Minimax Alpha Beta Pruning not working, but Minimax alone does - c#

My problem is when applying Alpha/Beta Pruning to Minimax. It does very wierd and bad moves. When I use Minimax without Alpha/Beta, it works fine. The two functions look like this:
Minimax With Alpha/Beta Pruning:
public int minimaxAB(Piece[,] board, int depth, int a, int b, bool maximizingPlayer, bool WhiteToPlay)
if (depth == 0)
return EvaluatePosition(board, WhiteToPlay);
var moves = GenerateMoves(board, WhiteToPlay);
if (maximizingPlayer)
int value = int.MinValue;
foreach (var move in moves)
int minmaxResult = minimaxAB(move, depth - 1, a, b, false, !WhiteToPlay);
value = Math.Max(value, minmaxResult);
a = Math.Max(a, value);
if (a >= b)
return a;
if (depth == depthB)
moveScores.Add(move, minmaxResult);
return value;
int value = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var move in moves)
int minmaxResult = minimaxAB(move, depth - 1, a, b, true, !WhiteToPlay);
value = Math.Min(value, minmaxResult);
b = Math.Min(b, value);
if (b <= a)
return b;
if (depth == depthB)
moveScores.Add(move, minmaxResult);
return value;
Minimax without A/B:
public int minimax(Piece[,] board, int depth, bool maximizingPlayer, bool WhiteToPlay)
if (depth == 0)
int result = EvaluatePosition(board, WhiteToPlay);
return result;
var moves = GenerateMoves(board, WhiteToPlay);
if (maximizingPlayer)
int value = int.MinValue;
foreach (var move in moves)
int minmaxResult = minimax(move, depth - 1, false, !WhiteToPlay);
value = Math.Max(value, minmaxResult);
if (depth == depthB)
moveScores.Add(move, minmaxResult);
return value;
int value = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var move in moves)
int minmaxResult = minimax(move, depth - 1, true, !WhiteToPlay);
value = Math.Min(value, minmaxResult);
if (depth == depthB)
moveScores.Add(move, minmaxResult);
return value;
My evaluation function:
public int EvaluatePosition(Piece[,] boardPos, bool ForWhite)
int eval_W = 0;
int eval_B = 0;
int eval = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (boardPos[i, j] != Piece.Empty)
if (IsPieceWhite(boardPos[i, j]))
eval_W += GetPieceWorth(boardPos[i, j]) + DistanceToCenter(i, j);
eval += GetPieceWorth(boardPos[i, j]);
else if (IsPieceBlack(boardPos[i, j]))
eval_B += GetPieceWorth(boardPos[i, j]) + DistanceToCenter(i, j);
eval -= GetPieceWorth(boardPos[i, j]);
if (ForWhite)
return eval_W - eval_B;
return eval_B - eval_W;
I call with: minimaxAB(CurrentBoard, depthB, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue, true, whiteToMove);
I am aware that Minimax with AB is suppose to produce exactly the same result, but in my case it does not. I hope someone is able to spot what I did wrong.

I figured it out, I needed an alpha and beta for both white and black. The reason for this is that I call the minimaxAB function for both white and black moves.
Working method:
public int minimaxAB(Piece[,] board, int depth, int alpha_White, int beta_White, int alpha_Black, int beta_Black, bool maximizingPlayer, bool WhiteToPlay)
if (depth == 0 || !HasKings(board))
return EvaluatePosition(board, WhiteToPlay);
var moves = GenerateMoves(board, WhiteToPlay);
if (maximizingPlayer)
int value = int.MinValue;
foreach (var move in moves)
int minmaxResult = minimaxAB(move, depth - 1, alpha_White, beta_White, alpha_Black, beta_Black, false, !WhiteToPlay);
value = Math.Max(value, minmaxResult);
if (WhiteToPlay)
alpha_White = Math.Max(alpha_White, value);
if (alpha_White >= beta_White)
return alpha_White;
alpha_Black = Math.Max(alpha_Black, value);
if (alpha_Black >= beta_Black)
return alpha_Black;
if (depth == depthB)
moveScores.Add(move, minmaxResult);
return value;
int value = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var move in moves)
int minmaxResult = minimaxAB(move, depth - 1, alpha_White, beta_White, alpha_Black, beta_Black, true, !WhiteToPlay);
value = Math.Min(value, minmaxResult);
if (WhiteToPlay)
beta_White = Math.Min(beta_White, value);
if (beta_White <= alpha_White)
return beta_White;
beta_Black = Math.Min(beta_Black, value);
if (beta_Black <= alpha_Black)
return beta_Black;
if (depth == depthB)
moveScores.Add(move, minmaxResult);
return value;
Called with:
minimaxAB(CurrentBoard, depthB, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue, true, whiteToMove);


MiniMax Algorithm with Chess in C# not working properly

I've been trying to implement minimax algorithm in my C# chess engine for a week now and it makes legal moves but not meaningful moves. I cannot find the error, hopefully someone can spot it. I have tried to isolate the problem by testing each method and they all seem to work correctly except minimax.
