.Net Core Razor Pages - Server Side Include - c#

I'm unable to get server side includes (*.html files) working in a .net core razor pages web application. I've made sure to have the appropriate handler in my applicationhost.config, but I'm thinking there's a different issue here. Any help is appreciated.
Why am I doing this? I have multiple web applications sharing the server side include files (for navigation bar, footer, head content, etc..). Each of these different applications may be of different Microsoft web architecture. Our goal is to move everything to .net core, but we have lingering web forms projects to deal with along the way.
I have performed a work around by taking the SSI file contents and using #Html.Raw to serve up the content. This is probably wrong also.

I went ahead and changed the file extension of the html files into cshtml which allowed me to treat these files as partial views. I'm using a prebuild event to copy these files from a shared solution folder into my project Pages/Shared/ssi folder. I also copy those partials into wwwroot/ssi for the other applications to use via SSI. Eventually all of the apps will use the partial views instead.
The problem with this solution is that it is not necessarily clear that all edits need to happen in the shared solution folder instead of directly in the project, but the documentation for the project will address this. I tried using linked files, but only one link to a specific file can be made in a project.
Not a perfect solution (to the problem), but this not a perfect website either.


Controlling access to static files in AspNet.Identity

I am working on an MVC project (.NET Framework 4.7.2) that uses AspNet.Identity to control access to pages. I have some static documentation files generated by TypeDoc that I wanted to be able to control access to. Serving the files proved to be no problem, I just created a wwwroot directory and put the files in there. The files can then be viewed via a URL of the form /wwwroot/index.html (etc.).
However, since these are documenting the code, I wanted to be able to lock this down. I have seen articles on how to do this in .Net Core but have yet to track down how to do things using AspNet.Identity. There is, of course, the laborious way of doing this - i.e. recreating every page as a view with a controller and applying a tag like [Authorize(Roles = "Developer")] to the controller but this would defeat the object of being able to generate these files automatically.
The project has out-of-the box files such as App_Start/Startup.Auth.cs and Controllers/AccountController.cs that include AspNet.Identity code, so I am guessing I may need to put some additional code in one of these.
I also note that serving the static files works despite not adding (or finding) any code like app.UseStaticFiles();, as used in .Net Core.
Any advice/pointers on this would be greatly appreciated!

Cannot access to physical HTML file

I'm migrate my old fashion asp.net MVC application to an angular application.
I've created a subset of .html files that contains templates that will provide the HTML code to build my angular components.
I want to put this html files inside the folder "Views" that already exists on my application. But when I try to access to .html files I receive the following message:
But if I put the .html files outside this folder I can access directly to them:
Can you tell me why this is happening?
There is anyway that I can access to html files inside the folder "Views"?
To make a long story short, the Views folder is a special folder that holds templates used by actions that are routed by ASP.NET MVC. Because of this, you cannot use it to hold files that are meant to be used directly.
I would suggest ditching the .NET Framework all together since you are going Angular.
If that is not an option or you would like to retain ASP.NET MVC functionality, then simply use another folder (like you have already done by moving the Templates folder to the root).
Try adding an explicit ignore in your RouteConfig
That should prevent the default routing from taking effect
To make this work, I suggest you take the html markup in your html file and put it on a .cshtml view, that you will render using a GET action in the home controller for instance (as you would normaly do in the MVC pattern).
The other way to achieve this (which I don't recommend), is to add your html file to a deployable folder (like the js folder for javascript files), and than you can call your file using a direct link, however you will lose any capabilities of the MVC pattern this way.
Hope this helps.
As html files are working in views folder, Can you check the path i.e 'Editor/V2/Templates' after 'Views' folder whether it is correct?

Serve canned offline web content using the Web Browser control

I'm developing a C# replacement for a legacy VB app for my company. The front end is basically a Web Browser control inside of a Windows form, serving offline content which is sometimes altered to include the user's data. Because there are 100 or more web files in the legacy app, we are going to reuse the web UI from the old application with a new C# wrapper around it, modifying them as needed.
My questions are about how to store and deliver the web content.
Does it make sense to copy the web files to a temporary folder and point the Web Browser control to the file:// address of the temporary folder?
Is there some kind of pre-built offline-friendly server framework that makes more sense than copying the files to a temporary folder?
I have the web source files in my project as resources, but I'm not sure if that is appropriate for my uses. Is it?
The legacy VB implementation alters the web files to inject data using Substring methods; it searches for magic strings and replaces them with the appropriate data. That code smells pretty bad, is there a better, more native data injection strategy I should look at?
Some background:
The data is presented using HTML\CSS\JS and also sometimes XSL.
The browser delivers content that is available at compile time.
I'm going to have to handle some events using c# code when users click on buttons of the page.
I'm free to choose whatever approach is necessary to implement the application.
I would probably avoid using a temporary location for the web content it just seems a little crude. If there is no internal linking between your html pages and all the css/js is embedded in one file it may be easier to just use the WebBrowser.DocumentText property.
Another option I have successfully used as a lightweight embedded web server is logv-http, it has a pretty easy to configure syntax. If you want to configure against anything other than localhost it does require administrator privileges but it sounds like everything will be local.
var server = new Server("localhost", 13337);
server.Get("http://localhost:13337" ,(req, res) => res.Write("Hello World!"));
I think the string replaces aren't necessarily bad depends how many there are and how complicated they are trying to be, but for simple find replace it shouldn't be too hard to manage. If there are lots of replaces wrapping them into a RegEx should help performance.
Storing the web content as embedded resources is probably how I would go that way you can read them out at run-time do you pre-processing and then return either via the the web server method or direct into the DocumentText.

