essentially I'm making a guessing game for an assignment but as I try to output the list it comes out as
essentially I just need to store a users guess number and their attempt number so that once they guess the correct number it will display it as
"YOU WON, the number was ___ and here are your attempts
you chose 45
you chose 54
you chose 32
you chose ___
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace main__4_8_2021_
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
while (true)
int NumberOfTries = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Guess a number between 1 and 100");
int number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
List<int> mylist2 = new List<int>(number);
List<int> mylist = new List<int>(NumberOfTries);
int rng = new Random().Next(1, 101);
if (number == rng)
Console.WriteLine("Your guess was correct! The number was " + number + "!");
else if (number > rng)
Console.WriteLine("Your guess was too high ");
Console.WriteLine("you now have done " + NumberOfTries + " Tries");
else if (number < rng)
Console.WriteLine("too low, ");
Console.WriteLine("you now have done " + NumberOfTries + " Tries");
Console.Write($"Try again. ");
catch(Exception e)
(the other console.writelines of the lists are just there for debug)
You have a number of issues with your code.
First, you don't need a counter for number of attempts, a Count property on the List is enough.
Second, you need to keep that list outside of the loop so it is not recreated each time.
Try the below
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace main__4_8_2021_
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
List<int> mylist = new List<int>();
void PrintListContents() {
Console.WriteLine("here are your attempts");
var index = 0;
foreach(var value in mylist) {
Console.WriteLine($"{index}. You chose {value}");
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Guess a number between 1 and 100");
int number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
int rng = new Random().Next(1, 101);
if (number == rng)
Console.WriteLine("Your guess was correct! The number was " + number + "!");
else if (number > rng)
Console.WriteLine("Your guess was too high ");
Console.WriteLine("you now have done " + myList.Count + " Tries");
else if (number < rng)
Console.WriteLine("too low, ");
Console.WriteLine("you now have done " + myList.Count + " Tries");
Console.Write($"Try again. ");
catch(Exception e)
If value is null, only the line terminator is written. Otherwise, the
ToString method of value is called to produce its string
representation, and the resulting string is written to the standard
output stream.
this means that you actually calling the ToString method of the list. Most of the "complex" types do not overwrite the ToString method which results in just returning the string representation of Type. In your case: List<int> which is represented as System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]
you may also want to have a look at
So my code is to check if a given number is a 'happy number'. It squares each digit of the number, adds them and continues to do so until either the result of the addition is 1 (which means it is a happy number) or until it results in a 4 (which means it is not a happy number).
What's happening is that there are many numbers which cause an infinite loop (therefore meaning they are not a happy number) and I'm wondering how I would construct my code so that it will detect when there's an infinite loop occuring? I have some ideas but all flawed.
My code is as follows:
using System;
namespace Happy_numbers_problem
class Program
static int HappyNumbers(string Number)
string Output = Number;
while ((Convert.ToInt32(Output) != 1) && (Convert.ToInt32(Output) != 4))
string Result2 = "0";
for (int Index = 0; Index < Output.Length; Index++)
string Character = Output.Substring(Index, 1);
int Calc = Convert.ToInt32(Character);
int Result = Calc * Calc;
//Adding Result2 and Result, then turning it into a string.
Result2 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Result2) + Result);
if (Index == (Output.Length) - 1)
Output = Result2;
return Convert.ToInt32(Output);
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number");
string Number = Console.ReadLine();
int Output = HappyNumbers(Number);
if (Output == 1)
Console.WriteLine(Number + " is a happy number");
else if (Output == 4)
Console.WriteLine(Number + " is not a happy number");
Console.WriteLine(Number + " is not a happy number");
The problem resides in your while condition. If your output needs to be 1 or 4 to break out of the loop and deliver the output to latter be analysed, you have to use the operator or || instead of the operator and &&.
