Load Failed error on a project (of multiple projects in a Solution), after Checking out a git branch from SourceTree - c#

I was trying to Checkout a remote branch (ModuleA) on Source-tree to my Local Repo. The checkout was successful, however one of the Projects of the Solution (the solution contains 17 projects in all) did not check out correctly. when I open the solution on my Visual Studio 2019, it shows the Project Load Failed. it is missing the .csproj file in the physical location. And when i try to Reload it says
"Value Does not fall within the expected range"
I tried to use the Pull and Fetch options again, but no luck. Is there any way I can pull that particular project from the remote? Is there a workaround?
I have tried various suggestions mentioned online, but it mostly asks me to Delete branch and try again. And I am new to SourceTree (and clearly do not like it, for all the unclear messages it shows, without hinting on how to fix it), So please ignore my lack of knowhow on this.
Note: If it helps, I was earlier having issues with this Branch (ModuleA), with Commit and Push of some code i had done, which was not important and had tried to discard / Reset also. But in vain, so I had deleted the whole Branch. And now when I'm trying to start afresh by checking out the branch from remote, I have this issue. Also Note I had two other branches, which were also deleted.


100s of errors that all go away when I view them?

I have hundreds of errors saying type or namespace doesn't exist (some are types and some are namespaces). When I click to view the error it initially opens the file and shows the squiggly line under code in question, however within a second or two the squiggly line disappears and so does the error.
After I finish opening up all the files with "errors", all the errors disappear and it compiles fine. However, if I close any the files then the error reappears for that file.
This happened after I tried to merge branches. Not really sure how to proceed to find the root of the issue, or whether there even is a real issue... maybe this is just some bug in Visual Studio and I need to do something to clear some kind of cache to fix the problem?
Please advise.
I have tried all of tymtam's suggestions but to no avail.
However, after deleting the .vs folder, now the errors don't even go away when I open the files so I can no longer build by doing that either.
I am thinking the error may have something to do with dll versions or something like that but I have tried to rebuild and replace all dlls with latest ones and that hasn't helped either.
The problem for me was an outdated version of the .net framework. The new assemblies I was referencing were 4.8 based but my projects were targetting the 4.6.1 framework. Updating the project files to target 4.8 fixed it.
IntelliSense, which is likely the source of these errors, sometimes takes time to adjust to changes caused by switching branches (or more generally code changes that happen suddenly).
Here are the steps that should help, in order:
(Re)building the solution
Restarting Visual Studio
Closing Visual Studio and deleting .vs folder in the root of the solution folder.
Finally you can see if the errors are 'real' by changing what the Error List window shows to Build Only. I would recommend to have it as 'Build + IntelliSense' normally, and using Build Only only on special occasions.
Focus on the 1st error
More generally, when dealing with a large number of errors it's not a bad idea to look at the first one only, solve it, and build the code. A single syntax error can result in many errors and trying to solve the 2nd and subsequent errors would be futile.
In addition to the above, make sure you also look at the warnings (possibly information messages).
In my case, I had them turned off to focus on the errors only and missed the fact that my two projects were set to different versions of the .NET framework.
I did these two things to fix my problem:
I used WinMerge to copy files from the old branch over everything in the new branch for the application in question.
I updated the framework on the project to the latest version.
Originally, I did those two steps except I used TFS to merge the old branch to the new (instead of using WinMerge to copy/overwrite files) and accepted the old version for all conflicts.
This was the nuclear option as I lost any changes that were made in the new branch :(. I have a copy that I can use WinMerge to try to manually merge changes back in but it's definitely frustrating.

