I'm using iText 7 for printing some text in List (in Hebrew) to PDF file, but while printing the Hebrew characters are printed in a reverse way.
The input given was "קניון אם הדרך" while the data printed in PDF is "ךרדה םא ןוינק"
I have set the font encoding and the base direction for the elements but still the characters are printed in the reverse order.
Code to print list into the table in PDF:
public void PrintListData(string filename)
var writer = new PdfWriter(filename);
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(writer);
Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc, PageSize.A4);
Table table = new Table(UnitValue.CreatePercentArray(2)).UseAllAvailableWidth();
var index = 1;
foreach (var item in _data)
var para = new Paragraph(item);
Set font function
void SetFont(Document doc)
FontSet _defaultFontSet = new FontSet();
var fontFolders = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts);
_defaultFontSet.AddFont(System.IO.Path.Combine(fontFolders, "arial.ttf"), PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H);
_defaultFontSet.AddFont(System.IO.Path.Combine(fontFolders, "arialbd.ttf"), PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H);
doc.SetFontProvider(new FontProvider(_defaultFontSet));
doc.SetProperty(Property.FONT, new String[] { "MyFontFamilyName" });
//doc.SetProperty(Property.BASE_DIRECTION, BaseDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT);
I'm not sure to where should we set the text direction to print RTL.
I have a pdf document where I am filling all the values using the below code.
using(MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
// Fill the PDF with the XFA
using(PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(oInPDF, ms))
stamper.Writer.CloseStream = false;
XfaForm.SetXfa(oXFA, stamper.Reader, stamper.Writer);
// Code for Flatten the filled PDF.
I am trying to draw a box in red around the value displayed to highlight when the values are not in the expected range.
I would like to know, how do I locate the position of a control on a pdf page using iTextSharp and C#.
Any help or info on this, much appreciated.
Many Thanks.
Finally managed to draw borders around controls with below code.
XmlDocument newXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
newXMLDoc.LoadXml(#"<border><edge thickness=""1.3mm""><color value=""0, 0, 255""/></edge></border>");
if (Rs.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow query in Rs.Rows)
if (oXFA.DomDocument.SelectSingleNode("//t:*[#name='" + Rs[0] + "']", oNameSpace) != null)
XmlNode newNode =
oXFA.DomDocument.ImportNode(newXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("border"), true);
oXFA.DomDocument.SelectSingleNode("//t:*[#name='" + Rs[0] + "']", oNameSpace).AppendChild(newNode);
I have a report that I'm trying to generate using iTextSharp that includes html text entered by the user using tinymce on my web page. I then have a report and I want to insert a phrase that uses their markup.
While basic markup such as bold and underline work, lists, indents, alignment do not. Any suggestions short of writing my own little html to pdf parser?
My code:
internal static Phrase GetPhraseFromHtml(string html, string fontName, int fontSize)
var returnPhrase = new Phrase();
html.Replace(Environment.NewLine, String.Empty);
//the string has to be well formated html in order to work and has to specify the font since
//specifying the font in the phrase overrides the formatting of the html tags.
string pTag = string.Format("<p style='font-size: {0}; font-family:{1}'>", fontSize, fontName);
if (html.StartsWith("<p>"))
html = html.Replace("<p>", pTag);
html = pTag + html + "</p>";
= "<html><body>"
+ html
+ "</body></html>";
using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
using (System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter hw = new System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(sw))
var xmlWorkerHandler = new XmlWorkerHandler();
//Bind a reader to our text
using (TextReader textReader = new StringReader(html))
XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(xmlWorkerHandler, textReader);
var addPhrase = new Phrase();
var elementText = new StringBuilder();
bool firstElement = true;
//Loop through each element
foreach (var element in xmlWorkerHandler.elements)
if (firstElement)
firstElement = false;
addPhrase.Add(new Chunk("\n"));
//Loop through each chunk in each element
foreach (var chunk in element.Chunks)
addPhrase = new Phrase();
return returnPhrase;
I am working to replace the specific word inside pdf document using iTextSharp and C#.net, while I am debugging getting the proper value but the outputted pdf getting zero bytes(empty),its not filling with the content.
