Console.SetOut does not work with ConsoleLogger - c#

In my application, I'm using ConsoleLogger when debug.
services.AddLogging(builder => builder.AddConsole());
In integration tests, I'm trying to obtain console output like this
var strWriter = new StringWriter();
// some code that has a lot of logging
var consoleOutput = strWriter.ToString();
and consoleOutput is an empty string.
Is that issue with ConsoleLogger? How can I obtain console output?

Not sure why you want to do this and even more - I would say you should not do this, at least this way, but if you still want - you will need Console.SetOut before writing first messages to log, i.e. in case of ASP.NET Core it should look something like this:
public static StringWriter GlobalStringWriter = new StringWriter(); // use this "singleton"
public static void Main(string[] args)
Note that it will capture all concurrent requests (as it should do anyway).
If you take a look at source code for ConsoleLoggerProvider (which is actually setup with AddConsole call), you will see that in internally uses AnsiLogConsole/AnsiParsingLogConsole both of which internally capture current value of System.Console.Error/System.Console.Out in theirs constructors:
public AnsiParsingLogConsole(bool stdErr = false)
_textWriter = stdErr ? System.Console.Error : System.Console.Out;
_parser = new AnsiParser(WriteToConsole);
public AnsiLogConsole(bool stdErr = false)
_textWriter = stdErr ? System.Console.Error : System.Console.Out;
So setting the string writer after this capture happened does not actually change where logs are written.
I would say that this is not very good approach and possibly you better think about implementing some kind of your own logger provider which will allow you to handle this usecase, or use an existing one and set it up for debug mode to write to file.


ASP.NET Web API Test instance initialization

I am writing some integration tests for my web API, which means that it has to be running during the execution of the tests. Is there any way to run it with an in-memory database instead of a real one based on SQL Server?
Also, I need to run a few instances at a time, so I need somehow to change the base address of each of them to be unique. For example, I could append to the base URL these instance IDs, that are mentioned in the code below.
Here is the code which I am using to run a new instance for my tests:
public static class WebApiHelper
private const string ExecutableFileExtension = "exe";
private static readonly Dictionary<Guid, Process> _instances = new();
public static void EnsureIsRunning(Assembly? assembly, Guid instanceId)
if (assembly is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly));
var executableFullName = Path.ChangeExtension(
assembly.Location, ExecutableFileExtension);
_instances.Add(instanceId, Process.Start(executableFullName));
public static void EnsureIsNotRunning(Guid instaceId)
=> _instances[instaceId].Kill();
Talking in general, is this a good way to create test instances, or maybe I am missing something? Asking this, because maybe there is another 'legal' way to achieve my goal.
Okay, so in the end, I came up with this super easy and obvious solution.
As was mentioned in the comments - using the in-memory database is not the best way to test, because relational features are not supported if using MS SQL.
So I decided to go another way.
Step 1: Overwrite the connection strings.
In my case, that was easy since I have a static IConfiguration instance and was need just to overwrite the connection string within that instance.
The method looks as follows:
private const string ConnectionStringsSectionName = "ConnectionStrings";
private const string TestConnectionStringFormat = "{0}_Test";
private static bool _connectionStringsOverwitten;
private static void OverwriteConnectionStrings()
if (_connectionStringsOverwitten)
var connectionStrings = MyStaticConfigurationContainer.Configuration
.Where(entry => entry.Key.StartsWith(ConnectionStringsSectionName)
&& entry.Value is not null);
foreach (var connectionString in connectionStrings)
var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString.Value);
builder.InitialCatalog = string.Format(TestConnectionStringFormat,
MyStaticConfigurationContainer.Configuration[connectionString.Key] = builder.ConnectionString;
_connectionStringsOverwitten = true;
Of course, you would need to handle the database creation and deletion before and after running the tests, otherwise - your test DBs may become a mess.
Step 2: Simply run your web API instance within a separate thread.
In my case, I am using the NUnit test framework, which means I just need to implement the web API setup logic within the fixture. Basically, the process would be more or less the same for every testing framework.
The code looks as follows:
public class WebApiSetupFixture
private const string WebApiThreadName = "WebApi";
public void SetUp() => new Thread(RunWebApi)
Name = WebApiThreadName
private static void RunWebApi()
=> Program.Main(Array.Empty<string>());
// 'Program' - your main web app class with entry point.
Note: The code inside Program.Main(); will also look for connection strings in the MyStaticConfigurationContainer.Configuration which was changed in the previous step.
And that's it! Hope this could help somebody else :)

