Remove Identical Words from a string array - c#

The goal is to remove a certain prefix word from a string in string array example: ["Market1", "Market2", "Market3"]. The prefix word Market is dominant in string array, so we have to remove Market from string array so the result should be ["1", "2", "3"]. Please take note that the Market prefix word in string could be anything.

Look for the first character that is not identical among all strings and select a substring starting at that position to remove the prefix.
string[] words = new string[] { "Market1", "Market2", "Market3" };
int i = 0;
while (words.All(word => word.Length > i && word[i] == words[0][i])) ++i;
var wordsWithoutPrefixes = words.Select(word => word.Substring(i)).ToArray();

Make a delimited string and then replace all the Market with an empty string and then split the string to an array.
string[] arr = new string[] { "Market1", "Market2", "Market3" };
string[] result = string.Join(".", arr).Replace("Market", "").Split('.');

Loop through each item in the array and for each item chop off the beginning the start matches.
var commonPrefix = "Market";
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length, i++) {
if(arr[i].IndexOf(commonPrefix) == 0) {
arr[i] = arr[i].Substring(commonPrefix.Length);

You can use LINQ:
string[] myArray = ["Market1", "Market2", "Market3"];
string prefix = myArray[0];
foreach (var s in myArray)
while (!s.StartsWith(prefix))
prefix = prefix.Substring(0, prefix.Length - 1);
string[] result = myArray
.Select(s => s.Substring(prefix.Length))

Loop through the array of string and replace the substring containing prefix with an empty substring.
string[] s=new string[]{"Market1","Market2","Market3"};
string prefix="Market";
foreach(var x in s)


Replace string with multiple different options

Hi there wonderful people of stackOverFlow.
I am currently in a position where im totaly stuck. What i want to be able to do is take out a word from a text and replace it with a synonym. I thought about it for a while and figured out how to do it if i ONLY have one possible synonym with this code.
string pathToDesk = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(pathToDesk + "/Text.txt");
string replacementsText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(pathToDesk + "/Replacements.txt");
string wordsToReplace = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(pathToDesk + "/WordsToReplace.txt");
string[] words = text.Split(' ');
string[] reWords = wordsToReplace.Split(' ');
string[] replacements = replacementsText.Split(' ');
for(int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) {//for each word
for(int j = 0; j < replacements.Length; j++) {//compare with the possible synonyms
if (words[i].Equals(reWords[j], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
words[i] = replacements[j];
string newText = "";
for(int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) {
newText += words[i] + " ";
txfInput.Text = newText;
But lets say that we were to get the word hi. Then i want to be able to replace that with {"Hello","Yo","Hola"}; (For example)
Then my code will not be good for anything since they will not have the same position in the arrays.
Is there any smart solution to this I would really like to know.
you need to store your synonyms differently
in your file you need something like
hello yo hola hi
awesome fantastic great
then for each line, split the words, put them in an array array of arrays
Now use that to find replacement words
This won't be super optimized, but you can easily index each word to a group of synonyms as well.
something like
public class SynonymReplacer
private Dictionary<string, List<string>> _synonyms;
public void Load(string s)
_synonyms = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
var lines = s.Split(new[] {'\r', '\n'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (var line in lines)
var words = line.Split(new[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
words.ForEach(word => _synonyms.Add(word, words));
public string Replace(string word)
if (_synonyms.ContainsKey(word))
return _synonyms[word].OrderBy(a => Guid.NewGuid())
.FirstOrDefault(w => w != word) ?? word;
return word;
The OrderBy gets you a random synonym...
var s = new SynonymReplacer();
s.Load("hi hello yo hola\r\nawesome fantastic great\r\n");
var words = new string[] {"hi", "you", "look", "awesome"};
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", words.Select(s.Replace)));
and you get :-
hello you look fantastic
Your first task will be to build a list of words and synonyms. A Dictionary will be perfect for this. The text file containing this list might look like this:
Then you can construct the dictionary like this:
public Dictionary<string, string[]> GetSynonymSet(string synonymSetTextFileFullPath)
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
string line;
// Read the file and display it line by line.
using (var file = new StreamReader(synonymSetTextFileFullPath))
while((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
var split = line.Split('|');
if (!dict.ContainsKey(split[0]))
dict.Add(split[0], split[1].Split(','));
return dict;
The eventual code will look like this
public string ReplaceWordsInText(Dictionary<string, string[]> synonymSet, string text)
var newText = new StringBuilder();
string[] words = text.Split(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) //for each word
string[] synonyms;
if (synonymSet.TryGetValue(words[i], out synonyms)
// The exact synonym you wish to use is up to you.
// I will just use the first one
words[i] = synonyms[0];
newText.AppendFormat("{0} ", words[i]);
return newText.ToString();