Error or Azure DevOps Error: TF402484 The personnel team project has been deleted

VS2019 with the most recent update... Version: 16.2.5
Main error: TF402484 The personnel team project has been deleted
Also : TF10175 The personel team project does not exist.
As far as I understand so far, TFS new name seams to be "Azure DevOps". Some error say TFS while others "Azure DevOps" but it sounds like it is the same.
It got many errors in many projects (into at least 4 different solutions):
There is 3 to 4 kind of different dialog box errors, depending on where and what action I do related to TFS. All errors are about TF402484 error. The error is about a deleted project which nobody has deleted. Most of the time or always, the project has never been part of the solution.
I did not do anything else than updating my VS2019 to the most recent version.
I red: Visual studio 2013 team project has been deleted
About suggestion from previous link: "Undo any pending changes", yes it could seems to temporarily fix the bug BUT there is something that happen that put me in this situation, that seems to happen very often, intermitently and that's very anoying.
In fact, why do I have many items from other projects (not in my current solution) that appear in the Pending Changes window of my current solution?
Starting Source Control Explorer give me many TF402484 DlgBox error (at least 4) and it show "Working..." and stay like that forever. IT just freeze.
Also, I'm using many instances of VS2019 open at the same time. Could it cause the error?
What's going wrong??? What do I have to turn on/off or set, in order to prevent this behavior which is going to kill me in a near future?
Also, perhaps there is no connection, but the only other thing that also changed on my machine: I'm using Cobian Backup to do my backup and perhaps it touches (changes file time) to all or somes solution files.
The error the Undo any pending changes to that project or branches from that project in your local workspace. indicate clearly. You could give a try with below two ways:
Delete the workspace and created a new one, then check it again.
Team Explorer Home --> Under Solution --> Click the arrow down
behind workspace --> Manage Workspaces... --> Select the specific
workspace then Remove
Note: This will remove all your local mappings. Therefore you should check in all changes before deleting it. or back up
Look at Excluded Changes section under Pending Changes and check
if there are any files which belong to a deleted folder/deleted project. If yes,
right click at the file name and choose Undo.
Besides, you could try to clear TFS cache, which may do the trick.
Also reference this similar thread :
Visual Studio TFS: TF10175 During Add Solution To Source Control in
Visual Studio How To Fix
TF10175: The team project does not exists

TFVC checkin best practice

Many people told me that the best practice of checking in my code on TFVC is getting latest before.
I don't know why I think that TFS smart enough and there is no difference between getlatest then checkin or getlatest after checkin
In my opinion when working with TFVC in TFS, the process should be:
You get latest
You write your tests
You make them pass
You get latest including conflicts and resolve all conflicts
You run your tests
If they fail you fix and go back to 4
When they pass and after doing a get latest you checkin
(this process is the same for all server-based source control systems)
If you do not do this then you are not writing your code on the latest codebase so while tfvc can merge, if something has happened like a method being changed or removed, the merge won't help.
Be a good citizen and get latest before you checkin - ideally you should have a CI build which checks this and if you do you will often break the build which is bad for everyone.
Edited: I have added that when you checkout you also get all conflicts, otherwise if you have done something like added a file the project won't be downloaded when you do a get latest, this is pretty important actually with TFS.
I would share some of my opinions when working with TFS:
It's smart, it helps to perform auto-merge many times (if my code is not conflict with others). Otherwise, you can see all conflicted files and do merge yourself file by file or you can decide to take server version / local version.
If not doing get latest, you may need to perform a second shoot, example:
- You add some files to a project Business.csproj
- Your colleage also added some files to that project. TFS merges the file and requires Visual Stiduo to reload the project.
Let's imaging we often review all changes, run tests... before checking in. There are 40 files, on both cases confliction or reload project, a second check needs to be done...

