Runtime generated expression cannot change dictionary's values - c#

I'm trying to create some expression at runtime to change a given dictionary's values. I created this snippet which generates the expression successfully and compiles it an Action. But calling the action cannot modify dictionary's value, and also doesn't throw any error. Here is the code:
public class ChangeDicValue {
public void Change(IDictionary<string, object> dic) {
var blocks = MakeCleaningBlock(dic);
foreach (var block in blocks)
private List<Action<IDictionary<string, Object>>> MakeCleaningBlock(IDictionary<string , object > dic) {
var allKeys = dic.Keys.ToArray();
var dicType = typeof(IDictionary<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(string), typeof(object));
var dicContainsMethod = dicType.GetMethod("ContainsKey", new[] {typeof(string)})
?? throw new InvalidOperationException();
var actions = new List<Action<IDictionary<string, Object>>>();
ParameterExpression actionArguments =
Expression.Parameter(dicType, "actionArguments");
foreach (var k in allKeys) {
Expression key = Expression.Constant(k, typeof(string));
Expression target = Expression.Property(actionArguments, "Item", key);
var innerStatements = new List<Expression>(Changers);
var cleanStatements = new List<Expression>();
foreach (var ins in innerStatements) {
var assign = Expression.Assign(target, Expression.Block(ins, target));
Expression body1 = Expression.Block(new List<Expression>(cleanStatements) {target});
var callToContains = Expression.Call(actionArguments, dicContainsMethod, key);
var ifThenBody = Expression.IfThen(callToContains, body1);
var cleanedValueBlock = Expression.Block(target, ifThenBody, target);
var assignDic = Expression.Assign(target, cleanedValueBlock);
// see the debug view of assignDic in UPDATE
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<IDictionary<string, Object>>>(assignDic, actionArguments);
var method = lambda.Compile();
return actions;
private static readonly Expression<Func<object, string>>[] Changers
= {
s => s + " First changer added.",
s => s + " Second changer added."
As you can see, it's a pretty simple code and causen't any error. Do you have any idea what I missed?
The debug view of variable assignDic for one item in a sample dictionary:
$actionArguments.Item["a"] = .Block() {
.If (
.Call $actionArguments.ContainsKey("a")
) {
.Block() {
$actionArguments.Item["a"] = .Block() {
.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Func`2[System.Object,System.String]>;
$actionArguments.Item["a"] = .Block() {
.Lambda #Lambda2<System.Func`2[System.Object,System.String]>;
} .Else {
.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Func`2[System.Object,System.String]>(System.Object $s) {
$s + " First changer added."
.Lambda #Lambda2<System.Func`2[System.Object,System.String]>(System.Object $s) {
$s + " Second changer added."

OK. Finally I found the problem & solution. The break point of the code was on the assignment in the inner foreach loop, where I was trying to assign an Expression.Block to a IndexerExpression. It seems blocking an expression won't call it. So, I changed it to an InvokationExpression by calling Expression.Invoke and passing the IndexerExpression (named target) and now it works like a charm:
foreach (var ins in innerStatements) {
var assign = Expression.Assign(target, Expression.Invoke(ins, target));


Looping through members of a defined concrete type?

I'm doing comparisons across databases (with about 20 fields) and I've defined a concrete type to handle the comparison.
If my comparison fails, I want to loop through the individual items in the catch block and provide the user a list errors. Below, I've done it manually through the first few variables. Is there a more efficient way to loop this through all 20 fields? I started with a foreach (Object objectItem .. but not sure if that's the right way to go.
Any thoughts or much needed guidance?
