I am using C# WinForm, and I have a RichTextBox that I am trying to make look like a C# script.
Means when using specific words, I want them to be colored. When they edit the word by changing it, I want it to go back to be black.
My approach works, but it really messy and cause bugs when the a scroll option is created and needed to be used to see the code below. (When typing, pretty much the richtextbox jumps up and down without stop)
private void ScriptRichTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ScriptTextChange = ScriptRichTextBox.Text;
private void ScriptColorChange()
int index = ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionStart;
ScriptRichTextBox.Text = ScriptTextChange; //Only way I found to make the all current text black again, SelectAll() didn't work well.
ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionStart = index;
String[] coloredNames = {"Main", "ClickMouseDown", "ClickMouseUp", "PressKey", "StopMoving", "Delay", "GoRight", "GoLeft", "GoUp", "GoDown", "MousePosition", "LastHorizontalDirection", "LastVerticalDirections", "CurrentDirection", "Directions" };
String[] coloredNames2 = { "cm.", "if", "else", "while", "switch", "case", "break", "return", "new" };
String[] coloredNames3 = { "MyPosition", "MyHp", "MyMp", "OtherPeopleInMap", ".RIGHT", ".LEFT", ".UP", ".DOWN", ".STOP_MOVING" };
foreach (String s in coloredNames)
this.CheckKeyword(s, Color.LightSkyBlue, 0);
foreach (String s in coloredNames2)
this.CheckKeyword(s, Color.Blue, 0);
foreach (String s in coloredNames3)
this.CheckKeyword(s, Color.DarkGreen, 0);
private void CheckKeyword(string word, Color color, int startIndex)
if (this.ScriptRichTextBox.Text.Contains(word))
int index = 0;
int selectStart = this.ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionStart;
while ((index = this.ScriptRichTextBox.Text.IndexOf(word, (index + 1))) != -1)
this.ScriptRichTextBox.Select((index + startIndex), word.Length);
this.ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionColor = color;
this.ScriptRichTextBox.Select(selectStart, 0);
this.ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
I refactored your code a little to hopefully demonstrate a better approach to colouring the text. It is also not optimal to instantiate your string arrays every time you fire the TextChanged event.
Updated:The idea is to build up a word buffer that will be matched with your set of words when typing.
The buffer records each key and if it .IsLetterOrDigit it adds it to the StringBuilder buffer. The buffer has some additional bugs, with recording key press values and not removing recorded chars if you hit backspace etc..
Instead of the word buffer, use RegEx to match any of the words in your reserve word list. Build up the reserve word RegEx so you end up with something like \b(word|word2|word3....)\b This is done in the code in the BuildRegExPattern(..) method.
Once you hit any key other than a letter or number the buffer is checked for content and if the content matches a word then only the text right before the cursor in the ScriptRichTextBox.Text is checked and changed.
Remove the .(dots) from the reserve words as this just complicates the matching criteria. The RegEx in the built up patters will match the words exactly, so if you type something like FARRIGHT or cms the words will not partially change colour.
As an extra I also covered the paste process pressing Ctrl+V because it is a bit of a pain in WinForms and will probably happen quite often.
There are older questions eg. this one that cover the scrolling behaviour, where it shows how to interop by adding the [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll")] attribute, but it can be done without it.
To prevent all the scroll jumping you can make use of the .DefWndProc(msg) method on the form. this question pointed me towards the WM_SETREDRAW property.
There is also this list of other properties that can be set.
