Retry Failed Tasks in C#.Net -WhenAll Async [duplicate] - c#

I have a solution that creates multiple I/O based tasks and I'm using Task.WhenAny() to manage these tasks. But often many of the tasks will fail due to network issue or request throttling etc.
I can't seem to find a solution that enables me to successfully retry failed tasks when using a Task.WhenAny() approach.
Here is what I'm doing:
var tasks = new List<Task<MyType>>();
foreach(var item in someCollection)
while (tasks.Count > 0)
var child = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);
So the above structure works for completing tasks, but I haven't found a way to handle and retry failing tasks. The await Task.WhenAny throws an AggregateException rather than allowing me to inspect a task status. When In the exception handler I no longer have any way to retry the failed task.

I believe it would be easier to retry within the tasks, and then replace the Task.WhenAny-in-a-loop antipattern with Task.WhenAll
E.g., using Polly:
var tasks = new List<Task<MyType>>();
var policy = ...; // See Polly documentation
foreach(var item in someCollection)
tasks.Add(policy.ExecuteAsync(() => GetSomethingAsync()));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
or, more succinctly:
var policy = ...; // See Polly documentation
var tasks = someCollection.Select(item => policy.ExecuteAsync(() => GetSomethingAsync()));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

If you don't want to use the Polly library for some reason, you could use the Retry method bellow. It accepts a task factory, and keeps creating and then awaiting a task until it completes successfully, or the maxAttempts have been reached:
public static async Task<TResult> Retry<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> taskFactory,
int maxAttempts)
int failedAttempts = 0;
while (true)
var task = taskFactory();
return await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
if (failedAttempts >= maxAttempts) throw;
You could then use this method to download (for example) some web pages.
string[] urls =
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var tasks = urls.Select(url => Retry(async () =>
return (Url: url, Html: await httpClient.GetStringAsync(url));
}, maxAttempts: 5));
var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine($"Url: {result.Url}, {result.Html.Length:#,0} chars");
Url:, 112,276 chars
Url:, 122,784 chars
If you uncomment the third url then instead of these results an HttpRequestException will be thrown, after five failed attempts.
The Task.WhenAll method will wait for the completion of all tasks before propagating the error. In case it is preferable to report the error as soon as possible, you can find solutions in this question.


Correct pattern to check if an async Task completed synchronously before awaiting it

