Turning off part of long running Entity Framework query conditionally - c#

In my Asp.Net Web Api project, there's a GET method to fetch all processes. Process in my app is an entity to log various maintenence activities, it has many properties, e.g. beginning and end. Each processes can be handled by many users and so single Process can have many Handlings associated with it. Each handling also has begining and end timestamps. Recently I added "HandlingsLength" property to calculate for each process its handlings length. Unfortunately, adding this property made all requests targeting the method run almost twice as long..
Now, I'm looking for a way to improve the execution time of my method, either by complete rewrite, or by using some smart workaround. There are requests which doesn't mind waiting long for response, but there are also requests that don't need this property calculated and need to be fast too. My first idea was passing handlingsLength argument to my method and depending on its value HandlingsLength would be calculated or just set to null.
HandlingsLength = handlingsLength == null || handlingsLength == false ? null : grp.Where(ph => ph.ha.HandlingId > 0).Sum(h => DbFunctions.DiffMinutes(h.ha.StartedOn, h.ha.FinishedOn)) == null ? grp.Where(ph => ph.ha.HandlingId > 0).Sum(h => DbFunctions.DiffMinutes(h.ha.StartedOn, DateTime.Now)) : grp.Where(ph => ph.ha.HandlingId > 0).Sum(h => DbFunctions.DiffMinutes(h.ha.StartedOn, h.ha.FinishedOn))
Unfortunately it doesn't work, even if I pass handlingsLenght=null to indicate this property shouldn't be calculated, run time is more-less the same. Probably my linq statement is compiled to SQL at compilation so it doesn't know the value parameter provided on runtime. If there's a way to effectively 'turn off' this property at runtime, it's very welcome.
Here's complete body of my linq to entity statement:
items = (from p in db.JDE_Processes
join uuu in db.JDE_Users on p.FinishedBy equals uuu.UserId into finished
from fin in finished.DefaultIfEmpty()
join t in db.JDE_Tenants on p.TenantId equals t.TenantId
join u in db.JDE_Users on p.CreatedBy equals u.UserId
join at in db.JDE_ActionTypes on p.ActionTypeId equals at.ActionTypeId
join uu in db.JDE_Users on p.StartedBy equals uu.UserId into started
from star in started.DefaultIfEmpty()
join lsu in db.JDE_Users on p.LastStatusBy equals lsu.UserId into lastStatus
from lStat in lastStatus.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pl in db.JDE_Places on p.PlaceId equals pl.PlaceId
join comp in db.JDE_Components on p.ComponentId equals comp.ComponentId into comps
from components in comps.DefaultIfEmpty()
join s in db.JDE_Sets on pl.SetId equals s.SetId
join a in db.JDE_Areas on pl.AreaId equals a.AreaId
join h in db.JDE_Handlings on p.ProcessId equals h.ProcessId into hans
from ha in hans.DefaultIfEmpty()
where p.TenantId == TenantId && p.CreatedOn >= dFrom && p.CreatedOn <= dTo
group new { p, fin, t, u, at, started, lastStatus, lStat, pl, s, a, ha }
by new
SetName = s.Name,
AreaName = a.Name,
CreatedByName = u.Name + " " + u.Surname,
TenantName = t.TenantName,
ActionTypeName = at.Name,
FinishedByName = fin.Name + " " + fin.Surname,
StartedByName = star.Name + " " + star.Surname,
PlaceName = pl.Name,
ComponentId = p.ComponentId,
