I'm integrating Amazon pay with my website, using the v2 c# SDK from amazon (MVC App), in the sandbox. Setup is all good, I created the keys, return urls, etc.
In my checkout process, I create the CheckoutSession, which is successful. I click on the Amazon Pay button, log in using my test buyer account, and "pay" for the item using their valid test credit card.
Amazon redirects to my return URL with the checkout session id as expected.
When I try to CompleteCheckoutSession, the result is an error back from the Amazon API
error: InvalidCheckoutSessionStatus
message: You tried to call an operation on a Checkout Session that is in a state where that operation is not allowed
I put in a test line of code to retrieve the CheckoutSession to look at it before I try to complete it, and it shows that the current status is "Open", which is the correct status when trying to complete it, so I'm at a loss at why the checkout session status is invalid.
Note I'm using this flow for my transaction, so there is no "review" of the transaction. Buyer chooses his items on my site.
Also note, I'm creating the payload dynamically according to this:
So when the amazonpay button is clicked, it calls a method on my site which builds the payload which begins the CheckoutSession. I then have the Amazon Session ID in my cache which I save it, and save the total. The payload is returned to the Amazon pay script which then takes me to the Amazon Site. I choose the payment type and click "continue to checkout", which sends me back to my site with the SessionId to do the "complete" step.
My request to CompleteCheckoutSession(sessionId)
result.RawResponse from the client.CompleteCheckoutSession(sessionId) method:
"message":"You tried to call an operation on a Checkout Session that is in a state where that operation is not allowed"
I created a brand new test MVC app with basic functionality:
public ActionResult Index()
var client = InitiateClient(); //hidden for security
// prepare the request
var request = new CreateCheckoutSessionRequest
checkoutReviewReturnUrl: "http://localhost:44300/home/completecheckout",
storeId: "amzn1.application-oa2-client.mystoreid"
request.PaymentDetails.PaymentIntent = Amazon.Pay.API.WebStore.Types.PaymentIntent.AuthorizeWithCapture;
request.PaymentDetails.ChargeAmount.Amount = 99;
request.PaymentDetails.ChargeAmount.CurrencyCode = Currency.USD;
// generate the signature and payload string that is passed back to the frontend
ViewBag.Signature = client.GenerateButtonSignature(request);
ViewBag.Payload = request.ToJson();
return View();
In the Index.cshtml file:
<div id="AmazonPayButton"></div>
<script src="https://static-na.payments-amazon.com/checkout.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
amazon.Pay.renderButton('#AmazonPayButton', {
merchantId: 'mymerchantid',
ledgerCurrency: 'USD',
sandbox: true,
checkoutLanguage: 'en_US',
productType: 'PayOnly',
placement: 'Checkout',
buttonColor: 'Gold',
createCheckoutSessionConfig: {
payloadJSON: '#Html.Raw(ViewBag.Payload)', // string generated in step 2
signature: '#Html.Raw(ViewBag.Signature)', // signature generated in step 3
And finally, the completecheckout code, which is unsuccessful:
public ActionResult CompleteCheckout(string amazonCheckoutSessionId)
var client = InitiateClient(); //hidden for security
var request = new CompleteCheckoutSessionRequest(99.00M, Currency.USD);
// send the request
var result = client.CompleteCheckoutSession(amazonCheckoutSessionId, request);
// check if API call was successful
if (!result.Success)
throw new Exception("API Call unsuccessful");
return View();
NOTE: certain keys obfuscated, but actual keys are in the sample code.
Manually creating the CheckoutSession doesn't work with the "no review page" flow that you are following. If you want to integrate this flow, you'll have to let Amazon Pay create the CheckoutSession for you using the createCheckoutSessionConfig parameter in the button code, see here: https://amazonpaycheckoutintegrationguide.s3.amazonaws.com/amazon-pay-apb-checkout/add-the-amazon-pay-button.html#4-render-the-button
The code sample below shows how to construct the payload and signature for the 'no order review' payment flow. Please note the CheckoutMode parameter, that instructs Amazon Pay to immediately process the payment, and the checkoutResultReturnUrl, that defines the URL where the buyer is sent to for completing the checkout. When the user arrives at that URL, you will have to call Complete CheckoutSession, which should now succeed.
