I have two different shapes . A rectangle which moves by using the keys up,down,right,left and a circle that is moving in a fixed position ( Up and down the Y axis) . I'm trying the detect the collision that if I move the rectangle into the circle the collision is to be detected and the game to stop . I have tried this code but it doesn't work:
public bool collision()
if (PlayerPositionX == EnemyPosX & PlayerPositionY == EnemyPosY )
if (collision()==true)
return collision();
this is the full code . Does anyone have any idea how to do it?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Timers;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using Timer = System.Windows.Forms.Timer;
namespace prot_4
public partial class Form1 : Form
int PlayerPositionX = 40, PlayerPositionY = 200, width = 40, height = 40; // player
int EnemyWidth = 40, EnemyHeight = 40, EnemyPosX = 100, EnemyPosY = 0, EnemySpeedX = 0, EnemySpeedY = 20; // enemy
int EnemyWidth2 = 40, EnemyHeight2 = 40, EnemyPosX2 = 200, EnemyPosY2 = 400, EnemySpeedX2 = 0, EnemySpeedY2 = 20; // enemy2
int EnemyWidth3 = 40, EnemyHeight3 = 40, EnemyPosX3 = 300, EnemyPosY3 = 0, EnemySpeedX3 = 0, EnemySpeedY3 = 20; // enemy3
int EnemyWidth4 = 40, EnemyHeight4 = 40, EnemyPosX4 = 400, EnemyPosY4 = 400, EnemySpeedX4 = 0, EnemySpeedY4 = 20; // enemy4
int EnemyWidth5 = 40, EnemyHeight5 = 40, EnemyPosX5 = 500, EnemyPosY5 = 0, EnemySpeedX5 = 0, EnemySpeedY5 = 20; // enemy5
int EnemyWidth6 = 40, EnemyHeight6 = 40, EnemyPosX6 = 600, EnemyPosY6 = 400, EnemySpeedX6 = 0, EnemySpeedY6 = 20; // enemy6
private bool moveUp, moveDown, moveLeft, moveRight;
private System.Windows.Forms.Timer _movementTimer = new Timer { Interval = 100 };
public bool collision()
if (PlayerPositionX == EnemyPosX & PlayerPositionY == EnemyPosY )
if (collision()==true)
return collision();
public Form1()
_movementTimer.Tick += movementTimer_Tick;
private void movementTimer_Tick(object sender , EventArgs e)
private void playerControls() // Player controls
if (moveRight)
PlayerPositionX += 5;
if (PlayerPositionX >= 800 - width)
PlayerPositionX = 800 - width;
if (moveLeft)
PlayerPositionX -= 5;
if (PlayerPositionX <= -43 + width)
PlayerPositionX = -43 + width;
if (moveUp)
PlayerPositionY -= 5;
if (PlayerPositionY <= 0)
PlayerPositionY = 0;
if (moveDown)
PlayerPositionY += 5;
if (PlayerPositionY >= 410)
PlayerPositionY = 410;
public void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
switch (e.KeyCode)
case Keys.Up:
moveUp = true;
case Keys.Down:
moveDown = true;
case Keys.Left:
moveLeft = true;
case Keys.Right:
moveRight = true;
public void Form1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
switch (e.KeyCode)
case Keys.Up:
moveUp = false;
case Keys.Down:
moveDown = false;
case Keys.Left:
moveLeft = false;
case Keys.Right:
moveRight = false;
if (!(moveUp || moveDown || moveLeft || moveRight ))
public void player(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) // drawing the player
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode =
e.Graphics.FillRectangle((Brushes.Blue), PlayerPositionX, PlayerPositionY, width, height);
PlayerPositionX, PlayerPositionY,
width, height);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = //drawing the enemy
EnemyPosX, EnemyPosY,
EnemyWidth, EnemyHeight);
EnemyPosX, EnemyPosY,
EnemyWidth, EnemyHeight);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = //drawing the enemy
EnemyPosX2, EnemyPosY2,
EnemyWidth2, EnemyHeight2);
EnemyPosX2, EnemyPosY2,
EnemyWidth2, EnemyHeight2);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = //drawing the enemy
EnemyPosX3, EnemyPosY3,
EnemyWidth3, EnemyHeight3);
EnemyPosX3, EnemyPosY3,
EnemyWidth3, EnemyHeight3);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = //drawing the enemy
EnemyPosX4, EnemyPosY4,
EnemyWidth, EnemyHeight);
EnemyPosX4, EnemyPosY4,
EnemyWidth4, EnemyHeight4);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = //drawing the enemy
EnemyPosX5, EnemyPosY5,
EnemyWidth5, EnemyHeight5);
EnemyPosX5, EnemyPosY5,
EnemyWidth5, EnemyHeight5);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = //drawing the enemy
EnemyPosX6, EnemyPosY6,
EnemyWidth6, EnemyHeight6);
EnemyPosX6, EnemyPosY6,
EnemyWidth6, EnemyHeight6);
private void PlayerMoveTimer(object sender, EventArgs e ) // timer 2
private void moveTimer(object sender, EventArgs e) // timer
//update coorndinates
EnemyPosX += EnemySpeedX; // how the enemy moves //timer 1
if (EnemyPosX < 0 ||
EnemyPosX + EnemyWidth > this.ClientSize.Width
EnemySpeedX = -EnemySpeedX;
EnemyPosY -= EnemySpeedY;
if (EnemyPosY < 0 ||
EnemyPosY + EnemyHeight > this.ClientSize.Height
EnemySpeedY = -EnemySpeedY;
EnemyPosX2 += EnemySpeedX2; // how the enemy moves //timer 1
if (EnemyPosX2 < 0 ||
EnemyPosX2 + EnemyWidth2 > this.ClientSize.Width
EnemySpeedX2 = -EnemySpeedX2;
EnemyPosY2 += EnemySpeedY2;
if (EnemyPosY2 < 0 ||
EnemyPosY2 + EnemyHeight2 > this.ClientSize.Height
EnemySpeedY2 = -EnemySpeedY2;
EnemyPosX3 += EnemySpeedX3; // how the enemy moves //timer 1
if (EnemyPosX3 < 0 ||
EnemyPosX3 + EnemyWidth3 > this.ClientSize.Width
EnemySpeedX3 = -EnemySpeedX3;
EnemyPosY3 -= EnemySpeedY3;
if (EnemyPosY3 < 0 ||
EnemyPosY3 + EnemyHeight3 > this.ClientSize.Height
EnemySpeedY3 = -EnemySpeedY3;
EnemyPosX4 += EnemySpeedX4; // how the enemy moves //timer 1
if (EnemyPosX4 < 0 ||
EnemyPosX4 + EnemyWidth4 > this.ClientSize.Width
EnemySpeedX4 = -EnemySpeedX4;
EnemyPosY4 += EnemySpeedY4;
if (EnemyPosY4 < 0 ||
EnemyPosY4 + EnemyHeight4 > this.ClientSize.Height
EnemySpeedY4 = -EnemySpeedY4;
EnemyPosX5 += EnemySpeedX5; // how the enemy moves //timer 1
if (EnemyPosX5 < 0 ||
EnemyPosX5 + EnemyWidth5 > this.ClientSize.Width
EnemySpeedX = -EnemySpeedX;
EnemyPosY5 -= EnemySpeedY5;
if (EnemyPosY5 < 0 ||
EnemyPosY5 + EnemyHeight5 > this.ClientSize.Height
EnemySpeedY5 = -EnemySpeedY5;
EnemyPosX6 += EnemySpeedX6; // how the enemy moves //timer 1
if (EnemyPosX6 < 0 ||
EnemyPosX6 + EnemyWidth6 > this.ClientSize.Width
EnemySpeedX6 = -EnemySpeedX6;
EnemyPosY6 += EnemySpeedY6;
if (EnemyPosY6 < 0 ||
EnemyPosY6 + EnemyHeight6 > this.ClientSize.Height
EnemySpeedY6 = -EnemySpeedY6;
//refresh windows
Sorry, but from a brief look at your code, it doesn't make much sense to me. A recursive collision-function which never returns an actual value. What is the idea behind that ? Does it even compile ?
