Download websites web pages in parallel - c#

I have the following code and it works fine when I loop through one by one using foreach, but when I change it to use Parallel.ForEach I'm getting errors. Trying to figure out how I can correct this. FYI the dParms list contain unique id's.
The error I'm getting is
Error writing to path..... ErrorMessage:Item has already been added.
Key in dictionary: 'IIS_WasUrlRewritten' Key being added:
private void GeneratePages(RequestStatus response, string localDir, List<Parameters> dParms, int total, DateTime generatedTime)
int current = 0;
Parallel.ForEach(dParms, curJob =>
DownloadPage(localDir, curJob, generatedTime);
catch (Exception ex)
response.Status = false;
response.Message = ex.Message;
Interlocked.Increment(ref current);
if (current % 10 == 0)
//to do: Send Progress to UI
private string DownloadPage(string localDir, Parameters p, DateTime generatedTime)
string strExtension = "html";
string url = string.Empty;
url = this.Url.Action("MyAction", "Home", new { area = "", #id = p.MyId, #generatedTime = generatedTime }, this.Request.Url.Scheme);
var document = new HtmlWeb().Load(url);
string strFileName = url.Substring(url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
strFileName = strFileName.Substring(0, strFileName.IndexOf("generatedTime") - 1);
string strDiskFileName = strFileName.Replace(".aspx?", "");
strDiskFileName = strDiskFileName.Replace("?", "");
strDiskFileName = strDiskFileName.Replace(".aspx", "");
strDiskFileName = strDiskFileName.Replace("&", "");
strDiskFileName = strDiskFileName.Replace("=", "");
strDiskFileName = strDiskFileName.Replace("%20", "");
strDiskFileName += "." + strExtension;
document.Save(localDir + strDiskFileName);
return url;


Getting all phone numbers stored in the database using foreach loop in mvc

I have phone numbers stored in the database, I want to retrieve all phone numbers using foreach loop and assign them to variable and send bulk sms, but problem is, I am getting only one number from database. Here is my code:
// GET: Members/SendBatch
public ActionResult SendBatch()
return View();
public ActionResult SendBatch(Membership member)
var db = new ChurchContext();
StreamReader objReader;
WebClient client = new WebClient();
string mess = member.Message;
string cell = member.Cell;
string pass = "xxxx";
string user = "xxxx";
string selectministries = member.SelectMinistries;
string pathtoministries = "";
pathtoministries = GetMinisry(selectministries);
if (pathtoministries == "Youth")
var youthtable = from e in db.Youths
select e;
var Entyouth = youthtable.ToList();
foreach (Youth y in Entyouth)
string youthcell = y.ContactMobile.ToString();
cell = youthcell;
string baseurl = "" +
"username=" + user + "&" +
"password=" + pass + "&" +
"message=" + mess + "&" +
"msisdn=" + cell;
WebRequest wrGETURL;
wrGETURL = WebRequest.Create(baseurl);
Stream objStream;
objStream = wrGETURL.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
objReader = new StreamReader(objStream);
catch (Exception ex)
return View("Index", member);
public static string GetMinisry(string ministry)
string membership = "";
switch (ministry)
case "Youth":
membership = "Youth";
case "Children":
membership = "Children";
case "Men":
membership = "Men";
case "Women":
membership = "Women";
case "Visitors":
membership = "Visitors";
case "Members":
membership = "Members";
return membership;
I would like to get all the phone numbers and assigned them to cell variable and then to sms api and send bulk sms.
Try this (dirty but will do the job):
string mess = member.Message;
string cell = member.Cell;
List<string> cellNumbers = new List<string>(); //LIST OF NUMBERs
string pass = "xxxx";
string user = "xxxx";
string selectministries = member.SelectMinistries;
string pathtoministries = "";
pathtoministries = GetMinisry(selectministries);
if (pathtoministries == "Youth")
var youthtable = from e in db.Youths
select e;
var Entyouth = youthtable.ToList();
foreach (Youth y in Entyouth)
string youthcell = y.ContactMobile.ToString();
cell = youthcell;
foreach(string number in cellNumbers) // send all the sms
string baseurl = "" +
"username=" + user + "&" +
"password=" + pass + "&" +
"message=" + mess + "&" +
"msisdn=" + number;
WebRequest wrGETURL;
wrGETURL = WebRequest.Create(baseurl);
Stream objStream;
objStream = wrGETURL.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
objReader = new StreamReader(objStream);
catch (Exception ex)
You have a cycle where you override cell in each iteration and even though cell received all the values you need, all were overriden by the next one, except for the very last one. When the cycle is finished, you are sending the request using the very last value of cell. This is why you had the illusion that you have got a single value. Actually you have got all the values, but made the mistake of overriding them before using them. The solution is to send the request inside the cycle instead of after the cycle, like this:
// GET: Members/SendBatch
public ActionResult SendBatch()
return View();
public ActionResult SendBatch(Membership member)
var db = new ChurchContext();
StreamReader objReader;
WebClient client = new WebClient();
string mess = member.Message;
string cell = member.Cell;
string pass = "xxxx";
string user = "xxxx";
string selectministries = member.SelectMinistries;
string pathtoministries = "";
pathtoministries = GetMinisry(selectministries);
if (pathtoministries == "Youth")
var youthtable = from e in db.Youths
select e;
var Entyouth = youthtable.ToList();
foreach (Youth y in Entyouth)
string youthcell = y.ContactMobile.ToString();
cell = youthcell;
string baseurl = "" +
"username=" + user + "&" +
"password=" + pass + "&" +
"message=" + mess + "&" +
"msisdn=" + cell;
WebRequest wrGETURL;
wrGETURL = WebRequest.Create(baseurl);
Stream objStream;
objStream = wrGETURL.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
objReader = new StreamReader(objStream);
catch (Exception ex)
return View("Index", member);
public static string GetMinisry(string ministry)
string membership = "";
switch (ministry)
case "Youth":
membership = "Youth";
case "Children":
membership = "Children";
case "Men":
membership = "Men";
case "Women":
membership = "Women";
case "Visitors":
membership = "Visitors";
case "Members":
membership = "Members";
return membership;
Thanks guys, your answers solved my problem, hope future visitors to this page with similar problem will get help quickly.