I have a bunch of requests to process, some of which may complete synchronously.
I'd like to gather all results that are immediately available and return them early, while waiting for the rest.
Roughly like this:
List<Task<Result>> tasks = new ();
List<Result> results = new ();
foreach (var request in myRequests) {
var task = request.ProcessAsync();
if (task.IsCompleted)
results.Add(task.Result); // or Add(await task) ?
// send results that are available "immediately" while waiting for the rest
if (results.Count > 0) SendResults(results);
results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
I'm not sure whether relying on IsCompleted might be a bad idea; could there be situations where its result cannot be trusted, or where it may change back to false again, etc.?
Similarly, could it be dangerous to use task.Result even after checking IsCompleted, should one always prefer await task? What if were using ValueTask instead of Task?
I'm not sure whether relying on IsCompleted might be a bad idea; could there be situations where its result cannot be trusted...
If you're in a multithreaded context, it's possible that IsCompleted could return false at the moment when you check on it, but it completes immediately thereafter. In cases like the code you're using, the cost of this happening would be very low, so I wouldn't worry about it.
or where it may change back to false again, etc.?
No, once a Task completes, it cannot uncomplete.
could it be dangerous to use task.Result even after checking IsCompleted.
Nope, that should always be safe.
should one always prefer await task?
await is a great default when you don't have a specific reason to do something else, but there are a variety of use cases where other patterns might be useful. The use case you've highlighted is a good example, where you want to return the results of finished tasks without awaiting all of them.
As Stephen Cleary mentioned in a comment below, it may still be worthwhile to use await to maintain expected exception behavior. You might consider doing something more like this:
var requestsByIsCompleted = myRequests.ToLookup(r => r.IsCompleted);
// send results that are available "immediately" while waiting for the rest
SendResults(await Task.WhenAll(requestsByIsCompleted[true]));
SendResults(await Task.WhenAll(requestsByIsCompleted[false]));
What if were using ValueTask instead of Task?
The answers above apply equally to both types.
You could use code like this to continually send the results of completed tasks while waiting on others to complete.
foreach (var request in myRequests)
// wait for at least one task to be complete, then send all available results
while (tasks.Count > 0)
// wait for at least one task to complete
// send results for each completed task
var completedTasks = tasks.Where(t => t.IsCompleted);
var results = completedTasks.Where(t => t.IsCompletedSuccessfully).Select(t => t.Result).ToList();
// TODO: handle completed but failed tasks here
// remove completed tasks from the tasks list and keep waiting
tasks.RemoveAll(t => completedTasks.Contains(t));
Using only await you can achieve the desired behavior:
async Task ProcessAsync(MyRequest request, Sender sender)
var result = await request.ProcessAsync();
await sender.SendAsync(result);
async Task ProcessAll()
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach(var request in requests)
var task = ProcessAsync(request, sender);
// Dont await until all requests are queued up
// Await on all outstanding requests
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
There are already good answers, but in addition of them here is my suggestion too, on how to handle multiple tasks and process each task differently, maybe it will suit your needs. My example is with events, but you can replace them with some kind of state management that fits your needs.
public interface IRequestHandler
event Func<object, Task> Ready;
Task ProcessAsync();
public class RequestHandler : IRequestHandler
// Hier where you wraps your request:
// private object request;
private readonly int value;
public RequestHandler(int value)
=> this.value = value;
public event Func<object, Task> Ready;
public async Task ProcessAsync()
await Task.Delay(1000 * this.value);
// Hier where you calls:
// var result = await request.ProcessAsync();
//... then do something over the result or wrap the call in try catch for example
var result = $"RequestHandler {this.value} - [{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}]";
if (this.Ready is not null)
// If result passes send the result to all subscribers
await this.Ready.Invoke($"RequestHandler {this.value} - [{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}]");
static void Main()
var a = new RequestHandler(1);
a.Ready += PrintAsync;
var b = new RequestHandler(2);
b.Ready += PrintAsync;
var c = new RequestHandler(3);
c.Ready += PrintAsync;
var d= new RequestHandler(4);
d.Ready += PrintAsync;
var e = new RequestHandler(5);
e.Ready += PrintAsync;
var f = new RequestHandler(6);
f.Ready += PrintAsync;
var requests = new List<IRequestHandler>()
a, b, c, d, e, f
var tasks = requests
.Select(x => Task.Run(x.ProcessAsync));
// Hier you must await all of the tasks
.Run(async () => await Task.WhenAll(tasks))
static Task PrintAsync(object output)
return Task.CompletedTask;