public ActionResult Index()
var client = InitiateClient(); //hidden for security
// prepare the request
var request = new CreateCheckoutSessionRequest
checkoutReviewReturnUrl: null,
storeId: "amzn1.application-oa2-client.mystoreid"
// instructs Amazon Pay to immediately process the payment
request.WebCheckoutDetails.CheckoutMode = CheckoutMode.ProcessOrder;
request.WebCheckoutDetails.CheckoutResultReturnUrl = "http://localhost:44300/home/completecheckout";
// payment details
request.PaymentDetails.PaymentIntent = Amazon.Pay.API.WebStore.Types.PaymentIntent.AuthorizeWithCapture;
request.PaymentDetails.ChargeAmount.Amount = 99;
request.PaymentDetails.ChargeAmount.CurrencyCode = Currency.USD;
// generate the signature and payload string that is passed back to the frontend
ViewBag.Signature = client.GenerateButtonSignature(request);
ViewBag.Payload = request.ToJson();
return View();
I had a similar issue and it takes me a very long time to figure it out. This is what happened to me.
I was not intent to create production code. I just want to create a test page with only Amazon Pay button. I used several node js script to getCheckoutSession/updateCheckoutSession. However, when I tried completeCheckoutSession, I got "InvalidCheckoutSessionStatus".
In the end, I found, after I setup all the required parameter and remove all constraint, the updateCheckoutSession gives me a "amazonPayRedirectUrl" in API return. That URL is really important. You need to go that URL in order to complete the review...
This is from Amazon official website:
"Once there are no constraints, the response will return a unique
amazonPayRedirectUrl. Redirect the buyer to that URL to complete
The other way to solve this issue is mentioned by "Daniel Lemke". In that way, shoppers don't need to confirm the session. However, you need to make sure to provide all useful information in webCheckoutDetails (paymentDetails, addressDetails). If you only give checkoutMode, you will get "MissingParameterValue".
This is from Amazon official website:
"paymentDetails is required when using 'ProcessOrder'. addressDetails
is also required if you use 'ProcessOrder' with productType set to
We're trying to receive payment with cryptocurrencies using coinpayment IPN. We are able to create a request and able to do a payment. However, not able to get success or failure response while user come back to the seller side.
Here is how payment request created:
public ActionResult IPN()
var uri = new UriBuilder("https://www.coinpayments.net/index.php");
uri.SetQueryParam("cmd", "_pay_auto");
uri.SetQueryParam("merchant", "merchant_key");
uri.SetQueryParam("allow_extra", "0");
uri.SetQueryParam("currency", "USD");
uri.SetQueryParam("reset", "1");
uri.SetQueryParam("success_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/SuccessResponse"); //todo: redirect to confirm success page
uri.SetQueryParam("key", "wc_order_5b7b84b91a882");
uri.SetQueryParam("cancel_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/FailiureResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("order_id", "36");
uri.SetQueryParam("invoice", "PREFIX-36");
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "http://localhost:49725/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_Coinpayments");
uri.SetQueryParam("first_name", "John");
uri.SetQueryParam("last_name", "Smith");
uri.SetQueryParam("email", "a#a.com");
uri.SetQueryParam("want_shipping", "1");
uri.SetQueryParam("address1", "228 Park Ave S&address2");
uri.SetQueryParam("city", "New York");
uri.SetQueryParam("state", "NY");
uri.SetQueryParam("zip", "10003-1502");
uri.SetQueryParam("country", "US");
uri.SetQueryParam("item_name", "Order 33");
uri.SetQueryParam("quantity", "1");
uri.SetQueryParam("amountf", "100.00000000");
uri.SetQueryParam("shippingf", "0.00000000");
return Redirect(uri.ToString());
This will be redirected to the coinpayment site, once payment done, it is showing the following screen.
And trying to get data when user click on back to seller's site, I have tried to get data using Request.Form, but not getting any value in form.
The same thing, working with this woocommerce code, but I have no idea of PHP and how they are dealing with it.
Any thought to get IPN response?
