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check for valid number input - console application
(5 answers)
Allow To Only Input A Number - C#
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have just started a table programme. I am just a trainee learning C# from internet, so I am not so good in this.
I just wanted the programme to run according to the user. I want that if the user hits enter simply, the programme should not crash. That is I just wanted to know how to prevent null enter. This is the code is used:
The "______" which used if for writing a line
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace tables
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
goto found;
string textToEnter = "MULTIPLATION TABLES";
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0," + ((Console.WindowWidth / 2) + (textToEnter.Length / 2)) + "}", textToEnter));
int num, j, i;
Console.Write("enter the number of which table u need ? :- ");
num = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine());
while (num == 0)
Console.WriteLine("please enter a valid input");
Console.Write("enter the number of which table u need ? :- ");
num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("enter the number till which the table need to be ? :- ");
j = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
while (j == 0)
Console.WriteLine("please enter a valid input");
Console.Write("enter the number till which the table need to be ? :- ");
j = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
i = Convert.ToInt32(j);
for (j=1; ; j++)
if (j > i)
Console.WriteLine(num + " * " + j + " = " + num * j);
string str;
Console.Write("do you want to continue? (y/n) :- " );
str= Console.ReadLine();
foreach (char ch in str)
if (ch == 'y')
goto found;
else if (ch=='n' )
Console.WriteLine("please enter a valid input");
As suggested in the comments, I'd use int.TryParse(), but inside a do...while() loop. Use a separate flag (boolean) to track whether the user should keep trying again:
bool invalid;
int num, j, i;
invalid = true;
Console.Write("enter the number of which table u need ? :- ");
String response = Console.ReadLine();
if (int.TryParse(response, out num))
invalid = false;
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please try again.");
} while (invalid);
// ...repeat the above do...while() block for "j" and "i"...
When you're accepting user input, it's important to perform validation on it. You can't assume that the user will always enter correctly formatted data that your program will be able to work with. As you discovered, a user who hits enter will give you an empty string (""), which can't be parsed to anything.
C# has several ways of attempting parsing. The first, which you're using, is Convert.ToInt32(), which throws an exception if the input it receives is not, in fact, a number. You have to catch the exception with a try/catch block, like so:
num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
catch(FormatException ex)
Console.WriteLine("You didn't enter a proper number!");
However, in general, exceptions should be, well, exceptional. They should only be relied upon when rare failures occur, because unwinding the call stack can be expensive.
I would argue that C# has a better method for you to use in this instance: Int32.TryParse()
You can see the documentation here.
TryParse takes two parameters, the thing you're trying to parse (convert), and then a number to store the value in. It returns true or false, indicating if it succeeded or failed in converting the number.
You might use it like this:
var success = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), num);
if (success)
// do something with 'num' -- it has a valid value now.
// Warn the user, perhaps prompt them to try again
Console.WriteLine("That wasn't a valid number!");
You can use a methode to get a safe int value:
private static int ReadIntValue(string psMessage)
int lnInt;
string lsValue = string.Empty;
lsValue = Console.ReadLine();
} while (!int.TryParse(lsValue, out lnInt));
return lnInt;
And then use this:
num = ReadIntValue("enter the number of which table u need ? :- ");
Hello i'm trying to create a calculator game but it loops only 2 times and (idk why)not til the user finds the result with input. And i'll later see how to make a random generator of numbers instead of writing them by myself in the code. Ty for helping.
using System;
namespace G
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Calcul(2, 2);
static void Calcul(int nombre1, int nombre2)
int result = nombre1 + nombre2;
Console.WriteLine("Combien font " + nombre1 + " + " + nombre2);
int supposed = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if(result != supposed)
Console.WriteLine("Try again!");
supposed = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
You can change your if statement to a while loop whose condition is that the input does not match the result. We can also use int.TryParse with Console.ReadLine to handle cases where the user doesn't enter a valid number. This works by taking an out parameter that gets set to the parsed value if it's successful, and it returns a bool that indicates success. Perfect for a loop condition!
Then you can put the "success" message after the body of the while loop (because the only way to exit the loop is to get the correct answer). It would look something like:
static void Calcul(int nombre1, int nombre2)
int result = nombre1 + nombre2;
int input;
Console.Write($"Combien font {nombre1} + {nombre2} = ");
while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out input) || input != result)
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect, please try again.");
Console.Write($"Combien font {nombre1} + {nombre2} = ");
Console.WriteLine("Correct! Press any key to exit.");
I´m having problems with getting my code to work while using TryParse to catch if the user where to input a string instead of a int. If I use it as it looks now I only get the base value of 0 if something other than an int is input. I want it to show an error message to the user.