Using Same Code in Different Mvc Solutions

I'm using asp.net mvc 3 and .net framework 4.0 with C#
Let's say I have NivoSlider( a slider ) html code. Also it has js, css and image files.
I want to use the NivoSlider cshtml code and js/css/images as "a project" and I want to add it to different MVC solutions. It will become a plugin some-how.
I can't make it a partialview, because I have to move all the css, js and imges files into new solution. I looked at "mvc areas" but it's not rendering my js and css files ( as a matter of fact; using "Areas" is not a perfect way as you know )... I looked up some plugin based architectures, but none-of-them are easy to implement. I have limited time.
So how can I solve this problem ?
EDIT: I can use this http://razorgenerator.codeplex.com/ - But I'm looking for another solutions if you came up with an idea...
You could create a private Nuget and create a small installation for it. That way you can install, update, and uninstall directly from the package.
You can even make a localized package that you copy between computers. Nuget has a very easy way to specify where you want to extract files to, and what files you want to extract.
I'm using razor generator in a commercial project and it's functional but not ideal.
Other possibilities I considered are Add files as link (see Nameless One's answer)
Also overriding the ViewEngine
Can I specify a custom location to "search for views" in ASP.NET MVC?
Or even symbolic links (shortcut links to folders in windows)
As recommended above, Razor views can be embedded into assembly as compiled class (by using Razor Generator).
Static resources as .html, .js, .png can be located in the assemble as embedded resource and served by application via VirtualPathProvider (custom or use existing one like https://github.com/mcintyre321/EmbeddedResourceVirtualPathProvider)
Compile your asp.net mvc Razor views into a seperate dll
I wanted to be able to embed compiled Razor views in a dll. This would allow for easy distribution of asp.net mvc ‘modules’ that have their default views embedded, but allowing you to place files in your ‘views’ folder to override those default views.

How to deploy an ASP.NET project so that there is no code in the .aspx files?

I've recently become the maintainer of an ASP.NET web project. In the course of deploying some changes, we noticed that at some point the way the project deploys has changed. The project is a web application project. Currently, when I "Publish" it to my local machine, I can open the various .aspx files and see some code--a little ASP, mostly JavaScript, but the majority of the code seems to be compiled into a .dll.
What we would like is to build and deploy this application so that there is no code in the .aspx files--this is how it used to work, before the previous dev stopped maintaining it. There should be no code in the .aspx files at all, just a reference to the compiled .dll files.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about and how to set it up?
EDIT If it helps, it looks like the older version of the app just had text in the .aspx files that said "This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and should not be deleted!" That is what I'm going for.
If you want to do this for your Website just Pre-compile your project for deployment only. You can check out the exact steps in this MSDN article
This will move all the codebehind files into the .dll and create .aspx.compiled files as pointers to the compiled versions in the .dll. Sounds like thats what was being done before.
The code shouldn't be visible from the client's browser.
Any code that in a code-behind will get compiled to a .dll which the pages in the application would reference. The actual code-behind files shouldn't get published with the .aspx files.
.NET code within the .aspx files shouldn't be visible on the client-side because it has no use on the client-side. It should be executed on the server-side to render HTML output to the client. If the .NET code is visible on the client-side in this case, it means the server isn't executing it and the site is essentially broken.
JavaScript code, of course, needs to be visible on the client-side. There are ways to obfuscate it, but the browser needs to see it in order to execute it. So in this case that code should be developed with the full understanding that it is publicly visible and nothing proprietary or compromising should be included in it.
JavaScript code has to exist on the client side, so that has to be on the server. Inline ASP code? I'd look into rewriting that into .NET.
In order to achieve no code in the .aspx files you need to write all the code in the code behind. You use the asp.net events in the life cycle to perform the generation of client code. For example, dynamically generated HTML and javascript could be generated in the Page_Load and written out as a Response. Any asp.net that you may use needs to be dynamically generated in the code behind with everything else.
You will still push HTML and javascript to the client, but all the code will be in assemblies/dll's except the header info in the aspx pages. I have only done this in the context of a web service ( RESTful) where I pushed out XML to an iPhone for consumption. Doing it for a full website may prove to be quite cumbersome.
It doesn't make sense to do this if the concern is security. Moving the code to an assembly is not much more secure than the aspx page. If the concern is to remain concise, I suggest moving to ASP.NET MVC 3.

