I am having a hard time getting this template to work as a subsite.
The steps that I took to create the project were:
Launch Visual Studio
Create a new project
Select ASP.NET Core Web Application
Gave the details for where the project should be stored, etc
At this time I am not interested in redux so I just selected the "React.js A project template for creating an ASP.NET core application with React.js"
After that I thought that the steps to make this work at a sub-site would be:
Right-Click and Properties on the Web App Project, on the debug tab I set the App URL to what was there + /mysub, for example: http://localhost:57197/mysub
Inside the Client App Folder I modified package.json and set the "homepage" to "/mysub"
When I debug the application nothing renders in the browser. The browser's console shows that it is getting invalid characters when trying to load resources such as manifest.json, and even bundle.js, which tells me that the client side router is probably intercepting the requests for those files, and when I look at the network tab it looks pretty more obvious that is what is going on. The strange thing is though that tag does appear to be right and thus it is setting the %PUBLIC_URL% environment variable as I would expect, but for some reason it just will not work at this subsite location. I suspect that maybe there is more that I may need to do in Startup.cs, or even appsettings.json but I am not sure what that might be, or if even that is the route to go. Any suggestions would be great.
In the default structure of ASP.NET 4.6.1 I was able, to set the IIS to run directly an application without the need of debugging or publishing it. But on ASP.NET 5 I couldn't manage to do so. I have tried to point the IIS to the wwwroot of the project and to enable "Produce outputs on build", but when i want to access the application I only get the following error:
HTTP-Fehler 502.3 - Bad Gateway
There was a connection error while trying to route the request.
Does anyone have experience with this or had a similar issue?
it's not available for right now , to do it we still need for IIS 10 but you can still do it with some trick check link below
your answer is here
Okay as I wasn't able to find any way to get this working, i spotted a little icon on top right next to "IIS Express" or "web", which is called "View in Browser".
Now you just need to go to the project's preferences, select Debug and choose IIS Express from the profile dropdown. Make sure, the checkbox at "Launch URL" is set and specify a App URL (Sometimes port 80 won't wor, so just choose any other one, for example localhost:5324) and then click on the icon like in the screenshot. Then you don't have to deploy the project or start debugging to see the project in action. Hopefully, this will be helpful to some of you.
I have tried to google a lot to find a solution to how to host multiple WCF web services on local IIS 6.
So i am asking here. If I can get a step of procedure then i would be glad.
To accomplish your goal this is how to do it:
Create your new solution or just reuse current solution you have.
Create new Project under Visual C# and select WCF Service Application. For sample purposes we name it MultipleHostService project.
It will produce three files named IService1.cs, Service1.svc and Web.config
Under your MultipleHostService project add another New item, under Visual C# Select WCF Service and leave name as is.
It will product addition two files named Iservice2.cs and Service2.svc
Open your Web.Config add Behaviors and Binding configuration highlighted with red box.
If you notice we added Services node and service under it? That is the part that allows us to specify multiple services.
Now click MultipleHostService project
Click Properties
Click Web Tab
In the Servers panel
Select Local IIS in the dropdown list
And under Project URL type this : http://localhost/MultipleHostService "You can change it later on if you want"
And click Create Virtual Directory.
Build the Project MultipleHostService ( Make it sure no failed shown in Error List )
Go to browser and type the follow:
You should see something in the browser like this:
Tools and settings I've used:
Visual Studio 2013
.Net Framework 4.5
Improvements :
You can refactor proper naming for your services.
Remove unnecessary XML node in the configuration file like unused behavior.
Disclaimer : I haven't tested it using IIS 6 but I'm confident that it works on IIS7. Configuration about IIS is not part of this topic so you migt run
some issues which I'm not aware of. There are also some other ways to accomplish multiple hosting of services but this topic is focusing on usage of configuration file. And please do some study on proper Bindings, Behavior and MetaDataExhange which I didn't discuss here.
How can I change the project port number in Visual Studio 2013 ?
I'm using ASP.Net and I need to change the port number while debugging in Visual Studio 2013.