Having said that, the specific collision detection you are after isn't that complicated. Here is the general way to do it.
If you know from the rectangle the coordinates of the four corners and from the circle the coordinate of the center and the length of the radius. All you have to do is calculate the distance (with the pythagoras formula) from each rectangle-corner to the center of the circle. If one or more of these distances is less than the radius of the circle you have a collision.
after giving this problem some more thought I now see there are some cases when a rectangle and circle collide which are not covered by my method. However I still think my method is a good way to start.
I made my first ever game in C# using WPF (clone of Flappy Bird), here's the Codebehind:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Threading;
namespace FlappyBirdWPF
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private readonly MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer();
private readonly MediaPlayer player2 = new MediaPlayer();
private readonly DispatcherTimer gameTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
private readonly Random pipePos = new Random();
private double highscore = double.Parse(File.ReadAllText(#"C:\Users\nikan\source\repos\Flappy Cat\Flappy Cat\assets\highscore.txt"));
private double score, counter = 5;
private int gravity = 8;
private Rect birdHitbox;
private bool isGameOver;
public MainWindow()
gameTimer.Tick += MainEventTimer;
gameTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20);
private void MainEventTimer(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtScore.Content = $"Score: {score}";
txtHighscore.Content = $"Highscore: {highscore}";
gameOver.Content = "";
birdHitbox = new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(bird), Canvas.GetTop(bird), bird.Width - 12, bird.Height - 15);
Canvas.SetTop(bird, Canvas.GetTop(bird) + gravity);
if (Canvas.GetTop(bird) < -10 || Canvas.GetTop(bird) > 370) EndGame();
foreach (var img in MyCanvas.Children.OfType<Image>())
if ((string)img.Tag == "obs1" || (string)img.Tag == "obs2" || (string)img.Tag == "obs3")
Canvas.SetLeft(img, Canvas.GetLeft(img) - counter);
if (Canvas.GetLeft(img) < -60)
Canvas.SetLeft(img, 800);
if ((string)img.Tag == "obs1")
Canvas.SetTop(obs1Top, pipePos.Next(150, 350) * -1);
Canvas.SetTop(obs1Bot, Canvas.GetTop(obs1Top) + 500);
if ((string)img.Tag == "obs2")
Canvas.SetTop(obs2Top, pipePos.Next(150, 350) * -1);
Canvas.SetTop(obs2Bot, Canvas.GetTop(obs2Top) + 500);
if ((string)img.Tag == "obs3")
Canvas.SetTop(obs3Top, pipePos.Next(150, 350) * -1);
Canvas.SetTop(obs3Bot, Canvas.GetTop(obs3Top) + 500);
counter += 0.1;
score += 0.5;
player2.Open(new Uri(#"C:\Users\nikan\source\repos\Flappy Cat\Flappy Cat\assets\audio\blip.wav"));
Rect pipeHitbox = new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(img), Canvas.GetTop(img), img.Width, img.Height);
if (birdHitbox.IntersectsWith(pipeHitbox)) EndGame();
if ((string)img.Tag == "cloud")
Canvas.SetLeft(img, Canvas.GetLeft(img) - 2);
if (Canvas.GetLeft(img) < -250) Canvas.SetLeft(img, 550);
if ((string)img.Tag == "ground")
Canvas.SetLeft(img, Canvas.GetLeft(img) - counter);
if (Canvas.GetLeft(img) < -525)
if (img.Name == "ground1") Canvas.SetLeft(img, 510);
if (img.Name == "ground2") Canvas.SetLeft(img, Canvas.GetLeft(ground1) + 524);
private void KeyIsDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Space && !isGameOver)
bird.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(-20, bird.Width / 2, bird.Height / 2);
gravity = -8;
if (e.Key == Key.R)
if (e.Key == Key.Escape && isGameOver)
private void KeyIsUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
bird.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(5, bird.Width / 2, bird.Height / 2);
gravity = 8;
private void StartGame()
player.Open(new Uri(#"C:\Users\nikan\source\repos\Flappy Cat\Flappy Cat\assets\audio\bgm.wav"));
bird.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri($"assets/images/bird.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
isGameOver = false;
score = 0;
counter = 5;
int cloudGap = 250;
Canvas.SetTop(bird, 190);
foreach (var img in MyCanvas.Children.OfType<Image>())
if ((string)img.Tag == "obs1") Canvas.SetLeft(img, 500);
if ((string)img.Tag == "obs2") Canvas.SetLeft(img, 800);
if ((string)img.Tag == "obs3") Canvas.SetLeft(img, 1100);
if ((string)img.Tag == "cloud")
Canvas.SetLeft(img, 250 + cloudGap);
cloudGap = 850;
if (img.Name == "ground1")
Canvas.SetLeft(img, 0);
if (img.Name == "ground2")
Canvas.SetLeft(img, 520);
private void EndGame()
if (score > highscore)
highscore = score;
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(#"C:\Users\nikan\source\repos\Flappy Cat\Flappy Cat\assets\highscore.txt"))
player.Open(new Uri(#"C:\Users\nikan\source\repos\Flappy Cat\Flappy Cat\assets\audio\boom.wav"));
isGameOver = true;
bird.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri($"assets/images/deadBird.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
gameOver.Content = " Game over! \n Press 'R' to play again.\n" +
"...or press 'Esc' to quit... loser.";
In some instances you can see I was able to successfully use something like $"assets/images/deadBird.png" to reference a file without specifying the entire local path, but in some cases I wasn't allowed to do that and had to use the full path like #"C:\Users\nikan\source\repos\Flappy Cat\Flappy Cat\assets\audio\boom.wav". Is there a workaround to this? Any suggestions are appreciated, I've only been working in c# for ~2 months!
It may be suitable:
using System.IO;
player.Open(new Uri($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\\assets\\audio\\boom.wav"));
I'm looking for the method for moving and changing the size of shape using mouse #C.
That shape made by mouse location (Point start, end) on pictureBox named "captureDesign".
I wanted to ask for a little bit of help.
I searched many similar case of question, but I couldn't solve it yet.
IF possible, please let me know to how.
Here is my code.
It's not everything, for example, I omitted the contents about the mode selection for shape using Button_click.
I studied the similar case.
But I haven't noticed it yet.
How can I associate startPt (#MouseDown) and endPt (#MouseUp) with MyMove to make the move successful?
MyMove code is written in upper link. I need it change.
