Return variable from class to MainForm - c#

I have section in my class that looks like this:
public Details GetTicketById(string #ref)
var query = "SELECT * FROM support WHERE ref = #ref";
var args = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"#ref", #ref}
DataTable dt = ExecuteRead(query, args);
if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0)
return null;
var details = new Details
#ref = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["ref"]),
subject = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["subject"]),
contact_name = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["contact_name"]),
company_name = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["company_name"]),
description = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["description"]),
business_impact = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["business_impact"]),
severity = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["severity"])
return details;
I know that there is a return value when I debug.
My button in my main form looks like this:
private void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var getTicket = new ticket();
ticket.Details td = new ticket.Details();
td.#ref = txtRef.Text;
td.subject = txtSubject.Text;
td.contact_name = txtContact_Name.Text;
td.company_name = txtCompany_Name.Text;
td.description = rtDescription.Text;
td.business_impact = rtBusiness_Impact.Text;
td.severity = txtSeverity.Text;
Unfortunately my text boxes do not show the values from my returned data table.
Can you see why?

Your method GetTicketById() return value like you and see with debug. But you don't take this value into variable. Do this:
var details = getTicket.GetTicketById("1235");
In order to set Text property to new value do this:
txtSubject.Text = details.subject
txtContact_Name.Text = details.contact_name
txtCompany_Name.Text = details.company_name
// and so on
This line need to delete
ticket.Details td = new ticket.Details();


Xamarin forms stacklayout returning null

I tried to get the item on stacklayout into an SQLite Database, but it just won't carry any data with.
private void MainCategory_ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
var carier = e.SelectedItem as Item;
var cart_Itemsx = new List<cart_Items>();
cart_Itemsx.Add(new Models.cart_Items { cartid = 1, Id = carier.itid, image = carier.image, name = carier.title, price = carier.price1, quantity = "1", type = "Wash and Iron" });
cart_Itemsx.Add(new Models.cart_Items { cartid = 2, Id = carier.itid, image = carier.image, name = carier.title, price = carier.price2, quantity = "1", type = "Iron Only" });
SubCategory.ItemsSource = cart_Itemsx.ToList();
private void SubCategory_ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
var dbcontet = e.SelectedItem as cart_Items;
_dbPath = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "WashPro.db3");
var db = new SQLiteConnection(_dbPath);
var MaximumPrimaryKey = db.Table<cart_Items>().OrderByDescending(zt => zt.cartid).FirstOrDefault();
var waltani = new cart_Items()
cartid = (MaximumPrimaryKey == null ? 1 : MaximumPrimaryKey.cartid + 1),
Id = dbcontet.Id,
image = dbcontet.image,
name =,
price = dbcontet.price,
quantity = dbcontet.quantity,
type = dbcontet.quantity
if (MaximumPrimaryKey == null)
else if (MaximumPrimaryKey != null)
var MaximumQuantityKey = db.Table<cart_Items>().Where(m => m.cartid.Equals(dbcontet.cartid) && m.type.Equals(dbcontet.type)).FirstOrDefault();
if (MaximumQuantityKey != null)
waltani.price = dbcontet.price = 1;
SubCategory.SelectedItem = null;
image of the null error I got
I cannot even begin to understand the problem. The way I found around the problem will make my already dirty code way dirtier.
I have the damaging method I tried was using the selected context of the main stack panel to influence the second stack pannel.
I have even made the primary key of the cart_item model null.
Your selected element is null or database table does not contain any elements you are looking for in query, which is more likely because you are trying to initialize your database on SubCategory_ItemSelected. This is wrong approach.
Try to check if database item exist first.
var exist = db.Table<cart_Items>().OrderByDescending(zt => zt.cartid).Any();
if (exist)
var MaximumPrimaryKey = db.Table<cart_Items>().OrderByDescending(zt => zt.cartid).FirstOrDefault();
var waltani = new cart_Items()
cartid = (MaximumPrimaryKey == null ? 1 : MaximumPrimaryKey.cartid + 1),
Id = dbcontet.Id,
image = dbcontet.image,
name =,
price = dbcontet.price,
quantity = dbcontet.quantity,
type = dbcontet.quantity
The problem lies at the last line of code.
SubListview.SelectedItem = null;
This somehow makes the casting not see the e.selected items.

