How do i fix this. I want to set my authentication in my code and not on the machine.
I have checked almost every answer on stackoverflow and github, but none has a good explanation.
How do i pass the credentials to the create intent, it throws this error.
InvalidOperationException: The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credentials. See for more information.
GoogleCredential credential =
//var credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(
// Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("chatbot-a90a9-8f2fb910202d.json"))
// .CreateScoped(IntentsClient.DefaultScopes);
var storage = StorageClient.Create(credential);
var client = IntentsClient.Create();
var text = new Intent.Types.Message.Types.Text();
text.Text_.Add("Message Text");
var message = new Intent.Types.Message()
Text = text
var trainingPhrasesParts = new List<string>
"Book a fligt",
"check cheap flights"
var phraseParts = new List<Intent.Types.TrainingPhrase.Types.Part>();
foreach (var part in trainingPhrasesParts)
phraseParts.Add(new Intent.Types.TrainingPhrase.Types.Part()
Text = part
var trainingPhrase = new Intent.Types.TrainingPhrase();
var intent = new Intent();
intent.DisplayName = "test";
var newIntent = client.CreateIntent(
parent: new AgentName("chatbot-a90a9"),
intent: intent
I change
var client = IntentsClient.Create();
IntentsClientBuilder builder = new IntentsClientBuilder
CredentialsPath = file, // Relative to where the code is executing or absolute path.
// Scopes = IntentsClient.DefaultScopes // Commented out because there's no need to specify this since you are using the defaults and all default values will be automatically used for values not specified in the builder.
IntentsClient client = builder.Build();
I'm trying to implement the SMS authentication with the aid of the DocuSign-SDK library.
var signer = new Signer {...};
signer.RequireIdLookup = "true";
signer.IdCheckConfigurationName = "SMS Auth $";
signer.SmsAuthentication = new RecipientSMSAuthentication {
SenderProvidedNumbers = new List<string> {
When I try to send this envelope to the DocuSign API it will reply with the following error message:
Error calling CreateEnvelope:
{"errorCode":"INVALIDAUTHENTICATIONSETUP","message":"Recipient phone
number is invalid. Phone number for SMS Authentication: provided is
invalid. }
INVALIDAUTHENTICATIONSETUP: Authentication is not setup correctly for the recipient.
Is there something I have to enable on the DocuSign Admin page? I couldn't find any feature or something like that I need to enable.
Did I implement it the wrong way? Maybe someone can give me some suggestions.
BTW: The given phone number should be valid.
When I'm using the new method as #Inbar wrote, I can't get the needed workflowId from the AccountsApi.
var client = new ApiClient(ApiClient.Demo_REST_BasePath);
var token = "eyJ1...";
client.Configuration.DefaultHeader.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
var accountsApi = new AccountsApi(client);
var response = accountsApi.GetAccountIdentityVerification(accountId);
var result = response.IdentityVerification; // Is empty. Why?
It seems that I have no IdentityVerification options which I can use for the authentication.
How can I enable such IdentityVerification options?
Or what else do I need to pay attention to?
Your code is using the older method, the new method code is provided in GitHub, I'll post it here too. You can find the article on Dev Center.
string workflowId = phoneAuthWorkflow.WorkflowId;
EnvelopeDefinition env = new EnvelopeDefinition()
EnvelopeIdStamping = "true",
EmailSubject = "Please Sign",
EmailBlurb = "Sample text for email body",
Status = "Sent"
byte[] buffer = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(docPdf);
// Add a document
Document doc1 = new Document()
DocumentId = "1",
FileExtension = "pdf",
Name = "Lorem",
DocumentBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(buffer)
// Create your signature tab
env.Documents = new List<Document> { doc1 };
SignHere signHere1 = new SignHere
AnchorString = "/sn1/",
AnchorUnits = "pixels",
AnchorXOffset = "10",
AnchorYOffset = "20"
// Tabs are set per recipient/signer
Tabs signer1Tabs = new Tabs
SignHereTabs = new List<SignHere> { signHere1 }
string workflowId = workflowId;
RecipientIdentityVerification workflow = new RecipientIdentityVerification()
WorkflowId = workflowId,
InputOptions = new List<RecipientIdentityInputOption> {
new RecipientIdentityInputOption
Name = "phone_number_list",
ValueType = "PhoneNumberList",
PhoneNumberList = new List<RecipientIdentityPhoneNumber>
new RecipientIdentityPhoneNumber
Number = phoneNumber,
CountryCode = countryAreaCode,
Signer signer1 = new Signer()
Name = signerName,
Email = signerEmail,
RoutingOrder = "1",
Status = "Created",
DeliveryMethod = "Email",
RecipientId = "1", //represents your {RECIPIENT_ID},
Tabs = signer1Tabs,
IdentityVerification = workflow,
Recipients recipients = new Recipients();
recipients.Signers = new List<Signer> { signer1 };
env.Recipients = recipients;
I've created a new developer account on DocuSign and created a small test app in order to request identity verification options. Fortunately, that was working now and I got all available options but I do not understand why this is not working for my other developer account ("old").