Visual studio - getting error "Metadata file 'XYZ' could not be found" after edit continue

I have stumbled into an issue that is really annoying.
When I debug my software, everything runs OK, but if I hit a breakpoint and edit the code, when I try to continue running I get an error:
Metadata file 'XYZ' could not be found
After looking around for a while, I found some a similar issues, but they were all regarding a build failure, which is not my case (this happens only after edit-continue).
What I have tried so far:
My code is compiling and running.
I cleaned the solution and restarted VS.
I made sure that the missing file's project is being build for the configuration I am running (in configuration manager).
I manually built the missing file's project.
Some extra info:
It does not matter what I change, still get the same error (the change is not related to the missing file).
This happens also when I pause and continue (not only breakpoints)
I am running the project using a custom configuration (configuration manager...). When I run it using the default Debug configuration the error does not occur.
Any ideas?
Eventually what solved the issue was:
Clean every project individually (Right click> Clean).
Rebuild every project individually (Right click> Rebuild).
Rebuild the startup project.
I guess for some reason, just cleaning the solution had a different effect than specifically cleaning every project individually.
As per #maplemale comment, It seems that sometimes removing and re-adding each reference is also required.
Update 2019:
This question got a lot of traffic in the past, but it seems that since VS 2017 was released, it got much less attention.
So another suggestion would be - Update to a newer version of VS (>= 2017) and among other new features this issue will also be solved
As far as I can tell, this happens when the project dependencies gets messed up for whatever reason (whilst all the inter-project references are still intact). For many cases, it is NOT a code issue. And for those who have more than a few projects, going through them one at a time is NOT acceptable.
It's easy to reset project dependencies -
Select all projects and right click unload
Select all projects and right click reload
Rebuild solution
For those who have an issue in their code or some other issue that's causing this problem you'll obviously have to solve that issue first.
One possible reason could be you have upgraded the some of your projects (in the solution) to higher version e.g. from .NET 4.0 to 4.5 This happened in my case when I opened the solution in VS 2013 (originally created using VS 2010 and .NET 4.0). When I opened in VS 2013 my C++ project got updated to .NET 4.5 and I started to see the problem.
Generally this kind of error comes with human mistakes like if we change the namespace in some improper way, or changing folder names from explorer for current project etc, where compiler is unable to detect sometimes.
I came across the same error, to resolve which I tried few steps. Please follow all the steps :
Clean whole Solution
Right Click on every Project in your solution , Go to Properties and make your Default namespace as well as Default assembly name same as in your code (i.e namespace before class name)
Check Folder names for each project by going through the explorer(Where your project solution is). If not matching with your project names, make it similar (Like step 2) to them.
Remove all your references from each project relevant to another of same solution, and add it again.
In Your Project Solution folder, you will find Visual c# Project file. Right click and open with Notepad. In your initial lines you would find for lines for every project like below:
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "**Client**", "**Client** \ **Client**.csproj", "{4503E259-0E3B-414A-9074-F251684322A5}"
Check again Foldernames (I have highlighted in BOLD) and make it similar to what you did in step 2.
Clean the whole solution again
Build The Solution (If doesn't work try building individual after cleaning again)
Make sure all your dependent projects are using the same .Net Framework version. I had the same issue caused by a dependent project using 4.5.1, while all others were using 4.5. Changing the project from 4.5.1 to 4.5 and rebuilding my solution fixed this issue for me.
XYZ couldn't be found because is not built yet....
Right click on the solution and check Project Dependencies, the Project Build Order should also change according to the dependencies that have been set.
The only thing that worked for me was to delete the Solution User Options (.suo) file. Note that, this is a hidden file.
To locate this file, close your Virsual studio and search for .suo from the file explorer within your project.
PS: a new .suo file will be created again when you rebuild your project and hopefully this newly created one wont give you issues.
I hope that helps someone get rid of this anoying error :).
I had this problem for days! I tried all the stuff above, but the problem kept coming back. When this message is shown it can have the meaning of "one or more projects in your solution did not compile cleanly" thus the metadata for the file was never written. But in my case, I didn't see any of the other compiler errors!!! I kept working at trying to compile each solution manually, and only after getting VS2012 to actually reveal some compiler errors I hadn't seen previously, this problem vanished.
