Overwrite request object in ASP .NET Core - c#

I have base class for every request in my app:
public abstract class BaseDto
public string Uid { get; set; }
public class RequestDto : BaseDto
public string SomeData { get; set; }
Im using my ReuqestDto class in my controller actions:
public IEnumerable<string> Get(RequestDto req)
// some logic on request
if (req.Uid != null)
// perform action
The user passing only SomeData property to me. In my JWT Token i have saved some information about Uid for BaseDto. What is the best way to write data to Uid using middleware/filter to have that information in my Get() method? I Tried to serialized HttpContext.Request.Body but not success because i cant find, how to do it properly. Or maybe there are better solutions for this problem? How to write data to my incoming objects in app?

This is probably what you want.
You should to create own interface for models like that
public interface IMyRequestType { }
Your model should implement it for finding model in FilterAttribute
public class MyModel : IMyRequestType
public string ID { get; set; }
And create your filter attribute with OnActionExecuting implentation
public class MyFilterAttribute : TypeFilterAttribute
public MyFilterAttribute() : base(typeof(MyFilterImpl)) { }
private class MyFilterImpl : IActionFilter
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public MyFilterAttributeImpl(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
// get something from DI
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<MyFilterAttributeImpl>();
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
// get your request model
var model = context.ActionArguments.Values.OfType<IMyRequestType>().Single();
// get your key
//context.HttpContext.User or whatever
// do something with model
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
// perform some logic work

I often created a filter which implements Attribute and IAsyncActionFilter to get the information before go inside the Controller's action.
Here is an example,
using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt;
public class UserProfileFilter : Attribute, IAsyncActionFilter
public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
string uid = string.Empty;
StringValues authHeaderVal = default(StringValues);
// Get UID from JWT
if (context.HttpContext.Request.Headers.TryGetValue("Authorization", out authHeaderVal))
string bearerTokenPrefix = "Bearer";
string accessToken = string.Empty;
string authHeaderStr = authHeaderVal.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authHeaderStr) && authHeaderStr.StartsWith(bearerTokenPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
accessToken = authHeaderStr.Replace(bearerTokenPrefix, string.Empty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase).Trim();
var handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
var token = handler.ReadJwtToken(accessToken);
uid = token.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type.Equals("sub", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))?.Value;
// Or Get UID from ActionExecutingContext
var user = context.HttpContext.User;
if (user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
uid = user.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type.Equals("sub", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))?.Value;
// Get payload
RequestDto payload = (RequestDto)context.ActionArguments?.Values.FirstOrDefault(v => v is RequestDto);
payload.Uid = uid;
await next();
And then you can put the filter on any action.
public ActionResult<IActionResult> AdminGet(RequestDto request)
return this.Ok();
The above filter will use the sub claim's value to overwrite the value of the incoming payload.
For example, if I post the payload as following,
"uid" : "",
"someData": "Test"
The action will finally output {"Uid":"MyID","SomeData":"Test"}.


.Net Core Api cannot access original value on model validation failures

I cannot access the original value that didn't pass the model validation. I would suspect AttemptedValue and/or RawValue in ModelStateEntry to contain the original value, however both properties are null.
For clarification, I wrote a minimalistic api, to showcase the issue.
The model to validate:
public class User
public string Email { get; set; }
The controller:
public class TestController : ControllerBase
public string Test([FromBody] User user)
return user.Email;
The validation filter:
public class ValidationFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute, IOrderedFilter
public int Order { get; } = int.MinValue;
override public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
if (!context.ModelState.IsValid)
ModelStateEntry entry = context.ModelState.ElementAt(0).Value;
var attemptedVal = entry.AttemptedValue;
var rawVal = entry.RawValue;
context.Result = new OkObjectResult(rawVal);
When I call the test method with this model:
"email": "No email here ;)"
The ValidationFilterAttribute code is called as expected, however the ModelStateEntry does not contain the original value. Both AttemptedValue and RawValue are null:
Visual Studio debugging screenshot
As far as I know, for model binding, the filter will calls context.ModelState.SetModelValue to set value for RawValue and AttemptedValue.
But the SystemTextJsonInputFormatter doesn't set it to solve this issue, I suggest you could try to build custom extension method and try again.
More details, you could refer to below codes:
Create a new ModelStateJsonInputFormatter class:
public class ModelStateJsonInputFormatter : SystemTextJsonInputFormatter
public ModelStateJsonInputFormatter(ILogger<ModelStateJsonInputFormatter> logger, JsonOptions options) :
base(options ,logger)
public override async Task<InputFormatterResult> ReadRequestBodyAsync(InputFormatterContext context)
var result = await base.ReadRequestBodyAsync(context);
foreach (var property in context.ModelType.GetProperties())
var propValue = property.GetValue(result.Model, null);
var propAttemptValue = property.GetValue(result.Model, null)?.ToString();
context.ModelState.SetModelValue(property.Name, propValue, propAttemptValue);
return result;
Reigster it in startup.cs:
services.AddControllersWithViews(options => {
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var modelStateJsonInputFormatter = new ModelStateJsonInputFormatter(
options.InputFormatters.Insert(0, modelStateJsonInputFormatter);