Uploading a file to folder

With the code below I am able to save files to folder.
My problem is only two upload fields are mandatory and the remaining three are not. The code works if all the upload fields have a files selected otherswise its throws a NullReferenceException.
if (AnnualReport != null || ProjectReports != null || Publications != null || Other != null || RegistDoc != null) {
int filesize = AnnualReport.PostedFile.ContentLength;
int filesizeP = ProjectReports.PostedFile.ContentLength;
int filesizePub = Publications.PostedFile.ContentLength;
int filesizeOther = Other.PostedFile.ContentLength;
int filesizeReg = RegistDoc.PostedFile.ContentLength;
if (filesize > 2097152 && filesizeP > 2097152 && filesizePub > 1048576 && filesizeOther > 1048576 && filesizeReg > 1048576) {
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "popup", "alert('Maximum File size For Annual/Project reports is 1.5MB and for the Publications/Other Attachemnets is 1MB');", true);
} else {
const string ReportDirectory = "REPORTS/";
//Other Document
string OtherPath = ReportDirectory + Other.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionOther = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Other.FileName);
int iterationOther = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(OtherPath))) {
OtherPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionOther, "-", iterationOther, ".pdf");
//Registration Document
string RigisDocPath = ReportDirectory + RegistDoc.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionRegis = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RegistDoc.FileName);
int iterationRE = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(RigisDocPath))) {
RigisDocPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionRegis, "-", iterationRE, ".pdf");
//Annual Reports
string ReportPath = ReportDirectory + AnnualReport.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtension = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AnnualReport.FileName);
int iteration = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(ReportPath))) {
ReportPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtension, "-", iteration, ".pdf");
//Project Report
string ProjecttPath = ReportDirectory + ProjectReports.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionP = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ProjectReports.FileName);
int iterationP = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(ProjecttPath))) {
ProjecttPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionP, "-", iterationP, ".pdf");
string publicationPath = ReportDirectory + Publications.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionPub = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Publications.FileName);
int iterationPub = 1;
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(publicationPath))) {
publicationPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionPub, "-", iterationPub, ".pdf");
The code you posted is very poorly formated. However, the solution to your immediate problem is to move the null checks down to each individual document.
Instead of doing a huge if line (which has questionable logic, as it only checks if ANY of the documents were uploaded)
You can just check if the required documents are present. (looking at your exising code, present means document name object is not null)
If not, throw an error.
If they are, then proceed with the rest of the code, but wrap the individual processing of optional documents in their own null check if-s.
if (AnnualReport != null) {
//the block that does stuff with the anual report object
I did beak down the code into diferent methods like #irreal suggested, like below;
public void PublicationReporting() {
//connection for the datareader
string csoWConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RegisterCon"].ToString();
SqlConnection csoW_connection = new SqlConnection(csoWConn);
string database = csoW_connection.DataSource.ToString();
if (Publications == null)
String MyString = #"UPDATE tb_Quadrennial_Report SET PublicationsPath='' WHERE Org_ID = '" + Accrediated_Orgs.SelectedValue + "'";
SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, csoW_connection);
