Swashbuckle swagger.json larger than 4 mb net core - c#

My api endpoint have grown too large and I need to minimize it or divide it to multiple swagger.json files.
I want to upload the swagger.json file to power automate but there are two rules. Max 4 Mb and Max 256 functions per file. I don´t meet these requirement.
I want to have a swagger file per controller/group this will minimize number of functions and decrease the size of file.
But I don't know how to configure(Swashbuckle) or should I do it with documentFilters?
I already use ApiVersioning to decrease a littel bit of functions and size, but it is not enough. And I can´t chnage the complete url endpoint. I just want multiple files more than just versions.

There are two options to make this possible. But I want to make it without changing any urls to the existing api.
In each controller you can add set the Apiversion [ApiVersion("2.0")] and then set the controllername i.e [ApiVersion("2.0.order")]. And there will be a version for each controller.
This solution will change the urls and are not approachable for an existing api.
Another solution is to create tags for each operation with a filter and now we can create a filter for each endpoint
public class ApplySwaggerOperationTags : IOperationFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
var tag = new OpenApiTag();
context.ApiDescription.ActionDescriptor.RouteValues.TryGetValue("controller",out string tagname);
tag.Name = tagname;
var tagGroupName = new OpenApiTag();
tagGroupName.Name = context.ApiDescription.GroupName;
And then apply a document filter
public class SwaggerDocumentFilter : IDocumentFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
// Key is read-only so make a copy of the Paths property
var pathsFiltered = new OpenApiPaths();
var array = context.DocumentName.Split("-");
string version = array[0];
string tag = string.Empty;
if (array.Count() > 1)
tag = array[1];
foreach (var path in swaggerDoc.Paths)
if (path.Value.Operations.Values.First().Tags.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == version) != null)
if (path.Value.Operations.Values.First().Tags.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.ToLower() == tag.ToLower()) != null ||
tag == string.Empty)
// Add the path to the filtered collection
pathsFiltered.Add(path.Key, path.Value);
swaggerDoc.Paths = pathsFiltered;
The key is to have c.SwaggerEndpoint(in UseSwaggerUI) and options.SwaggerDoc(in SwaggerGenOptions) that match
And a good example to check is https://github.com/cbruen1/SwaggerFilter.
Hope this helps anyone.


AppMetrics how to set application name?

I implemented App.Metrics into my wcf application (App.Metrics ver 3.1.0).
When I check url in which data is uploaded I found that app isn't filled:
Tried to figured out reason of this behavior I found manual:
It said that AssemblyName needs to be filled, but I double-checked it - csproj file contain next row:
How can I fill this app property in metrics?
var metrics = MetricsProvider.Instance.Metrics;
SetMetricsAppTag(metrics, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name);
private static void SetMetricsAppTag(IMetricsRoot metricsRoot, string appTagValue)
if (!metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags.ContainsKey("app"))
metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags.Add("app", appTagValue);
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags["app"]) || metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags["app"] == "unknown")
metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags["app"] = appTagValue;
a better way will be to do in startup-
var metrics = AppMetrics.CreateDefaultBuilder().
Configure(options => options.AddAppTag(appName: "nexus"))
services.AddMetricsEndpoints(opt =>
opt.MetricsTextEndpointOutputFormatter = new MetricsPrometheusTextOutputFormatter();
opt.MetricsEndpointOutputFormatter = new MetricsPrometheusProtobufOutputFormatter();
opt.EnvironmentInfoEndpointEnabled = false;

C# REST API, Children of model should be of same type, and routes must be recursively defined

