How can I pause thread? - c#

Relevant code:
private static Thread m_thread = null;
private static Boolean m_stop = false;
public static Boolean Start(SearcherParams pars)
Boolean success = false;
if (m_thread == null)
// Perform a reset of all variables,
// to ensure that the state of the searcher is the same on every new start:
// Remember the parameters:
m_pars = pars;
// Start searching for FileSystemInfos that match the parameters:
m_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SearchThread));
success = true;
return success;
private static void SearchThread()
Boolean success = true;
String errorMsg = "";
// Search for FileSystemInfos that match the parameters:
if ((m_pars.SearchDir.Length >= 3) && (Directory.Exists(m_pars.SearchDir)))
if (m_pars.FileNames.Count > 0)
// Convert the string to search for into bytes if necessary:
if (m_pars.ContainingChecked)
if (m_pars.ContainingText != "")
m_containingBytes =
catch (Exception)
success = false;
errorMsg = "The string\r\n" + m_pars.ContainingText +
"\r\ncannot be converted into bytes.";
success = false;
errorMsg = "The string to search for must not be empty.";
if (success)
// Get the directory info for the search directory:
DirectoryInfo dirInfo = null;
dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(m_pars.SearchDir);
catch (Exception ex)
success = false;
errorMsg = ex.Message;
if (success)
// Search the directory (maybe recursively),
// and raise events if something was found:
success = false;
errorMsg = "Please enter one or more filenames to search for.";
success = false;
errorMsg = "The directory\r\n" + m_pars.SearchDir + "\r\ndoes not exist.";
// Remember the thread has ended:
m_thread = null;
// Raise an event:
if (ThreadEnded != null)
ThreadEnded(new ThreadEndedEventArgs(success, errorMsg));
private static void SearchDirectory(DirectoryInfo dirInfo)
if (!m_stop)
foreach (String fileName in m_pars.FileNames)
FileSystemInfo[] infos = dirInfo.GetFileSystemInfos(fileName);
foreach (FileSystemInfo info in infos)
if (m_stop)
if (MatchesRestrictions(info))
// We have found a matching FileSystemInfo,
// so let's raise an event:
if (FoundInfo != null)
FoundInfo(new FoundInfoEventArgs(info));
if (m_pars.IncludeSubDirsChecked)
DirectoryInfo[] subDirInfos = dirInfo.GetDirectories();
foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirInfo in subDirInfos)
if (m_stop)
// Recursion:
catch (Exception)
The stop is working fine I wanted to add also a pause button to pause and resume the thread.
I added a button click event but how do I make the pause/resume actions and where?
This is a link for the complete code :

You can use the ManualResetEvent object.
Here is the simplified version.
In your class, create the object:
public static ManualResetEvent _mrsevent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
In your thread function, as part of the loops that search for files/directories:
private static void SearchThread()
foreach (String fileName in m_pars.FileNames)
From outside the thread you can call:
a) _mrsevent.Set(); // resume the thread.
b) _mrsevent.Reset(); // pause


