Serial port read undefined length - c#

When using Microsoft Visual Studio with .NET code, there are multiple ways to read data from serial ports, mainly these:
SerialPort.Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count);
This reads until the defined buffer is full
Read Existing
This reads the currently existing data bytes at the serial Port
Read To
SerialPort.ReadTo(string delimter);
This reads until a defined delimiter, e.g. "\r" is found.
The issue I am currently facing, is that my device operates in two modes, in normal mode, I can send command, and a response with \n in the end is sent, so this function can be processed with
string response = SerialPort.ReadTo("\n");
In data sending mode, the device sends data in bytes and variable package sizes, the data packets can be 5 to 1024 byte, and have no unique character at the end. In fact, the last characters are a checksum, so they will surely differ in each packet/stream. Therefore, the function
SerialPort.Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count);
cannot be used, since count is unknown. Additionally, the function
Is of no use, since it will only read the first bytes of the packed, and not the complete data stream.
My current workaround is the following, which has the issue that its slow, and relies on the estimation of the highest packet size of 1024. To be
private void SerialPortDataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
Task.Delay(900).Wait() //9600baud = 1200byte/s = 1024byte/1200byte = 0.85
string response = SerialPort.readExisting();
The major issue with my workaround is that it has to wait the complete time, even if the device sends a small amount of bytes (e.g. 100). Additionally, if the device is switched to a higher speed (e.g. 38400baud) the wait time could be way lower.
How could I deal with this problem in a proper way?


UDP packets always arrive at the transport layer (detected by wireshark) but not are not always read by the application

I have been creating a system where an raspberry PI is sending images to a remote client in real-time.
The raspberry PI captures the images using a raspberry PI camera. A captured image is available as a 3-dimensional array of all the pixels (rows, colums and rgb). By sending and displaying the images really fast it will appear as a video to the user.
My goal is to send these images in real-time with the image resolution being as high as possible. An acceptable frame rate is around 30 fps. I selected the protocol UDP and not TCP. I did this because data can be transferred much faster in UDP due to less overhead. Re-transmissions of individual packets is not necessary because losing some pixels is acceptable in my case. The raspberry PI and the client are located in the same network so not many packets will be dropped anyway.
Taking into account that the maximum transmission unit (MTU) on the ethernet layer is 1500 bytes, and the UDP packets should not be fragmented or dropped, I selected a maximum payload length of 1450 bytes, of which 1447 bytes are data, and 3 bytes are application layer overhead. The remaining 50 bytes are reserved
for overhead that is automatically added by the TCP/IP and transport layers.
I mentioned that captured images are available as an array. Assuming the size of this array is, for example, 1.036.800 bytes (e.g. width=720 * height=480 * numberOfColors=3), then 717 (1.036.800 / 1447) UDP packets are needed to send the entire array. The c++ application on the raspberry PI does this by fragmenting the array into fragments of 1447 bytes, and adding an fragment index number, which is between 1-717, as overhead to the packet. We also add an image number, to distinguish from a previously sent image/array. The packet looks like this:
udp packet
On the client side, I developed a C# application that receives all the packets and reassembles the array using the included index numbers. Using the EgmuCV library, the received array is converted to an image and drawn in a GUI. However, some of the received images are drawn with black lines/chunks. When debugging, I discovered that this problem is not caused by drawing the image, but the black chunks are actually missing array fragments that did never arrive. Because the byte values in an array are initialized as 0 by default, the missing fragments are shown as black chunks
Using Wireshark on the client's side, I searched for the index of such a missing fragment, and was surprised to find it, intact. This would mean that the data is received correctly on the transport layer (and observed by wireshark), but never read on the application layer.
This image shows that a chunk of a received array is missing, at index 174.000. Because there are 1447 data bytes in a packet, the index of this missing data corresponds to an UDP packet with the fragment index 121 (174.000/1447). The hexadecimal equivalent for 121 is 79. The following image shows the packet corrosponding UDP packet in wireshark, proving the data was still intact on the transport layer. image
What have I tried soo far
When I lower the frame rate, there will be less black chunks, and they are often smaller. With a framerate of 3FPS there is no black at all. However, this frame rate is not desired. That is a speed of around (3fps * 720x480x3) 3.110.400 bits per second (379kb/s). A normal computer should be capable to read more bits per seconds than this. And as I explained, the packets DID arrive in wireshark, they are only not read in the application layer.
I have also tried changing the UDP payload length from 1447 to 500. This only makes it worse, see image.
I implemented multi threading so that data is read and processed in different threads.
I tried a TCP implementation. The images were received intact, but it was not fast enough to transfer the images in real-time.
It is notable that a 'black chunk' does not represent a single missing fragment of 1447 bytes, but many consecutive fragments. So at some point when reading for data, a number of packets is not read. Also not every image has this problem, some are arrived intact.
I am wondering what is wrong with my implementation that results in this unwanted effect. So I will be posting some of my code below.
Please note that the exception 'SocketException' is never really thrown and the Console.Writeline for 'invalid overhead' is also never printed. The _client.Receive always receives 1450 bytes, expect for the last fragment of an array, which is smaller.
Besides solving this bug, if anyone has alternative suggestions for transmitting these arrays in a more efficient way (requiring less bandwidth but without quality loss), I would gladly hear it. As long as the solution has the array as input/output on both endpoints.
Most importantly: NOTE that the missing packets were never returned by the UdpClient.Receive() method.
I did not post code for c++ application running on the raspberry PI, because the data did arrive (in wireshark) as I have already proved. So the transmission is working fine, but receiving is not.
private const int ClientPort = 50000;
private UdpClient _client;
private Thread _receiveThread;
private Thread _processThread;
private volatile bool _started;
private ConcurrentQueue<byte[]> _receivedPackets = new ConcurrentQueue<byte[]>();
private IPEndPoint _remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 2371);
public void Start()
if (_started)
throw new InvalidCastException("Already started");
_started = true;
_client = new UdpClient(_clientPort);
_receiveThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReceiveThread));
_processThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ProcessThread));
public void Stop()
if (!_started)
_started = false;
_receiveThread = null;
_processThread = null;
public void ReceiveThread()
_client.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 100;
while (_started)
byte[] data = _client.Receive(ref _remoteEP);
catch(SocketException ex)
private void ProcessThread()
while (_started)
byte[] data;
bool dequeued = _receivedPackets.TryDequeue(out data);
if (!dequeued)
int imgNr = data[0];
int fragmentIndex = (data[1] << 8) | data[2];
if (imgNr <= 0 || imgNr > 255 || fragmentIndex <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("Received data with invalid overhead");
// i omitted the code for this method because is does not interfere with the
// socket and therefore not really relevant to the issue that i described
ProccessReceivedData(imgNr, fragmentIndex , data);