ComponentName = components.Name,
LastStatus = p.LastStatus == null ? (ProcessStatus?)null : (ProcessStatus)p.LastStatus, // Nullable enums handled
LastStatusByName = lStat.Name + " " + lStat.Surname,
} into grp
orderby grp.Key.CreatedOn descending
select new Process
ProcessId = grp.Key.ProcessId,
Description = grp.Key.Description,
StartedOn = grp.Key.StartedOn,
StartedBy = grp.Key.StartedBy,
StartedByName = grp.Key.StartedByName,
FinishedOn = grp.Key.FinishedOn,
FinishedBy = grp.Key.FinishedBy,
FinishedByName = grp.Key.FinishedByName,
ActionTypeId = grp.Key.ActionTypeId,
ActionTypeName = grp.Key.ActionTypeName,
IsActive = grp.Key.IsActive,
IsFrozen = grp.Key.IsFrozen,
IsCompleted = grp.Key.IsCompleted,
IsSuccessfull = grp.Key.IsSuccessfull,
PlaceId = grp.Key.PlaceId,
PlaceName = grp.Key.PlaceName,
PlaceImage = grp.Key.Image,
SetId = grp.Key.SetId,
SetName = grp.Key.SetName,
AreaId = grp.Key.AreaId,
AreaName = grp.Key.AreaName,
Output = grp.Key.Output,
TenantId = grp.Key.TenantId,
TenantName = grp.Key.TenantName,
CreatedOn = grp.Key.CreatedOn,
CreatedBy = grp.Key.CreatedBy,
CreatedByName = grp.Key.CreatedByName,
MesId = grp.Key.MesId,
InitialDiagnosis = grp.Key.InitialDiagnosis,
RepairActions = grp.Key.RepairActions,
Reason = grp.Key.Reason,
MesDate = grp.Key.MesDate,
Comment = grp.Key.Comment,
ComponentId = grp.Key.ComponentId,
ComponentName = grp.Key.ComponentName,
PlannedStart = grp.Key.PlannedStart,
PlannedFinish = grp.Key.PlannedFinish,
LastStatus = grp.Key.LastStatus,
LastStatusBy = grp.Key.LastStatusBy,
LastStatusByName = grp.Key.LastStatusByName,
LastStatusOn = grp.Key.LastStatusOn,
IsResurrected = grp.Key.IsResurrected,
OpenHandlings = grp.Where(ph => ph.ha.HandlingId > 0 && (ph.ha.IsCompleted == null || ph.ha.IsCompleted == false)).Count(),
AllHandlings = grp.Where(ph => ph.ha.HandlingId > 0).Count(),
AssignedUsers = (from pras in db.JDE_ProcessAssigns
join uu in db.JDE_Users on pras.UserId equals uu.UserId
where pras.ProcessId == grp.Key.ProcessId
select uu.Name + " " + uu.Surname),
GivenTime = givenTime == null || givenTime == false ? 0 : (from prac in db.JDE_ProcessActions
join a in db.JDE_Actions on prac.ActionId equals a.ActionId
where prac.ProcessId == grp.Key.ProcessId
select a.GivenTime).Sum(),
FinishRate = finishRate == null || finishRate == false ? 0 : db.JDE_ProcessActions.Count(i => i.ProcessId == grp.Key.ProcessId)==0
? 100 : (((float)db.JDE_ProcessActions.Count(i => i.ProcessId == grp.Key.ProcessId && i.IsChecked == true)
/ (float)db.JDE_ProcessActions.Count(i => i.ProcessId == grp.Key.ProcessId))*100),
HasAttachments = db.JDE_FileAssigns.Any(f => f.ProcessId == grp.Key.ProcessId),
HandlingsLength = handlingsLength == null || handlingsLength == false ? null : grp.Where(ph => ph.ha.HandlingId > 0).Sum(h => DbFunctions.DiffMinutes(h.ha.StartedOn, h.ha.FinishedOn)) == null ? grp.Where(ph => ph.ha.HandlingId > 0).Sum(h => DbFunctions.DiffMinutes(h.ha.StartedOn, DateTime.Now)) : grp.Where(ph => ph.ha.HandlingId > 0).Sum(h => DbFunctions.DiffMinutes(h.ha.StartedOn, h.ha.FinishedOn))


Linq Query Throws Timeout in code but Works fine on LinqPad

When I run the Linq query on LinqPad it takes only 4-5 seconds to return 5000 rows but when I run that same query in my code using Entity Framework it throws timeout.
