I achieved interoperability between C# & C++ using SWIG.
However, the C ++ to C # callback does not work properly.
If you pass "std::wstring" to the callback on the C++ side, it will be treated as a "string" on the C# side, but only the first character of the string passed on the C++ side will be stored.
My goal is using "std::string" in argument of callback.
Creating a base class with virtual function in C++ and derive a class in C# which implement the virtual method.
I referred to this link.
Callback from C++ to C# using SWIG
My code what callback from C++ to C# using SWIG is following.
C++ : Header.h
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class CallbackBase
virtual void Callback(const std::wstring& str) = 0;
class CppClass
void SetString(const std::wstring &str);
std::wstring GetString();
void SetCallback(CallbackBase& callbackObject);
void ExeCallback();
std::wstring string;
CallbackBase* pCallbackObj = NULL;
void InvokeCallback();
typedef CppClass* (*GetInstanceFuncPointer)(void);
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) CppClass * CreateInstance(void);
C++ : Impl.cpp
#include <thread>
#include "Header.h"
void CppClass::SetString(const std::wstring& str)
string = str;
std::wstring CppClass::GetString()
return string;
void CppClass::SetCallback(CallbackBase &callbackObj)
pCallbackObj = &callbackObj;
void CppClass::ExeCallback()
std::thread *th = new std::thread(&CppClass::InvokeCallback, this);
void CppClass::InvokeCallback()
if (pCallbackObj != NULL)
__declspec(dllexport) CppClass* CreateInstance(void)
return new CppClass;
Swig : Interface file
%include <windows.i>
%include <wchar.i>
%include <std_wstring.i>
%module (directors="1") MyDLL
#include "Header.h"
%feature("director") CallbackBase;
%include "Header.h"
C# : main.cs
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace CsharpApp
public class MyCallback : CallbackBase
public override void Callback(string str)
Debug.WriteLine($"str = {str}"); // --> str = H
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyCallback myCallbackObj = new MyCallback();
CppClass instance = MyDLL.CreateInstance();
string str = "Hello World!";
Debug.WriteLine($"str = {instance.GetString()}"); // --> str = Hello World!
I'm getting the string twice on the C# side.
The first is "GetString()" in the main function.
In this case, "Hello World!" Is stored.
The second time I get it as an argument of the callback function.
In this case, only "H" is stored.
How can I correctly store the string in the callback function argument?
I am trying to follow this example: http://blogs.artinsoft.net/Mrojas/archive/2008/06/19/Log4NET-for-C++.aspx
to get Log4Net running in a c++ dll.
I created an empty CLR project, changed the output type to lib, and added the following code:
#include <atlstr.h>
using namespace System;
/// <summary>
/// Example of how to simply configure and use log4net
/// </summary>
ref class LoggingExample
// Create a logger for use in this class
static log4net::ILog^ log = log4net::LogManager::GetLogger("LoggingExample"); static LoggingExample()
public:static void ReportMessageWarning(char* msg)
String^ data = gcnew String(msg);
static void ReportMessageError(char* msg)
String^ data = gcnew String(msg);
static void ReportMessageInfo(char* msg)
String^ data = gcnew String(msg);
}static void ReportMessageDebug(char* msg)
String^ data = gcnew String(msg);
extern "C"
_declspec(dllexport) void ReportMessageWarning(char* msg)
_declspec(dllexport) void ReportMessageError(char* msg)
_declspec(dllexport) void ReportMessageInfo(char* msg)
_declspec(dllexport) void ReportMessageDebug(char* msg)
I have created a c++ console application project, and added this code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <atlstr.h>
extern "C"
//log4net from the wrapper lib
_declspec(dllimport) void ReportMessageWarning(char* msg);
__declspec(dllexport) void RunTest()
std::string message = "hey it seems it is working";
This will be a c++ dll that is called from another C# application.
I have compiled the clr lib, and linked it in the dependencies of the c++ application.
However, the c++ dll will not compile as is, giving me:
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol __imp_ReportMessageWarning
What have i missed here?
I'm trying to set up a test project to figure out how to correctly wrap a native C++ lib in a managed C++ DLL, to then be called by a C# application.
For my test case I have 3 application:
CPP lib
I compile a library with a class containing four functions.
1) return a double value
2) return a string
3) take a double by reference, modify it.
4) take a string by reference, modify it.
namespace cpp_lib
class CPPLibFunctions{
static double getValue();
static void incrementValue(double& val);
static std::string getText();
static void changeText(std::string& txt);
#include "cpp_lib.h"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace cpp_lib{
double CPPLibFunctions::getValue(){
return 5.5;
void CPPLibFunctions::incrementValue(double& val){
val += 1.0;
std::string CPPLibFunctions::getText(){
return "success";
void CPPLibFunctions::changeText(std::string& txt){
txt += "_123";
Managed CPP lib
This is a managed C++ project compiled to a DLL, which wraps the functions from cpp_lib.
