How to pass a section to a partial in layout? - c#

In MVC 5 We can pass section to layout using
#section AnySection{
//section code here
and render it in Layout by
#RenderSection("AnySection", required: false)
But how can we pass that section again to a partial inside that layout? See the image below for reference
subheader-v1 is a partial view inside my Layout I have made my Layout with many partial Views.
When I try this as mentioned in Image above it gives me this error
The file "~/Views/Shared/partials/_subheader/subheader-v1.cshtml" cannot be requested directly because it calls the "RenderSection" method.'

You don't pass a section to the layout. It is the layout that determines which sections should (or could) be rendered in the view... it also determines where in the view the section should be rendered.
From MS Documentation:
A layout can optionally reference one or more sections, by calling
RenderSection. Sections provide a way to organize where certain page
elements should be placed.
Sections don't work in partial views and that is by design. You would need to move RenderSection to your layout and the section body to your view. See this question for more information.

Inside the subheader-v1.cshtml (since the objective is to bring the "CoordinatesSelection" partial into subheader-v1.cshtml) substitute
#RenderSection("Coordinates", required: false)
#Html.Partial("CoordinatesSelection", Model)
The code #RenderSection("Coordinates", required: false) was designed to be written directly in the layout to avoid duplicate calls to it!!

Two ways:
You can migrate from subheader-v1 to layout
// your subheader-v1 code
And you can use RenderSection in the layout
You can pass a model to Partial subheader-v1
#model object
<div class="kt-subheader__wrapper">
#section Coordinates{
//your partial code
I think the first way is better than the second way.


How to tell ASP.NET MVC to include cshtml in every view in folder

Here is my problem:
For one controller ProjectsController.cs I want that every view would include some razor code.
For now I have something like this:
In Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml I render optional section header:
#RenderSection("header", false)
<div class="container body-content">
<hr />
Then in my View/Projects folder I have created partial view _ProjectsPartial.cshtml
And I include in every view in Projects folder header section, so Views/Projects/Index.cshtml and Views/Projects/Console.cshtml have this included:
#section header
It works, as it should but I have a feeling this is not the way to do it, and I need to include this #section header in every view under Views/Projects which is not ideal, as I want to add many views in the future in this folder.
So my question is, what is the best way to do it?
I know I could use other layout for all these views adding and using Views/Projects/_ViewStart.cshtml but then I would need to duplicate main layout code as I don't know how to merge one layout into other.
Here is the way you can try:
At first, just put the following code snippets into your Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml.
#RenderSection("header", false)
#if (!IsSectionDefined("header"))
Then put the #section header into your views when needed.
#section header
By the way, the Layout view is also a view. So you can treat a layout as a view and it can have it's own Layout by assigning #{ Layout = "new_layout.cshtml"; }. Then you can combined two Layouts without duplicated content in it.

Comparison between Layout and partial view within mvc application

I have an Mvc4 application which contains 4 modules. I need to add Layouts view (master page) to my project and i have two choices :
Adding 5 Layouts with no partial view
Adding a unique Layout with 4 partial views
I'd like to know what is the best way between it? Why?
In my opinion its better to use 2nd approach. As we know we nowadays heavily uses jquery and want to change view content without having to load whole page.Main reason is partial views are more lightweight than normal views
Sometimes we need to load a partial view , then we can use jQuery to make an AJAX request and render a Partial View . In order to load a partial view with in a div we need to do like as:
<script type="text/jscript">
And moreover idea behind partial view is it is reusable. You can call action which returns partial view like below
<div> #{Html.RenderAction("_Action","Controller");} </div>

What is the point of Partial Views in MVC

Ive noticed that there seems to be no real difference between a view and a partial view.
For instance, one can create a view but can render it as a partial view by using
or by specifying that its action return it as
return PartialView();
Ive noticed that the opposite is also the case - ie, one can create a partial view but if it is returned as a full view, it will be displayed with the default layout for the views.
My question is this -
When adding a new view in Visual Studio, one is given the option of creating a view that is partial or not. Isn't this redundant, since a view can be rendered as both a partial and a full view anyway?
There is difference between views and partial views, and the difference is more about their usage, rather than technical.
View is meant to be used as full page of your application, it needs layout, <html> and <title>. Partial views are more like reusable parts of other views. Partials do not represent full pages, they are inserted into other views.
From technical point of view, return View("SameView"); renders view including layout page, and returning that same view by return PartialView("SameView"); renders contents, but omits contents of layout page.
No difference - it's true. But when you say "Partial View" all your teammates understand that you mean reusable views that will be used in many places across the website.
Think of partial views as user controls in ASP.NET WebForms. Partial views are used if you want to have a functionality centralized, so it can be used in many parts of your website. This is the purpose of partial views.
Hope I have answered your question.
Two things. First, to an extent you are right. But it's more of a semantic thing to seperate reusable code. It also comes in handy when for e.g. say you need to display a dialog but only when the user has some sort of an interaction with the page, like the click of a button. With partial views you don't have to have the markup for this on the page when it loads thereby reducing the file size. When you write markup/code in the partial view, you don't have to do the whole <html></html> code block. Instead you just create a <div></div> or whatever you need.
The bit about creating a view in Visual Studio. No, it's not redundant because when you create a partial view, it does not use your master layout file.
Practically , there is no difference among them. But when you acknowledge an html object as Partial View then, it is considered as a self-contained object which may get serve at different places just like a web-part/User-Controls and also its lightweight.
Partial view kept to use as partial page of the main page(parent page).
What does mean of partial view? Actually in the main page we will have all the HTML page attributes as below:
html lang="en"
But in partial view we will not have all above attributes.
Find the features of partial page:
1. Partial page will be light wait and get fitted into the any view.
2. This will use as the reusable component.
3. Partial view will be render inside of a View(parent view or page).
For all who coming from ASP.Net background they can understand partial view as user control.
To answer your question specifically, when adding a new view in Visual Studio, you will get some very basic markup generated for you as a starting point, based off of your selections in the dialog.
Here is the generated markup in Visual Studio 2010 (VB.NET) for the different combinations of the "Partial" checkbox and the "Layout" checkbox:
# "Create as a partial view" unchecked
# "Use a layout or master page:" unchecked
Layout = Nothing
End Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
# "Create as a partial view" unchecked
# "Use a layout or master page:" checked
ViewData("Title") = "MyView"
Layout = "~/ThePath/ToThe/Layout.vbhtml"
End Code
# "Create as a partial view" checked
# "Use a layout or master page:" greyed out
# returns an empty file
As you can see there is nothing fancy going on in the background or special properties being set in a secret file somewhere. The options are simply used to get some default markup on the page. Whether or not this is practical is purely subjective!
Quite late but might be useful for someone with the same question. Partial views are helpful in a scenario where you want to load a view based on some user selection.
For instance, let's assume there is a dropdown in parent view displaying three operations that the user can perform. Based on the user selection, a partial view can be loaded into the parent view instead of keeping hidden DIVs in the parent view itself, thus making the parent view light. This will be very useful when we have multiple such user selections based DIVs

