Select the last 4 posts of the site on the main page - c#

I want to display the last 4 articles of the last site on the main page in a concise way. I have made a model view and I only have a problem with ef core.
public class ShowBlogForHomePageViewModel
public int BlogId { get; set; }
public string BlogTitle { get; set; }
public string BlogUrl { get; set; }
public string BlogImageName { get; set; }
public string MetaDescriptionBlog { get; set; }
List<ShowBlogForHomePageViewModel> GetBlogPostForHome();
public List<ShowBlogForHomePageViewModel> GetBlogPostForHome()
var ListBlogs= _context.Blogs.OrderByDescending(b => new ShowBlogForHomePageViewModel()
BlogId = b.BlogId,
BlogImageName = b.BlogImageName,
BlogTitle = b.BlogTitle,
MetaDescriptionBlog = b.MetaDescriptionBlog,
BlogUrl = b.BlogUrl
return null;
I think this part is true . please check it:
public List<ShowBlogForHomePageViewModel> GetBlogPostForHome()
return _context.Blogs.OrderBy(b=>b.BlogId).Select(b => new ShowBlogForHomePageViewModel()
BlogId = b.BlogId,
BlogImageName = b.BlogImageName,
BlogTitle = b.BlogTitle,
MetaDescriptionBlog = b.MetaDescriptionBlog,
BlogUrl = b.BlogTitle

try this
public List<ShowBlogForHomePageViewModel> GetBlogPostForHome()
return _context.Blogs
.OrderByDescending(b => b.BlogId)
.Select(b => new ShowBlogForHomePageViewModel
BlogId = b.BlogId,
BlogImageName = b.BlogImageName,
BlogTitle = b.BlogTitle,
MetaDescriptionBlog = b.MetaDescriptionBlog,
BlogUrl = b.BlogUrl


C# Bad Performance OData when using extension

I have a Web API for OData services. I have a lot of table with many relations. Here is some of the table:
public partial class MSADDRESSCOUNTRY
public int ID { get; set; }
public string CODE { get; set; }
public string COUNTRYNAME { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<MSADDRESSPROVINCE> MSADDRESSPROVINCEs { get; set; }
public partial class MSADDRESSPROVINCE
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")]
public int ID { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> COUNTRYID { get; set; }
public string PROVINCENAME { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<MSADDRESSDISTRICT> MSADDRESSDISTRICTs { get; set; }
public partial class MSADDRESSDISTRICT
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")]
public int ID { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> PROVINCEID { get; set; }
public string DISTRICTNAME { get; set; }
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2227:CollectionPropertiesShouldBeReadOnly")]
public virtual ICollection<MSADDRESSSUBDISTRICT> MSADDRESSSUBDISTRICTs { get; set; }
I create DTO object model for every table with the property is the same with Database object model.
I want the client can use $expand keyword to get child data and/or parent data.
For MSADDRESSCOUNTRY I need to write the code like this.
[EnableQuery(MaxExpansionDepth = 4)]
public IQueryable<MsAddressCountryObject> Get()
return db.MSADDRESSCOUNTRies.Select(c => new MsAddressCountryObject
ID = c.ID,
MSADDRESSPROVINCEs = c.MSADDRESSPROVINCEs.Select(data => new MsAddressProvinceObject()
ID = data.ID,
MSADDRESSCOUNTRY = new MsAddressCountryObject()
MSADDRESSDISTRICTs = data.MSADDRESSDISTRICTs.Select(dist => new MsAddressDistrictObject()
ID = dist.ID,
For MSADDRESSPROVINCE I need to write the code like this.
[EnableQuery(MaxExpansionDepth = 4)]
public IQueryable<MsAddressProvinceObject> Get()
return db.MSADDRESSPROVINCEs.Select(data => new MsAddressProvinceObject()
ID = data.ID,
MSADDRESSCOUNTRY = new MsAddressCountryObject()
MSADDRESSDISTRICTs = data.MSADDRESSDISTRICTs.Select(dist => new MsAddressDistrictObject()
ID = dist.ID,
That code works fast. But if I add/change/remove column, I have to modify the controller manually, one by one for all controller. For example, if I want to add geological coordinate in MSADDRESSDISTRICT, I have to change the code in Country Controller, Province Controller and District Controller.
So I decide to create extension method like this.
public static MsAddressCountryObject ToDTO(this MSADDRESSCOUNTRY data)
return new MsAddressCountryObject()
ID = data.ID,
CODE = data.CODE,
public static IQueryable<MsAddressCountryObject ToDTO(this IEnumerable<MSADDRESSCOUNTRY datas)
return datas.Select(country =
var obj = country?.ToDTO();
return obj;
public static MsAddressProvinceObject ToDTO(this MSADDRESSPROVINCE data)
return new MsAddressProvinceObject()
ID = data.ID,
public static IQueryable<MsAddressProvinceObject ToDTO(this IEnumerable<MSADDRESSPROVINCE datas)
return datas.Select(province =
var obj = province?.ToDTO();
return obj;
public static MsAddressDistrictObject ToDTO(this MSADDRESSDISTRICT data)
return new MsAddressDistrictObject()
ID = data.ID,
public static IQueryable<MsAddressDistrictObject ToDTO(this IEnumerable<MSADDRESSDISTRICT datas)
return datas.Select(district =
var obj = district?.ToDTO();
return obj;
And the controller just like this.
[EnableQuery(MaxExpansionDepth = 4)]
public IQueryable<MsAddressCountryObject Get()
And that makes the performance really bad. I think the extension is making a lot of memory allocation or some thing that make the result not being delivered directly to the client.
My goal is to create the code easy to maintain, and the performance not drop significantly.
I have many relation in other table. I want the $expand works without write all parent/child Select statement manually and one by one.
I have try to not calling ToDTO() from all the extension method. The result is the performance is fast. But I lost all the relation or I need to write the parent/child Select statement for all method.
Any suggestion will help.