Different connection string for output or trigger

Here i have a webjob function using servicebus triggers and outputs. I'd like to set a different configuration for output and input.
public static void OnPush(
[ServiceBusTrigger("%PushProcessor.InputTopicName%", "%PushProcessor.InputTopicSubscriptionName%", AccessRights.Listen)]
BrokeredMessage message,
[ServiceBus("%PushProcessor.OutputTopicName%", AccessRights.Send)]
out BrokeredMessage output
I see in latest api that one can control the job host with service bus extensions.
JobHostConfiguration config = new JobHostConfiguration
StorageConnectionString = ConfigHelpers.GetConfigValue("AzureWebJobsStorage"),
DashboardConnectionString = ConfigHelpers.GetConfigValue("AzureWebJobsDashboard"),
NameResolver = new ByAppSettingsNameResolver()
config.UseServiceBus(new ServiceBusConfiguration
MessageOptions = new OnMessageOptions {
MaxConcurrentCalls = 2,
AutoRenewTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
AutoComplete = true,
ConnectionString = ConfigHelpers.GetConfigValue("InputServiceBusConnectionString"),
Unfortunately i see no control for the connection string for the output. I'd like a different connection string (different namespace/access rights) to be used for inputs versus outputs.
Perhaps the api can support registering named jobhostconfigurations to a jobhost, and referring to that name in the attributes for the trigger/output. Anyways if there is a way to do this let me know.
Yes, also in the latest beta1 release you'll see that there is now a ServiceBusAccountAttribute that you can apply along with the ServiceBusTrigger/ServiceBus attributes. For example:
public static void Test(
ServiceBusAccount("testaccount")] BrokeredMessage message)
. . .
We've done the same for all the other attribute types (Queue/Blob/Table) via StorageAccountAttribute. These account attributes can be applied at the class/method/parameter level. Please give this new feature a try and let us know how it works for you. Also, see the release notes for more details.

How can I provide a tab completion list, with the values generated on powershell startup?

So I have a cmdlet written in c#: Get-LivingCharacter. I want users to use this like Get-LivingCharacter -Name "Bran", but I would like to allow for the list of available characters to change. Maybe today, "Bran" is a valid name to pass in for Get-LivingCharacter, but maybe in the future it will not be. Things happen.
For convenience I want to allow tab-completion of this field. However, I can't seem to get that to work for non-const data sets. Dynamic fields don't even auto-complete the field name, nevermind the value, and I don't know a way to implement this for a non-dynamic field. Conceptually, I could generate a .ps1 file on startup given the current data set, and then load that ps1 as the module, but this feels a bit like killing a pup with a greatsword - lots of overkill. Is there a better option?
I had already implemented a similar function to the DynamicParam helper function, as reference in the comments. However, tab completion wasn't working. I was writing a minimal reproduction example, tab completion worked.
It turns out, it reproducibly works/breaks based on the inclusion of a WriteDebug statement:
[Cmdlet("Get", "LivingCharacter")]
public class GetLivingCharacter : Cmdlet, IDynamicParameters
protected override void ProcessRecord()
public object GetDynamicParameters()
WriteDebug("Getting names"); // Tab completion won't work with this here - comment it out and it works.
var chars = new List<String>() { "Bran", "Arya" };
var dict = new RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary();
var attributes = new Collection<Attribute>
new ParameterAttribute
HelpMessage = "Enter a valid open name",
Mandatory = true
new ValidateSetAttribute(chars.ToArray()),
dict.Add("Name", new RuntimeDefinedParameter("Name", typeof(string), attributes));
return dict;
After some digging, the WriteDebug statement is throwing (which I assume is because it can't output while I'm typing). It then recreates the GetLivingCharacter class after I've finished the command to validate. It took a while to find since, because of the issue, I can't write the error to the console, so I had to append to a temp file instead.