int LastInsertedRecordID;
LastInsertedRecordID = Convert.ToInt32(MyCmd.ExecuteScalar());
int filesizeP = Publications.PostedFile.ContentLength;
if (filesizeP > 2097152)
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "popup", "alert('Maximum File size For Publication is 2.0 MB');", true);
const string ReportDirectory = "REPORTS/";
string publicationPath = ReportDirectory + Publications.FileName;
string fileNameWithoutExtensionPub = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Publications.FileName);
int iteration = 1; while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(publicationPath)))
publicationPath = string.Concat(ReportDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtensionPub, "-", iteration, ".pdf");
String MyString = #"UPDATE tb_Quadrennial_Report SET PublicationsPath='" + publicationPath + "' WHERE Org_ID = '" + Accrediated_Orgs.SelectedValue + "'";
SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, csoW_connection);
int LastInsertedRecordID;
LastInsertedRecordID = Convert.ToInt32(MyCmd.ExecuteScalar());
I then called it o the click event
catch (Exception ex)
pgError.Text = "Publication Exception Message: " + ex.Message;
From here it was pretty easy to figure out the problem.
I just needed to dispose the content in the upload field if no file was selected like this
public void PublicationReporting() {
//connection for the datareader
string csoWConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RegisterCon"].ToString();
SqlConnection csoW_connection = new SqlConnection(csoWConn);
string database = csoW_connection.DataSource.ToString();
if (Publications == null)
String MyString = #"UPDATE tb_Quadrennial_Report SET PublicationsPath='' WHERE Org_ID = '" + Accrediated_Orgs.SelectedValue + "'";
SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, csoW_connection);
int LastInsertedRecordID;
LastInsertedRecordID = Convert.ToInt32(MyCmd.ExecuteScalar());
//program continues}

How to know when a method finish in controller

I have a problem with this method, i want to return a PDF file and when the method it's over i want to delete de file from the directory.
public ActionResult DescargaPdfCompara(string id)
var rutaPdf = string.Empty;
var type = "application/pdf";
DateTime ahora = DateTime.Now;
var numeroAleatorio = new Random();
int numeroRandomico = numeroAleatorio.Next(100000000, 1000000000);
string Ruta = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, #"Reportes\" + Convert.ToString(ahora.Year + ahora.Month + ahora.Day + ahora.Hour + ahora.Minute + ahora.Second + numeroRandomico) + ".pdf");
var result = SimuModel.ObtenerSabanaReporteComparativo(id);
var resumen = SimuModel.ObtenerPreExcel(result);
SimuModel.GenerarPdfCompa(result, resumen, Ruta);
rutaPdf = Ruta;
return File(rutaPdf, type);
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
In the finally i delete the file but i got an error because the method can't find the file, for some reason the method delete the file before return it.
PD: Sorry for my english, i'm from Chile.
Thanks fro your answers!
You can use System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes to read all the file contents to memory, then delete the file and return the contents with another overload of Controller.File method:
public ActionResult GetFile()
var fileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fileName, "Hola, Chile!");
var bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
return File(bytes, "text/plain", "file.txt");
Change return type ContentResult
remove finally section.
public ContentResult DescargaPdfCompara(string id)
var rutaPdf = string.Empty;
var type = "application/pdf";
DateTime ahora = DateTime.Now;
var numeroAleatorio = new Random();
int numeroRandomico = numeroAleatorio.Next(100000000, 1000000000);
string Ruta = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, #"Reportes\" + Convert.ToString(ahora.Year + ahora.Month + ahora.Day + ahora.Hour + ahora.Minute + ahora.Second + numeroRandomico) + ".pdf");
var result = SimuModel.ObtenerSabanaReporteComparativo(id);
var resumen = SimuModel.ObtenerPreExcel(result);
SimuModel.GenerarPdfCompa(result, resumen, Ruta);
rutaPdf = Ruta;
return Content(rutaPdf, type);
catch (Exception e)
throw e;