Trying to use two layout pages on MVC4 and Razor

When I use #RenderBody on a view (not principal), I receive this message Error: The file "~/Views/Shared/_Sistema.cshtml" cannot be requested directly because it calls the "RenderBody" method.
I do not understand it as I am a novice in MVC.
What do I can do?
If you are using the Renderbody in _Sistema.cshtml file, then make it as a Layout page.
And add another partial page named like MyPartial.cshtml with Layout name as _Sistema.cshtml.
Renderbody is supposed to be in the master page only. i.e., Layout page.
So your _Sistema.cshtml page should only contains the following:
#RenderSection("scripts", required: false) #*----Optional---*#
Then your your new partial page MyPartial.cshtml should contain the following:
Layout = "~/_Sistema.cshtml";
Then use your partial page in your view as follows:
Hope it helps.
RenderBody is for masters only. This method renders markup of content pages that does not belong to any particular section. If your view calls RenderBody, two cases are possible:
Either this is a mistake and this view should not call it.
Or this view is a master, and you should instead use some other views inheriting layout from this master.
you just need to interact with _ViewStart.cshtml
and use if condition to specify the share mater page for each group of users.
for example user is admin then user _Layout.cshtm other wise use _Layout2.cshtml
use following code :
if(User.Identity.Name.ToLower()=="admin") {
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout2.cshtml";
else {
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
In my experience, I was struggling with this same issue for days. After further investigation, I found that when starting a new Umbraco site, I had the option to select templates. That resolved the RenderBody issue. When creating the layout page without the templates it doesn't see the Master page as the layout, hence not being able to call the RenderBody method. Using the templates automatically sets the Master page as the Layout allowing you to call the RenderBody. I hope this helps.

MVC3 Layout Page, View, RenderPartial and getting script files into the Header (from the partial view)

So I have a Layout page
#RenderSection("HeaderLast", required: false)
A view
#section HeaderLast
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/knockout-1.2.0.js")"
<div id="profile-tab">
#{ Html.RenderPartial("_userProfile"); }
And a Partial view
#section HeaderLast
<script type="text/javascript">
I figured it couldn't be that simple. Is there a proper way to do this out of box or will this always require some kind of mediator and passing stuff around ViewData to manually make the content bubble up to the layout page?
Bounty started: The bounty will be rewarded to the best solution provided for this short coming. Should no answers be provided I will award it to #SLaks for originally answering this question.
You cannot define sections in partial views.
Instead, you can put the Javascript in ViewBag, then emit any Javascript found in ViewBag in the layout page.
#JasCav: If a partial needs its own CSS, it has no good way to get it rendered.
If that's the reason for its use, it could very well be by design.
You don't want to have a separate CSS file x partial/helper. Remember, each separate CSS file means a separate request to get it from the server, thus an additional round-trip that affects time to render your page.
Also you don't want to emit direct CSS to the HTML from the partial/helper. Instead you want it to have appropriate hooks you can use to define all the look in your site's CSS file.
You can use the same hooks you have available for CSS to activate custom JavaScript behaviors for the elements involved When JavaScript is enabled.
Finally it may be the case what you need is not a Partial View, but an extra Layout you use for some pages. With that approach you would have:
A master Layout that gets set automatically on _ViewStart like you probably has now. This defines the sections like in your sample.
A children Layout page. Here you have both the extra html, css, js you need to have for these views. This uses both #RenderBody() and #section SomeSection { } to structure your common extra layout.
Some views that point to the children layout, and others that use the default master layout.
How to get extra data to the children Layout is out of the scope of the question, but you have several options. Like having a common base for your entities; using ViewBag or calling Html.RenderAction to get that shared logic related to shared dynamic elements in the layout.
It looks like there was a similar question on SO - How to render JavaScript into MasterLayout section from partial view?.
Unfortunately, there is no possibility of declaring sections inside Partial Views. That is because RenderPartial ends up rendering totally separate view page. There is a workaround to this, though a bit ugly. But it can look better if using strongly-typed model instead of ViewData.
Basically, you need to keep track of the reference to the view which called RenderPartial and use the DefineSection method on the object passed to push data to that view.
UPDATE: There is also a blog post about dealing with RenderSection you may find useful.
Here is another approach using helper methods and templated delegate
As a follow up to my question, the JavaScript/CSS combiner/minifier tool Cassette supports this functionality to allow you to compartmentalize your JavaScript and other assets that are required for partials.
I purchased a site license and use this in all of my MVC applications now.