Adding data from one list to another using linq

I need to populate a dropdown in my UI and hence added List object to the view model in my c# application. I am fetching the data in my controller code for the dropdown. What's the best way to assign data to the viewmodel object. Is linq an option?
I basically need to assign fundclasses to fundTrackRecord.FundClass
The main Viewmodel:
public class FundPerformanceVM
public FundPerformanceVM()
TrackRecord = new List<TrackRecordVM>();
public int FundId { get; set; }
public string FundName { get; set; }
public List<FundClassVM> FundClass { get; set; }
public string BenchmarkName1 { get; set; }
public string BenchmarkName2 { get; set; }
public List<TrackRecordVM> TrackRecord { get; set; }
public List<Tuple<string, string, string>> FundStatistics { get; set; }
public class FundClassVM
public int FundClassId { get; set; }
public string FundClass { get; set; }
Controller code:
var service = GetViewService<V_LEGAL_FUND_CLASS_SUMMARY>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, IEnumerable<FUND_PERFORMANCE>> entry in allPerformance)
var fundClasses = service.GetAll().Where(x => x.FUND_ID == entry.Key).Select(x => new { x.LEGAL_FUND_CLASS_ID, x.LEGAL_FUND_CLASS}).ToList();
var fundTrackRecord = new FundPerformanceVM();
fundTrackRecord.FundClass = ??;
If I understood correctly the structure of your model, you can try this:
fundTrackRecord.FundClass = fundClasses.Select(fc => new FundClassVM
You can also do this directly, replacing the code:
var fundClasses = service.GetAll().Where(x => x.FUND_ID == entry.Key).Select(x => new { x.LEGAL_FUND_CLASS_ID, x.LEGAL_FUND_CLASS}).ToList();
var fundTrackRecord = new FundPerformanceVM();
var fundTrackRecord = new FundPerformanceVM();
fundTrackRecord.FundClass = service.GetAll().
Where(x => x.FUND_ID == entry.Key).
Select(fc => new FundClassVM