C# IInputStream missing segmented TCP package

I am writing a Small HttpServer, sometime I encounter a problem with missing POST Data.
By using Wireshark I discovered, that the Header is split into two segments.
I only get the first segment (636 Bytes), the second one (POST Data in this case) gets totally lost.
Here is a the relevant C# Code
string requestHeaderString = "";
StreamSocket socketStream = args.Socket;
IInputStream inputStream = socketStream.InputStream;
byte[] data = new byte[BufferSize];
IBuffer buffer = data.AsBuffer();
await inputStream.ReadAsync(buffer, BufferSize, InputStreamOptions.Partial);
// This is where things go missing, buffer.ToArray() should be 678 Bytes long,
// so Segment 1 (636 Bytes) and Segment 2 (42 Bytes) combined.
// But is only 636 Bytes long, so just the first Segment?!
requestHeaderString += Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer.ToArray());
catch (Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("inputStream is not readable" + e.StackTrace);
This code is in part of the StreamSocketListener ConnectionReceived Event.
Do I manually have to reassemble the TCP Segments, isn't this what the Systems TCP Stack should do?
The problem is the systems TCP stack treats the TCP stream just like any other stream. You don't get "messages" with streams, you just get a stream of bytes.
The receiving side has no way to tell when one "message" ends and where the next begins without you telling it some how. You must implement message framing on top of TCP, then on your receiving side you must repeatedly call Receive till you have received enough bytes to form a full message (this will involve using the int returned from the receive call to see how many bytes where processed).
Important note: If you don't know how many bytes you are expecting to get in total, for example you are doing message framing by using '\0' to seperate messages you may get the end of one message and the start of the next in a single Receive call. You will need to handle that situation.
EDIT: Sorry, I skipped over the fact you where reading HTTP. You must follow the protocol of HTTP. You must read in data till you see the pattern \r\n\r\n, once you get that you must parse the header and decode how much data is in the content portion of the HTTP message then repeatatly call read till you have read the number of bytes needed.

Byte array not being initialized to correct size?