alchemy api in c# for text extractor

I want to extract text from web page at a run time then, use alchemy api in with c# but I don't know how to use this api in c#. I am trying to find out what the parameter of text extractor is. If needed I can also try to regular expression for extracting the web page but this was not clean html tags.
private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
void GetPosition(Uri url, string searchTerm)
string raw = "{0}&btnG=Search"; string search = string.Format(raw,
HttpUtility.UrlEncode(searchTerm)); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(search); using (HttpWebResponse
response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
using (StreamReader
reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(),
string html = reader.ReadToEnd();
//return FindPosition(html, url);
//New Fill Google
void fillgoogle(string html)
// string pattern = #"h3 class=";
string pattern = "<h3 class=\"r\"><a href=";
/*for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int start;
int end;
int pos;
pos = html.IndexOf(pattern);
start = html.IndexOf("href=", pos);
end = html.IndexOf("/", start + 15);
ListBox1.Items.Add(prepare(html.Substring(start + 6, end - start)));
html = html.Substring(end);
// int start;
int end;
int pos;
// string[] strUrl;
pos = html.IndexOf(pattern);
string[] Arr = Regex.Split(html, pattern);
for (int x = 1; x <= Arr.Length - 1; x++)
//string find = Arr[x].ToString();
//string RealData=find.Substring
// listBox1.Items.Add(Arr[x].ToString());
end = Arr[x].IndexOf("/", 38);
str1 = Arr[x].Substring(0, end);
// strUrl = Regex.Split(Arr[1], "&");
//string n = string.Join("/url?q=", Arr);
str1 = str1.Replace('"', ' ');
str1 = str1.Trim();
str1 = str1.Remove(0, 7).ToString();
// ListBox1.Items.Add(Arr[x].Substring(0, end));
if (x == 10)
void finalList()
for (int i = 0; i < listBox1.Items.Count; i++)
string Link = listBox1.Items[i].ToString();
if (Link.IndexOf("&") != -1)
int end = Link.IndexOf("&");
string real = Link.Substring(0, end);
string prepare(string url)
string temp;
int i;
i = url.IndexOf("//");
int j;
j = url.IndexOf("/", i + 3);
temp = url.Substring(0, j);
return (temp);
private static int FindPosition(
string html, Uri url)
{// h3 class=\"r\"><a href=\"\
string lookup = "(<h3 class=r><a href=\")(\\*)";
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(html, lookup);
for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
string match = matches[i].Groups[2].Value;
if (match.Contains(url.Host))
return i + 1;
} return 0;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
richTextBox1.Text = "";
Uri url = new Uri("");
GetPosition(url, textBox1.Text);
webPage page = new webPage();
page.URL = listBox2.Items[0].ToString();
page.Load(); //Load the text from the specified URL
label3.Visible = true;
linkLabel1.Visible = true;
label3.Text = listBox2.Items[0].ToString();
//Display the page TITLE on the screen
//richTextBox1.Text = "Title: " + page.Title + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
//Display a list of INTERNAL links on the screen (to include external links, see below)
//richTextBox1.Text += "LINKS" + Environment.NewLine + "=====" + Environment.NewLine;
//foreach (String link in page.LinksArray)
// richTextBox1.Text += link + Environment.NewLine;
//Display the BODY TEXT on the screen
richTextBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + page.Body;
//richTextBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + page.Paragraph;
public class webPage
public String URL;
private String sTitle;
private String sBody;
private String sParagraph;
private ArrayList aList;
public String Title