Get 1 record from 2 tables ASP.NET

I am still an ASP.NET amateur and I've been working on an application that needs to calculate the hours an employee has worked if no special events have come up e.g the employee has been sick, I have 2 tables in my database, 1 with the employees. and a second table which holds the events. the events table is filled through a calendar and holds info like dates and who made the event.
My situation:
When the user clicks on an employee's detail page. I want the corresponding record of the employee, and the events he made. So I am assuming that I am looking for a join with linq.
An employee can make more than 1 event, let's say an employee needs to work overtime 3 days this month. then on the detail page, it should select the employee from the employee table and the 3 events from the events table.
Thanks to Vladimir's help, a whole lot of errors are gone and the query works. Though it does not completely work as expected yet. it currently returns 1 employee and 1 event. While the employee that I am testing with, should have 4 events returned.
This is my Context
namespace hrmTool.Models
public class MedewerkerMeldingContext : DbContext
public MedewerkerMeldingContext() : base("name=temphrmEntities") { }
public DbSet<medewerker> medewerker { get; set; }
public DbSet<medewerker_melding> medewerker_melding { get; set; }
My current viewModel
namespace hrmTool.Models
public class MedewerkerMeldingViewModel
//Medewerker tabel
public int ID { get; set; }
public string roepnaam { get; set; }
public string voorvoegsel { get; set; }
public string achternaam { get; set; }
public string tussenvoegsel { get; set; }
public string meisjesnaam { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.DateTime> datum_in_dienst { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.DateTime> datum_uit_dienst { get; set; }
public int aantal_km_woon_werk { get; set; }
public bool maandag { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> ma_van { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> ma_tot { get; set; }
public bool dinsdag { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> di_van { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> di_tot { get; set; }
public bool woensdag { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> wo_van { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> wo_tot { get; set; }
public bool donderdag { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> do_van { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> do_tot { get; set; }
public bool vrijdag { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> vr_van { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> vr_tot { get; set; }
public bool zaterdag { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> za_van { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> za_tot { get; set; }
public bool zondag { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> zo_van { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.TimeSpan> zo_tot { get; set; }
//Medewerker_Melding combi tabel
public int medewerkerID { get; set; }
public int meldingID { get; set; }
public System.DateTime datum_van { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.DateTime> datum_tot { get; set; }
public int MM_ID { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<medewerker_melding> medewerker_melding { get; set; }
public virtual medewerker medewerker { get; set; }
My current query
using (var context = new MedewerkerMeldingContext())
var medewerkers = context.medewerker;
var medewerker_meldings = context.medewerker_melding;
var testQuery = from m in medewerkers
join mm in medewerker_meldings on m.ID equals mm.medewerkerID
where m.ID == id
select new MedewerkerMeldingViewModel
ID = m.ID,
roepnaam = m.roepnaam,
voorvoegsel = m.voorvoegsel,
achternaam = m.achternaam,
tussenvoegsel = m.tussenvoegsel,
meisjesnaam = m.meisjesnaam,
datum_in_dienst = m.datum_in_dienst,
datum_uit_dienst = m.datum_uit_dienst,
aantal_km_woon_werk = m.aantal_km_woon_werk,
maandag = m.maandag,
ma_van = m.ma_van,
ma_tot = m.ma_tot,
dinsdag = m.dinsdag,
di_van = m.di_van,
di_tot = m.di_tot,
woensdag = m.woensdag,
wo_van = m.wo_van,
wo_tot = m.wo_tot,
donderdag = m.donderdag,
do_van = m.do_van,
do_tot = m.do_tot,
vrijdag = m.vrijdag,
vr_van = m.vr_van,
vr_tot = m.vr_tot,
zaterdag = m.zaterdag,
za_van = m.za_van,
za_tot = m.za_tot,
zondag = m.zondag,
zo_van = m.zo_van,
zo_tot = m.zo_tot,
medewerkerID = mm.medewerkerID,
meldingID = mm.meldingID,
datum_van = mm.datum_van,
datum_tot = mm.datum_tot,
MM_ID = mm.ID
var getQueryResult = testQuery.FirstOrDefault();
Debug.WriteLine("Debug testQuery" + testQuery);
Debug.WriteLine("Debug getQueryResult: "+ getQueryResult);
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
