Thread + While(true) + Entity - c#

I'm building a candle recorder (Binance Crypto), interesting in 1 minute candles, including intra candle data for market study purpose (But eventually I could use this same code to actually be my eyes on what's happening in the market)
To avoid eventual lag / EF / SQL performance etc. I decided do accomplish this using two threads.
One receives the subscribed (Async) tokens from Binance and put them in a ConcurrentQueue, while another keeps trying to dequeue and save the data in MSSQL
My question goes for the second Thread, a while(true) loop. Whats the best approach to save like 200 + info/sec to SQL while these info come in individually (sometimes 300 info in a matter of 300ms, sometime less) using EF:
Should I open the SQL con each time I want to save? (Performance).
Whats the best approach to accomplish this?
-- EDITED --
At one point I got 600k+ in the Queue so I'm facing problems inserting to SQL
Changed from Linq to SQL to EF
Here's my actual code:
public void getCoinsMoves()
Thread THTransferDatatoSQL = new Thread(TransferDatatoSQL);
THTransferDatatoSQL.Name = "THTransferDatatoSQL";
THTransferDatatoSQL.IsBackground = true;
List<string> SymbolsMap;
using(DBBINANCEEntities lSQLBINANCE = new DBBINANCEEntities())
SymbolsMap = lSQLBINANCE.TB_SYMBOLS_MAP.Select(h => h.SYMBOL).ToList();
socketClient.Spot.SubscribeToKlineUpdatesAsync(SymbolsMap, Binance.Net.Enums.KlineInterval.OneMinute, h =>
//Enqueue Data
public void RecordCandles(Binance.Net.Interfaces.IBinanceStreamKlineData Candle)
BASE_VOLUME = Candle.Data.BaseVolume,
CLOSE_TIME = Candle.Data.CloseTime.AddHours(-3),
MONEY_VOLUME = Candle.Data.QuoteVolume,
PCLOSE = Candle.Data.Close,
PHIGH = Candle.Data.High,
PLOW = Candle.Data.Low,
POPEN = Candle.Data.Open,
SYMBOL = Candle.Symbol,
TAKER_BUY_BASE_VOLUME = Candle.Data.TakerBuyBaseVolume,
TAKER_BUY_MONEY_VOLUME = Candle.Data.TakerBuyQuoteVolume,
TRADES = Candle.Data.TradeCount,
IS_LAST_CANDLE = Candle.Data.Final
//Transfer Data to SQL
public void TransferDatatoSQL()
while (true)
if (FRACTIONED_CANDLES.TryDequeue(out NewData))
using (DBBINANCEEntities LSQLBINANCE = new DBBINANCEEntities())
PLOW = NewData.PLOW,
Thx in Adv

I see one error in your code, you're sleeping a background thread after every insert, don't sleep if there's more data. Instead of:
if (FRACTIONED_CANDLES.TryDequeue(out NewData))
using (DBBINANCEEntities LSQLBINANCE = new DBBINANCEEntities())
PLOW = NewData.PLOW,
Change the last line to:
This may resolve your problem.


Trying to create a If else statement using String.IsNullOrEmpty(String) to filter out rogue record

I am importing an old database into a new one. The new database requires each record to have a type when imported. The first record does not have a type, therefore I would like to discard it from the import. I am unsure how to write this in C#
At the moment I have
`public async Task RunImport()
` {
_logger.LogInformation(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") + " | BATHWORKS IMPORT : Start Import");
string type = null;
IEnumerable<BathworksItem> bathworksItem = await GetBathworksItem();
IEnumerable<BathworksItemDto> BathworksItem = await GetBathworksPortalItems();
IEnumerable<BathworksItem> missingBathworksPortalItems = bathworksItems.Where(x => !bathworksportalItem.Any(y => y.Serial == x.Name));
foreach (BathworksItem missingBathworksPortalItem in bathworksItems)
if (!missingBathworksPortalItem.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
BathworksItemDto bathworksItemDto = new BathworksItemDto();
bathworksItemDto.ItemNumber = missingBathworksPortalItem.ItemNumber;
bathworksItemDto.Stock = missingBathworksPortalItem.Stock;
bathworksItemDto.Availbility = missingBathworksPortalItem.Availbility;
bathworksItemDto.Company = missingBathworksPortalItem.Company;
bathworksItemDto.Lastupdate = missingBathworksPortalItem.Lastupdate;
bathworksItemDto.Type = missingBathworksPortalItem.Type;
bathworksItemDto.Name = missingBathworksPortalItem.Name;
await _bathworksItem.InsertItem(bathworksItemDto);
I have tried the above and it does not quite do what I was expecting as it does not discard the rogue record, instead I recieve a error 500.

Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service when using GeneticSharp

Long story short, I'm using GeneticSharp for an iterative/conditional reinforcement learning algorithm. This means that I'm making a bunch of different GeneticAlgorithm instances, each using a shared SmartThreadPool. Only one GA is running at a time though.
After a few iterations of my algorithm, I run into this error, which happens when attempting to start the SmartThreadPool.
Is there any obvious reason this should be happening? I've tried using a different STPE and disposing of it each time, but that didn't seem to help either. Is there some manual cleanup I need to be doing in between each GA run? Should I be using one shared GA instance?
Edit: Quick code sample
static readonly SmartThreadPoolTaskExecutor Executor = new SmartThreadPoolTaskExecutor() { MinThreads = 2, MaxThreads = 8 };
public static void Main(string[] args)
var achromosome = new AChromosome();
var bchromosome = new BChromosome();
achromosome = FindBestAChromosome(bchromosome);
bchromosome = FindBestBChromosome(achromosome);
// Log results;
public static AChromosome FindBestAChromosome(BChromosome chromosome)
AChromosome result;
var selection = new EliteSelection();
var crossover = new UniformCrossover();
var mutation = new UniformMutation(true);
using (var fitness = new AChromosomeFitness(chromosome))
var population = new Population(50, 70, chromosome);
var ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(population, fitness, selection, crossover, mutation);
ga.Termination = new GenerationNumberTermination(100);
ga.GenerationRan += LogGeneration;
ga.TaskExecutor = Executor;
result = ga.BestChromosome as AChromosome;
ga.GenerationRan -= LogGeneration;
return result;
public static BChromosome FindBestBChromosome(AChromosome chromosome)
BChromosome result;
var selection = new EliteSelection();
var crossover = new UniformCrossover();
var mutation = new UniformMutation(true);
using (var fitness = new BChromosomeFitness(chromosome))
var population = new Population(50, 70, chromosome);
var ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(population, fitness, selection, crossover, mutation);
ga.Termination = new GenerationNumberTermination(100);
ga.GenerationRan += LogGeneration;
ga.TaskExecutor = Executor;
result = ga.BestChromosome as BChromosome;
ga.GenerationRan -= LogGeneration;
return result;
AChromosome and BChromosome are each fairly simple, a couple doubles and ints and maybe a function pointer (to a static function).
Edit2: Full call stack with replaced bottom two entries
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.IOException: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.Threading.EventWaitHandle..ctor(Boolean initialState, eventResetMode mode, string name)
at Amib.Threading.SmartThreadPool..ctor()
at GeneticSharp.Infrastructure.Threading.SmartThreadPoolTaskExecutor.Start()
at GeneticSharp.Domain.GeneticAlgorithm.EvaluateFitness()
at GeneticSharp.Domain.GeneticAlgorithm.EndCurrentGeneration()
at GeneticSharp.Domain.GeneticAlgorithm.EvolveOneGeneration()
at GeneticSharp.Domain.GeneticAlgorithm.Resume()
at GeneticSharp.Domain.GeneticAlgorithm.Start()
at MyProject.Program.FindBestAChromosome(BChromosome chromosome)
at MyProject.Program.Main(String[] args)
Edit3: One last thing to note is that my fitness functions are pretty processing-intensive and one run can take almost 2g of ram (running on a machine with 16g, so no worries there). I've seen no problems with garbage collection though.
So far, this only happens after about 5 iterations (which takes multiple hours).
It turns out it was my antivirus preventing the threads from finalizing. Now I'm running it on a machine with a different antivirus and it's running just fine. If I come up with a better answer for how to handle this in the future, I'll update here.