The full implementation is this:
public partial class Form1 : Form
private readonly string[] _skyBlueStrings;
private readonly string[] _blueStrings;
private readonly string[] _greenStrings;
//for pasting
bool _IsCtrl;
bool _IsV;
//value to fix the colour not setting first character after return key pressed
int _returnIdxFix = 0;
//regex patterns to use
string _LightBlueRegX = "";
string _BlueRegX = "";
string _GreenRegX = "";
//match only words
Regex _rgxAnyWords = new Regex(#"(\w+)");
//colour setup
Color _LightBlueColour = Color.LightSkyBlue;
Color _BlueColour = Color.Blue;
Color _GreenColour = Color.DarkGreen;
Color _DefaultColour = Color.Black;
public Form1()
_skyBlueStrings = new string[] { "Main", "ClickMouseDown", "ClickMouseUp", "PressKey", "StopMoving", "Delay", "GoRight", "GoLeft", "GoUp", "GoDown", "MousePosition", "LastHorizontalDirection", "LastVerticalDirections", "CurrentDirection", "Directions" };
_blueStrings = new string[] { "cm", "if", "else", "while", "switch", "case", "break", "return", "new" };
_greenStrings = new string[] { "MyPosition", "MyHp", "MyMp", "OtherPeopleInMap", "RIGHT", "LEFT", "UP", "DOWN", "STOP_MOVING" };
_LightBlueRegX = BuildRegExPattern(_skyBlueStrings);
_BlueRegX = BuildRegExPattern(_blueStrings);
_GreenRegX = BuildRegExPattern(_greenStrings);
string BuildRegExPattern(string[] keyworkArray)
StringBuilder _regExPatern = new StringBuilder();
_regExPatern.Append(#"\b(");//beginning of word
_regExPatern.Append(string.Join("|", keyworkArray));//all reserve words
_regExPatern.Append(#")\b");//end of word
return _regExPatern.ToString();
private void ProcessAllText()
FormatKeywords(_LightBlueRegX, _LightBlueColour);
FormatKeywords(_BlueRegX, _BlueColour);
FormatKeywords(_GreenRegX, _GreenColour);
//internal function to process words and set their colours
void FormatKeywords(string regExPattern, Color wordColour)
var matchStrings = Regex.Matches(ScriptRichTextBox.Text, regExPattern);
foreach (Match match in matchStrings)
FormatKeyword(keyword: match.Value, wordIndex: match.Index, wordColour: wordColour);
ScriptRichTextBox.Select(ScriptRichTextBox.Text.Length, 0);
void ProcessWordAtIndex(string fullText, int cursorIdx)
MatchCollection anyWordMatches = _rgxAnyWords.Matches(fullText);
if (anyWordMatches.Count == 0)
{ return; } // no words found
var allWords = anyWordMatches.OfType<Match>().ToList();
//get the word just before cursor
var wordAtCursor = allWords.FirstOrDefault(w => (cursorIdx - _returnIdxFix) == (w.Index + w.Length));
if (wordAtCursor is null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wordAtCursor.Value))
{ return; }//no word at cursor or the match was blank
Color wordColour = CalculateWordColour(wordAtCursor.Value);
FormatKeyword(wordAtCursor.Value, wordAtCursor.Index, wordColour);
private Color CalculateWordColour(string word)
if (_skyBlueStrings.Contains(word))
{ return _LightBlueColour; }
if (_blueStrings.Contains(word))
{ return _BlueColour; }
if (_greenStrings.Contains(word))
{ return _GreenColour; }
return _DefaultColour;
private void FormatKeyword(string keyword, int wordIndex, Color wordColour)
ScriptRichTextBox.Select((wordIndex - _returnIdxFix), keyword.Length);
ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionColor = wordColour;
ScriptRichTextBox.Select(wordIndex + keyword.Length, 0);
ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionColor = _DefaultColour;
#region RichTextBox BeginUpdate and EndUpdate Methods
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
base.WndProc(ref m);
//wait until the rtb is visible, otherwise you get some weird behaviour.
if (ScriptRichTextBox.Visible && ScriptRichTextBox.IsHandleCreated)
if (m.LParam == ScriptRichTextBox.Handle)
rtBox_lParam = m.LParam;
rtBox_wParam = m.WParam;
IntPtr rtBox_wParam = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr rtBox_lParam = IntPtr.Zero;
const int WM_SETREDRAW = 0x0b;
const int EM_HIDESELECTION = 0x43f;
void BeginRtbUpdate()
Message msg_WM_SETREDRAW = Message.Create(ScriptRichTextBox.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, (IntPtr)0, rtBox_lParam);
this.DefWndProc(ref msg_WM_SETREDRAW);
public void EndRtbUpdate()
Message msg_WM_SETREDRAW = Message.Create(ScriptRichTextBox.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, rtBox_wParam, rtBox_lParam);
this.DefWndProc(ref msg_WM_SETREDRAW);
//redraw the RichTextBox
private void ScriptRichTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//only run all text if it was pasted NOT ON EVERY TEXT CHANGE!