Hi I am having an architectural problem with .NET Core
I have a controller called SContent with this route ->
if you enter this route /api/content/ You will get all contents where Id is Guid.Empty;
if you enter this route /api/content/{id} You will get a specific content from the first level of contents (MasterId must be equal to Guid.Empty in this case)
if you enter this route /api/content/{id}/children you will get all children of the parent {id}
now what I want to do is to create a recursive Route for any of the following cases:
and so on and so on...
is it possible to do something like that?
- children are of the same type of parent
- {id(N)} should always be a child of {id(N-1)}
I'm afraid that there is no built-in route that can meet your needs . However, writing a custom middleware is easy .
short answer :
write a predicate which will set Context.Items["Ids"] and Context.Items["WantChildren"]
pass the predicate to a MapWhen() method .
write a middleware that will deal with logic to show content or get it's children according to Context.Items["Ids"] and Context.Items["WantChildren"].
Quick and Dirty Demo
Here's a quick and dirty demo :
context =>{
var path=context.Request.Path.ToString().ToLower();
if (path.EndsWith("/")) {
path = path.Substring(0, path.Length-1);
if (!path.StartsWith("/api/content")) {
return false;
var ids = new List<int>();
var wantChildren = false;
var match= Regex.Match(path,"/(?<id>\\d+)(?<children>/children)?");
while (match.Success) {
var id = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["id"].Value); // todo: if throws an exception , ...
wantChildren= !String.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["children"].Value);
match = match.NextMatch();
context.Items["Ids"] = ids;
context.Items["WantChildren"] = wantChildren;
return true;
appBuilder => {
appBuilder.Run(async context =>{
var ids = (List<int>)(context.Items["Ids"]);
var wantChildren = (bool)(context.Items["WantChildren"]);
// just a demo
// the code below should be replaced with those that you do with id list and whether you should display children
foreach (var id in ids) {
await context.Response.WriteAsync(id.ToString());
await context.Response.WriteAsync(",");
await context.Response.WriteAsync(wantChildren.ToString());
here's a screenshot that works
Futher Refactoring
For better maintence , you can extract Ids and WantChildren to a single Class , for intance , ContentChildrenContext :
public class ContentChildrenContext{
public List<int> Ids {get;set;}
public bool WantChildren{get;set;}
you can also make abstraction around the middleware itself , for example, create a factory method which returns a RequestDelegate that can be used easily with app.Run():
Func<Func<ContentChildrenContext,Task>,RequestDelegate> CreateContentChildrenMiddleware(Func<ContentChildrenContext,Task> action){
return async content =>{
var ccc= (ContentChildrenContext)(context.Items["ContentChildrenContext"]);
await action(ccc);
Best Regards .

Ignoring files in MVC Bundles

We are using feature flags (set in Web.Config) to toggle the visibility in the UI of certain features that aren't yet complete. I'd also like my MVC bundles to NOT include the related JS files since they would just be useless files the client would have to download when the feature isn't enabled.
So far I've found IgnoreList.Ignore but I can't seem to get it to work. This is basically what I'm doing:
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
if (!appConfiguration.FeatureXEnabled)
//Skip these files if the Feature X is not enabled!
//When this flag is removed, these lines can be deleted and the files will be included like normal
bundles.IgnoreList.Ignore("~/App/Organization/SomeCtrl.js", OptimizationMode.Always);
bundles.IgnoreList.Ignore("~/App/Filters/SomeFilter.js", OptimizationMode.Always);
var globalBundle = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/app-global").Include(
var appOrgBundle = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/app-org");
With the above code, the files in the ignore list are still being included! What am I doing wrong here?
I have fought the ignore list when using expressions as well. A simple work around I have found is to implement an IBundleOrderer that will exclude the files I do not want, and apply some ordering to how the files get included. Although this is not really its intended use, I find it fills the gap.
The IBundleOrderer gets access to the full list of files (expression expanded to what files it matched).
public class ApplicationOrderer : IBundleOrderer {
public IEnumerable<BundleFile> OrderFiles(BundleContext context, IEnumerable<BundleFile> files)
if (!AppSettings.FeatureFlag_ServiceIntegrationsEnabled)
//Skip these files if the Service Integrations Feature is not enabled!
//When this flag is removed, these lines can be deleted and the files will be included like normal
var serviceIntegrationPathsToIgnore = new[]
files = files.Where(x => !serviceIntegrationPathsToIgnore.Contains(x.VirtualFile.VirtualPath));
return files;
Example Usage:
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
var appBundle = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/app")
.IncludeDirectory("~/App/", "*.js", true)
appBundle.Orderer = new ApplicationOrderer();
I think that the bundling code only happens once - during the initialisation of the website. If you are switching the appConfiguration.FeatureXEnabled flag without restarting/republishing the website then your change will be ignored.
One solution would be to create 2 separate bundles and then use Razor to display the correct bundle reference in your HTML.
#{if (appConfiguration.FeatureXEnabled){
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/bundles/bundle-large.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/bundles/bundle-small.js"></script>
I upvoted Gent's answer above because it helped me accomplish what I wanted.
But then I expanded upon it and created a generic IBundleOrderer that uses lambdas to exclude whatever items you want to exclude very simply.
Note the excludes parameter is a params list so you are not limited to a single exclusion pattern. This doesn't do any ordering, but it could be easily added with another parameter.
public class ExcludeItemsOrderer : IBundleOrderer
private Func<BundleFile, bool>[] _excludes;
public ExcludeItemsOrderer(params Func<BundleFile, bool>[] excludes)
_excludes = excludes;
public IEnumerable<BundleFile> OrderFiles(BundleContext context, IEnumerable<BundleFile> files)
if(_excludes == null || _excludes.Length == 0)
return files;
foreach(var exclude in _excludes)
var exclusions = files.Where(exclude);
files = files.Except(exclusions);
return files;
And then I created an extension method to simplify using it:
public static class BundleExtensions
public static Bundle AsIsOrderExcluding(this Bundle bundle, params Func<BundleFile, bool>[] excludes)
bundle.Orderer = new ExcludeItemsOrderer(excludes);
return bundle;
So that it can be easily applied as you create your bundles, like this:
new ScriptBundle("~/Bundles/App/js")
.IncludeDirectory("~/App", "*.js", true)
.AsIsOrderExcluding(bf => bf.VirtualFile.VirtualPath.IndexOf("/skip_me/") >= 0)
Try defining the ignore list as follows (using wildcards instead of relative paths):
bundles.IgnoreList.Ignore("*/App/Organization/SomeCtrl.js", OptimizationMode.Always);
bundles.IgnoreList.Ignore("*/App/Filters/SomeFilter.js", OptimizationMode.Always);
Bundles.IgnoreList.Ignore(pattern) doesn't work like that. It compares just the Name part of files (i.e not the full (virtual)path ) with pattern in any bundle going to be returned.
For example you can ignore files starting with name old_style prefix. This filtering will be applied for files under any folder.
public IEnumerable<BundleFile> FilterIgnoredFiles(BundleContext context, IEnumerable<BundleFile> files) {
return files.Where(f => !ShouldIgnore(context, f.VirtualFile.Name));