Actually I need to code for change the size but, first of all, I want to move that using mouse.
namespace Pilot
public partial class mainForm : Form
#region define
private bool _isCaptionShow = false;
private ScreenPicture sp;
private IContainer components = null;
Bitmap bitmap;
private DrawMode drawMode;
private Graphics g;
private Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 7);
Point startPt, endPt, currPt, prevPt, addPt;
private int numberCount = 0;
int rectWidth, rectHeight;
Font font = new Font("Arial", 12);
private bool selectMode = false;
private void selectModeButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (selectModeButton.Checked == true)
selectMode = true;
selectMode = false;
MyMove m;
Point deltaStart;
Point deltaEnd;
bool dragging = false;
#region Contents on PictureBox "captureDesign;" when mouse clicked.
private void captureDesign_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
startPt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
prevPt = startPt;
currPt = startPt;
if (selectMode)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && m.IsPointOnLine(e.Location, 5))
dragging = true;
deltaStart = new Point(startPt.X- e.Location.X, startPt.Y - e.Location.Y);
#region Contents on PictureBox captureDesign when Mouse dropped.
private void captureDesign_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
g = captureDesign.CreateGraphics();
endPt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
m = new MyMove(pen, startPt, endPt);
#region calculate between start Point ~ end Point to width, height
if (endPt.X < startPt.X)
rectWidth = Math.Abs(endPt.X - startPt.X);
addPt.X = endPt.X;
rectWidth = Math.Abs(endPt.X - startPt.X);
addPt.X = startPt.X;
if (endPt.Y < startPt.Y)
rectHeight = Math.Abs(endPt.Y - startPt.Y);
addPt.Y = endPt.Y;
rectHeight = Math.Abs(endPt.Y - startPt.Y);
addPt.Y = startPt.Y;
if (selectMode)
deltaEnd = new Point(endPt.X - e.Location.X, endPt.Y - e.Location.Y);
else //No selectMode
#region draw the shape in case of drawMode
switch (drawMode)
case DrawMode.LINE:
if (arrowCheck.Checked == true)
pen.StartCap = LineCap.ArrowAnchor;
//g.DrawLine(pen, startPt, endPt);
g.DrawLine(m.mpen, m.mStart, m.mEnd);
case DrawMode.RECTANGLE:
//g.DrawRectangle(pen, new Rectangle(startPt, new Size(endPt.X - startPt.X, endPt.Y - startPt.Y)));
g.DrawRectangle(pen, new Rectangle(addPt, new Size(rectWidth, rectHeight)));
case DrawMode.CIRCLE:
g.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(addPt, new Size(rectWidth, rectHeight)));
case DrawMode.NUMBER:
g.DrawString(numberCount.ToString(), font, Brushes.White, endPt);
private void captureDesign_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (dragging && deltaStart != null && deltaEnd != null)
m.mStart = new Point(deltaStart.X + e.Location.X, deltaStart.Y + e.Location.Y);
m.mEnd = new Point(deltaEnd.X + e.Location.X, deltaEnd.Y + e.Location.Y);
public class MyMove
public Pen mpen { get; set; }
public Point mStart { get; set; }
public Point mEnd { get; set; }
public MyMove(Pen p, Point p1, Point p2)
mpen = p;
mStart = p1;
mEnd = p2;
public float slope
return (((float)mEnd.Y - (float)mStart.Y) / ((float)mEnd.X - (float)mStart.X));
public float YIntercept
return mStart.Y - slope * mStart.X;
public bool IsPointOnLine(Point p, int cushion)
float temp = (slope * p.X + YIntercept);
if (temp >= (p.Y-cushion) && temp <=(p.Y+cushion))
return true;
return false;
Everything happens on MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e).
Here is a sample
private void Form1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
//If we are not allowed to draw, simply return and disregard the rest of the code
if (!_canDraw) return;
//The x-value of our rectangle should be the minimum between the start x-value and the current x-position
int x = Math.Min(_startX, e.X);
//The y-value of our rectangle should also be the minimum between the start y-value and current y-value
int y = Math.Min(_startY, e.Y);
//The width of our rectangle should be the maximum between the start x-position and current x-position minus
//the minimum of start x-position and current x-position
int width = Math.Max(_startX, e.X) - Math.Min(_startX, e.X);
//For the hight value, it's basically the same thing as above, but now with the y-values:
int height = Math.Max(_startY, e.Y) - Math.Min(_startY, e.Y);
_rect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
//Refresh the form and draw the rectangle
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
//Create a new 'pen' to draw our rectangle with, give it the color red and a width of 2
using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2))
//Draw the rectangle on our form with the pen
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, _rect);
You can further study the detail here, C# Tutorial - Drawing rectangles with the mouse.
I achieve the solution you want but I use a third party library MoveGraphLibrary. You can further read this article Moveable Resizable Objects.
Sample Code
public class Rectangle : GraphicalObject
protected RectangleF rc;
protected Resizing resize;
protected float wMin, wMax, hMin, hMax;
protected int radius;
protected int halfstrip;
protected SolidBrush brush;
int minsize = 25;
// -------------------------------------------------
public Rectangle(RectangleF rect, RectRange range, int rad, int half, Color color)
rc = new RectangleF(rect.X, rect.Y, Math.Max(minsize, rect.Width), Math.Max(minsize, rect.Height));
if (range == null)
wMin = wMax = rc.Width;
hMin = hMax = rc.Height;
wMin = Math.Max(minsize, Math.Min(rc.Width, range.MinWidth));
wMax = Math.Max(rc.Width, range.MaxWidth);
hMin = Math.Max(minsize, Math.Min(rc.Height, range.MinHeight));
hMax = Math.Max(rc.Height, range.MaxHeight);
RectRange realrange = new RectRange(wMin, wMax, hMin, hMax);
resize = realrange.Resizing;
radius = rad;
halfstrip = half;
brush = new SolidBrush(color);
// -------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------- RectAround
new public RectangleF RectAround
get { return (rc); }
// ------------------------------------------------- Radius
public int Radius
get { return (radius); }
radius = Math.Abs(value);
// ------------------------------------------------- HalfStrip
public int HalfStrip
get { return (halfstrip); }
halfstrip = Math.Abs(value);
// ------------------------------------------------- Color
public Color Color
get { return (brush.Color); }
set { brush.Color = value; }
// -------------------------------------------------
public void Draw(Graphics grfx)
grfx.FillRectangle(brush, rc);
// ------------------------------------------------- Resizing
public Resizing Resizing
get { return (resize); }
resize = value;
// ------------------------------------------------- DefineCover