if (testQuery == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(getQueryResult);
Returns: 1 instance of employee and only 1 event
Expected return: 1 instance of employee, 4 events
In your context DbContext is missing - so Linq to Entity can not find corresponding implementation of the query. And also DbContext operates with the
DbSets - so try:
public class MedewerkerMeldingContext : DbContext
public MedewerkerMeldingContext () : base(ConnectionStringKey)
public DbSet<medewerker> medewerker { get; set; }
public DbSet<medewerker_melding> medewerker_melding { get; set; }
using (var context = new MedewerkerMeldingContext())
var medewerkers = context.medewerker;
var medewerker_meldings = context.medewerker_melding;
var testQuery = from m in medewerkers
join mm in medewerker_meldings on m.ID equals mm.medewerkerID
where m.ID == id
select new MedewerkerMeldingViewModel
ID = m.ID,
roepnaam = m.roepnaam,
voorvoegsel = m.voorvoegsel,
achternaam = m.achternaam,
tussenvoegsel = m.tussenvoegsel,
meisjesnaam = m.meisjesnaam,
datum_in_dienst = m.datum_in_dienst,
datum_uit_dienst = m.datum_uit_dienst,
aantal_km_woon_werk = m.aantal_km_woon_werk,
maandag = m.maandag,
ma_van = m.ma_van,
ma_tot = m.ma_tot,
dinsdag = m.dinsdag,
di_van = m.di_van,
di_tot = m.di_tot,
woensdag = m.woensdag,
wo_van = m.wo_van,
wo_tot = m.wo_tot,
donderdag = m.donderdag,
do_van = m.do_van,
do_tot = m.do_tot,
vrijdag = m.vrijdag,
vr_van = m.vr_van,
vr_tot = m.vr_tot,
zaterdag = m.zaterdag,
za_van = m.za_van,
za_tot = m.za_tot,
zondag = m.zondag,
zo_van = m.zo_van,
zo_tot = m.zo_tot,
medewerkerID = mm.medewerkerID,
meldingID = mm.meldingID,
datum_van = mm.datum_van,
datum_tot = mm.datum_tot,
MM_ID = mm.ID
Debug.WriteLine("Debug testQuery" + testQuery);
var getQueryResult = testQuery.ToList();
Debug.WriteLine("Debug getQueryResult: " + getQueryResult);
var resultDictionary = getQueryResult.GroupBy(x => x.ID).ToDictionary(y => y.Key, z => z.ToList());
Debug.WriteLine("resultDictionary: " + resultDictionary);
var firstItem = resultDictionary.Values.First();
Debug.WriteLine("FirstItem: " + firstItem);
var Entity = new newEntity
//ID = firstItem.ID,
ID = firstItem.Select(x => x.ID).First(),
roepnaam = firstItem.Select(x => x.roepnaam).First(),
voorvoegsel = firstItem.Select(x => x.voorvoegsel).First(),
achternaam = firstItem.Select(x => x.achternaam).First(),
tussenvoegsel = firstItem.Select(x => x.tussenvoegsel).First(),
meisjesnaam = firstItem.Select(x => x.meisjesnaam).First(),
datum_in_dienst = firstItem.Select(x => x.datum_in_dienst).First(),
datum_uit_dienst = firstItem.Select(x => x.datum_uit_dienst).First(),
aantal_km_woon_werk = firstItem.Select(x => x.aantal_km_woon_werk).First(),
maandag = firstItem.Select(x => x.maandag).First(),
ma_van = firstItem.Select(x => x.ma_van).First(),
ma_tot = firstItem.Select(x => x.ma_tot).First(),
dinsdag = firstItem.Select(x => x.dinsdag).First(),
di_van = firstItem.Select(x => x.di_van).First(),
di_tot = firstItem.Select(x => x.di_tot).First(),
woensdag = firstItem.Select(x => x.woensdag).First(),
wo_van = firstItem.Select(x => x.wo_van).First(),
wo_tot = firstItem.Select(x => x.wo_tot).First(),
donderdag = firstItem.Select(x => x.donderdag).First(),
do_van = firstItem.Select(x => x.do_van).First(),
do_tot = firstItem.Select(x => x.do_tot).First(),
vrijdag = firstItem.Select(x => x.vrijdag).First(),
vr_van = firstItem.Select(x => x.vr_van).First(),
vr_tot = firstItem.Select(x => x.vr_tot).First(),
zaterdag = firstItem.Select(x => x.zaterdag).First(),
za_van = firstItem.Select(x => x.za_van).First(),
za_tot = firstItem.Select(x => x.za_tot).First(),
zondag = firstItem.Select(x => x.zondag).First(),
zo_van = firstItem.Select(x => x.zo_van).First(),
zo_tot = firstItem.Select(x => x.zo_tot).First()
Debug.WriteLine("Entity: " + Entity);
var plainValues = resultDictionary.Values.SelectMany(x => x).ToList();
var resultSchedule = plainValues.Select(x => new medewerker_melding
medewerkerID = x.medewerkerID,
meldingID = x.meldingID,
datum_van = x.datum_van,
datum_tot = x.datum_tot,
ID = x.MM_ID
Entity.medewerker_melding = resultSchedule;
You need to check whether MedewerkerMeldingContext dbC = new MedewerkerMeldingContext(); is implementing IEnumerable<T> else, you will not be able to preform the desired action on the table.
This kind of error (Could not find an implementation of the query
pattern) usually occurs when:
You are missing LINQ namespace usage (using System.Linq)
Typeyou are querying does not implement IEnumerable<T>
What i'd recommend, first check the namespace.
Second check for the IEnumerable<T> implementation.
Your query is good enough, you take the context and perform the linq, no issue here. It is 90% that you forgot the namespace since context is already implementing the IEnumerable<T> interface.

