I have inserted two json document using documentdb and have them in a list named Hotelwithroomtype.I want to update the created json document with some new values and then recreate them as new document. Here's my code
foreach (var item in Hotelwithroomtype)
foreach (var cal in Calendardata)
item.CalendarDate = Convert.ToDateTime(cal.CalendarDate);
item.CalendarDay = cal.Calendarday;
item.issweekday = Convert.ToBoolean(cal.isweekday);
item.issweekend = Convert.ToBoolean(cal.isweekend);
foreach (var prop in item.RoomTypes.RoomTypeList)
prop.Mon = "0";
prop.Tue = "0";
prop.Wed = "0";
prop.Thur = "0";
prop.Fri = "0";
prop.Sat = "0";
prop.Sun = "0";
prop.Count = "0";
prop.CountType = "0";
// var docExists = client.CreateDocumentQuery(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri("next", "nextCollection"))
//.Where(doc => doc.Id == item.id)
//.Select(doc => doc.Id)
await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collectionLink, item);
sample Json document which i inserted
"HotelCriteria": {
"HotelCode": "101920",
"HotelName": "TestThe Zuri"
"RoomTypes": {
"RoomTypeList": [
"InvTypeCode": "ZCR",
"Name": "Zuri Club Room",
"BaseOccupancy": 2,
"MaxOccupancy": 3,
"Quantity": 66,
"IsRoomActive": 1,
"RoomDescription": "",
"Availability": 0,
"Mon": "0",
"Tue": "0",
"Wed": "0",
"Thur": "0",
"Fri": "0",
"Sat": "0",
"Sun": "0",
"CountType": "0",
"Count": "0"
"InvTypeCode": "ZRR",
"Name": "Zuri Room",
"BaseOccupancy": 2,
"MaxOccupancy": 3,
"Quantity": 90,
"IsRoomActive": 1,
"RoomDescription": "",
"Availability": 0,
"Mon": "0",
"Tue": "0",
"Wed": "0",
"Thur": "0",
"Fri": "0",
"Sat": "0",
"Sun": "0",
"CountType": "0",
"Count": "0"
"InvTypeCode": "ZSR",
"Name": "Zuri Suite Room",
"BaseOccupancy": 2,
"MaxOccupancy": 3,
"Quantity": 4,
"IsRoomActive": 1,
"RoomDescription": "",
"Availability": 0,
"Mon": "0",
"Tue": "0",
"Wed": "0",
"Thur": "0",
"Fri": "0",
"Sat": "0",
"Sun": "0",
"CountType": "0",
"Count": "0"
"RatePlans": {
"RatePlanList": [
"RatePlanCode": "B2C00001",
"RatePlanCategory": "B2C",
"RatePlanStatusType": 1,
"RatePlanName": "Channel Rates",
"Description": "Channel Rates",
"InvTypeCode": "ZCR",
"MealPlanCode": "CP",
"MealPlanDesc": "Continental Plan",
"Start": "2016-06-27",
"End": "2017-03-31",
"CurrencyCode": "INR"
"RatePlanCode": "B2C00001",
"RatePlanCategory": "B2C",
"RatePlanStatusType": 1,
"RatePlanName": "Channel Rates",
"Description": "Channel Rates",
"InvTypeCode": "ZRR",
"MealPlanCode": "CP",
"MealPlanDesc": "Continental Plan",
"Start": "2016-06-27",
"End": "2017-03-31",
"CurrencyCode": "INR"
"RatePlanCode": "B2C00001",
"RatePlanCategory": "B2C",
"RatePlanStatusType": 1,
"RatePlanName": "Channel Rates",
"Description": "Channel Rates",
"InvTypeCode": "ZSR",
"MealPlanCode": "CP",
"MealPlanDesc": "Continental Plan",
"Start": "2016-06-27",
"End": "2017-03-31",
"CurrencyCode": "INR"
"Inclusions": {
"InclusionList": [
"MealPlanCode": "CP",
"MealPlanDesc": "Continental Plan"
"id": "8f236805-d3a5-498b-9cc3-efa7448faa63",
"_self": "dbs/SVcZAA==/colls/SVcZALakfQA=/docs/SVcZALakfQAEAAAAAAAAAA==/",
"_etag": "\"00004b09-0000-0000-0000-594a02e80000\"",
"_attachments": "attachments/",
"_ts": 1498022618
I want the current document with updated values but need them as a new document.When i tried to create i get the following error "Resource with specified id or name already exists".Any help would be really appreciated.
You are trying to instead a new document with id equal to id of the existing document. This is not allowed, so operation fails. Before you insert the modified copy, you need to assign a new id to it.
I am using the linqtotwitter (v3.1.2) library to stream tweets into an app but we don't want to process retweets. When I received a retweet the properties retweeted and RetweetedStatus.ID are always false and 0.
Is this a bug in the library? I have looked at the source code in GitHub and it looks like it should work.
At the moment I just checking to see if the tweet starts with "RT " but that isn't 100% accurate of course.
This appears to be a bug in the library. I have coded around the issue by checking if the tweet text begins with "RT ". Not ideal but it worked for my purpose.
The Twitter API sets retweeted to false, which is why the Retweeted property in the returned Status entity is false. Given this, there are two things you can do to track Retweets:
You can check for the tweets starting with RT like you do because some people still do retweets like this, rather than clicking the Retweet button.
Look at the RetweetedStatus property of the Status entity. If it is a retweet, this will be a valid Status instance. If it is not a retweet, RetweetedStatus will be null.
Like I said, the Twitter API is sending false. Here's the raw JSON for a retweet:
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Notice at the bottom of the JSON that retweeted is false, yet retweeted_status clearly has an associated JSON object. On this particular tweet, I did click the Twitter Retweet button, shown here:
Note: You can access the JSON of any query by examining the TwitterContext instance RawResult after the query completes.
I'm worinkg with instagram API and when I'm receiving recent media with any hashtag by this template:
I'm receiving data like this:
"pagination": {
"next_max_tag_id": "any_number",
"deprecation_warning": "next_max_id and min_id are deprecated for this endpoint; use min_tag_id and max_tag_id instead",
"next_max_id": "any_number",
"next_min_id": "any_number",
"min_tag_id": "any_number",
"next_url": "https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/{hashtag}/media/recent?access_token={my_personal_access-token}"
"meta": {
"code": 200
"data": [
"attribution": null,
"tags": [
"type": "image",
"location": null,
"comments": {
"count": 0,
"data": []
"filter": "Normal",
"created_time": "any_number",
"link": "any_url",
"likes": {
"count": 0,
"data": []
"images": {
"low_resolution": {
"url": "any_url",
"width": 320,
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"url": "any_url",
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"height": 150
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"url": "any_url",
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"users_in_photo": [],
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"username": "any_username",
"profile_picture": "any_url",
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"full_name": "any_full_name"
"id": "any_number"
"user_has_liked": false,
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"full_name": "any_full_name"
and so on.
As You can see, object "data" is an Array, and further we can see object "tags", which is also array. how can I check number elements array of array in C#? i tried like this:
JArray items = (JArray)jsonData["data[0].tags"];
int length = items.Count;
but it doesn't work. I parse JSON like this:
dynamic jsonData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(JSON_string);
var token = JToken.Parse(str);
var data = token.Value<JArray>("data");
var tags = data[0].Value<JArray>("tags");
var count = tags.Count;
You can also use a JsonPath:
var token = JToken.Parse(str);
var count = token.SelectTokens("$.data[0].tags[*]").Count();