public override void DefineCover()
cover = new Cover(rc, resize, radius, halfstrip);
// -------------------------------------------------
public override void Move(int dx, int dy)
rc.X += dx;
rc.Y += dy;
// ------------------------------------------------- MoveNode
public override bool MoveNode(int iNode, int dx, int dy, Point ptM, MouseButtons catcher)
bool bRet = false;
if (catcher == MouseButtons.Left)
float wNew, hNew;
switch (resize)
case Resizing.Any:
if (iNode == 8)
Move(dx, dy);
else if (iNode == 0) //LT corner
hNew = rc.Height - dy;
if (hMin <= hNew && hNew <= hMax)
bRet = true;
wNew = rc.Width - dx;
if (wMin <= wNew && wNew <= wMax)
bRet = true;
else if (iNode == 1) // RT corner
hNew = rc.Height - dy;
if (hMin <= hNew && hNew <= hMax)
bRet = true;
wNew = rc.Width + dx;
if (wMin <= wNew && wNew <= wMax)
bRet = true;
else if (iNode == 2) // RB corner
wNew = rc.Width + dx;
if (wMin <= wNew && wNew <= wMax)
bRet = true;
hNew = rc.Height + dy;
if (hMin <= hNew && hNew <= hMax)
bRet = true;
else if (iNode == 3) // LB corner
hNew = rc.Height + dy;
if (hMin <= hNew && hNew <= hMax)
bRet = true;
wNew = rc.Width - dx;
if (wMin <= wNew && wNew <= wMax)
bRet = true;
else if (iNode == 4) // on left side
wNew = rc.Width - dx;
if (wMin <= wNew && wNew <= wMax)
bRet = true;
else if (iNode == 5) // on right side
wNew = rc.Width + dx;
if (wMin <= wNew && wNew <= wMax)
bRet = true;
else if (iNode == 6) // on top
hNew = rc.Height - dy;
if (hMin <= hNew && hNew <= hMax)
bRet = true;
else if (iNode == 7) // on bottom
hNew = rc.Height + dy;
if (hMin <= hNew && hNew <= hMax)
bRet = true;
case Resizing.NS:
if (iNode == 2)
Move(dx, dy);
else if (iNode == 0) // on top
hNew = rc.Height - dy;
if (hMin <= hNew && hNew <= hMax)
bRet = true;
else if (iNode == 1) // on bottom
hNew = rc.Height + dy;
if (hMin <= hNew && hNew <= hMax)
bRet = true;
case Resizing.WE:
if (iNode == 2)
Move(dx, dy);
else if (iNode == 0) // on left side
wNew = rc.Width - dx;
if (wMin <= wNew && wNew <= wMax)
bRet = true;
else if (iNode == 1) // on right side
wNew = rc.Width + dx;
if (wMin <= wNew && wNew <= wMax)
bRet = true;
case Resizing.None:
Move(dx, dy);
return (bRet);
// ------------------------------------------------- MoveBorder_Top
private void MoveBorder_Top(int dy)
rc.Y += dy;
rc.Height -= dy;
// ------------------------------------------------- MoveBorder_Bottom
private void MoveBorder_Bottom(int dy)
rc.Height += dy;
// ------------------------------------------------- MoveBorder_Left
private void MoveBorder_Left(int dx)
rc.X += dx;
rc.Width -= dx;
// ------------------------------------------------- MoveBorder_Right
private void MoveBorder_Right(int dx)
rc.Width += dx;
public PointF Location
return rc.Location;
public partial class Form1 : Form
RectRange rr;
// Variables use for Moving & Resizing
NumericUpDown numericUD_Radius = new NumericUpDown();
NumericUpDown numericUD_HalfStrip = new NumericUpDown();
string[] strs = new string[] {"Circles' radius",
"Half strip width"
Mover mover;
Point ptMouse_Down;
bool bShowCovers = false;
RigidlyBoundRectangles rigidrectsView;
List<Shapes.Rectangle> rects = new List<Shapes.Rectangle>();
int radius, halfstrip;
// Variables use for Drawing
bool isMouseDown = false;
public Form1()
lblXAxis.Text = $"X Axis: -";
lblYAxis.Text = $"Y Axis: -";
numericUD_Radius.Value = 6;
numericUD_HalfStrip.Value = 3;
mover = new Mover(panel1);
SizeF[] sizefStrs = Auxi_Geometry.MeasureStrings(this, strs);
rigidrectsView = new RigidlyBoundRectangles(new Control[] { numericUD_Radius, numericUD_HalfStrip });
rigidrectsView.Add(Auxi_Geometry.RectangleToRectangleSide(numericUD_Radius.Bounds, Side.E, sizefStrs[0], 4), "Radius");
rigidrectsView.Add(Auxi_Geometry.RectangleToRectangleSide(numericUD_HalfStrip.Bounds, Side.E, sizefStrs[1], 4), "Strip");
radius = Convert.ToInt32(numericUD_Radius.Value);
halfstrip = Convert.ToInt32(numericUD_HalfStrip.Value);
rr = new RectRange(panel1.MinimumSize.Width, panel1.Size.Width, panel1.MinimumSize.Height, panel1.Size.Height);
rects.Add(new Shapes.Rectangle(new RectangleF(100, 100, 300, 400), rr, radius, halfstrip, Color.Black));
private void RenewMover()
mover.Insert(0, rigidrectsView);
for (int i = 0; i < rects.Count; i++)
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics grfx = e.Graphics;
GraphicalObject grobj;
for (int i = mover.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
grobj = mover[i].Source;
if (grobj is Shapes.Rectangle)
(grobj as Shapes.Rectangle).Draw(grfx);
if (bShowCovers)
private void panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
lblXAxis.Text = $"X Axis: {e.X}";
lblYAxis.Text = $"Y Axis: {e.Y}";
if (rbMoveOrResize.Checked && mover.Move(e.Location))
if (isMouseDown)
var rectangle = rects.Last();
var drawRectangle = new Shapes.Rectangle(new RectangleF(rectangle.Location.X,
e.X - rectangle.Location.X,
e.Y - rectangle.Location.Y),
rr, radius, halfstrip, Color.Black);
private void panel1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblXAxis.Text = $"X Axis: -";
lblYAxis.Text = $"Y Axis: -";
private void panel1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (rbMoveOrResize.Checked)
ptMouse_Down = e.Location;
mover.Catch(e.Location, e.Button);
isMouseDown = true;
rects.Add(new Shapes.Rectangle(new RectangleF(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y, 0, 0), rr, radius, halfstrip, Color.Black));
private void panel1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (rbMoveOrResize.Checked && mover.Release())
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left &&
Auxi_Geometry.Distance(ptMouse_Down, e.Location) <= 3)
GraphicalObject grobj = mover[mover.ReleasedObject].Source;
if (grobj is Shapes.Rectangle)
isMouseDown = false;
private void rb_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bShowCovers = rbMoveOrResize.Checked;
private void PopupRectangle(long id)
for (int i = rects.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
if (id == rects[i].ID)
Shapes.Rectangle elem = rects[i];
rects.Insert(0, elem);
I am currently working on a topdown game made in windows forms. In the game, your character rotates after your mouse and you can shoot a shot from your character in the direction of your mouse. To create multiple areas in the game, I chose to use groupboxes as separate areas in the game that you can switch between using buttons but I've run in to a problem. I can no longer rotate or move my character or even shoot within the groupboxes.
I've tried setting breakpoints and discovered that the keyup, keydown and mousemove methods are not being called but I don't know why. For some reason I get an error when i release space in the btnSave_Click method which i marked in the code.
