I calculated distance between a unit and a building, I put the distance inside a struct[] and sorted the distance smallest to largest. The AI goes to the closest building each time and this works as it is. Now my question is I want to add a check and remove the last line of code thats hardcoded to index 0. I want the AI to go to the next index each time the current index runs out of resources. How would i go about doing this? The struct populates with sorted distances each time the AI selects the closest building to bring resources from.
Would it be an if statement inside the for loop? Or another for loop with an if statement? Or do you change the indexes in the struct if the building is exhausted of resources?
Destination2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Storehouses"); // storehouse distance should be based off production
Vector3 position = transform.position;
for (int i = 0; i < Destination2.Length; i++) // put in 10 storehouses, find the closest distance to the colonist
buildingInformation[i].buildingID2 = Destination2[i]; // stores game objects 0,1
Vector3 direction = (Destination2[i].transform.position - position);
float distance = direction.sqrMagnitude;
buildingInformation[i].buildingDistance2 = distance;
Array.Sort<BuildingInformation>(buildingInformation, (x, y) => x.buildingDistance2.CompareTo(y.buildingDistance2));// smallest to largest
Supplier = buildingInformation[0].buildingID2;
Some Linqy pseudocode on how I'd approach it:
destination = storehouses
.OrderBy( storehouse.distance )
.FirstOrDefault( storehouse.contains(item) )
Although you're probably better off doing a single-pass iteration:
SomeType destination
foreach storehouse in storehouses
if ( storehouse.contains(item) )
if ( destination is null || storehouse.distance < destination.distance )
destination = storehouse
I've been working on a small project for some days, everything was working fine until I changed my "map" implementation to be the same as in the game (Dofus) I'm based on (it's a little helper for the community).
Basically, I've a grid layout rotated at 45° (see image below), contructed from top left to bottom right. Every cell as an xIndex and zIndex to represent where it is (xIndex ; zIndex) on the image, and I just want to get the distance between two cells, without traveling diagonally.
As I tried to explain on the picture:
GetDistanceBetweenTiles(A, B) should be 3
GetDistanceBetweenTiles(A, C) should be 5
GetDistanceBetweenTiles(B, C) should be 2
I found the "Manhattan distance" which looks like it is what I want, but it's not giving me the values above.
Here is the code:
private int GetDistanceBetweenTiles(MovableObject a, MovableObject b)
//int dist = Mathf.Abs(a.xIndex - b.xIndex) + Mathf.Abs(a.zIndex - b.zIndex);
int minX = a.xIndex < b.xIndex ? a.xIndex : b.xIndex;
int maxX = a.xIndex > b.xIndex ? a.xIndex : b.xIndex;
int minZ = a.zIndex < b.zIndex ? a.zIndex : b.zIndex;
int maxZ = a.zIndex > b.zIndex ? a.zIndex : b.zIndex;
int distX = (maxX - minX);
int distZ = (maxZ - minZ);
int dist = Mathf.Abs(maxX - minX) + Mathf.Abs(maxZ - minZ);
print($"Distance between {a.name} and {b.name} is {dist}");
return dist;
Any help would be gladly appreciated.
If it can help, here is the project working with the first map implementation I did (but not translated yet).
Let make new coordinates in inclined rows with simple formulae:
row = z/2 - x ("/" for **integer division**)
col = z - row
Now we can just calculate Manhattan distance as
abs(row2 - row1) + abs(col2 - col1)
For your example
x z r c
4, 2 => -3, 5
1, 4 => 1, 4
distance = (1-(-3)) + (5-4) = 4 + 1 = 5
To explain: your grid rotated by 45 degrees:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 \column
40|41 row -4
30|31|42|43 row -3
20|21|32|33|44|45 row -2
10|11|22|23|34|35|46|47 row -1
00|01|12|13|24|15|36|37|48 row 0
02|03|14|15|26|27|38 row 1
04|05|16|17|28 row 2
06|07|18 row 3
The "No-Maths" solution
I maybe have a workaround solution for you. I'm kind of a lazy person and very bad in maths ... so I usually let Unity do the maths for me in situations like yours ;)
For that you would need one dedicated GameObject that is rotated in the way that it represents the grid "rotation" so 0,45,0.
Then - since your tiles move always in steps of exactly 1 just in the rotated coordinate system - you could inetad of using an index based distance rather directly compare the absolute positions using Transform.InverseTransformPoint in order to get the positions relative to that rotated object.
InverseTransformPoint retuns as said the given world position in the local space of the used transform so that if the object was originally placed at e.g. x=1, z=1 in our rotated local space it will have the position z=1.1414..., x=0.