try {
CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(orgs, members, "Error Matching testlist Fields");
var sourceOrgID = orgs.Select(o => o.OrgID);
var destOrgID = members.Select(o => o.OrgID);
var errorList1 = sourceOrgID.Except(destOrgID);
string failedTests = null;
failedTests = string.Join("\n", errorList1);
Assert.IsTrue(0 == failedTests.Length, "The following Org IDs are not contained in the source: \n" + failedTests);
var sourceDealerCode = orgs.Select(o => o.DealerCode);
var destDealerCode = members.Select(o => o.DealerCode);
var errorList2 = sourceDealerCode.Except(destDealerCode);
failedTests = null;
failedTests = string.Join("\n", errorList2);
Assert.IsTrue(0 == failedTests.Length, "The following Dealer Codes are not contained in the source: \n" + failedTests);
var sourceOrgKey = orgs.Select(o => o.OrgKey);
var destOrgKey = members.Select(o => o.OrgKey);
var errorList3 = sourceOrgKey.Except(destOrgKey);
failedTests = null;
failedTests = string.Join("\n", errorList3);
Assert.IsTrue(0 == failedTests.Length, "The following Org Keys are not contained in the source: \n" + failedTests);
You need reflection to do this:
Type type = obj.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
var names = items.Select(x => x.GetType().GetProperty("prpname").GetValue(x));
public IEnumerable<object> GetColumn(List<Item> items, string columnName)
var values = items.Select(x =>
x.GetType().GetProperty(columnName).GetValue(x));//u can put your test code heere and you can loop it through object properties
you can create a list to store rslt and add results to the list else you can write output in logs files
If I haven't misunderstood your question, you could do something like this using shouldly
public void UnitTestExample()
var orgs = new Organisation
Ids = new List<int>{ 1,3 },
DealerCodes = new List<string> { "foo","bar"}
var members = new Organisation
Ids = new List<int> { 1,2,3 },
DealerCodes = new List<string> { "foo", "bar", "buzz" }
() => orgs.Ids.ShouldBe(members.Ids, ignoreOrder: true),
() => orgs.DealerCodes.ShouldBe(members.DealerCodes, ignoreOrder: true)
The output produced is:
You would still have to specify every property you want to check inside ShouldSatisfyAllConditions but shouldly does all the heavy lifting around comparing the lists and output the differences.
I'm assume that:
orgs is a IQueryable<T1>
members is a IQueryable<T2>
typeof(T1) == typeof(T2)
If so, that function could help:
private static void CompareRecords<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity> orgs, IQueryable<TEntity> members)
var entityType = typeof (TEntity);
var selectMethod = typeof (Queryable).GetMethods().First(x => x.Name == "Select");
var exceptMethod = typeof(Queryable).GetMethods().First(x => x.Name == "Except");
var toArrayMethod = typeof (Enumerable).GetMethods().First(x => x.Name == "ToArray");
foreach (var property in entityType.GetProperties())
var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(entityType, "x");
var propExpr = Expression.Property(paramExpr, property.Name);
var delegateType = typeof (Func<,>).MakeGenericType(entityType, property.PropertyType);
var lambdaExpr = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, propExpr, paramExpr);
var parameterizedSelectMethod = selectMethod.MakeGenericMethod(entityType, property.PropertyType);
var parameterizedExceptMethod = exceptMethod.MakeGenericMethod(property.PropertyType);
var source = parameterizedSelectMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {orgs, lambdaExpr});
var dest = parameterizedSelectMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {members, lambdaExpr});
var errorList = parameterizedExceptMethod.Invoke(null, new[] {source, dest});
var errorListArray = toArrayMethod.MakeGenericMethod(property.PropertyType).Invoke(null, new[] {errorList});
var failedTests = string.Join("\n", ((IEnumerable)errorListArray).Cast<object>().Select(x => x.ToString()));
Assert.IsTrue(0 == failedTests.Length, $"The following {property.Name} are not contained in the source: \n{failedTests}");

Expression Tree copying object

Trying to create an expression tree to do an object mapper type thing.
Type ts = typeof(Source);
Type td = typeof(Dest);
ParameterExpression val = Expression.Parameter(ts);
ParameterExpression ret = Expression.Parameter(td);
PropertyInfo[] propsS = ts.GetProperties();
PropertyInfo[] propsD = td.GetProperties();
List<Expression> lst = new List<Expression>();
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propsS)
PropertyInfo piD = propsD.Where(x => x.Name == pi.Name).FirstOrDefault();
if (piD != null)
MethodInfo ge = pi.GetGetMethod();
MethodInfo se = piD.GetSetMethod();
var v1 = Expression.Call(val, ge);
var v2 = Expression.Call(ret, se, v1);
lst.Add(Expression.Return(Expression.Label(td), ret));
BlockExpression block = Expression.Block(
new[] { ret },
//Func<Source, Dest> v = Expression.Lambda<Func<Source, Dest>>(block, val).Compile();
var v = Expression.Lambda(block, val);
So that's what I have now... its very close, but don't see what I'm missing...