public enum Piece
Empty, Pawn_W, Pawn_B, Knight_W, Knight_B,
Bishop_W, Bishop_B, Rook_W, Rook_B,
Queen_W, Queen_B, King_W, King_B
public bool IsPieceWhite(Piece piece)
if (piece == Piece.Pawn_W || piece == Piece.Knight_W ||
piece == Piece.Bishop_W || piece == Piece.Rook_W ||
piece == Piece.Queen_W || piece == Piece.King_W)
return true;
else return false;
public bool IsPieceBlack(Piece piece)
if (piece == Piece.Pawn_B || piece == Piece.Knight_B ||
piece == Piece.Bishop_B || piece == Piece.Rook_B ||
piece == Piece.Queen_B || piece == Piece.King_B)
return true;
else return false;
public int GetPieceWorth(Piece piece)
if (piece == Piece.Pawn_W || piece == Piece.Pawn_B)
return 1;
if (piece == Piece.Knight_W || piece == Piece.Knight_B)
return 3;
if (piece == Piece.Bishop_W || piece == Piece.Bishop_B)
return 3;
if (piece == Piece.Rook_W || piece == Piece.Rook_B)
return 5;
if (piece == Piece.Queen_W || piece == Piece.Queen_B)
return 9;
if (piece == Piece.King_W || piece == Piece.King_B)
return 9999999;
return 0;
Piece[,] CurrentBoard = GetStartingBoard();
Piece[,] bestMove;
public int depthB = 3;
public double minimax(Piece[,] board, int depth, bool maximizingPlayer)
if (depth == 0)
double result = EvaluatePosition(board, maximizingPlayer);
return result;
if (maximizingPlayer)
double best = Double.MinValue;
double value = Double.MinValue;
foreach (var move in GenerateMoves(board, maximizingPlayer))
Piece[,] clonedMove = CloneBoard(move);
value = Math.Max(value, minimax(clonedMove, depth - 1, false));
if (depth == depthB && value >= best)
best = value;
bestMove = clonedMove;
return value;
double best = Double.MaxValue;
double value = Double.MaxValue;
foreach (var move in GenerateMoves(board, maximizingPlayer))
Piece[,] clonedMove = CloneBoard(move);
value = Math.Min(value, minimax(clonedMove, depth - 1, true));
if (depth == depthB && value <= best)
best = value;
bestMove = clonedMove;
return value;
public Piece[,] CloneBoard(Piece[,] boardPos)
Piece[,] copy = boardPos.Clone() as Piece[,];
return copy;
public double EvaluatePosition(Piece[,] boardPos, bool ForWhite)
double eval = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (boardPos[i, j] != Piece.Empty)
if (IsPieceWhite(boardPos[i, j]))
eval += GetPieceWorth(boardPos[i, j]);
else if (IsPieceBlack(boardPos[i, j]))
eval -= GetPieceWorth(boardPos[i, j]);
if (ForWhite)
return eval;
return eval * -1;
//Piece[,] board = new Piece[8, 8];
public static Piece[,] GetStartingBoard()
Piece[,] board = new Piece[8, 8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
//initiate pawns
board[1, i] = Piece.Pawn_W;
board[6, i] = Piece.Pawn_B;
//white pieces
board[0, 0] = Piece.Rook_W;
board[0, 1] = Piece.Knight_W;
board[0, 2] = Piece.Bishop_W;
board[0, 3] = Piece.Queen_W;
board[0, 4] = Piece.King_W;
board[0, 5] = Piece.Bishop_W;
board[0, 6] = Piece.Knight_W;
board[0, 7] = Piece.Rook_W;
//black pieces
board[7, 0] = Piece.Rook_B;
board[7, 1] = Piece.Knight_B;
board[7, 2] = Piece.Bishop_B;
board[7, 3] = Piece.Queen_B;
board[7, 4] = Piece.King_B;
board[7, 5] = Piece.Bishop_B;
board[7, 6] = Piece.Knight_B;
board[7, 7] = Piece.Rook_B;
//board[1, 4] = Piece.Pawn_B;
//board[6, 2] = Piece.Pawn_W;
return board;
I have uploaded a short clip of the engine playing against itself, to show the wierd moves:
Finally was able to make the minimax function work. Thanks for all the help!