split string in to several strings at specific points

I have a text file with lines of text laid out like so
I want to read the file and add commas to the 5th point, 6th point and 9th point and write it to a different text file so the result would be.
This is what I have so far
public static void ToCSV(string fileWRITE, string fileREAD)
int count = 0;
string x = "";
StreamWriter commas = new StreamWriter(fileWRITE);
string FileText = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileREAD).ReadToEnd();
var dataList = new List<string>();
IEnumerable<string> splitString = Regex.Split(FileText, "(.{1}.{5})").Where(s => s != String.Empty);
foreach (string y in splitString)
foreach (string y in dataList)
x = (x + y + ",");
if (count == 3)
x = (x + "NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL");
x = "";
count = 0;
The problem I'm having is trying to figure out how to split the original string lines I read in at several points. The line
IEnumerable<string> splitString = Regex.Split(FileText, "(.{1}.{5})").Where(s => s != String.Empty);
Is not working in the way I want to. It's just adding up the 1 and 5 and splitting all strings at the 6th char.
Can anyone help me split each string at specific points?
Simpler code:
public static void ToCSV(string fileWRITE, string fileREAD)
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileREAD);
string[] splitLines = lines.Select(s => Regex.Replace(s, "(.{5})(.)(.{3})(.*)", "$1,$2,$3,$4")).ToArray();
File.WriteAllLines(fileWRITE, splitLines);
Just insert at the right place in descending order like this.
string str = "12345MLOL68";
int[] indices = {5, 6, 9};
indices = indices.OrderByDescending(x => x).ToArray();
foreach (var index in indices)
str = str.Insert(index, ",");
We're doing this in descending order because if we do other way indices will change, it will be hard to track it.
Here is the Demo
Why don't you use substring , example
This should suits your need.

Parsing a string with, seemingly, no delimiter

I have the following string that I need to parse out so I can insert them into a DB. The delimiter is "`":
`020 Some Description `060 A Different Description `100 And Yet Another `
I split the string into an array using this
var responseArray = response.Split('`');
So then each item in the responseArrray[] looks like this: 020 Some Description
How would I get the two different parts out of that array? The 1st part will be either 3 or 4 characters long. 2nd part will be no more then 35 characters long.
Due to some ridiculous strangeness beyond my control there is random amounts of space between the 1st and 2nd part.
Or put the other two answers together, and get something that's more complete:
string[] response = input.Split(`);
foreach (String str in response) {
int splitIndex = str.IndexOf(' ');
string num = str.Substring(0, splitIndex);
string desc = str.Substring(splitIndex);
so, basically you use the first space as a delimiter to create 2 strings. Then you trim the second one, since trim only applies to leading and trailing spaces, not everything in between.
Edit: this a straight implementation of Brad M's comment.
You can try this solution:
var inputString = "`020 Some Description `060 A Different Description `100 And Yet Another `";
int firstWordLength = 3;
int secondWordMaxLength = 35;
var result =inputString.Split('`')
.SelectMany(x => new[]
new String(x.Take(firstWordLength).ToArray()).Trim(),
new String(x.Skip(firstWordLength).Take(secondWordMaxLength).ToArray()).Trim()
Here is the result in LINQPad:
Update: My first solution has some problems because the use of Trim after Take.Here is another approach with an extension method:
public static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<string> GetWords(this string source,int firstWordLengt,int secondWordLenght)
List<string> words = new List<string>();
foreach (var word in source.Split(new[] {'`'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
var parts = word.Split(new[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
words.Add(new string(parts[0].Take(firstWordLengt).ToArray()));
words.Add(new string(string.Join(" ",parts.Skip(1)).Take(secondWordLenght).ToArray()));
return words;
And here is the test result:
Try this
string response = "020 Some Description060 A Different Description 100 And Yet Another";
var responseArray = response.Split('`');
string[] splitArray = {};
string result = "";
foreach (string it in responseArray)
splitArray = it.Split(' ');
foreach (string ot in splitArray)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ot))
result += "-" + ot.Trim();
splitArray = result.Substring(1).Split('-');
string[] entries = input.Split('`');
foreach (string s in entries)
IEnumerable<String> GetStringParts(String input)
foreach (string s in input.Split(' ')
yield return s.Trim();
Trim only removes leading/trailing whitespace per MSDN, so spaces in the description won't hurt you.
If the first part is an integer
And you need to account for some empty
For me the first pass was empty
public void parse()
string s = #"`020 Some Description `060 A Different Description `100 And Yet Another `";
Int32 first;
String second;
if (s.Contains('`'))
foreach (string firstSecond in s.Split('`'))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstSecond))
Int32 firstSpace = firstSecond.IndexOf(' ');
if (firstSpace > 0)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("'" + firstSecond.Substring(0, firstSpace) + "'");
if (Int32.TryParse(firstSecond.Substring(0, firstSpace), out first))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("'" + firstSecond.Substring(firstSpace-1) + "'");
second = firstSecond.Substring(firstSpace).Trim();
You can get the first part by finding the first space and make a substring. The second is also a Substring. Try something like this.
foreach(string st in response)
int index = response.IndexOf(' ');
string firstPart = response.Substring(0, index);
//string secondPart = response.Substring(response.Lenght-35);
//better use this
string secondPart = response.Substring(index);