Reading HttpContext.Request as object?

My base Request class looks like this:
public class GetAllProjectsQuery : QueryBase<ProjectsListModel>
public abstract class QueryBase<T> : UserContext, IRequest<T> // IRequest is MediatR interface
public abstract class UserContext
public string ApplicationUserId { get; set; } // and other properties
I want to write a middleware to my .NET Core 3.1 WebApi that will grab JWT from request header amd read ApplicationUserId from it. I started to code something:
public class UserInformation
private readonly RequestDelegate next;
public UserInformation(RequestDelegate next)
this.next = next;
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
var jwt = context.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
// read jwt here
var userContext = (UserContext)context.Request.Body; // i know it wont work
userContext.ApplicationUserId = //whats next? Any ideas?
await this.next(context);
But to be honest i have no idea how to start so here are my questions:
As you can see, every request will be packed with my UserContext class and so on. How to cast HttpContext.Request.Body to my request object and attach ApplicationUserId to it? Is it possible? I want to acces to user credentials from my JWT from headers and i want to have that information in every request in my API (pass it to controller, then to command etc).
If getting this information from middleware is not the best practice, what is?
EDIT: Mcontroller that using MediatR:
// base controller:
public abstract class BaseController : ControllerBase
private IMediator mediator;
protected IMediator Mediator => this.mediator ?? (this.mediator = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<IMediator>());
// action in ProjectControlle
public async Task<ActionResult<ProjectsListModel>> GetAllProjects()
return Ok(await base.Mediator.Send(new GetAllProjectsQuery()));
// query:
public class GetAllProjectsQuery : QueryBase<ProjectsListModel>
// handler:
public class GetAllProjectsQueryHandler : IRequestHandler<GetAllProjectsQuery, ProjectsListModel>
private readonly IProjectRepository projectRepository;
public GetAllProjectsQueryHandler(IProjectRepository projectRepository)
this.projectRepository = projectRepository;
public async Task<ProjectsListModel> Handle(GetAllProjectsQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var projects = await this.projectRepository.GetAllProjectsWithTasksAsync();
return new ProjectsListModel
List = projects
You might not need a middleware, but need a model binder:
See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/models/model-binding?view=aspnetcore-3.1
Also see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/advanced/custom-model-binding?view=aspnetcore-3.1
public class UserContextModelBinder : IModelBinder
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
private readonly IModelBinder _defaultModelBinder;
public UserContextModelBinder(
IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor,
IOptions<MvcOptions> mvcOptions,
IHttpRequestStreamReaderFactory streamReaderFactory)
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
_defaultModelBinder = new BodyModelBinder(mvcOptions.Value.InputFormatters, streamReaderFactory);
public async Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (!typeof(UserContext).IsAssignableFrom(bindingContext.ModelType))
await _defaultModelBinder.BindModelAsync(bindingContext);
if (bindingContext.Result.IsModelSet && bindingContext.Result.Model is UserContext)
var model = (UserContext)bindingContext.Result.Model;
var httpContext = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
// Read JWT
var jwt = httpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
model.ApplicationUserId = jwt;
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(model);
Then add model binder to UserContext class:
public abstract class UserContext
public string ApplicationUserId { get; set; }
Also add IHttpContextAccessor to services in Startup.cs:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Returning Status Codes from a class outside my Controller