Dynamics CRM SDK: Execute Multiple Requests for Bulk Update of around 5000 Records

I have written a function to update Default Price List for all the Active Products on the CRM 2013 Online.
//The method takes IOrganization service and total number of records to be created as input
private void UpdateMultipleProducts(IOrganizationService service, int batchSize, EntityCollection UpdateProductsCollection, Guid PriceListGuid)
//To execute the request we have to add the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk of the latest SDK as reference
ExecuteMultipleRequest req = new ExecuteMultipleRequest();
req.Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection();
req.Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings();
req.Settings.ContinueOnError = true;
req.Settings.ReturnResponses = true;
foreach (var entity in UpdateProductsCollection.Entities)
UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Target = entity };
entity.Attributes["pricelevelid"] = new EntityReference("pricelevel", PriceListGuid);
var res = service.Execute(req) as ExecuteMultipleResponse; //Execute the collection of requests
//If the BatchSize exceeds 1000 fault will be thrown.In the catch block divide the records into batchable records and create
catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> fault)
if (fault.Detail.ErrorDetails.Contains("MaxBatchSize"))
var allowedBatchSize = Convert.ToInt32(fault.Detail.ErrorDetails["MaxBatchSize"]);
int remainingCreates = batchSize;
while (remainingCreates > 0)
var recordsToCreate = Math.Min(remainingCreates, allowedBatchSize);
UpdateMultipleProducts(service, recordsToCreate, UpdateProductsCollection, PriceListGuid);
remainingCreates -= recordsToCreate;
Code Description : There are around 5000 active product records in the System. So I am updating Default Price List for all of them using above code.
But, I am missing here something so that, it has updated only 438 records. It loops through the While statement correctly, but it is not updating all of them here.
What should be the Batchsize when we run this function for the First Time?
Any one can help me here?
Thank you,
You pass remainingCreates as the batchSize parameter but your code never references batchSize so you are just going to reenter that while loop every time.
Also, I'm not sure how you are doing all your error handling but you need to update your catch block so that it doesn't just let FaultExceptions pass-through if they don't contain a MaxBatchSize value. Right now, if you take a FaultException regarding something other than batch size it will be ignored.
if (fault.Detail.ErrorDetails.Contains("MaxBatchSize"))
var allowedBatchSize = Convert.ToInt32(fault.Detail.ErrorDetails["MaxBatchSize"]);
int remainingCreates = batchSize;
while (remainingCreates > 0)
var recordsToCreate = Math.Min(remainingCreates, allowedBatchSize);
UpdateMultipleProducts(service, recordsToCreate, UpdateProductsCollection, PriceListGuid);
remainingCreates -= recordsToCreate;
else throw;
Instead of reactive handling, i prefer proactive handling of the MaxBatchSize, this is true when you already know what is MaxMatchSize is.
Following is sample code, here while adding OrgRequest to collection i keep count of batch and when it exceeds I call Execute and reset the collection to take fresh batch.
foreach (DataRow dr in statusTable.Rows)
Entity updEntity = new Entity("ABZ_NBA");
updEntity["ABZ_NBAid"] = query.ToList().Where(a => a.NotificationNumber == dr["QNMUM"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault().TroubleTicketId;
//updEntity["ABZ_makerfccall"] = false;
updEntity["ABZ_rfccall"] = null;
updEntity[cNBAttribute.Key] = dr["test"];
req.Requests.Add(new UpdateRequest() { Target = updEntity });
if (req.Requests.Count == 1000)
responseWithResults = (ExecuteMultipleResponse)_orgSvc.Execute(req);
req.Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection();
if (req.Requests.Count > 0)
responseWithResults = (ExecuteMultipleResponse)_orgSvc.Execute(req);