static Image originalImage;
bool pRight, pLeft, pUp, pDown;
string[] Saves;
Save[] RSaves = new Save[4];
Save yoursave;
Save temp;
int slot;
NewGame newgame;
SavedGames savedgames;
string savedata, name = "";
int lvl = 1;
double exp = 0, money = 0;
int pSpeed = 5;
double deltaY, deltaX;
float interval = 7;
Point start;
Point nextStart;
Point cursor;
float radian;
const double Rad2Grad = (180 / Math.PI);
public MainGame()
gbxTown.AllowDrop = true;
gbxQ1.AllowDrop = true;
pbShot.Location = pbPlayer.Location;
// newgame = new NewGame();
// savedgames = new SavedGames();
originalImage = pbPlayer.Image;
public void setSaves(string savedata, int slot)
Saves = savedata.Split('#');
string a1 = Saves[0];
string a2 = Saves[1];
string a3 = Saves[2];
string a4 = Saves[3];
RSaves[0] = temp.StringToSaves(temp, a1);
RSaves[1] = temp.StringToSaves(temp, a2);
RSaves[2] = temp.StringToSaves(temp, a3);
RSaves[3] = temp.StringToSaves(temp, a4);
yoursave = RSaves[slot - 1];
name = yoursave.getName();
this.slot = slot;
private void MainGame_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyData == Keys.A)
pRight = false;
pLeft = true;
else if (e.KeyData == Keys.D)
pRight = true;
pLeft = false;
else if (e.KeyData == Keys.S)
pUp = true;
pDown = false;
else if (e.KeyData == Keys.W)
pUp = false;
pDown = true;
if (e.KeyData == Keys.Space)
start = pbPlayer.Location;
cursor = Cursor.Position;
nextStart = start;
deltaY = cursor.Y - start.Y;
deltaX = cursor.X - start.X;
double test = Angle(start, cursor);
radian = (float)(Angle(start, cursor) - 175);
timer2.Enabled = true;
private void MainGame_KeyUp_1(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyData == Keys.A)
pLeft = false;
else if (e.KeyData == Keys.D)
pRight = false;
else if (e.KeyData == Keys.S)
pUp = false;
else if (e.KeyData == Keys.W)
pDown = false;
if (e.KeyData == Keys.Space)
pbShot.Location = start;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnNextArea_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pbPlayer.Parent = gbxQ1;
pbShot.Parent = gbxQ1;
gbxQ1.Location = new Point(0, 0);
gbxTown.Location = new Point(605, 0);
pbPlayer.Location = new Point(100, 200);
pbShot.Location = pbPlayer.Location;
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
newgame = new NewGame();
savedgames = new SavedGames();
RSaves[slot - 1] = new Save(name, money, lvl, exp);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //When the Spacebar is released, a System.IndexOutOfRangeException error happens for i.
Saves[i] = RSaves[i].SavesToString();
savedata = Saves[0] + Saves[1] + Saves[2] + Saves[3];
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(#"saves.txt", Saves);
private void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pbPlayer.Parent = gbxTown;
pbShot.Parent = gbxTown;
gbxTown.Location = new Point(0, 0);
gbxQ1.Location = new Point(605, 0);
pbPlayer.Location = new Point(100, 200);
pbShot.Location = pbPlayer.Location;
private void MainGame_MouseMove_1(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var y2 = e.Y;
var y1 = (this.pbPlayer.Location.Y + (this.pbPlayer.Height / 2));
var x2 = e.X;
var x1 = (this.pbPlayer.Location.X + (this.pbPlayer.Width / 2));
var angle = (float)Math.Atan2((y1 - y2), (x1 - x2));
pbPlayer.Image = RotateImage(originalImage, (angle * 57));
private double Angle(Point start, Point end)
return (float)Math.Atan2(end.Y - start.Y, end.X - start.X) * 57;
private void timer2_Tick_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
nextStart.X -= Convert.ToInt16(interval * ((float)Math.Cos(radian / Rad2Grad)));
nextStart.Y -= Convert.ToInt16(interval * ((float)Math.Sin(radian / Rad2Grad)));
pbShot.Location = nextStart;
public static Image RotateImage(Image img, float rotationAngle)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height);
Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
gfx.TranslateTransform((float)bmp.Width / 2, (float)bmp.Height / 2);
gfx.TranslateTransform(-(float)bmp.Width / 2, -(float)bmp.Height / 2);
gfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
gfx.DrawImage(img, new Point(0, 0));
return bmp;
private void MovePlayer()
if (pRight == true && pbPlayer.Left < 900)
pbPlayer.Left += pSpeed;
else if (pLeft == true && pbPlayer.Left > 0)
pbPlayer.Left -= pSpeed;
else if (pUp == true && pbPlayer.Top < 600)
pbPlayer.Top += pSpeed;
else if (pDown == true && pbPlayer.Top > 0)
pbPlayer.Top -= pSpeed;
The expected outcome is for the movement, aiming and firing to work as intended within the groupboxes but currently they do not execute in the code while in the groupboxes. It works fine in the form but not in the groupboxes. I would appriciate any help.
I'm trying to make a play again button for my game in a separate windows form, but I'm not really sure how to call the new form. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Here's my Form1 code:
namespace BrickO1
public partial class Form1 : Form
private const int kNumberOfTries = 3;
public int rounds;
private Ball TheBall = new Ball();
private Paddle ThePaddle = new Paddle();
private Paddle TheOtherPaddle = new Paddle();
private PlayAgain playagain = new PlayAgain();
// private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer1;
private Score TheScore = null;
private Score TheOtherScore = null;
private Thread oThread = null; //thread is used to run sounds independently
public static extern long PlaySound(String lpszName, long hModule, long dwFlags);
//method PlaySound must be imported from the .dll file winmm
public Form1()
ThePaddle.Position.X = 5;
ThePaddle.Position.Y = this.ClientRectangle.Bottom - ThePaddle.Height;
TheOtherPaddle.Position.X = 5;
TheOtherPaddle.Position.Y = 0;
// this.ClientRectangle refers to the current container (the instance of Form1)
TheBall.Position.Y = this.ClientRectangle.Bottom - 200;
TheScore = new Score(ClientRectangle.Right - 30, ClientRectangle.Bottom - 40);
TheOtherScore = new Score(ClientRectangle.Right - 30, ClientRectangle.Bottom - 370);
//positions the score - 0 at this moment
// choose Level
SpeedDialog dlg = new SpeedDialog();
/* makes sure that, if the DialogResult property of the button "OK" is on,
the SpeedDialog form appears and stays on the screen, and timer's Interval
gets an appropriate value */
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
timer1.Interval = dlg.Speed;
rounds = dlg.SelectedLength;
private string m_strCurrentSoundFile = "BallOut.wav"; //sound file is initialized
public void PlayASound() //method to play a sound; to be called by a thread
if (m_strCurrentSoundFile.Length > 0)
PlaySound(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + m_strCurrentSoundFile, 0, 0);
/* the above gives full path to the location of the sound file from the startup path
of the executable file: Application.StartupPath */
m_strCurrentSoundFile = "";
oThread.Abort(); //aborts the tread playing sound
public void PlaySoundInThread(string wavefile) //creates and starts a new thread to play a sound
m_strCurrentSoundFile = wavefile;
oThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PlayASound)); //calls the method PlayASound
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e) //method to draw Form1
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height);
private void CheckForCollision()
if (TheBall.Position.X < 0) // hit the left side, switch polarity
TheBall.XStep *= -1;
TheBall.Position.X += TheBall.XStep;
if (TheBall.Position.Y < 0) // hit the top of the form
//Lost the ball for 2nd paddle
if(TheScore.Count == rounds)
MessageBox.Show("Congrats! Player 1 wins!");
if (TheBall.Position.X > this.ClientRectangle.Right - TheBall.Width) // hit the right side, switch polarity
TheBall.XStep *= -1;
TheBall.Position.X += TheBall.XStep;
if (TheBall.Position.Y > this.ClientRectangle.Bottom - TheBall.YStep) // lost the ball!