I am trying to move logic that I do on all of my controllers into a class to follow the "Do Not Repeat Yourself" principle. What I am struggling with is how to elegantly return an error code.
Here are some examples of what I currently do within each controller:
public class SomethingRequest
public SomethingModel Something { get; set; }
public string Token { get; set; }
public ActionResult GetSomething(SomethingRequest request)
var something = request.Something;
var token = request.Token;
if (something == null)
return BadRequest("Something object is null. You may have sent data incorrectly");
if (token == null || token != "1234")
return Unauthorized("Token object is null");
Now what I want to do is move the last two parts of that into their own class:
public class RequestValidation
public void TokenCheck(string token)
if (token == null || token != "1234")
// doesn't work
return Unauthorized("Token object is null");
public void DataCheck(object someObject)
if (someObject == null)
// doesn't work
return BadRequest("Object is null. You may have sent data incorrectly");
And then I want to call them from SomethingController like so
and then have them return the bad request or an exception.
How should I accomplish this?
A common way to do this is to have a helper class that returns the result of validations and/or operations to the Controller:
public class ValidationResult
public bool Succeeded { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public int StatusCode { get; set; }
Since the question is tagged with ASP.NET Core, the correct way to do this would be to first create the interface:
public interface IRequestValidationService
ValidationResult ValidateToken(string token);
ValidationResult ValidateData(object data);
Then, create the implementation:
public class RequestValidationService : IRequestValidationService
public ValidationResult ValidateToken(string token)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) || token != "1234")
return new ValidationResult
Succeeded = false,
Message = "invalid token",
StatusCode = 403
return new ValidationResult { Succeeded = true };
Add it to the DI container (in the Startup class):
services.AddScoped<IRequestValidationService, RequestValidationService>();
Inject it into the SomethingController:
public SomethingController(IRequestValidationService service)
_requestValidationService = service;
And finally use it:
public IActionResult GetSomething(SomethingRequest request)
var validationResult = _requestValidationService.ValidateToken(request?.Token);
if (!validationResult.Succeeded)
return new StatusCode(validationResult.StatusCode, validationResult.Message);
Notice that for something as trivial as validating that something isn't null, you should be using model validation:
public class SomethingRequest
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Something is required, check your data")]
public SomethingModel Something { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Token is required!")]
public string Token { get; set; }
#CamiloTerevinto 's idea got me on the right path. His method would work, but from what I read in the documentation, the proper way is with "Action Filters".
I used this article as additional inspiration.
Here is my filter I named ValidationFilterAttribute
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace Name_Of_Project.ActionFilters
// This filter can be applied to classes to do the automatic token validation.
// This filter also handles the model validation.
// inspiration https://code-maze.com/action-filters-aspnetcore/
public class ValidationFilterAttribute: IActionFilter
// passing variables into an action filter https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18209735/how-do-i-pass-variables-to-a-custom-actionfilter-in-asp-net-mvc-app
private readonly ILogger<ValidationFilterAttribute> _logger;
public ValidationFilterAttribute(ILogger<ValidationFilterAttribute> logger)
_logger = logger;
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
//executing before action is called
// this should only return one object since that is all an API allows. Also, it should send something else it will be a bad request
var param = context.ActionArguments.SingleOrDefault();
if (param.Value == null)
_logger.LogError("Object sent was null. Caught in ValidationFilterAttribute class.");
context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult("Object sent is null");
// the param should be named request (this is the input of the action in the controller)
if (param.Key == "request")
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jsonObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.FromObject(param.Value);
// case sensitive btw
string token = jsonObject["Token"].ToString();
// check that the token is valid
if (token == null || token != "1234")
_logger.LogError("Token object is null or incorrect.");
context.Result = new UnauthorizedObjectResult("");
if (!context.ModelState.IsValid)
context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(context.ModelState);
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
// executed after action is called
Then my Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Adding an action Filter
Then I can add it to my controller.
using Name_Of_Project.ActionFilters;
namespace Name_Of_Project.Controllers
public class SomethingController : ControllerBase
// POST api/something
public ActionResult GetSomething(SomethingRequest request)
var something= request.Something;
var token = request.Token;
Because I want to reuse this action filter many times, I need to figure out a way to pass in a parameter for the null check (could have many different objects coming in under the name of "request" that need to check). This is the answer I will be looking to for that portion of the solution.