I fooled around with build orders, no build orders, referencing debug dlls (which were manually compiled)... NOTHING seemed to work, until I found these errors which did not show up when compiling the entire solution!!!!
Sometimes, it seems, when compiling, that the compiler will exit on some errors... I've seen this in the past where after fixing issues, subsequent compiles show NEW errors. I don't know why it happens and it's somewhat rare for me to have these issues. However, when you do have them like this, it's a real pain in trying to find out what's going on. Good Luck!
Well, my answer is not just the summary of all the solutions, but it offers more than that.
Section (1):
In general solutions:
I had 4 errors of this kind (‘metadata file could not be found’) along with 1 error saying 'Source File Could Not Be Opened (‘Unspecified error ‘)'.
I tried to get rid of ‘metadata file could not be found’ error. For that, I read many posts, blogs etc and found these solutions may be effective (summarizing them over here):
Restart VS and try building again.
Go to 'Solution Explorer'. Right click on Solution. Go to Properties. Go to 'Configuration Manager'. Check if the checkboxes under 'Build' are checked or not. If any or all of them are unchecked, then check them and try building again.
If the above solution(s) do not work, then follow sequence mentioned in step 2 above, and even if all the checkboxes are checked, uncheck them, check again and try to build again.
Build Order and Project Dependencies:
Go to 'Solution Explorer'. Right click on Solution. Go to 'Project Dependencies...'. You will see 2 tabs: 'Dependencies' and 'Build Order'. This build order is the one in which solution builds. Check the project dependencies and the build order to verify if some project (say 'project1') which is dependent on other (say 'project2') is trying to build before that one (project2). This might be the cause for the error.
Check the path of the missing .dll:
Check the path of the missing .dll. If the path contains space or any other invalid path character, remove it and try building again.
If this is the cause, then adjust the build order.
Are you using a database code generation tool like SQLMETAL in your project?
If so, you may be facing a pluralized to unpluralized transition issue.
In my case, I have noted that some old pluralized (*) table names (upon which SQLMETAL adds, by default, an "s" letter at the end) table references to classes generated by SQLMETAL.
Since, I have recently disabled Pluralization of names, after regerating some database related classes, some of them lost their "s" prefix. Therefore, all references to affected table classes became invalid. For this reason, I have several compilation errors like the following:
'xxxx' does not contain a definition for 'TableNames' and no extension method 'TableNames' accepting a first argument of type 'yyyy' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
As you know, I takes only on error to prevent an assembly from compiling. And that is the missing assemply is linkable to dependent assemblies, causing the original "Metadata file 'XYZ' could not be found"
After fixing affected class tables references manually to their current names (unpluralized), I was finnaly able to get my project back to life!
(*) If option Visual Studio > Tools menu > Options > Database Tools > O/R Designer > Pluralization of names is enabled, some SQLMETALl code generator will add an "s" letter at the end of some generated table classes, although table has no "s" suffix on target database. For further information, please refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb386987(v=vs.110).aspx
Hope it helps!
I had this error come up. I followed all of the solutions here but nothing worked. I was using Visual Studio 2013 Professional. I couldn't get the individual project rebuilds to work and I finally figured out there was a circular dependency in my references. Visual Studio does a pretty good job normally of warning you if you are adding a reference to something that references back, but for some reason it didn't in this instance. I added a reference to a project that referenced the project I was working on - and it accepted it. VS bug perhaps?
My 5 cents.
This problem started after a solution wide clean.
I managed to get the problem to go away by setting the Active Solution configuration in: Build -> Configuration manager to release. Then build and set it back to debug again. The build succeeded after that.
Close VS, locate and remove the 'packages' folder from outside of visual studio. Restart VS and build -> all dependencies are reinstalled
Visual Studio 2019 Community 16.3.10
I had similar issue with Release build. Debug build was compiling without any issues.
Turns out that the problem was caused by OneDrive. Most likely one could experience similar issues with any backed-up drive or cloud service.
I cleaned everything as per Avi Turner's great answer.
In addition, I manually deleted the \obj\Release -folder from my OneDrive folder and also logged to OneDrive with a browser and deleted the folder there also to prevent OneDrive from loading the cloud version back when compiling.
After that rebuilt and everything worked as should.
this happens because of the difference of names in the folder name and namespace name. If u create a namespace in a certain name , and later you rename it the namespace will have the old name itself. And the compilation will take the old path to find the .dll and .exe file . To avoid this open the .csproj file of each namespace with a text file , and find the old path in the file.
