I have an asp:linkbutton. When it's pressed I want to get a list of DetailID's based on which of the checkboxes in my GridView are checked. I have a lblTesting to see the list of DetailID's that I'm generating. My goal is to get a list of DetailID's that I pass to an edit page.
I have looked at several examples on Stack Overflow but I cannot get any value other than the checkbox is checked.
Here is the link I have at the top of my page:
<span style="float:right;"><asp:Linkbutton ID="getURLLink" runat="server" Text="Edit Die Detail" OnClick="GetLink"></asp:Linkbutton></span>
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblTesting"></asp:Label>
Here is my GridView:
<asp:GridView ID="DieListDetailGridView" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" OnRowDataBound="DieListDetailGridView_RowDataBound" DataKeyNames="DieID" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HorizontalAlign="Center" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="Both">
<RowStyle BackColor="#F5F5DC" />
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor = "White" ForeColor="#284775" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Edit" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center">
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkBox" runat="server" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="DieNum" HeaderText="Die Number" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="DieID" HeaderText="Die ID" Visible="false" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="DetailID" HeaderText="Detail ID" Visible="false" />
<asp:HyperLinkField DataTextField="DetailNum" HeaderText="Detail Number" DataNavigateUrlFields="DetailID" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="~/Tooling/DieDetail.aspx?DetailID={0}" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Description" HeaderText="Description" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="MaterialType" HeaderText="Material Type" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Hardness" HeaderText="Hardness" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="MinSpares" HeaderText="Min Spares" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="MaxSpares" HeaderText="Max Spares" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="CurrentSpares" HeaderText="Current Spares" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="DetailNotes" HeaderText="Detail Notes" />
And my GetLink function:
protected void GetLink(object sender, EventArgs e)
// start off empty
string DetailIDList = "";
foreach (GridViewRow row in DieListDetailGridView.Rows) {
if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
CheckBox chkBox = (row.Cells[0].FindControl("chkBox") as CheckBox);
string DetailID = row.Cells[3].Text;
if (chkBox.Checked)
DetailIDList = DetailIDList + DetailID + ",";
// Remove the last , from the list
DetailIDList = DetailIDList.Remove(DetailIDList.Length - 1, 1);
// comma delimeted list of checked Detail ID's
lblTesting.Text = DetailIDList;
I can't figure out why my DetailID is empty.
I've tried doing row.Cells[0].FindControl("DetailID") but that also didn't work.
What I am expecting to get from the DetailID are integers like "28925", "16423" etc.
I was asked to not show the column on the page, which is why visible = false. I still need to reference the ID to pass it to the edit page. I need to do the same edit to multiple Detail ID's.
What am I doing wrong?
The answer to having a list of ID's even though the datafield is set to not be visible was found on another StackOverflow question: ASP.NET: GridView value set to null when column is not visible
The answer was to remove the "Visible=false" from the GridView and on each row created (after the column has the data added for the row) make it not visible.
This code fixed my issue:
protected void DieListDetailGridView_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
e.Row.Cells[2].Visible = false;
e.Row.Cells[3].Visible = false;
I have a gridview in my ASP.NET. in my gridview columns, i want the button on each row to show or hide if the value of a cell is the same cell is empty or null. for example, i want a button to show on each row that has Signout_Time as null or empty. i have written the code below. the issue i'm having is that the codes works in an opposite way. Buttons are showed on the rows with "Signout_Time" while the button on rows without a value for "Signout_Time" visibility becomes false. it shouldn't be so. I have also tried changing my if conditions, it still didnt work
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) {
switch (e.Row.RowType) {
case DataControlRowType.DataRow:
DataRowView myDataRowView = (DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(myDataRowView["Signout_Time"].ToString())) {
Button status = (Button)e.Row.FindControl("out");
if (status != null) {
status.Visible = true;
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="S/N" DataField="SN" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="First Name" DataField="FirstName" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Address" DataField="Address" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Phone Number" DataField="PhoneNumber" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Sex" DataField="Sex" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Reason" DataField="Reason" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="SignIn" DataField="SignIn_Time" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="SignOut" DataField="Signout_Time" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Action" Visible="True">
<asp:Button ID="out" runat="server" Text="Sign out" CommandName="SignOut" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("SN") %>'/>
<PagerSettings FirstPageText="First" LastPageText="Last" Mode="NumericFirstLast" PageButtonCount="5" />
You can set the button Visibility directly in the GridView Template:
<asp:Button Visible='<%# string.IsNullOrEmpty(Eval("Signout_Time").ToString()) %>' runat="server" Text="Sign out" ID="out" CommandName="SignOut" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("SN") %>'/>
I'm trying to create a gridview with an extra column that contains a hyperlink for each row. Unfortunately my hyperlinks doesn't start from the top of the column, instead they are started from the second row of the hyperlink's column.