Have tried messing around with a number of different ways of using TryParse but none of them has really been helpfull.
static void Main(string[] args)
Random r = new Random();
int speltal = r.Next(1,21);
bool play = false;
int myNum;
while (!play)
Console.Write("\n\tGuess a number between 1 and 20: ");
Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out myNum);
if (myNum < guessNum)
Console.WriteLine("\tThe number you have guessed is to low");
if (myNum > guessNum)
Console.WriteLine("\tThe number you have guessed is to high");
if (myNum == guessNum)
Console.WriteLine("\tCongratulations you guessed the right number!");
I want it show an error message to the user if they put in anything other than a int. It also have to include TryParse according to my teatcher
You're not capturing the bool output of TryParse so you have no idea if a non-numeric value was entered. Try something like this:
bool isValid;
Console.Write("\n\tGuess a number between 1 and 20: ");
isValid = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out myNum);
Console.WriteLine("\n\tInvalid input detected. Please try again.");
} while(!isValid)
The TryParse method can only put integers in the passed variable (as it is of type int), so if the value passed to it can't be parsed into an integer, the default value of int (0) will be assigned to the variable.
The way TryParse tell you if it successfully parsed the number or not, is by returning a boolean indicator.
You can try this:
while (true)
bool valid = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out myNum);
Console.WriteLine("Input invalid. Please try again");
TryParse returns a Boolean which indicates if the input string was successfully parsed or not. Both of the answers above are correct on how to handle a invalid input but, here is a cleaner version which will also uphold the rule, between 1 and 20:
while (true)
Console.Write("\n\tGuess a number between 1 and 20: ");
//Checks to see if the input was successfully parsed to a integer also, performs a Trim on the input as to remove any accidental white spaces that a user might have typed in, e.g. "1000 "
if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().Trim(), out myNum))
//Checks to see if the parsed number is in the specified range
if ((myNum > 0) && (myNum < 21))
Console.WriteLine("\tThe input number was out of the specified range.");
Console.WriteLine("\tFailed to parse the input text.");
//Optional, makes the thread sleep so the user has the time to read the error message.
//Optional, clears the console as to not create duplicates of the error message and the value of Console.Write
// Continue here, if (myNum < guessNum) . . .
You should use the bool returned by TryParse. Something that looks like this:
Updated answer:
static void Main(string[] args)
Random random = new Random();
int guessNum = random.Next(1, 21);
Console.WriteLine("Guess the number between 1 and 21.");
if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int input))
if (input == guessNum)
Console.WriteLine($"You guessed it right. The number is {input}");
guessNum = random.Next();
if (input < guessNum)
Console.WriteLine("The number you guessed is smaller.");
Console.WriteLine("The number you guessed is bigger");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number between 1 and 21 as your guess");
static bool ShouldContinue()
while (true)
Console.WriteLine($"Do you want to continue playing? (y/n)");
string continueInput = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower();
if (continueInput == "y")
return true;
else if (continueInput == "n")
return false;
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!. Please choose 'y' or 'n'.");
Old answer:
while (true)
if (Int32.TryParse(inputInt, out int myNum))
// your logic goes here, too low/high or correct answer.
The subject is a little problem:
Write a program and continuously ask the user to enter a number or "ok" to exit. Calculate the sum of all the previously entered numbers and display it on the console.
Here is my code:
var sum = 0;
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Enter a number or ok to exit:");
if (Console.ReadLine() == "ok") break;
sum += Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
When I tap ok, it terminate.
When I tap number and enter, it shows system.formatexception:The input string is not in the correct format.
I know one of the solution is
var sum = 0;
while (true)
Console.Write("Enter a number (or 'ok' to exit): ");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
if (input.ToLower() == "ok")
sum += Convert.ToInt32(input);
Console.WriteLine("Sum of all numbers is: " + sum);
Maybe My code looks a little weired, But Why is my code wrong?
Reason is input will be "ok". Can not convert that into an integer.
first you have to store the first input value into other variable.
then convert that string into integer and get summation.
var sum = 0;
while (true)
Console.Write("Enter a number (or 'ok' to exit): ");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
int newVariable = 0;
if (input.ToLower() != "ok")
newVariable = Convert.ToInt32(input);
input = Console.ReadLine();
if (input.ToLower() == "ok"){
sum += newVariable;
Console.WriteLine("Sum of all numbers is: " + sum);
If there any problem here please let me know.