While loop keeps running after break

I need to download a file and use it to connect to a server. If the connection fails, it restarts the loop. Somehow the while loop keeps running and downloading the file constantly. I think that something weird happens with the boolean Globals.sockRetry but I can't find what's really happening.
public class Globals
public static string serverIp;
public static int serverPort;
public static int sockConn = 0;
public static bool sockRetry = false;
public static TcpClient client;
public static NetworkStream nwStream;
public static StreamReader reader;
public static StreamWriter writer;
static void connect(Globals g)
Globals.sockConn = 1;
Globals.client = new TcpClient(Globals.serverIp, Globals.serverPort);
Globals.nwStream = Globals.client.GetStream();
Globals.reader = new StreamReader(Globals.nwStream);
Globals.writer = new StreamWriter(Globals.nwStream);
Globals.sockConn = 2;
string inputLine;
while ((inputLine = Globals.reader.ReadLine()) != null)
// ParseMessage(Globals.writer, inputLine, g);
Globals.sockRetry = true;
Globals.sockConn = 0;
static void getInfo()
while (true)
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(INFO_HOST + INFO_PATH);
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
string content;
using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
content = sr.ReadToEnd();
string[] contentArray = content.Split(':');
string serverIp = contentArray[0];
string serverPortStr = contentArray[1];
int serverPort = 5000;
Int32.TryParse(serverPortStr, out serverPort);
Globals g = new Globals();
Globals.serverIp = serverIp;
Globals.serverPort = serverPort;
while (Globals.sockConn == 0)
if (Globals.sockRetry == false)
// error connecting
// wait and retry
Globals.sockRetry = false;
// error downloading file
// wait and retry
The only place there you terminate the loop is here:
if (Globals.sockRetry == false)
So it happens only if Globals.sockRetry == true. Globals.sockRetry is assigned true only if an exception is thrown. If no exception is thrown, the loop never ends.
Change it like this:
if (Globals.sockRetry == false)
Otherwise after you connect you will connect again, and then again till an exception is thrown (hopefully).
continue continues to the next iteration in the loop.
break stops the loop. So, the loop never ends.
You set sockRetry to false when you want to stop the loop, so you could do this: while (sockRetry)

SearchBox result suggestion Windows 8.1

I got a strange issue with my searchBox in Windows 8.1 App.
I got an unhandler exception (and a crush) if in my Suggestion i do not append the querySuggestion and append only the ResultSuggestion.
the problem occurs when i change the queryText.
This is my function
public async void OnSuggest(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.SearchBox e, SearchBoxSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs args)
var deferral = args.Request.GetDeferral();
var queryText = args.QueryText != null ? args.QueryText.Trim() : null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryText)) return;
TransporterExt tr_search = new TransporterExt(); = queryText;
var suggestionCollection = args.Request.SearchSuggestionCollection;
ObservableCollection<TransporterExt> querySuggestions = await TransporterService.Search(tr_search);
if (querySuggestions != null && querySuggestions.Count > 0)
foreach (TransporterExt tr in querySuggestions)
//if (
// //suggestionCollection.AppendQuerySuggestion(;
// suggestionCollection.AppendResultSuggestion(,
// tr.trId.ToString(),
// tr.trId.ToString(),
// imgRef, "imgDesc");
catch (Exception)
//Ignore any exceptions that occur trying to find search suggestions.
I got the searchBox inside an UserControl
My controller code
public delegate void SuggestionsRequested(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.SearchBox sender, SearchBoxSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs args);
public event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.SearchBox, SearchBoxSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs> SearchBoxSuggestionsRequested;
private void SearchBoxSuggestions(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.SearchBox sender, SearchBoxSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs args)
if (SearchBoxSuggestionsRequested != null)
SearchBoxSuggestionsRequested(sender, args);
I got this exception
WinRT: A method was called at an unexpected time.
exception: System.InvalidOperationException - type (string)
Edited Solution - Working function
First of all i remove from the constructor of the page the registration of event
public TruckCrudPage()
this.navigationHelper = new NavigationHelper(this);
this.navigationHelper.LoadState += navigationHelper_LoadState;
this.navigationHelper.SaveState += navigationHelper_SaveState;
//this.truckForm.SearchBoxSuggestionsRequested += OnSuggest;
public async void OnSuggest(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.SearchBox e, SearchBoxSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs args)
var deferral = args.Request.GetDeferral();
TransporterExt tr_search = new TransporterExt();
ObservableCollection<TransporterExt> querySuggestions = new ObservableCollection<TransporterExt>();
var queryText = args.QueryText != null ? args.QueryText.Trim() : null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryText)) return;
suggested.Clear(); = queryText;
var suggestionCollection = args.Request.SearchSuggestionCollection;
querySuggestions = await TransporterService.Search(tr_search);
if (querySuggestions != null && querySuggestions.Count > 0 )
int i = 0;
foreach (TransporterExt tr in querySuggestions)
if (, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
//if (
string name =;
string detail = tr.trId.ToString();
string tag = i.ToString();
string imageAlternate = "imgDesc";
suggestionCollection.AppendResultSuggestion(name, detail, tag, imgRef, imageAlternate);
//Debug.WriteLine("dentro" + suggested.Count);
catch (Exception exc)
//Ignore any exceptions that occur trying to find search suggestions.
Debug.WriteLine("Exception generata " + exc.Message);
But it works only with condition StartsWith and i would like to use Contains
You can use SearchBox and SuggestionRequested event to fire the event when type on the SearchBox. I will show an Example
<SearchBox x:Name="SearchBoxSuggestions" SuggestionsRequested="SearchBoxEventsSuggestionsRequested"/>
and write the SearchBoxEventsSuggestionsRequested handler in the code behind
private void SearchBoxEventsSuggestionsRequested(object sender, SearchBoxSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs e)
string queryText = e.QueryText;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryText))
Windows.ApplicationModel.Search.SearchSuggestionCollection suggestionCollection = e.Request.SearchSuggestionCollection;
foreach (string suggestion in SuggestionList)
if (suggestion.StartsWith(queryText, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
You can add the keyword to SuggestioList, and it will show in the dropdown when you type on the Searchbox.
Create the SuggestionList
public List<string> SuggestionList { get; set; }
initialize the list
SuggestionList = new List<string>();
and add keywords to the list
When you type s on the Searchbox it will show all the keyword starts with s.