See this picture for more information >>> http://i.imgur.com/TLsVo5s.png
As you can see in that picture, there is a 'view' column that contains hyperlinks, but the problem is the first row is always empty. The hyperlink that's on the second row should be on the first, and the third should be on the second, and so on.
Can anyone show me where I went wrong?
Here is my gridview declaration on my aspx page:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" CellPadding="4" AllowPaging="True"
AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
OnSorting="GridView1_Sorting" PageSize="20" DataKeyNames="no_kwitansi"
DataSourceID="home1" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#CC9966" BorderStyle="None"
BorderWidth="1px" RowStyle-Wrap="False" OnRowDataBound="GridView1_RowDataBound">
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="#CCCCCC" />
<FooterStyle BackColor="#FFFFCC" ForeColor="#330099" />
<HeaderStyle BackColor="#990000" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#FFFFCC" />
<PagerStyle BackColor="#FFFFCC" ForeColor="#330099" HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<RowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#330099" />
<RowStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#FFCC66" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#663399" />
<SortedAscendingCellStyle BackColor="#FEFCEB" />
<SortedAscendingHeaderStyle BackColor="#AF0101" />
<SortedDescendingCellStyle BackColor="#F6F0C0" />
<SortedDescendingHeaderStyle BackColor="#7E0000" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="#" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="no_kwitansi" HeaderText="No.Kwitansi" SortExpression="no_kwitansi" ReadOnly="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="nama_vendor" HeaderText="Vendor" SortExpression="nama_vendor" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="nama_pekerja" HeaderText="Pekerja" SortExpression="nama_pekerja" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="nama_penanggungjawab" HeaderText="Penanggungjawab" SortExpression="nama_penanggungjawab" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="satuan" HeaderText="Satuan" SortExpression="satuan" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="jumlah" HeaderText="Nominal" SortExpression="jumlah" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="tanggal" HeaderText="Tanggal" SortExpression="tanggal" />
Here is my C# code behind:
This is my page_load function, I created the template field here.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
ViewState["SortExpr"] = Sort_Direction;
TemplateField tfield = new TemplateField();
tfield.HeaderText = "View";
Here is my gridview rowDataBound function, where I create the hyperlink.
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
HyperLink hlContro = new HyperLink();
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++)
hlContro.NavigateUrl = "./Home.aspx?ID=" + GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Text;
//hlContro.ImageUrl = "./sample.jpg";
hlContro.Text = "Documents";
so why not just a template field, and remove all the server side boilerplate? What happen if you would change position of your column?
Below is the solution where you need not to write anything in your server side code. Simple and easy.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Active">
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("no_kwitansi") %>'
NavigateUrl= '<%# "./Home.aspx?ID=" + Eval("no_kwitansi") %>'>
The RowDataBound event is raised when a data row (represented by a GridViewRow object) is bound to data in the GridView control. This enables you to provide an event-handling method that performs a custom routine, such as modifying the values of the data bound to the row, whenever this event occurs.
Just write code like this
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
HyperLink hlContro = new HyperLink();
hlContro.NavigateUrl = "./Home.aspx?ID=" + e.Row.Cells[1].Text;
//hlContro.ImageUrl = "./sample.jpg";
hlContro.Text = "Documents";
why are you adding it from code behind even you can add in html page
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="View">
<asp:LinkButton ID="test1" runat="server" ForeColor="#525252" Text="Documents" />
a similar example is shown on this link you can try Link
I have the following gridview:
<asp:GridView ID="gdvReport" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="sdseport">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Phone" HeaderText="Phone" SortExpression="Phone">
<ControlStyle Width="250px" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ToCall" HeaderText="Foramt" SortExpression="ToCall" />
The second row is a bool in the database, but I do not want to show a checkbox or true\false to the users.
How do I display something like this instead?
0 = Don't Call
1 = Call Us
You could create a TemplateField instead of a BoundField.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Whatever">
<asp:Literal ID="litTextValue" runat="server" />
You could then put some code inline to display the text that you want or handle the RowDataBound event to do the logic there.
I ended up just using OnRowDataBound for this.
