More of a general question. I have a list that looks like below with > 5000 lines. It is currently in a text file but I want to load it into something at app launch to be able to iterate through it faster.
what would be the fastest method? is List<> my only option? or maybe a table?. Not sure what the fastest way to do this is, I need to iterate through it to find a line possibly in the 100s of times per second. Need to find the text after the comma if the number matches the requested number.
If there inst anything which will allow me to iterate through it that fast I may have to look at other options.
Lets assume I have plenty of strings that need processing, I like to place the last processed string in memory to avoid repeated processing against it. I only need to record the last 100 strings, which means if I use
List<string> oldString after oldString.Add(), I have to use oldString.TakeFromEnd(100) As you know, TakeFromEnd() not exist, which means if I go this path, I have to write lots of things to keep a 100 length List which would lead to bad performance I can imagine.
I'd like to ask, is there any pre-made in system Class that just holds a fixed amount of data, and throws away oldest data when a new one is added. Thanks
Queue<string> is very good indeed, use .Any() to check if already exist, use .Enqueue() to add (not Equeue as answered below, it shot a N), use .Count to check length, and .Dequeue() to remove the first added one.
Work with a Queue
And the idea is to:
public void addToQueue(Object obj){
if (myQueue.Count > 100)
This is roughly a sketch of the code that you need to use, but you`ll get the idea.
You will then have a queue than contains only the latest 100 records
I have an issue where I need to load a fixed-length file. Process some of the fields, generate a few others, and finally output a new file. The difficult part is that the file is of part numbers and some of the products are superceded by other products (which can also be superceded). What I need to do is follow the superceded trail to get information I need to replace some of the fields in the row I am looking at. So how can I best handle about 200000 lines from a file and the need to move up and down within the given products? I thought about using a collection to hold the data or a dataset, but I just don't think this is the right way. Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
Part Number List Price Description Superceding Part Number
0913982 3852943
3852943 0006710 CARRIER,BEARING
Part Number List Price Description Superceding Part Number
0913982 0006710 CARRIER,BEARING 3852943
3852943 0006710 CARRIER,BEARING
As usual any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Create structure of given fields.
Read file and put structures in collection. You may use part number as key for hashtable to provide fastest searching.
Scan collection and fix the data.
200 000 objects from given lines will fit easily in memory.
For example.
If your structure size is 50 bytes then you will need only 10Mb of memory. It is nothing for modern PC.
Imagine you wanted to serialize and deserialize stackoverflow posts including their tags as space efficiently as possible (in binary), but also for performance when doing tag lookups. Is there a good datastructure for that kind of scenario?
Stackoverflow has about 28532 different tags, you could create a table with all tags and assign them an integer, Furthermore you could sort them by frequency so that the most common tags have the lowest numbers. Still storing them simply like a string in the format "1 32 45" seems a bit inefficent borth from a searching and storing perspective
Another idea would be to save tags as a variable bitarray which is attractive from a lookup and serializing perspective. Since the most common tags are first you potentially could fit tags into a small amount of memory.
The problem would be of course that uncommon tags would yield huge bitarrays. Is there any standard for "compressing" bitarrays for large spans of 0's? Or should one use some other structure completely?
I'm not looking for a DB solution or a solution where I need to keep entire tables in memory, but a structure for filtering individual items
Not to undermine your question but 28k records is really not all that many. Are you perhaps optimizing prematurely?
I would first stick to using 'regular' indices on a DB table. The harshing heuristics they use are typically very efficient and not trivial to beat (or if you can is it really worth the effort in time and are the gains large enough?).
Also depending on where you actually do the tag query, is the user really noticing the 200ms time gain you optimized for?
First measure then optimize :-)
Without a DB I would probably have a master table holding all tags together with an ID (if possible hold it in memory). Keep a regular sorted list of IDs together with each post.
Not sure how much storage based on commonality would help. A sorted list in which you can do a regular binary search may prove fast enough; measure :-)
Here you would need to iterate all posts for every tag query though.