There are two project types in VS for ASP.NET projects:
Web Application Projects (which notably have a .csproj or .vbproj file to store these settings) have a Properties node under the project. On the Web tab, you can configure the Project URL (assuming IIS Express or IIS) to use whatever port you want, and just click the Create Virtual Directory button. These settings are saved to the project file:
<FlavorProperties GUID="{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21}">
Web Site Projects are different. They don't have a .*proj file to store settings in; instead, the settings are set in the solution file. In VS2013, the settings look something like this:
Project("{E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A}") = "WebSite1(1)", "http://localhost:10528", "{401397AC-86F6-4661-A71B-67B4F8A3A92F}"
ProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) = preProject
UseIISExpress = "true"
TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.5"
SlnRelativePath = "..\..\WebSites\WebSite1\"
DefaultWebSiteLanguage = "Visual Basic"
Because the project is identified by the URL (including port), there isn't a way in the VS UI to change this. You should be able to modify the solution file though, and it should work.
Right click the web application and select "properties"
There should be a 'Web' tab where http://localhost:XXXXX is specified - change the port number there and this will modify the configuration to use your new port number.
I usually start at 10000 and increment by 1 for each web app, to attempt to steer well clear of other applications and port numbers.
This has proved to be elusive for me (WebSite Project) until I figured out the following procedure, which combines the solution provided by #Jimmy, with the added step of checking out the solution from Source Control
Steps: (if using VS2013+ with website project and SourceControl)
Check out the Solution file only (from sourceControl) (this can be tricky. the easiest way to do this is to make a small change in the Solution file properties/settings and then undo if necessary)
Locate the solution file (e.g. solution.sln) in exploer, and open in text editor.
Locate the entry: VWDPort = ...... and change to desired port: (example: "60000" - depends on your IISExpress Settings)
save the change (will prompt to reload solution)
Well, I simply could not find this (for me) mythical "Use dynamic ports" option. I have post screenshots.
On a more constructive note, I believe that the port numbers are to be found in the solution file AND CRUCIALLY cross referenced against the IIS Express config file
I tried editing the port number in just the solution file but strange things happened. I propose (no time yet) that it needs a consistent edit across both the solution file and the config file.
Open Solution file (.sln) in Editable mode (Notepad or notepad++ or any other tool)
Find tag name VMDPort and update it to your desired port.
see below snap.
To specify a port for the ASP.NET Development Server
In Solution Explorer, click the name of the application.
In the Properties pane, click the down-arrow beside Use dynamic ports
and select False from the dropdown list.
This will enable editing of the Port number property.
In the Properties pane, click the text box beside Port number and
type in a port number. Click outside of the Properties pane. This
saves the property settings.
Each time you run a file-system Web site within Visual Web Developer,
the ASP.NET Development Server will listen on the specified port.
Hope this helps.
The Visual Studio Development Server option applies only when you are
running (testing) the Web project in Visual Studio. Production Web
applications always run under IIS.
To specify the Web server for a Web site project
In Solution Explorer, right-click the name of the Web site project for which you want to specify a Web server, and then click Property
In the Property Pages dialog box, click the Start Options tab.
Under Server, click Use custom server.
In the Base URL box, type the URL that Visual Studio should start when running the current project.
Note: If you specify the URL of a remote server (for example, an IIS Web application on another computer), be sure that the remote server is running at least the .NET Framework version 2.0.
To specify the Web server for a Web application project
In Solution Explorer, right-click the name of the Web application project for which you want to specify a Web server, and then click
In the Properties window, click the Web tab.
Under Servers, click Use Visual Studio Development Server or Use Local IIS Web server or Use Custom Web server.
If you clicked Local IIS Web server or Use Custom Web Server, in the Base URL box, type the URL that Visual Studio should start when
running the current project.
Note: If you clicked Use Custom Web Server and specify the URL of a remote server (for example, an IIS Web application on another computer), be sure that the remote server is running at least the .NET Framework version 2.0.
(Source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178108.aspx)
Steps to resolve this:
Open the solution file.
Find the Port tag against your project name.
Assign any different port as current.
Right click on your project and select Property Pages.
Click on Start Options tab and checked Start URL: option.
Assign the start URL in front of Start URL option like: localhost:8080/login.aspx
This is the only solution that worked for me after trying several of those above. Switch to your c:\users folder and search for .sln and then remove all .sln files that have your project name. Then restart your computer and rebuild the solution (F5) and it worked!
My web application is just a simple web application made in VS 2010 MVC 4 without any code from outside. It's just default application of VS 2010. I have Deluxe Windows Hosting with Plesk. I've never changed any feature in my account. I copy all my files to "//Root Directory". Beside my files I see various folderssuch as: ", plesk, erro-docs, cgi-bin, logs" - I do not have permissions to delete them.