if (TheOtherScore.Count == rounds)
MessageBox.Show("Congrats! Player 2 wins!");
int hp = HitsPaddle(TheBall.Position); //check if the ball hit the paddle
if (hp > -1)// checks if the ball is not lost
switch (hp) //new direction of the ball depends on which quarter of the paddle is hit
case 1:
TheBall.XStep = -7;
TheBall.YStep = -3;
case 2:
TheBall.XStep = -5;
TheBall.YStep = -5;
case 3:
TheBall.XStep = 5;
TheBall.YStep = -5;
TheBall.XStep = 7;
TheBall.YStep = -3;
int hp2 = HitsPaddle2(TheBall.Position); //check if the ball hit the paddle
if (hp2 > -1)// checks if the ball is not lost
switch (hp2) //new direction of the ball depends on which quarter of the paddle is hit
case 1:
TheBall.XStep = -7;
TheBall.YStep = 3;
case 2:
TheBall.XStep = -5;
TheBall.YStep = 5;
case 3:
TheBall.XStep = 5;
TheBall.YStep = 5;
TheBall.XStep = 7;
TheBall.YStep = 3;
private int HitsPaddle(Point p)
Rectangle PaddleRect = ThePaddle.GetBounds(); //current position of the paddle
if (p.Y >= this.ClientRectangle.Bottom - (PaddleRect.Height + TheBall.Height))//If the ball has hit the paddle according to its y value
if ((p.X > PaddleRect.Left) && (p.X < PaddleRect.Right)) //ball hits the paddle (horizontally)!
if ((p.X > PaddleRect.Left) && (p.X <= PaddleRect.Left + PaddleRect.Width / 4))
return 1; //hits leftmost quarter of the paddle
else if ((p.X > PaddleRect.Left + PaddleRect.Width / 4) && (p.X <= PaddleRect.Left + PaddleRect.Width / 2))
return 2; //hits the second quarter of the paddle
else if ((p.X > PaddleRect.Left + PaddleRect.Width / 2) && (p.X <= PaddleRect.Right - PaddleRect.Width / 2))
return 3; //hits the third quarter of the paddle
return 4; //hits the rightmost quarter of the paddle
return -1;
private int HitsPaddle2(Point q)
Rectangle Paddle2Rect = TheOtherPaddle.GetBounds(); //current position of the paddle
if (q.Y <= this.ClientRectangle.Top + Paddle2Rect.Height)
if ((q.X > Paddle2Rect.Left) && (q.X < Paddle2Rect.Right)) //ball hits the paddle!
if ((q.X > Paddle2Rect.Left) && (q.X <= Paddle2Rect.Left + Paddle2Rect.Width / 4))
return 1; //hits leftmost quarter of the paddle
else if ((q.X > Paddle2Rect.Left + Paddle2Rect.Width / 4) && (q.X <= Paddle2Rect.Left + Paddle2Rect.Width / 2))
return 2; //hits the second quarter of the paddle
else if ((q.X > Paddle2Rect.Left + Paddle2Rect.Width / 2) && (q.X <= Paddle2Rect.Right - Paddle2Rect.Width / 2))
return 3; //hits the third quarter of the paddle
return 4; //hits the rightmost quarter of the paddle
return -1;
private void Reset() //resets the ball, stops timer, and redraws the main form
TheBall.XStep = 5;
TheBall.YStep = 5;
TheBall.Position.Y = this.ClientRectangle.Bottom - 190;
TheBall.Position.X = 5;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) //runs one round of the game, when started
TheBall.UpdateBounds(); //gets the ball position
Invalidate(TheBall.GetBounds()); //redraws the ball
TheBall.Move(); //moves the ball
TheBall.UpdateBounds(); //updates position of the ball
Invalidate(TheBall.GetBounds()); //redraws the boll
CheckForCollision(); //checks for collision
Invalidate(TheScore.GetFrame()); //redraws the score
private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
string result = e.KeyData.ToString();
switch (result)
case "Left":
if (timer1.Enabled == false) //starts the game if it does not run yet
case "Right":
if (timer1.Enabled == false) //starts the game if it does not run yet
case "Z":
if (timer1.Enabled == false) //starts the game if it does not run yet
case "C":
if (timer1.Enabled == false) //starts the game if it does not run yet
public void init()
TheBall.XStep = 5;
TheBall.YStep = 5;
TheBall.Position.Y = this.ClientRectangle.Bottom - 190;
TheBall.Position.X = 5;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
And my PlayAgain class:
namespace BrickO1
public partial class PlayAgain : Form1
public PlayAgain()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
If you want to make a new form, then create a new object for that form.
Form1 f1=new Form1();
I'm using a C# application to record keyboard and mouse movement, processing that movement and sending serial data out to a micro-controller that interpreters that data and moves a set of servos. In the past I had created a box or image that was the resolution(number of steps) my servos were capable of, clipped the mouse to that box or image, and processed where the cursor was in that box and sent data to my servos to move to that position.
This worked fine and dandy till I needed to move a greater amount of steps than my monitor has resolution.
So my question is what options are available to me for tracking mouse movement up to 10,000 steps/resolution in the X and Y axis?
Possible solution route
Thinking outside the box I think I could hide and center the mouse on the screen, record how much the mouse moved on mousemoved events, process that data, then recenter the mouse on the screen to give me unlimited movement in each axis.
Enclosed below is my PIC18F2420 code. Currently it is fed x and y positions via serial communications from my C# application. Data is stored in a ring buffer as it is received and processed as soon as possible.
#include <p18f2420.h>
#include <cType.h>
#include <usart.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <timers.h>
#include <delays.h>
#define switch_0 PORTCbits.RC4
#define switch_1 PORTCbits.RC5
#define bufferSize 48
//Function prototypes
void high_isr(void);
void int2ASCII(unsigned int output);
void UART_putChar(unsigned char value);
char readBuffer();
char emptyBuffer();
char peekBuffer();
void limitServo0(); //limit movement via predetermined min/max
void limitServo1();
unsigned char hertz = 75; //value to generate 5-=60 hertz wave default value 75
unsigned int timer0, servo0Min, servo0Max;
unsigned int timer1, servo1Min, servo1Max;
unsigned char servo0Rate = 10;
unsigned char ByteOut;
char array[bufferSize]; //input rs-232 buffer
char valueArray[bufferSize];
char dataArray[bufferSize];
char tempArray[bufferSize];
unsigned char tempIndex;
unsigned char head = 0;
unsigned char tail = 0;
//variables used to disect the comma delimited string
char CVdata; //do we have a command and value?