How to map objects

Here is my how my bindings currently look:
MerchantAccountRequest request = new MerchantAccountRequest
Individual = new IndividualRequest
FirstName = merchant.MerchantIndividual.FirstName,
LastName = merchant.MerchantIndividual.LastName,
Email = merchant.MerchantIndividual.Email,
Phone = merchant.MerchantIndividual.Phone,
DateOfBirth = merchant.MerchantIndividual.DateOfBirth,
Ssn = merchant.MerchantIndividual.Ssn,
Address = new AddressRequest
StreetAddress = merchant.MerchantIndividual.StreetAddress,
Locality = merchant.MerchantIndividual.Locality,
Region = merchant.MerchantIndividual.Region,
PostalCode = merchant.MerchantIndividual.PostalCode
Business = new BusinessRequest
LegalName = merchant.MerchantBusiness.LegalName,
DbaName = merchant.MerchantBusiness.DbaName,
TaxId = merchant.MerchantBusiness.TaxId,
Address = new AddressRequest
StreetAddress = merchant.MerchantBusiness.StreetAddress,
Locality = merchant.MerchantBusiness.Locality,
Region = merchant.MerchantBusiness.Region,
PostalCode = merchant.MerchantBusiness.PostalCode
Funding = new FundingRequest
Descriptor = merchant.MerchantFunding.Descriptor,
Destination = FundingDestination.BANK,
Email = merchant.MerchantFunding.Email,
MobilePhone = merchant.MerchantFunding.MobilePhone,
AccountNumber = merchant.MerchantFunding.AccountNumber,
RoutingNumber = merchant.MerchantFunding.RoutingNumber
TosAccepted = merchant.TosAccepted,
MasterMerchantAccountId = merchant.MasterMerchantAccountId,
Id = merchant.MerchantId
And I need to use AutoMapper to achieve the above.
This is what I've tried:
CreateMap<Classes.Merchant, MerchantAccountRequest>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Individual, source => source.MapFrom(s => s.MerchantIndividual))
.ForMember(dest => dest.Business, source => source.MapFrom(s => s.MerchantBusiness))
.ForMember(dest => dest.Funding, source => source.MapFrom(s => s.MerchantFunding))
.ForMember(dest => dest.Id, source => source.MapFrom(s => s.MerchantId));
Here is the Merchant class:
public partial class Merchant :
public int Id { get; set; }
public string MerchantId { get; set; }
public virtual MerchantIndividual MerchantIndividual { get; set; }
public virtual MerchantBusiness MerchantBusiness { get; set; }
public virtual MerchantFunding MerchantFunding { get; set; }
public bool TosAccepted { get; set; }
public string MasterMerchantAccountId { get; set; }
public bool isSubMerchant { get; set; }
And the mappings;
MerchantAccountRequest request = _mapper.Map<MerchantAccountRequest>(merchant);
request.Individual = _mapper.Map<IndividualRequest>(merchant.MerchantIndividual);
request.Business = _mapper.Map<BusinessRequest>(merchant.MerchantBusiness);
request.Funding = _mapper.Map<FundingRequest>(merchant.MerchantFunding);
Can the first line of code MerchantAccountRequest request = _mapper.Map<MerchantAccountRequest>(merchant); above do all the mapings?
How can I create the correct mappings?
You don't need to call _mapper.Map on the properties of the request.