remove this, clean and rebuild the solution. This worked for me. I spent an entire day working on this problem.
I had this and managed to fix it using this SO answer:
Metadata file '.dll' could not be found
I had to uncheck all of the boxes, click Apply, reenable all of the checkboxes and then click apply again, but it fixed the problem.
I just ran into this issue and after an hour of screwing around realized I had added an aspx file to my product that had the same name as one of my Linq-To-Sql classes.
Class and Page where "Queue".
Changed the page to QueueMgr.aspx and everything built just fine.
For a new build, it could be that some dependencies aren't installed. For me it was Crystal Reports.
It happens when one project dll is failing and that is referenced by number of projects. So first fix it and then Build individuals.
I ve had this problem and it has started after importing our solution to TFS as a new project.I came across this topic and found a quick solution with some inspiration from your answers.
All i needed to do is to rebuild the project thats supposedly lost its metadata file and voila , problem solved.
There's also one another silly reason which you should check with patience... as it occurred to me after wasting 4hours searching for answers:
The story to me was that I accidentally changed a small line of code among thousands of c# class files and then trying to rebuild the solution. As you could imagine, I ended up with 40+ meta data file missing errors and with 1 compilation error among them -- which I didn't check carefully, purely thinking all errors were the same!
after 4 hours searching and then accidentally double checking my error list, I found that silly code error, fixed it, compiled, and then error disappeared.
Not a good answer to your problem, but do hope my case wasn't same to yours.
I had the same problem. In my case I had by mistake I had set all the projects apart from the project with the main method as console application.
To resolve I went to every project other than the one with main function and right click> properites > output type > class library
it was happened to me because I've a strange clash in the namespaces:
I had
with namespace
witch defines ClassA
and in the same assembly another namespace with name
witch defines a different ClassA (but with the same name)
I had then in AssemblyA.ParentNamespace IInterfaceB witch had a method that in the beginning returns IEnumerable and a ClassB witch implements IInterfaceB
I had later modified the method in ClassB to return IEnumerable but I've forgot to update the IInterfaceB definition, so the method there was still returning IEnumerable
the fun fact was that the solution still complile if I did a rebuild all, but the tests witch refers AssemblyA didsn't work and returns the "Metadata file could not be found"error.
updating InterfaceB to correctly return IEnumerable as its implementor ClassB did solved the problem, unfortunately the error message was vague and also the fact that the compilation worked makes me suppose that maybe there is something to fix in the compiler
A coworker was running into this problem and the cause was eluding us. Eventually we realized that the project directory (and therefore the path to the NuGet packages) contained %20 (thanks, some Git gui tool which shall not be named) and the error messages showed that the compiler was looking for an very similar-looking path but one which had to %20, rather a space. Apparently something in the build system somewhere performs HTML-decoding on local filesystem paths.
Renamed the working copy directory and everything started working.
I had this issue too.
It started after I did a little folder tidying in my project.
I then tried to compile and got many duplicate class errors. (despite them not being duplicated. I think the linking was just out of wack)
Upon checking these, the errors would all disappear leaving only the "Metadata file ...debug\application.exe could not be found" error.
I solved this by looking in the build output window to find which classes were duplicated.
I would then right click the class name and "go to definition".
there will be two definitions to select from, open them both, the second definition will seem to open the same file again, however the second one will identify as the error source(red underline).
Delete all the code out of the file and save(This will not effect your actual file).
This should now compile correctly.
Ensure that there are no spaces in the path to your project...
I am using Windows 10 with Visual Studio Community 2019 and I was cloning a multi project solution as it was from a GIT repo. I was having this error with all other dependencies in the solution along with a E_POINTER error. Its path, inherited from GIT, had spaces like C:/repos/MY PROJECT NAME/ ...
I deleted it, cloned it again and make sure that its path contained no spaces like C:/repos/MY_PROJECT_NAME/ ...
That fixed my problem.
I had same issue too.
In my case, I recently add an internal class to somewhere in project. One of the dependencies in solution has same class name and both of them are added correctly to references.
I changed my last activity and rebuild, it works.
Be sure that your compiler messages are valid. In my case I catch reference error from there, not listed as an error in Error List.