Try this:
var sum = 0;
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Enter a number or ok to exit:");
String ans = Console.ReadLine();
if (ans == "ok" || ans.ToLower() == "ok") break;
sum += Convert.ToInt32(ans);
Here I've just store input entered by user in one variable and use that variable in further process.
In your first code you have take input two times, first one is in IF condition and second in parsing, that may cause the problem.
The correct way to do this is to use int.TryParse for your conversion from a string to a number. TryParse attempts to convert the string to a number, but if it cannot do so (for example, the string contains more than just numeric digits) it will fail gracefully instead of causing an exception. The other answers so far will all cause an unhandled FormatException if something non-numeric is entered other than "ok". By using int.TryParse you can handle the case where it's a valid number, as well as the case where it is invalid, and then alert the user. Here's an example within the context of your code:
// I prefer using concrete types for numbers like this, so if anyone else
// reads it they know the exact type and numeric limits of that type.
int sum = 0;
int enteredNumber = 0;
while (true)
Console.Write("Enter a number (or 'ok' to exit): ");
var consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
if (consoleInput.ToLower() == "ok")
if(int.TryParse(consoleInput, out enteredNumber))
sum += enteredNumber;
Console.WriteLine("You entered '" + consoleInput + "', which is not a number.");
Console.WriteLine("Sum of all numbers is: " + sum.ToString());
This is better because you know you have no control over the user's input other than to validate it yourself, and so it's better to speculatively convert the number and be alerted to success or failure without triggering an exception. Wrapping everything with a try/catch block is not a proper solution.
Your first code example, as rightly pointed out in the comments, reads a line, tests it for 'ok', then throws it away, reads another line, and uses that to add to the sum, which is not what you wanted.
After some quick research, I would say the most concise way to handle this in C# is probably something like your second code example. In F# I was able to come up with the following examples (one is a loop, the other uses sequences, i.e. IEnumerable<_>s) but I found no concise way to get the same with C# and LINQ…
let inputLoop () =
let rec aux sum =
match stdin.ReadLine () with
| "ok" -> sum
| s -> aux (sum + int s)
stdout.WriteLine (aux 0 |> string)
let inputSeq () =
fun _ -> stdin.ReadLine ()
|> Seq.initInfinite
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun s -> s <> "ok")
|> Seq.sumBy int
|> string
|> stdout.WriteLine
Try it :)
var sum = 0;
while (true)
Console.Write("Enter a number: or ok to exit : ");
String input = Console.ReadLine();
if (input == "ok" || input.ToLower() == "ok") break;
sum += Convert.ToInt32(input);
Console.WriteLine("Total Result: " + sum);
Write a program and continuously ask the user to enter a number or "ok" to exit. Calculate the sum of all the previously entered numbers and display it on the console. Happy Coding
var sum = 0;
while (true)
Console.Write("Write number or write \"ok\" for exit: ");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
if (input.ToLower() != "ok")
sum += Convert.ToInt32(input);
Console.WriteLine("All sum: " + sum + ".");
This is one way to do it. I'm just learning to do this!
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Enter number to know the sum or press ok to exit and display the sum");
int sum = 0;
while (true) // to run the program continously asking user input
Console.WriteLine("Enter Number: ");
var input = Console.ReadLine(); // takes user input
if (input.ToLower() == "ok") // compares user input to string ok
break; //if user input is ok, breaks the loop and sum is displayed
var inputInInt = Convert.ToInt32(input); // if user input is int, continues to convert it to integer
sum += inputInInt; // user input in interger is added to sum
Console.WriteLine("The sum of entered numbers is: " + sum);
I have a question that asks the user to enter a student number, how can I make it so it will only accept a 5 digit number. The input is being added to an object like
console.writeline("Enter the student number: ");
studentObject.StudentNumber = int.Parse(Console.Readline());
I've tried using
if (Console.ReadLine().Length != 5)
//Do this
//Do this
But it won't work, the .Length says can't convert type int to bool. I'm stuck, any help please?
