I got this script and try to add a way for the player to lose hearts. I am not sure if I am missing anything. I tried the script, but nothing happened. This is also for a 2d platformer, and the main thing is I just want the player to lose a heart if he falls. Please help.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
// Attach to an empty GameObject
// To initialize script on a new scene, add updateHealthUI() in the Awake
or Start Method of your player
// Then just use this script in your OnCollision method using
thisScript.Health --
public class PlayerHealth : MonoBehaviour // MonoBehaviour
// Insert your 3 hearts images in the Unity Editor
public Image h1, h2, h3;
// Create an array because we're lazy
public Image[] images;
// Gameover
[SerializeField] private Image gameOver;
// A private variable to keep between scenes
int health = 3;
// Now we define Get / Set methods for health
// In case we Set health to a different value we want to update UI
public int Health { get { return health; } set { if (health != Health)
health = Health; updateHealthUI(); } }
public void Awake()
images = new Image[] { h1, h2, h3 };
if (transform.position.y == -80)
private void updateHealthUI()
for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)
// Hide all images superior to the newHealth
if (i >= health)
images[i].enabled = false;
images[i].enabled = true;
// Game Over
if (health == 0)
void Update()
if (health == 3)
images = new Image[] { h1, h2, h3 };
else if (health == 2)
images = new Image[] { h1, h2 };
else if (health == 1)
images = new Image[] { h1 };
You're trying to decrease the health in Awake. The problem is that Awake is called only once during the lifetime of the script instance. So, try to put that if statement into the Update method instead of Awake:
if (transform.position.y == -80)
I have a wave script for my game and it works fine, however after a while I have realised it gets quite dull fighting against the same enemies over and over again, so I was wondering if I could make a list of some sort to store all enemies that will be in each wave.
Here is my script;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class Wave
public int EnemiesPerWave;
public GameObject Enemy;
public class SpawnManager : MonoBehaviour
public Wave[] Waves; // class to hold information per wave
public Transform[] SpawnPoints;
public float TimeBetweenEnemies = 2f;
public GameObject HelpText;
public GameObject Shop;
public GameObject shopfx;
public Transform ShopL;
bool shopactive = false;
private int _totalEnemiesInCurrentWave;
private int _enemiesInWaveLeft;
private int _spawnedEnemies;
private int _currentWave;
private int _totalWaves;
void Start ()
_currentWave = -1; // avoid off by 1
_totalWaves = Waves.Length - 1; // adjust, because we're using 0 index
void Update()
if (_enemiesInWaveLeft <= 0 && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
void StartNextWave()
// win
if (_currentWave > _totalWaves)
_totalEnemiesInCurrentWave = Waves[_currentWave].EnemiesPerWave;
_enemiesInWaveLeft = 0;
_spawnedEnemies = 0;
// Coroutine to spawn all of our enemies
IEnumerator SpawnEnemies()
GameObject enemy = Waves[_currentWave].Enemy;
while (_spawnedEnemies < _totalEnemiesInCurrentWave)
int spawnPointIndex = Random.Range(0, SpawnPoints.Length);
// Create an instance of the enemy prefab at the randomly selected spawn point's
// position and rotation.
Instantiate(enemy, SpawnPoints[spawnPointIndex].position,
yield return new WaitForSeconds(TimeBetweenEnemies);
yield return null;
// called by an enemy when they're defeated
public void EnemyDefeated()
// We start the next wave once we have spawned and defeated them all
if (_enemiesInWaveLeft == 0 && _spawnedEnemies == _totalEnemiesInCurrentWave)
Instantiate(shopfx, new Vector3(ShopL.transform.position.x, ShopL.transform.position.y, ShopL.transform.position.z), Quaternion.identity);
shopactive = true;
void SetFalse()
void LateUpdate()
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && shopactive == true)
Instantiate(shopfx, new Vector3(Shop.transform.position.x, Shop.transform.position.y, Shop.transform.position.z), Quaternion.identity);
shopactive = false;
I am a newbie to Unity and I am trying to build a little shooter 2d game in C#. I am now stuck and confess that I am a little lost not knowing what the best approach is, but the problem is that my hero shoots at the enemies and they die but how do I get to the next level after the enemies are all dead? If I make a dead counter, what script do I put in? In the enemy script? Or do I make a new script but associate it with what? I also need the game to end if the hero fires his six bullets (already have a counter that makes the hero not shoot anymore after six shoots) and there are still enemies left ...
Does anyone give me some tips? Thanks!
