Reading a ListView SelectedItems collection from another thread - c#

I'm trying to perform some actions on the selected items in a ListView on a Windows Forms application from a background thread. I've got a delegate method in my code like so:
private delegate ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection dlgGetSelectedJobs();
private ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection GetSelectedJobs()
var dlg = new dlgGetSelectedJobs(GetSelectedJobs);
return listViewJobViewer.Invoke(dlg) as ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection;
return listViewJobViewer.SelectedItems;
This is being called elsewhere on a background thread using the following:
foreach(ListViewItem job in GetSelectedJobs())
// Do stuff
However whenever the code enters the foreach loop I get a cross-thread exception and I'm not sure why... Any assistance gratefully received!

Thanks to MongZhu for the assists!
I've managed to work around this issue by altering my delegate method to use Linq to return a List based on the selected items in the ListView:
private delegate List<ListViewItem> dlgGetSelectedJobs();
private List<ListViewItem> GetSelectedJobs()
var dlg = new dlgGetSelectedJobs(GetSelectedJobs);
return listViewJobViewer.Invoke(dlg) as List<ListViewItem>;
return (from ListViewItem i in listViewJobViewer.SelectedItems select i).ToList();
I'm still not sure why it wouldn't work when I was trying to return the collection, but this seems to work correctly.


Winforms Datagridview can't be refreshed from a delegate

I'm trying to load data from file to list and show that data immediately on Winforms' Datagridview. For that I've made the reading in another thread using Backgroundworker. The problem is, it only updates once and I can't get it to show more data. Not only that, when clicked, it tries to access element with -1 index, which of course doesn't exist, resulting in a crash.
Usually, from what I've seen, simply adding again same data to data source dataGridView1.DataSource = samelist; should work, but not in this case.
BackgroundWorker's work
private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
while (readData != null)
BackgroundWorker's progressChanged
private void bw_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { UpdateGridView(); });
UpdateGridView Method
private void UpdateGridView()
if (fooLists.GetListById(1).calculatedList != null)
dataGridView1.DataSource = fooLists.GetListById(1).calculatedList;
Later on I've read some threads on stack, where one suggested using BindingSource as a "middleman", so now I have dataGridView1.DataSource = MyBindingSource; in the component initialization and tab1source.DataSource = fooLists.GetListById(1).calculatedList; instead of dataGridView1.DataSource. It certainly helped, as the list is now clickable as it should be, but still there are only few records on a list.
None of dataGridView1.Refresh(), dataGridView1.RefreshEdit() or dataGridView1.Update() helped, though made the list loading slightly fancier (probably due to the delay they introduced :) ).
I tried making some "protections" (semaphores, so the delegate isn't called again, while working; try-catches, though no exceptions are thrown there; data clearing before re-writing...) but the "better version" worked as poor as this one and it only darkened the code.
Am I missing a way to update the Datagridview control? Thanks in advance.
Although you didn't write it, but I think the reason that the items that you add to your dataSource are added to a collection that does not implement interface IBindingList. You probably use a simple list to hold your read data.
If your 'DataSourceimplements this interface, then after adding an item to your collection an event is raised. The class that holds theDataSource, whether it is aDataGridViewor aBindingSource` get notified about the changes in the list and update their contents accordingly.
Your solution would be to store your elements in an object of class System.ComponentModel.BindingList<T>.
Suppose the items you want to show are of class MyReadData
class MyForm : Form
public MyForm()
this.myReadItems = new BindingList<MyReadData>();
this.MyBindingSource.DataSource = this.myReadItems;
// if not already done in InitializeComponents
this.MyDataGridView.DataSource = this.MyBindingSource;
private readonly BindingList<MyReadData> myReadItems;
// whenever needed, start the BackGroundWorker.
private void OnButtonReadFile_Click(object send, EventArgs e)
// create and start the backgroundworker
BackGroundWorkdr worker = ...
MyBackGroundWorkerParams params = ...
private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
// I am certain the sender is my BackGroundWorker:
BackgroundWorker worker = (BackGroundWorker)sender;
MyBackGroundWorkerParams params = (MyBackGroundWorkerParams)e.Argument;
// do some work using the params
while (readData != null)
// some data read.
// dont't add the data to the list, just report the data that must been added to the list:
// someCalculations...
int percentProgress = ...
MyReadData dataToAddToGrid = ...
worker.ReportProgress(percentProgress, dataToAddToGrid);
private void bw_progressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
// no need to call invoke, this is already the context of your forms thread
MyReadData dataToAdddToGrid = (MyReadData)e.UserState;
The main difference is that you should not let your BackgroundWorker to add data to the list of displayed data. The task of the BackGroundWorker is to read the data and to report to everyone who is interested what data has been read.
As it is the task of MyForm to display the read data, let MyForm decide which read data to display and in what format. This enhances reusage of both MyForm and MyBackGroundWorker: MyForm could display that that has been fetched in a different way, and MyBackGroundWorker could be used to inform others than MyForm to notify about read data.
Furthermore the display context of the progress changed event handler is the context of 'MyForm`, so an invoke is not needed.
You could also assign the IBindingList directly to the DataGridView, so without the use of a BindingSource. The only reason to keep a BindingSource is if you want access to the Current item, or if you want the freedom to fill your DataGridView with other items than the contents of your BindingList.
Finally: the most important part of the solution was that the items were added to an IBindingList.
System.Components.BindingList<T> is a class with limited functionality. If you want to order the rows in your DataGridView, or only show items that match some predicate, or combine items from several sources into one DataGridView, consider using Equin.ApplicationFramework.BindingListView
using Equin.ApplicationFramework;
public MyForm()
this.myReadItems = new BindingListView<MyReadData>(this.components);
this.MyBindingSource.DataSource = this.myReadItems;
this.MyDataGridView.DataSource = this.MyBindingSource;
private readonly BindingListView<MyReadData> myReadItems;
private void bw_progressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
MyReadData dataToAdddToGrid = (MyReadData)e.UserState;
// finished updating the list, DataGridView can be updated:
// this Refresh function allows you to change several items in the list
// without unnecessary intermediate updates of your BindingSource and DataGridView
Presto, that is all: free sorting or your columns by clicking on the column header. Consider examining their example project to see how filtering works and how to use several sources.
// Show only Brummies
this.myReadData.ApplyFilter(person => person.Address.City == "Birmingham");
// Remove the filter, show everyone again

