Telegram allows commenting on a channel post or on a generic supergroup message, thanks to message threads.
I get the last messages in the channel
private async Task<TLMessage> GetLastMessage(TLChannel channelFrom)
TLChannelMessages resp = (TLChannelMessages)await _client.GetHistoryAsync(new TLInputPeerChannel()
ChannelId = channelFrom.Id,
AccessHash = channelFrom.AccessHash ?? 0,
}, limit: 1000);
TLMessage lastMessage = (TLMessage)resp.Messages?.Where(x => x is TLMessage).First();
return lastMessage;
I can forward it to another channel / chat:
public async Task ReplyInDiscussion(TLChannel channelFrom, TLChannel chatTo)
TLMessage lastMessage = await GetLastMessage(channelFrom);
TLMessage lastChatMessage = await GetLastForwardMessage(chatTo, channelFrom.Id, lastMessage.Id);
await ReplyTo(chatTo, "Text", lastChatMessage.Id);
public Task ReplyTo(TLChannel channelTo, string message, int? replyMsgId = null)
TLAbsInputPeer to = new TLInputPeerChannel()
ChannelId = channelTo.Id,
AccessHash = channelTo.AccessHash ?? 0,
return ReplyTo(to, message, replyMsgId);
private async Task ReplyTo(TLAbsInputPeer to, string message, int? replyMsgId = null)
var req = new TLRequestSendMessage()
Peer = to,
Message = message,
RandomId = Helpers.GenerateRandomLong(),
ReplyToMsgId = replyMsgId,
await _client.SendRequestAsync<TLUpdates>(req);
I need to leave a comment specifically for the received message
I do not understand how to do this, it is very difficult for me
I'm working on an application based on .NET Framework 4.8. I'm using Microsoft Batching API. The below are code snippets
public async Task<List<BatchResponse>> UpdateEventsInBatchAsync(string accessToken, Dictionary<int, Tuple<string, OfficeEvent>> absEvents)
var httpMethod = new HttpMethod("PATCH");
var batches = GetUpdateRequestBatches(absEvents, httpMethod);
var graphClient = GetGraphClient(accessToken);
var batchResponses = new List<BatchResponse>();
foreach (var batch in batches)
var batchResponseList = await ExecuteBatchRequestAsync(graphClient, batch).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (ClientException exc)
_logService.LogException("Error while processing update batch", exc);
batchResponses.Add(new BatchResponse
{ StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ReasonPhrase = exc.Message });
catch (Exception exc)
_logService.LogException("Error while processing update batch", exc);
batchResponses.Add(new BatchResponse { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ReasonPhrase = exc.Message });
return batchResponses;
The respective methods used in the above code are mentioned below in respective order-
private IEnumerable<BatchRequestContent> GetUpdateRequestBatches(Dictionary<int, Tuple<string, OfficeEvent>> absEvents, HttpMethod httpMethod)
var batches = new List<BatchRequestContent>();
var batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent();
const int maxNoBatchItems = 20;
var batchItemsCount = 0;
foreach (var kvp in absEvents)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write($"{kvp.Key} --- ");
var requestUri = $"{_msOfficeBaseApiUrl}/me/events/{kvp.Value.Item1}";
var httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(httpMethod, requestUri)
Content = _serializer.SerializeAsJsonContent(kvp.Value.Item2)
var requestStep = new BatchRequestStep(kvp.Key.ToString(), httpRequestMessage);
// Max number of 20 request per batch. So we need to send out multiple batches.