Get access to the URL's being used in System.Web.Optimization

Background: I'm using the HTML 5 Offline App Cache and dynamically building the manifest file. Basically, the manifest file needs to list each of the static files that your page will request. Works great when the files are actually static, but I'm using Bundling and Minification in System.Web.Optimization, so my files are not static.
When in the DEBUG symbol is loaded (i.e. debugging in VS) then the actual physical files are called from the MVC View. However, when in Release mode, it calls a virtual file that could look something like this: /bundles/scripts/jquery?v=FVs3ACwOLIVInrAl5sdzR2jrCDmVOWFbZMY6g6Q0ulE1
So my question: How can I get that URL in the code to add it to the offline app manifest?
I've tried:
var paths = new List<string>()
var bundleTable = BundleTable.Bundles;
foreach (var bundle in bundleTable.Where(b => paths.Contains(b.Path)))
var bundleContext = new BundleContext(this.HttpContext, bundleTable, bundle.Path);
IEnumerable<BundleFile> files = bundle.GenerateBundleResponse(bundleContext).Files;
foreach (var file in files)
var filePath = file.IncludedVirtualPath.TrimStart(new[] { '~' });
sb.AppendFormat(formatFullDomain, filePath);
As well as replacing GenerateBundleResponse() with EnumerateFiles(), but it just always returns the original file paths.
I'm open to alternative implementation suggestions as well. Thanks.
UPDATE: (7/7/14 13:45)
As well as the answer below I also added this Bundles Registry class to keep a list of the required static files so that it works in debug mode in all browsers. (See comments below)
public class Registry
public bool Debug = false;
public Registry()
private void SetDebug()
Debug = true;
public IEnumerable<string> CommonScripts
if (Debug)
return new string[]{
return new string[]{
I'm by no means happy with this solution. Please make suggestions if you can improve on this.
I can suggest an alternative from this blog post create your own token.
In summary the author suggests using web essentials to create the bundled file and then creating a razor helper to generate the token, in this case based on the last changed date and time.
public static class StaticFile
public static string Version(string rootRelativePath)
if (HttpRuntime.Cache[rootRelativePath] == null)
var absolutePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(rootRelativePath);
var lastChangedDateTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(absolutePath);
if (rootRelativePath.StartsWith("~"))
rootRelativePath = rootRelativePath.Substring(1);
var versionedUrl = rootRelativePath + "?v=" + lastChangedDateTime.Ticks;
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(rootRelativePath, versionedUrl, new CacheDependency(absolutePath));
return HttpRuntime.Cache[rootRelativePath] as string;
Then you can reference the bundled file like so...
#section scripts {
<script src="#StaticFile.Version("~/Scripts/app/myAppBundle.min.js")"></script>}
Then you have control of the token and can do what you want with it.