Working method:
public int minimax(Piece[,] board, int depth, bool maximizingPlayer, bool WhiteToPlay)
if (depth == 0)
int result = EvaluatePosition(board, WhiteToPlay);
return result;
var moves = GenerateMoves(board, WhiteToPlay);
if (maximizingPlayer)
int value = int.MinValue;
foreach (var move in moves)
int minmaxResult = minimax(move, depth - 1, false, !WhiteToPlay);
value = Math.Max(value, minmaxResult);
if (depth == depthB)
moveScores.Add(move, minmaxResult);
return value;
int value = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var move in moves)
int minmaxResult = minimax(move, depth - 1, true, !WhiteToPlay);
value = Math.Min(value, minmaxResult);
if (depth == depthB)
moveScores.Add(move, minmaxResult);
return value;

A* pathfinding algorithm INFINITE WHILE LOOP (c#)(unity)

I'm trying to come up with my "own" a* pathfinding algorithm following the explanation of this article :
But it seems that my pathfinding code runs into some sort of infinte-while-loop which inmediatly crashes Unity. But I honestly do not know what am I doing wrong
Here's my code
EDIT : it seems that unity editor crashes due to an OutOfMemory exception. I do not know what is going on
public class PathFinding {
List<PathNode> openList;
List<PathNode> closedList;
Grid_Ian<PathNode> grid;
public PathFinding(Grid_Ian<PathNode> grid)
openList = new List<PathNode>();
closedList = new List<PathNode>();
this.grid = grid;
public List<PathNode> makePath(PathNode startNode, PathNode endNode)
if (startNode == null || endNode == null)
return new List<PathNode>();
if(grid.getGridObject(startNode.x,startNode.y) == null
|| grid.getGridObject(endNode.x, endNode.y) == null)
return new List<PathNode>();
startNode.hCost = calculateDistanceCost(startNode, endNode);
startNode.gCost = 0;
startNode.cameFrom = null;
PathNode currentNode = startNode;
while (openList.Count > 0)
currentNode = getLowestFcost(openList);
if (currentNode.x == endNode.x &&
currentNode.y == endNode.y)
return getPath(currentNode);
foreach (PathNode next in getNeighbors(currentNode))
int newCost = currentNode.fCost + calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
if (closedList.Contains(next)) continue;
if (next.cameFrom == null || newCost < next.fCost)
Debug.Log("NUEVO VECINO");
int nextCost = calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
next.gCost = currentNode.gCost + nextCost;
next.hCost = currentNode.hCost + nextCost;
next.cameFrom = currentNode;
return new List<PathNode>();
public List<PathNode> getNeighbors(PathNode currentNode)
List<PathNode> neighborNodes = new List<PathNode>();
if (currentNode.x - 1 >= 0)
neighborNodes.Add(getNode(currentNode.x - 1, currentNode.y));
if (currentNode.x + 1 >= 0)
neighborNodes.Add(getNode(currentNode.x + 1, currentNode.y));
if (currentNode.y + 1 >= 0)
neighborNodes.Add(getNode(currentNode.x, currentNode.y + 1));
if (currentNode.y - 1 >= 0)
neighborNodes.Add(getNode(currentNode.x, currentNode.y - 1));
return neighborNodes;
public PathNode getNode(int x, int y)
if(grid.getGridObject(x,y) == null)
return grid.getGridObject(x, y);
private PathNode getLowestFcost(List<PathNode> nodeList)
PathNode lowestNode = getNode(0,0); // TODO : ARREGLAR
int fCost = 0;
foreach (PathNode node in nodeList)
if (fCost > node.fCost)
fCost = node.fCost;
lowestNode = node;
return lowestNode;
private int calculateDistanceCost(PathNode a, PathNode b)
return Mathf.Abs(a.x - b.x) + Mathf.Abs(a.y - b.y);
private List<PathNode> getPath(PathNode currentNode ){
List<PathNode> path = new List<PathNode>();
while (currentNode.cameFrom != null)
currentNode = currentNode.cameFrom;
return path;
public void getXY(Vector3 worldPosition, out int x, out int y)
grid.GetXY(worldPosition, out x, out y);
public class PathNode {
public int x, y;
public int hCost, gCost,fCost;
public PathNode cameFrom;
// G = start
// H = end
// F = G + H
public PathNode(int x,int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public void calculateFCost()
fCost = hCost + gCost;
I tried to check your Code with my and 2 Ideas you could try.
First is I think you shouldn't set the in the foreach the newCost before the if. So you could try:
foreach (PathNode next in getNeighbors(currentNode))
if (closedList.Contains(next)) continue;
int newCost = currentNode.fCost + calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
if (next.cameFrom == null || newCost < next.fCost)
Debug.Log("NUEVO VECINO");
int nextCost = calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
next.gCost = currentNode.gCost + nextCost;
next.hCost = currentNode.hCost + nextCost;
next.cameFrom = currentNode;
Or one more thing. I have for some Reasons again a openList.Contains check before I add it to the openList. I do not know why again I did this but I think maybe you can try it, don't know if this helps. I made it quite a long time ago:
foreach (PathNode next in getNeighbors(currentNode))
int newCost = currentNode.fCost + calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
if (closedList.Contains(next)) continue;
if (next.cameFrom == null || newCost < next.fCost)
Debug.Log("NUEVO VECINO");
int nextCost = calculateDistanceCost(currentNode, next);
next.gCost = currentNode.gCost + nextCost;
next.hCost = currentNode.hCost + nextCost;
next.cameFrom = currentNode;
I found two more things.
