I am trying to change the container name and specific files inside of it when a certain condition was met. The 1st code below works fine. It can change the container name and blob.name correctly. The issue is the 2nd code below.
Below is my code.
string ContainerName = "old-container-name";
string NewContainerName = "new-container-name";
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));
var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var sourcecontainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(ContainerName);
var destcontainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(NewContainerName);
BlobContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var blobsResult = sourcecontainer.ListBlobsSegmented(prefix: "", useFlatBlobListing: true, blobListingDetails: BlobListingDetails.All, maxResults: 1000, currentToken: continuationToken, options: new BlobRequestOptions(), operationContext: new OperationContext());
continuationToken = blobsResult.ContinuationToken;
var items = blobsResult.Results;
foreach (var item in items)
string newName = "";
var blob = (CloudBlob)item;
if (blob.Name.Contains("originalfilename"))
newName = blob.Name.Replace("originalfilename", "newfilename");
newName = blob.Name;
var targetBlob = destcontainer.GetBlobReference(newName);
while (continuationToken != null);
Before I added this condition inside the code above.
if (blob.Metadata["Filename"].Contains("originalfilename"))
blob.Metadata["Filename"] = blob.Metadata["Filename"].Replace("originalfilename", "newfilename");
I was able to change the metadata["filename"] of the file but I encountered an error while retrieving the files which before is not happening. I think the way I update the Metadata was wrong.
Below is the error message:
Exception Details: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException:
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
Any tips on how to fix this one or a better way to change the metadata?
Based on my test, Filename is not an inbuilt metadata of blob. The inbuilt one is Name, which you cannot change. It always equals to the blob's name.
So, just as #Gaurav Mantri said in comment, did you add a Filename metadata for each blob manually?
If you have added Filename metadata for your blobs, then you can get and update it as following:
public static void Test()
string connString = "your_connection_string";
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connString);
CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("pub");
CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference("CP4.png");
// Important, you need to fetch all attributes first!
if (cloudBlockBlob.Metadata.ContainsKey("Filename"))
cloudBlockBlob.Metadata["Filename"] = "123";
cloudBlockBlob.Metadata.Add("Filename", "CP4.png");
In my test, the CP4.png blob's Filename metadata was updated to 123
I am saving a document byte array to azure blob but I discovered that the extension is not saved. After the file is saved the full name of the file is returned with the extension. I expect that when I click on the link the file should open in the browser but instead I got..
<Message>The specified resource does not exist. RequestId:6012e9b1-901e-011b-57e9-447dc0000000 Time:2022-03-31T10:21:29.3337046Z</Message>
public async Task<string> UploadFileToBlobAsync(string strFileName, byte[] fileData, string fileMimeType)
var accessKey = _configuration.GetValue<string>("ConnectionStrings:AzureBlob");
CloudStorageAccount csa = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(accessKey);
CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = csa.CreateCloudBlobClient();
string containerName = "api-v2-files"; //Name of your Blob Container
CloudBlobContainer cbContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName);
if (await cbContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync())
await cbContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(new BlobContainerPermissions { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob });
if (strFileName != null && fileData != null)
CloudBlockBlob cbb = cbContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(strFileName);
cbb.Properties.ContentType = fileMimeType;
await cbb.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(fileData, 0, fileData.Length);
return cbb.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
return "";
The issue is with the following line of code:
if (await cbContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync())
await cbContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(new BlobContainerPermissions { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob });
Basically your code is not going into if block if the container is already exists in your storage account. Because of this, your container's access level is not changed.
Assuming you are using version 11 of the SDK, please use the following override of CreateIfNotExists: CreateIfNotExistsAsync(BlobRequestOptions, OperationContext, CancellationToken).
I am trying to rename a container name for users when a condition is met. I made some research and found out that there is no rename function for containers in azure blob storage. But there is a way to accomplish this by copying the files and deleting it after copy. Below is the code I made.
string ContainerName = "old-container-name-user1";
string NewContainerName = "new-container-name-user2"
CloudStorageAccount sourceAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));
CloudBlobClient sourceblobClient = sourceAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer sourceBlobContainer = sourceblobClient.GetContainerReference(ContainerName);
CloudBlobContainer destBlobContainer = sourceblobClient.GetContainerReference(NewContainerName);
CloudBlockBlob blobOriginal = sourceBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(ContainerName);
CloudBlockBlob blobNew = destBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(NewContainerName);
When I execute this code I got an error message. Below is the error.
Exception User-Unhandled
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException:'The remote server
returned an error: (404) Not Found.'
Inner Exception WebException: The remote server returned an error:
(404) Not Found.
