description" ></ComboBox>
In my MainWindow I've created an object as
<local:MultiCurr x:Name="test" ItemsSource="{Binding Currencies}"></local:MultiCurr>
and the MainWindow.cs is defined as
public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
private IList currencies;
public MainWindow()
this.DataContext = this;
this.Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded;
void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var lst = new List<Currency>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var curr = new Currency
ID = i,
Description = string.Format("Currency_{0}", i)
Currencies = lst;
public IList<Currency> Currencies
return this.currencies;
this.currencies = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
// This method is called by the Set accessor of each property.
// The CallerMemberName attribute that is applied to the optional propertyName
// parameter causes the property name of the caller to be substituted as an argument.
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String propertyName = "")
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
And here's the result ...
I was wondering what am I doing wrong? is it possible what am I tring to achieve?
I've seen that the main problem is the datacontext of the custom usercontrol
<Style TargetType="local:MultiCurr">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:MultiCurr">
<ComboBox Width="120" Background="Red" Height="30" ItemsSource="{Binding **Currencies**}" DisplayMemberPath="{Binding **DisplayMemeberPath**}" ></ComboBox>
If I put ItemsSource as Currency (which is a property of the MainWindow) it shows.
If I put ItemsSource and DisplayMemberPath (which are defined in the BaseClass no.. how can I set the context of the usercontrol to itself?)
I've added a GoogleDrive link to the project here if anyone wants to try the solution
Combobox is not suitable control for multiselection, because it has given behaviour, that when yo select item, Combobox closes itself. That's why Combobox doest not have SelectionMode property like ListBox. I think that ListBox inside expander is what you need.
Generic Types are not a way to go. WPF handles this different, better way. Take listbox as an example. If you bind listbox.itemssource to generic observable collection, and you try to define e.g ItemTemplate, you get full intellisense when writing bindings and warning if you bind to not existing property. WPF designer automatically recognizes type parameter of your observable collection. Of cousre you need to specify type of datacontext in your page by using something like this: d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance search:AdvancedSearchPageViewModel}". However your control dont have to be and shouldn't be aware of type of items.
Following example demonstrates control that meets your requirements:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=PART_ListBox, Path=SelectedItems}">
<Run Text="{Binding Mode=OneWay}" />
<Run Text=";" />
<WrapPanel />
<ListBox x:Name="PART_ListBox" SelectionMode="Multiple">
<x:Array Type="system:String">
I reccomend you to create control derived from ListBox (not usercontrol).
I have hardcoded datatemplates, but you should expose them in your custom dependency properties and use TemplateBinding in you control template. Of course you need to modify expander so it looks like combobox and ListBoxItem style so it looks like CheckBox, but it is ease.

Viewmodel instantiates before it is needed

I have a little problem with MVVM. Let me first sketch my problem.
I have a Parent View (DashboardConsultants) which has a datagrid. Each cell in that DataGrid has a tooltip, implemented like this:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:UC1001_AgreementDetailsViewModel}">
<v:UC1001_AgreementDetails_View />
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
<Setter Property="DataGridCell.ToolTip">
<vm:UC1001_AgreementDetailsViewModel />
The tooltip calls up my ViewModel (AgreementDetailsViewModel), which has the following code:
public UC1001_ActiveAgreementContract AgreementDetailsContract { get; set; }
public int AgreementID { get; set; }
public UC1001_AgreementDetailsViewModel()
AgreementDetailsContract = new UC1001_ActiveAgreementContract();
private void Initialize()
private void GetRefData()
UC1001_ActiveAgreementArguments args = new UC1001_ActiveAgreementArguments();
args.AgreementID = 3;
DefaultCacheProvider defaultCacheProvider = new DefaultCacheProvider();
if (!defaultCacheProvider.IsSet("AgrDet:" + args.AgreementID))
ConsultantServiceClient client = new ConsultantServiceClient();
AgreementDetailsContract = client.GetAgreementDetailsByAgreementID(args);
defaultCacheProvider.Set("AgrDet:" + args.AgreementID, AgreementDetailsContract, 5);
AgreementDetailsContract = (UC1001_ActiveAgreementContract)defaultCacheProvider.Get("AgrDet:" + args.AgreementID);
private void ShowAgreementDetailsView()
// Initialize
var regionManager = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IRegionManager>();
// Show content
var agreementDetailsWorkspace = new Uri("UC1001_AgreementDetails_View", UriKind.Relative);
regionManager.RequestNavigate("ContentRegion", agreementDetailsWorkspace);
The goal of the ViewModel is to get an Agreement from the database (currently a static one...) and then pass it on to the child View (UC1001_AgreementDetails_View) to show as the tooltip. The child View has the following constructor so the controls can bind to the contract:
public UC1001_AgreementDetails_View(ViewModels.UC1001_AgreementDetailsViewModel UC1001_AgreementDetailsViewModel)
this.DataContext = UC1001_AgreementDetailsViewModel.AgreementDetailsContract;
I put a breakpoint on the ViewModel Initialize, and it fires when I get on the parent View, but it should fire when I get on the child View (thus when opening the tooltip in the datagrid). Does anyone know how I can fix this?
More information/code can be provided if needed.
I tried some stuff and I now I got something like this (which I feel is a little closer to the solution).
I changed my tooltip to the following (according to Rachels help):
<Setter Property="DataGridCell.ToolTip">
<v:UC1001_AgreementDetails_View DataContext="{Binding AgreementDetailsViewModel}" />
In my child view, I put the following binding
<Label Content="{Binding AgreementDetailsContract.Header}" Height="50" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,6,0,0" Name="_labelHoofding" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontSize="22" />
Now my AgreementDetailsViewModel, which has a property called AgreementDetailsContract with all the information I want to show, is the DataContext of my child view. But my problem still exist. The AgreementDetailsViewModels fires on opening the ConsultantDashboard, when it should open on displaying the tooltip. Is there some kind of event/command I can put on the tooltip to fire the ViewModel? Also, I think something is wrong with the Binding of my label because it doesn't show information (altough it could be the same problem that the ViewModel doesn't pass the right information).
Again, if it looks a little complex to you, I will be happy to explain it further, or give more code if asked.
I got the solution. I specify the binding in the constructor of the ChildView instead of its XAML or in the View Tooltip.
public UC1001_AgreementDetails_View()
this.DataContext = new UC1001_AgreementDetailsViewModel();
It looks like your View is directly referencing the ViewModel, which means it will create a copy of your ViewModel when it starts up
This code
<Setter Property="DataGridCell.ToolTip">
<vm:UC1001_AgreementDetailsViewModel />
Should be
<Setter Property="DataGridCell.ToolTip">
<!-- If you want to keep the DataTemplate, use a ContentControl -->
<v:UC1001_AgreementDetails_View DataContext="{Binding AgreementDetails}" />
Your Data Structure should look something like this:
class MainViewModel
ObservableCollection<AgreementViewModel> Agreements;
class AgreementViewModel
// Loaded only when getter is called
AgreementDetailViewModel AgreementDetails;