return sTitle;
public ArrayList LinksArray
return aList;
public String Body
return sBody;
public String Paragraph
return sParagraph;
public void Load()
WebRequest objRequest = WebRequest.Create(this.URL);
WebResponse objResponse = objRequest.GetResponse();
StreamReader oSR = new StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream());
string strContent = oSR.ReadToEnd();
this.sTitle = getTitle(strContent);
this.aList = fetchLinks(strContent, URL);
this.sBody = fetchText(strContent);
this.sParagraph = GetFirstParagraph(strContent);
catch (Exception e)
private String getTitle(String sHTMLContent)
//Retrieve the title from the HTML code
return Regex.Match(sHTMLContent, "<title>(?<title>[^<]+)</title>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups["title"].ToString();
private ArrayList fetchLinks(String sHTMLContent, String sURL)
//Find all the links in the HTML code and put them
//into an array
Match mMatch;
ArrayList aMatch = new ArrayList();
mMatch = Regex.Match(sHTMLContent, "href\\s*=\\s*(?:\"(?<1>[^\"]*)\"|(?<1>\\S+))", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
while (mMatch.Success)
String sMatch = processURL(mMatch.Groups[1].ToString(), sURL);
//Currently, this code only lists INTERNAL URLs. If you would
//like to include EXTERNAL URLs as well, comment out the fol-
//lowing IF statement EXCEPT the "aMatch.Add(sMatch);" line
if (sMatch.IndexOf(sURL) >= 0 && checkFormat(sMatch))
mMatch = mMatch.NextMatch();
return aMatch;
static string GetFirstParagraph(string s)
Match m = Regex.Match(s, #"<p>\s*(.+?)\s*</p>");
if (m.Success)
return m.Groups[1].Value;
return "";
private String fetchText(String s)
//Filter out HTML and JavaScript from the page, leaving only body text
s = Convert.ToString(Regex.Match(s, #"<body.+?</body>", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); //strip everything but <BODY>
s = Regex.Replace(s, "<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>", "", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //strip JavaScript
s = Regex.Replace(s, "<[^>]*>", ""); //strip HTML tags
s = Regex.Replace(s, "&(copy|#169);|&(quot|#34);|&(amp|#38);|&(lt|#60);&(gt|#62);|&(nbsp|#160);|&(iexcl|#161);|&(cent|#162);|&(pound|#163);|·", " "); //strip symbols
s = s.Replace("\t", " "); //strip tabs
s = Regex.Replace(s, "([\r\n])+", " "); //strip carriage returns
s = Regex.Replace(s, "\\s\\s+", " "); //strip white space (must be last)
return s.Trim();
private String processURL(String sInput, String sURL)
sURL = "http://" + Convert.ToString(sURL.Split('/').GetValue(2));
if (sInput.IndexOf("http://") < 0)
if (!sInput.StartsWith("/") && !sURL.EndsWith("/"))
return sURL + "/" + sInput;
if (sInput.StartsWith("/") && sURL.EndsWith("/"))
return sURL.Substring(0, sURL.Length - 1) + sInput;
return sURL + sInput;
return sInput;
private bool checkFormat(String sURL)
//List only pages ending with valid extensions
String[] validExt = { ".html", ".php", ".asp", ".htm", ".jsp", ".shtml", ".php3", ".aspx", ".pl", ".cfm" };
sURL = Convert.ToString(sURL.Split('?').GetValue(0));
foreach (String ext in validExt)
if (sURL.Substring(sURL.Length - ext.Length, ext.Length).ToLower() == ext) { return true; }
return false;
private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
I do not see any attempts to call Alchemy API in your example but here's what you need to know:
Alchemy API uses standard Web Service calls with XML responses as default. However you can specify the response you want (JSON / RDP).
Here's the start-up documentation, Text Extraction and Requirements and URLGetText Endpoint (but check on the documentation website for the endpoint you need).