#include "cpp_lib.h"
#pragma once
#include <msclr\marshal_cppstd.h>
using namespace System;
namespace managed_cpp_lib {
System::String^ stdToSysString(std::string str){
return gcnew System::String(str.c_str());
public ref class ManagedCppFunctions
cpp_lib::CPPLibFunctions * cppLibFunctions;
cppLibFunctions = new cpp_lib::CPPLibFunctions();
double getValue(){
return cppLibFunctions->getValue();
void incrementValue(double& val){
System::String^ getText(){
return stdToSysString(cppLibFunctions->getText());
void changeText(System::String^ txt){
//this does not work:
std::string txtstd = msclr::interop::marshal_as<std::string>(txt);
txt = stdToSysString(txtstd);
Lastly, cssharp_app is a C# console application, which references managed_cpp_lib, and calls the functions.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using managed_cpp_lib;
namespace csharp_app
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
managed_cpp_lib.ManagedCppFunctions managedCppFunctions = new managed_cpp_lib.ManagedCppFunctions();
double val = managedCppFunctions.getValue();
Console.WriteLine("\managedCppFunctions.getValue() = {0}", val);
string txt = managedCppFunctions.getText();
Console.WriteLine("\managedCppFunctions.getText() = {0}", txt);
//does not work:
Console.WriteLine("\managedCppFunctions.incrementValue(val) = {0}", val);*/
//the string is not modified:
Console.WriteLine("\managedCppFunctions.changeText(txt) = {0}", txt);
The output of csharp_app is:
managedCppFunctions.getValue() = 5.5
managedCppFunctions.getText() = success
managedCppFunctions.changeText(txt) = success
So managedCppFunctions.getValue() and managedCppFunctions.getText() works.
managedCppFunctions.changeText(txt) does not modify the content of the string.
I'm not sure how to implement managedCppFunctions.incrementValue(val).
What is the correct way to pass a double and a string by reference, to then change their values using managed C++ and C#?
Hi i am having the same problem with abstract class.i am trying to wrap my cpp Dll calls to use in the C# module.
Dll is using the Factory pattern.which contain a class Factory,MiddileWare ,And their costrong textrresponding child class.Could any one help me to start the wrapper. i am stuck in between this.Your help will be appreciated. i am giving the flow here:
#pragma once
#include "MiddleWareConnection.h"
#include "std afx.h"
#define MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API __declspec(dllimport)
eRabitMQ = 0,
// This class is exported from the MiddleWareFactory.dll
// TODO: add your methods here.
//Function to Create the object of Broker module:implemnted the Factory concept.
BOOL CreateInstance(CMiddleWareConnection** pMObj);
int m_eMomEngine;//To define which MOM need to enable.
extern MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API int nMiddleWareFactory;
MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API int fnMiddleWareFactory(void);
#pragma once
class CMiddleWareConnection
virtual ~CMiddleWareConnection(void)
//Pure virtual fuctions for interfacing
virtual BOOL Connect(int nServerType)=0;
virtual BOOL CreateSessionExchange() = 0;
virtual BOOL CreateQueue(LPCTSTR lpszQueueName) = 0;
virtual BOOL Disconnect() = 0;
virtual BOOL Send(void *MomItem,LPCTSTR lpszKey, int &nSendCount)=0;
virtual BOOL Receive() = 0;
virtual void StopReceiver() = 0;
virtual void GetData(void* pMsg, int &nMsgLen,int nMsgType,int &nReceiveCount)=0;
#pragma once
#include "MiddleWareConnection.h"
#include "Amqp.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "rabbitmq.4.lib")
#define GET_DATA(a){memcpy(&a, pDataPtr, sizeof(a));pDataPtr+=sizeof(a);}
#define GET_DATA_EX(s,n){memcpy(s, pDataPtr, n);pDataPtr+=n;}
typedef struct _ROUTINE_KEY
CString RoutingKey;
class CRabbitMQ :
public CMiddleWareConnection
CRabbitMQ(CAppConfig &rConfig);
void InitializeRBMQ(CAppConfig &rConfig);//Initialize RBMQ Config;
BOOL Connect(int nServerType);
BOOL Disconnect(void);
BOOL Send(void *MomItem, LPCTSTR lpszKey, int &nSendCount);
BOOL Receive(void);
BOOL CreateQueue(LPCTSTR lpszQueueName);
BOOL CreateSessionExchange();
BOOL BindQueue(LPCTSTR lpszQueue, LPCTSTR lpszExchangeName, LPCTSTR lpszKey);
bool IsConnected(){return m_bConnected;}
void SetKeyQueueCombination( TCHAR *pszQueueName, TCHAR *pszRoutingKey);
void StopReceiver();
bool ReEstablishRMQMWConnection();
void GetData(LPBYTE &pMsg, int &nMsgLen,int &nReceiveCount);
void GetData(void* pMsg, int &nMsgLen,int nMsgType,int &nReceiveCount);
BOOL GetNext_JasonListItem(LPJASON_ITEM pItem);
Here i want to expose the rabbitMq class functions[Connect,send,Recieve ete from MiddleWareConnection.h to C# module.