Cannot fill my list if i move it to new Thread

I am use SafeFileEnumerator class to search for files inside folder root, this class return only files from location with permission so I am use it successfully.
When I try to fill my list in this way all works fine:
List<string> list = new List<string>();
list = SafeFileEnumerator.EnumerateFiles(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath,
"*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
But in this case my GUI freeze so I move it to new thread and in this case nothing happen and I wondered why:
private void btnAddDir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<string> list = new List<string>();
string fileToAdd = string.Empty;
List<string> filesList = new List<string>();
dialog = folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog();
tbAddDir.Text = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath;
string pathToSearch = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath;
if (dialog == DialogResult.OK)
toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Search for pcap files...";
groupBoxRootDirectory.Enabled = false;
btnStart.Enabled = false;
ThreadStart starter = delegate
list = SafeFileEnumerator.EnumerateFiles(pathToSearch, "*.pcap", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
Thread t = new Thread(starter);
t.IsBackground = true;
if(list.Count != 0)
SafeFileEnumerator class code:
public static class SafeFileEnumerator
public static IEnumerable<string> EnumerateDirectories(string parentDirectory, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOpt)
var directories = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
if (searchOpt == SearchOption.AllDirectories)
directories = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(parentDirectory).SelectMany(x => EnumerateDirectories(x, searchPattern, searchOpt));
return directories.Concat(Directory.EnumerateDirectories(parentDirectory, searchPattern));
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
public static IEnumerable<string> EnumerateFiles(string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOpt)
var dirFiles = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
if (searchOpt == SearchOption.AllDirectories)
dirFiles = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(path).SelectMany(x => EnumerateFiles(x, searchPattern, searchOpt));
return dirFiles.Concat(Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, searchPattern));
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
after my list is full of files:
private void AddFilesToListBox(List<string> filesList)
string fileToAdd = string.Empty;
Editcap editcap = new Editcap();
Capinfos capinfos = new Capinfos();
BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
backgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
backgroundWorker.DoWork +=
(s1, e1) =>
foreach (string fileName in filesList)
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName);
if (checkFileCreationDate(fileInfo))
if (editcap.isWiresharkFormat(fileInfo.FullName))
if (editcap.isLibpcapFormat(fileInfo.FullName))
addFileToListBox(fileInfo.FullName, capinfos.getFileDuration(fileInfo.FullName));
else if (!editcap.isLibpcapFormat(fileInfo.FullName))
fileToAdd = editcap.getNewFileName(fileInfo.FullName);
if (new FileInfo(fileToAdd).Exists && !fileInfo.Exists)
addFileToListBox(fileToAdd, capinfos.getFileDuration(fileInfo.FullName));
//this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { lvFiles.Items[lvFiles.Items.Count - 1].Selected = true; });
toolStripStatusLabel.Text = string.Format("{0} files were added", lvFiles.Items.Count);
//this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { lvFiles.Items[lvFiles.Items.Count - 1].Selected = true; });
backgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(
(s1, e1) =>
groupBoxRootDirectory.Enabled = true;
btnClear.Enabled = true;
if (lvFiles.Items.Count != 0)
btnStart.Enabled = true;
toolStripStatusLabel.Text = string.Format("{0} files were added", lvFiles.Items.Count);
if (tbAddDir.Text != "")
listener = new FileListener();
listener._newFileEventHandler += listener_newFileEventHandler;
after t.start() i am call AddFilesToListBox(list);
You did not implemented an asynchronous pattern.
After t.Start(); is called, the thread did not finished its work yet, so your list was still empty at the time you called AddFilesToListBox. Do implement an async pattern and call AddFilesToListBox once the thread finished its job.