v comes out to:
.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Action`1[ConsoleApplication2.Source]>(ConsoleApplication2.Source $var1) {
.Block(ConsoleApplication2.Dest $var2) {
.Call $var2.set_S1(.Call $var1.get_S1());
.Call $var2.set_S2(.Call $var1.get_S2());
.Call $var2.set_I1(.Call $var1.get_I1());
.Call $var2.set_I2(.Call $var1.get_I2());
.Call $var2.set_S3(.Call $var1.get_S3());
.Call $var2.set_S4(.Call $var1.get_S4());
.Call $var2.set_S5(.Call $var1.get_S5());
.Return #Label1 { $var2 }
Do I need to new up $var2 somewhere?
Is there a better way to do the assigns?
The lambda doesn't seem to see the return value...
Do I need to do the block? or is there a better way?
You can write something like this:
Type sourceType = typeof(Source);
ParameterExpression source = Expression.Parameter(sourceType);
var createModel = Expression.New(typeof(Dest));
var bindings = new List<MemberAssignment>();
foreach (var prop in sourceType.GetProperties())
var v1 = Expression.Call(source, prop.GetGetMethod());
var destinationProperty = typeof(Dest).GetProperty(prop.Name);
bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(destinationProperty, v1));
var init = Expression.MemberInit(createModel, bindings);
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<Source, Dest>>(init, source);
Which will generate the following:
Param_0 => new Dest()
A = Param_0.get_A(),
B = Param_0.get_B()
And testing it:
var s = new Source { A = 5, B = "TEST" };
var res = lambdaExpression.Compile()(s);
Yields an object of Dest:
A 5

Generic Method of Searching all Fields within an IEnumerable for any match in c#

I code below that works well with an API for the DataTables plugin; for each column that the DataTables searches in, regardless of type, the filter works as expected based on what is supplied.
DataTables also has a "Global" search feature where you can search in one field and if there is a match in ANY of the rows for said data then a match is returned.
What I am Hoping For:
A way to perform a search on an IEnumerable such that if any of the fields match the search the result is returned.
NameValueCollection nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.RequestUri.Query);
var generalSearch = nvc["sSearch"];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(generalSearch))
var generalSearchProperties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (var currentProperty in generalSearchProperties)
Type propType = currentProperty.PropertyType;
set = set.Where(StaticUtility.PropertyEquals<T>(currentProperty, generalSearch, propType));
/* ^^^^^ */
Instead of the "Where" here I am looking for something like "where or" which can be added to the IEnumerable.
Original Code:
protected virtual IQueryable<T> FilterEntitiesBySearchParameters(IQueryable<T> set)
NameValueCollection nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.RequestUri.Query);
var props = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in props)
var name = prop.Name;
var val = nvc[name];
Type propType = prop.PropertyType;
if (val != null)
set = set.Where(StaticUtility.PropertyEquals<T>(prop, val, propType));
if (nvc.GetPairs().Where(p => p.Value == name).Where(p => p.Key.StartsWith("mDataProp")).Any())
var key = nvc.GetPairs().Where(p => p.Value == name).Where(p => p.Key.StartsWith("mDataProp")).FirstOrDefault().Key;
key = key.Replace("mDataProp", "sSearch");
val = nvc[key];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
set = set.Where(StaticUtility.PropertyEquals<T>(prop, val, propType));
return set;
} catch (Exception exc)
return set;
If I understand your request correctly, you basically want to search through your data and match any field for equality? If that's true, then simply add your matching data to a new set, and filter it by .Distinct() after the fact, to make sure you get one record of each. Something like so...
NameValueCollection nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.RequestUri.Query);
var results = new IEnumerable<T>();
var generalSearch = nvc["sSearch"];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(generalSearch))
var generalSearchProperties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (var currentProperty in generalSearchProperties)
Type propType = currentProperty.PropertyType;
results.AddRange(set.Where(StaticUtility.PropertyEquals<T>(currentProperty, generalSearch, propType)));
return results.Distinct();
You could try to first create a BinaryExpression consisting of all the different options, then pass that expression to the Where() method of the query.