Update treeview from another thread

I'm quite new to threads in c# (WPF) and since I've implemented some label and progressbar update successfully, I do not understand Why when I try to add items to the treeView of my GUI from another class called in a separate thread I get an exception:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'
occurred in WindowsBase.dll
Additional information: The calling thread cannot access this object
because a different thread owns it.
My update treeview code is this:
private void updateTreeView(TreeView tree, List<TreeViewItem> items, Boolean clear) {
tree.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => {
if (clear) {
ItemCollection treeitems = tree.Items;
foreach (TreeViewItem item in items) {
treeitems.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => {
tree.ItemsSource = treeitems;
And the exception points at the line:
Thanks in advance.
you can use the following :
delegate void DUpdateTreeView(TreeView tree, List<TreeViewItem> items, Boolean clear);
private void UpdataTreeView(TreeView tree, List<TreeViewItem> items, Boolean clear)
if (tree.InvokeRequired)
DUpdateTreeView d = new DUpdateTreeView(UpdataTreeView);
// replace this by the main form object if the function doesn't in the main form class
this.Invoke(d, new object[] { tree, items, clear });
if (clear)
// Here you can add the items to the treeView
ItemCollection treeitems = tree.Items;
foreach (TreeViewItem item in items)
treeitems.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
tree.ItemsSource = treeitems;
This is a really old question but I figured I would answer it. You have two dispatchers in your sample. You have a treeview that you are getting its thread and a list that seems to be created in a different thread.
But the code should look more like this. Sorry about the VB in this case I'm using a delegate inside the invoke.
Dim node = new TreeViewItem() With {.Header = "Header"}
End Sub)
I am not jumping out of the UI thread to add the node like in the original question.

Loop through selected listview items in background worker

I am having a hard time trying to loop through all my selected items from my listview in a background worker. I did some research and found this; Can't get items in a ListView cross-thread But it does not seem to work as I only want to send to selected items could someone give an example and an explanation as to what I should do? this is all very new and confusing.
Visual example of what i tired;
Your function getListViewItems expects ListView as an argument. You are trying to call it with ListViewItemCollection that is why it fails.
just modify it to
foreach(ListViewItem item in getListViewItems(listView2))
Defint a function like this:
public static List<ListViewItem> GetSelectedListViewItems(ListView lv)
if (!lv.InvokeRequired)
return lv.SelectedItems.Cast<ListViewItem>().ToList();
return (List<ListViewItem>)lv.Invoke(
new Func<ListView, List<ListViewItem>>(GetSelectedListViewItems),
private void SendMSG_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
foreach (var item in GetListViewSelectedItems(listView2))
// ...