char CVvalue; //bool value like above
//BOOLEAN IF values
//Interrupt Service Routine
#pragma code high_vector=0x08
void interrupt_at_high_vector (void)
_asm GOTO high_isr _endasm
#pragma code /* return to the default code section */
#pragma interrupt high_isr
void high_isr (void)
if(PIR1bits.TMR2IF == 1)
//T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 0;
//T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 0;
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; //Turn off Int Flag
PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;
PIR1bits.TMR2IF = 0; //Turn off Int Flag
LATCbits.LATC3 = 1; //Turn on data line
TMR0H = timer0/256; //Extract HIGH byte always do Hbyte first
TMR0L = timer0; //Extract LOW byte
if(PIR1bits.TMR1IF == 1)
PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;
//T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 0;
//PIR1bits.TMR2IF = 0; //Turn off Int Flag
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; //Turn off Int Flag
LATCbits.LATC2 = 0;
PR2 = hertz; //Generate 50-60hertz pulse
if(INTCONbits.TMR0IF == 1)
LATCbits.LATC2 = 1;
//PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;
//PIR1bits.TMR2IF = 0; //Turn off Int Flag
//T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 0;
//T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1;
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; //Turn off Int Flag
LATCbits.LATC3 = 0;
TMR1H = timer1/256;
TMR1L = timer1;
if(PIR1bits.RCIF == 1)
PIR1bits.RCIF = 0;
array[tail] = RCREG;
//array[tail] = ReadUSART();
if(tail == bufferSize)
tail = 0;
/* Clear the interrupt flag */
void main(void)
memset(array, '\0' , bufferSize);
memset(tempArray, '\0' , bufferSize);
memset(dataArray, '\0' , bufferSize);
memset(valueArray, '\0' , bufferSize);
TRISC = 0b10110000;//RC4 and RC5 inputs for switches
servo0Max = 65000; //Max value allowed PAN 65000
servo0Min = 62000; //Min value allowed 63500
servo1Max = 65000; //Tilt 64138
servo1Min = 62000; //TILT 63864
timer0 = 64250; //Initial position
timer1 = 64200;
CVdata = 0;
CVvalue = 0;
tempIndex = 0;
LATCbits.LATC0 = 0;
, 16);//change back to 16 for 57.6 103 for 9.6
RCSTAbits.ADDEN = 0;//Testing this out might not help with overflow
TXSTAbits.SYNC = 0;
INTCONbits.GIE = 1;
INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
TXSTAbits.BRGH = 1;
BAUDCONbits.BRG16 = 1;
//Initialize Timer0
OpenTimer0(TIMER_INT_ON &
T0CONbits.PSA = 1;
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;
//Initialize Timer1
OpenTimer1(TIMER_INT_ON &
T1_16BIT_RW &
T1CONbits.T1CKPS1 = 0; // bits 5-4 Prescaler Rate Select bits
T1CONbits.T1CKPS0 = 0; // bit 4
T1CONbits.T1OSCEN = 1; // bit 3 Timer1 Oscillator Enable Control bit 1 = on
T1CONbits.T1SYNC = 1; // bit 2 Timer1 External Clock Input Synchronization Control bit...1 = Do not synchronize external clock input
T1CONbits.TMR1CS = 0; // bit 1 Timer1 Clock Source Select bit...0 = Internal clock (FOSC/4)
T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1; // bit 0 enables timer
//Initialize Timer2
OpenTimer2( TIMER_INT_ON &
T2_PS_1_16 &
PR2 = hertz;
PIE1bits.TMR2IE = 1;
IPR1bits.TMR2IP = 1;
INTCONbits.GIEH = 1; //enable global interrupts
INTCONbits.GIEL = 1;
if(CVdata == 0 && CVvalue == 1)
CVdata = 0;
CVvalue = 0;
if(CVdata == 0 && CVvalue == 0)
if(peekBuffer() != ',')
tempArray[tempIndex] = readBuffer();
readBuffer();//if comma sent first read it and throw away
if(tempIndex > 0) //comma read and data in buffer
memcpy(dataArray, tempArray, tempIndex);
tempIndex = 0;
CVdata = 1;
memset(tempArray, 'a' , bufferSize);
if(CVdata ==1 && CVvalue == 0)
if(peekBuffer() != ',')
tempArray[tempIndex] = readBuffer();
if(tempIndex > 0)
memcpy(valueArray, tempArray, tempIndex);
tempIndex = 0;
CVvalue = 1;
memset(tempArray, 'a', bufferSize);
if(CVdata == 1 && CVvalue == 1)
case 'x':
case 'X':
//timer0 = current = atof(valueArray);//ISSUE HERE first char null
timer0 = (unsigned int)atoi(valueArray);
case 'y':
case 'Y':
timer1 = (unsigned int)atoi(valueArray);
CVdata = 0;
CVvalue = 0;
memset(dataArray, 'a' , bufferSize);
memset(valueArray, 'a' , bufferSize);
void int2ASCII(unsigned int output)
unsigned char digit = 0;
while (output >= 10000) { output -= 10000; digit++; } UART_putChar(digit + 0x30); digit = 0;
while (output >= 1000) { output -= 1000; digit++; } UART_putChar(digit + 0x30); digit = 0;
while (output >= 100) { output -= 100; digit++; } UART_putChar(digit + 0x30); digit = 0;
while (output >= 10) { output -= 10; digit++; } UART_putChar(digit + 0x30); digit = 0;
while (output >= 1) { output -= 1; digit++; } UART_putChar(digit + 0x30);
void UART_putChar(unsigned char value)
while(PIR1bits.TXIF == 0);
TXREG = value;
char readBuffer()
if(tail != head)
ByteOut = array[head];
if(head == bufferSize)
head = 0;
return ByteOut;
//LATCbits.LATC0 = 1;
char peekBuffer()
return array[head];
char emptyBuffer()
if(tail == head)
return 1;
return 0;
void limitServo0()
if(timer0 > servo0Max)
timer0 = servo0Max;
if(timer0 < servo0Min)
timer0 = servo0Min;
void limitServo1()
if(timer1 > servo1Max)
timer1 = servo1Max;
if(timer1 < servo1Min)
timer1 = servo1Min;
An Example of my previous tracking via bitmap can be viewed on my youtube channel at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBhkV3dnyiU&list=UULGlw5rGZfETaiPs49JBEuA&index=41
After some research it seems I can write a XNA application, capture mouse movement, and output serial communications. I would really really like a windows forms solution but I do have XNA experience so guess I'll work on converting my application until another solution presents itself.
My initial purposed solution did the trick. On trackingEnabled I center the mouse and check how much it has moved every 100ms, after that I recenter it and send the data to my controller.
using System;
using System.Timers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PIC18F_Servo_Control_V2;
namespace FSI_Grid1
public partial class Form1 : Form
TabControl LeftControlTab;
System.Timers.Timer myTimer;
public delegate void UpdateStatusBarDelegate();
TabPage myTabPage;
Grid myGrid;
serialConnection myConnection;
int timerDelay = 100;
int initialX, initialY, currentX, currentY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
int MouseCurrentX, MouseCurrentY, MouseMovedX, MouseMovedY;//tracking mousemovement
int offsetX, offsetY;//how much each arrow click moves the servos
bool trackingActive;//are we in tracking mode?
bool MouseMovedFlag;
int YOffsetValue;//used to offset dynamically generated buttons in tab groups
int XCenter, YCenter;
enum States { Startup, MouseTracking, KeyboardTracking, Script, Idle };//state engine
States CurrentState;
public Form1()
currentX = initialX = 63503;
currentY = initialY = 64012;
minX = 62000;
maxX = 65000;
minY = 62000;
maxY = 65000;
offsetX = 10;
offsetY = 10;
trackingActive = false;
YOffsetValue = 0;
CurrentState = States.Startup;
MouseMovedFlag = false;
myTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(timerDelay);
myTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);
myTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(TrackMouse);
myTimer.Enabled = false;
//Initialize StatusBar
RadioButton button = (RadioButton)this.Controls.Find("SelectKeyboardRadioButton", true)[0];
button.Checked = true;
activeStatus.Text = "Keyboard Tracking DEACTIVATED";
activeStatus.BackColor = Color.Red;
ConnectionStatus.Text = "Disconnected!";
xOffsetStatus.Text = "X offset value " + offsetX.ToString();
yOffsetStatus.Text = "Y offset value " + offsetY.ToString();
//this.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(Form_MouseMove);
XCenter = this.Location.X + this.Width / 2;
YCenter = this.Location.Y + this.Height / 2;
if (myConnection.connected)
private void widthTextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar);
private void widthTextBox_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
TextBox text = (TextBox)this.Controls.Find("widthTextBox", true)[0];
xOffsetStatus.Text = text.Text;
offsetX = Convert.ToInt16(text.Text);
private void heightTextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar);
private void heightTextBox_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
TextBox text = (TextBox)this.Controls.Find("heightTextBox", true)[0];
yOffsetStatus.Text = text.Text;
offsetY = Convert.ToInt16(text.Text);
private void LeftControlTab_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Brush _textBrush;
// Get the item from the collection.