Assuming your StaticUtility class is used to create expressions, you might try something like the following:
NameValueCollection nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.RequestUri.Query);
// Container for filter expression
BinaryExpression filter = null;
var generalSearch = nvc["sSearch"];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(generalSearch)) {
var generalSearchProperties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (var currentProperty in generalSearchProperties) {
Type propType = currentProperty.PropertyType;
if (filter == null) {
// Start with first filter expression
filter = StaticUtility.PropertyEquals<T>(currentProperty, generalSearch, propType);
} else {
// Add another filter using OR
BinaryExpression other = StaticUtility.PropertyEquals<T>(currentProperty, generalSearch, propType);
filter = BinaryExpression.OrElse(filter, other);
// Add actual filter to query
set = set.Where(filter);

Generic DbDataReader to List<T> mapping

I am having a slight issue (more like an annoyance) with my property binding data access classes. The problem is that the mapping fails when there exists no column in the reader for corresponding property in class.
Here is the mapper class:
// Map our datareader object to a strongly typed list
private static IList<T> Map<T>(DbDataReader dr) where T : new()
// initialize our returnable list
List<T> list = new List<T>();
// fire up the lamda mapping
var converter = new Converter<T>();
while (dr.Read())
// read in each row, and properly map it to our T object
var obj = converter.CreateItemFromRow(dr);
// add it to our list
// reutrn it
return list;
catch (Exception ex)
return default(List<T>);
Converter class:
/// <summary>
/// Converter class to convert returned Sql Records to strongly typed classes
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of the object we'll convert too</typeparam>
internal class Converter<T> where T : new()
// Concurrent Dictionay objects
private static ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object> _convertActionMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object>();
// Delegate action declaration
private Action<IDataReader, T> _convertAction;
// Build our mapping based on the properties in the class/type we've passed in to the class
private static Action<IDataReader, T> GetMapFunc()
var exps = new List<Expression>();
var paramExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IDataReader), "o7thDR");
var targetExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "o7thTarget");
var getPropInfo = typeof(IDataRecord).GetProperty("Item", new[] { typeof(string) });
var _props = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (var property in _props)
var getPropExp = Expression.MakeIndex(paramExp, getPropInfo, new[] { Expression.Constant(property.Name, typeof(string)) });
var castExp = Expression.TypeAs(getPropExp, property.PropertyType);
var bindExp = Expression.Assign(Expression.Property(targetExp, property), castExp);
// return our compiled mapping, this will ensure it is cached to use through our record looping
return Expression.Lambda<Action<IDataReader, T>>(Expression.Block(exps), new[] { paramExp, targetExp }).Compile();
internal Converter()
// Fire off our mapping functionality
_convertAction = (Action<IDataReader, T>)_convertActionMap.GetOrAdd(typeof(T), (t) => GetMapFunc());
internal T CreateItemFromRow(IDataReader dataReader)
T result = new T();
_convertAction(dataReader, result);
return result;
System.IndexOutOfRangeException {"Mileage"}
at System.Data.ProviderBase.FieldNameLookup.GetOrdinal(String fieldName)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_Item(String name)
at lambda_method(Closure , IDataReader , Typing )
at o7th.Class.Library.Data.Converter`1.CreateItemFromRow(IDataReader dataReader) in d:\Backup Folder\Development\o7th Web Design\o7th.Class.Library.C-Sharp\o7th.Class.Library\Data Access Object\Converter.cs:line 50
at o7th.Class.Library.Data.Wrapper.Map[T](DbDataReader dr) in d:\Backup Folder\Development\o7th Web Design\o7th.Class.Library.C-Sharp\o7th.Class.Library\Data Access Object\Wrapper.cs:line 33
How can I fix it, so that it will not fail when I have an extra property that the reader may not have as column and vice versa? Of course the quick band-aid would be to simply add NULL As Mileage to this query in example, however, this is not a solution to the problem :)
Here's Map<T> using reflection:
// Map our datareader object to a strongly typed list
private static IList<T> Map<T>(DbDataReader dr) where T : new()
// initialize our returnable list
List<T> list = new List<T>();
T item = new T();
PropertyInfo[] properties = (item.GetType()).GetProperties();
while (dr.Read()) {
int fc = dr.FieldCount;
for (int j = 0; j < fc; ++j) {
var pn = properties[j].Name;
var gn = dr.GetName(j);
if (gn == pn) {
properties[j].SetValue(item, dr[j], null);
// return it
return list;
catch (Exception ex)
// Catch an exception if any, an write it out to our logging mechanism, in addition to adding it our returnable message property
_Msg += "Wrapper.Map Exception: " + ex.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(ex, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.Wrapper.Map", _Msg);
// make sure this method returns a default List
return default(List<T>);
This method is 63% slower than using expression trees...