When I compare both accounts I don't see the "Identity Verification" setting in the "old" account.
It is possible to activate this "Identity Verification" setting for my "old" dev account?
I guess that enabling this feature would solve the problem.
Ok, I've solved the problem.
I figured out that no IDV was configured for my developer account. In that case, the identity_verification call will return an empty array.
Also, I have read the following note in the DocuSign documentation:
Note: Phone authentication may not be enabled for some older developer
accounts. If you cannot choose to use phone authentication for your
account, contact support to request access. see:
So I contacted DocuSign support and they give me access to the IDV accordingly.
Now it is working fine.
I keep getting Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unimplemented" ... exception when I try to use the ImageClassificationInstance objects to classify using a model I have created in the Vertex AI. Is there any way (either by using Google AiPlatform library or using HttpRequest ) to perform ImageClassification with some given image?
The following is the code that I am using
var client = builder.Build();
var instance = new ImageClassificationPredictionInstance() { Content = rawdata };
var parameters = new ImageClassificationPredictionParams() { ConfidenceThreshold = 0.5f, MaxPredictions = 5 };
var pv = ValueConverter.ToValue(parameters);
var iv = new[] { ValueConverter.ToValue(instance) };
var ep = new EndpointName("My project ID", "us-central1", "My endpoint id"); // Of course I have set the string to my project ID and my endpoint ID
var returnobj = client.Predict(ep, iv, pv); // This is where the exception pops up
I can confirm that my vertex AI AutoML model is working on the web browser to classify any uploaded picture.
You must set Endpoint on PredictionServiceClientBuilder :
var client = new PredictionServiceClientBuilder
Endpoint = ""
Someone has shared a folder with me using the link. I need to be able to use the C# SDK or REST API to download the documents from their folder.
I have tried all 3 authentication types and have attempted to access with both the C# SDK and REST API.
//SDK attempt
var findFolder = await client.SharedItemsManager.SharedItemsAsync("https://<userWhoSharedWithMe><folderHash>"); // notFound
var folder = await client.FoldersManager.GetInformationAsync(findFolder.Id);
var items = folder.ItemCollection;
//API Attempt
var client = new HttpClient
BaseAddress = new Uri("")
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "<bearerToken>");
var response = await client.GetAsync("2.0/folders/<folderId>/items");
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Is there any way to programmatically download documents from a box folder that was shared with me via link?
-- Edited 06/04/2019
The folder owner and I have tried various things and it seems the API still will not allow me to see the content of the shared folder. Is there anything the folder owner needs to do to make it visible?
Based on the suggestion that I received from a Box employee, I made the following changes.
First the snippet that didn't work as expected:
var reader = new StreamReader("box-config.json");
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
var config = BoxConfig.CreateFromJsonString(json);
var sdk = new BoxJWTAuth(config);
var token = sdk.AdminToken();
var session = new OAuthSession(token, "N/A", 3600, "bearer");
boxClient = new BoxClient(config, session, asUser: boxUserId);
Secondly, the modified version that worked, allowing me to see the folder that was shared to me and allowed me to traverse its contents:
// THIS WORKS !!!!!!!!
var reader = new StreamReader("box-config.json");
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
var config = BoxConfig.CreateFromJsonString(json);
var sdk = new BoxJWTAuth(config);
var token = sdk.UserToken(boxUserId);
boxClient = sdk.UserClient(token, boxUserId);
And for completeness' sake, here's a snippet of code that will allow you to programmatically access a Box folder and traverse its contents:
//folderId <-- You can find this ID by logging into your box account and navigating to the folder that you're interested in accessing programmatically.
var items = await boxClient.FoldersManager.GetFolderItemsAsync(folderId, limit: 5000, offset: 0, autoPaginate: false,
sort: "name", direction: BoxSortDirection.DESC);
// How many things are this folder?