When I also try "blobNew.StartCopyAsync(blobOriginal)" the code just goes through but when I check the containers in azure there is no container created. What do you think the problem is? Any tips on how to improve my code? Delete function does not work also.
I update my code and was able to copy the files from other to container to the new one. Below is the code.
string ContainerName = "old-container-name-user1"
string NewContainerName = "new-container-name-user2"
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(ContainerName);
CloudBlobContainer destcontainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(NewContainerName);
IEnumerable<IListBlobItem> IE = container.ListBlobs(useFlatBlobListing: true);
foreach (IListBlobItem item in IE)
CloudBlockBlob blob = (CloudBlockBlob)item;
CloudBlockBlob destBlob = destcontainer.GetBlockBlobReference(blob.Name);
destBlob.StartCopyAsync(new Uri(GetSharedAccessUri(blob.Name, container)));
AccessURI Method
private static string GetSharedAccessUri(string blobName, CloudBlobContainer container)
DateTime toDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60);
SharedAccessBlobPolicy policy = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy
Permissions = SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read,
SharedAccessStartTime = null,
SharedAccessExpiryTime = new DateTimeOffset(toDateTime)
CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
string sas = blob.GetSharedAccessSignature(policy);
return blob.Uri.AbsoluteUri + sas;
Now its working but another problem shows up. It says
System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type
'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobDirectory' to type
But this will be posted in another question. Thanks to our friend Gauriv for pointing out my problem. Check his answer below.
Update 2
By adding useFlatBlobListing: true in IEnumerable<IListBlobItem> IE = container.ListBlobs(blobListingDetails: BlobListingDetails.Metadata); I was able to fix my problem. This line of code was put in my display.
Final Code
IEnumerable<IListBlobItem> IE = container.ListBlobs(blobListingDetails: BlobListingDetails.Metadata, useFlatBlobListing: true);
If you look at your code for creating source and destination blob:
CloudBlockBlob blobOriginal = sourceBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(ContainerName);
CloudBlockBlob blobNew = destBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(NewContainerName);
You'll notice that you're passing the names of the blob container and not the name of the blob. Because you don't have a blob in the container by the name of the container, you're getting 404 error.
To copy a blob container, what you have to do is list all blobs from the source container and then copy them individually in the destination container. Once all the blobs have been copied, you can delete the source container.
If you want, you can use Microsoft's Storage Explorer to achieve "rename container" functionality. It also works by copying blobs from old container to the renamed container and then deletes the old container.
static void RenameContainer()
var connectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=account-name;AccountKey=account-key";
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);
var client = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var sourceContainer = client.GetContainerReference("source-container");
var targetContainer = client.GetContainerReference("target-container");
targetContainer.CreateIfNotExists();//Create target container
BlobContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
Console.WriteLine("Listing blobs. Please wait...");
var blobsResult = sourceContainer.ListBlobsSegmented(prefix: "", useFlatBlobListing: true, blobListingDetails: BlobListingDetails.All, maxResults: 1000, currentToken: continuationToken, options: new BlobRequestOptions(), operationContext: new OperationContext());
continuationToken = blobsResult.ContinuationToken;
var items = blobsResult.Results;
foreach (var item in items)
var blob = (CloudBlob)item;
var targetBlob = targetContainer.GetBlobReference(blob.Name);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Copying \"{0}\" from \"{1}\" blob container to \"{2}\" blob container.", blob.Name, sourceContainer.Name, targetContainer.Name));
} while (continuationToken != null);
Console.WriteLine("Deleting source blob container. Please wait.");
Console.WriteLine("Rename container operation complete. Press any key to terminate the application.");
You can rename containers with Microsoft's "Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer" (after version 0.8.3).
Actual Answer:
Regarding your error message, If the client application receives an HTTP 404 (Not found) message from the server, this means that the object the client was attempting to use does not exist in the storage service. There are several possible reasons for this, such as:
· The client or another process previously deleted the object (Make sure name is correct)
· A Shared Access Signature (SAS) authorization issue
· Client-side code does not have permission to access the object
· Network failure
In order to identify the issue in detail, you can add a try/catch and see the actual error
I have created blob storage in azure.
Then have created container called as "MyReport"
Inside container "MyReport" I created 2 folders called as "Test" and "Live". Under both folders "Test" and "Live" there are many subfolders.
What I want is to get latest folder created by azure in those folders.
I tried the following:
StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey credentials = new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey(accountName, accessKey);
CloudStorageAccount acc = new CloudStorageAccount(credentials, true);
CloudBlobClient client = acc.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobDirectory container = client.GetBlobDirectoryReference(#"MyReport/Test");
var folders = container.ListBlobs().Where(b => b as CloudBlobDirectory != null).ToList();
In Folders variable I get many folders but I want to get the latest folder created by azure.