Count how many words in each sentence

I'm stuck on how to count how many words are in each sentence, an example of this is: string sentence = "hello how are you. I am good. that's good."
and have it come out like:
//sentence1: 4 words
//sentence2: 3 words
//sentence3: 2 words
I can get the number of sentences
public int GetNoOfWords(string s)
return s.Split(new char[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length;
label2.Text = (GetNoOfWords(sentance).ToString());
and i can get the number of words in the whole string
public int CountWord (string text)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (text[i] != ' ')
if ((i + 1) == text.Length)
if(text[i + 1] == ' ')
return count;
then button1
int words = CountWord(sentance);
label4.Text = (words.ToString());
But I can't count how many words are in each sentence.
Instead of looping over the string as you do in CountWords I would just use;
int words = s.Split(' ').Length;
It's much more clean and simple. You split on white spaces which returns an array of all the words, the length of that array is the number of words in the string.
Why not use Split instead?
var sentences = "hello how are you. I am good. that's good.";
foreach (var sentence in sentences.TrimEnd('.').Split('.'))
Console.WriteLine(sentence.Trim().Split(' ').Count());
If you want number of words in each sentence, you need to
string s = "This is a sentence. Also this counts. This one is also a thing.";
string[] sentences = s.Split(new char[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach(string sentence in sentences)
Console.WriteLine(sentence.Split(' ').Length + " words in sentence *" + sentence + "*");
Use CountWord on each element of the array returned by s.Split:
string sentence = "hello how are you. I am good. that's good.";
string[] words = sentence.Split(new char[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length;
for (string sentence in sentences)
int noOfWordsInSentence = CountWord(sentence);
string text = "hello how are you. I am good. that's good.";
string[] sentences = s.Split(new char[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
IEnumerable<int> wordsPerSentence = sentences.Select(s => s.Trim().Split(' ').Length);
As noted in several answers here, look at String functions like Split, Trim, Replace, etc to get you going. All answers here will solve your simple example, but here are some sentences which they may fail to analyse correctly;
"Hello, how are you?" (no '.' to parse on)
"That apple costs $1.50." (a '.' used as a decimal)
"I like whitespace . "
If you only need a count, I'd avoid Split() -- it takes up unnecessary space. Perhaps:
static int WordCount(string s)
int wordCount = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < s.Length - 1; i++)
if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(s[i]) && !Char.IsWhiteSpace(s[i + 1]) && i > 0)
return ++wordCount;
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(WordCount(" H elloWor ld g ")); // prints "4"
It counts based on the number of spaces (1 space = 2 words). Consecutive spaces are ignored.
Does your spelling of sentence in:
int words = CountWord(sentance);
have anything to do with it?