Note: there is no development documentation or sample code available for IPN in .NET
I'm trying to get value from IPN success
Public ActionResult SuccessResponse()
var ipn_version = Request.Form["ipn_version"];
var ipn_id = Request.Form["ipn_id"];
var ipn_mode = Request.Form["ipn_mode"];
var merchant = Request.Form["merchant"];
var txn_id = Request.Form["txn_id"];
var status = Request.Form["status"];
return Content(status);
You cannot use localhost for a IPN callback. You must use a public domain name.
As an example I would change the following parameters:
var uri = new UriBuilder("https://www.coinpayments.net/api.php");
uri.SetQueryParam("success_url", "http://kugugshivom-001-site1.atempurl.com/Home/SuccessResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("cancel_url", "http://kugugshivom-001-site1.atempurl.com/Home/FailiureResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "http://kugugshivom-001-site1.atempurl.com/Home/CoinPaymentsIPN"); // Public ActionResult CoinPaymentsIPN()
Since you are creating your own gateway you also need to implement it properly as described in the documentation at CoinPayments API and Instant Payment Notifications (IPN).
I have tested your success_url endpoint, and got status code: 100 (when entering status:100). I see you use form-data, but I don't know if that's on purpose / required.
Postman POST http://kugugshivom-001-site1.atempurl.com/Home/SuccessResponse
In Body tab form-data is selected with Bulk Edit values:
As updated answer stated by #Gillsoft AB, you should need to use valid IPN URL from the code end. Also webhook would not work with localhost. thus, you should listen the request with live server.
Simplest way to check webhook response is to use online tool such as Webhook Tester, it will provide an URL which you have to set as your IPN URL, whenever server will sends the data, you can simply see it to the web. To check that, create one URL and set as your IPN URL as below:
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "https://webhook.site/#/457f5c55-c9ce-4db4-8f57-20194c17d0ae");
After that run the payment cycle from local machine, payment server will sends notification to that IPN URL.
Make sure you understood it right! success_url and cancel_url are for user redirection, you will not get any response code over there, inspection of seller's store URL give your exact same URL that you have been passing though, so it is recommended to use unique URLs for each order(i.e add order id at last to the URL) which will give you an idea which order payment has been done or canceled.
In order to test your local code, add following changes and deployed it to server.
1) Add one new method which will listen IPN response
public ActionResult IPNHandler()
byte[] param = Request.BinaryRead(Request.ContentLength);
string strRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(param);
//TODO: print string request
//nothing should be rendered to visitor
return Content("");
2) Pass IPN URL while creating a request:
public ActionResult IPN()
var uri = new UriBuilder("https://www.coinpayments.net/index.php");
uri.SetQueryParam("success_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/SuccessResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("cancel_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/FailiureResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/IPNHandler");
return Redirect(uri.ToString());
You will get all status code responses in IPNHandler method.
Hope this helps!
I have an ASP.net core API that has one controller. There are two relevant methods. The first Is LoginGet, which takes in a long token through the URL. Once the token is parsed through a separate core authentication API, the long token is stored like so:
Request.HttpContext.Session.Set(longToken, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringResult));
Then, the API generates a GUID for the user to store in session storage. After the user retrieves that GUID, they can pass it through GetAll, which filters through a database only picking out the data that correlates to the user that passed through the GUID. That means the API has to take the GUID, and compare it to the long token that was stored in session at the LoginGet request.
The Good
It all works when I hit these request from my localhost. Here is the series of request I make:
First I hit LoginGet():
That returns a GUID like this:
Then I hit GetAll():
That returns my json data
The Bad
The above example works! So what's wrong? When I do those exact same request (but with a different random GUID) from my Angular 2 application which is being served locally on a different port (http://localhost:3000/), LoginGet() is successful and returns a new GUID, but when I make the second request, GetAll(), immediately after the first, while debugging, I see that the Session has changed on the API, as if I were doing the second request from a new browser, or I just cleared my cookies.
This was not the case when I was simply making these calls from the browser, myself, manually. I have my request being console logged on the front end, and I get the exact same request URLs as I explained above.
I feel like this has to be an issue with how I am making the request on the front end. But I don't see how that could be the case. Even with routing, my session should remain the same.