WinRT - MessageDialog.ShowAsync will throw UnauthorizedAccessException in my custom class

I Want to write my own control, when the ctor is invoked, a MessageBox is shown.
public class Class1
public Class1()
void ShowDialog()
SynchronizationContext context = SynchronizationContext.Current;
if (context != null)
context.Post((f) =>
MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Hello!");
}, null);
If my class is used by someone, and write the codes as below, UnauthorizedAccessException is always thrown in dialog.ShowAsync();
void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ClassLibrary1.Class1 c1 = new ClassLibrary1.Class1();
MessageDialog dialog1 = new MessageDialog("");
Is there a way to show a message dialog without exception?
I found a way, enjoy it!
Task ShowDialog()
CoreDispatcher dispatcher = Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher;
Func<object, Task<bool>> action = null;
action = async (o) =>
if (dispatcher.HasThreadAccess)
await new MessageDialog("Hello!").ShowAsync();
() => action(o));
return true;
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
if (action != null)
Task.Delay(500).ContinueWith(async t => await action(o));
return false;
return action(null);
As MessageDialogue needs to run on the UI thread, can you try switching it to:
var dispatcher = Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;
dispatcher.RunAsync(DispatcherPriority.Normal, <lambda for your code which should run on the UI thread>);
The cleaner solution may look like this. The interesting part ist hidden in die showDialogAsync(). For convenience you can use the Close() method to close the current dialog again programmatically. The IUIDispatcher is another helper interface you can rebuild yourself easily:
private readonly IUIDispatcher _dispatcher;
readonly Object _queueMonitor = new object();
readonly Object _showMonitor = new object();
private IAsyncOperation<IUICommand> _currentDialogOperation;
readonly Queue<MessageDialog> _dialogQueue = new Queue<MessageDialog>();
public async Task ShowAsync(string content)
var md = new MessageDialog(content);
await showDialogAsync(md);
public async Task ShowAsync(string content, string caption)
var md = new MessageDialog(content, caption);
await showDialogAsync(md);
public async Task<MessageDialogResult> ShowAsync(string content, MessageDialogType dialogType)
var messageDialogResult = await ShowAsync(content, null, dialogType);
return messageDialogResult;
public async Task<MessageDialogResult> ShowAsync(string content, string caption, MessageDialogType dialogType)
var result = MessageDialogResult.Ok;
var md = string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption) ? new MessageDialog(content) : new MessageDialog(content, caption);
switch (dialogType)
case MessageDialogType.Ok:
md.Commands.Add(new UICommand(ResWrapper.Strings["MessageDialogButtonOk"], command => result = MessageDialogResult.Ok));
md.CancelCommandIndex = 0;
md.DefaultCommandIndex = 0;
case MessageDialogType.OkCancel:
md.Commands.Add(new UICommand(ResWrapper.Strings["MessageDialogButtonOk"], command => result = MessageDialogResult.Ok));
md.Commands.Add(new UICommand(ResWrapper.Strings["MessageDialogButtonCancel"], command => result = MessageDialogResult.Cancel));
md.DefaultCommandIndex = 0;
md.CancelCommandIndex = 1;
case MessageDialogType.YesNo:
md.Commands.Add(new UICommand(ResWrapper.Strings["MessageDialogButtonYes"], command => result = MessageDialogResult.Yes));
md.Commands.Add(new UICommand(ResWrapper.Strings["MessageDialogButtonNo"], command => result = MessageDialogResult.No));
md.DefaultCommandIndex = 0;
md.CancelCommandIndex = 1;
case MessageDialogType.YesNoCancel:
