How to make regex to enforce comma between every word? - c#

I am writing a C# ASP.NET MVC application and I need to enforce some rules for user input.
In a form a user can write some incident case numbers which is on the form IRxxxxxx where x can be a number (0-9). I would like to make a regex that checks that the input can consist of either exactly one case number or multiple seperated by a commas (and some possible whitespace before and after the commas). I have tried a couple of things, but is not able to get it right.
Valid inputs could be:
IR123456,IR123456,IR123456 (and so on)
IR123456, IR123456,IR123456 (notice the space after the first comma)
Invalid inputs could be:

This should work in most Regex engines:
This looks for "IR" followed by any 6 digits. If there are additional IDs, this makes sure that there is a comma following the preceding one (with an optional space).

You can try this regex: ^((^|,)\s*IR\d{6})+$


Regex groups expression not capturing content

I'm trying to create a large regex expression where the plan is to capture 6 groups.
Is gonna be used to parse some Android log that have the following format:
2020-03-10T14:09:13.3250000 VERB CallingClass 17503 20870 Whatever content: this log line had (etc)
The expression I've created so far is the following:
The lines in this case are Tab separated, although the application that I'm developing will be dynamic to the point where this is not always the case, so regex I feel is still the best option even if heavier then performing a split.
Breaking down the groups in more detail from my though process:
Matches the date (I'm considering changing this to a x number of characters instead)
Match a block of 4 characters
Match any number of characters until the next tab
Match a block of 5 numbers 2 times
At last, match everything else until the end of the line.
If I use a reduced expression to the following it works:
This doesn't include 3 of the groups, the word and the 2 numbers blocks.
Any idea why is this?
Thank you.
The problem is \w{+} is going to match a word character followed by one or more { characters and then a final } character. If you want one or more word characters then just use plus without the curly braces (which are meant for specifying a specific number or number range, but will match literal curly braces if they do not adhere to that format).
I highly recommend using for the explanation to see if your expression matches up with what you want spelled out in words. However for testing for use in C# you should use something else like

Search for question mark with Regex in C# [duplicate]

I have a regex that I thought was working correctly until now. I need to match on an optional character. It may be there or it may not.
Here are two strings. The top string is matched while the lower is not. The absence of a single letter in the lower string is what is making it fail.
I'd like to get the single letter after the starting 5 digits if it's there and if not, continue getting the rest of the string. This letter can be A-Z.
If I remove ([A-Z]{1}) +.*? + from the regex, it will match everything I need except the letter but it's kind of important.
20000 K Q511195DREWBT E00078748521
30000 K601220PLOPOH Z00054878524
Here is the regex I'm using.
/^([0-9]{5})+.*? ([A-Z]{1}) +.*? +([A-Z]{1})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([A-Z]{3})([A-Z]{3}) +([A-Z])[0-9]{3}([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/
to make the letter optional. {1} is redundant. (Of course you could also write [A-Z]{0,1} which would mean the same, but that's what the ? is there for.)
You could improve your regex to
And, since in most regex dialects, \d is the same as [0-9]:
But: do you really need 11 separate capturing groups? And if so, why don't you capture the fourth-to-last group of digits?
You can make the single letter optional by adding a ? after it as:
The quantifier {1} is redundant so you can drop it.
You have to mark the single letter as optional too:
([A-Z]{1})? +.*? +
or make the whole part optional
(([A-Z]{1}) +.*? +)?
You also could use simpler regex designed for your case like (.*)\/(([^\?\n\r])*) where $2 match what you want.
here is the regex for password which will require a minimum of 8 characters including a number and lower and upper case letter and optional sepecial charactor

Validate first 2 characters of a textfield follwed by 4 int

I need validation in a text box that when I enter some value in the text box, the first two characters should be characters only, then it allows only followed by 4 ints.
i wrote code like below:
if (Regex.IsMatch(Txtvalue.Text, "^[A-Za-z]{2}d{4}.+$"))
It shows error only. not validate properly.
You might want to use an editor (e.g. regex101 ) for regexes to debug them while writing.
One problem I see on your regex is that you are matching d literally.
I suppose you meant to write \d to match digits.
So ^[A-Za-z]{2}\d{4}.+$ should work.
Another thing I am suspecting is that you don't want the + quantifier as this will prevent ab1234 from being matched when it is not followed at least by a single character. To solve this use the * quantifier instead.