I simply attached this component to my rotated object .. actually I totate in Awake just to be sure ;)
public class PositionsManager : MonoBehaviour
// I know .. singleton pattern .. buuu
// but that's the fastest way to prototype ;)
public static PositionsManager Singleton;
private void Awake()
// just for making sure this object is at world origin
transform.position = Vector3.zero;
// rotate the object liek you need it
// possible that in your case you rather wanted -45°
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 45, 0);
// since InverseTransformPoint is affacted by scale
// just make sure this object has the default scale
transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
// set the singleton so we can easily access this reference
Singleton = this;
public Vector2Int GetDistance(Transform from, Transform to)
var localPosFrom = transform.InverseTransformPoint(from.position);
var localPosTo = transform.InverseTransformPoint(to.position);
// Now you can simply get the actual position distance and return
// them as vector2 so you can even still see the components
// seperately
var difference = localPosTo - localPosFrom;
// since you are using X-Z not X-Y you have to convert the vector "manually"
return new Vector2Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(difference.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(difference.z));
public int GetAbsoluteDistance(Transform from, Trasnform to)
var difference = GetDistance(from, to);
return Mathf.Abs(difference.x) + Mathf.Abs(difference.y);
Now when you need to get the absolute distance you could simply do
var difference = PositionsManager.Singleton.GetDistance(objectA.transform, objectB.transform);
var absoluteDistance = PositionsManager.Singleton.GetAbsoluteDistance(objectA.transform, objectB.transform);
Little Demo (used a chess board drawer since I had that ^^)
The maths solution
It just came to me while writing the upper explenation:
You already know your steps between the tiles: It is allways Mathf.Sqrt(2)!
So again you could simply use the absolute positions in your world and compare them like
private float Sqrt2;
private void Awake()
Sqrt2 = Mathf.Sqrt(2);
// devide the actual difference by Sqrt(2)
var difference = (objectA.position - objectB.position) / Mathf.Sqrt(2);
// again set the Vector2 manually since we use Z not Y
// This step is optional if you anyway aren't interrested in the Vector2
// distance .. jsut added it for completeness
// You might need the rounding part though
var fixedDifference = new Vector2Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(difference.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(difference.z));
// get the absolute difference
var absoluteDistance = Mathf.Abs(fixedDifference.x) + Mathf.Abs(fixedDifference.y);
still completely without having to deal with the indexes at all.
I've been programming an ability for a Hack n Slash which needs to check Units within a pie slice (or inbetween two angles with max length). But I'm stuck on how to check whether an unit is within the arc.
Scenario (Not enough, rep for an image sorry im new)
I currently use Physics2D.OverlapSphere() to get all of the objects within the maximum range. I then loop through all of the found objects to see whether they are within the two angles I specify. Yet this has janky results, probably because angles don't like negative values and value above 360.
How could I make this work or is there a better way to do this?
I probably need to change the way I check whether the angle is within the bounds.
Thanks in advance guys! I might respond with some delay as I won't be at my laptop for a couple hours.
Here is the code snippet:
public static List<EntityBase> GetEntitiesInArc(Vector2 startPosition, float angle, float angularWidth, float radius)
var colliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(startPosition, radius, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Entity"));
var targetList = new List<EntityBase>();
var left = angle - angularWidth / 2f;
var right = angle + angularWidth / 2f;
foreach (var possibleTarget in colliders)
if (possibleTarget.GetComponent<EntityBase>())
var possibleTargetAngle = Vector2.Angle(startPosition, possibleTarget.transform.position);
if (possibleTargetAngle >= left && possibleTargetAngle <= right)
return targetList;
Vector2.Angle(startPosition, possibleTarget.transform.position);
This is wrong. Imagine a line from the scene origin (0,0) to startPosition and a line to the transform.position. Vector2.Angle is giving you the angle between those two lines, which is not what you want to measure.
What you actually want is to give GetEntitiesInArc a forward vector then get the vector from the origin to the target position (var directionToTarget = startPosition - possibleTarget.transform.position) and measure Vector2.Angle(forward, directionToTarget).
I'm working on an isometric game (diamond grid) and I've stumbled across a minor problem regarding a character movement.
I'm using A* to find a path between 2 points and then I want to move my character from point A to point B going through all the tiles which form the path but I can't find a way to do this , I mean a simpler and accurate method.
So far I've scrapped this piece of code but it's kinda "rusty"
public void Destination(tile destination)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (AdjacentTile[i] == destination)
characterDirection = i;
animation.changeSpriteDirection(characterDirection); //After I found which adjacent tile is the next destination I change the character direction based on it's position (1 = North , 2 = Nort Est etc) .. so the Y of the Animation_sourceRectangle it's changed//
Vector2 Position;
Position.X = current_characterTile.X - destination.X;
Position.Y = current_characterTile.Y - destination.Y;
rotation = (float)Math.Atan2(-Position.X, Position.Y);
moveVector = (Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(0, -1), Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation))) * characterSpeed;
movingCommand = 1; // the character is supposed to be moving..
Move(); //this function moves the sprite until the *tile.i and tile.j* of the character is the same as tile.j and tile.i of the destination
//something like this
if ( characterTile.i == destination.i && characterTile.j == destination.j)
movingCommand = 0 //stop
character_Position += moveVector;
If anyone could give me a hint on what to do or help me I'll be very grateful.
Thank You.
At each tile, determine the character's speed vector and also determine how much time it will take for the character to move to next tile. When that time elapses, immediately begin moving to the next tile. (This is what I implemented below.)