How to do this?
Update 10/04:
CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("test1");
CloudBlobDirectory myDirectory = cloudBlobContainer.GetDirectoryReference("test");
var myfiles = myDirectory.ListBlobs(useFlatBlobListing: true, blobListingDetails: BlobListingDetails.All).Where(b => b as CloudBlockBlob != null);
var my_lastmodified_blob = myfiles.OfType<CloudBlockBlob>().OrderByDescending(b => b.Properties.LastModified).First();
The result(there is a "/" at the end of the folder name, you can remove it as per your need):
As per this issue, when list blobs, the blob is ordered by comparing blob's name char-by-char(ascending order).
So in your code, just use ListBlobs method, then use .Last() to fetch the latest one.
Sample code:
#other code
var myblob = container.ListBlobs().Last();
The result:
Actually CloudBlobDirectory don't hold LastModified Date but within folder all CloudBlockBlob hold Last modified date. so We should decide based on inner files
Here is sample and its working for me
CloudBlobClient client = acc.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var container = client.GetContainerReference(#"seleniumtestreports");
CloudBlobDirectory Directory = container.GetDirectoryReference("DevTests");
var BlobFolders = Directory.ListBlobs().OfType<CloudBlobDirectory>() .Select(f => new { cloudBlobDirectory = f,LastModified = f.ListBlobs().OfType<CloudBlockBlob>().OrderByDescending(dd => dd.Properties.LastModified).FirstOrDefault().Properties.LastModified }).ToList();
var getLastestFolder = BlobFolders.OrderByDescending(s => s.LastModified).FirstOrDefault();
With some clue from #Ivan Yang, i found answer for this.
Clue was to use BlobRequest options. So this works for me
StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey credentials = new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey(accountName, accessKey);
CloudStorageAccount acc = new CloudStorageAccount(credentials, true);
CloudBlobClient client = acc.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobDirectory container = client.GetBlobDirectoryReference(#"MyReport/Test");
BlobRequestOptions options = new BlobRequestOptions();
options.UseFlatBlobListing = true;
var listblob = container.ListBlobs(options);
var latestFolderAzure = listblob.OfType<CloudBlob>().OrderBy(b => b.Properties.LastModifiedUtc).LastOrDefault()?.Parent.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
I know that we can use the below to get the list of blobs in a Azure storage container:
var list = fileContainer.ListBlobs(useFlatBlobListing: true);
List<string> blobNames = list.OfType<CloudBlockBlob>().Select(b => b.Name).ToList();
Then how bout getting the list of uri of all the blobs?
I tried the below but failed cos got error:
List<string> blobNamesUri = list.OfType<CloudBlockBlob>().Select(b => b.Name.Uri.ToString()).ToList();
Problem locates at b.Name.Uri.ToString(), Uri is the property of CloudBlockBlob instead of Name. You should remove Name like this b.Uri.ToString(). You probably are influenced by your parameter name blobNamesUri.
I write a demo for you, you can use it directly.
Here you go:
public static List<V> listAllBlobs<T,V>(Expression<Func<T, V>> expression, string containerName)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=xxxx;AccountKey=xxxxx;BlobEndpoint=https://xxxxx.blob.core.windows.net/;QueueEndpoint=https://xxxxx.queue.core.windows.net/;TableEndpoint=https://xxxxxx.table.core.windows.net/;FileEndpoint=https://xxxxx.file.core.windows.net/;");
CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer container = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName);
var list = container.ListBlobs(useFlatBlobListing: true);
List<V> data = list.OfType<T>().Select(expression.Compile()).ToList();
return data;
Usage and Screenshot:
I get an exception when using the method DeleteIfExists from the CloudBlockBlob class.
This is my code:
CloudBlobClient blobClient = this._storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
directory = directory.ToLower();
string containerDirectory = this.GetContainer(directory);
string relativePathWithoutContainer = this.GetRelativePathWithoutContainer(directory);
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerDirectory);
container.SetPermissions(new BlobContainerPermissions() { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob });
foreach (HttpPostedFileBase file in files)
CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(string.Format("{0}/{1}", relativePathWithoutContainer, file.FileName.ToLower()));
blob.UploadFromStream(file.InputStream,new BlobRequestOptions());
return true;
I get the exception at the line:
The details of the exception are:
Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of
Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.
Got an example from here try to add these and see if it works
// Delete the blob if it already exists, also deleting any snapshots.
BlobRequestOptions options = new BlobRequestOptions();
options.DeleteSnapshotsOption = DeleteSnapshotsOption.IncludeSnapshots;