if (batchItemsCount > 0 && batchItemsCount % maxNoBatchItems == 0)
batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent();
batchItemsCount = 0;
if (batchRequestContent.BatchRequestSteps.Count < maxNoBatchItems)
if (batches.Count == 0)
return batches;
private static GraphServiceClient GetGraphClient(string accessToken)
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(requestMessage =>
.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
return Task.FromResult(0);
return graphClient;
private async Task<List<BatchResponse>> ExecuteBatchRequestAsync(IBaseClient graphClient, BatchRequestContent batch)
BatchResponseContent response = await graphClient.Batch.Request().PostAsync(batch);
Dictionary<string, HttpResponseMessage> responses = await response.GetResponsesAsync();
var batchResponses = new List<BatchResponse>();
var failedReqKeys = new Dictionary<string, TimeSpan>();
foreach (var key in responses.Keys)
using (HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMsg = await response.GetResponseByIdAsync(key))
var responseContent = await httpResponseMsg.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
string eventId = null;
var reasonPhrase = httpResponseMsg.ReasonPhrase;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(responseContent))
var eventResponse = JObject.Parse(responseContent);
eventId = (string)eventResponse["id"];
// If still null, then might error have occurred
if (eventId == null)
var errorResponse = _serializer.DeserializeObject<ErrorResponse>(responseContent);
var error = errorResponse?.Error;
if (error != null)
if (httpResponseMsg.StatusCode == (HttpStatusCode)429)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{httpResponseMsg.StatusCode} {httpResponseMsg.Content}");
var executionDelay = httpResponseMsg.Headers.RetryAfter.Delta ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
failedReqKeys.Add(key, executionDelay);
reasonPhrase = $"{error.Code} - {error.Message}";
var batchResponse = new BatchResponse
Key = key,
EventId = eventId,
StatusCode = httpResponseMsg.StatusCode,
ReasonPhrase = reasonPhrase
if (failedReqKeys.Count == 0) return batchResponses;
return await HandleFailedRequestsAsync(graphClient, failedReqKeys, batch, batchResponses).ConfigureAwait(false);
private async Task<List<BatchResponse>> HandleFailedRequestsAsync(IBaseClient graphClient, Dictionary<string, TimeSpan> failedReqKeys, BatchRequestContent batch, List<BatchResponse> batchResponses)
// Sleep for the duration as suggested in RetryAfter
var sleepDuration = failedReqKeys.Values.Max();
var failedBatchRequests = batch.BatchRequestSteps.Where(b => failedReqKeys.Keys.Contains(b.Key)).ToList();
var failedBatch = new BatchRequestContent();
foreach (var kvp in failedBatchRequests)
var failedBatchResponses = await ExecuteBatchRequestAsync(graphClient, failedBatch);
return batchResponses;
I'm getting an error as on the first line in method ExecuteBatchRequestAsync as
Microsoft.Graph.ClientException: Code: invalidRequest
Message: Unable to deserialize content.
---> System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a closed Stream.
Can anyone nudge me where I'm doing wrong?
I was trying the multi-language chat bot in bot framework.
I was successful in translating ordinary message with no attachment. But I'm having a problem with attachment like herocard or suggestedcard.
var reply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();
var card = new HeroCard();
card.Buttons = new List<CardAction>()
new CardAction() { Title = "1. All lights are green.", Type = ActionTypes.ImBack, Value = "All lights are green." },
new CardAction() { Title = "2. DSL light is OFF/Red/Blinking Green.", Type = ActionTypes.ImBack, Value = "DSL light is OFF/Red/Blinking Green." },
new CardAction() { Title = "3. Internet light is OFF/Red/Amber or blinking red and green.", Type = ActionTypes.ImBack, Value = "Internet light is OFF/Red/Amber or blinking red and green." },
new CardAction() { Title = "4. Power light is OFF/Red/Amber or blinking.", Type = ActionTypes.ImBack, Value = "Power light is OFF/Red/Amber or blinking." },
reply.Attachments = new List<Attachment>() { card.ToAttachment() };
reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.List;
var options = new PromptOptions()
Prompt = reply,
await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(reply, cancellationToken);
You need to check if there are any attachments. I have some middleware that sets the speak on message and use the following code:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Text))
if (message.Attachments[0].Content is HeroCard attachment)
message.Speak = TextToSpeechHelper.ConvertTextToSpeechText(attachment.Text);
message.Speak = TextToSpeechHelper.ConvertTextToSpeechText(message.Text);
You'd have to adjust it to set the text and translate.