below I posted a small code example of a wrapping C++/CLI class. You could create a new C++/CLI project which links your native library and create a class following the example below. This will produce a managed assembly that you could reference from C# side. Hope it helps!
#include <Windows.h>
#include <vcclr.h>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
public ref class CMiddleWareConnection_Net
pMiddleWareConnection = NULL;
//Release pMiddleWareConnection
if (pMiddleWareConnection)
delete pMiddleWareConnection;
void InitializeRBMQ(CAppConfig_Net config)
// CAppConfig_Net is another ref class
// which provides a toNative method
// returning a plain C++ CAppConfig object
CAppConfig rConfig = config.toNative();
pMiddleWareConnection = CRabbitMQ(rConfig);
bool Connect(int nServerType)
return (pMiddleWareConnection->Connect(nServerType) == TRUE);
bool Disconnect(void)
return (pMiddleWareConnection->Disconnect() == TRUE);
bool Send(array<Byte>^ MomItem, String^ lpszKey, int% nSendCount)
//Assuming MomItem is a byte array...
unsigned char *pData = new unsigned char[MomItem->Length];
Marshal::Copy(MomItem, 0, IntPtr(pData), MomItem->Length);
//Marshal String^ to LPCSTR
IntPtr ip = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(lpszKey);
LPCSTR str = static_cast<LPCSTR>(ip.ToPointer());
bool bRet = (pMiddleWareConnection->Send(pData, str, nSendCount) == TRUE);
//Freeing memory
delete[] pData;
return bRet;
bool Receive(void)
return (pMiddleWareConnection->Receive() == TRUE);
/* Other methods */
CMiddleWareConnection *pMiddleWareConnection;
BOOL CreateInstance(CMiddleWareConnection** pMObj)
//if( some config value)
*pMObj = new RabbitMq();
// esle
/***other MOm like OBCS,OSCS etec...**/
have the basic abstract functions....
it is one of the child class.
cppMath = new cCppMath();
oFact->createInstance(&cppMath);'// here i want to pass the reference & wanna get back the child class type:now i am stuck here..how can we pass/marshal the object:im getting the error
BOOL CLRWrapper::CppMathWrapper::connect(type)
return (cppMath->Connect(nServerType) == TRUE);
..........And so On............
CLR Wrapper.cpp(11) : error C2664: 'Factory::createInstance' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'cli::interior_ptr' to 'Base **'
1> with
1> [
1> Type=cCppMath *
1> ]
1> Cannot convert a managed type to an unmanaged type
instead of this we are using createinstance()[InitializeRBMQ() is inside connect(),so it will be handled inside i think]
void InitializeRBMQ(CAppConfig_Net config)
// CAppConfig_Net is another ref class
// which provides a toNative method
// returning a plain C++ CAppConfig object
CAppConfig rConfig = config.toNative();
pMiddleWareConnection = CRabbitMQ(rConfig);
C# side
i want to expose :
private static void Main(string[] args)
CppMathWrapper wrapper = new CppMathWrapper();
i tried one example with CPPMath class.In real i am attaching the code below:
middlewareConnection *oConn;// MiddleConnection.h pointer
middleWareFactory oFact= new middleWareFactory ();// MiddleWareFactory.h object
oFact->createInstance(&oConn);'// here i want to pass the reference & wanna get back the child class type:now i am stuck here..how can we pass/marshal the object:im getting the error.How could i wrap the object....the same like
BOOL CLRWrapper::CppMathWrapper::connect(type)
return (oConn->Connect(nServerType) == TRUE);
..........And so On............