ReplacePDFText("Mumbai",StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase,Application.StartupPath + "\\test.pdf","D:\\test_words_replaced.pdf"); //Do Everything
public void ReplacePDFText(string strSearch, StringComparison scCase, string strSource, string strDest)
PdfStamper psStamp = null; //PDF Stamper Object
PdfContentByte pcbContent = null; //Read PDF Content
if (File.Exists(strSource)) //Check If File Exists
PdfReader pdfFileReader = new PdfReader(strSource); //Read Our File
psStamp = new PdfStamper(pdfFileReader, new FileStream(strDest, FileMode.Create)); //Read Underlying Content of PDF File
pbProgress.Value = 0; //Set Progressbar Minimum Value
pbProgress.Maximum = pdfFileReader.NumberOfPages; //Set Progressbar Maximum Value
for (int intCurrPage = 1; intCurrPage <= pdfFileReader.NumberOfPages; intCurrPage++) //Loop Through All Pages
LocTextExtractionStrategy lteStrategy = new LocTextExtractionStrategy(); //Read PDF File Content Blocks
pcbContent = psStamp.GetUnderContent(intCurrPage); //Look At Current Block
//Determine Spacing of Block To See If It Matches Our Search String
lteStrategy.UndercontentCharacterSpacing = pcbContent.CharacterSpacing;
lteStrategy.UndercontentHorizontalScaling = pcbContent.HorizontalScaling;
//Trigger The Block Reading Process
string currentText = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(pdfFileReader, intCurrPage, lteStrategy);
//Determine Match(es)
List<iTextSharp.text.Rectangle> lstMatches = lteStrategy.GetTextLocations(strSearch, scCase);
PdfLayer pdLayer = default(PdfLayer); //Create New Layer
pdLayer = new PdfLayer("Overrite", psStamp.Writer); //Enable Overwriting Capabilities
//Set Fill Colour Of Replacing Layer
foreach (iTextSharp.text.Rectangle rctRect in lstMatches) //Loop Through Each Match
pcbContent.Rectangle(rctRect.Left, rctRect.Bottom, rctRect.Width, rctRect.Height); //Create New Rectangle For Replacing Layer
pcbContent.Fill(); //Fill With Colour Specified
pcbContent.BeginLayer(pdLayer); //Create Layer
pcbContent.SetColorFill(BaseColor.BLACK); //Fill aLyer
pcbContent.Fill(); //Fill Underlying Content
PdfGState pgState = default(PdfGState); //Create GState Object
pgState = new PdfGState();
pcbContent.SetGState(pgState); //Set Current State
pcbContent.SetColorFill(BaseColor.WHITE); //Fill Letters
pcbContent.BeginText(); //Start Text Replace Procedure
pcbContent.SetTextMatrix(rctRect.Left, rctRect.Bottom); //Get Text Location
//Set New Font And Size
pcbContent.SetFontAndSize(BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED), 9);
pcbContent.ShowText("AMAZING!!!!"); //Replacing Text
pcbContent.EndText(); //Stop Text Replace Procedure
pcbContent.EndLayer(); //Stop Layer replace rocedure
pbProgress.Value++; //Increase Progressbar Value
pdfFileReader.Close(); //Close File
//psStamp.Close(); //Close Stamp Object
You are only writing to your Console:
You are not saving the PDF to disk so you can't expect to see any changes in the pdf file. You code should save the modified text to disk:
var editedText = ExtractTextFromPdf(#"C:\temp\MyPdf.pdf");
SaveTextToPdf(editedText, #"C:\temp\MyPdf1.pdf");
Because I use dynamic text, italic or bold text could be any where, cutting everything into chunks is not an option, so I have to use html parser.
Input string is
ąčęėįšųū90-žthis <i>is <b>bold ąčęėįšųū90-ž</i></b> text
String is formatted with iTextSharp html parser:
private Paragraph CreateSimpleHtmlParagraph(String text)
//Our return object
List<Chunk> c = new List<Chunk>();
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
var styles = new StyleSheet();
using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(text))
//Parse and get a collection of elements
List<IElement> elements = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(sr, styles);
foreach (IElement e in elements)
var chunks = e.Chunks;
foreach (var chunk in chunks) //list of chunks
chunk.Font.SetFamily(""); //how to set font family here
return p; //getting all the special chars (ąčęėįšųū90-ž...)
Code in the main form:
Paragraph pr1 = CreateSimpleHtmlParagraph("ąčęėįšųū90-žthis <i>is <b>bold ąčęėįšųū90-ž</i></b> text");
But in PDF I see only
š90-žthis is bold š90-ž text
and no other chars (ąčęėį). I know it has something to do with Fonts, but can't find the problem where. The font should be the same for whole document, times new roman, arial, ect., anything, that could show me my special chars (cp1257, Baltic encoding).
Usually, when I have to format text I use Chunks and my own fonts:
Font arial10n = PdfFontManager.GetFont("c:\\windows\\fonts\\arial.ttf", 10);
colClientTxt.AddText(new Chunk(row["name"].ToString() + "\n", arial10n));
and in PdfFontManager class:
public static Font GetFont(string name, int size)
BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(name, BaseFont.CP1257, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
Font font = new Font(baseFont, size);
return font;
So, how to set font family, or maybe there is another way to dinamicaly format my text?
I am using this library to convert an html text to word format.
Everything works perfectly.
I need to style some of the text now. what I am using right now to generate document is that I have a list of heading and sub headings and heading text, I am using for each loop to get heading and subheading and its text and output them but I want these heading and subheading to assign heading1 to category and heading2 to sub category. here is what I got so far:
Foreach loop to get catagories and sub categories with its text
foreach (var category in ct)
strDocumentText.Append("<br />");
if(category.DocumentText != null)
if (category.Children != null)
foreach (var subCategoreis in category.Children)
strDocumentText.Append("<p />");
strDocumentText.Append("<br />");
if (category.DocumentText != null)
Create word document :
StringBuilder strDocumentText = new StringBuilder();
string html = strDocumentText.ToString();
using (MemoryStream generatedDocument = new MemoryStream())
BuildDocument(generatedDocument, html);
using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Create(generatedDocument, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document))
MainDocumentPart mainPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart;
if (mainPart == null)
mainPart = wordDoc.AddMainDocumentPart();
new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Document(new Body()).Save(mainPart);
HtmlConverter converter = new HtmlConverter(mainPart);
Body body = mainPart.Document.Body;
var paragraphs = converter.Parse(html);
for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.Count; i++)
File.WriteAllBytes(saveFileDialog1.FileName, generatedDocument.ToArray());
First you need to add the style definitions to the document. The default styles are not included when constructing an OpenXml Document. After you define the styles, you can reference them in the paragraph properties element (serialized as "pPr") OR the run element properties. Take a look at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc850838.aspx