Validating Positive number with comma and period

I need a regular expression validation expression that will
positive number(0-9)
, and .
any other letter or symbol except . and ,
for example, on my text box, if I type anything#!#--, the regular expression validation will disallow it, if I type 10.000,50 or 10,000.50 it should allowed.
I've been trying to use this regex:
but my textbox also must allow , symbol and I tried using only integer regex validation, it did disallow if I type string, but it also disallow . and , symbol while it should allow number(0-9) and also . and , symbol
Don't Use \d to match [0-9] in .NET
First off, in .NET, \d will match any digits in any script, such as:
So you really want to be using [0-9]
Incomplete Spec
You say you want to only allow "digits, commas and periods", but I don't think that's the whole spec. That would be ^[0-9,.]+$, and that would match
See demo.
Tweaking the Spec
It's hard to guess what you really want to allow: would 10,1,1,1 be acceptable?
We could start with something like this, to get some fairly well-formed strings:
Play with the demo, see what should and shouldn't match... When you are sure about the final spec, we can tweak the regex.
Sample Matches:
Sample Non-Matches:
Your regex would be,
It matches one or more numbers or , or . one or more times.
Maybe you can use this one (starts with digit, ends with digit):
If you need more sophisticated price Regex you should use:
(?:(?:[1-9]\d?\d?([ \,\.]?\d{3})*)|0)(?:[\.\,]\d+)?
Edit: To make it more reliable (and dont get 00.50) you can add starting and ending symbol check:
(^|\s)(?:(?:[1-9]\d?\d?([ \,\.]?\d{3})*)|0)(?:[\.\,]\d+)($|\s)?
I think the best regex for your condition will be :
this will validate whatever you like
and at the same time:
not validate:
numbers ending in ,
numbers ending in .
numbers having . before comma
numbers having more than one decimal points
check out the demo here :
Your format is a bit strange as it is not a standard format.
My first thought was to put a float instead of a string and put a Range validation attribute to avoid negative number.
But because of formatting, not sure it would work.
Another way is the regex, of course.
The one you propose means :
"some numbers then possibly a group formed by a dot and two numbers exactly".
This is not what you exepected.
Strictly fitted your example of a number lower than 100,000.99 one regex could be :
A more global regex, that accept all positive numbers is the one posted by Avinash Raj : (?:\d|[,\.])+

Regular expression for DataAnnotation for Password

We have a requirement to make sure password conforms to the specific strength format (this is configured in web.config). Requirements are that password must contain certain number of capital characters and certain number of non-alphanumeric characters. I want to annotate my Password property with regular expression that validates password to make sure password contains x number of CAPS and y number of non-alpha chars. Please help with regular expression.
Checking multiple conditions like this in a single regex is best accomplished using lookaheads, for example say you want 3 capital characters and 4 non-alpha characters, you could use the following regex:
Explanation: first, lets think about what a regex would look like that only checks the first condition. To match 3 uppercase characters we can use the following:
We can still check this condition by dropping it inside of a lookahead, which is what the (?=...) does, so now (?=(?:.*[A-Z]){3}) checks this condition without consuming any characters. At this point we can check the second condition using (?:.*[^a-zA-Z]){4}. I put this second condition inside of a lookahead as well so that adding more checks is straightforward.
Note that the current regex won't actually match any characters, it will match the beginning of the string (zero characters) if all conditions match, otherwise the match will fail. If you want it to actually consume characters as well, just add .* to the end.
I found a good article that solves it for me