Enemy script:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class BadguyScript : MonoBehaviour
public int maxHealth;
public int curHealth;
private Animator myAnimator;
private bool isDead;
private float DespawnTime = 2.5f;
private string DeathAnimHash = "isDead";
void Start()
myAnimator = GetComponent<Animator>();
myAnimator.enabled =true;
myAnimator.SetBool (DeathAnimHash ,isDead);
maxHealth = 1;
curHealth = maxHealth;
void Update()
if (curHealth < 1)
isDead = true;
myAnimator.SetBool (DeathAnimHash ,isDead);
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
if (isDead)
if (col.tag == "bullet")
curHealth -= 1;
Count Bullets Script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class GameFlow : MonoBehaviour
public static float remainingShots = 6;
public Transform shot1;
public Transform shot2;
public Transform shot3;
public Transform shot4;
public Transform shot5;
public Transform shot6;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (remainingShots > 0)
shot1.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = true;
shot1.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = false;
if (remainingShots > 1)
shot2.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = true;
shot2.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = false;
if (remainingShots > 2)
shot3.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = true;
shot3.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = false;
if (remainingShots > 3)
shot4.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = true;
shot4.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = false;
if (remainingShots > 4)
shot5.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = true;
shot5.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = false;
if (remainingShots > 5)
shot6.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = true;
shot6.GetComponent<Image> ().enabled = false;
remainingShots -= 1;
To switch to another scene after your conditions do the following:
1. Add the OtherScenes to your game by doing this:
File -> Build Settings -> Add Open Scenes
2. Do something like this in your code:
Enemy Script.cs
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; // Contains scene management functions
public GameObject[] enemies;
void Update()
enemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy"); // Checks if enemies are available with tag "Enemy". Note that you should set this to your enemies in the inspector.
if (enemies.length == 0)
SceneManager.LoadScene("OtherSceneName"); // Load the scene with name "OtherSceneName"
Bullet Script.cs
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
void Update()
if (remainingShots == -1)
use an empty gameobject and attach this line of code in update method .
if (enemies.length == 0)
SceneManager.LoadScene("OtherSceneName"); // Load the scene with name "OtherSceneName"
As you were using the enemy script and when all the enemies dies then there is no gameobject which hold the script.
So, i created two scripts, one named "Stats.cs" registers the player stats and the other one named "PlayerHealth.cs" "makes" the player take damage on contact and updates the Hearts in the HUD. My problem is, whenever i collide with an object that has a tag named "Projectile" it simply doesn't work, my player doesn't take damage at all. The Stats.cs script isn't in any object, the PlayerHealth.cs is in my Player object.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Stats{
private int health;
public int maxHP = 3;
public int Health
//Some code
return health;
//Some code
health = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, maxHP);
public void SetHealth()
Health = maxHP;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PlayerHealth : MonoBehaviour
Stats playerStats = new Stats();
public int curHealth;
public int numOfHearts = 3;
public Image[] hearts;
public Sprite fullHeart;
public Sprite emptyHeart;
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Projectile"))
public void DamagePlayer(int damage)
playerStats.Health -= damage;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
curHealth = numOfHearts;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
curHealth = playerStats.Health;
numOfHearts = playerStats.maxHP;
if (curHealth>numOfHearts){
curHealth = numOfHearts;
if(curHealth <= 0){
for (int i = 0; i < hearts.Length; i++)
if(i < curHealth){
hearts[i].sprite = fullHeart;
} else
hearts[i].sprite = emptyHeart;
if(i < numOfHearts){
hearts[i].enabled = true;
} else {
hearts[i].enabled = false;
void Die(){
curHealth is updating so it will stay as the actual Health in Stats and will change the images in HUD.
The Player has a RigidBody2D on him two colliders, one is a box for the body, and the other is a circle collider, so when the player crouches, the circle collider disables.
The Projectiles also have and RigidBody2D with 0 gravity (so it won't fall in mid air) and a BoxCollider2D.
I would check and make sure that the projectile is tagged as Projectile and that the BoxCollider doesn't have "Is Trigger" checked.
I should also say, iterating with that for loop in the Update is very bad practice performance wise. That is happening literally as fast as the machine can loop it and it is doing that every time. I would look into updating it on an event.
Hope this helps!
I am working on 2D game.
When player collides with BOMBPrefab lose 1 heart (initial 3 heart), if collides 3 times = GameOver.
Thats is the code (works fine for BombPrefab):
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Heart : MonoBehaviour {
public Texture2D[] initialHeart;
private int heart;
private int many;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
GetComponent<GUITexture>().texture = initialHeart[0];
heart = initialHeart.Length;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {}
public bool TakeHeart()
if (heart < 0) {
return false;
if (many < (heart - 1)) {
many += 1;
GetComponent<GUITexture> ().texture = initialHeart [many];
return true;
} else {
return false;
I have a second HeartPrefab, I want to check when player collides... IF I have 3 hearts do nothing, IF have 1 or 2 hearts ADD extra heart.