What could be the possible issues?
Thanks in advance.
Below is the query:
var resultSale =
from product in Products
join productInfo in ProductInfoSummaries on product.ID equals productInfo.ProductID
join productDetail in ProductDetails on new { Id = product.ID, storeId = product.CreatedInStore } equals new { Id = productDetail.ProductID, storeId = productDetail.StoreID }
join productInventoryOtherStore in InventoryOtherStores on product.ID equals productInventoryOtherStore.ProductID
into productInventories
from productInventoryOtherStore in productInventories.DefaultIfEmpty()
join saleLine in SaleLines on productDetail.ID equals saleLine.ArtikkelNr
join sales in Sales on saleLine.OrderID equals sales.ID
where saleLine.ArtikkelNr != null
&& saleLine.DatoTid >= new DateTime(2018, 01, 01)
&& saleLine.DatoTid <= new DateTime(2019,11,21)
&& sales.StoreID == 14
&& (sales.OrderType == 1 || sales.OrderType == 2 || sales.OrderType == 4 || sales.OrderType == 6)
&& productDetail.SupplierProductNo != null
&& productDetail.Deleted == null
&& (productInfo.Inactive == null || productInfo.Inactive == false)
&& (product.CreatedInStore == 14 || product.CreatedInStore == 0 || product.CreatedInStore == null)
group new { saleLine.AntallEnheter, sales.OrderType } by new { product.ID, productInventoryOtherStore.Amount } into g
select new ProductSaleSummaryVM
ID = g.Key.ID,
Inventory = (double)g.Key.Amount,
TotalSold = g.Sum(x => x.OrderType !=4 ? x.AntallEnheter : 0) ?? 0,
TotalWastage = g.Sum(x => x.OrderType ==4 ? x.AntallEnheter : 0) ?? 0,
TotalOrderedQty = 0
var resultSupplierOrder =
from supplierOrderLine in SupplierOrderLines
join supplierOrder in SupplierOrders on supplierOrderLine.SupplierOrderID equals supplierOrder.ID
where supplierOrderLine.Deleted == null
&& supplierOrder.Status != 1
&& supplierOrder.StoreID == 14
group supplierOrderLine by supplierOrderLine.ProductID into g
select new ProductOrderDetailsVM
ID = g.Key,
TotalOrderedQty = (double)g.Sum(x => x.ConsumerQuantity - x.QuantiyReceived)
var r =
(from resSale in resultSale
join resSupplierOrder in resultSupplierOrder on resSale.ID equals resSupplierOrder.ID
into resSupplierOrders
from resSupplierOrder in resSupplierOrders.DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby resSale.ID
select new ProductSaleSummaryVM
ID = resSale.ID,
Inventory = resSale.Inventory,
TotalSold = resSale.TotalSold,
TotalWastage = resSale.TotalWastage,
TotalOrderedQty = resSupplierOrder.TotalOrderedQty ?? 0
.Where(x => x.Inventory + x.TotalOrderedQty < x.TotalSold);
Try using entity framework within linqpad see if it gives you any clues. see this link on how to use entity framework in linqpad
This behaviour could be related to parameter sniffing - check this article for details

Conditional retrieval of data through linq in C#

var Getdetails = (from p in XYZDb.tblPulls
ro in XYZDb.tblRentalOrders
on p.AffCode equals ro.AffCode.Value
tpsb in XYZDb.tblPullSheetBatchProcessings
on p.PullNo.ToString() equals tpsb.PullSheet
select new
PullNos = p.PullNo,
AffCode = p.AffCode,
TotalItems = p.TotalItems,
BatchName = tpsb.BatchName
.Where(i => i.PostedOn >= from_date && i.PostedOn <= to && i.IsPrinted != null).Distinct();
In the above code only the pullno having BatchName are coming, i want to retrieve all the pullno within that timezone, and if it is batched, then the BatchName will also appear. I am stuck on that. Any kind of help will be appreciated. Feel free to ask any question.