datagridview dont let me change the values of the celll

I'm new in c# , but i can do the basics. i need to change all the values of a column and then update the datagrid. The values are in 20170202 format and i want them like 2017-02-02. the method i did works fine but when i try to set the value to the column it wont change.
here is the code:
private void fixAlldates(DataGridView dataGridView2)
string aux1 = "";
for (int x = 0; x < dataGridView2.Rows.Count; x++)
if (dataGridView2.Rows[x].Cells[4].Value.ToString() != null)
aux1 = dataGridView2.Rows[x].Cells[4].Value.ToString();
dataGridView2.Rows[x].Cells[4].Value = fixDate(aux1);
if (dataGridView2.Rows[x].Cells[5].Value.ToString() != null)
dataGridView2.Rows[x].Cells[5].Value = fixDate(dataGridView2.Rows[x].Cells[5].Value.ToString());
MessageBox.Show(fixDate(aux1); ----> shows result like i want ex: 2017-02-02
MessageBox.Show(dataGridView2.Rows[x].Cells[4].Value.ToString()); ----> shows 2070202
private string fixDate(string p)
if (p == null) return "No especificado";
String fecha = "" + p.Substring(0, 4) + "-" + p.Substring(4, 2) + "-" + p.Substring(6, 2) + "";
return fecha;
sorry for my bad english , im a little bit rusty
I fill the data with bindingSource.
private void LlenarProductos(string rut)
this.rut = rut;
POLbindingSource1.DataSource = null;
dataGridView2.DataSource = null;
DataClasses1DataContext dc = new DataClasses1DataContext();
dc.CommandTimeout = 0;
System.Data.Linq.Table<ASE_PRODUCTOASEGURADO> producto = dc.GetTable<ASE_PRODUCTOASEGURADO>();
var todoprod = from p in producto
where p.RUT == int.Parse(rut)
select new
POLbindingSource1.DataSource = todoprod; // binding source
dataGridView2.DataSource = POLbindingSource1; // filll
this.dataGridView2.Columns["POLIZA"].HeaderText = "Poliza";
this.dataGridView2.Columns["Socio"].HeaderText = "Socio";
this.dataGridView2.Columns["Sucursal"].HeaderText = "Sucursal";
this.dataGridView2.Columns["COD_PROPUESTA"].HeaderText = "Propuesta";
this.dataGridView2.Columns["FECHA_ALTA_COTI"].HeaderText = "Fecha Cotizacion";
this.dataGridView2.Columns["FECHA_ALTA_VCTO"].HeaderText = "Fecha Vencimiento";
this.dataGridView2.Columns["NOMBRE_PRODUCTO"].HeaderText = "Producto";
// fixAlldates(dataGridView2);
From msdn
The Value property is the actual data object contained by the cell.
So basically the line MessageBox.Show(dataGridView2.Rows[x].Cells[4].Value.ToString()); is getting the value of the underlying data, whereas MessageBox.Show(fixDate(aux1); is actually formatting the date as you require.
You're overlooking the fact that although you're seeing the data in the grid in a specific way, you're not actually changing the data itself.
To actually edit the data in a cell see here

How to insert multiple items in Quickbook Invoice

I need to insert a new invoice for a particular customer , I can able to insert , but i don't have any idea about how to insert multiple items in invoice. How to use the property Items and ItemsElementName to insert multiple items.
If my question is unclear please let me know. I have attached the snapshot and code for reference.
protected void btnsendInvoiceDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string accessToken = "lvprdRM1HLr6o11Bnip2fGizlXWbFfADnS1Btvm2L4VPOTRI";
string appToken = "297db54bb5526b494adb86fb2a41063192cd";
string accessTokenSecret = "JfSTrprW83JTXrSVHD3uf7th23gP0SOzBQcn4Nrt";
string consumerKey = "qyprdKLN5YHpCPSlWQZTiKVc28dywR";
string consumerSecret = "JPMNB37YnCPGU9m9vuXkF2M71lbDb7blhcLB7HeF";
string companyID = "813162085";
OAuthRequestValidator oauthValidator = new OAuthRequestValidator(accessToken, accessTokenSecret, consumerKey, consumerSecret);
ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(oauthValidator,appToken,companyID, IntuitServicesType.QBO);
DataServices service = new DataServices(context);
InvoiceHeader a = new InvoiceHeader();
a.CustomerName = "Antivirus Norton Security";
a.CustomerId = new IdType { idDomain = idDomainEnum.QBO, Value = "6" };
a.TotalAmt = 157.00m;
a.SubTotalAmt = 37.00m;
a.ShipMethodName = "Gmail";
a.ShipMethodId = new IdType { idDomain = idDomainEnum.QBO, Value = "41" };
a.DocNumber = "1040";
a.DueDateSpecified = true;
// a.Item = 10.00m;
//a.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType2.DiscountAmt;
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime("08/07/2013");
a.DueDate = dt;
InvoiceLine mnm = new InvoiceLine();
mnm.Desc = "Antivirus Norton Security The Best Security ";
mnm.Id = new IdType { idDomain = idDomainEnum.QBO, Value = "25" };
mnm.Amount = 65.00m;
mnm.AmountSpecified = true;
// mnm.Items = "Europe";
//mnm.ItemsElementName = "Zebronic";
InvoiceLine[] invline = new InvoiceLine[] { mnm };
var invoices = new Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.Invoice();
invoices.Header = a;
invoices.Line = invline;
var addedInvoice = service.Add(invoices);
var qboInvoices = service.FindAll(invoices, 1,10);
foreach (var qboinv in qboInvoices)
string id = Convert.ToString(qboinv.Id.Value);
GridView1.DataSource = invoices;
Try this:
InvoiceLine i = new InvoiceLine();
i.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[1];
i.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType2.ItemId;
i.Items = new Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.IdType[1];
i.Items[0] = new Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.IdType() { idDomain = Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.idDomainEnum.QBO, Value = "6" };