Insert with Linq-to-SQL sometimes fails

I have a project that inserts personal information to a table and details into another table. But sometimes personal information cannot be recorded, however details are recorded. As below code part, firstly personal information are inserted, then details. But sometimes personal information doesn't get saved and userId returns 0, So details are saved. I don't know why it doesn't work. Any idea?
public int ConferenceIdyeGoreKisiBilgileriniKaydet(string orderId)
KisiselBilgilerBal kisiBilgileri = (KisiselBilgilerBal)Session["kisiselBilgilerSession"];
registrationCode = GenerateGeristrationCode();
string toplamMaliyet = Session["toplamOdeme"].ToString();
PersonalInformation.SavePersonalInformations(kisiBilgileri, registrationCode,conferenceName);
int userId = AuthorPaperDetaylari.AdVeSoyadaGoreIdGetir(kisiBilgileri.f_name, kisiBilgileri.l_name);
AuthorPaperDetaylari.SaveAuthorPaperDetails(authorPaperDetay, userId); // save details via userId.
return userId;
This method saves personal information.
public static void SavePersonalInformations(KisiselBilgilerBal kisiBilgileri,string registrationCode,string conferenceName)
string cs = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteSqlServer"];
DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext(cs);
DBpersonalInformation personalInfo = new DBpersonalInformation();
personalInfo.f_name = kisiBilgileri.f_name;
personalInfo.l_name = kisiBilgileri.l_name;
personalInfo.university_affiliation = kisiBilgileri.university_affiliation;
personalInfo.department_name = kisiBilgileri.department_name;
personalInfo.address1 = kisiBilgileri.address1;
personalInfo.address2 = kisiBilgileri.address2; =;
personalInfo.state = kisiBilgileri.state;
personalInfo.zipCode = kisiBilgileri.zipCode; =; =; =;
personalInfo.orderId = kisiBilgileri.orderId;
personalInfo.registrationCode = registrationCode; = DateTime.Now;
personalInfo.conferenceName = conferenceName;
catch (Exception)
This method saves details
public static void SaveAuthorPaperDetails(AuthorPaperDetailsBal authorPaperDetay, int userId)
string cs = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteSqlServer"];
DBWebDataContext db = new DBWebDataContext(cs);
DBAuthorPaperDetail authorPaperDetail = new DBAuthorPaperDetail();
authorPaperDetail.paper_title = authorPaperDetay.paperTitleDetails;
authorPaperDetail.conference_maker_id = authorPaperDetay.confMakerId;
authorPaperDetail.additional_paper_title = authorPaperDetay.additionalPprTtle;
authorPaperDetail.areYouMainAuthor = authorPaperDetay.mainAuthor;
authorPaperDetail.feeForFirstAuthorPaper = authorPaperDetay.registerFeeForFirstAuthor;
authorPaperDetail.feeForAdditionalPaper = authorPaperDetay.regFeeForAdditionalPape;
authorPaperDetail.feeForParticipCoAuthors = authorPaperDetay.regFeeForCoAuthors;
authorPaperDetail.userId = userId;
authorPaperDetail.firstCoAuthorName = authorPaperDetay.firstCoAuthor;
authorPaperDetail.secondCoAuthorName = authorPaperDetay.secondCoAutho;
authorPaperDetail.thirdCoAuthorName = authorPaperDetay.thirdCoAuthor;
authorPaperDetail.toplamOdeme = authorPaperDetay.toplamMaliyet;
catch (Exception)
I don't know why it doesnt work. Any idea?
catch (Exception)
Well, that explains pretty much everything... don't do this. Ever. The database layer is trying to tell you what the problem is, and you are sticking your fingers in your ears, hoping that'll make it go away. If I had to guess: maybe an occasional timeout due to being blocked by another SPID.
If you can't do anything useful or appropriate with an exception, just let it bubble to the caller. If it gets to the UI, tell the user about it (or just log the issue internally and tell the user "There was a problem").
Also, a LINQ-to-SQL data-context is IDisposable; you should have using statement around db.
In addition to Marc's answer... You are calling SubmitChanges twice. If you want atomic data storage, you should call it once. You can use relational properties to create an object graph, and submit the whole graph at once.
public void SaveParentAndChildren()
using (CustomDataContext myDC = new CustomDataContext())
Parent p = new Parent();
Child c = new Child();
myDC.Parents.InsertOnSubmit(p); //whole graph is now tracked by this data context
myDC.SubmitChanges(); // whole graph is now saved to database
// or nothing saved if an exception occurred.
} //myDC.Dispose is called for you here whether exception occurred or not