md.Commands.Add(new UICommand(ResWrapper.Strings["MessageDialogButtonYes"], command => result = MessageDialogResult.Yes));
md.Commands.Add(new UICommand(ResWrapper.Strings["MessageDialogButtonNo"], command => result = MessageDialogResult.No));
md.Commands.Add(new UICommand(ResWrapper.Strings["MessageDialogButtonCancel"], command => result = MessageDialogResult.Cancel));
md.DefaultCommandIndex = 0;
md.CancelCommandIndex = 1;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dialogType");
await showDialogAsync(md);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Shows the dialogs, queued and one after the other.
/// We need this as a workaround for the the UnauthorizedAcsess exception.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="messageDialog">The message dialog.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
async Task showDialogAsync(MessageDialog messageDialog)
//Calls this function in a separated task to avoid ui thread deadlocks.
await Task.Run(async () =>
lock (_queueMonitor)
while (true)
MessageDialog nextMessageDialog;
lock (_queueMonitor)
if (_dialogQueue.Count > 1)
Debug.WriteLine("MessageDialogService.cs | showDialogAsync | Next dialog is waiting for MessageDialog to be accessable!!");
Monitor.Wait(_queueMonitor); //unlock and wait - regains lock after waiting
nextMessageDialog = _dialogQueue.Peek();
var showing = false;
_dispatcher.Execute(async () =>
lock (_showMonitor)
showing = true;
_currentDialogOperation = nextMessageDialog.ShowAsync();
await _currentDialogOperation;
lock (_showMonitor)
_currentDialogOperation = null;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("MessageDialogService.cs | showDialogAsync | " + e);
lock (_showMonitor)
showing = false;
Monitor.Pulse(_showMonitor); //unlock and wait - regains lock after waiting
lock (_showMonitor)
if (showing)
Debug.WriteLine("MessageDialogService.cs | showDialogAsync | Waiting for MessageDialog to be closed!!");
//we must wait here manually for the closing of the dialog, because the dispatcher does not return a waitable task.
Monitor.Wait(_showMonitor); //unlock and wait - regains lock after waiting
Debug.WriteLine("MessageDialogService.cs | showDialogAsync | MessageDialog was closed.");
return true;
//make sure we leave this in a clean state
lock (_queueMonitor)
public void Close(string keyContent="")
if (keyContent.IsNullOrEmpty())
lock (_showMonitor)
if (_currentDialogOperation == null) return;
_currentDialogOperation = null;
var cancel = false;
lock (_queueMonitor)
if (_dialogQueue.Count == 0)
var currentDialog = _dialogQueue.Peek();
Debug.WriteLine("MessageDialogService.cs | Close | {0}", currentDialog.Content);
if (currentDialog.Content == keyContent)
cancel = true;
if (!cancel) return;
lock (_showMonitor)
if (_currentDialogOperation == null) return;
_currentDialogOperation = null;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("MessageDialogService.cs | Close | " + e);
I think I've found it. I had the same problem when creating messageboxes in any other threads besides the main thread.
This is the C++ solution but I think you can convert it easily ;)
IAsyncOperation<IUICommand^> ^Op = msgbox->ShowAsync();
task<IUICommand^>( Op ).then([=](IUICommand^ C)
}).then([](task<void> t)
catch (Platform::Exception ^e)
On a side note this is the correct way to handle ANY WinRT/Windows 8 Store C++ exception.
You can always use
Execute.OnUIThread( async () => {
var dialog = new MessageDialog(yourMessage);
await dialog.ShowAsync();
This doesn't solve race conditions in the UI if you are trying to launch multiple dialogs from background threads. But you could use a try/catch to make sure you cover for that case.