if (_IsCtrl && _IsV)
_IsCtrl = false;
protected void ScriptRichTextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(e.KeyChar))
//if the key was enter the cursor position is 1 position off
_returnIdxFix = (e.KeyChar == '\r') ? 1 : 0;
ProcessWordAtIndex(ScriptRichTextBox.Text, ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionStart);
private void ScriptRichTextBox_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.ControlKey)
_IsCtrl = true;
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.V)
_IsV = true;
private void ScriptRichTextBox_KeyUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.ControlKey)
_IsCtrl = false;
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.V)
_IsV = false;
It looks like this when you paste some "code" with keywords:
and typing looks like this:
Ok after 2 days of not finding something that actually works good or has annoying bugs. I managed to find a solution myself after a big struggle of trying to make it work. The big idea is people try to edit all the RichTextBox words at once, which cause bugs. Why to edit all of the rich text box when you can do your checks on the current word only to get the same result. Which is what I did, I checked if any of my array strings is in the current word, and colored all of them.
private void ScriptRichTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void FindStringsInCurrentWord()
RichTextBox script = ScriptRichTextBox;
String finalWord, forwards, backwards;
int saveLastSelectionStart = script.SelectionStart;
int index = script.SelectionStart;
String[] coloredNames = { "Main", "ClickMouseDown", "ClickMouseUp", "PressKey", "StopMoving", "Delay", "GoRight", "GoLeft", "GoUp", "GoDown", "MousePosition", "LastHorizontalDirection", "LastVerticalDirections", "CurrentDirection", "Directions" };
String[] coloredNames2 = { "cm.", "if", "else", "while", "switch", "case", "break", "return", "new" };
String[] coloredNames3 = { "MyPosition", "MyHp", "MyMp", "OtherPeopleInMap", ".RIGHT", ".LEFT", ".UP", ".DOWN", ".STOP_MOVING" };
String[] arr2 = coloredNames.Union(coloredNames2).ToArray();
Array arrAll = arr2.Union(coloredNames3).ToArray(); //Gets all arrays together
Array[] wordsArray = { coloredNames, coloredNames2, coloredNames3 }; //All found strings in the word
List<String> wordsFoundList = new List<String>();
int foundChangedColor = 0;
int wordsFound = 0;
char current = (char)script.GetCharFromPosition(script.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index)); //Where the editor thingy is
//Check forward text where he uses space and save text
while (!System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(current) && index < script.Text.Length)
current = (char)script.GetCharFromPosition(script.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index));
int lengthForward = index - saveLastSelectionStart;
script.Select(script.SelectionStart, lengthForward);
forwards = script.SelectedText;
//Debug.WriteLine("Forwards: " + forwards);
script.SelectionStart = saveLastSelectionStart;
this.ScriptRichTextBox.Select(script.SelectionStart, 0);
index = script.SelectionStart;
current = (char)script.GetCharFromPosition(script.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index));
int length = 0;
//Check backwords where he uses space and save text
while ((!System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(current) || length == 0) && index > 0 && index <= script.Text.Length)
current = (char)script.GetCharFromPosition(script.GetPositionFromCharIndex(index));
script.SelectionStart -= length;
script.Select(script.SelectionStart + 1, length - 1);
backwards = script.SelectedText;
//Debug.WriteLine("Backwards: " + backwards);
script.SelectionStart = saveLastSelectionStart;
this.ScriptRichTextBox.Select(saveLastSelectionStart, 0);
this.ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
finalWord = backwards + forwards; //Our all word!