BombPrefab Scrip:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Bomb : MonoBehaviour
public AudioClip clipBomba;
private Heart heart;
private Gerenciador gerenciador;
void Awake ()
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
gerenciador = FindObjectOfType (typeof(Gerenciador)) as Gerenciador;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
void OnCollisionEnter2D (Collision2D colisor)
if (colisor.gameObject.tag == "floor") {
Destroy (gameObject, 2f);
} else {
if (colisor.gameObject.tag == "Bee") {
heart= GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Heart").GetComponent<Vidas> () as Vidas;
if (heart.TakeHeart ()) {
Destroy (gameObject);
} else {
gerenciador.GameOver ("GameOver");
void Som()
GetComponent<AudioSource> ().clip = clipBomb;
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (clipBomb, transform.position);
First of all try not use GetComponent<>() in update and functions that are run often. It is better to cache components in Start() method. Using FindGameObjectWith...() is also not very efficient.
I would make it differently, each heart as a separate UI element (Toggle), with two states active and inactive. Then your player should have a list of those hearts and methods that allow to take damage and gain life.
int currentHeartsCount = 3;
int maxHeartsCount = 3;
List<Heart> hearts = new List<Heart>();
public void TakeDamage(int damage) {
public void GainLife(int life) {
private void ChangeHearts(int amount) {
currentHeartsCount += amount;
if(currentHeartsCount> maxHeartsCount)
currentHeartsCount = maxHeartsCount;
if(currentHeartsCount<=0) {
// call player dead code
int i = 1;
foreach(Heart heart in hearts) {
This is a simplified solution to give you an idea. It is more robust than yours because you can easily change start heart count, and make things like heart "overcharge". Just add base hearts, set max to desired value, and now you can create some special power ups which increase hearts over the initial limit.
I currently have a 2d platformer, where the player is given 9 lives on start, and loses a life everytime they hit an obstacle.
The GameManager script stores and displays the health and the Entity script updates the health in GameManager if the player loses a life.
If the player loses a life, they can respawn in that level.
On completion of a level, the player goes to a new scene "Level Complete", where they can choose to continue to the next level or quit the game.
However, when the player continues to the next level, the currentHealth variable does not persist and resets to 0.
I know WHY this problem is occurring, but I do not know how to fix it.
currentHealth is not being called anywhere in LevelComplete, so on Start in GameManager, it has lost the value of currentHealth.
I can't call GameManager on LevelComplete because it will spawn the player. So I'm not sure how to pass the variable.
Here are my scripts.
Game Manager
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject player;
private GameCamera cam;
private GameObject currentPlayer;
private Vector3 checkpoint;
public Text livesText;
private Entity livesCount;
public static int startHealth = 9;
public int currentHealth;
public bool playerDeath = false;
public static int levelCount = 2;
public static int currentLevel = 1;
void Start () {
cam = GetComponent<GameCamera> ();
livesText.text = currentHealth.ToString ();
checkpoint = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Spawn").transform.position;
SpawnPlayer (checkpoint);
private void SpawnPlayer(Vector3 spawnPos) {
currentPlayer = Instantiate (player, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
public void Update(){
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Respawn")) {
playerDeath = false;
SpawnPlayer (checkpoint);
if (playerDeath) {
Destroy (currentPlayer);
if (currentPlayer) {
currentHealth = currentPlayer.GetComponent<Entity> ().GetHealth ();
livesText.text = currentHealth.ToString ();
public void SetCheckPoint(Vector3 cp){
checkpoint = cp;
public void EndLevel(){
if(currentLevel < levelCount){
Application.LoadLevel("Level Complete");
Application.LoadLevel("Game Complete");
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Entity : MonoBehaviour {
public static int currHealth;
private int checkHealth; //Make sure 0 < health < 9
public void ModifyHealth(int amount){
checkHealth = currHealth + amount;
if (checkHealth >= 9) {
currHealth = 9; //Health can't be greater than 9
else if(checkHealth <= 0){
Die (); //End game if health is less than or equal to 0
currHealth = checkHealth; //Otherwise, update Health
public int GetHealth(){
return currHealth;
public void SetHealth(int currentHealth){
currHealth = currentHealth;
public void Die(){
Application.LoadLevel ("Game Over");
Level Complete
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class LevelComplete : MonoBehaviour {
public GUISkin gSkin;
void OnGUI(){
GUI.skin = gSkin;
if(GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width/2) - Screen.width *0.15f,Screen.height/2 - Screen.height *0.05f,Screen.width*0.3f,Screen.height*0.1f),"Next Level")){
Application.LoadLevel ("Level 2");
if(GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width/2) - Screen.width *0.15f,Screen.height/2 + 20.0f,Screen.width*0.3f,Screen.height*0.1f),"Quit")){
Application.Quit ();