SVN keeps corrupting files with "<<<<<<< .mine", how to fix?

I've got a Visual Studio C# project which is under version control (SVN).
I've always commited and updated the project without any problems. But a couple of hours ago Visual Studio throws the following error when I try to launch/rebuild the project:
Files has invalid value "<<<<<<<
.mine". Illegal characters in path.
I don't know how to fix this problem. What should I do?
That happens when svn encounters a conflict: You changed a file, the file on the server was changed and it cannot (easily) be merged automatically. You need to decide what is the correct solution now.
Subversion just adds the diff into your source file (and creates files next to it, called OriginalName.mine (unchanged) and OriginalName.rsomething (unchanged, server version)).
Fix the conflict and tell subversion that this is resolved.
just delete the obj folder and it will worked fine.
Remove the code that shouldn't be in the file throwing the error and remove the the three files with extensions .mine, .<somerevision> and .<some_other_revision>. svn updated files that now contain 'conflicts' and you need to resolve these conflicts by hand. Usually this means you edited a file, someone else edited the same file and checked in changes and you didn't pay attention when checking out the changed file.
Delete every thing you have in obj folder .
Remove your obj folder from svn version control . Because on every build it get updated and when other developer commit changes to solution SVN is unable to marge obj folder files and raise error
Files has invalid value "<<<<<<< .mine". Illegal characters in path.
Please read the Basic Usage chapter in the subversion book. It has a section about Merging conflicts by hand which explains the conflict markers you're seeing.
Removing the debug folders worked for me (see comment-not answer above).
I got this after moving 12 folders from one section of svn to a new section. So if you get this after moving a project and the error does not point to an actual file, this is likely your issue.
If you have AnkhSVN or VisualSVN installed resolving this is most likely as easy as right clicking the file in the solution explorer and selecting edit conflict.
This will open the changed file in your merge editor. (See Tools->Options->Source Control->Subversion User tools for AnkhSVN). With a good merge tool like the free to use SourceGear DiffMerge or TortoiseMerge, resolving the conflict is just a few mouseclicks away.
I have had this happen on a large scale where the files get marked resolved but the conflict metadata is still there. I wrote a regular expression for visual studio to find these, for instances where it is not feasible to simply revert the changed files.
I closed the IDE, then deleted the obj folder and restarted the IDE and rebuilt my Code. This worked for me.
Inside your project :
odj folder -> Debug -> project name.csproj.Filelistabsolute.txt(snb.csproj.Filelistabsolute.txt)
Inside the text file
>>>>>>>.mine and >>>>>>>.r150 occurs
to remove the things the program works
1)Just save your local changes whatever u have edited in the file
2)revert the file
3)update it from SVN
4)Paste your local changes
If you are using TortoiseSVN you should have a right click option on the file called Edit Conflicts. This should bring up TortoiseMerge which is able to read those obnoxious notations stuck into the file (really, to break your code so you KNOW there's an issue and don't blindly check it in).
TortoiseMerge will read it properly and present you with a 3-way merge. This was what I was looking for. Although it is true that it does also create the separate .mine and .rxxx and .ryyy files, and there are various manual and command-line ways to deal with all this.
Have a simple solution. just delete all file from debug folder and rebuild the solution, an error display on the screen "There were build errors. Would you like to continue and run the last successful build? click on "Yes" button. Now stop the program and run normally.