First your getNode function shouldn't look like this:
public PathNode getNode(int x, int y)
if(grid.getGridObject(x,y) == null)
return grid.getGridObject(x, y);
It should be:
public PathNode getNode(int x, int y)
if(grid.getGridObject(x,y) != null)
return grid.getGridObject(x, y);
return null; //need error handling
And the Second thing is for your getNeighbors. I do not know exactly how you create the Nodes, but for example they are in a Grid you should check if there is something for X and Y and not OutOfIndex.
Here my check out of my Code for one NeighborNode:
if (checkX >= 0 && checkX < gridSizeX)
if (checkY >= 0 && checkY < gridSizeY)
neighborList.Add(nodeArray[checkX, checkY]);
Because of getNode function you add to the openList NULL

Sorting issue in .NET

I am using this linq query to sort a string column but the results I am getting does not seems to be in right order?
userList = users.OrderBy(u => u.FirstName)
rama &
it should be something like?
rama &
You are getting your result sorted by the code points of the characters and that is by far the most common implementation for sorting strings. What you are expecting is called natural sort order, see for example this article, but you will have to do it on your own because .NET does not provide this out of the box.
By adding this code you will be able to sort as you need it to be done. But this sorting will be done on client side and all records must be fetch as list.
userList = users.ToList<User>()
.OrderBy(u => u.FirstName,new NumericComparer())
public class NumericComparer : IComparer<string>
public int Compare(string x, string y)
return StringLogicalComparer.Compare(x, y);
public class StringLogicalComparer
public static int Compare(string s1, string s2)
//get rid of special cases
if ((s1 == null) && (s2 == null)) return 0;
if (s1 == null) return -1;
if (s2 == null) return 1;
if ((s1.Equals(string.Empty) && (s2.Equals(string.Empty)))) return 0;
if (s1.Equals(string.Empty)) return -1;
if (s2.Equals(string.Empty)) return -1;
//WE style, special case
bool sp1 = Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s1, 0);
bool sp2 = Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s2, 0);
if (sp1 && !sp2) return 1;
if (!sp1 && sp2) return -1;
int i1 = 0, i2 = 0; //current index
while (true)
bool c1 = Char.IsDigit(s1, i1);
bool c2 = Char.IsDigit(s2, i2);
int r; // temp result
if (!c1 && !c2)
bool letter1 = Char.IsLetter(s1, i1);
bool letter2 = Char.IsLetter(s2, i2);
if ((letter1 && letter2) || (!letter1 && !letter2))
r = letter1 ? Char.ToLower(s1[i1]).CompareTo(Char.ToLower(s2[i2])) : s1[i1].CompareTo(s2[i2]);
if (r != 0) return r;
else if (!letter1) return -1;
else return 1;
else if (c1 && c2)
r = CompareNum(s1, ref i1, s2, ref i2);
if (r != 0) return r;
else if (c1)
return -1;
return 1;
if ((i1 >= s1.Length) && (i2 >= s2.Length))
return 0;
if (i1 >= s1.Length)
return -1;
if (i2 >= s2.Length)
return -1;
private static int CompareNum(string s1, ref int i1, string s2, ref int i2)
int nzStart1 = i1, nzStart2 = i2; // nz = non zero
int end1 = i1, end2 = i2;
ScanNumEnd(s1, i1, ref end1, ref nzStart1);
ScanNumEnd(s2, i2, ref end2, ref nzStart2);
int start1 = i1; i1 = end1 - 1;
int start2 = i2; i2 = end2 - 1;
int nzLength1 = end1 - nzStart1;
int nzLength2 = end2 - nzStart2;
if (nzLength1 < nzLength2) return -1;
if (nzLength1 > nzLength2) return 1;
for (int j1 = nzStart1, j2 = nzStart2; j1 <= i1; j1++, j2++)
int r = s1[j1].CompareTo(s2[j2]);
if (r != 0) return r;
// the nz parts are equal
int length1 = end1 - start1;
int length2 = end2 - start2;
if (length1 == length2) return 0;
if (length1 > length2) return -1;
return 1;
private static void ScanNumEnd(string s, int start, ref int end, ref int nzStart)
nzStart = start;
end = start;
bool countZeros = true;
while (Char.IsDigit(s, end))
if (countZeros && s[end].Equals('0'))
else countZeros = false;
if (end >= s.Length) break;
Creating a custom IComparer would work for you.
Check this implementation:
You code would then call myLinqQuery.OrderBy(item => item.sortProperty, new MyComparer<string>())
In his example, the sort order return:

What is the C# equivalent of BitSet of Java?