Below is a full example of what my middleware is. Keep in mind this middleware sets the speak to the text and sets the input hint.
public class TextToSpeechMiddleware : IMiddleware
private readonly IEnumerable<string> ignoreList;
public TextToSpeechMiddleware(string speakIgnore)
ignoreList = GetSpeakIgnore(speakIgnore);
public Task OnTurnAsync(ITurnContext turnContext, NextDelegate next, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return next(cancellationToken);
private static IEnumerable<string> GetSpeakIgnore(string value)
string[] ignoreList = value.Split(';');
return ignoreList.Select(i => i.Trim())
.Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i));
private Task<ResourceResponse> OnUpdateActivity(ITurnContext turnContext, Activity activity, Func<Task<ResourceResponse>> next)
return next();
private Task<ResourceResponse[]> OnSendActivities(ITurnContext turnContext, List<Activity> activities, Func<Task<ResourceResponse[]>> next)
foreach (Activity currentActivity in activities.Where(a => a.Type == ActivityTypes.Message))
return next();
private void ConvertTextToSpeech(Activity message)
Activity initialMessage = message;
if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
bool ignoredSpeak = false;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Speak))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Text))
if (message.Attachments[0].Content is HeroCard attachment)
message.Speak = TextToSpeechHelper.ConvertTextToSpeechText(attachment.Text);
message.Speak = TextToSpeechHelper.ConvertTextToSpeechText(message.Text);
message.Speak = message.Speak.Trim();
if (ignoreList.Where(i => message.Speak.ToLower().StartsWith(i.ToLower())).Count() != 0)
message.Speak = null;
ignoredSpeak = true;
else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.Speak))
message.Speak = " ";
if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Speak) && (message.Speak.EndsWith("?") || message.Speak.StartsWith("Is this correct?")))
|| (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Text) && message.Text.EndsWith("?"))
|| ignoredSpeak)
message.InputHint = InputHints.ExpectingInput;
// IOs won't work with expecting input
if (message.Recipient.Name.EndsWith(":ios"))
message.InputHint = InputHints.AcceptingInput;
// Logic needed to increase speech speed.
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Speak))
// {
// message.Speak = #"<speak version='1.0' " + "xmlns='' xml:lang='en-GB'><prosody rate=\"1.5\">" + message.Speak + "</prosody></speak>";
// }
catch (Exception)
message = initialMessage;
Please correct me if I have some errors in this logic (not some elegancy things like getting rid of constructor initialization and using Init method instead for Poll). I have not had experience with timer callbacks so far. The code is pretty self-explanatory, I hope. What confuses me a bit is some mix of async things (like connection client creation) and further code - though, I just reused IClient class, it's not mine):
public async Task<WaitForLoanActivationDto> WaitForLoanActivation(string userName, string accountGuid, int timeout)
const int dueTime = 0;
const int pollPeriod = 500;
Poll<WaitForLoanActivationDto> state = new Poll<WaitForLoanActivationDto>
Client = await _rpcConnectionPool.GetClientAsync(userName),
AutoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false),
StartTime = DateTime.Now,
Timeout = timeout,
Parameters = new Variant[] { accountGuid },
Result = new WaitForLoanActivationDto { Active = false }
Timer timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(WaitForLoanActivationCallback), state, dueTime, pollPeriod);
if (state.ThreadException != null)
throw state.ThreadException;
return state.Result;
private void WaitForLoanActivationCallback(object state)
Poll<WaitForLoanActivationDto> pollState = (Poll<WaitForLoanActivationDto>)state;
if (pollState.StartTime.AddMilliseconds(pollState.Timeout) >= DateTime.Now)
using (RPCReply reply = ResultHelper.Check(pollState.Client.ExecuteRemoteCommand(WaitForLoanActivationRpcName, pollState.Parameters)))
pollState.Result.Active = reply[2].IDList["Active"].AsBoolean().Value;
VariantList statusList = reply[2].IDList["statuses"].List;
if (statusList.Count > 0)
var statuses = CustomerInformationConverter.GetStatusesList(statusList);
pollState.Result.Statuses = statuses.ToArray();
if (pollState.Result.Active)
catch (Exception ex)
pollState.Result = null;
pollState.ThreadException = ex;
Thank you guys.