Use left outer join,
var Getdetails = (from p in XYZDb.tblPulls
ro in XYZDb.tblRentalOrders
on p.AffCode equals ro.AffCode.Value
tpsb in XYZDb.tblPullSheetBatchProcessings
on p.PullNo.ToString() equals tpsb.PullSheet into pt
from batch in pt.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
PullNos = p.PullNo,
AffCode = p.AffCode,
TotalItems = p.TotalItems,
BatchName = (batch == null ? String.Empty : batch.BatchName )
.Where(i => i.PostedOn >= from_date && i.PostedOn <= to && i.IsPrinted != null).Distinct();

Convert Sql to LINQ complex C# function to readable sql server string

I read a lot about getting a readable sql server query string from a c# linq to sql function, but could not figure out how to actually do so, maybe because the project i am working on is really complicated.
I'm pasting a pice of a code that i want to convert to sql (select * from bonds join etc.)
public List<EntBondPortfolio> GetBondsForPortfolio(List<int> groups, List<int> ratings,
List<int> collaterals, List<int> companies, List<int> countries, List<int> fields,
List<int> currencies, DateTime? fromExpirationDate, DateTime? untilExpirationDate, bool? perpetual, int? sortOrder = 1)
// Get Bonds
return (from bond in DALLinqClasses.Instance.BONDs
join company in DALLinqClasses.Instance.COMPANies on bond.Company_ID equals company.CompanyID
into companyJoin
from companyJ in companyJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
join sellBuy in DALLinqClasses.Instance.SELL_BUY_OPERATIONs on bond.BondID equals sellBuy.Investment_ID
join account in DALLinqClasses.Instance.BANK_ACCOUNTs on sellBuy.BankAccount_ID equals account.BankAccountID
join groupsTable in DALLinqClasses.Instance.GROUPs on account.GroupAccount_ID equals groupsTable.GroupID
join customer in DALLinqClasses.Instance.CUSTOMERs on groupsTable.Customer_ID equals customer.CustomerID
join rating in DALLinqClasses.Instance.RATINGs on bond.Rating_ID equals rating.RatingID
into ratingJoin
from ratingJ in ratingJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
join currency in DALLinqClasses.Instance.CURRENCies on bond.Currency_ID equals currency.CurrencyID
join country in DALLinqClasses.Instance.COUNTRies on bond.Country_ID equals country.CountryID
into countryJoin
from countryJ in countryJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
join field in DALLinqClasses.Instance.FIELDs on bond.Field_ID equals field.FieldID
into fieldJoin
from fieldJ in fieldJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
join collateral in DALLinqClasses.Instance.RISC_LEVELs on bond.RiscLevel_ID equals collateral.RiscLevelID
into collateralJoin
from collateralJ in collateralJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
join orderi in // For order by
DALLinqClasses.Instance.PORTFOLIO_ORDERs.Where(x => x.InvestmentType_ID == (int)INVESTMENT_TYPES.BONDS)
on new EntTwoInts { BankAccountID = bond.BondID, GroupID = groupsTable.GroupID }