//Debug.WriteLine("WORD:" + finalWord);
//Setting all of the word black, after it coloring the right places
script.Select(index + 1, length + lengthForward);
script.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
foreach (string word in arrAll)
if (finalWord.IndexOf(word) != -1)
script.Select(index + 1 + finalWord.IndexOf(word), word.Length);
if (coloredNames.Any(word.Contains))
script.SelectionColor = Color.LightSkyBlue;
else if (coloredNames2.Any(word.Contains))
script.SelectionColor = Color.Blue;
else if (coloredNames3.Any(word.Contains))
script.SelectionColor = Color.DarkGreen;
//Debug.WriteLine("Word to edit: " + script.SelectedText);
this.ScriptRichTextBox.Select(saveLastSelectionStart, 0);
this.ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
//No strings found, color it black
if (wordsFound == 0)
script.Select(index + 1, length + lengthForward);
script.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
//Debug.WriteLine("WORD??: " + script.SelectedText);
this.ScriptRichTextBox.Select(saveLastSelectionStart, 0);
this.ScriptRichTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
I was working on this hangman game in c# and so it's not working how I wanted.
The point of the game is next: When you start the game you need to open the .txt file where the words are written. When u load your .txt file with words game should show as many "" as how many letters your randomly chosen word from the .txt file has. When u click on the button with the letter game should check if the chosen word has that letter in it if it has one or more chosen letters, "" from the word should disappear and the chosen letter should show up, else our attempts should decrease for 1 and should show next picture in panel1.
I also want to set up the game so that only Cyrillic from the Serbian language can be used in the .txt file and the game itself.
Now about the problem, everything is working fine except the code where the game checks if a word has a chosen letter. Another problem is space, there should be the possibility of guessing multiple words at once but when I add space between two or more words game use "_" for space as well as for other characters, I need space to not be replaced with "__"
void NapraviLabels()
string cre = UzmiNasumicnuRijec();
string recc = cre.Replace(" ", "");
rec = recc.ToLower();
char[] chars = rec.ToCharArray();
int izmedju = 330 / chars.Length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length - 1; i++)
foreach(char c in rec)
if( c == ' ')
labels[i].Text = "";
labels.Add(new Label());
labels[i].Location = new Point((i * izmedju) + 10, 120);
labels[i].Text = "_";
labels[i].Parent = groupBox2;
string UzmiNasumicnuRijec()
string listaRijeci = File.ReadAllText(#filePath);
string[] rijeci = listaRijeci.Split('\n');
Random r = new Random();
return rijeci[r.Next(0, rijeci.Length -1)];
Button curButton = null;
Label curLabel = null;
private void slovo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button clickedbtn = (Button)sender;
Label lb = GetLBFromButton(clickedbtn);
if (curButton == null)
// first button clicked
curButton = clickedbtn;
curLabel = lb;
clickedbtn.Visible = false;
curLabel.Visible = true;
char slovo = curLabel.Text.ToLower().ToCharArray()[0];
if (rec.Contains(slovo))
char[] slova = rec.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < slova.Length; i++)
if (slova[i] == slovo)
labels[i].Text = slovo.ToString();
foreach (Label l in labels)
if (l.Text == "_") return;
MessageBox.Show("Победили сте!", "Честитамо");
MessageBox.Show("Слово које сте унели се не налази у појму!");
if (kolicina == 9)
MessageBox.Show("Изгубили сте, појам је био: " + rec);
curButton = null;
curLabel = null;
private void pogodirec_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text == rec)
MessageBox.Show("Победили сте!", "Честитамо");
MessageBox.Show("Реч коју сте унели је погрешна!" , "Грешка!");
if (kolicina == 10)
MessageBox.Show("Изгубили сте, појам је био: " + rec);
In my RichtextBox, if I have written as below.
This is my pen,
his pen is beautiful.
Now I search word "is" then
output would be as below.
All "is" should be highlighted.