C# split string but keep split chars / separators [duplicate]

I would like to split a string with delimiters but keep the delimiters in the result.
How would I do this in C#?
If the split chars were ,, ., and ;, I'd try:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
string[] parts = Regex.Split(originalString, #"(?<=[.,;])")
(?<=PATTERN) is positive look-behind for PATTERN. It should match at any place where the preceding text fits PATTERN so there should be a match (and a split) after each occurrence of any of the characters.
If you want the delimiter to be its "own split", you can use Regex.Split e.g.:
string input = "plum-pear";
string pattern = "(-)";
string[] substrings = Regex.Split(input, pattern); // Split on hyphens
foreach (string match in substrings)
Console.WriteLine("'{0}'", match);
// The method writes the following to the console:
// 'plum'
// '-'
// 'pear'
So if you are looking for splitting a mathematical formula, you can use the following Regex
This will ensure you can also use constants like 1E-02 and avoid having them split into 1E, - and 02
Regex.Split("10E-02*x+sin(x)^2", #"([*()\^\/]|(?<!E)[\+\-])")
Building off from BFree's answer, I had the same goal, but I wanted to split on an array of characters similar to the original Split method, and I also have multiple splits per string:
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitAndKeep(this string s, char[] delims)
int start = 0, index;
while ((index = s.IndexOfAny(delims, start)) != -1)
if(index-start > 0)
yield return s.Substring(start, index - start);
yield return s.Substring(index, 1);
start = index + 1;
if (start < s.Length)
yield return s.Substring(start);
Just in case anyone wants this answer aswell...
Instead of string[] parts = Regex.Split(originalString, #"(?<=[.,;])") you could use string[] parts = Regex.Split(originalString, #"(?=yourmatch)") where yourmatch is whatever your separator is.
Supposing the original string was
777- cat
777 - dog
777 - mouse
777 - rat
777 - wolf
Regex.Split(originalString, #"(?=777)") would return
777 - cat
777 - dog
and so on
This version does not use LINQ or Regex and so it's probably relatively efficient. I think it might be easier to use than the Regex because you don't have to worry about escaping special delimiters. It returns an IList<string> which is more efficient than always converting to an array. It's an extension method, which is convenient. You can pass in the delimiters as either an array or as multiple parameters.
/// <summary>
/// Splits the given string into a list of substrings, while outputting the splitting
/// delimiters (each in its own string) as well. It's just like String.Split() except
/// the delimiters are preserved. No empty strings are output.</summary>
/// <param name="s">String to parse. Can be null or empty.</param>
/// <param name="delimiters">The delimiting characters. Can be an empty array.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IList<string> SplitAndKeepDelimiters(this string s, params char[] delimiters)
var parts = new List<string>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
int iFirst = 0;
int iLast = s.IndexOfAny(delimiters, iFirst);
if (iLast >= 0)
if (iLast > iFirst)
parts.Add(s.Substring(iFirst, iLast - iFirst)); //part before the delimiter
parts.Add(new string(s[iLast], 1));//the delimiter
iFirst = iLast + 1;
//No delimiters were found, but at least one character remains. Add the rest and stop.
parts.Add(s.Substring(iFirst, s.Length - iFirst));
} while (iFirst < s.Length);
return parts;
Some unit tests:
text = "[a link|]";
result = text.SplitAndKeepDelimiters('[', '|', ']');
Assert.IsTrue(result.Count == 5);
Assert.AreEqual(result[0], "[");
Assert.AreEqual(result[1], "a link");
Assert.AreEqual(result[2], "|");
Assert.AreEqual(result[3], "");
Assert.AreEqual(result[4], "]");
A lot of answers to this! One I knocked up to split by various strings (the original answer caters for just characters i.e. length of 1). This hasn't been fully tested.
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitAndKeep(string s, params string[] delims)
var rows = new List<string>() { s };
foreach (string delim in delims)//delimiter counter
for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)//row counter
int index = rows[i].IndexOf(delim);
if (index > -1
&& rows[i].Length > index + 1)
string leftPart = rows[i].Substring(0, index + delim.Length);
string rightPart = rows[i].Substring(index + delim.Length);
rows[i] = leftPart;
rows.Insert(i + 1, rightPart);
return rows;
This seems to work, but its not been tested much.
public static string[] SplitAndKeepSeparators(string value, char[] separators, StringSplitOptions splitOptions)
List<string> splitValues = new List<string>();
int itemStart = 0;
for (int pos = 0; pos < value.Length; pos++)
for (int sepIndex = 0; sepIndex < separators.Length; sepIndex++)