At each tile, determine the character's speed vector. Then, when the character is sufficiently close to the next tile (say, the difference between their X and Y coordinates is less than 2 pixels?), snap it to the tile and begin moving to the next tile. This will causes artifacts and be in general less precise.
A solution:
Let's assume you already ran your pathfinding algorithm and found a linked list of a tiles that you must go through to arrive at target. Let's also assume those tiles cannot become blocked partway through the movement (it is simple to modify the algorithm if they can, though).
I usually do something like this to handle this problem:
Run the pathfinding algorithm, which returns a List, if a path
character.Path = theListThatAStarReturned;
The beginMovingToTarget() method will determine the velocity vector and also determine the the time needed to arrive at the tile. When the time is reached, we immediately go to the next tile, until the Path is empty. Let's call this time variable character.timeToArrival.
if (!character.Moving) return; // Or just don't execute the rest of this code.
character.position += character.speed * elapsedSeconds;
character.timeToArrival -= elapsedSeconds;
// Did the character arrive in a tile?
if (character.timeToArrival <= 0)
// This will ensure the character is precisely in the tile, not a few pixels veered off.
character.position = character.movingToTile.position;
if (character.Path.Count == 0)
character.Moving = false;
// We are at final destination.
And the beginMovingToTarget(targetTile) function:
this.movingToTile = targetTile;
Vector2 direction;
direction = targetTile.position - this.position;
this.timeToArrival = direction.Length() / this.speedPerSeconds;
direction *= this.speedPerSeconds;
this.speed = direction;
// Here, you may also want to change the character's animation, if you want to, or you may do that directly in the Draw() method based on its speed vector.
Make sure the division is in floats, not integers.
I have a List of vectors and a PlayerVector I just want to know how I can find the nearest Vector to my PlayerVector in my List.
Here are my variables:
List<Vector2> Positions;
Vector2 Player;
The variables are already declared and all, I just need a simple code that will search for the nearest position to my player. Isn't there a simple way?
Since you don't need the exact distance (just a relative comparison), you can skip the square-root step in the Pythagorean distance formula:
Vector2? closest = null;
var closestDistance = float.MaxValue;
foreach (var position in Positions) {
var distance = Vector2.DistanceSquared(position, Player);
if (!closest.HasValue || distance < closestDistance) {
closest = position;
closestDistance = distance;
// closest.Value now contains the closest vector to the player
Create a int called distanceToPlayer, set it to 0.
Create a int called nearestObject set it to 0.
Loop through all the objects with a for loop. It is slightly faster than a foreach loop, and is more useful in this situation.
In the loop:
Get the distance with Vector2.Distance, and check it against distanceToPlayer, if less, then store the index number of the object in nearestObject, and store the new distance in distanceToPlayer.
After the loop is done, you will have the distance in whole pixels, and the index of the item in the list stored. You can access the item using Positions[index].
I'm writing it from memory, because I don't have access to XNA now:
Vector2 nerrest = Positions.Select(vect => new { distance= vect.Distance(Player), vect})
.OrderBy(x => x.distance)
Little tips:
In this solution you probably can use PLINQ to gain little speedup on distance computing.
I load multiple meshs from .x files in different mesh variables.
Now I would like to calculate the bounding sphere across all the meshes I have loaded (and which are being displayed)
Please guide me how this could be achieved.
Can VertexBuffers be appended togather in one variable and the boundingSphere be computed using that? (if yes how are they vertexBuffers added togather)
Otherwise what alternative would you suggest!?
Its surprisingly easy to do this:
You need to, firstly, average all your vertices. This gives you the center position.
This is done as follows in C++ (Sorry my C# is pretty rusty but it should give ya an idea):
const rcpNum = 1.0f / (float)numVerts; // Do this here as divides are far more epxensive than multiplies.
int count = 0;
while( count < numVerts )
// Instead of adding everything up and then dividing by the number (which could lead
// to overflows) I'll divide by the number as I go along. The result is the same.
avgPos.x += vert[count].pos.x * rcpNum;
avgPos.y += vert[count].pos.y * rcpNum;
avgPos.z += vert[count].pos.z * rcpNum;
Now you need to go through every vert and work out which vert is the furthest away from the center point.
Something like this would work (in C++):
float maxSqDist = 0.0f;
int count = 0;
while( count < numVerts )
D3DXVECTOR3 diff = avgPos - vert[count].pos;
// Note we may as well use the square length as the sqrt is very expensive and the
// maximum square length will ALSO be the maximum length and yet we only need to
// do one sqrt this way :)
const float sqDist = D3DXVec3LengthSq( diff );
if ( sqDist > maxSqDist )
maxSqDist = sqDist;
const float radius = sqrtf( maxSqDist );
And you now have your center position (avgPos) and your radius (radius) and, thus, all the info you need to define a bounding sphere.
I have an idea, what I would do is that I would determine the center of every single mesh object, and then determine the center of the collection of mesh objects by using the aforementioned information ...