Channel multiple producers and consumers

I have the below code:
var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<string>();
var consumers = Enumerable
.Range(1, 5)
.Select(consumerNumber =>
Task.Run(async () =>
var rnd = new Random();
while (await channel.Reader.WaitToReadAsync())
if (channel.Reader.TryRead(out var item))
Console.WriteLine($"Consuming {item} on consumer {consumerNumber}");
var producers = Enumerable
.Range(1, 5)
.Select(producerNumber =>
Task.Run(async () =>
var rnd = new Random();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var t = $"Message {i}";
Console.WriteLine($"Producing {t} on producer {producerNumber}");
await channel.Writer.WriteAsync(t);
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(rnd.Next(3)));
await Task.WhenAll(producers)
.ContinueWith(_ => channel.Writer.Complete());
await Task.WhenAll(consumers);
Which works as it should however im wanting it to consume at the same time as producing. However
await Task.WhenAll(producers)
.ContinueWith(_ => channel.Writer.Complete());
Blocks the consumer from running until its complete and I can't think of a way of getting them both to run?
There are a couple of issues with the code, including forgetting to enumate the producers and consumers enumerables. IEnumerable is evaluated lazily, so until you actually enumerate it with eg foreach or ToList, nothing is generated.
There's nothing wrong with ContinueWith when used properly either. It's definitely better and cheaper than using exceptions as control flow.
The code can be improved a lot by using some common Channel coding patterns.
The producer owns and encapsulates the channel
The producer exposes only Reader(s)
Plus, ContinueWith is an excellent choice to signal a ChannelWriter's completion, as we don't care at all which thread will do that. If anything, we'd prefer to use one of the "worker" threads to avoid a thread switch.
Let's say the producer function is:
async Task Produce(ChannelWriter<string> writer, int producerNumber)
return Task.Run(async () =>
var rnd = new Random();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var t = $"Message {i}";
Console.WriteLine($"Producing {t} on producer {producerNumber}");
await channel.Writer.WriteAsync(t);
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(rnd.Next(3)));
The producer can be :
ChannelReader<string> ProduceData(int dop)
var channel=Channel.CreateUnbounded<string>();
var writer=channel.Writer;
var tasks=Enumerable.Range(0,dop)
.Select(producerNumber => Produce(producerNumber))
_ =Task.WhenAll(tasks).ContinueWith(t=>writer.TryComplete(t.Exception));
return channel.Reader;
Completion and error propagation
Notice the line :
_ =Task.WhenAll(tasks).ContinueWith(t=>writer.TryComplete(t.Exception));
This says that as soon as the producers complete, the writer itself should complete with any exception that may be raised. It doesn't really matter what thread the continuation runs on as it doesn't do anything other than call TryComplete.
More importantly, t=>writer.TryComplete(t.Exception) propagates the worker exception(s) to downstream consumers. Otherwise the consumers would never know something went wrong. If you had a database consumer you'd want it to avoid finalizing any changes if the source aborted.
The consumer method can be:
async Task Consume(ChannelReader<string> reader,int dop,CancellationToken token=default)
var tasks= Enumerable
.Range(1, dop)
.Select(consumerNumber =>
Task.Run(async () =>
await foreach(var item in reader.ReadAllAsync(token))
Console.WriteLine($"Consuming {item} on consumer {consumerNumber}");
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
In this case await Task.WhenAll(tasks); enumerates the worker tasks thus starting them.
Nothing else is needed to produce all generated messages. When all producers finish, the Channel.Reader is completed. When that happens, ReadAllAsync will keep offering all remaining messages to the consumers and exit.
Combining both methods is as easy as:
var reader=Produce(10);