If this ends up being to slow you could resort to storing a pocket of post identifiers for each tag. This data structure may become somewhat large though and may require a file to seek and read against.
For a smaller table you could resort to build one based on a hashed value (with duplicates). This way you could use it to quickly get down to a smaller candidate list of posts that need further checking to see if they match or not.
You need second table with 2 fields: tag_id question_id
That's it. Then you create indexes on tag_id, question_id and question_id, tag_id - that would be covering index so all your queries would be very fast.
I have a feeling you abstracted your question too much; you didn't say very much about how you want to access the datastructure, which is very important.
That being said, I suggest to count the number of occurances for each tag and then use Huffman coding to come up with the shortest encoding which can be used for the tags. This is not entirely perfect, but I'd stick with it until you've demonstrate that it's inappropriate. You can then associate the codes with each question.
If you want to efficiently lookup questions within a specific tag, you will need some kind of index. Maybe, all Tag objects could have an array of references (references, pointers, nummeric-id, etc) to all the questions that are tagged with this particular tag. This way you simply need to find the tag object and you have an array pointing to all the questions of that tag.
I have a program that needs to store data values and periodically get the last 'x' data values.
It initially thought a stack is the way to go but I need to be able to see more than just the top value - something like a PeekRange method where I can peek the last 'x' number of values.
At the moment I'm just using a list and get the last, say, 20 values like this:
var last20 = myList.Skip(myList.Count - 20).ToList();
The list grows all the time the program runs, but I only ever want the last 20 values. Could someone give some advice on a better data structure?
I'd probably be using a ring buffer. It's not hard to implement one on your own, AFAIK there's no implementation provided by the Framework..
Well since you mentioned the stack, I guess you only need modifications at the end of the list?
In that case the list is actually a nice solution (cache efficient and with fast insertion/removal at the end). However your way of extracting the last few items is somewhat inefficient, because IEnumerable<T> won't expose the random access provided by the List. So the Skip()-Implementation has to scan the whole List until it reaches the end (or do a runtime type check first to detect that the container implements IList<T>). It is more efficient, to either access the items directly by index, or (if you need a second array) to use List<T>.CopyTo().
If you need fast removal/insertion at the beginning, you may want to consider a ring buffer or (doubly) linked list (see LinkedList<T>). The linked list will be less cache-efficient, but it is easy and efficient to navigate and alter from both directions. The ring buffer is a bit harder to implement, but will be more cache- and space-efficient. So its probably better if only small value types or reference types are stored. Especially when the buffers size is fixed.
You could just removeat(0) after each add (if the list is longer than 20), so the list will never be longer than 20 items.
You said stack, but you also said you only ever want the last 20 items. I don't think these two requirements really go together.
I would say that Johannes is right about a ring buffer. It is VERY easy to implement this yourself in .NET; just use a Queue<T> and once you reach your capacity (20) start dequeuing (popping) on every enqueue (push).
If you want your PeekRange to enumerate from the most recent to least recent, you can defineGetEnumerator to do somehing likereturn _queue.Reverse().GetEnumerator();
Woops, .Take() wont do it.
Here's an implementation of .TakeLast()
I am trying to compare two large datasets from a SQL query. Right now the SQL query is done externally and the results from each dataset is saved into its own csv file. My little C# console application loads up the two text/csv files and compares them for differences and saves the differences to a text file.
Its a very simple application that just loads all the data from the first file into an arraylist and does a .compare() on the arraylist as each line is read from the second csv file. Then saves the records that don't match.
The application works but I would like to improve the performance. I figure I can greatly improve performance if I can take advantage of the fact that both files are sorted, but I don't know a datatype in C# that keeps order and would allow me to select a specific position. Theres a basic array, but I don't know how many items are going to be in each list. I could have over a million records. Is there a data type available that I should be looking at?
If data in both of your CSV files is already sorted and have the same number of records, you could skip the data structure entirely and do in-place analysis.