My requirements are simple:
Be able to define dimensions of bit array, i.e: 5 bytes.
bool Get(bitIndex: int)
Set(bitIndex: int)
Is there a c# equivalent which provides similar functionality to BitSet in Java?
Here's the scenario:
Initialize 5 bytes, all bits are 0(false).
Set byte 3, bit 8 to TRUE.
Get status of byte 3, bit 8.
UPDATE: Solution from Michael Bray:
static void Main(string[] args)
// Set for 5 bytes
BitArray ba = new BitArray(8 * 5);
// Set bit #1 on byte #4
ba.Set(GetBitNum(4, 1), true);
// Get bit #1 on byte #4
bool v = ba.Get(GetBitNum(4, 1));
static int GetBitNum(int byteNum, int bitNum) // Assumes index starts at 1
return (byteNum - 1) * 8 + (bitNum - 1);
System.Collections.BitArray is pretty close, but it's a bit lacking in features. I wrote a helper class that implements a lot of features you might need for BitArray some time ago, but I'd have to dig it up. Let me know if you think you need it.
EDIT: As requested in the comments below, I've posted the code at As I discuss, though, it's benefits over stock BitArray are minimal, as I wrote it for some specific needs that I had. Do with it as you wish.
EDIT 2: As Miguel pointed out in the comments, there are some implementation issues that make my 'BitArray' code not so good... I had already realized the deficiencies and had re-written a new version called BoolArray (to distinguish from BitArray) that doesn't suffer from those problems :
namespace Utils
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
/// <summary>
/// A replacement for BitArray
/// </summary>
public class BoolArray : IEnumerable, ICollection, ICloneable
private UInt32[] bits = null;
private int _length = 0;
private static UInt32 ONE = (UInt32)1 << 31;
private object _syncRoot;
private static Func<byte[], byte[]> EndianFixer = null;
#region Constructors
static BoolArray()
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) EndianFixer = (a) => a.Reverse().ToArray();
else EndianFixer = (a) => a;
public BoolArray(BoolArray srcBits)
public BoolArray(BitArray srcBits)
this._length = srcBits.Count;
this.bits = new UInt32[RequiredSize(this._length)];
for (int i = 0; i < srcBits.Count; i++) this[i] = srcBits[i];
public BoolArray(int v)
ICollection<byte> bytes = EndianFixer(BitConverter.GetBytes(v)).ToList();
public BoolArray(ICollection<bool> srcBits)
public BoolArray(ICollection<byte> srcBits)
public BoolArray(ICollection<short> srcBits)
ICollection<byte> bytes = srcBits.SelectMany(v => EndianFixer(BitConverter.GetBytes(v))).ToList();
public BoolArray(ICollection<ushort> srcBits)
ICollection<byte> bytes = srcBits.SelectMany(v => EndianFixer(BitConverter.GetBytes(v))).ToList();
public BoolArray(ICollection<int> srcBits)
ICollection<byte> bytes = srcBits.SelectMany(v => EndianFixer(BitConverter.GetBytes(v))).ToList();
public BoolArray(ICollection<uint> srcBits)
ICollection<byte> bytes = srcBits.SelectMany(v => EndianFixer(BitConverter.GetBytes(v))).ToList();
public BoolArray(ICollection<long> srcBits)
ICollection<byte> bytes = srcBits.SelectMany(v => EndianFixer(BitConverter.GetBytes(v))).ToList();
public BoolArray(ICollection<ulong> srcBits)
ICollection<byte> bytes = srcBits.SelectMany(v => EndianFixer(BitConverter.GetBytes(v))).ToList();
public BoolArray(int capacity, bool defaultValue = false)
this.bits = new UInt32[RequiredSize(capacity)];
this._length = capacity;
// Only need to do this if true, because default for all bits is false
if (defaultValue) for (int i = 0; i < this._length; i++) this[i] = true;
private void InitializeFrom(ICollection<byte> srcBits)
this._length = srcBits.Count * 8;
this.bits = new UInt32[RequiredSize(this._length)];
for (int i = 0; i < srcBits.Count; i++)
uint bv = srcBits.Skip(i).Take(1).Single();
for (int b = 0; b < 8; b++)
bool bitVal = ((bv << b) & 0x0080) != 0;
int bi = 8 * i + b;
this[bi] = bitVal;
private void InitializeFrom(ICollection<bool> srcBits)
this._length = srcBits.Count;
this.bits = new UInt32[RequiredSize(this._length)];
int index = 0;
foreach (var b in srcBits) this[index++] = b;
private static int RequiredSize(int bitCapacity)
return (bitCapacity + 31) >> 5;
public bool this[int index]
if (index >= _length) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
int byteIndex = index >> 5;
int bitIndex = index & 0x1f;
return ((bits[byteIndex] << bitIndex) & ONE) != 0;
if (index >= _length) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
int byteIndex = index >> 5;
int bitIndex = index & 0x1f;
if (value) bits[byteIndex] |= (ONE >> bitIndex);