await Consume(reader);
General Pattern
This is a general pattern for pipeline stages using Channels - read the input from a ChannelReader, write it to an internal Channel and return only the owned channel's Reader. This way the stage owns the channel which makes completion and error handling a lot easier:
static ChannelReader<TOut> Crunch<Tin,TOut>(this ChannelReader<Tin>,int dop=1,CancellationToken token=default)
var channel=Channel.CreateUnbounded<TOut>();
var writer=channel.Writer;
var tasks=Enumerable.Range(0,dop)
.Select(async i=>Task.Run(async ()=>
await(var item in reader.ReadAllAsync(token))
await writer.WriteAsync(msg);
catch(Exception exc)
//Handle the exception and keep processing messages
_ =Task.WhenAll(tasks)
return channel.Reader;
This allows chaining multiple "stages" together to form a pipeline:
var finalReader=Producer(...)
await foreach(var result in finalReader.ReadAllAsync())
Producer and consumer methods can be written in the same way, allowing, eg the creation of a data import pipeline:
var importTask = ReadFiles<string>(somePath)
await importTask;
With ReadFiles
static ChannelReader<string> ReadFiles(string folder)
var channel=Channel.CreateUnbounded<string>();
var writer=channel.Writer;
var task=Task.Run(async ()=>{
foreach(var path in Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder,"*.csv"))
await writer.WriteAsync(path);
return channel.Reader;
Update for .NET 6 Parallel.ForEachAsync
Now that .NET 6 is supported in production, one could use Parallel.ForEachAsync to simplify a concurrent consumer to :
static ChannelReader<TOut> Crunch<Tin,TOut>(this ChannelReader<Tin>,
int dop=1,CancellationToken token=default)
var channel=Channel.CreateUnbounded<TOut>();
var writer=channel.Writer;
var dop=new ParallelOptions {
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = dop,
CancellationToken = token
var task=Parallel.ForEachAsync(
async item =>{
await writer.WriteAsync(msg);
catch(Exception exc)
//Handle the exception and keep processing messages
return channel.Reader;
The consumers and producers variables are of type IEnumerable<Task>. This a deferred enumerable, that needs to be materialized in order for the tasks to be created. You can materialize the enumerable by chaining the ToArray operator on the LINQ queries. By doing so, the type of the two variables will become Task[], which means that your tasks are instantiated and up and running.
As a side note, the ContinueWith method requires passing explicitly the TaskScheduler.Default as an argument, otherwise you are at the mercy of whatever the TaskScheduler.Current may be (it might be the UI TaskScheduler for example). This is the correct usage of ContinueWith:
await Task.WhenAll(producers)
.ContinueWith(_ => channel.Writer.Complete(), TaskScheduler.Default);
Code analyzer CA2008: Do not create tasks without passing a TaskScheduler
"[...] This is why in production library code I write, I always explicitly specify the scheduler I want to use." (Stephen Toub)
Another problem is that any exceptions thrown by the producers will be swallowed, because the tasks are not awaited. Only the continuation is awaited, which is unlikely to fail. To solve this problem, you could just ditch the primitive ContinueWith, and instead use async-await composition (an async local function that awaits the producers and then completes the channel). In this case not even that is necessary. You could simply do this:
try { await Task.WhenAll(producers); }
finally { channel.Writer.Complete(); }
The channel will Complete after any outcome of the Task.WhenAll(producers) task, and so the consumers will not get stuck.
A third problem is that a failure of some of the producers will cause the immediate termination of the current method, before awaiting the consumers. These tasks will then become fire-and-forget tasks. I am leaving it to you to find how you can ensure that all tasks can be awaited, in all cases, before exiting the method either successfully or with an error.