if (separators[sepIndex] == value[pos])
// add the section of string before the separator
// (unless its empty and we are discarding empty sections)
if (itemStart != pos || splitOptions == StringSplitOptions.None)
splitValues.Add(value.Substring(itemStart, pos - itemStart));
itemStart = pos + 1;
// add the separator
// add anything after the final separator
// (unless its empty and we are discarding empty sections)
if (itemStart != value.Length || splitOptions == StringSplitOptions.None)
splitValues.Add(value.Substring(itemStart, value.Length - itemStart));
return splitValues.ToArray();
Recently I wrote an extension method do to this:
public static class StringExtensions
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitAndKeep(this string s, string seperator)
string[] obj = s.Split(new string[] { seperator }, StringSplitOptions.None);
for (int i = 0; i < obj.Length; i++)
string result = i == obj.Length - 1 ? obj[i] : obj[i] + seperator;
yield return result;
I'd say the easiest way to accomplish this (except for the argument Hans Kesting brought up) is to split the string the regular way, then iterate over the array and add the delimiter to every element but the last.
To avoid adding character to new line try this :
string[] substrings = Regex.Split(input,#"(?<=[-])");
result = originalString.Split(separator);
for(int i = 0; i < result.Length - 1; i++)
result[i] += separator;
(EDIT - this is a bad answer - I misread his question and didn't see that he was splitting by multiple characters.)
(EDIT - a correct LINQ version is awkward, since the separator shouldn't get concatenated onto the final string in the split array.)
Iterate through the string character by character (which is what regex does anyway.
When you find a splitter, then spin off a substring.
pseudo code
int hold, counter;
List<String> afterSplit;
string toSplit
for(hold = 0, counter = 0; counter < toSplit.Length; counter++)
if(toSplit[counter] = /*split charaters*/)
afterSplit.Add(toSplit.Substring(hold, counter));
hold = counter;
That's sort of C# but not really. Obviously, choose the appropriate function names.
Also, I think there might be an off-by-1 error in there.
But that will do what you're asking.
veggerby's answer modified to
have no string items in the list
have fixed string as delimiter like "ab" instead of single character
var delimiter = "ab";
var text = "ab33ab9ab"
var parts = Regex.Split(text, $#"({Regex.Escape(delimiter)})")
.Where(p => p != string.Empty)
// parts = "ab", "33", "ab", "9", "ab"
The Regex.Escape() is there just in case your delimiter contains characters which regex interprets as special pattern commands (like *, () and thus have to be escaped.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication9
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string input = #"This;is:a.test";
char sep0 = ';', sep1 = ':', sep2 = '.';
string pattern = string.Format("[{0}{1}{2}]|[^{0}{1}{2}]+", sep0, sep1, sep2);
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern);
MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(input);
List<string> parts=new List<string>();
foreach (Match match in matches)
I wanted to do a multiline string like this but needed to keep the line breaks so I did this
string x =
#"line 1 {0}
line 2 {1}
foreach(var line in string.Format(x, "one", "two")
.Select(x => x.Contains('\r') ? x + '\n' : x)
) {
line 1 one
line 2 two
I came across same problem but with multiple delimiters. Here's my solution:
public static string[] SplitLeft(this string #this, char[] delimiters, int count)
var splits = new List<string>();
int next = -1;
while (splits.Count + 1 < count && (next = #this.IndexOfAny(delimiters, next + 1)) >= 0)
splits.Add(#this.Substring(0, next));
#this = new string(#this.Skip(next).ToArray());
return splits.ToArray();
Sample with separating CamelCase variable names:
var variableSplit = variableName.SplitLeft(
Enumerable.Range('A', 26).Select(i => (char)i).ToArray());
I wrote this code to split and keep delimiters:
private static string[] SplitKeepDelimiters(string toSplit, char[] delimiters, StringSplitOptions splitOptions = StringSplitOptions.None)
var tokens = new List<string>();
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < toSplit.Length; ++i)
if (delimiters.Contains(toSplit[i]))
tokens.Add(toSplit.Substring(idx, i - idx)); // token found
tokens.Add(toSplit[i].ToString()); // delimiter
idx = i + 1; // start idx for the next token
// last token
if (splitOptions == StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
tokens = tokens.Where(token => token.Length > 0).ToList();
return tokens.ToArray();
Usage example:
string toSplit = "AAA,BBB,CCC;DD;,EE,";
char[] delimiters = new char[] {',', ';'};
string[] tokens = SplitKeepDelimiters(toSplit, delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (var token in tokens)