Out of Memory at line XXXX

can anyone help me how to resolve the out of memory error on my asp page? im using linq to sql.. after adding data several data.. like more than 10 rows. in the grid. an out of memory error occurs.. attached herewith is my add function..
public ServiceDetail checkservicedetailid()
string ServiceName = ViewState["Tab"].ToString();
ServiceDetail checkservicedetailid = ServiceDetails_worker.get(a => a.ServiceName == ServiceName && a.MarginAnalysisID == checkmarginanalysisid().MarginAnalysisID).SingleOrDefault();
return checkservicedetailid;
public IEnumerable<ServiceDetail> get(Expression<Func<ServiceDetail, Boolean>> express)
return ServiceDetailsDB.ServiceDetails.Where(express);
protected void btnSaveEmptyOC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (checkservicedetailid() != null)
CashExpense tblCashExpenses = new CashExpense();
Guid CashExpensesID = Guid.NewGuid();
tblCashExpenses.CashExpensesID = CashExpensesID;
tblCashExpenses.ServiceDetailsID = checkservicedetailid().ServiceDetailsID;
tblCashExpenses.Description = txtDescriptionEmptyOC.Text;
tblCashExpenses.Quantity = Decimal.Parse(txtQTYEmptyOC.Text);
tblCashExpenses.UnitCost = Decimal.Parse(txtUnitCostEmptyOC.Text);
tblCashExpenses.CreatedBy = User.Identity.Name;
tblCashExpenses.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
tblCashExpenses.CashExpensesTypeID = "OTHER";
//Clear items after saving
txtDescriptionEmptyOC.Text = "";
txtQTYEmptyOC.Text = "";
txtUnitCostEmptyOC.Text = "";
ValidationMessage.ShowValidationMessage(MessageCenter.CashExpenseMaintenace.InsertOC2, "SaveEmptyOC", this.Page);
MyAuditProvider.Insert(this.GetType().ToString(), ViewState["MarginAnalysisID"].ToString(), MessageCenter.Mode.ADD, MessageCenter.CashExpenseMaintenace.InsertOC2, Page.Request, User);
divOtherCost.Visible = false;
grd_othercost.Visible = true;
btnaddothercost.Visible = true;
//Displays a Message on the Validation Summary (Service Id does not exist)
ValidationMessage.ShowValidationMessage(MessageCenter.CashExpenseMaintenace.SaveServiceDetailOC, "SaveEmptyOC", this.Page);
//Displays a Message on the Validation Summary (Error on Saving)
ValidationMessage.ShowValidationMessage(MessageCenter.CashExpenseMaintenace.InsertOCError, "SaveEmptyOC", this.Page);
//Rebinds the Grid
I'm guessing from your code here:
ServiceDetail checkservicedetailid = ServiceDetails_worker.get(
a => a.ServiceName == ServiceName &&
a.MarginAnalysisID == checkmarginanalysisid().MarginAnalysisID
that .get() is taking a Func<SomeType, bool>, and you are doing something like:
var row = dbCtx.SomeTable.Where(predicate);
(please correct me here if I'm incorrect)
This, however, is using LINQ-to-Objects, meaning: it is loading every row from the table to the client and testing locally. That'll hurt memory, especially if a different db-context is created for each row. Additionally, the checkmarginanalysisid() call is being executed per row, when presumably it doesn't change between rows.
You should be testing this with an Expression<Func<SomeType, bool>> which would be translated to TSQL and executed at the server. You may also need to remove untranslatable methods, i.e.
var marginAnalysisId = checkmarginanalysisid().MarginAnalysisID;
ServiceDetail checkservicedetailid = ServiceDetails_worker.get(
a => a.ServiceName == ServiceName &&
a.MarginAnalysisID == marginAnalysisId
where that is get(Expression<Func<SomeType, bool>>).
I tried all of the solution given to me both by my peers as well as the solution provided here, from GC.Collect, to disposing linq datacontext after use etc. however the error keeps on occurring, i then tried to remove the update panel, Ive read a site that showed how ridiculous update panel when it comes to handling data esp when a function is done repeatedly. And poof! the memory problem is gone!