All my projects are "Release" configuration. I've tried all ways which I met in the Internet:
1.I copied three libraries to bin directory:
System.Web.Mvc, System.Web.Routing, System.Web.Abstractions
These dll's I copied from GAC(C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL). I putted such strings in web.config: < trust level="Medium"/>. I used local deployment(to directory) in VS2010 by button "Publish". No result.
2.I copied 9 libraries to bin directory:
These dll's I copied from GAC(C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL). I used local deployment(to directory) in VS2010 by button "Publish". I putted such strings: < trust level="Medium"/>. No result.
3.I copied three libraries to bin directory: System.Web.Mvc, System.Web.Routing, System.Web.Abstractions - these dll's I copied from GAC(C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL). I putted such strings: < trust level="Medium"/>. I used deployment via ftp option in VS2010 by button "Publish". No result.
4.I copied three libraries to bin directory:
System.Web.WebPages.Razor.dll - these dll's I copied from GAC(C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL). I putted such strings: < trust level="Medium"/>. I used deployment via ftp in VS2010 by button "Publish" No result.
5.I've tried to upload files via filezzilla. < trust level="Medium"/>. However it was an idle attempt.
6.I've tried to upload files via browsers. However it was an idle attempt.
7.I've tried to upload zip-files via browser and extract them at godaddy server. < trust level="Medium"/>. However it was an idle attempt.
All above-listed attempts result the word on the screen: "nup.com My site is launching soon."
Nothing changes.
I have a question.
What I do wrong?
I've read all articles by Phil Haack http://haacked.com/archive/2008/11/03/bin-deploy-aspnetmvc.aspx. Any help will be gratefully appreciated!:)
Ok - you have a lot of questions inside your single question. I am going to try and take these one at a time as well as some of your commentary so that we can a) understand the build/publish process of an MVC app and b) hopefully get your project running over at GoDaddy.
1.If I change in web.config , then should I recompile my project and upload again?
No, unless you change the web.config locally and you need to upload those changes. If you FTP/connect to the web.config on the actual web server, IIS will automatically restart (reload) your application so that it can apply the web.config changes. After a web.config change, you will notice the first request will take 10-20 seconds. This is IIS restarting your application. If you change the web.config locally, then yes, you should rebuild/reupload.
2.Is it correct to copy a project to root of directory?
The way you have phrased this question makes me think that yes, you are doing it wrong. When you create a project in Visual Studio, you get a solution folder on your actual hard drive. If you are compiling that project, then copying the entire solution folder to your web server, then yes, this is not the correct way to do it. What you want to do is create a Publishing Profile. You can either deploy your application via Web Deploy (unsure if GoDaddy supports this), FTP, or File System. By going through the Visual Studio publishing process, the compiler a) compiles your application per your settings (Debug or Release), b) applies the proper Web.Config transformations and c) only outputs the files necessary to run your application. The third part is important. All of your .cs files (controllers, models, etc) get compiled into a .dll and that is what needs to be deployed, not the actual source code files. The publishing process does this for you.
I would recommend you create a folder on your dev machine somewhere, and then create a publishing profile that publishes your application to that folder. It is the contents of that folder that you want to FTP to your web server. To create a publishing profile, right click your MVC project and select Publish. This will bring up the wizard for you to set things up.
3.What I do wrong?
Kind of hard to say at this point. It could be that you are not compiling your application correctly. FTP sounds bonked, but that is not an MVC/Visual Studio issue. For FTP issues with Plesk on GoDaddy (and other items), check this help link here.
4.how can I see the errors? Should I write a message or what should I do to know more about errors?
You should be able to control this in your web.config. Open your web.config file up and check for a couple of lines. You want to turn off custom errors and set the compilation to debug mode. This does two things. One, the error you get back from the server will be way more detailed and being in debug mode allows IIS/.NET to actually show you the line of code that is causing the problem.
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
<customErrors mode="Off"></customErrors>
Be aware that if you do have a web.config transformation, this could actually turn these setting off. Ensure that your publishing profile is set to deploy the Debug configuration while you test deploying your site. Once you are happy with your results, set it back to Release configuration so that your site runs faster as well as does not display code lines to potentially bad people if an error does occur.
5.I copied 9 libraries to bin directory...