Console.WriteLine($"TotalCount: {items.TotalCount}");
// Loop through those items
foreach (var item in items.Entries)
// Get info on each item
var file = await boxClient.FilesManager.GetInformationAsync(item.Id);
// Print the filename
Console.WriteLine($"file: {item.Name}");
I am very new to ElasticSearch, and have set up an AWS Lambda function in c# to take the content of S3 object(s) (which contain JSON data) with the hopes of posting them to ES to be searchable.
I'm using the Elasticsearch.Net nuget library.
In the documentation here - there is samples of configuring the node URI etc, but my understanding is that any requests to ES need to be signed with AWS Signature V4 (based on Access/Secret key). I have created an IAM user for this purpose, but nowhere in the documentation can I find how to sign the POST requests. The samples show post methods, but no place to include the signature?
var person = new Person
FirstName = "Martijn",
LastName = "Laarman"
var indexResponse = lowlevelClient.Index<BytesResponse>("people", "person", "1", PostData.Serializable(person));
byte[] responseBytes = indexResponse.Body;
var asyncIndexResponse = await lowlevelClient.IndexAsync<StringResponse>("people", "person", "1", PostData.Serializable(person));
string responseString = asyncIndexResponse.Body;
Even when instantiating the connection, nowhere is there a place to add your credentials?
var settings = new ConnectionConfiguration(new Uri(""))
var lowlevelClient = new ElasticLowLevelClient(settings);
I have checked ConnectionConfiguration object but there's no methods or properties that seem related. What have I missed?
Using the elasticsearch-net-aws package you should be able to set up the low level client like so:
var httpConnection = new AwsHttpConnection("us-east-1"); // or whatever region you're using
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri(TestConfig.Endpoint));
var config = new ConnectionConfiguration(pool, httpConnection);
var client = new ElasticLowLevelClient(config);
// ...
// if using an access key
var httpConnection = new AwsHttpConnection("us-east-1", new StaticCredentialsProvider(new AwsCredentials
AccessKey = "My AWS access key",
SecretKey = "My AWS secret key",
// if using app.config, environment variables, or roles
var httpConnection = new AwsHttpConnection("us-east-1");
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var config = new ConnectionSettings(pool, httpConnection);
var client = new ElasticClient(config);
I have a problem with the Microsoft.Web.Deployment package. someone here could tell me, how i must write / configure the sync-process, that the target will be shutdown, before updating it with the new version?
here is my snippet:
var publishSettings = GetPublishSettings(subscriptionId, resourcegroupName, websiteName);
var sourceBaseOptions = new DeploymentBaseOptions();
var targetBaseOptions = new DeploymentBaseOptions
ComputerName = publishSettings.ComputerName,
UserName = publishSettings.Username,
Password = publishSettings.Password,
AuthenticationType = "basic",
TraceLevel = Verbose
targetBaseOptions.Trace += TargetBaseOptions_Trace;
var syncOptions = new DeploymentSyncOptions
DoNotDelete = false,
WhatIf = false,
UseChecksum = true
using (var deploymentObject = DeploymentManager.CreateObject(DeploymentWellKnownProvider.ContentPath, Path.GetFullPath(websitePath), sourceBaseOptions))
var summary = deploymentObject.SyncTo(DeploymentWellKnownProvider.ContentPath, publishSettings.SiteName, targetBaseOptions, syncOptions);
if (summary.Errors > 0) throw new Exception("Website Deployment failed");
if (summary.Errors == 0)
Console.WriteLine($"{publishSettings.SiteName}: erfolgreich");
i could imagine that it is something in the DeploymentSyncOptions
thank you guys
From Microsoft.Web.Deployment, I could not find it provides method or option to manage (stop, restart etc) Azure web site. If you’d like to stop your Azure web site before you do deployment, you could try to use Microsoft.Azure.Management.WebSites that provides website management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
WebSiteManagementClient websiteManagementClient = new WebSiteManagementClient(cred);
websiteManagementClient.SubscriptionId = "your subscription id here";
websiteManagementClient.Sites.StopSite(AzureResourceGroup, siteName);
and you could use websiteManagementClient.Sites.GetSite(AzureResourceGroup, siteName).State to check the site state.