Just call MerchantAccountRequest request = _mapper.Map<MerchantAccountRequest>(merchant); and assuming you have a map for each type you should be fine.
I think something along the lines of the following should get you going down the right path.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
cfg.CreateMap<Merchant, MerchantAccountRequest>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Individual, c => c.MapFrom(source => source.MerchantIndividual));
cfg.CreateMap<MerchantIndividual, IndividualRequest>();
var mapper = config.CreateMapper();
var merchant = new Merchant
Id = 1,
MerchantIndividual = new MerchantIndividual { FirstName = "John Doe" }
var merchantAccountRequest = mapper.Map<Merchant, MerchantAccountRequest>(merchant);
public class Merchant
public int Id { get; set; }
public MerchantIndividual MerchantIndividual { get; set; }
public class MerchantIndividual
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public class MerchantAccountRequest
public int Id { get; set; }
public IndividualRequest Individual { get; set; }
public class IndividualRequest
public string FirstName { get; set; }

How can I create set contain id record in first set equal id record in second set?

In database I have two tables:
public partial class PersonOne
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string surname { get; set; }
public partial class PersonTwo
public int id { get; set; }
public string firstname { get; set; }
public string lastname { get; set; }
I would like to fill my set:
public class PersonOnePersonTwo
public int PersonOneId { get; set; }
public int PersonTwoId { get; set; }
where == PersonTwo.firstname && PersonOne.surname == PersonTwo.lastname but I have no idea how I can do that - because below code isn't efficient and is so slow:
List<PersonOne> personOneList = new List<PersonOne>();
List<PersonTwo> personTwoList = new List<PersonTwo>();
List<PersonOnePersonTwo> personOnePersonTwoList = new List<PersonOnePersonTwo>();
foreach (PersonOne personOne in personOneList)
foreach(PersonTwo personTwo in personTwoList.Where(x => x.firstname == && x.lastname == personOne.surname).ToList())
personOnePersonTwoList.Add(new PersonOnePersonTwo
PersonOneId =,
PersonTwoId =
Try this:
var result = personOneList.Join
person1 => new { Key1 = person1.Name, Key2 = person1.Surname },
person2 => new { Key1 = person2.FirstName, Key2 = person2.LastName },
(person1, person2) => new PersonOnePersonTwo { PersonOneId = person1.Id, PersonTwoId = person2.Id }
I would go with:
var personOnePersonTwoList = new List<PersonOnePersonTwo>();
foreach (var personOne in personOneList)
personOnePersonTwoList = personTwoList.Where(x => x.firstname.Equals(, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
x.lastname.Equals(personOne.surname, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
.Select(x => new PersonOnePersonTwo {PersonOneId =, PersonTwoId =}).ToList();
As a side note: it's more convinient to use Equals when comparing strings.