As noted in comments, the problem is that there exists no column in the reader for the specified property. The idea is to loop by the column names of reader first, and check to see if matching property exists. But how do one get the list of column names beforehand?
One idea is to use expression trees itself to build the list of column names from the reader and check it against properties of the class. Something like this
var paramExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IDataRecord), "o7thDR");
var loopIncrementVariableExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");
var columnNamesExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(List<string>), "columnNames");
var columnCountExp = Expression.Property(paramExp, "FieldCount");
var getColumnNameExp = Expression.Call(paramExp, "GetName", Type.EmptyTypes,
var addToListExp = Expression.Call(columnNamesExp, "Add", Type.EmptyTypes,
var labelExp = Expression.Label(columnNamesExp.Type);
var getColumnNamesExp = Expression.Block(
new[] { loopIncrementVariableExp, columnNamesExp },
Expression.Assign(columnNamesExp, Expression.New(columnNamesExp.Type)),
Expression.LessThan(loopIncrementVariableExp, columnCountExp),
Expression.Break(labelExp, columnNamesExp)),
would be the equivalent of
List<string> columnNames = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
One may continue with the final expression, but there is a catch here making any further effort along this line futile. The above expression tree will be fetching the column names every time the final delegate is called which in your case is for every object creation, which is against the spirit of your requirement.
Another approach is to let the converter class have a pre-defined awareness of the column names for a given type, by means of attributes (see for an example) or by maintaining a static dictionary like (Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<string>>). Though it gives more flexibility, the flip side is that your query need not always include all the column names of a table, and any reader[notInTheQueryButOnlyInTheTableColumn] would result in exception.
The best approach as I see is to fetch the column names from the reader object, but only once. I would re-write the thing like:
private static List<string> columnNames;
private static Action<IDataReader, T> GetMapFunc()
var exps = new List<Expression>();
var paramExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IDataRecord), "o7thDR");
var targetExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "o7thTarget");
var getPropInfo = typeof(IDataRecord).GetProperty("Item", new[] { typeof(string) });
foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
var property = typeof(T).GetProperty(columnName);
if (property == null)
// use 'columnName' instead of 'property.Name' to speed up reader lookups
//in case of certain readers.
var columnNameExp = Expression.Constant(columnName);
var getPropExp = Expression.MakeIndex(
paramExp, getPropInfo, new[] { columnNameExp });
var castExp = Expression.TypeAs(getPropExp, property.PropertyType);
var bindExp = Expression.Assign(
Expression.Property(targetExp, property), castExp);
return Expression.Lambda<Action<IDataReader, T>>(
Expression.Block(exps), paramExp, targetExp).Compile();
internal T CreateItemFromRow(IDataReader dataReader)
if (columnNames == null)
columnNames = Enumerable.Range(0, dataReader.FieldCount)
.Select(x => dataReader.GetName(x))
_convertAction = (Action<IDataReader, T>)_convertActionMap.GetOrAdd(
typeof(T), (t) => GetMapFunc());
T result = new T();
_convertAction(dataReader, result);
return result;
Now that begs the question why not pass the data reader directly to constructor? That would be better.
private IDataReader dataReader;
private Action<IDataReader, T> GetMapFunc()
var exps = new List<Expression>();
var paramExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IDataRecord), "o7thDR");
var targetExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "o7thTarget");
var getPropInfo = typeof(IDataRecord).GetProperty("Item", new[] { typeof(string) });
var columnNames = Enumerable.Range(0, dataReader.FieldCount)
.Select(x => dataReader.GetName(x));
foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
var property = typeof(T).GetProperty(columnName);
if (property == null)
// use 'columnName' instead of 'property.Name' to speed up reader lookups
//in case of certain readers.
var columnNameExp = Expression.Constant(columnName);
var getPropExp = Expression.MakeIndex(
paramExp, getPropInfo, new[] { columnNameExp });
var castExp = Expression.TypeAs(getPropExp, property.PropertyType);
var bindExp = Expression.Assign(
Expression.Property(targetExp, property), castExp);
return Expression.Lambda<Action<IDataReader, T>>(
Expression.Block(exps), paramExp, targetExp).Compile();
internal Converter(IDataReader dataReader)
this.dataReader = dataReader;
_convertAction = (Action<IDataReader, T>)_convertActionMap.GetOrAdd(
typeof(T), (t) => GetMapFunc());
internal T CreateItemFromRow()
T result = new T();
_convertAction(dataReader, result);
return result;
Call it like
List<T> list = new List<T>();
var converter = new Converter<T>(dr);
while (dr.Read())
var obj = converter.CreateItemFromRow();
There are a number of improvements that I can suggest, though.