What about:
static class Utility {
public static void HighlightText(this RichTextBox myRtb, string word, Color color) {
if (word == string.Empty)
int s_start = myRtb.SelectionStart, startIndex = 0, index;
while((index = myRtb.Text.IndexOf(word, startIndex)) != -1) {
myRtb.Select(index, word.Length);
myRtb.SelectionColor = color;
startIndex = index + word.Length;
myRtb.SelectionStart = s_start;
myRtb.SelectionLength = 0;
myRtb.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
Looks like this would do it.
int start = 0;
int indexOfSearchText = 0;
private void btnFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int startindex = 0;
if(txtSearch.Text.Length > 0)
startindex = FindMyText(txtSearch.Text.Trim(), start, rtb.Text.Length);
// If string was found in the RichTextBox, highlight it
if (startindex >= 0)
// Set the highlight color as red
rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Red;
// Find the end index. End Index = number of characters in textbox
int endindex = txtSearch.Text.Length;
// Highlight the search string
rtb.Select(startindex, endindex);
// mark the start position after the position of
// last search string
start = startindex + endindex;
public int FindMyText(string txtToSearch, int searchStart, int searchEnd)
// Unselect the previously searched string
if (searchStart > 0 && searchEnd > 0 && indexOfSearchText >= 0)
// Set the return value to -1 by default.
int retVal = -1;
// A valid starting index should be specified.
// if indexOfSearchText = -1, the end of search
if (searchStart >= 0 && indexOfSearchText >=0)
// A valid ending index
if (searchEnd > searchStart || searchEnd == -1)
// Find the position of search string in RichTextBox
indexOfSearchText = rtb.Find(txtToSearch, searchStart, searchEnd, RichTextBoxFinds.None);
// Determine whether the text was found in richTextBox1.
if (indexOfSearchText != -1)
// Return the index to the specified search text.
retVal = indexOfSearchText;
return retVal;
// Reset the richtextbox when user changes the search string
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
start = 0;
indexOfSearchText = 0;
This will show all the searched criteria at the same time.
Using: 1 Textbox (to enter the text to search for) and 1 Button (to Run the Search).
Enter your search criteria inside the textbox and press search button.
// On Search Button Click: RichTextBox ("rtb") will display all the words inside the document
private void btn_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (rtb.Text != string.Empty)
{// if the ritchtextbox is not empty; highlight the search criteria
int index = 0;
String temp = rtb.Text;
rtb.Text = "";
rtb.Text = temp;
while (index < rtb.Text.LastIndexOf(txt_Search.Text))
rtb.Find(txt_Search.Text, index, rtb.TextLength, RichTextBoxFinds.None);
rtb.SelectionBackColor = Color.Yellow;
index = rtb.Text.IndexOf(txt_Search.Text, index) + 1;
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error"); }
If you only want to match the whole word you can use this, note that this ignores case and also the |s\b means that plurals get highlighted e.g. Cat matches cats but not caterpiller :
public static void HighlightText(RichTextBox myRtb, string word, Color color)
if (word == string.Empty)
var reg = new Regex(#"\b" + word + #"(\b|s\b)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (Match match in reg.Matches(myRtb.Text))
myRtb.Select(match.Index, match.Length);
myRtb.SelectionColor = color;
myRtb.SelectionLength = 0;
myRtb.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text != "")
for (int i = 0; i < richTextBox1.TextLength; i++)
richTextBox1.Find(textBox1.Text, i, RichTextBoxFinds.None);
richTextBox1.SelectionBackColor = Color.Red;
for (int i = 0; i < richTextBox1.TextLength; i++)
richTextBox1.SelectionBackColor = Color.White;
}[lets make it!][1]
I would do it like that because all the other answers highlight the text, but doesnt change it back after you searched again.