new EntTwoInts { BankAccountID = orderi.Investment_ID, GroupID = orderi.Group_ID }
into orderJoin
from orderJ in orderJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
where sellBuy.InvestmentType_ID == (int)INVESTMENT_TYPES.BONDS
&& groups.Contains(groupsTable.GroupID)
&& (collaterals.Contains(bond.RiscLevel_ID ?? -1) || collaterals.Contains(-1))
&& (ratings.Contains(bond.Rating_ID ?? -1) || ratings.Contains(-1))
&& (companies.Contains(bond.Company_ID ?? -1) || companies.Contains(-1))
&& (countries.Contains(bond.Country_ID ?? -1) || countries.Contains(-1))
&& (fields.Contains(bond.Field_ID ?? -1) || fields.Contains(-1))
&& (currencies.Contains(bond.Currency_ID) || currencies.Contains(-1))
&& (bond.ExpirationDate >= fromExpirationDate || fromExpirationDate == null)
&& (bond.ExpirationDate <= untilExpirationDate || untilExpirationDate == null)
&& (perpetual == bond.Perpetual || perpetual == null)
group sellBuy by new { bond, companyJ, groupsTable, account, orderJ, customer, ratingJ, collateralJ, countryJ, fieldJ } into g
orderby g.Key.orderJ != null ? false : true, g.Key.orderJ.SortOrder, g.Key.groupsTable.GroupName, g.Key.companyJ.CompanyName
select new EntBondPortfolio
Rating = g.Key.ratingJ.RatingName,
RiscLevel = g.Key.collateralJ.RiscLevelName,
Group = g.Key.groupsTable.GroupName,
Client = g.Key.customer.FirstName + ' ' + g.Key.customer.LastName,
GroupId = g.Key.groupsTable.GroupID,
Company = g.Key.companyJ.CompanyName,
CurrencyId = g.Key.bond.Currency_ID,
BondId = g.Key.bond.BondID,
CallText = g.Key.bond.CallText,
Field = g.Key.fieldJ.FieldName,
Country = g.Key.countryJ.CountryName,
CouponPercent = g.Key.bond.CouponPercent,
// Get total sum of coupons in checking account of current bond
CouponsPaid = DALLinqClasses.Instance.CHECKING_ACCOUNTs.
Where(x => x.ActionType_ID == (int)ACTION_TYPES.COUPON
&& g.Select(y => y.SellBuyOperationID).
.Sum(s => s.ActualSum),
ExpirationDate = g.Key.bond.ExpirationDate,
FaceValue = (g.Where(x => x.IsSell == false).Sum(x => x.FaceValue) - (g.Where(x => x.IsSell == true).Sum(x => x.FaceValue) ?? 0)),
Isin = g.Key.bond.Isin,
LastBuyDate = g.Where(x => x.IsSell == false).Max(x => x.SellBuyOperationDate),
CurrentPrice = DALInvestmentTypes.Instance.GetCurrentPriceOfBond(g.Key.bond.BondID, BONDS_HISTORY_TYPES.MarketValue),
CurrentYield = DALInvestmentTypes.Instance.GetCurrentPriceOfBond(g.Key.bond.BondID, BONDS_HISTORY_TYPES.Yield),
CurrentAcrInterest = DALInvestmentTypes.Instance.GetCurrentPriceOfBond(g.Key.bond.BondID, BONDS_HISTORY_TYPES.AcrInterest),
PurchasePrice = g.Where(x => x.IsSell == false).Sum(x => x.FaceValue) == 0 ? 0 :
g.Where(x => x.IsSell == false).Sum(x => x.FaceValue * x.Price)
/ g.Where(x => x.IsSell == false).Sum(x => x.FaceValue),
Instruction = DALInstructions.Instance.IsInvestmentHaveInstruction(INVESTMENT_TYPES.BONDS, g.Key.bond.BondID, g.Key.account.BankAccountID),

How to Select new model list after GroupBy mothod in Linq?