I wrote a basic number guessing game from C#. It seems to return the 3rd option ("Wrong choice! Please try again.") every time no matter what var c is chosen by the user. I was trying with characters (s instead of 1 and w instead of 2 etc with c as a string) but it gave the same results. Not sure where it's going bad.
using System;
namespace Challanges
class Program
static int guess = 500;
static int low = 1;
static int high = 1000;
static bool cont = false;
static void Guess() //guesses and adjusts variables according to input.
int c;
Console.WriteLine("Is your number greater or less than: " + guess + Environment.NewLine + "If it is less than, press 1; if it is greater, press 2." + Environment.NewLine + "If it is your number, press 3.");
c = Convert.ToInt32(Console.Read());
if (c == 1)
high = 500;
guess = low + high / 2;
else if (c == 2)
low = 500;
guess = low + high / 2;
else if (c == 3)
Console.WriteLine("Congratulations!! We found your number!");
cont = true;
Console.WriteLine("Wrong choice! Please try again.");
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!" + Environment.NewLine + "Let's play a guessing game. Think of a number between 1 and 1000." + Environment.NewLine + "Type your number :)");
int x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Your number is: " + x + Environment.NewLine + "Too easy?");
Console.WriteLine("Think of a number");
if(cont == false)
} else
As mentioned in the comments before, Console.Read() returns a character code. The character code for the number 1 is 49, thus your conditions fail and the else block is executed.
What you wanted to do was use Console.ReadLine()which returns a string instead of character codes. If you cast that string into an Int32 you should be able to evaluate your conditions correctly.
I'm doing some school work and would just like to be pointed in the right direction. I am creating a Hotel project which books people in and also books them out when leaving. I'm struggling on a certain part which asks which room you need vacating and then puts a 0 into this position in the array. I am not going to beat around the bush i don't know where to start. This is my code so far.
using System;
namespace Task7_2
class Motel
int[] rooms;
const int MAX = 21;
int roomNumber, guests, vacate;
static void Main()
Motel BatesMotel = new Motel();
public Motel()
rooms = new int[MAX + 1]; // allow rooms from 1 to MAX
public void runMotel()
string choice = "";
Console.WriteLine("The Bates Motel");
Console.WriteLine("1. Book a room");
Console.WriteLine("2. Vacate a room");
Console.WriteLine("3. Display ALL Room Details");
Console.WriteLine("4. Vacate ALL rooms");
Console.WriteLine("5. Quit");
Console.Write("Enter your choice : ");
choice = Console.ReadLine();
if (choice == "1")
else if (choice == "3")
else if (choice == "2")
while (choice != "5");
public void bookRoom()
Console.WriteLine("\nThe Bates Motel");
Console.WriteLine("Book a room");
Console.Write("Enter the room number : ");
roomNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("How many guests : ");
guests = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
rooms[roomNumber] = guests; // make the booking
Console.WriteLine("Room " + roomNumber + " booked for " + guests + " people");
public void showAllRooms()
for (int i = 1; i < MAX; i++)
Console.Write("Room " + (i )+"\t\t\t" + rooms[i] + " guests \n" );
public void vacateOneRoom()
Console.WriteLine("Which room is being vacated");
using System.Collections.Generic;
List<int> myList= new List<int>();
int num = 22;
myList.Remove(num); //removes matching item
myList.RemoveAt(0); //removes at array index
bool[] barray = new bool[number_of_rooms];
When someone booked a particular room then
When someone vacate a particular room then
for(int i=0;i<barray.lenght;i++)
Console.WriteLine("Room number"+300+i+"is not free");
Console.WriteLine("Room number"+300+i+"is free");
example output:::
Room number 300 is not free
Room number 301 is not free
Room number 302 is free
Room number 303 is not free
Room number 304 is free
Couldn't find any other answer on the site that covers this. If else is run and an error message is displayed, is it possible to restart the program by looping back to the start instead of restarting the console?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int User;
int Array;
StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter("C://log.txt");
Console.WriteLine("Input an number between 1 and 100");
User = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (User < 101 && User > 0)
for (Array = 1; Array <= User; Array++)
Console.WriteLine(Array + ", " + Array * 10 * Array);
outfile.WriteLine(Array + ", " + Array * 10 * Array);
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter To Exit The Console");
Console.WriteLine("Sorry you input an invalid number. ");
Sorry! To be more clear I need to make the Program start again if the user inputs an invalid number
Thanks for the help!