Redirect console output for just one method

I have here a bunch of unit tests. One of them expects the code to do nothing because the arguments parsing should not work.
Unfortunately, the arguments parsing library I'm using forces Console.Write() in this case, and now my unit tests output is full of the library's messages, which makes it hard to read.
Is there a way to redirect the standard console output to nothing (or a temp file or whatever) before calling this method, and then redirecting it back to the standard output once it's finished ?
Actually it's the error output that needs to be redirected...
Yes, you can temporary replace output stream with a custom one. It can be done with Console.SetOut() method. More or less (adapting to your actual code, see also comments):
// We're not interested in its output, a NULL fake one may also work (better)
Console.SetOut(new StringWriter());
// Your code here...
// Now you have to restore default output stream
var standardOutput = new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput());
standardOutput.AutoFlush = true;
UPDATE: according to your update (redirect of standard error stream) you simply need to replace *Out with *Error:
Console.SetError(new StringWriter());
// Your code here...
var standardError = new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardError());
standardError.AutoFlush = true;
You can create a TextWriter that does nothing:
public sealed class NulTextWriter: TextWriter
public override Encoding Encoding
return Encoding.UTF8;
Then you can set and restore the console output like so:
var saved = Console.Out;
Console.SetOut(new NulTextWriter());
Console.WriteLine("This should not appear");
You can use the same approach for the console's error output:
var saved = Console.Error;
Console.SetError(new NulTextWriter());
Console.Error.WriteLine("This should not appear");

How to make this Unit Testable

Below I have some code that that I cannot Unit test because it tries to read settings from IIS7 and unfortunately our nightly build machine does not have IIS7. The only thing I can think of is to pass the ServerManager into the method, but then again in the caller I will have a ServerManager that will make that method unable to be unit tested. We use MOQ for our Mock library.
public ISection GetCurrentSettings(string location, Action<string> status)
#region Sanity Checks
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
throw new ArgumentNullException("location");
if (status == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("status");
ISection section = null;
_logger.Debug(string.Format("Retrieving current IIS settings for app at {0}.", location));
status("Getting current IIS settings.");
using (ServerManager manager = new ServerManager())
var data = (from site in manager.Sites
from app in site.Applications
from vdir in app.VirtualDirectories
where vdir.PhysicalPath.Equals(location, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
select new {Website = site, App = app}).SingleOrDefault();
if (data == null)
_logger.Debug(string.Format("Could not find an application at {0} in IIS. Going to load the defaults instead.", location));
//ToDo possibly load defaults
_logger.Debug(string.Format("Application found in IIS with website: {0} and a path of {1}", data.Website.Name, data.App.Path));
int port =
data.Website.Bindings.Where(b => b.EndPoint != null).Select(b => b.EndPoint.Port).Single();
section = new IISSection
ApplicationPoolName = data.App.ApplicationPoolName,
VirtualDirectoryAlias = data.App.Path,
WebsiteName = data.Website.Name,
WebsiteRoot = data.App.VirtualDirectories[0].PhysicalPath,
Port = port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
WillApply = true,
AnonymousUser = _userService.GetUserByType(UserType.Anonymous)
return section;
Without rewriting your code fully, the general idea would be to pass in an ISettingReader* (implemented as IisSettingReader), which would expose methods that would get the data you need from IIS. Then, you can stub in the ISettingReader to return what you need, by passing ISettingReader into the method/class
*Or, IServerManager as it seems to be the current name, but I am not sure if that is IIS specific
To be more specific, as Darin Dimitrov elaborated, you need to pull all of the dependencies outside of the method and pass them in via parameter/constructor/property injection. This will require a rewrite of the code as it stands in its current state.
If not (and I do suggest a rewrite), then you can use something like TypeMock, which supposedly can fake the dependencies INSIDE a class, but I have not used this myself and only know what I have read on it.
Use Moq.
This will allow you to create a mocked version of ISettings rather than having to create a real one. It has the added advantage of allowing you to specify your own functionality as well.