I want select grouped rows to a new model list.this is my code:
List<Model_Bulk> q = (from a in db.Advertises
join c in db.Companies on a.AdvertiseCompanyID equals c.CompanyID
where a.AdvertiseActive == true
&& a.AdvertiseExpireDate.HasValue
&& a.AdvertiseExpireDate.Value > DateTime.Now
&& (a.AdvertiseObjectType == 1
|| a.AdvertiseObjectType == 2)
select c)
.GroupBy(a => a.CompanyID).Select(a => new Model_Bulk
CompanyEmail = a.CompanyContactInfo.Email,
CompanyID = a.CompanyID,
CompanyName = a.CompanyName,
Mobile = a.CompanyContactInfo.Cell,
UserEmail = a.User1.Email,
categories = a.ComapnyCategories
After group by, i can not use Select and naturally this syntax error raised:
System.Linq.IGrouping' does not contain a definition for 'CompanyContactInfo' and no extension method 'CompanyContactInfo' accepting a first argument of type
System.Linq.IGrouping' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
If i try with SelectMany() method.but the result will repeated and groupby method not work properly:
List<Model_Bulk> q = (from a in db.Advertises
join c in db.Companies on a.AdvertiseCompanyID equals c.CompanyID
where a.AdvertiseActive == true
&& a.AdvertiseExpireDate.HasValue
&& a.AdvertiseExpireDate.Value > DateTime.Now
&& (a.AdvertiseObjectType == 1
|| a.AdvertiseObjectType == 2)
select c)
.GroupBy(a => a.CompanyID).SelectMany(a => a).Select(a => new Model_Bulk
CompanyEmail = a.CompanyContactInfo.Email,
CompanyID = a.CompanyID,
CompanyName = a.CompanyName,
Mobile = a.CompanyContactInfo.Cell,
UserEmail = a.User1.Email,
categories = a.ComapnyCategories
Instead of .SelectMany(a => a) you can use .Select(g => g.First()).That will give you the first item of each group.
(from a in db.Advertises
join c in db.Companies on a.AdvertiseCompanyID equals c.CompanyID
where a.AdvertiseActive == true && a.AdvertiseExpireDate.HasValue && a.AdvertiseExpireDate.Value > DateTime.Now && (a.AdvertiseObjectType == 1 || a.AdvertiseObjectType == 2)
select c)
.GroupBy(a => a.CompanyID)
.Select(g => g.First())
.Select(a => new Model_Bulk
CompanyEmail = a.CompanyContactInfo.Email,
CompanyID = a.CompanyID,
CompanyName = a.CompanyName,
Mobile = a.CompanyContactInfo.Cell,
UserEmail = a.User1.Email,
categories = a.ComapnyCategories
Note that this might not be supported, if that is the case add an AsEnumerable call before .Select(g => g.First())
You should understand that after you do GroupBy() in your LinQ expresstion you work with a group so in your example it will be good to write like this:
List<Model_Bulk> q =
(from a in db.Advertises join c in db.Companies on a.AdvertiseCompanyID equals c.CompanyID
where a.AdvertiseActive == true
&& a.AdvertiseExpireDate.HasValue
&& a.AdvertiseExpireDate.Value > DateTime.Now
&& (a.AdvertiseObjectType == 1 || a.AdvertiseObjectType == 2)
select c)
.GroupBy(a => a.CompanyID)
.Select(a => new Model_Bulk
CompanyEmail = a.First().CompanyContactInfo.Email,
CompanyID = a.Key, //Note this line, it's can be happened becouse of GroupBy()
CompanyName = a.First().CompanyName,
Mobile = a.First().CompanyContactInfo.Cell,
UserEmail = a.First().User1.Email,
categories = a.First().ComapnyCategories
Instead you could try something like this, instead of mixing query expressions and methods... (using FirstOrDefault() in the where / select as necessary)
(from a in db.Advertises
join c in db.Companies on a.AdvertiseCompanyID equals c.CompanyID
group a by new { a.CompanyId } into resultsSet
where resultsSet.AdvertiseActive == true && resultsSet.AdvertiseExpireDate.HasValue && resultsSet.AdvertiseExpireDate.Value > DateTime.Now && (resultsSet.AdvertiseObjectType == 1 || resultsSet.AdvertiseObjectType == 2)
select new Model_Bulk
CompanyEmail = resultsSet.CompanyContactInfo.Email,
CompanyID = resultsSet.CompanyID,
CompanyName = resultsSet.CompanyName,
Mobile = resultsSet.CompanyContactInfo.Cell,
UserEmail = resultsSet.User1.Email,
categories = resultsSet.ComapnyCategories

why does LINQ To SQL result in SQL like this?

When LINQ translates the below syntax to SQL, the (inner) where clause gets moved to the outer-most query. That's super-unfriendly to the database. I wrote this like Hibernate's HQL (is this appropriate?), and I've written SQL for many moons.