Ok, this could also be a problem. You do not need to copy anything to your bin directory. If you want to include referenced assemblies in your published project, all you need to do is open the References folder under your project. From there, right click any assembly that you want to include in your project when you publish and select Properties. Inside of the properties pane, you will see the option to Copy Local. Set this to true. This tells the compiler to copy that assembly to the output folder during the publishing process (see, that publishing thing does lots of good stuff for you!) I would do this for all assemblies in your project that are MVC related. You can experiment with this (like one at a time) until you find the right combination of assemblies that you need to include in your project to make it run on the GoDaddy server. I have not used GoDaddy hosting in quite a while, so I do not know what their current capabilities are.
Last thoughts, I think MVC 4 is .NET 4 or higher. Ensure that GoDaddy supports .NET 4 or higher or else you really won't be able to host this on that server (even using bin deploy) and will need to find additional hosting. Azure has some really great deals right now and Gearhost is very reliable but a little pricey (though they are completely simple to use).
Just a little more info on GoDaddy - ensure that you set your site up correctly before you try any of this. You need to have Windows hosting (most likely) and it should be setup to use the Integrated App pool (else, it would appear you never uploaded anything since there is no 'default document'). At this point, I wonder if your hosting account was provisioned correctly for what you want to do. http://support.godaddy.com/help/article/6639/do-your-hosting-accounts-support-mvc3-applications (Yes, I know it says MVC 3, but the setup applies equally to MVC 4)
Have you tried bin deploying MVC4?
To answer your question:
Changes to web.config should not require the project to be recompiled.
Hope this helps...
Depends what you've changed, some changes might at least require an application pool reset.
Root of what directory? It should generally be inside inetpub/YOURWEBSITEFOLDERHERE
You have assumed that GoDaddy supports MVC 4, I could only find references to them supporting MVC 3 Support
There are rumours that if you deploy the bin and mvc dll there is a way around this but I couldn't find any details.
Have a read of the MVC 3 deploy instructions
EDIT: In answer to comment below:
Editing could have a knock on effect and so i would advise towards a recompile, e.g. change to medium trust might have an affect if DLLs don't work in partial trust mode, and recompilation might well highlight these issues.
Sounds ok, test by putting a html file up with some text and try and get to it in your browser.
I've seen people talking about it, mostly saying it's not supported, try the MVC deploy instructions above to bin deploy MVC 4; it works with 3, it might work with 4.
I had the same problem with a MVC4 I had running on hosting on Godaddy using Plesk. Suddenly, without any changes, site began to display "Site Launching Soon" Page. At first I thought it was hacked. After calling godaddy support, the agent told me that the site must need at least one html file as a start point (index.html, index.aspx, default.aspx - source: http://support.godaddy.com/help/article/60/what-file-displays-when-someone-browses-to-my-domain-name?locale=en&ci=46061), which seemed odd because it was working fine all the time.
Then, after some trial - error stuff, I could solve my problem by going to the Plesk hosting management, and navigate to:
Websites & Domains > [domain name] > Web Server Settings for domain. And there, change the Default Document setting to "Default".
We never touched that setting, not sure really why it suddenly changed.
Hope that helps!
Hope this helps . . .
Global.asax should be your default index . . . in godaddy server settings.
I had a similar problem and was able to solve it.
I have two other mvc application sites hosted on godaddy, but not with their new plesk hosting.
After calling tech support and not having any luck there I did some reading on their hosting.
Their plesk hosting must have an index.
So, a few hours later it dawned on me to point their start point to my Global.asax in their server settings.
And, viola! my site was up and running.
I've done all actions to deploy correctly but I copied all files to a wrong folder. The problem was that I just copied all my files to a wrong directory. I called to godaddy support and they said that I copied my files to wrong directory.
When I copied all files to "httpdocs" directory then my mvc 4 application start working!:).
Thank you a lot, guys. Good luck.
I was having the same issue until I set customErrors to off (first line). then I started seeing security policy issues which was remedied (second line).
(I'm using Godaddy)
I have created webservice and published it on local machine. Then I have uploaded it on server.
Now while I tried to access webservice it gives following error :
Parser Error Message: Could not create type 'webservice.myservice'
Source Error:
Line 1: <%# WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="myservice.asmx.cs" Class="webservice.myservice" %>
I tried This link but unable to solve my problem.
What should I do?