else bits[byteIndex] &= ~(ONE >> bitIndex);
#region Interfaces implementation
#region IEnumerable
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
//for (int i = 0; i < _length; i++) yield return this[i];
return this.ToArray().GetEnumerator();
#region ICollection
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index)
if (array == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
if (index < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");
if (array.Rank != 1) throw new ArgumentException("Multidimensional array not supported");
if (array is UInt32[]) Array.Copy(this.bits, 0, array, index, (this.Count + sizeof(UInt32) - 1) / sizeof(UInt32));
else if (array is bool[]) Array.Copy(this.ToArray(), 0, array, index, this.Count);
else throw new ArgumentException("Array type not supported (UInt32[] or bool[] only)");
public int Count
get { return this._length; }
private set
if (value > this._length) Extend(value - this._length);
else this._length = Math.Max(0, value);
public bool IsSynchronized
get { return false; }
public object SyncRoot
if (this._syncRoot == null) Interlocked.CompareExchange<object>(ref this._syncRoot, new object(), null);
return _syncRoot;
#region ICloneable
public object Clone()
return new BoolArray(this);
// Not part of ICloneable, but better - returns a strongly-typed result
public BoolArray Dup()
return new BoolArray(this);
#region String Conversions
public override string ToString()
return ToBinaryString();
//return ToHexString(" ", " ■ ");
public static BoolArray FromHexString(string hex)
if (hex == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("hex");
List<bool> bits = new List<bool>();
for (int i = 0; i < hex.Length; i++)
int b = byte.Parse(hex[i].ToString(), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
bits.Add((b >> 3) == 1);
bits.Add(((b & 0x7) >> 2) == 1);
bits.Add(((b & 0x3) >> 1) == 1);
bits.Add((b & 0x1) == 1);
BoolArray ba = new BoolArray(bits.ToArray());
return ba;
public string ToHexString(string bitSep8 = null, string bitSep128 = null)
string s = string.Empty;
int b = 0;
bool[] bbits = this.ToArray();
for (int i = 1; i <= bbits.Length; i++)
b = (b << 1) | (bbits[i - 1] ? 1 : 0);
if (i % 4 == 0)
s = s + string.Format("{0:x}", b);
b = 0;
if (i % (8 * 16) == 0)
s = s + bitSep128;
else if (i % 8 == 0)
s = s + bitSep8;
int ebits = bbits.Length % 4;
if (ebits != 0)
b = b << (4 - ebits);
s = s + string.Format("{0:x}", b);
return s;
public static BoolArray FromBinaryString(string bin, char[] trueChars = null)
if (trueChars == null) trueChars = new char[] { '1', 'Y', 'y', 'T', 't' };
if (bin == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bin");
BoolArray ba = new BoolArray(bin.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < bin.Length; i++) ba[i] = bin[i].In(trueChars);
return ba;
public string ToBinaryString(char setChar = '1', char unsetChar = '0')
return new string(this.ToArray().Select(v => v ? setChar : unsetChar).ToArray());
#region Class Methods
public bool[] ToArray()
bool[] vbits = new bool[this._length];
for (int i = 0; i < _length; i++) vbits[i] = this[i];
return vbits;
public BoolArray Append(ICollection<bool> addBits)
int startPos = this._length;
bool[] bitArray = addBits.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < bitArray.Length; i++) this[i + startPos] = bitArray[i];
return this;
public BoolArray Append(BoolArray addBits)
return this.Append(addBits.ToArray());
public static BoolArray Concatenate(params BoolArray[] bArrays)
return new BoolArray(bArrays.SelectMany(ba => ba.ToArray()).ToArray());
private void Extend(int numBits)
numBits += this._length;
int reqBytes = RequiredSize(numBits);
if (reqBytes > this.bits.Length)
UInt32[] newBits = new UInt32[reqBytes];
this.bits.CopyTo(newBits, 0);
this.bits = newBits;
this._length = numBits;
public bool Get(int index)
return this[index];
public BoolArray GetBits(int startBit = 0, int numBits = -1)
if (numBits == -1) numBits = bits.Length;
return new BoolArray(this.ToArray().Skip(startBit).Take(numBits).ToArray());
public BoolArray Repeat(int numReps)
bool[] oBits = this.ToArray();
List<bool> nBits = new List<bool>();
for(int i=0; i<numReps; i++) nBits.AddRange(oBits);
return this;
public BoolArray Reverse()
int n = this.Count;
for(int i=0; i<n/2; i++)
bool b1 = this[i];
this[i] = this[n - i - 1];
this[n - i - 1] = b1;
return this;
public BoolArray Set(int index, bool v)
this[index] = v;
return this;
public BoolArray SetAll(bool v)
for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) this[i] = v;