Running parallel async tasks and return result in .NET Core Web API

Hi Recently i was working in .net core web api project which is downloading files from external api.
In this .net core api recently found some issues while the no of files is more say more than 100. API is downloading max of 50 files and skipping others. WebAPI is deployed on AWS Lambda and timeout is 15mnts.
Actually the operation is timing out due to the long download process
public async Task<bool> DownloadAttachmentsAsync(List<DownloadAttachment> downloadAttachment)
bool DownloadFlag = false;
foreach (DownloadAttachment downloadAttachment in downloadAttachments)
DownloadFlag = await DownloadAttachment(;
//update the download status in database
bool UpdateFlag = await _DocumentService.UpdateDownloadStatus(;
if (UpdateFlag)
await DeleteAttachment(;
return true;
catch (Exception ext)
log.Error(ext, "Error in Saving attachment {attachemntId}",;
return false;
Document service code
public async Task<bool> UpdateAttachmentDownloadStatus(string AttachmentID)
return await _documentRepository.UpdateAttachmentDownloadStatus(AttachmentID);
And DB update code
public async Task<bool> UpdateAttachmentDownloadStatus(string AttachmentID)
using (var db = new SqlConnection(_connectionString.Value))
var Result = 0; bool SuccessFlag = false;
var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
parameters.Add("#pm_AttachmentID", AttachmentID);
parameters.Add("#pm_Result", Result, System.Data.DbType.Int32, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output);
var result = await db.ExecuteAsync("[Loan].[UpdateDownloadStatus]", parameters, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
Result = parameters.Get<int>("#pm_Result");
if (Result > 0) { SuccessFlag = true; }
return SuccessFlag;
How can i move this async task to run parallel ? and get the result? i tried following code
var task = Task.Run(() => DownloadAttachment(;
bool result = task.Result;
Is this approach is fine? how can improve the performance? how to get the result from each parallel task and update to DB and delete based on success flag? Or this error is due to AWS timeout?
Please help
If you extracted the code that handles individual files to a separate method :
private async Task DownloadSingleAttachment(DownloadAttachment attachment)
var download = await DownloadAttachment(;
var update = await _DocumentService.UpdateDownloadStatus(;
if (update)
await DeleteAttachment(;
public async Task<bool> DownloadAttachmentsAsync(List<DownloadAttachment> downloadAttachment)
foreach (var attachment in downloadAttachments)
await DownloadSingleAttachment(attachment);
It would be easy to start all downloads at once, although not very efficient :
public async Task<bool> DownloadAttachmentsAsync(List<DownloadAttachment> downloadAttachment)
//Start all of them
var tasks=downloadAttachments.Select(att=>DownloadSingleAttachment(att));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
This isn't very efficient because external services hate lots of concurrent calls from a single source as you do, and almost certainly impose throttling. The database doesn't like lots of concurrent calls either, because in all database products concurrent calls lead to blocking one way or another. Even in databases that use multiversioning, this comes with an overhead.
Using Dataflow classes - Single block
One easy way to fix this is to use .NET's Dataflow classes to break the operation into a pipeline of steps, and execute each one with a different number of concurrent tasks.
We could put the entire operation into a single block, but that could cause problems if the update and delete operations aren't thread-safe :
var dlOptions= new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10,
var downloader=new ActionBlock<DownloadAttachment>(async att=>{
await DownloadSingleAttachment(att);
foreach (var attachment in downloadAttachments)
await downloader.SendAsync(;
await downloader.Completion;
Dataflow - Multiple steps
To avoid possible thread issues, the rest of the methods can go to their own blocks. They could both go into one ActionBlock that calls both Update and Delete, or they could go into separate blocks if the methods talk to different services with different concurrency requirements.
The downloader block will execute at most 10 concurrent downloads. By default, each block uses only a single task at a time.
The updater and deleter blocks have their default DOP=1, which means there's no risk of race conditions as long as they don't try to use eg the same connection at the same time.
var downloader=new TransformBlock<string,(string id,bool download)>(
async id=> {
var download=await DownloadAttachment(id);
return (id,download);
var updater=new TransformBlock<(string id,bool download),(string id,bool update)>(
async (id,download)=> {
var update = await _DocumentService.UpdateDownloadStatus(id);
return (id,update);
return (id,false);
var deleter=new ActionBlock<(string id,bool update)>(
async (id,update)=> {
await DeleteAttachment(id);
The blocks can be linked into a pipeline now and used. The setting PropagateCompletion = true means that as soon as a block is finished processing, it will tell all its connected blocks to finish as well :
var linkOptions=new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true};
downloader.LinkTo(updater, linkOptions);
We can pump data into the head block as long as we need. When we're done, we call the head block's Complete() method. As each block finishes processing its data, it will propagate its completion to the next block in the pipeline. We need to await for the last (tail) block to complete to ensure all the attachments have been processed:
foreach (var attachment in downloadAttachments)
await downloader.SendAsync(;
await deleter.Completion;
Each block has an input and (when necessary) an output buffer, which means the "producer" and "consumers" of the messages don't have to be in sync, or even know of each other. All the "producer" needs to know is where to find the head block in a pipeline.
Throttling and backpressure
One way to throttle is to use a fixed number of tasks through MaxDegreeOfParallelism.
It's also possible to put a limit to the input buffer, thus blocking previous steps or producers if a block can't process messages fast enough. This can be done simply by setting the BoundedCapacity option for a block:
var dlOptions= new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10,
var updaterOptions= new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
var downloader=new TransformBlock<...>(...,dlOptions);
var updater=new TransformBlock<...>(...,updaterOptions);
No other changes are necessary
To run multiple asynchronous operations you could do something like this:
public async Task RunMultipleAsync<T>(IEnumerable<T> myList)
const int myNumberOfConcurrentOperations = 10;
var mySemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(myNumberOfConcurrentOperations);
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach(var myItem in myList)
await mySemaphore.WaitAsync();
var task = RunOperation(myItem);
task.ContinueWith(t => mySemaphore.Release());
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
private async Task RunOperation<T>(T myItem)
// Do stuff
Put your code from DownloadAttachmentsAsync at the 'Do stuff' comment
This will use a semaphore to limit the number of concurrent operations, since running to many concurrent operations is often a bad idea due to contention. You would need to experiment to find the optimal number of concurrent operations for your use case. Also note that error handling have been omitted to keep the example short.