update an ObservableCollection with a BlockingCollection

I subscribe to a service that will raise an Event when a new element is received, I add this element to a BlockingCollection.
I have a second thread running that will loop the BlockingCollection to add/update the element in an observable collection.
The problem is how do you do add in the ObservableCollection?
I know I can't just do an .add on this type of collection, as it needs to be done on the UI thread. So I tried using different ObservableCollection subclass that use the dispatcher to marshal the adding of element, but every single time, I end up with the same error
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException'
occurred in Unknown Module."
with a troubleshooting tips as:
make sure you don't have an infinite loop or inifiniterecursion.
Well the thing is, I do have some kind of infinite loop actually, as the BlockingQueue is receiving new elements all the time, like 5 to 10 per sec.
I won't get the exception if I don't bind a control to the observablecollection though, or if I use a List instead.
Class ElementHolder
private ExternalService _externalService;
private ObservableCollection<Element> _elementsList = new ObservableCollection<Element>();
private BlockingCollection<Element> _elementsReceived = new BlockingCollection<Element>();
public ObservableCollection<Element> ElementsList
return _elementList;
_elementList = value;
public ElementHolder()
_externalService = new ExternalService();
_externalService.ReceivedNewElement += new Action<Element>(o => _elementsReceived.Add(o));
private void ReadElements()
foreach (Element element in _elementsReceived.GetConsumingEnumerable())
Element item = _elementsList.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == element.ID);
if (item == null)
The bug disappeared by itself, when i was tracking it down. I was trying to make things simpler to really understand where the issue was, and then it started to work. When putting things back together it still works... BUT it comes back time to time, for what seems unrelated reason like adding a style to my listview. I'm starting to think there's an issue in the third party dll.
This is a perfect example of where the Reactive Extensions are a very useful and ingenious tool. There is a pretty steep learning curve to using them, but since you have a specific case here, I will insert the reactive code that will achieve your goal, assuming I understand your goal correctly.
Note that you will need to install the Reactive Extensions, and you will need two using statements (System.Reactive.Linq and System.Reactive.Subjects) and you will need to reference System.Reactive and System.Reactive.Windows.Threading dlls. See Reactive on MSDN.
class ElementHolder
public ObservableCollection<Element> ElementsList { get; set; }
private ExternalService _externalService = new ExternalService();
private IDisposable _elementSubscription;
private Subject<Element> _elementSubject = new Subject<Element>();
public ElementHolder()
_externalService.ReceivedNewElement += _elementSubject.OnNext;
ElementList = new ObservableCollection<Element>();
_elementSubscription = _externalService.ObserveOnDispatcher().Subscribe(NextElement);
private void NextElement(Element e)
Element item = ElementsList.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == element.ID);
if (item == null) {
else {
There's a small error in the answer. See the corrected line below:
_elementSubscription = _elementSubject.ObserveOnDispatcher().Subscribe(NextElement);
It took me a while to figure this out, but rmayer06's answer solved my problem. I can't comment on answers or I would have.

problem with RX and web service collection loading wp7

I'm beginner with C# and wp7 platform and I have some problem with good idea to get request from web service.
I made webservice in PHP (nusoap - WSDL) and everything is working fine in "normal" using.
Now I have ObservableCollection saved in IsolatedStorage with I load when Page is open (List of watched stacks exchange). Then I want to refresh data for every item from web service.
I don't know whether this is a good idea.
private GPWWebservicePortTypeClient client = new GPWWebservicePortTypeClient();
private ObservableCollection<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues> StoredStock =
new ObservableCollection<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues>();
public const string _fileName = "listaObserwowanych.xml";
public Page()
DataContext = App.ViewModel;
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Page_Loaded);
client.GetLastValueCompleted +=
new EventHandler<GetLastValueCompletedEventArgs>(client_GetLastValueCompleted);
foreach (var itemGetValuese in App.ViewModel.Items)
var o =
void client_GetLastValueCompleted(object sender, GetLastValueCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
ObservableCollection<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues> ListValues =
private void setList(IEvent<GetLastValueCompletedEventArgs> ex)
List.ItemsSource = StoredStock;
void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
List.ItemsSource = App.ViewModel.Items;
Like u see I use RX to call method client_GetLastValueCompleted add store result to auxiliary variable (StoredStock). Then refresh List in setList method, but that method is client_GetLastValueCompleted what is not soo good idea, becouse I need to run that method only when all of runned GetLastValueAsync in foreach is completed.
Second problem: becouse of async web service method StoredStock sometime have different order than App.ViewModel.Items .
Any good idea how to do that in right way?
Best regards,
You're really mixing up a number of ways to call web services and Rx. You really need to decide on a single way and stick to it.
If you're going to use Rx, then you'll have something like this:
public Page()
DataContext = App.ViewModel;
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Page_Loaded);
void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var storedStock =
new ObservableCollection<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues>();
List.ItemsSource = storedStock;
var values =
Observable.Using<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues, GPWWebservicePortTypeClient>
(() => new GPWWebservicePortTypeClient(), ws =>
var clientGetLastValue = Observable
.FromAsyncPattern<string, GetLastValueResponse>
(ws.BeginGetLastValue, ws.EndGetLastValue);
Func<string, WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues> deserializeFirst = r =>
from item in App.ViewModel.Items
from e in clientGetLastValue(item)
select deserializeFirst(e.Result);
You'll have to get the right method call names for your web service client, but the code should roughly be right. Let me know how you go.
I corrected the code above. Should have returned the query inside the Using call rather than assign it to values.
I corrected the call to FromAsyncPattern to use the correct method names and return type from the actual web service reference class sent via email.
It should look like this:
Observable.FromAsyncPattern<string, GetLastValueResponse>
(ws.BeginGetLastValue, ws.EndGetLastValue);
If you're a beginner with C#, try to avoid RX for the time being. It is a cool technology, but if you use it without clear understanding of what is going on, it will bring more problems than solve.
Use a simple event, and when each async item arrives, locate and update the correspondent one in the stored list.