return this;
public BoolArray SetBits(ICollection<bool> setBits, int destStartBit = 0, int srcStartBit = 0, int numBits = -1, bool allowExtend = false)
if (setBits == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("setBits");
if ((destStartBit < 0) || (destStartBit >= this.Count)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("destStartBit");
if ((srcStartBit < 0) || (srcStartBit >= setBits.Count)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("srcStartBit");
bool[] sBits;
if (setBits is bool[]) sBits = (bool[])setBits;
else sBits = setBits.ToArray();
if (numBits == -1) numBits = setBits.Count;
if (numBits > (setBits.Count - srcStartBit)) numBits = setBits.Count - srcStartBit;
int diffSize = numBits - (this.Count - destStartBit);
if (diffSize > 0)
if (allowExtend) Extend(diffSize);
else numBits = this.Count - destStartBit;
for (int i = 0; i < numBits; i++) this[destStartBit + i] = sBits[srcStartBit + i];
return this;
public List<BoolArray> SplitEvery(int numBits)
int i = 0;
List<BoolArray> bitSplits = new List<BoolArray>();
while (i < this.Count)
bitSplits.Add(this.GetBits(i, numBits));
i += numBits;
return bitSplits;
public byte[] ToBytes(int startBit = 0, int numBits = -1)
if (numBits == -1) numBits = this._length - startBit;
BoolArray ba = GetBits(startBit, numBits);
int nb = (numBits + 7) / 8;
byte[] bb = new byte[nb];
for (int i = 0; i < ba.Count; i++)
if (!ba[i]) continue;
int bp = 7 - (i % 8);
bb[i / 8] = (byte)((int)bb[i / 8] | (1 << bp));
return bb;
#region Logical Bitwise Operations
public BoolArray BinaryBitwiseOp(Func<bool, bool, bool> op, BoolArray ba, int start = 0)
for (int i = 0; i < ba.Count; i++)
if (start + i >= this.Count) break;
this[start + i] = op(this[start + i], ba[i]);
return this;
public BoolArray Xor(BoolArray xor, int start = 0)
return BinaryBitwiseOp((a, b) => (a ^ b), xor, start);
public BoolArray And(BoolArray and, int start = 0)
return BinaryBitwiseOp((a, b) => (a & b), and, start);
public BoolArray Or(BoolArray or, int start = 0)
return BinaryBitwiseOp((a, b) => (a | b), or, start);
public BoolArray Not(int start = 0, int len = -1)
for (int i = start; i < this.Count; i++)
if (--len == -1) break;
this[i] = !this[i];
return this;
#region Class Operators
public static BoolArray operator +(BoolArray a, BoolArray b)
return a.Dup().Append(b);
public static BoolArray operator |(BoolArray a, BoolArray b)
return a.Dup().Or(b);
public static BoolArray operator &(BoolArray a, BoolArray b)
return a.Dup().And(b);
public static BoolArray operator ^(BoolArray a, BoolArray b)
return a.Dup().Xor(b);
public static BoolArray operator ~(BoolArray a)
return a.Dup().Not();
public static BoolArray operator <<(BoolArray a, int shift)
return a.Dup().Append(new bool[shift]);
public static BoolArray operator >>(BoolArray a, int shift)
return new BoolArray(a.ToArray().Take(Math.Max(0, a.Count - shift)).ToArray());
public static bool operator ==(BoolArray a, BoolArray b)
if (a.Count != b.Count) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
return true;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (!(obj is BoolArray)) return false;
return (this == (BoolArray)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.ToHexString().GetHashCode();
public static bool operator !=(BoolArray a, BoolArray b)
return !(a == b);
I had the same issue, but had more than just the one Cardinality method to convert. So, I opted to port the entire BitSet class. Fortunately it was self-contained.
Here is the Gist of the C# port.
I have also added it to the open source BoboBrowse.Net project.
I have also ported the version from Apache Harmony (which is essentially a carbon copy of the JDK) and added it to the general library J2N so it is easy to consume.

Fractions in a NumericUpDown/DomainUpDown

Is it possible to display fractions in a NumericUpDown or a DomainUpDown?
I know there are some fonts that have various fraction characters, but I would like to keep my form using Microsoft Sans Serif uniformly.
What do you mean by upto one-tenth.
I have a sample code for you, try if it works for you
nupdwn.Minimum = -10;
nupdwn.Maximum = 10;
nupdwn.Increment = 0.25;
nupdwn.DecimalPlaces = 2;
Microsoft Sans Serif does support fractional characters:
I will try to program a derived NumericUpDown to show fractional values. If it succeeds, i will share the code here...
Here is my Sample-Code for a FractionalUpDown.
Be sure to set DecimalPlaces to your needs.
With Mode, you can choose the formatting of the value:
EMode.Decimal => 2,500.