How to run multiple tasks, handle exceptions and still return results

I am updating my concurrency skillset. My problem seems to be fairly common: read from multiple Uris, parse and work with the result, etc. I have Concurrency in C# Cookbook. There are a few examples using GetStringAsync, such as
static async Task<string> DownloadAllAsync(IEnumerable<string> urls)
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var downloads = urls.Select(url => httpClient.GetStringAsync(url));
Task<string>[] downloadTasks = downloads.ToArray();
string[] htmlPages = await Task.WhenAll(downloadTasks);
return string.Concat(htmlPages);
What I need is the asynchronous pattern for running multiple async tasks, capturing full or partial success.
Url 1 succeeds
Url 2 succeeds
Url 3 fails (timeout, bad Uri format, 401, etc)
Url 4 succeeds
... 20 more with mixed success
waiting on DownloadAllAsync task will throw a single aggregate exception if any fail, dropping the accumulated results. From my limited research, with WhenAll or WaitAll behave the same. I want to catch the exceptions, log the failures, but continue with the remaining tasks, even if they all fail.
I could process them one by one, but wouldn't that defeat the purpose of allowing TPL to manage the whole process? Is there a link to a pattern which would accomplish this in a pure TPL way? Perhaps I'm using the wrong tool?
I want to catch the exceptions, log the failures, but continue with the remaining tasks, even if they all fail.
In this case, the cleanest solution is to change what your code does for each element. I.e., this current code:
var downloads = urls.Select(url => httpClient.GetStringAsync(url));
says "for each url, download a string". What you want it to say is "for each url, download a string and then log and ignore any errors":
static async Task<string> DownloadAllAsync(IEnumerable<string> urls)
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var downloads = urls.Select(url => TryDownloadAsync(httpClient, url));
Task<string>[] downloadTasks = downloads.ToArray();
string[] htmlPages = await Task.WhenAll(downloadTasks);
return string.Concat(htmlPages);
static async Task<string> TryDownloadAsync(HttpClient client, string url)
return await client.GetStringAsync(url);
catch (Exception ex)
return string.Empty; // or whatever you prefer
You can attach continuation for all your tasks and wait for them instead of waiting directly on the tasks.
static async Task<string> DownloadAllAsync(IEnumerable<string> urls)
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
IEnumerable<Task<Task<string>>> downloads = urls.Select(url => httpClient.GetStringAsync(url).ContinueWith(p=> p, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously));
Task<Task<string>>[] downloadTasks = downloads.ToArray();
Task<string>[] compleTasks = await Task.WhenAll(downloadTasks);
foreach (var task in compleTasks)
if (task.IsFaulted)//Or task.IsCanceled
//Handle it
var htmlPages = compleTasks.Where(x => x.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
.Select(x => x.Result);
return string.Concat(htmlPages);
This will not stop as soon as one task fails, rather it will wait for all the tasks to complete. Then handle the success and failure separately.

async i/o and process results as they become available

I has a simple console app where I want to call many Urls in a loop and put the result in a database table. I am using .Net 4.5 and using async i/o to fetch the URL data. Here is a simplified version of what I am doing. All methods are async except for the database operation. Do you guys see any issues with this? Are there better ways of optimizing?
private async Task Run(){
var items = repo.GetItems(); // sync method to get list from database
var tasks = new List<Task>();
// add each call to task list and process result as it becomes available
// rather than waiting for all downloads
foreach(Item item in items){
tasks.Add(GetFromWeb(item.url).ContinueWith(response => { AddToDatabase(response.Result);}));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // wait for all tasks to complete.
private async Task<string> GetFromWeb(url) {
HttpResponseMessage response = await GetAsync(url);
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
private void AddToDatabase(string item){
// add data to database.
Your solution is acceptable. But you should check out TPL Dataflow, which allows you to set up a dataflow "mesh" (or "pipeline") and then shove the data through it.
For a problem this simple, Dataflow won't really add much other than getting rid of the ContinueWith (I always find manual continuations awkward). But if you plan to add more steps or change your data flow in the future, Dataflow should be something you consider.
Your solution is pretty much correct, with just two minor mistakes (both of which cause compiler errors). First, you don't call ContinueWith on the result of List.Add, you need call continue with on the task and then add the continuation to your list, this is solved by just moving a parenthesis. You also need to call Result on the reponse Task.
Here is the section with the two minor changes:
.ContinueWith(response => { AddToDatabase(response.Result);}));
Another option is to leverage a method that takes a sequence of tasks and orders them by the order that they are completed. Here is my implementation of such a method:
public static IEnumerable<Task<T>> Order<T>(this IEnumerable<Task<T>> tasks)
var taskList = tasks.ToList();
var taskSources = new BlockingCollection<TaskCompletionSource<T>>();
var taskSourceList = new List<TaskCompletionSource<T>>(taskList.Count);
foreach (var task in taskList)
var newSource = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
task.ContinueWith(t =>
var source = taskSources.Take();
if (t.IsCanceled)
else if (t.IsFaulted)
else if (t.IsCompleted)
}, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.PreferFairness, TaskScheduler.Default);
return taskSourceList.Select(tcs => tcs.Task);
Using this your code can become:
private async Task Run()
IEnumerable<Item> items = repo.GetItems(); // sync method to get list from database
foreach (var task in items.Select(item => GetFromWeb(item.url))
await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
Just though I'd throw in my hat as well with the Rx solution
using System.Reactive;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
private Task Run()
var fromWebObservable = from item in repo.GetItems.ToObservable(Scheduler.Default)
select GetFromWeb(item.url);
.Select(async x => await x)