Call WCF reference type variable

I am totally new to C#.
I have one service method
//actual method
public DataTable LoadDownLoadTablesData(string strBusinessUnit, string strExecutive, string strTableName, ref string strDate, string strTerritoryCode, string strUField1, string strUField2, string strUFeild3)
DataTable ds = new DataTable();
XontPDAServiceDAL vu = new XontPDAServiceDAL();
if (vu.validateExecutive(strBusinessUnit, strExecutive) == true)
DownloadFetchBLL wmd = new DownloadFetchBLL();
strDate = DateTime.Now.ToString();
ds = wmd.LoadDownLoadTableData(strBusinessUnit, strExecutive, strTableName, strTerritoryCode, strUField1, strUField2, strUFeild3);
throw new FaultException("Executive Not Active in the system.");
catch (FaultException) { }
catch (Exception ex)
throw new FaultException("Database Server is Not Responding." + ex.Message);
return ds;
//Converting datatable to String type
public string LoadDownLoadTablesDataJson(string strBusinessUnit, string strExecutive, string strTableName, ref string strDate, string strTerritoryCode, string strUField1, string strUField2, string strUFeild3)
DataTable dtDownloadJson = new DataTable();
dtDownloadJson = this.LoadDownLoadTablesData(strBusinessUnit, strExecutive, strTableName, ref strDate, strTerritoryCode, strUField1, strUField2, strUFeild3);
return this.ConverTableToJson(dtDownloadJson);
//Converting table to json
public String ConverTableToJson(DataTable dtDownloadJson)
string[] StrDc = new string[dtDownloadJson.Columns.Count];
string HeadStr = string.Empty;
// if (dtDownloadJson.Columns.Count > 0)
// {
for (int i = 0; i < dtDownloadJson.Columns.Count; i++)
StrDc[i] = dtDownloadJson.Columns[i].Caption;
HeadStr += "\"" + StrDc[i] + "\" : \"" + StrDc[i] + i.ToString() + "¾" + "\",";
if (HeadStr.Length > 0)
HeadStr = HeadStr.Substring(0, HeadStr.Length - 1);
StringBuilder Sb = new StringBuilder();
Sb.Append("{\"" + dtDownloadJson.TableName + "\" : [");
for (int i = 0; i < dtDownloadJson.Rows.Count; i++)
string TempStr = HeadStr;
for (int j = 0; j < dtDownloadJson.Columns.Count; j++)
TempStr = TempStr.Replace(dtDownloadJson.Columns[j] + j.ToString() + "¾", dtDownloadJson.Rows[i][j].ToString());
Sb.Append(TempStr + "},");
Sb = new StringBuilder(Sb.ToString().Substring(0, Sb.ToString().Length - 1));
return Sb.ToString();
return "0";
// }else{
// return "0";
// }
This LoadDownLoadTablesData() reference variable is there.
I have to pass call this LoadDownLoadTablesDataJson(....) from Android,
I called like this way;
// ksoap2 calling wcf
public SoapPrimitive soapPrimitiveData(String method_name1, String soap_action1, String NAMESPACE, String APPURL ,String tablename ) throws IOException,XmlPullParserException {
SoapPrimitive responses = null;
SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, method_name1); // set up
request.addProperty("strBusinessUnit", "HEMA");
request.addProperty("strExec", "4515");
request.addProperty("strTableName", "RD.AlternativeProductHeader");
// after login we will get these fields value
request.addProperty("strDate", "2000-04-29");
request.addProperty("TerritoryCode", "KAND");
request.addProperty("strUField1", "");
request.addProperty("strUField2", "");
request.addProperty("strUField3", "");
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11); // put all required data into a soap// envelope
envelope.dotNet = true;
AndroidHttpTransport httpTransport = new AndroidHttpTransport(APPURL);
httpTransport.debug = true;
try {, envelope);
responses = (SoapPrimitive) envelope.getResponse();
Log.w("log_tag", "#### 218 ####" + responses);
} catch (Exception e) {
return responses;
This always return "0". But when I run through dummy testing C# site, It return some result.
String da1 = "2000-04-29";
String s = client.LoadDownLoadTablesDataJson("HEMA", "4515", "RD.AlternativeProductHeader", ref da1, "KAND", "", "", "");
Label1.Text = s;
output is :
{"Table1" : [{"TableName" : "LoadDistributor","Description" : "Distributor ","MandatoryFlag" : "1","Status" : "","Priority" : "0"},{"TableName" : "LoadPrice","Description" : "Price ","MandatoryFlag" : "1","Status" : "","Priority" : "0"}]}
I have confuse how we want to pass reference type using Android?
Please help me..
Thanks in advance.
Should have give like this request.addProperty("strExecutive", "4515");
not request.addProperty("strExe", "4515");
I shoube be service argument name.Can't give different name
It looks like the property name in your andriod request doesn't match up with the parameter name on your .NET web service method: strExe != strExecutive.