Overriding BadRequest response in ASP.NET Core ResourceFilter

I am implementing a resource filter to store invalid requests in database and override returned BadRequest response.
I stored invalid requests successfully but I am struggling with overriding response, I tried the following:
public class MyFilter : Attribute, IResourceFilter
public void OnResourceExecuting(ResourceExecutingContext context)
public void OnResourceExecuted(ResourceExecutedContext context)
if (!context.ModelState.IsValid)
//store request in data base
context.Result= new BadRequestObjectResult(new MyErrorModel(){ID = "1",FriendlyMessage = "Your request was invalid"});
public class MyErrorModel
public string FriendlyMessage { get; set; }
public string ID { get; set; }
But the returned response is not being overridden.
Is there a way to override the response inside Resource filters?
P.S: I am using [ApiController] attribute.
As we all kown , the IResourceFilter runs immediately after the authorization filter and is suitable for short-circular .
However , you will make no influence on the result by setting Result=new BadRequestObjectResult() when the result execution has finished .
See the workflow as below :
According to the workflow above , we should run the MyFilter after the stage of model binding and before the stage of result filter . In other words , we should put the logic into a action filter . Since there's already a ActionFilterAttribute out of box , just create a MyFilterAttribute which inherits from the ActionFilterAttribute :
public class MyFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
if (!context.ModelState.IsValid)
//store request in data base
context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(new MyErrorModel() { ID = "1", FriendlyMessage = "Your request was invalid" });
Here's a screenshot the filter works :
The code of controller decorated with [ApiController]:
namespace App.Controllers
public class HelloController : Controller
public IActionResult Index(int x)
var y =ModelState.IsValid;
return View();

How to get controller's ModelState in service for validation

I am exactly at the situation where this person (Controller ModelState with ModelStateWrappper) is except that I am using Castle Windsor DI. I am trying to validate my model's business logic side in my service before I save the model pass it to the data store. if the validation fails I want to get the model state errors and display in my view.
(I am following this article as a guide to implement validation from service: http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/older-versions/models-(data)/validating-with-a-service-layer-cs)
Below is my sample code,
//My controller code
public class TimeEntryController : TempoBaseController
public TimeEntryController(TimeService service, UserService userService)
_service = service;
_userService = userService;
[Authorize(Roles = "Worker")]
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult Index(EntryLogDto entry)
return ViewSuccess();
return ViewFailue();
//My Service class
public class TimeService : GenericService
public TimeService(IRepository repository, IValidationDictionary validationDictionary, UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
: base(repository, validationDictionary, userManager)
public bool AddEntryLog(EntryLogDto log)
if (!ValidateEntryLog(log))
//return false;
//insert entry into database and return true
protected bool ValidateEntryLog(EntryLogDto log)
//Check if the entry overlaps with any other entries
bool res = _repository.Find<EntryLogDto>(//my linq logic);
if (res)
_validationDictionary.IsValid = true;
_validatonDictionary.AddError("Entry", "Entry Overlaps.");
_validationDictionary.IsValid = false;
return _validationDictionary.IsValid;
//Validation class
public class TempoValidation : IValidationDictionary
private ModelStateDictionary _modelState;
public TempoValidation(ModelStateDictionary modelState) // Issue is how am I gona give it this as the ModelStateDictiona ry is controller specific
_modelState = modelState;
public void AddError(string key, string error)
_modelState.AddModelError(key, error);
public bool IsValid
get { return _modelState.IsValid; }
//Global.asax castle compnonent registration method
.DependsOn(new { connectionString }))
I am injecting IValidationDictionary in my service class where I set the model state depending on the validation result. Is there a way I can pass in the model state of the controller when I use it? I don't know how to approach this, I have many controllers and I don't know how I will/when will I pass the respective controller's model state (I would like to do that by DI if its possible )... I don't know if castle can create a separate instance of TempoValidation class for each controller??
I know that this is impossible to do this by default, but you can use Fluent Validation to achieve this.
public class VmSysTestModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
Fluent validation implementation :
public class VmSysTestValidator : AbstractValidator<VmSysTestModel>
public VmSysTestValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.FirstName).NotNull().WithMessage("First name is required");
RuleFor(x => x.LastName).NotNull().WithMessage("Last Name is required");
Controller or business logic side :
public ActionResult TestPost(VmSysTestModel obj)
//Start Validation From start to end you can call this code everywhere you want , this will work like server side valdiatin
//Instead of ModelState.IsValid you will call your fluent validator
var testValidator = new VmSysTestValidator();
var validationResult = testValidator.Validate(obj);
if (validationResult.IsValid)
//End valdiation