Can anyone help explain what gives, or point me in the way of a resolution?
var rc = (
from dv in (
from dv_j in (
from x in adc.JobManagement
join j in adc.Job on x.JobId equals j.JobId
join js in adc.JobStatus on j.StatusId equals js.JobStatusId
join cm in adc.ClientManagement on j.ClientId equals cm.ClientId
join o in adc.User on cm.UserId equals o.UserId
join jm in adc.JobManagement on j.JobId equals jm.JobId
(x.UserId == aid || cm.UserId == aid)
&& (j.StatusDate == null || j.StatusDate >= getFromDate())
&& (jm.ManagementRoleCode == MR_MANAGER)
select new
Job = j.InternalName == null ? j.ExternalName : j.InternalName,
JobStatusDate = j.StatusDate,
JobStatus = js.Code,
Owner = o.Username,
Role = jm.ManagementRoleCode
join s in adc.Submission on dv_j.JobId equals s.JobId into dv_s
from s in dv_s.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
StatusDate = s.StatusDate,
StatusId = s.StatusId
join c in adc.Candidate on dv.CandidateId equals c.CandidateId into dv_c
join ss in adc.SubmissionStatus on dv.StatusId equals ss.SubmissionStatusId into dv_ss
from c in dv_c.DefaultIfEmpty()
from ss in dv_ss.DefaultIfEmpty()
dv.StatusId == null ? dv.StatusDate : dv.JobStatusDate descending,
select new Projects
Id = dv.JobId,
Project = dv.Job,
Submitted = dv.SubmissionDate,
Candidate = FormatIndividual(c.LastName, c.FirstName, c.NickName),
Status = dv.StatusId == null ? ss.Code : dv.JobStatus,
StatusDate = dv.StatusId == null ? dv.StatusDate : dv.JobStatusDate,
Role = dv.Role,
Owner = dv.Owner
Try breaking down the one statement into two. This would work as it cannot move the where to a place that doesn't exist yet. This does make multiple round trips to the database, but it is better than having most of several large tables being joined then culled. I would try this:
var inMemoryTable = (
from x in adc.JobManagement
join j in adc.Job on x.JobId equals j.JobId
join js in adc.JobStatus on j.StatusId equals js.JobStatusId
join cm in adc.ClientManagement on j.ClientId equals cm.ClientId
join o in adc.User on cm.UserId equals o.UserId
join jm in adc.JobManagement on j.JobId equals jm.JobId
(x.UserId == aid || cm.UserId == aid)
&& (j.StatusDate == null || j.StatusDate >= getFromDate())
&& (jm.ManagementRoleCode == MR_MANAGER)
select new
Job = j.InternalName == null ? j.ExternalName : j.InternalName,
JobStatusDate = j.StatusDate,
JobStatus = js.Code,
Owner = o.Username,
Role = jm.ManagementRoleCode
var rc = (
from dv in (
from dv_j in inMemoryTable
join s in adc.Submission on dv_j.JobId equals s.JobId into dv_s
from s in dv_s.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
StatusDate = s.StatusDate,
StatusId = s.StatusId
join c in adc.Candidate on dv.CandidateId equals c.CandidateId into dv_c
join ss in adc.SubmissionStatus on dv.StatusId equals ss.SubmissionStatusId into dv_ss
from c in dv_c.DefaultIfEmpty()
from ss in dv_ss.DefaultIfEmpty()
dv.StatusId == null ? dv.StatusDate : dv.JobStatusDate descending,
select new Projects
Id = dv.JobId,
Project = dv.Job,
Submitted = dv.SubmissionDate,
Candidate = FormatIndividual(c.LastName, c.FirstName, c.NickName),
Status = dv.StatusId == null ? ss.Code : dv.JobStatus,
StatusDate = dv.StatusId == null ? dv.StatusDate : dv.JobStatusDate,
Role = dv.Role,
Owner = dv.Owner