#ckuri, based on your idea I came up with the code below. I have not used Task.Delay though, because as I understood it creates delay even if the task is successfully complete - after it. The objective of my case is to run RPC method each pollPeriod milliseconds during timeout milliseconds. It the method returns Active == false - keep polling, otherwise - return the result. RPC execution time might take more than pollPeriod milliseconds, so if it's already running - no sense to spawn another task.
public async Task<WaitForLoanActivationDto> WaitForLoanActivation(string userName, string accountGuid, int timeout)
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
const int pollPeriod = 500;
IClient client = await _rpcConnectionPool.GetClientAsync(userName);
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
WaitForLoanActivationDto waitForLoanActivationDto = null;
while (startTime.AddMilliseconds(timeout) >= DateTime.Now)
waitForLoanActivationDto = await Task.Run(() => WaitForLoanActivationCallback(client, accountGuid), cancellationTokenSource.Token);
if (waitForLoanActivationDto.Active)
await Task.Delay(pollPeriod, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
return waitForLoanActivationDto;
catch (AggregateException ex)
throw ex.InnerException;
private WaitForLoanActivationDto WaitForLoanActivationCallback(IClient client, string accountGuid)
using (RPCReply reply = ResultHelper.Check(client.ExecuteRemoteCommand(WaitForLoanActivationRpcName, accountGuid)))
var waitForLoanActivationDto = new WaitForLoanActivationDto
Active = reply[2].IDList["Active"].AsBoolean().Value
VariantList statusList = reply[2].IDList["statuses"].List;
if (statusList.Count > 0)
var statuses = CustomerInformationConverter.GetStatusesList(statusList);
waitForLoanActivationDto.Statuses = statuses.ToArray();
return waitForLoanActivationDto;
Good evening everyone, I've got a web app written using .NET and a mobile app.
I'm sending some values to rabbitMQ server through my web app and this is working fine, i put it in a queue but when the mobile app accepts the request, i don't get the returned value.
Here is my controller
public async Task<ActionResult> GetCollect(int id)
int PartnerId = 0;
bool SentRequest = false;
SentRequest = await RuleRabbitMQ.SentRequestRule(id);
if(SentRequest )
PartnerId = await RuleRabbitMQ.RequestAccepted();
catch (Exception Ex)
This is my RabbitMQ class
public class InteractionRabbitMQ
public async Task<bool> SentRequestRule(int id)
bool ConnectionRabbitMQ = false;
await Task.Run(() =>
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory()
//credentials go here
IConnection connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
IModel channel = connection.CreateModel();
channel.QueueDeclare("SolicitacaoSameDay", true, false, false, null);
string rpcResponseQueue = channel.QueueDeclare().QueueName;
string correlationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
IBasicProperties basicProperties = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
basicProperties.ReplyTo = rpcResponseQueue;
basicProperties.CorrelationId = correlationId;
byte[] messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Concat(" ", id.ToString()));
channel.BasicPublish("", "SolicitacaoSameDay", basicProperties, messageBytes);
if (connection != null)
ConnectionRabbitMQ = true;
ConnectionRabbitMQ = false;
catch (Exception Ex)
throw new ArgumentException($"Thre was a problem with RabbitMQ server. " +
$"Pleaser, contact the support with Error: {Ex.ToString()}");
return ConnectionRabbitMQ;
public async Task<int> RequestAccepted()
bool SearchingPartner= true;
int PartnerId = 0;
await Task.Run(() =>
var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory()
// credentials
IConnection connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
IModel channel = connection.CreateModel();
channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);
var eventingBasicConsumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
eventingBasicConsumer.Received += (sender, basicDeliveryEventArgs) =>
string Response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(basicDeliveryEventArgs.Body, 0, basicDeliveryEventArgs.Body.Length);
channel.BasicAck(basicDeliveryEventArgs.DeliveryTag, false);
int Id = Convert.ToInt32(Response);
PartnerId = Id > 0 ? Id : 0;
SearchingPartner = false;
channel.BasicConsume("SolicitacaoAceitaSameDay", false, eventingBasicConsumer);
catch (Exception Ex)
// error message
return PartnerId ;
I am not sure this works, can't build an infrastructure to test this quickly, but - your issue is that the RequestAccepted returns a Task which completes before the Received event is caught by the Rabbit client library.