Here are the two request methods relevant to this issue (Angular 2)
public Get(): Observable<{}> {
let newQuery = 'http://localhost:5000/api/picker?ath=' + sessionStorage.getItem('user.token');
return this.http.get(newQuery).map(this.extractData)
public GetLogin(longToken: string) {
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
let body = JSON.stringify({ password: longToken });
return this.http.get('http://localhost:5000/api/picker/login?token=' + longToken);
The order of operations for those request go like so:
1. A longToken is given by the user
2. The long token is passed to GetLogin(longToken)
3. The result is returned and immediately subscribed to.
4. On success, the generated GUID from the API is set in sessionStorage
5. The appilication routes to a different component (this.router.navigateByUrl('/library?pvy=me'))
6. After routing, in library component ngOnInit, Get() is called and uses the GUID stored in sessionStorage.
7. The result is immediately subscribed to in the library component.
That's It
What could be happening in my Angular 2 App that changes the session on the API? Or am just completely lost on how Sessions work in .net core?
What I found out is that when hitting the API externally, from the browser Address bar, Headers were being generated automatically. Which means the cookies from the session could be stored there. When I was calling my Get() method from the angular 2 App, I wasn't adding a header to my request, so the API assumed it was a new session.
My new Get() method on the angular 2 app:
public Get(): Observable<{}> {
let newQuery = 'http://localhost:5000/api/picker?ath=' + sessionStorage.getItem('user.token');
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
return this.http.get(newQuery, options).map(this.extractData)
I've been trying to set up PayPal Webhooks (in Sandbox mode) to receive notifications about declined and successful payments. My problem is that I can't get validation working. Some details about my attempts:
The app is an OWIN self-hosted Web API 2.
Hosted as an Azure Web App, tested on Azure as well.
I set the Paypal Webhook receiver URL in the Paypal dashboard to the URL of my endpoint on Azure.
I used the Paypal Webhooks simulator from the Paypal dashboard to send a message to the Azure endpoint.
I tried listening for Webhook calls two ways:
ASP.NET Webhook Receivers (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2015/09/04/introducing-microsoft-asp-net-webhooks-preview.aspx), which didn't work. I get the error message "WebHook validation failed: "
Tried creating a Web API endpoint to receive and validate the request, didn't work either. Code here:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PaymentCaptureCompleted()
// Get the received request's headers
NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection();
foreach (var item in Request.Headers)
nvc.Add(item.Key, string.Join(",", item.Value));
// Get the received request's body
var requestBody = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var isValid = WebhookEvent.ValidateReceivedEvent(Api, nvc, requestBody, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["paypal.webhook.id"]);
if (isValid)
return Ok();
return BadRequest("Could not validate request");
There are a lot more details to this of course, but I'm not sure how much information is required to answer my question. Just let me know what you need and I'll edit this question.
Please refer PayPal Dot Net SDK for code samples. https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-NET-SDK
Also if your simulator is not working, to rule out if there is something wrong with the configuration of webhook or the azure, you may want to use Runscope. Ypu can configure a Runscope bucket as a webhook endpoint and If you are getting a webhook notification there, you may need to make changes in the Azure config.
Really don`t go to the documentation. It is old but objects is still good.
You can use WebhookEvent class for it.
Just use this action in your controller.
public JsonResult Index(WebhookEvent event)
// event has all the data
return Json(new { success = true });
Validation does not work for either IPN sandbox nor Webhook events from the mock. It's stated in the PayPal documentation. Validation only works on the production environment of PayPal.
Wrap WebhookEvent.ValidateReceivedEvent in a try catch. If the call fails, it can just hang without that. The exception will show you the error.
var isValid = WebhookEvent.ValidateReceivedEvent(apiContext, nv, requestBody, hookId);
catch(Exception e)
In my case the exception said "Unable to load trusted certificate"
I'm developing a feature for our product that will allow users to send SMS messages via Twilio and we handle all of the account issues. We have our Master Account and all of our customers will be sub accounts under us.
In an effort to not have to keep track of 1000+ auth tokens, we decided to use our Master Account credentials to send the SMS message however we still want it to roll up under the sub account. According to Twilio, this shouldn't be an issue.