I have written the following C++ shared library:
#include "iostream"
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#define Q_DECL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define Q_DECL_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
using namespace std;
string* memory;
extern "C"
MATINCHESS_API void Initialize();
MATINCHESS_API void Uninitialize();
MATINCHESS_API void Put(string text);
MATINCHESS_API string Get();
void Initialize()
memory = new string;
void Uninitialize()
delete memory;
void Put(string text)
string Get()
return *memory;
And here is my C# console application:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace MatinChess
class MainClass
const string MatinChessDLL = "libMatinChessDLL.so";
public static extern void Initialize();
public static extern void Uninitialize();
public static extern void Put(string text);
public static extern string Get();
public static void Main (string[] args)
Console.WriteLine ("Initializing...");
Initialize ();
Console.WriteLine ("Initialized");
Console.WriteLine ("Write: ");
Put (Console.ReadLine ());
Console.WriteLine ("Value is put.");
Console.WriteLine ("You wrote \"" + Get () + "\"");
Console.ReadKey ();
Console.WriteLine ("Uninitializing...");
Uninitialize ();
Console.WriteLine ("Uninitialized");
It safely initializes and puts the string from ReadLine, but when it wants to invoke Get method, it crashes with a long stack trace.
Please help me to find the issue.
You cannot marshal std::string from C++ to C#. You have to use a character buffer. See this question: Passing strings from C# to C++ dll and back -- minimal example
say I have a C++ library function for computing PI:
// pi.h:
#define DLL_MACRO __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL_MACRO __declspec(dllimport)
namespace Cpp {
class PI {
static double DLL_MACRO compute();
// pi.cpp:
#include "pi.h"
#include <cmath>
Cpp::PI::compute() {
// Leibnitz summation formulae:
double sum = 0.0;
for(long n = 0; n < 100*1000*1000; n++)
sum += 4.0*pow(-1.0, n)/(2*n + 1.0);
return sum;
I need to call this function from C#, and I want to use C++/CLI as a "bridge". However this C++ function is somewhat slow. Therefore the C# code calling this function need to get callbacks telling it how far the function has come in %.
The C# code might need some state, e.g. a progress bar, to deal with this info.
So the callbacks from C++ must enter into a member function on the C# side.
So I introduce:
// piCLI.h: The C++/CLI "bridge" between C# and C++
#include "pi.h"
#pragma once
namespace CLI {
public ref class PI abstract {
double compute() {
return Cpp::PI::compute();
virtual void progress(int percentCompleted) = 0;
namespace CSharp
public class PI : CLI.PI
public override void progress(int percentCompleted)
System.Console.WriteLine(percentCompleted + "% completed.");
Now invoking CSharp.PI.compute() works fine :-). It forwards the call to Cpp::PI::compute() as intended.
But how do I get the C++ library to forward progress updates to CSharp.PI.progress() whilst Cpp::PI::compute() is running?
Thanks in advance for any answers!
I would take a function pointer/delegate approach as well:
// pi.h:
#pragma once
#ifndef DLL_MACRO
#define DLL_MACRO __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL_MACRO __declspec(dllimport)
namespace Cpp {
typedef void (__stdcall *ComputeProgressCallback)(int);
class PI {
static double DLL_MACRO compute(ComputeProgressCallback callback);
// pi.cpp:
#include "pi.h"
#include <cmath>
double Cpp::PI::compute(Cpp::ComputeProgressCallback callback) {
double sum = 0.;
for (long n = 0L; n != 100000000L; ++n) {
sum += 4. * std::pow(-1., n) / (2L * n + 1.);
return sum;
// piCLI.h: The C++/CLI "bridge" between C# and C++
#pragma once
#include "pi.h"
namespace CLI {
public delegate void ComputeProgressDelegate(int percentCompleted);
public ref class PI abstract sealed {
static double compute(ComputeProgressDelegate^ callback) {
using System::IntPtr;
using System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal;
IntPtr cbPtr = Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(callback);
return Cpp::PI::compute(
namespace CSharp {
public static class PI {
public static double compute() {
percentCompleted => System.Console.WriteLine(
percentCompleted.ToString() + "% completed."
Or, to override an abstract progress method rather than creating a delegate on the C# side:
// piCLI.h: The C++/CLI "bridge" between C# and C++
#pragma once
#include "pi.h"
namespace CLI {
public ref class PI abstract {
delegate void ComputeProgressDelegate(int percentCompleted);
double compute() {
using System::IntPtr;
using System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal;
ComputeProgressDelegate^ callback = gcnew ComputeProgressDelegate(
IntPtr cbPtr = Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(callback);
return Cpp::PI::compute(
virtual void progress(int percentCompleted) abstract;
namespace CSharp {
public sealed class PI : CLI.PI {
protected override void progress(int percentCompleted) {
percentCompleted.ToString() + "% completed."
Pass a C++/cli defined Native function to your native C++ as a callback and upon callback use a gcroot to call your managed C# function.