Syncing the two could possibly resolve the issue, note however that this could potentially make your code waiting very long for (or even - never get) the response.
public Task<int> RequestAccepted()
bool SearchingPartner= true;
int PartnerId = 0;
var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory()
// credentials
IConnection connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
IModel channel = connection.CreateModel();
channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);
TaskCompletionSource<int> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
var eventingBasicConsumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
eventingBasicConsumer.Received += (sender, basicDeliveryEventArgs) =>
string Response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(basicDeliveryEventArgs.Body, 0, basicDeliveryEventArgs.Body.Length);
channel.BasicAck(basicDeliveryEventArgs.DeliveryTag, false);
int Id = Convert.ToInt32(Response);
PartnerId = Id > 0 ? Id : 0;
SearchingPartner = false;
tcs.SetResult( PartnerId );
channel.BasicConsume("SolicitacaoAceitaSameDay", false, eventingBasicConsumer);
return tcs.Task;
There are couple of issues with this approach.
First, no error handling.
Then, what if the event is sent by the RMQ before the consumer subscribes to it? The consumer will block as it will never receive anything back.
And last, I don't think RMQ consumers are ever intended to be created in every request to your controller and then never disposed. While this could work on your dev box where you create a couple of requests manually, it won't probably ever scale to fix a scenario where dozens/hundreds of concurrent users hit your website and multiple RMQ consumers compete one against the other.
I don't think there is an easy way around it other than completely separate the consumer out of your web app, put it in a System Service or a Hangfire job and let it get responses to all possible requests and from the cache - serve responses to web requests.
This is a pure speculation, though, based on my understanding of what you try to do. I could be wrong here, of course.
byte[] messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Concat(" ", idColeta.ToString()));
I reckon 'idColeta' is blank.
working on QnAMaker. The bot responses well with both Text and HeroCard responses on the Emulator and the WebChat. However, it is not sending the formatted HeroCard via my channel(Skype). I have rebuilt the application using build.cmd. Restarted the Azure services. Still no help.
// BasicQnAMakerDialog.cs:
public RootDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService
(new QnAMakerAttribute(
RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey") == null ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAAuthKey"] : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAAuthKey"],
Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId") == null ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAKnowledgebaseId"] : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAKnowledgebaseId"],
"Not sure how to help with that. Try asking about the ALOTB, Pricing, Technology and scope to find more info or get in touch with", 0.5, 1,
Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName") == null ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAEndpointHostName"] : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAEndpointHostName"])))
//override method
protected override async Task RespondFromQnAMakerResultAsync(IDialogContext context, IMessageActivity message, QnAMakerResults result)
var answer = result.Answers.First().Answer;
Activity reply = ((Activity)context.Activity).CreateReply();
string[] qnaAnswerData = answer.Split(';');
int dataSize = qnaAnswerData.Length;
if (dataSize > 1 && dataSize <= 6)
var attachment = GetSelectedCard(answer);
reply.Attachments.Add(attachment as Attachment);
await context.PostAsync(reply);
await context.Forward(new BasicQnAMakerDialog(), AfterAnswerAsync, message, CancellationToken.None);
await context.PostAsync(reply);
private static Attachment GetSelectedCard(string answer)
int len = answer.Split(';').Length;
switch (len)
case 4: return GetHeroCard(answer);
default: return GetHeroCard(answer);
private static Attachment GetHeroCard(string answer)
string[] qnaAnswerData = answer.Split(';');
string title = qnaAnswerData[0];
string description = qnaAnswerData[1];
string url = qnaAnswerData[2];
string imageURL = qnaAnswerData[3];
HeroCard card = new HeroCard
Title = title,
Subtitle = description,
card.Buttons = new List<CardAction>
new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Learn More", value: url)
card.Images = new List<CardImage>
new CardImage( url = imageURL)
return card.ToAttachment();