Use the RichText Find Method to find the starting index for the searching word.
public int FindMyText(string searchText, int searchStart, int searchEnd)
int returnValue = -1;
if (searchText.Length > 0 && searchStart >= 0)
if (searchEnd > searchStart || searchEnd == -1)
int indexToText = richTextBox1.Find(searchText, searchStart, searchEnd, RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase);
if (indexToText >= 0)
returnValue = indexToText;
return returnValue;
Use a Button or TextChangeListener and Search for your word.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Select the first char in your Richtextbox
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = 0;
richTextBox1.SelectionLength = richTextBox1.TextLength;
// Select until the end
richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
// Make the Text Color black
//Use an Inputfield to add the searching word
var word = txtSearch.Text;
//verify the minimum length otherwise it may freeze if you dont have text inside
if (word.Length > 3)
int s_start = richTextBox1.SelectionStart, startIndex = 0, index;
while ((index = FindMyText(word, startIndex, richTextBox1.TextLength)) != -1)
// goes through all possible found words and color them blue (starting index to end)
richTextBox1.Select(index, word.Length);
richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Blue;
startIndex = index + word.Length;
// Color everything between in color black to highlight only found words
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = startIndex;
richTextBox1.SelectionLength = 0;
richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
I would highly recommend to set a minimum word length to avoid freezing and high memory allocation.
I have a richTextBox that I use so the user can see the XML file they have and let them edit it. I have some code that changes keywords colours into a colour I specify. This is the method that I use:
private void CheckKeyword(string word, Color color, int startIndex)
if (this.richTextBox.Text.Contains(word))
int index = -1;
int selectStart = this.richTextBox.SelectionStart;
while ((index = this.richTextBox.Text.IndexOf(word, (index + 1))) != -1)
this.richTextBox.Select((index + startIndex), word.Length);
this.richTextBox.SelectionColor = color;
this.richTextBox.Select(selectStart, 0);
this.richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
The problem is that when I click
near a coloured string, I start typing in that specific colour.
I know why its happening, but don't know how to fix it.
You will have to determine whether or not your cursor is "inside" a keyword area or not at KeyDown, so wire up the KeyDown event and try using this code. I'm sure there's a more efficient way to determine whether or not your cursor is inside a bracketed keyword, but this seems to get the job done:
void rtb_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {
int openIndex = rtb.Text.Substring(0, rtb.SelectionStart).LastIndexOf('<');
if (openIndex > -1) {
int endIndex = rtb.Text.IndexOf('>', openIndex);
if (endIndex > -1) {
if (endIndex + 1 <= this.rtb.SelectionStart) {
rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
} else {
string keyWord = rtb.Text.Substring(openIndex + 1, endIndex - openIndex - 1);
if (keyWord.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '<', '>' }) == -1) {
this.rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Blue;
} else {
this.rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
} else {
this.rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
} else {
this.rtb.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
It is needed to highlight by fiven colour a substring in the document RichEditBox. For this purpose I wrote a method:
private async Task ChangeTextColor(string text, Color color)
string textStr;
bool theEnd = false;
int startTextPos = 0;
myRichEdit.Document.GetText(TextGetOptions.None, out textStr);
while (theEnd == false)
myRichEdit.Document.GetRange(startTextPos, textStr.Length).GetText(TextGetOptions.None, out textStr);
var isFinded = myRichEdit.Document.GetRange(startTextPos, textStr.Length).FindText(text, textStr.Length, FindOptions.None);
if (isFinded != 0)
string textStr2;
textStr2 = myRichEdit.Document.Selection.Text;
var dialog = new MessageDialog(textStr2);
await dialog.ShowAsync();
myRichEdit.Document.Selection.CharacterFormat.BackgroundColor = color;
startTextPos = myRichEdit.Document.Selection.EndPosition;
theEnd = true;
In the debugger you can see that there is a substring and isFinded is equal with the number of signs (or symbols) in the found substring. It means the fragment is found and judging by the description of the method FindText should be highlighted but it isn't. In textStr2 an empty line returns and, correspondingly, the colour doesn't change. I cannot identify the reasons of the error.
The code you postted did not set the selection, so the myRichEdit.Document.Selection is null. You can use ITextRange.SetRange to set the selection. And you can use ITextRange.FindText method to find the string in the selection.