You can use regular expressions:
String input;
do {
Console.WriteLine("Please enter student number:");
input = Console.ReadLine();
while (!Regex.IsMatch(input, #"^\d{5}$")); // <- five digits expected
// input contains 5 digit string
int number = int.Parse(number);
P.S. In case that the input should be "five digit number, not starting with zero" the regular expression has to be changed to something like that:
while (!Regex.IsMatch("12345", #"^[1-9]\d{4}$")); // five digits, not zero-starting
Probably not the answer to your question, however one thing I noticed:
if you are using Console.Readline() in your if-statement and then want to store it in the studentObject you will need to store it in a variable first. Calling Console.Readline(); again to store it in the studentObject will cause another input to be expected, which nullifies your attempt to validate the input.
Something like this:
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter student number:");
//get the user input
var number = Console.ReadLine();
if (number.Length != 5)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid format.");
Console.WriteLine("Yay it works");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
int i;
if (input.Length > 0 && input.Length < 6 && Int32.TryParse(input, out i))
// i has 5 digit;
// i has zero
char[] cc = Console.Read().ToString().ToCharArray();
if (char.IsDigit(cc[0])&&
//Life's GOOD!
}else { //bad input}
Note: I'm self-taught & don't have much knowledge. Correct me if wrong.
I have tried to create a C# program that gives the user 3 options:
Create name (gets the user to enter their first name and surname and display it as J.Blogg)
Factorial of a number (outputs as for example 5x4x3x2x1 =120 which is the factorial of 5
I have the program work fine but when I try picking option 1 (create name) and then option 2 it goes to option 1 instead and then it doesn't lets me Quit (option 3).
I'm new to programming so it could be simple but I can't see where i'm going wrong,
Any help would be very greatful.
I want to keep the same layout, I think my problem could be the loops but any help and improvement would be great.
static void Main(string[] args)
//The value returned from the topmenu method is stored in a variable called useroption
int useroption;
useroption = topmenu();
// excute while loop untill option is not 1-3
if (useroption == 1)
if (useroption == 2)
// break;
if (useroption == 3)
Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using my program, Good bye !!!");
// break;
while (useroption != 3);
//This method present the user with an menu which the user has a choice of 3 options
static int topmenu()
int option;
string option_str;
Console.WriteLine("********* OPTION 1 : Enter your name *********");
Console.WriteLine("********* OPTION 2 : Enter the number you want to factorise *********");
Console.WriteLine("********* OPTION 3 : Quit *********");
option_str = Console.ReadLine();
option = Convert.ToInt32(option_str);
if (option < 0 || option > 3)
Console.WriteLine("You have enter an invald option,");
Console.WriteLine("Please chose a option between 1-3 (Please press any key to return to main menu)");
Console.WriteLine("You have chosen option: " + option + " (Please press any key continue)");
return option;
//this method asks user to enter their name (1st name then surname) and presents it back to the user as their intial(1st name) and surname
static void Createname()
string firstname, surname, firstname_str, surname_str, userfullname;
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your first name ");
firstname_str = Console.ReadLine();
firstname = Convert.ToString(firstname_str);
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your surname name ");
surname_str = Console.ReadLine();
surname = Convert.ToString(surname_str);
userfullname = firstname + surname;
Console.WriteLine("You have entered your name as " + firstname[0] + "." + surname);
Console.WriteLine("(Please press any key to return to main menu)");
//this method asks the user to enter a number and returns the factorial of that number
static double factorial()
string number_str;
double factorial = 1;
Console.WriteLine("Please enter number");
number_str = Console.ReadLine();
int num = Convert.ToInt32(number_str);
// If statement is used so when the user inputs 0, INVALID is outputed
if (num <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("You have enter an invald option");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter number");
number_str = Console.ReadLine();
num = Convert.ToInt32(number_str);
//number_str = Console.ReadLine();
if (num >= 0)
while (num != 0)
for (int i = num; i >= 1; i--)
factorial = factorial * i;
Console.Write(i + " * ");
Console.WriteLine("= "+factorial+ " which is factorial of " + number_str.ToString() );
Console.WriteLine("(please any key to return to main menu)");
return factorial;
Just put these line inside do...while
int useroption;
useroption = topmenu();
rearrange as following...
int useroption;
// excute while loop untill option is not 1-3
useroption = topmenu();
and your program will work fine
The full code is here :
First of al, set useroption to 0 after executing some code. Otherwise it will keep executing it.
Second, ReadKey() right before your while statement. Otherwise you won't be able to read the input.
The issue is that although you display topmenu again you never re-assign the value of useroption.
As gypsyCoder said, moving the display of your menu inside the do{}while() block will fix your issue because it will cause the useroption to be re-assigned each time round the loop.