<asp:GridView ID="gdvReport" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="sdseport" OnRowDataBound="OnRowDataBound">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Phone" HeaderText="Phone" SortExpression="Phone">
<ControlStyle Width="250px" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ToCall" HeaderText="Foramt" SortExpression="ToCall" />
protected void OnRowDataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
GridViewRowEventArgs ea = e as GridViewRowEventArgs;
if (ea.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
DataRowView drv = ea.Row.DataItem as DataRowView;
Object ob = drv["Phone"];
if (!Convert.IsDBNull(ob))
bool iParsedValue = false;
if (bool.TryParse(ob.ToString(), out iParsedValue))
TableCell cell = ea.Row.Cells[1];
if (iParsedValue == false)
cell.Text = "Don't Call";
cell.Text = "Call Us";
And it is working great now.
I did this and it work
<asp:Literal ID="isActive" runat="server"
Text='<%#Eval("isActive")==DBNull.Value ?
This is the important part.
Text='<%#Eval("isActive")==DBNull.Value?"inactive":Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("isActive"))?"active":"inactive" %>'
Hope that helps.
You should do it in the sql instead of doing it here using a CASE statement
such as
CASE ToCall WHEN '1' THEN 'Call' ELSE 'Do not call' END AS ToCall
and then use a simple bound field such as
<asp:BoundField DataField="ToCall" HeaderText="Foramt" SortExpression="ToCall" />
I have a GridView like this
<asp:GridView ID="gv_FilesList" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" onrowcommand="gv_FilesList_RowCommand">
<asp:BoundField DataField="f_Id" Visible="false" HeaderText="File Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="f_Name" HeaderText="File Name" />
<asp:ButtonField ButtonType="Link" Text="Download" CommandName="DownloadFile" HeaderText="Download" />
Now when I click on the download Button, how can I get the corresponding f_Id in order to get the related data from Database.
This code should work, tested on my local.
First, add DataKeyNames to your GridView.
<asp:GridView ID="gv_FilesList" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" onrowcommand="gv_FilesList_RowCommand" DataKeyNames="f_Id">
<asp:BoundField DataField="f_Id" Visible="false" HeaderText="File Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="f_Name" HeaderText="File Name" />
<asp:ButtonField ButtonType="Link" Text="Download" CommandName="DownloadFile" HeaderText="Download" />
Then, access DataKeys from codebehind.
protected void gv_FilesList_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "DownloadFile")
//row index
int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
//retrieve f_Id
int f_Id = Convert.ToInt32(gv_FilesList.DataKeys[index].Value);
//download file with f_Id
A couple of ways to skin it, but you could access it like below:
void gv_FilesList_RowCommand(Object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) {
int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
GridViewRow row = gv_FilesList.Rows[index];
string fileDownloadId = row.Cells[1].Text;
//Pull from DB
And then add f_id, to the DataKeyNames attribute so it will store the hidden fields value.
<asp:GridView ID="gv_FilesList" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" onrowcommand="gv_FilesList_RowCommand" DataKeyNames="f_id">
A solution to your problem is described in this thread.
Basically you can access the row index in the event argument property called CommandArgument.
I have a gridview with a template field. In that template field is a checkbox. I have a submit button outside of the gridview to assign the records that were checked. On the postback no checkboxes register as being checked. Here is my Code:
<asp:CheckBox ID="cb" Checked="false" runat="server" />
<asp:Label ID="lblCFID" runat="server" Visible="false" Text='<%# Eval("ID") %>' />
<asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" DataField="DOB" HeaderText="Date of Birth" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HeaderText="Gender" DataField="Gender" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HeaderText="Status" DataField="Status" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HeaderText="Plan Name" DataField="PlanName" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HeaderText="Type" DataField="ControlType" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HeaderText="Date of Service" dataformatstring="{0:MMMM d, yyyy}" htmlencode="false" DataField="DateofService" />
protected void AssignRecords(object sender, EventArgs e)
int Rows = gvASH.Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
//CheckBoxField cb = ((CheckBoxField)gvASH.Rows[i].Cells[1]).;
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)gvASH.Rows[i].Cells[0].FindControl("cb");
Label lblID = (Label)gvASH.Rows[i].Cells[0].FindControl("lblCFID");
if (cb.Checked == true)
string ID = lblID.Text;
//Assign Code
I have a breakpoint set on the string ID = lblID.Text; but it never finds any that are checked.
I think what you are missing is, when you click on the button and your page is postback, you rebinding to gridview, you need to bind in this condition like
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
GridView1.DataSourceID = "yourDatasourceID";
On a postback, the contents of the GridView are re-created from the postback Viewstate data between page_init and page_load. Perhaps try examining your Gridview in page_load to see what's there.
set the autopostback attribute of Checkbox