I am writing an application that receives some input from a long range radio via a serial connection. I am currently using the SerialPort C# class to receive and send data, but I am having a few issues. I've noticed that the function I have for receiving data is not correctly setting the buffer byte array size. All data is being sent in bytecode (Hex).
Say the other node sends 103 bytes of data. Stepping through my code and setting a breakpoint at the "Read()" line, I see that "serialPort1.BytesToRead-1" evaluates to 103, BUT the byte[] array is only initialized to 17. I have no explanation for this behavior. As a result, only the first 17 bytes are put into the array. Continuing through the step through, this same event is triggered, this time with "serialPort1.BytesToRead-1" evaluating to 85 (presumably since only the first 17 of the 103 bytes were read.
If I hardcore the data array size at 103, it works flawlessly in one pass. However, at the moment I am unable to store all the data in my byte array in one pass, which is causing a lot of problems. Anyone know why my byte array is being initialized to such an arbitrary size???
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
byte[] data = new byte[serialPort1.BytesToRead - 1];
serialPort1.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
DisplayData(ByteToHex(data) /*+ "\n"*/);
Updated: Here's the new method I am attempting. isHeader is a boolean value initially set to true (as the first two bytes being received from the packet are in fact the length of the packet).
const int NUM_HEADER_BYTES = 2;
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
byte[] headerdata = new byte[2];
if (isHeader)
serialPort1.Read(headerdata, 0, NUM_HEADER_BYTES);
int totalSize = (headerdata[0] << 8 | headerdata[1]) >> 6;
serialPort1.ReceivedBytesThreshold = totalSize - NUM_HEADER_BYTES;
data = new byte[totalSize - NUM_HEADER_BYTES];
isHeader = false;
serialPort1.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
double[][] results = ParseData(data, data.Length);
serialPort1.ReceivedBytesThreshold = NUM_HEADER_BYTES;
isHeader = true;
DisplayData(ByteToHex(data) /*+ "\n"*/);
BytesToRead is equal to the number of bytes waiting in the buffer. It changes from moment to moment as new data arrives, and that's what you're seeing here.
When you step through with the debugger, that takes additional time, and the rest of the serial data comes in while you're stepping in the debugger, and so BytesToRead changes to the full value of 104.
If you know that you need 103 bytes, I believe setting ReceivedBytesThreshold to 104 will trigger the DataRecieved event at the proper time. If you don't know the size of the message you need to receive, you'll need to do something else. I notice you're throwing away one byte (serialPort1.BytesToRead - 1), is that an end-of-message byte that you can search for as you read data?
Debuggers won't deliver when it comes to real time data transfer. Use debug traces.
BTW I'd go with polling data myself, not putting my trust on events. With serial ports this is a sound and reliable approach.
Edit per comment:
Serial data transfer rate is bounded by your baud-rate.
You're worried about losing data, so let's look at the numbers:
baud_rate = 19600 [bytes/sec] // it's usually *bits*, but we want to err upwards
buffer_size = 4096 [bytes] // windows allocated default buffer size
So it takes:
4096/19600 [sec] ~ 200 [ms]
To overflow the buffer (upper bound).
So if you sample at 50 Hz, you're running on an order of magnitude safety net, and that's a good spot. On each 'sample' you read the whole buffer. There is no timing issue here.
Of course you should adopt the numbers to your case, but I'll be surprised if your low bandwidth RF channel will result in a transfer rate for which 50 Hz won't be a sufficient overkill.
Needless to say, if what you currently have works, then don't touch it.

SerialPort data loss - C#

I'm working on a SerialPort app and one very simple part of it is giving me issues. I simply want to read a constant stream of data from the port and write it out to a binary file as it comes in. The problem seems to be speed: my code has worked fine on my 9600 baud test device, but when carried over to the 115200bps live device, I seem to be losing data. What happens is after a variable period of time, I miss 1 byte which throws off the rest of the data. I've tried a few things:
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
byte[] inc = new byte[serialPort1.BytesToRead];
serialPort1.Read(inc, 0, inc.Length);
and a few variations. I can't use ReadLine() as I am working with a constant stream of data (right?). I've tried fiddling with the buffer size (both serialPort1.ReadBufferSize and the hardware FIFO buffer). Ideally, for usability purposes, I'd handle this on the software side and not make the user have to change Windows driver settings.
Any ideas?
If the problem seems to be that you can't process the data fast enough, what you could try would be to double-buffer your data.
1) Allow one thread to read the serial port into one buffer. This may involve copying data off the port into the buffer (i'm not intimately familiar with .NET).
2) When you are ready to handle the incoming data, (on a different thread) make your program read into the 2nd buffer, and while this is happening you should write the first buffer to disk.
3) When the first buffer is written to disk, swap it back to the serial port buffer, and write the 2nd buffer to disk. Repeat process, continually swapping the buffers.
You might try enabling handshaking, using the Handshake property of the SerialPort object.
You'll have to set it on both the sender or receiver. however: if you're overflowing the receiver's UART's buffer (very small, 16 bytes IIRC), there's probably no other way. If you can't enable handshaking on the sender, you'll probably have to stay at 9600 or below.
I'd try the following:
Set the Buffer-Size to at least 230K Bytes
Set the Incoming Threshold to 16K, 32K or 65K
Write this fixed blocks of data to the file
I'm not sure if this might help, but it should at least take the pressure of the framework to fire the event that often.
I would check the number of bytes read which is returned by the Read(Byte>[], Int32, Int32) method and make sure it matches what you expect.
Make sure you are listening for SerialErrorReceivedEventHandler ErrorReceived events on the port object. An RXOver error would indicate your buffer is full.
Check the thread safety on your output buffer. If the write to the output buffer is not thread safe, a second write may corrupt the first write.
Is your bwLogger a BinaryWriter class? You might try using it with a BufferedStream to make the disk I/O nonblocking.
Also, if your packets have a known ending character, you can set the SerialPort.NewLine property to enable you to use ReadLine/WriteLine, although I don't think that would make much of a performance difference.
The machines I've been working with recently all send a stop code (in my case ASCII code 3 or 4). If you also have this feature, you can make use of ReadTo(string) off your SerialPort object.