Cross thread problem?

My error
Cross-thread operation not
valid: Control 'MailTree' accessed
from a thread other than the thread it
was created on.
with my code
My idea is when SaveMail method has finish store 1 mes then add this mes to listview.
private delegate int SaveMailDelegate(ImapX.Message mes);
public int SaveMail(ImapX.Message mess)
if (!File.Exists("D:\\" + Username + "\\" + MailTree.SelectedNode.Text + "\\" + mes.MessageUid.ToString() + ".eml"))
mess.SaveAsEmlToFile("D:\\" + Username + "\\" + MailTree.SelectedNode.Text + "\\", mes.MessageUid.ToString()); //Store messages to a Location
// mes.MessageUid=mess.MessageUid;
return 1;
Mime EncodingMail(string NodeName,string focusitem)
Mime m = new Mime();
m=Mime.Parse("D:\\" + Username+ "\\"+NodeName+"\\"+focusitem+".eml");
return m;
private void AddMesToMailList()
ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();
Mime m = EncodingMail(MailTree.SelectedNode.Text, mes);
item.Text = mes.MessageUid.ToString();
if (mailfromname != null)
else item.SubItems.Add(mailfrom);
private void SaveMailDone(IAsyncResult iar)
SaveMailDelegate del = iar.AsyncState as SaveMailDelegate;
if (del != null)
int result = del.EndInvoke(iar);
private void MailTree_AfterSelect(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < client.Folders.Count; i++)
(ContextMenuListView.Items[1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems[i].Click += new EventHandler(MainForm_Click);
if (MailTree.SelectedNode.Text == Username)
webBrowser1.Visible = false;//webBrowser1.DocumentText = "Hello Baby";
AttachmentList.Visible = false;
groupBox1.Visible = false;
webBrowser1.Visible = true;
groupBox1.Visible = true;
messages = client.Folders[MailTree.SelectedNode.Text].Search("ALL", false); // Search mail in your choossen Folder
AmoutOfMail = messages.Count(); //Amout of Mail in this Folder
for (int i = 0; i < AmoutOfMail; i++)
SaveMailDelegate del = new SaveMailDelegate(this.SaveMail);
del.BeginInvoke(mes, new AsyncCallback(this.SaveMailDone), del);
catch (Exception)
{ }
You cannot directly access a control from another thread, you will have to invoke it.
private delegate void ControlCallback(string s);
public void CallControlMethod(string text)
if (control.InvokeRequired)
ControlCallback call = new ControlCallback((s) =>
// do control stuff
control.Invoke(call, new object[] { text });
// do control stuff
you can't access the UI on a different thread than what it was created on. From inside your secondary thread (the one that runs your callback handler) you will need to call Form.BeginInvoke to register a method that will be run on the UI thread. From that method you can update your UI controls
I think AddMesToMailList() is trying to modify the view elements but it is on a wrong thread.
Try something like this
void AddMesToMailList()
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.BeginInvoke(new Action(AddMesToMailList));
// do stuff that original AddMesToMailList() did.
SaveMail is a little complicated as it has a return value but you can try this
public int SaveMail(ImapX.Message mess)
return (int) this.Invoke(
new Func<ImapX.Message, int>( m => SaveMail(mess)) );
if (!File.Exists(#"D:\" + Username + "\\" + MailTree.SelectedNode.Text + "\\" + mes.MessageUid.ToString() + ".eml"))
mess.SaveAsEmlToFile(#"D:\" + Username + "\\" + MailTree.SelectedNode.Text + "\\", mes.MessageUid.ToString()); //Store messages to a Location
// mes.MessageUid=mess.MessageUid;
return 1;