How do i send a data from one form to function of another class

I know how to pass data from one form to another form, but how can i pass data from one form to class. This is my data which i want to pass from form1 to class Question:
string GrpID = "somevalue";
string DurationID = "somevalue";`
I searched for it but i didn't got exact answer for this.
class Question
string GroupID="here i want this value of GroupID,how can i get this";
string DuraID="and here value of DurationID";
// so that i can use them here like this
public IEnumerable<Question> GetQuestions(string topicId, int marks)
string sql = "select QID,Question,Opt1,Opt2,Opt3,Opt4,AnsOp,Marks from Questions where TopicID IN(" +
topicId + ") and Marks=" + marks.ToString();
var cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, new OleDbConnection(#"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=db1.mdb"));
var rs = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (rs != null)
while (rs.Read())
yield return
new Question
Id = rs[0].ToString(),
Text = rs[1].ToString(),
Option1 = rs[2].ToString(),
Option2 = rs[3].ToString(),
Option3 = rs[4].ToString(),
Option4 = rs[5].ToString(),
AnswerOption = rs[6].ToString(),
Marks = marks
public void Foo()//In this function Can i pass that `string[] conf` here?
var totQsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[0]); // isn't this just the sum of everything else?
var mark1qsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[3]); //this variable contains number of question to be display of mark 1
var mark2qsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[4]);
var mark3Qsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[5]);
var mark4Qsn = Convert.ToInt16(conf[6]);
var mark1questionSet = GetQuestions(topicId, 1).ToList();
var mark2questionSet = GetQuestions(topicId, 2).ToList();
Add a method to the class:
class Question
public void SomeFunction(string grpId, string durationId)
Then you can call it from your form:

A Problem in DataGridView : datagridview seems readonly to user (WinForms)

I have a datagridview in my form. It fills by selecting country with cities of country.I have set the property (AllowUsersToAddRow = True)
but when i run my project user can't add or edit or delete any row.I checked it.It is not readonly(readonly = false) and It is enable (Enabled = true)
What's the problem?
Code of fill datagridview:
private void cmbCountryValues_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
dgvCityValues.Enabled = cmbCountryValues.SelectedIndex>=0;
if (!dgvCityValues.Enabled)
dgvCityValues.DataSource = null;
int CountryId = int.Parse(cmbCountryValues.SelectedValue.ToString());
dgvValues.DataSource = from record in Program.dal.Cities(CountryId) select new { record.City};
If you find this question useful don't forgot to vote it.
To give a simplified example, if I do the equivalent of your query, such as:
var cities = new City[] { new City("New York","NY"), new City("Sydney","SY"), new City("London","LN") };
dataGridView.DataSource = cities;
I get the same result as you - no option to add new rows, but if I change to BindingList<T> and set this to AllowNew it all works:
var cities = new City[] { new City("New York","NY"), new City("Sydney","SY"), new City("London","LN") };
var citiesBinding = new BindingList<City>(cities);
citiesBinding.AllowNew = true;
dataGridView.DataSource = citiesBinding;
EDIT - with a solution for your particular example:
private class City
public string Name { get; set; }
private void cmbCountryValues_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
dgvCityValues.Enabled = cmbCountryValues.SelectedIndex >= 0;
if (!dgvCityValues.Enabled)
dgvCityValues.DataSource = null;
int CountryId = int.Parse(cmbCountryValues.SelectedValue.ToString());
var queryResults = from record in Program.dal.Cities(CountryId) select new City { Name = record.City };
var queryBinding = new BindingList<City>(queryResults.ToList());
queryBinding.AllowNew = true;
dgvValues.DataSource = queryBinding;
Note that a) I had to change the anonymous type in the query select into a concrete type City and also change the IEnumerable<T> returned by Linq query to an IList<T> compatible type to create the BindingList<T>. This should work, however :)