You can do this instead
User = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
while (User >= 101 || User <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("Sorry you input an invalid number. ");
User = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
An easy way of doing this is placing your code inside a while loop, so that the code keeps repeating. The only way to exit the loop would be for the condition you just set in the if clause to be true. So something along the lines of:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int User;
int Array;
bool isUserWrong = true; //This is a flag that we will use to control the flow of the loop
StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter("C://log.txt");
Console.WriteLine("Input an number between 1 and 100");
User = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (User < 101 && User > 0)
for (Array = 1; Array <= User; Array++)
Console.WriteLine(Array + ", " + Array * 10 * Array);
outfile.WriteLine(Array + ", " + Array * 10 * Array);
isUserWrong = false; // We signal that we may now leave the loop
Console.WriteLine("Sorry you input an invalid number. ");
//Note that here we keep the value of the flag 'true' so the loop continues
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter To Exit The Console");
I am creating a short C# console program that will ask 10 addition questions using random numbers from 0-10. Then it tells the user how many correct or incorrect answers they had. I am trying to find a way to validate that my user input is a number and not a letter. I am posting the code I have created so far, but could use some help.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int i = 0;
int input;
int correct = 0;
int incorrect = 0;
int questions = 10;
int[] solutions = new int[21];
int[] answers = new int[21];
int[] number1 = new int[21];
int[] number2 = new int[21];
Random number = new Random();
Console.WriteLine(" This is a test of your basic addition skills. ");
Console.WriteLine(" Please answer the random addition question below ");
Console.WriteLine(" with a number from 1 - 20 and press enter to get the");
Console.WriteLine(" next of 10 questions. At the end of the questions");
Console.WriteLine(" your results will be calculated and presented to you.");
while (i < questions)
number1[i] = number.Next(0, 10);
number2[i] = number.Next(0,10);
solutions[i] = (number1[i] + number2[i]);
//Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", number1[i], number2[i],solutions[i]);
Console.Write(" {0} + {1} = ", number1[i], number2[i]);
answers[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // original code
//input = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
//if (input > 0 && input <21)
// Console.WriteLine("YOur answer is: {0}", input);
//Console.WriteLine("YOur answer is not valid");
if (solutions[i] == answers[i])
Console.WriteLine(" Correct");
Console.WriteLine(" Your answer is incorrect, the correct answer is {0}", solutions[i]);
//Console.WriteLine("{0}", answers[i]);
//int sum = numberone + numbertwo;
Console.WriteLine("The number correct is: {0}, The number incorrect is: {1}", correct, incorrect);
Use int.TryParse() like:
bool isNumber=false;
int number;
while (!isNumber)
string txt = Console.ReadLine();
if (!int.TryParse(txt, out number))
// not a number, handle it
Console.WriteLine("This is not a number, enter a number. For real now.");
// use number
answers[i] = number;
isNumber = true;
Instead of:
answers[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // original code
int input;
bool validInput = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out input);
if (!validInput || input < 0 && input > 20)
<throw exception or display some error message here...>
EDIT: If you want to recursively ask for a correct input, this is how you can do it:
int input;
bool validInput = false;
while (!validInput)
validInput = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out input);
if (!validInput || input < 0 && input > 20)
validInput = false; // We need to set this again to false if the input is not between 0 & 20!
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number between 0 and 20");
int iResult = int.MinValue;
bool bParsed = int.TryParse("xyz", out iResult);
TryParse will not throw an exception.
However, you can use Convert.ToInt32() as well if needed but that will throw an exception on bad data.
Something like:
if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out answers[i]) && answers[i] > 0 && ...)
// invalid answer
This allows you to fill all positions of your array:
int result;
bool isInt = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out result);
if (!isInt) {
Console.WriteLine("Your input is not an integer number.");
answers[i] = result;