The generic new T() you're calling in CreateItemFromRow is slower, it uses reflection behind the scenes. You can delegate that part to expression trees as well which should be faster
Right now GetProperty call isn't case insensitive, meaning your column names will have to exactly match the property name. I would make it case insensitive using one of those Bindings.Flag.
I'm not sure at all why you are using a ConcurrentDictionary as a caching mechanism here. A static field in a generic class <T> will be unique for every T. The generic field itself can act as cache. Also why is the Value part of ConcurrentDictionary of type object?
As I said earlier, it's not the best to strongly tie a type and the column names (which you're doing by caching one particular Action delegate per type). Even for the same type your queries can be different selecting different set of columns. It's best to leave it to data reader to decide.
Use Expression.Convert instead of Expression.TypeAs for value type conversion from object.
Also note that reader.GetOrdinal is much faster way to perform data reader lookups.
I would re-write the whole thing like:
readonly Func<IDataReader, T> _converter;
readonly IDataReader dataReader;
private Func<IDataReader, T> GetMapFunc()
var exps = new List<Expression>();
var paramExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IDataRecord), "o7thDR");
var targetExp = Expression.Variable(typeof(T));
exps.Add(Expression.Assign(targetExp, Expression.New(targetExp.Type)));
//does int based lookup
var indexerInfo = typeof(IDataRecord).GetProperty("Item", new[] { typeof(int) });
var columnNames = Enumerable.Range(0, dataReader.FieldCount)
.Select(i => new { i, name = dataReader.GetName(i) });
foreach (var column in columnNames)
var property = targetExp.Type.GetProperty(,
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);
if (property == null)
var columnNameExp = Expression.Constant(column.i);
var propertyExp = Expression.MakeIndex(
paramExp, indexerInfo, new[] { columnNameExp });
var convertExp = Expression.Convert(propertyExp, property.PropertyType);
var bindExp = Expression.Assign(
Expression.Property(targetExp, property), convertExp);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<IDataReader, T>>(
Expression.Block(new[] { targetExp }, exps), paramExp).Compile();
internal Converter(IDataReader dataReader)
this.dataReader = dataReader;
_converter = GetMapFunc();
internal T CreateItemFromRow()
return _converter(dataReader);

C# deep/nested/recursive merge of dynamic/expando objects

I need to "merge" 2 dynamic objects in C#. All that I've found on stackexchange covered only non-recursive merging. But I am looking to something that does recursive or deep merging, very much the same like jQuery's $.extend(obj1, obj2) function.
Upon collision of two members, the following rules should apply:
If the types mismatch, an exception must be thrown and merge is aborted. Exception: obj2 Value maybe null, in this case the value & type of obj1 is used.
For trivial types (value types + string) obj1 values are always prefered
For non-trivial types, the following rules are applied:
IEnumerable & IEnumberables<T> are simply merged (maybe .Concat() ? )
IDictionary & IDictionary<TKey,TValue> are merged; obj1 keys have precedence upon collision
Expando & Expando[] types must be merged recursively, whereas Expando[] will always have same-type elements only
One can assume there are no Expando objects within Collections (IEnumerabe & IDictionary)
All other types can be discarded and need not be present in the resulting dynamic object
Here is an example of a possible merge:
dynamic DefaultConfig = new {
BlacklistedDomains = new string[] { "" },
ExternalConfigFile = "blacklist.txt",
UseSockets = new[] {
new { IP = "", Port = "80"},
new { IP = "", Port = "8080" }
dynamic UserSpecifiedConfig = new {
BlacklistedDomain = new string[] { "" },
ExternalConfigFile = "C:\\my_blacklist.txt"
var result = Merge (UserSpecifiedConfig, DefaultConfig);
// result should now be equal to:
var result_equal = new {
BlacklistedDomains = new string[] { "", "" },
ExternalConfigFile = "C:\\my_blacklist.txt",
UseSockets = new[] {
new { IP = "", Port = "80"},
new { IP = "", Port = "8080" }
Any ideas how to do this?