For example:
private void ChangeTextColor(string text, Color color)
string textStr;
myRichEdit.Document.GetText(TextGetOptions.None, out textStr);
var myRichEditLength = textStr.Length;
myRichEdit.Document.Selection.SetRange(0, myRichEditLength);
int i = 1;
while (i > 0)
i = myRichEdit.Document.Selection.FindText(text, myRichEditLength, FindOptions.Case);
ITextSelection selectedText = myRichEdit.Document.Selection;
if (selectedText != null)
selectedText.CharacterFormat.BackgroundColor = color;
I am downloading an xml file and saving it to the phone (Windows Phone 8 app), then I open it as a list. This list has greek words in it with upper, lower and special characters. I want the user to be able to search thru this list without making him write the same text as is in the list, so, so far I made the search bar and the list to turn into Upper characters so if the user types "to" the list highlights "to","To","TO" erasing temporarily the words not matching bringing up the ones matching. But if the user tries to write a letter without intonation the words in the list that have intonation will all be erased until the user presses backspace and type the letter with intonation.
example: list got 2 words. Σπύρος , Μάρα.
User presses letter 'Μ', in the list, Σπύρος disappears and Μάρα becomes Μάρα. Now the user types 'α' and Mάρα disappears as well because he had to type 'ά'. If he had it would be Μάρα and so on.
So my question is, is it possible to replace a character with intonation to the same character without intonation? For example. ά to a, Ά to A, etc. On the Unicode character table they have different codes.
The code so far:
private void businessFilterString_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
sI.ItemsSource = businesses.Collection.Where(b => b.name.ToUpper().Contains(searchBox.Text.ToUpper()) || b.address.ToUpper().Contains(searchBox.Text.ToUpper())).ToList();
LayoutUpdateFlag = true;
private void sI_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (LayoutUpdateFlag)
LayoutUpdateFlag = false;
private void SearchVisualTree(DependencyObject targetElement)
var count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(targetElement);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(targetElement, i);
if (child is TextBlock)
textBlock1 = (TextBlock)child;
prevText = textBlock1.Text.ToUpper();
private void HighlightText()
if (textBlock1 != null)
string text = textBlock1.Text.ToUpper();
textBlock1.Text = text;
int index = text.IndexOf(searchBox.Text.ToUpper());
int lenth = searchBox.Text.Length;
if (!(index < 0))
Run run = new Run() { Text = text.Substring(index, lenth), FontWeight = FontWeights.ExtraBold};
run.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange);
textBlock1.Inlines.Add(new Run() { Text = text.Substring(0, index), FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal});
textBlock1.Inlines.Add(new Run() { Text = text.Substring(index + lenth), FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal });
//textBlock1.Text = "No Match";
So I added
private static string DeleteAccentAndSpecialsChar(string OriginalText)
string strTemp = OriginalText;
Regex rega = new Regex("[Ά]");
Regex rege = new Regex("[Έ]");
Regex regi = new Regex("[Ί]");
Regex regu = new Regex("[Ύ]");
Regex regh = new Regex("[Ή]");
Regex rego = new Regex("[Ό]");
Regex regw = new Regex("[Ώ]");
strTemp = rega.Replace(strTemp, "Α");
strTemp = rege.Replace(strTemp, "Ε");
strTemp = regi.Replace(strTemp, "Ι");
strTemp = regu.Replace(strTemp, "Υ");
strTemp = regh.Replace(strTemp, "Η");
strTemp = rego.Replace(strTemp, "Ο");
strTemp = regw.Replace(strTemp, "Ω");
return strTemp;
and changed
private void businessFilterString_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
sI.ItemsSource = businesses.Collection.Where(b => b.name.ToUpper().Contains(searchBox.Text.ToUpper()) || b.address.ToUpper().Contains(searchBox.Text.ToUpper())).ToList();
LayoutUpdateFlag = true;
private void businessFilterString_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
sI.ItemsSource = businesses.Collection.Where(b => DeleteAccentAndSpecialsChar(b.name.ToUpper()).Contains(DeleteAccentAndSpecialsChar(searchBox.Text.ToUpper()))).ToList();
LayoutUpdateFlag = true;
This way all text is shown on upper and the intonation is vanished. Still if the user uses intonation on his text, nothing will be displayed tho but suits me well since intonation is not required on upper text.