I don't know if this is dragging something up from the dim and distant past, but I had this problem. I fixed it. So I thought I'd to share it.
When you create a web service in Visual Studio (I'm using 2010 but I'd imagine it's the same for others), it creates a file called Service1.asmx
You will be tempted to rename it to MyService.asmx (or whatever).
Then you'll look inside and see the line
public class Service1: System.Web.Services.WebService
which you'll change to
public class MyService: System.Web.Services.WebService
and then when you try running it, you get the error
Could not create type 'MyProject.MyService'
Because it still thinks the class is called Service1.
If you right click the .asmx file and select view markup, you'll see it still says:
<%# WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="MyService.asmx.cs" Class="MyProject.Service1" %>
change it to
<%# WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="MyService.asmx.cs" Class="MyProject.MyService" %>
save it, try it.
It worked for me.
I had the same problem and looked for it for a long time!
I tried a lot of things including the following:
Frameword version incorrect
A whole list of things that could be wrong
None of those worked for me. After some searching, testing and cursing, I finally found the problem: The application (webservice) was incorrectly hosted.
Let me explain with a little background:
I had a project containing two solutions: One solution was the website that I made (html, javascript, etc), the other solution contained a folder with the business logic, the database model and the webservices. Obviously the webservices folder contained my .asmx files and code-behind for them.
Data Core
Database Model
Business Logic
I was hosting these in the following way:
My website was hosted as a new site with the website folder as root folder
My webservices I was hosting as an application in my website, with the webservices folder as root
More visually:
My Website => Pointing at the "Website" folder
Webservices Application => Pointing at the "Webservices" folder in the Data Core
This resulted in the following url "http://website/webservices/myWebservice.asmx", which gave me the "Could not create type" error.
Now, after playing around a bit I tried hosting my webservice application starting with the data core as root, instead of the webservice folder.
My Website => Pointing at the "Website" folder
Webservices Application => Pointing at the "Data Core" folder.
Obviously using the same url as before would give me a "File not found" error. However, using the following url "http://website/webservices/webservices/myWebservice.asmx",I finally got my working webservices page!
A small url breakdown:
http ://website/ => My website from the "Website" folder
webservices/ => Equivalent to the "Data Core" folder
webservices/ => The "webservices" folder in the "Data Core" folder
myWebservice.asmx => The webservice file in the "webservices" folder, in the "Data Core" folder
I assume that because I was hosting my webservices directly from the "webservices" folder in the Data Core, that the server could not find the compiled DLL of the webservices (which resides in the "bin" folder), since I was hosting at a deeper level.
After changing the configuration and hosting the webservices from the "Data Core" folder, the IIS server could "see" the bin folder and host the webservices succesfully. When using the correct url that is ^_^
I hope this is clear and helps you with you problems!
Another thing that can cause the problem. Is not creating an application for the project through the IIS itself. If the code is already on the server navigate to it in IIS from the left Connections pane. If the web site directory is still a yellow folder icon (and not a globe icon) you need to right-click on it and choose Convert to Application otherwise follow these steps...
Start -> Search For IIS
Open It!!
Right Click on the Default Web Site or the web site you are planning to publish the service to it.
Add application... Enter an Alias ex. "MyWebService" ... Choose the physical path. in my case was C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyWebService which is my default web site path.
Then when you publish through Visual Studio choose that folder. or just copy your code files to it.
I'm fairly certain this is just a summary of what Glenn said, but I ran into this issue because my application was created from the directory one level too high in the directory structure.
For example, my web service was in SiteProject_1/SiteProject_2/service.asmx
Originally SiteProject_1 was what I converted into the application within IIS. I was able to resolve the issue by removing that application within IIS and instead making SiteProject_2 into the application.
I was having this problem this morning and Google landed me here, but none of these answers worked for me. But I did figure out what was wrong - at least in my case - so I thought I'd share it in case it helps others.
I had a web service that had been working fine for months in a solution with other parts of the application that I work on. Yesterday, I needed to fix something in a release branch, so I opened Visual Studio on a copy of the solution in another directory. Visual Studio decided to be helpful and silently remap all my virtual directories in IIS to where the programs would be in the release folder (if I had bothered to build them, which I hadn't). Now when I tried to hit my web service, IIS was pointing to the release version which had the asmx but no bin folder.
Opening the Web properties tab in my development solution and clicking the Create Virtual Directory remapped it back to the development version and all was good with the world again.