Right, this is a bit longwinded but have a look. it's an implementation using Reflection.Emit.
Open issue for me is how to implement a ToString() override so that you can do a string comparison. Are these values coming from a config file or something? If they are in JSON Format you could do worse than use a JsonSerializer, I think. Depends on what you want.
You could use the Expando Object to get rid of the Reflection.Emit nonsense as well, at the bottom of the loop:
var result = new ExpandoObject();
var resultDict = result as IDictionary<string, object>;
foreach (string key in resVals.Keys)
resultDict.Add(key, resVals[key]);
return result;
I can't see a way around the messy code for parsing the original object tree though, not immediately. I'd like to hear some other opinions on this. The DLR is relatively new ground for me.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
dynamic DefaultConfig = new
BlacklistedDomains = new string[] { "" },
ExternalConfigFile = "blacklist.txt",
UseSockets = new[] {
new { IP = "", Port = "80" },
new { IP = "", Port = "8080" }
dynamic UserSpecifiedConfig = new
BlacklistedDomains = new string[] { "" },
ExternalConfigFile = "C:\\my_blacklist.txt"
var result = Merge(UserSpecifiedConfig, DefaultConfig);
// result should now be equal to:
var result_equal = new
BlacklistedDomains = new string[] { "", "" },
ExternalConfigFile = "C:\\my_blacklist.txt",
UseSockets = new[] {
new { IP = "", Port = "80"},
new { IP = "", Port = "8080" }
/// <summary>
/// Merge the properties of two dynamic objects, taking the LHS as primary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lhs"></param>
/// <param name="rhs"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static dynamic Merge(dynamic lhs, dynamic rhs)
// get the anonymous type definitions
Type lhsType = ((Type)((dynamic)lhs).GetType());
Type rhsType = ((Type)((dynamic)rhs).GetType());
object result = new { };
var resProps = new Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo>();
var resVals = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var lProps = lhsType.GetProperties().ToDictionary<PropertyInfo, string>(prop => prop.Name);
var rProps = rhsType.GetProperties().ToDictionary<PropertyInfo, string>(prop => prop.Name);
foreach (string leftPropKey in lProps.Keys)
var lPropInfo = lProps[leftPropKey];
resProps.Add(leftPropKey, lPropInfo);
var lhsVal = Convert.ChangeType(lPropInfo.GetValue(lhs, null), lPropInfo.PropertyType);
if (rProps.ContainsKey(leftPropKey))
PropertyInfo rPropInfo;
rPropInfo = rProps[leftPropKey];
var rhsVal = Convert.ChangeType(rPropInfo.GetValue(rhs, null), rPropInfo.PropertyType);
object setVal = null;
if (lPropInfo.PropertyType.IsAnonymousType())
setVal = Merge(lhsVal, rhsVal);
else if (lPropInfo.PropertyType.IsArray)
var bound = ((Array) lhsVal).Length + ((Array) rhsVal).Length;
var cons = lPropInfo.PropertyType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) });
dynamic newArray = cons.Invoke(new object[] { bound });
//newArray = ((Array)lhsVal).Clone();
int i=0;
while (i < ((Array)lhsVal).Length)
newArray[i] = lhsVal[i];
while (i < bound)
newArray[i] = rhsVal[i - ((Array)lhsVal).Length];
setVal = newArray;
setVal = lhsVal == null ? rhsVal : lhsVal;
resVals.Add(leftPropKey, setVal);
resVals.Add(leftPropKey, lhsVal);
foreach (string rightPropKey in rProps.Keys)
if (lProps.ContainsKey(rightPropKey) == false)
PropertyInfo rPropInfo;
rPropInfo = rProps[rightPropKey];
var rhsVal = rPropInfo.GetValue(rhs, null);
resProps.Add(rightPropKey, rPropInfo);
resVals.Add(rightPropKey, rhsVal);
Type resType = TypeExtensions.ToType(result.GetType(), resProps);
result = Activator.CreateInstance(resType);
foreach (string key in resVals.Keys)
var resInfo = resType.GetProperty(key);
resInfo.SetValue(result, resVals[key], null);
return result;
public static class TypeExtensions
public static Type ToType(Type type, Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> properties)
AppDomain myDomain = Thread.GetDomain();
Assembly asm = type.Assembly;
AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder =
ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(type.Module.Name);
TypeBuilder typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType(type.Name,TypeAttributes.Public);
foreach (string key in properties.Keys)
string propertyName = key;
Type propertyType = properties[key].PropertyType;
FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineField(
"_" + propertyName,
PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineProperty(
new Type[] { }
// First, we'll define the behavior of the "get" acessor for the property as a method.