TabPage _tabPage = LeftControlTab.TabPages[e.Index];
// Get the real bounds for the tab rectangle.
Rectangle _tabBounds = LeftControlTab.GetTabRect(e.Index);
if (e.State == DrawItemState.Selected)
// Draw a different background color, and don't paint a focus rectangle.
_textBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, e.Bounds);
_textBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(e.ForeColor);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, e.Bounds);
// Use our own font.
Font _tabFont = new Font("Arial", (float)10.0, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
// Draw string. Center the text.
StringFormat _stringFlags = new StringFormat();
_stringFlags.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
_stringFlags.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
g.DrawString(_tabPage.Text, _tabFont, _textBrush, _tabBounds, new StringFormat(_stringFlags));
private void InitializeLeftControlTab()
LeftControlTab = new TabControl();
LeftControlTab.Location = new Point(10, 30);
LeftControlTab.Size = new Size(300, 500);
LeftControlTab.Alignment = TabAlignment.Left;
LeftControlTab.SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed;
LeftControlTab.ItemSize = new Size(30, 90);
LeftControlTab.DrawMode = TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
LeftControlTab.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(LeftControlTab_DrawItem);
int offset = 100; //how far to the right the edit boxes are
myTabPage = new TabPage();
myTabPage.Text = "Appearance";
myTabPage = new TabPage();
myTabPage.Text = "Settings";
Label OffsetLabel = new Label();
OffsetLabel.Text = "Step resolution";
OffsetLabel.Location = new Point(0,YOffset());
Label widthLabel = new Label();
widthLabel.Text = "Width";
widthLabel.Location = new Point(0, YOffset());
TextBox widthTextBox = new TextBox();
widthTextBox.Name = "widthTextBox";
widthTextBox.Text = myGrid.Width.ToString();
widthTextBox.Location = new Point(widthLabel.Location.X + offset, widthLabel.Location.Y);
widthTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(widthTextBox_KeyPress); //EVENT HANDLER
widthTextBox.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(widthTextBox_KeyUp); //EVENT HANDLER
Label heightLabel = new Label();
heightLabel.Text = "Height";
heightLabel.Location = new Point(0, YOffset());
TextBox heightTextBox = new TextBox();
heightTextBox.Name = "heightTextBox";
heightTextBox.Text = myGrid.Height.ToString();
heightTextBox.Location = new Point(heightLabel.Location.X + offset, heightLabel.Location.Y);
GroupBox RadioLabel = new GroupBox();
RadioLabel.Text = "Tracking Style";
RadioLabel.Location = new Point(0, YOffset());
RadioButton SelectMouse = new RadioButton();
SelectMouse.Location = new Point(10, 20);
SelectMouse.Text = "Mouse";
SelectMouse.Name = "SelectMouseRadioButton";
SelectMouse.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(RadioButtons_CheckedChanged);
RadioButton SelectKeyboard = new RadioButton();
SelectKeyboard.Location = new Point(10, 42);
SelectKeyboard.Text = "Keyboard";
SelectKeyboard.Name = "SelectKeyboardRadioButton";
SelectKeyboard.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(RadioButtons_CheckedChanged);
heightTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(heightTextBox_KeyPress); //EVENT HANDLER
heightTextBox.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(heightTextBox_KeyUp); //EVENT HANDLER
private void InitializeGrid()
myGrid = new Grid(offsetX, offsetY);
private void connectToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
serialConnectionDialogBox serialBox = new serialConnectionDialogBox();
Point temp = this.Location;
temp.X += 30;
temp.Y += 70;
serialBox.Location = temp;
DialogResult results = serialBox.ShowDialog();
if (results == DialogResult.Yes && !myConnection.connected)
if (myConnection.connected)
ConnectionStatus.Text = "X " + currentX.ToString() + "Y " + currentY.ToString();
private void InitializeSerial()
myConnection = new serialConnection();
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
bool updatePos = false;
switch (keyData)
case Keys.Left:
currentX += offsetX;
updatePos = true;
case Keys.Right:
currentX -= offsetX;
updatePos = true;
case Keys.Up:
currentY += offsetY;
updatePos = true;
case Keys.Down:
currentY -= offsetY;
updatePos = true;
case Keys.F5:
if (trackingActive)
trackingActive = false;
LeftControlTab.Enabled = true;
if(CurrentState == States.KeyboardTracking)
activeStatus.Text = "Keyboard Tracking DEACTIVATED";
if (CurrentState == States.MouseTracking)
activeStatus.Text = "Mouse Tracking DEACTIVATED";
activeStatus.BackColor = Color.Red;
myTimer.Enabled = false;
trackingActive = true;
LeftControlTab.Enabled = false;
if (CurrentState == States.KeyboardTracking)
activeStatus.Text = "Keyboard Tracking ACTIVATED";
if (CurrentState == States.MouseTracking)
activeStatus.Text = "Mouse Tracking ACTIVATED";
activeStatus.BackColor = Color.Green;
myTimer.Enabled = true;
if (updatePos == true)
updatePos = false;
Point temp = new Point();
temp.X = currentX = clipX(currentX);
temp.Y = currentY = clipY(currentY);
String tx = "x," + Convert.ToString(temp.X) + ",y," + Convert.ToString(temp.Y) + ",";
ConnectionStatus.Text = "X " + currentX.ToString() + "Y " + currentY.ToString();
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
private void disconnectToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myConnection.connected)
ConnectionStatus.Text = "Disconnected!";
private void RadioButtons_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender == (RadioButton)this.Controls.Find("SelectMouseRadioButton", true)[0])
CurrentState = States.MouseTracking;
activeStatus.Text = "Mouse Tracking ";
if (sender == (RadioButton)this.Controls.Find("SelectKeyboardRadioButton", true)[0])
CurrentState = States.KeyboardTracking;
activeStatus.Text = "Keyboard Tracking ";
if (trackingActive)
activeStatus.Text += "ACTIVATED";
activeStatus.Text += "DEACTIVATED";
private void TrackMouse(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
if (trackingActive && CurrentState == States.MouseTracking)
MouseMovedFlag = true;
MouseMovedX = -1 * (Cursor.Position.X - XCenter);
MouseMovedY = -1 * (Cursor.Position.Y - YCenter);
currentX += MouseMovedX;
currentX = clipX(currentX);
currentY += MouseMovedY;
currentY = clipY(currentY);
statusStrip1.Invoke(new UpdateStatusBarDelegate(this.UpdateStatusBar), null);
Cursor.Position = new Point(XCenter, YCenter);
private int clipX(int tempX)
if(tempX < minX)
tempX = minX;
if(tempX > maxX)
tempX = maxX;
return tempX;
private int clipY(int tempY)
if(tempY < minY)
tempY = minY;
if (tempY > maxY)
tempY = maxY;
return tempY;
private int YOffset()
int tempValue = YOffsetValue;
if (tempValue == 0)
YOffsetValue += 22;
return tempValue;
YOffsetValue += 22;
return tempValue;
void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
if (true)
if (MouseMovedFlag || trackingActive)
Point temp = new Point();
temp.X = currentX;
temp.Y = currentY;
String tx = "x," + Convert.ToString(temp.X) + ",y," + Convert.ToString(temp.Y) + ",";
void UpdateStatusBar()
ConnectionStatus.Text = "X " + currentX.ToString() + "Y " + currentY.ToString();