StreamReader one = new StreamReader("C:\file1.csv");
StreamReader two = new StreamReader("C:\file2.csv");
String lineOne;
String lineTwo;
StreamWriter differences = new StreamWriter("Output.csv");
while (!one.EndOfStream)
lineOne = one.ReadLine();
lineTwo = two.ReadLine();
// do your comparison.
bool areDifferent = true;
if (areDifferent)
differences.WriteLine(lineOne + lineTwo);
System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection allows you to add a range of values and, using the .IndexOf(string) method, allows you to retrieve the index of that item.
That being said, you could likely just load up a couple of byte[] from a filestream and do byte comparison... don't even worry about loading that stuff into a formal datastructure like StringCollection or string[]; if all you're doing is checking for differences, and you want speed, I would wreckon byte differences are where it's at.
This is an adaptation of David Sokol's code to work with varying number of lines, outputing the lines that are in one file but not the other:
StreamReader one = new StreamReader("C:\file1.csv");
StreamReader two = new StreamReader("C:\file2.csv");
String lineOne;
String lineTwo;
StreamWriter differences = new StreamWriter("Output.csv");
lineOne = one.ReadLine();
lineTwo = two.ReadLine();
while (!one.EndOfStream || !two.EndOfStream)
if(lineOne == lineTwo)
// lines match, read next line from each and continue
lineOne = one.ReadLine();
lineTwo = two.ReadLine();
if(two.EndOfStream || lineOne < lineTwo)
lineOne = one.ReadLine();
if(one.EndOfStream || lineTwo < lineOne)
lineTwo = two.ReadLine();
Standard caveat about code written off the top of my head applies -- you may need to special-case running out of lines in one while the other still has lines, but I think this basic approach should do what you're looking for.
Well, there are several approaches that would work. You could write your own data structure that did this. Or you can try and use SortedList. You can also return the DataSets in code, and then use .Select() on the table. Granted, you would have to do this on both tables.
You can easily use a SortedList to do fast lookups. If the data you are loading is already sorted, insertions into the SortedList should not be slow.
If you are looking simply to see if all lines in FileA are included in FileB you could read it in and just compare streams inside a loop.
File 1
File 2
You could loop through with two counters and find omissions, going line by line through each file and see if you get what you need.
Maybe I misunderstand, but the ArrayList will maintain its elements in the same order by which you added them. This means you can compare the two ArrayLists within one pass only - just increment the two scanning indices according to the comparison results.
One question I have is have you considered "out-sourcing" your comparison. There are plenty of good diff tools that you could just call out to. I'd be surprised if there wasn't one that let you specify two files and get only the differences. Just a thought.
I think the reason everyone has so many different answers is that you haven't quite got your problem specified well enough to be answered. First off, it depends what kind of differences you want to track. Are you wanting the differences to be output like in a WinDiff where the first file is the "original" and second file is the "modified" so you can list changes as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE? Do you have a primary key that will allow you to match up two lines as different versions of the same record (when fields other than the primary key are different)? Or is is this some sort of reconciliation where you just want your difference output to say something like "RECORD IN FILE 1 AND NOT FILE 2"?
I think the asnwers to these questions will help everyone to give you a suitable answer to your problem.
If you have two files that are each a million lines as mentioned in your post, you might be using up a lot of memory. Some of the performance problem might be that you are swapping from disk. If you are simply comparing line 1 of file A to line one of file B, line2 file A -> line 2 file B, etc, I would recommend a technique that does not store so much in memory. You could either read write off of two file streams as a previous commenter posted and write out your results "in real time" as you find them. This would not explicitly store anything in memory. You could also dump chunks of each file into memory, say one thousand lines at a time, into something like a List. This could be fine tuned to meet your needs.
To resolve question #1 I'd recommend looking into creating a hash of each line. That way you can compare hashes quick and easy using a dictionary.
To resolve question #2 one quick and dirty solution would be to use an IDictionary. Using itemId as your first string type and the rest of the line as your second string type. You can then quickly find if an itemId exists and compare the lines. This of course assumes .Net 2.0+