My problem is that there is very little (that I've found) documentation for the c# library they provide. I'm not sure if what I've done is the correct way to accomplish what I described above and since I'm on a trial account until the project is finished and can be rolled out to production I have no way of testing.
var twilio = new TwilioRestClient("Master SID", "Master Auth Token");
var response = twilio.SendSmsMessage(sender, recipient.ConvertToE164Format(), message, null, "Subaccount SID");
The comment on this overload isn't really clear on if passing the subaccounts SID here will send the message as if I had logged into their account and sent it.
// applicationSid:
// Twilio will POST SmsSid as well as SmsStatus=sent or SmsStatus=failed to
// the URL in the SmsStatusCallback property of this Application. If the StatusCallback
// parameter above is also passed, the Application's SmsStatusCallback parameter
// will take precedence.
The callback url will be the same across all accounts so I don't need/care about that value.
Short Version:
If I log in with my Master Account details but pass the subaccount SID in the SendSmsMessage() method, which account does the message come from?
Twilio support finally got back to me and confirmed my fears that this wouldn't work. I do have to pull the subaccount information down and reinstantiate the twilioRestClient with the new credentials which I was hoping I could get away with not doing. Just a few extra lines.
var twilio = new TwilioRestClient("Master SID", "Master Auth Token");
var subAccount = twilio.GetAccount("SubAccount SID");
var subAccountClient = new TwilioRestClient(subAccount.Sid, subAccount.AuthToken);
var response = subAccountClient.SendSmsMessage(sender, recipient.ConvertToE164Format(), message);
return response.Sid;
I have some JavaScript that logs in a Facebook user and saves the access token to a database:
window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
appId: '<%=FaceBookApplicationId() %>',
status: false, // check login status
cookie: true,
oauth: true
function facebookLogin() {
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
__doPostBack('__Page', 'FacebookDeliveryButton: ' + JSON.stringify(response.authResponse));
} else {
console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');
}, { scope: 'offline_access,read_stream,publish_stream,user_photos' });
A button click fires facebookLogin() which logs in a facebook user, getting a facebook session that includes an access token, which I JSON serialize and post to the server. The server then saves this access token to the database table FacebookDeliveryQueue.
I have a Windows service running that periodically queries the FacebookDeliveryQueue table and attempts to post on a user's wall using the access token we saved earlier:
IQueryable<FacebookDeliveryQueue> toSend = objectContext.FacebookDeliveryQueues.Where(p => !p.IsDelivered);
foreach (FacebookDeliveryQueue facebookDeliveryQueueItem in toSend)
string facebookAccessToken = facebookDeliveryQueueItem.Cart.FacebookAccessToken;
string facebookRecipientId = facebookDeliveryQueueItem.Cart.FacebookRecipientId;
var client = new FacebookClient(facebookAccessToken);
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.message = facebookDeliveryQueueItem.Cart.CustomMessageBody;
client.Post(facebookRecipientId + "/feed", parameters);
My problem is, this ONLY works with access tokens from the user that created the facebook application. E.g.
I, the creator of this application, log in and pick one of my friends to send a message to, this info is saved to the database, the service runs, my message is posted to my friend's wall.
I log in on my dummy test account (approving the app permissions on this account), pick one of my dummy test account's friend, this info is saved to the database, the service runs and throws an invalid access token error.
Any ideas why?
Update: Switched to Oauth login -- no change. Still getting "(OAuthException) Invalid access token signature." when attempting to post to friend's wall.
Looks like you're using facebook's old login methods, which they recently just turned off, so your old access tokens aren't valid anymore? And your javascript isn't generating the right kind of token. Read the latest version of the FB.login documentation for more info on what changes you need to make. Specifically,
pass oauth: true to the FB.init call
check for response.authResponse instead of response.session now.
Also, check that your app isn't in "sandbox mode". Go to the app settings page and click on "advanced". Sandbox mode makes it so that only developers can use the app.
The persistence to the database was silently trimming the access token to 75 characters, which in the case of my own user, was enough (small user id because it's an old account) -- but five characters too short in the case of my test account which has a very large user id.