MethodBuilder getMethodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod(
"Get" + propertyName,
new Type[] { }
ILGenerator getMethodIL = getMethodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
getMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldBuilder);
// Now, we'll define the behavior of the "set" accessor for the property.
MethodBuilder setMethodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod(
"Set" + propertyName,
new Type[] { propertyType }
ILGenerator custNameSetIL = setMethodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
custNameSetIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldBuilder);
// Last, we must map the two methods created above to our PropertyBuilder to
// their corresponding behaviors, "get" and "set" respectively.
//MethodBuilder toStringMethodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod(
// "ToString",
// MethodAttributes.Public,
// typeof(string),
// new Type[] { }
return typeBuilder.CreateType();
public static Boolean IsAnonymousType(this Type type)
Boolean hasCompilerGeneratedAttribute = type.GetCustomAttributes(
typeof(CompilerGeneratedAttribute), false).Count() > 0;
Boolean nameContainsAnonymousType =
Boolean isAnonymousType = hasCompilerGeneratedAttribute && nameContainsAnonymousType;
return isAnonymousType;
This works for me, but I'm sure it could be given some love and attention and look better. It does not include your type-check but that would be rather trivial to add. So while this is not a perfect answer, I hope it can get you closer to a solution.
Subsequent calls to DynamicIntoExpando(...) will keep appending and overwriting new and existing values to the existing Source structure. You can call it as many times as you need to. The function MergeDynamic() illustrates how two dynamics are merged into one ExpandoObject.
The code basically iterates over the dynamic value, checks the type, and merge appropriately and recursively to any depth.
I wrapped it in a helper class for my own purposes.
using System.Dynamic; // For ExpandoObject
public static class DynamicHelper
// We expect inputs to be of type IDictionary
public static ExpandoObject MergeDynamic(dynamic Source, dynamic Additional)
ExpandoObject Result = new ExpandoObject();
// First copy 'source' to Result
DynamicIntoExpando(Result, Source);
// Then copy additional fields, boldy overwriting the source as needed
DynamicIntoExpando(Result, Additional);
// Done
return Result;
public static void DynamicIntoExpando(ExpandoObject Result, dynamic Source, string Key = null)
// Cast it for ease of use.
var R = Result as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;
if (Source is IDictionary<string, dynamic>)
var S = Source as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;
ExpandoObject NewDict = new ExpandoObject();
if (Key == null)
NewDict = Result;
else if (R.ContainsKey(Key))
// Already exists, overwrite
NewDict = R[Key];
var ND = NewDict as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;
foreach (string key in S.Keys)
ExpandoObject NewDictEntry = new ExpandoObject();
var NDE = NewDictEntry as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;
if (ND.ContainsKey(key))
NDE[key] = ND[key];
else if (R.ContainsKey(key))
NDE[key] = R[key];
DynamicIntoExpando(NewDictEntry, S[key], key);
if(!R.ContainsKey(key)) {
ND[key] = ((IDictionary<string, dynamic>)NewDictEntry)[key];
if (Key == null)
R = NewDict;
else if (!R.ContainsKey(Key))
R.Add(Key, NewDict);
else if (Source is IList<dynamic>)
var S = Source as IList<dynamic>;
List<ExpandoObject> NewList = new List<ExpandoObject>();
if (Key != null && R.ContainsKey(Key))
// Already exists, overwrite
NewList = (List<ExpandoObject>)R[Key];
foreach (dynamic D in S)
ExpandoObject ListEntry = new ExpandoObject();
DynamicIntoExpando(ListEntry, D);
// in this case we have to compare the ListEntry to existing entries and on
if (Key != null && !R.ContainsKey(Key))
R[Key] = NewList.Distinct().ToList();
R[Key] = Source;