Handling dropped TCP packets in C#

I'm sending a large amount of data in one go between a client and server written C#. It works fine when I run the client and server on my local machine but when I put the server on a remote computer on the internet it seems to drop data.
I send 20000 strings using the socket.Send() method and receive them using a loop which does socket.Receive(). Each string is delimited by unique characters which I use to count the number received (this is the protocol if you like). The protocol is proven, in that even with fragmented messages each string is correctly counted. On my local machine I get all 20000, over the internet I get anything between 17000-20000. It seems to be worse the slower connection that the remote computer has. To add to the confusion, turning on Wireshark seems to reduce the number of dropped messages.
First of all, what is causing this? Is it a TCP/IP issue or something wrong with my code?
Secondly, how can I get round this? Receiving all of the 20000 strings is vital.
Socket receiving code:
private static readonly Encoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
while (socket.Connected)
byte[] recvBuffer = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead = 0;
bytesRead = socket.Receive(recvBuffer);
catch (SocketException e)
if (! socket.Connected)
string input = encoding.GetString(recvBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
Socket sending code:
private static readonly Encoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
If you're dropping packets, you'll see a delay in transmission since it has to re-transmit the dropped packets. This could be very significant although there's a TCP option called selective acknowledgement which, if supported by both sides, it will trigger a resend of only those packets which were dropped and not every packet since the dropped one. There's no way to control that in your code. By default, you can always assume that every packet is delivered in order for TCP and if there's some reason that it can't deliver every packet in order, the connection will drop, either by a timeout or by one end of the connetion sending a RST packet.
What you're seeing is most likely the result of Nagle's algorithm. What it does is instead of sending each bit of data as you post it, it sends one byte and then waits for an ack from the other side. While it's waiting, it aggregates all the other data that you want to send and combines it into one big packet and then sends it. Since the max size for TCP is 65k, it can combine quite a bit of data into one packet, although it's extremely unlikely that this will occur, particularly since winsock's default buffer size is about 10k or so (I forget the exact amount). Additionally, if the max window size of the receiver is less than 65k, it will only send as much as the last advertised window size of the receiver. The window size also affects Nagle's algorithm as well in terms of how much data it can aggregate prior to sending because it can't send more than the window size.
The reason you see this is because on the internet, unlike your network, that first ack takes more time to return so Naggle's algorithm aggregates more of your data into a single packet. Locally, the return is effectively instantaneous so it's able to send your data as quickly as you can post it to the socket. You can disable Naggle's algorithm on the client side by using SetSockOpt (winsock) or Socket.SetSocketOption (.Net) but I highly recommend that you DO NOT disable Naggling on the socket unless you are 100% sure you know what you're doing. It's there for a very good reason.
Well there's one thing wrong with your code to start with, if you're counting the number of calls to Receive which complete: you appear to be assuming that you'll see as many Receive calls finish as you made Send calls.
TCP is a stream-based protocol - you shouldn't be worrying about individual packets or reads; you should be concerned with reading the data, expecting that sometimes you won't get a whole message in one packet and sometimes you may get more than one message in a single read. (One read may not correspond to one packet, too.)
You should either prefix each method with its length before sending, or have a delimited between messages.
It's definitely not TCP's fault. TCP guarantees in-order, exactly-once delivery.
Which strings are "missing"? I'd wager it's the last ones; try flushing from the sending end.
Moreover, your "protocol" here (I'm taking about the application-layer protocol you're inventing) is lacking: you should consider sending the # of objects and/or their length so the receiver knows when he's actually done receiving them.
How long are each of the strings? If they aren't exactly 1024 bytes, they'll be merged by the remote TCP/IP stack into one big stream, which you read big blocks of in your Receive call.
For example, using three Send calls to send "A", "B", and "C" will most likely come to your remote client as "ABC" (as either the remote stack or your own stack will buffer the bytes until they are read). If you need each string to come without it being merged with other strings, look into adding in a "protocol" with an identifier to show the start and end of each string, or alternatively configure the socket to avoid buffering and combining packets.