Get specific subdomain from URL in foo.bar.car.com

Given a URL as follows:
I need to extract foo.bar.
I came across the following code :
private static string GetSubDomain(Uri url)
if (url.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.Dns)
string host = url.Host;
if (host.Split('.').Length > 2)
int lastIndex = host.LastIndexOf(".");
int index = host.LastIndexOf(".", lastIndex - 1);
return host.Substring(0, index);
return null;
This gives me like foo.bar.car. I want foo.bar. Should i just use split and take 0 and 1?
But then there is possible wwww.
Is there an easy way for this?
Given your requirement (you want the 1st two levels, not including 'www.') I'd approach it something like this:
private static string GetSubDomain(Uri url)
if (url.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.Dns)
string host = url.Host;
var nodes = host.Split('.');
int startNode = 0;
if(nodes[0] == "www") startNode = 1;
return string.Format("{0}.{1}", nodes[startNode], nodes[startNode + 1]);
return null;
I faced a similar problem and, based on the preceding answers, wrote this extension method. Most importantly, it takes a parameter that defines the "root" domain, i.e. whatever the consumer of the method considers to be the root. In the OP's case, the call would be
Uri uri = "foo.bar.car.com.au";
uri.DnsSafeHost.GetSubdomain("car.com.au"); // returns foo.bar
uri.DnsSafeHost.GetSubdomain(); // returns foo.bar.car
Here's the extension method:
/// <summary>Gets the subdomain portion of a url, given a known "root" domain</summary>
public static string GetSubdomain(this string url, string domain = null)
var subdomain = url;
if(subdomain != null)
if(domain == null)
// Since we were not provided with a known domain, assume that second-to-last period divides the subdomain from the domain.
var nodes = url.Split('.');
var lastNodeIndex = nodes.Length - 1;
if(lastNodeIndex > 0)
domain = nodes[lastNodeIndex-1] + "." + nodes[lastNodeIndex];
// Verify that what we think is the domain is truly the ending of the hostname... otherwise we're hooped.
if (!subdomain.EndsWith(domain))
throw new ArgumentException("Site was not loaded from the expected domain");
// Quash the domain portion, which should leave us with the subdomain and a trailing dot IF there is a subdomain.
subdomain = subdomain.Replace(domain, "");
// Check if we have anything left. If we don't, there was no subdomain, the request was directly to the root domain:
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subdomain))
return null;
// Quash any trailing periods
subdomain = subdomain.TrimEnd(new[] {'.'});
return subdomain;
You can use the following nuget package Nager.PublicSuffix. It uses the PUBLIC SUFFIX LIST from Mozilla to split the domain.
PM> Install-Package Nager.PublicSuffix
var domainParser = new DomainParser();
var data = await domainParser.LoadDataAsync();
var tldRules = domainParser.ParseRules(data);
var domainName = domainParser.Get("sub.test.co.uk");
//domainName.Domain = "test";
//domainName.Hostname = "sub.test.co.uk";
//domainName.RegistrableDomain = "test.co.uk";
//domainName.SubDomain = "sub";
//domainName.TLD = "co.uk";
private static string GetSubDomain(Uri url)
if (url.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.Dns)
string host = url.Host;
String[] subDomains = host.Split('.');
return subDomains[0] + "." + subDomains[1];
return null;
OK, first. Are you specifically looking in 'com.au', or are these general Internet domain names? Because if it's the latter, there is simply no automatic way to determine how much of the domain is a "site" or "zone" or whatever and how much is an individual "host" or other record within that zone.
If you need to be able to figure that out from an arbitrary domain name, you will want to grab the list of TLDs from the Mozilla Public Suffix project (http://publicsuffix.org) and use their algorithm to find the TLD in your domain name. Then you can assume that the portion you want ends with the last label immediately before the TLD.
I would recommend using Regular Expression. The following code snippet should extract what you are looking for...
string input = "foo.bar.car.com.au";
var match = Regex.Match(input, #"^\w*\.\w*\.\w*");
var output = match.Value;
In addition to the NuGet Nager.PubilcSuffix package specified in this answer, there is also the NuGet Louw.PublicSuffix package, which according to its GitHub project page is a .Net Core Library that parses Public Suffix, and is based on the Nager.PublicSuffix project, with the following changes:
Ported to .NET Core Library.
Fixed library so it passes ALL the comprehensive tests.
Refactored classes to split functionality into smaller focused classes.
Made classes immutable. Thus DomainParser can be used as singleton and is thread safe.
Added WebTldRuleProvider and FileTldRuleProvider.
Added functionality to know if Rule was a ICANN or Private domain rule.
Use async programming model
The page also states that many of above changes were submitted back to original Nager.PublicSuffix project.