EMode.Fractional => ⁵⁄₂
EMode.FractionalMixed => 2 ¹⁄₂
EMode.FractionalASCII => 5/2
EMode.FractionalMixedASCII => 2 1/2
public class FractionalUpDown: NumericUpDown {
//Hide Hexadecimal
[Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public new bool Hexadecimal {
get { return false; }
set { base.Hexadecimal = false; }
private EMode mode;
public EMode Mode {
get { return mode; }
set {
if (value != mode) {
mode = value;
public enum EMode {
public FractionalUpDown() {
protected override void UpdateEditText() {
if (Mode == EMode.Decimal) {
double accuracy = Math.Pow(10.0, -(DecimalPlaces + 1));
if (accuracy > 0.1) accuracy = 0.1;
this.Text = FractionToString(DoubleToFraction((double)Value, accuracy), Mode);
public struct Fraction {
public Fraction(int n, int d) {
N = n;
D = d;
public int N { get; private set; }
public int D { get; private set; }
private static readonly char[] numbers = new char[10] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };
private static readonly char[] numerators = new char[10] { '⁰', '¹', '²', '³', '⁴', '⁵', '⁶', '⁷', '⁸', '⁹' };
private static readonly char[] denumerators = new char[10] { '₀', '₁', '₂', '₃', '₄', '₅', '₆', '₇', '₈', '₉' };
protected string FractionToString(Fraction frac, EMode mode) {
int full = 0;
int n = frac.N;
string result = string.Empty;
bool mixed = mode == EMode.FractionalMixed ||
mode == EMode.FractionalMixedASCII;
bool useFractionalChars = mode == EMode.Fractional ||
mode == EMode.FractionalMixed;
if (mixed && Math.Abs(frac.N) >= frac.D) {
full = frac.N / frac.D;
n = Math.Abs(frac.N % frac.D);
if (full != 0) result = full.ToString();
else if (n == 0) return "0";
if (n != 0) {
string fracNtext = n.ToString();
string fracDtext = frac.D.ToString();
if (useFractionalChars) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) fracNtext = fracNtext.Replace(numbers[i], numerators[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) fracDtext = fracDtext.Replace(numbers[i], denumerators[i]);
} else {
if (full != 0) result += " ";
result += fracNtext + '⁄' + fracDtext;
} else {
//Fractional Part == 0/?
if (full == 0) {
if (mixed == true) {
return "0";
} else {
if (useFractionalChars) {
return numerators[0].ToString() + '⁄' + denumerators[1].ToString();
} else {
return numbers[0].ToString() + '⁄' + numbers[1].ToString();
return result;
protected Fraction DoubleToFraction(double value, double accuracy) {
if (accuracy <= 0.0 || accuracy >= 1.0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("accuracy", "Must be > 0 and < 1.");
int sign = Math.Sign(value);
if (sign == -1) {
value = Math.Abs(value);
// Accuracy is the maximum relative error; convert to absolute maxError
double maxError = sign == 0 ? accuracy : value * accuracy;
int n = (int)Math.Floor(value);
value -= n;
if (value < maxError) {
return new Fraction(sign * n, 1);
if (1 - maxError < value) {
return new Fraction(sign * (n + 1), 1);
// The lower fraction is 0/1
int lower_n = 0;
int lower_d = 1;
// The upper fraction is 1/1
int upper_n = 1;
int upper_d = 1;
while (true) {
// The middle fraction is (lower_n + upper_n) / (lower_d + upper_d)
int middle_n = lower_n + upper_n;
int middle_d = lower_d + upper_d;
if (middle_d * (value + maxError) < middle_n) {
// real + error < middle : middle is our new upper
Seek(ref upper_n, ref upper_d, lower_n, lower_d, (un, ud) => (lower_d + ud) * (value + maxError) < (lower_n + un));
upper_n = middle_n;
upper_d = middle_d;
} else if (middle_n < (value - maxError) * middle_d) {
// middle < real - error : middle is our new lower
Seek(ref lower_n, ref lower_d, upper_n, upper_d, (ln, ld) => (ln + upper_n) < (value - maxError) * (ld + upper_d));
lower_n = middle_n;
lower_d = middle_d;
} else {
// Middle is our best fraction
return new Fraction((n * middle_d + middle_n) * sign, middle_d);
/// <summary>
/// Binary seek for the value where f() becomes false.
/// Source:
/// </summary>
protected void Seek(ref int a, ref int b, int ainc, int binc, Func<int, int, bool> f) {
a += ainc;
b += binc;
if (f(a, b)) {
int weight = 1;
do {
weight *= 2;
a += ainc * weight;
b += binc * weight;
while (f(a, b));
do {
weight /= 2;
int adec = ainc * weight;
int bdec = binc * weight;
if (!f(a - adec, b - bdec)) {
a -= adec;
b -= bdec;
while (weight > 1);

